Security IOT
Security IOT
Security IOT
Internet of Things
Kaustav Ghosh
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Santa Clara University
CA 95050
Abstract—The Internet of things (IoT) refers to an inter- IoT network to extract personal information of the user and
connection of a huge number of smart components and it thus compromising the privacy of the user. There are various
includes various communications between these components in obstacles which hinder the ideal IoT vision and security is one
the network. Due to the ubiquitous and mobile nature of the
components which form the IoT Network, IoT is often referred of these key obstacles which requires significant attention. Due
to as “anything, anyone, any service”. This very advantage of to the ubiquitous and constrained resource structure of the
the ubiquitous nature of IoT is a severe challenge for a secure components in the IoT network, traditional internet security
IoT. Without a very strong technical and legal framework, the mechanisms are not enough for a secure IoT network. To
vulnerabilities in IoT will be exploited and this problem would create a strong foundation for technical and legal framework of
definitely outweigh the advantages for which IoT was envisioned
in the first place. To tackle this security issue in IoT, we need to a secure IoT, security experts must thoroughly understand the
first analyze the threats and security challenges in a IoT network. rising security and privacy challenges in the IoT framework
This survey paper helps you to understand the vulnerabilities and know how the existing web based security protocols can
and threats in the IoT framework. This paper also gives you an be modified to fit into this ubiquitous framework.
insight on how the present IP based security protocols cannot In this survey paper we first aim to present the various
be used as is in the IoT framework and how researchers are
presently working to modify the IP based security solutions for possible threats and vulnerabilities in the IoT framework.
the IoT framework. Then in the later half of the paper we describe the security
challenges which security experts are presently facing and how
I. I NTRODUCTION they are working towards the goal of a secure IoT.
Internet of things (IoT) can be considered as a network The rest of the survey paper is organized as follows. Section
of two or more things which can be connected and can II gives an overview of the various threats and vulnerabilities
communicate with each other through the internet. It can be as in the IoT framework. In Section III we give a brief overview
simple as a toaster embossing a sunny day or a rainy day on a of the existing IP security protocols and finally in Section
bread depending upon the actual weather outside (by sensing IV we discuss the security challenges in the IoT framework.
the weather outside with the help of a temperature sensor). Section V gives some suggested solutions for safeguarding
The Internet of Things definition can also be extended to the the IoT framework from the security threats. Finally section
area of smart homes and smart cities where all the objects to VI includes some final remarks for the vision of a secure IoT.
which a person communicates with on a daily basis can itself
communicate with each other and make the life of a the person II. T HREATS AND V ULNERABILITIES
much easier. For example your house door communicating This section provides you with the various security threats
with your car (with the help of a GPS on the car) and opening and vulnerabilities in a typical IoT framework. We discuss
itself when the car enters the garage. The concept can also be about the security issues which could compromise the entire
extended to the healthcare domain where the body of a person IoT network and we then classify these threats according to
can be monitored through smart objects connected to a remote the TCP/IP stack layer they belong too. So this will give you
cloud. So IoT can be considered as a network of smart objects a clear understanding as to which layer you need to focus on
to make the world a much more smarter place to live in. for a particular threat.
IoT is a game-changing moment in our relationship with
technology and personal data as we stand on the edge of A. Privacy
a data explosion from interconnected devices. As with all Privacy is one of the most important concerns when it
new technologies, the IoT brings with it new challenges for comes to security related to IoT. The ubiquitous nature of
businesses, regulators, consumers and in fact anyone who the components which form the IoT infrastructure generates
cares about the responsible use of data. With so many devices a tremendous amount of data which can be available to a
connected to each other through a network, there is always hacker if the hacker intrudes into this infrastructure. Majority
several risks involved ranging from physical stealing of these of this data would be generated by a user and if the hacker
sensor elements on the IoT network to eavesdropping on the can gather this data, there would potentially be a breach in the
privacy of the user. This information can thereafter be sold by may be able to communicate with various other components
the hacker to some other company for money. This privacy on the network and thereby compromising the security of the
and data protection security breach can lead to heavy fines communication channel. This security of the communication
which the IoT service providers would have to pay. Hence an channel can also be compromised when two components in
extra attention should always be paid to the security of the the network are communicating and if the channel is not
data center infrastructure that stores the data gathered by the sufficiently protected. To prevent this there needs to be a
IoT components. The additional cost to prevent this kind of continuous renewal/update on the session keys which is used
security breach is much lesser than the cost which the service for communication between the components.
provider would have to pay as penalty if the privacy of the H. Jeon, J. Choi, S. McLaughlin, and J. Ha in [3] provide
users is compromised. an elegant encryption solution to the eavesdropping problem
As mentioned in [1], the the privacy issue can be tackled in a wireless sensor network in which the authors have used
in three different ways. simple and efficient physical layer security concepts to provide
1) Privacy by Design wherein a user would use the tools confidentiality to the data in a wireless sensor network (WSN).
they need to manage their own data. A similar solution can also be adopted for a IoT network to
2) Transparency wherein users know the entities which are prevent it from the eavesdropping threat.
managing their data and how their personal data is being D. Denial Of Service Attack (Dos Attacks)
used. The IoT service providers should also be part of
The components which make up the IoT network typically
this process by having various license agreements to
have constrained resources like limited memory and limited
support this process.
power for its operations. Any activity that reduces, eliminates
3) Data Management wherein there needs to be strict poli-
or disrupts the network’s communication is categorized as a
cies which needs to be followed to manage various kinds
DoS attack. Device availability is one of the key features of
of data. These policies should align with legislation on
the IoT infrastructure. A DoS attack can jam or flood the
data protection.
entire communication channel of the IoT network thus tearing
By following these principles and a strong data-management down the network. This compromises the network availability
framework as mentioned above, policymakers should develop and in turn makes several devices on the network unavailable.
policies that address privacy and security concerns for IoT Attackers can take advantage of these constrained components
while also ensuring that the ultimate vision of IoT is not killed. in the IoT infrastructure by continuously sending requests to
Due to the above mentioned privacy challenges of a user, these components and ultimately exhausting the battery life
the regulators at the US Federal Trade Commission and of the component and thus preventing it from functioning any
various other government organizations of different countries further.
are looking at privacy and security issues related to IoT. Poten- Since IP was considered impractical for low power devices
tial criminal activity must be addressed with this technology like the one’s used in the IoT network, IoT devices typically
boom. This protection of the data in the IoT infrastructure work over low power wireless area networks-6LoWPAN [4]. P.
is everyone’s responsibility, starting from end users to the Kasinathan, C. Pastrone, M. Spirito, and M. Vinkovitsv in [5]
service providers. Industry collaboration and not competition provide a DoS detection architecture for 6LowPAN operating
would help in deciding common standards, be it security and over the IoT devices. The authors integrate an intrusion
privacy standards or network standards. Mutual understanding detection system with a network framework developed within
and collaboration is extremely essential to support a broader EU FP7 project ebbits.
IoT ecosystem and perform secure operations in this insecure
infrastructure. E. Stealing of physical hardware
There are various hardware components like sensors which
B. Substitution of Components are deployed in the environment as a part of the IoT network.
While deploying components in the IoT network there might These components are usually unprotected and can be easily
be a possibility wherein a high quality component may be captured by an intruder. Such an intruder can extract various
replaced by a low quality component without it being detected security parameters from the device . As mentioned in [2], if
for it’s lower level of quality. The reason behind this may be the group key is compromised using these security parameters,
cost savings. This may degrade the performance of the IoT the entire group network is compromised. Compromising a
network as a whole and can be an entry point into the system unique key specific to that device is better than compromising
for further threats. the entire network using a group key. Thus one has to be very
C. Eavesdropping careful while communicating these group keys over a channel
since compromising a group key may result in compromising
As mentioned in [2] eavesdropping during the deployment of the entire group network.
of a component in the IoT network can be a major threat due
to the the exchange of cryptographic keys, security parameters F. Sinkhole attack
and other security configuration settings during the bootstrap The IPv6 Routing Protocol for low power and lossy net-
process. After obtaining certain security parameters the hacker works, commonly known as RPL [4] is a standard routing
Table I