Puremeg BR
Puremeg BR
Puremeg BR
MEG reclamation
MEG reclamation is used to recover the MEG and water components from a MEG-water-salt mixture
by contacting the MEG-water-salt stream with a heated recycle stream of MEG. The MEG and water
components are vaporized and subsequently separated by distillation. Salt accumulates in the
concentrated recycle stream, crystallizes, and is discharged from the process. MEG reclamation is
unusual compared with other equipment used in gas processing in that it occurs under a considerable
vacuum to reduce the processing temperatures and the consequential risk of MEG degradation,
which, if allowed to occur, leads to a sharp increase in MEG losses and equipment fouling.
The PUREMEG unit applies specialist experience and patented design features, including
■ use of spiral-type heat exchangers that are more tolerant of salty conditions
compared with other types of exchangers
■ patented design of the flash separator to reduce the population of salt crystals
in the heated recycle stream
■ extraction and cleanup of the salt using a patented salt-management technology.
The result is a design that is best practice in extracting large quantities of salt with reduced MEG
losses, environmental impact, and down time.
Pretreatment—In the pretreatment stage, the rich MEG containing some dissolved gas and
hydrocarbon liquids must pass through a three-phase separator vessel. The gas is flashed, and
recovered hydrocarbon liquids are sent to the production separator. The rich MEG is sent to the
flash separator.
The PUREMEG system Flash separation—The rich MEG stream composed of produced water and MEG is fed to the flash
applies specialist separator where it is brought into contact with a hot recycle stream of MEG. The flash separator
operates under vacuum. The MEG and water components of the rich MEG stream are flashed and
experience and patented exit through the top of the flash separator where they are sent to the MEG distillation column for
design features to optimize regeneration. The salt components of the rich MEG stream precipitate in the flash separator.
the extraction of large MEG regeneration—The MEG regeneration section of the PUREMEG system is a refluxed distillation
column. The distillation column also operates under a vacuum and distills the water from the
quantities of salt with MEG-water vapors coming off the top of the flash separator. The salt-free, lean MEG produced at
the bottom of the distillation column is pumped to storage for reuse. The vaporized water passes
reduced MEG losses, overhead from the distillation column. The water is condensed and collected in the reflux drum. A
environmental impact, and small amount is returned to the distillation column as reflux, and the remaining is routed to treatment.
down time. Salt management—The salt crystals that precipitate in the flash separator are separated by gravity
to the bottom of the brine column, where they are transferred to the salt tank. There, the salts are
concentrated before removal through a hydrocyclone. The salts in produced water cover a variety
of species but are generally categorized into monovalent salts (typically sodium and potassium) and
divalent salts (typically calcium and magnesium).
Calcium removal—The divalent salts cannot be effectively precipitated in the same manner as
the monovalent salts, so a separate calcium removal process is installed in the PUREMEG system.
Effective calcium control is accomplished as the divalent salts are collected, reacted, and removed
through a filter, with the filtrate overflow returning to the process.
Flash drum Flash gas
Rich MEG
HC condensate
MEG Reflux drum
MEG return column
Recycle pump
Reactor Conductivity
Divalent salt Brine
removal system column
Reflux water
Salt-free lean
MEG to storage
filter Desalting
Water cyclone
Divalent salt
slurry Chemical Salt pump
Salty produced water
Typical PUREMEG system with full-stream reclamation.
As part of our commitment to providing full-service solutions, we also offer
a diverse educational services program for the oil- and gas-processing
markets. Our training capabilities include both open enrollment and custom
courses that can be designed to meet our customers’ specific needs as well
as hands-on training.
Process solutions
An industry-recognized provider of process solutions, Schlumberger
provides in-house consulting services with an integrated team of
technology and product specialists that routinely deliver solutions for
challenging customer process problems. This unique group of specialists
is available to work with customers to design efficient solutions that meet
project requirements.
Life-of-field support
Schlumberger provides site support using a dedicated team of experienced
service and project representatives. Strategically located throughout the
globe, this network provides turnkey expertise and support for customers
for the duration of a project, from commissioning to operation. From
replacement parts and spares, field service contracts to equipment
repair, our mission is to provide the highest quality support to ensure our
customers’ satisfaction.
Rich-MEG-flow 5-m3/h, 300-tonUK PUREMEG system module for offshore Brazil application.
Schlumberger has a pool of highly trained technicians that operate around the world.
Aux. boiler
Flash gas
Flash drum MVR compressor
Rich MEG
HC condensate
Salt-free lean
MEG to storage
filter Desalting
Water cyclone
Divalent salt
slurry Chemical Salt pump
Salty produced water
The MVR compressor boosts overhead vapor from the MEG regeneration
column, a low-grade steam, to a useable low-pressure steam, reducing
heating medium demand by more than 80% which in turn reduces capex,
opex, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the heating
medium system. The compressor increases electrical demand slightly,
<10% of heat duty, with the actual usage engineered for maximum savings
for a specific facility.
The MVR compressor can benefit both slipstream and full-stream MEG
regeneration and reclamation systems. Other industries have proved that
the concept can improve process economics and sustainability.
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