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The National AIDS Council in Collaboration With The Ministry of Primary and Secondary 2018 Quiz

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The National AIDS

Council in
collaboration with the
Ministry of Primary
and Secondary
2018 Quiz
Instructions: Answer all questions

Each question in 30 seconds



1. ZAN- Zimbabwe Aids Network

2. ZNFPC- Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council
3. CRS- Convention on the rights of the child
4. NHMIS- National Health Management Information system
5. PEP-Post Exposure Prophylaxis
6. VMMC- Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision
7. PITC- Provider Initiated Testing and Counselling
8. VFU- Victim Friendly Unit
9. SRH- Sexual Reproductive Health
10. VCT- Voluntary Counselling and Testing

1. Heterosexual
2. Chronology
3. Gonorrhoea
4. Commemoration
5. Circumcision
6. Prevalence
7. Promiscuity
8. Polygamy
9. Trichomoniasis
10. Candidiasis


Instruction to Quiz Master: Answers are provided below the question.

They are not multiple choices. 1 minute per each question.

1. When is the World Aids commemorated? Answer: 1 December

2. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? Answer: HIV
is a virus that causes AIDS
3. What does a standard HIV test identify? Answer: HIV virus
and T-cells
4. How long does it take for one to be diagnosed with HIV virus an
infection? Answer: 0-3 months
5. The taking in of prohibited substances such as cocaine is
referred to as....... Answer: Drug abuse
6. Which form of abuse leads to high prevalence rate among girls?
Answer: Sexual abuse
7. What is the difference between polygny and polyandry?
Answer: Polygny is the act of having more than one wife at
the same time and Polyandry is the act of having more than
one husband at the same time.
8. What name do we give to a relationship between two people of
different generations? Answer: Intergenerational
9. In Mashonaland Central which district has the highest HIV
prevalence rate? Answer: Mazowe.
10. Name the three thematic areas for the Life Skills,
Sexuality, HIV and AIDS Education Strategic Plan. Answer:
HIV prevention-Treatment Care and Support-Enabling
Environment-Management Coordination and Monitoring
and Evaluation.

1. According to 90, 90, 90 targets, what does the first 90%
A. 90% of people living with HIV on suppressed
Antiretroviral Therapy
B. 90% of people who test HIV positive should be initiated
on ART
C. 90% of people living with HIV should know their HIV
2. Statement concerning the fear of getting HIV and other STDs
is false?
A. People living with HIV should be made to live alone
B. For most people, fear of getting HIV or other STDs is
C. Myths about the transmission of HIV and other STDs have
increased peoples fear.
3. Nobuhle thinks she might be infected with HIV or another
STD but she has no symptoms. She wants to do something about
her concern. Which behaviour would be the wisest?
A. She should ask her sex partners if they have symptoms.
B. She could immediately talk to a health counsellor.
C. She could take some medicine she got from a friend.
4. In which year was AIDS first recognised?
A. 1983 B. 1980 C. 1981
5. Who is the District Patron of National AIDS Council?
6. The following is an example of a Reverse Transcriptase
Inhibitor (ARV that inhibit the first step that HIV takes to copy
A. Lopinavir B. Indinavir C. Zidovudine
7. Which term refers to sexual intercourse between father and
daughter, mother and son, brother and sister?
A. Rape B. Incest C. Sodomy
8. Which is the legal age of marriage in Zimbabwe?
A. 18 years B. 16 years C. 20 years
9. Name one driver of promiscuity in Zimbabwe.
A. Payment of Lobola B. High levels of poverty C. Weddings
10. Any mind altering drug, legal or illegal will affect the ability
to make decisions.
A. True B. False C. None of the above
11. Name two STIs that have no cure.
A. Syphilis and genital Warts
B. Thrush and genital herpes
C. Genital herpes and genital warts
12. In which pair do we find types/ forms of cancer?
A. Blood cancer and trachoma B. AIDS and cervical cancer C.
Kaposi’s sarcoma and cervical cancer.
13. In trying to reduce infant mortality rate, WHO has taken a
tremendous effort by making sure that every child between 0-5
years is immunised. Which Vaccine is given through puncture?
A. Polio B. Tuberculosis C. Diphtheria
14. Which drug is mainly abused by young people in
A. Bronclear B. 7up C. Pepsi
15. Identify one barrier to positive living for young people.
A. Seeking comfort in talking to someone who understands
B. Lack of adequate and accurate information.
C. Avoid re-infection.
16. Give one method used on male circumcision.
A. Prepex B. Index test C. PEP
17. Stigma and discrimination can be reduced at two levels,
name them.
A. Individual and personal
B. Individual and community
C. Community and society
18. Which group of people is at high risk of contracting inguinal
A. Males B. Females C. Males and females
19. Which of the following are types of gender based violence?
A. Physical, emotional and sexual
B. Economic, physical and sexual
C. Physical, emotional, sexual and economical.
20. Which is the most effective way of preventing STIs?
A. Be mutually faithful
B. Abstinence
C. Engage in safer sex


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