Tekla 11.0
Tekla 11.0
Tekla 11.0
Release Notes
Copyright 1992-2005 Tekla Corporation and its licensors. All rights reserved. This Software Manual has been developed for use with the referenced Software. Use of the Software, and use of this Software Manual are governed by a License Agreement. Among other provisions, the License Agreement sets certain warranties for the Software and this Manual, disclaims other warranties, limits recoverable damages, defines permitted uses of the Software, and determines whether you are an authorized user of the Software. Please refer to the License Agreement for important obligations and applicable limitations and restrictions on your rights. In addition, this Software Manual is protected by copyright law and by international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction, display, modification, or distribution of this Manual, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the full extent permitted by law. Tekla, Tekla Structures, Xcity, Xengineer, Xpipe, Xpower, Xsteel, and Xstreet are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Tekla Corporation in the European Union, the United States, and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned in this Manual are or may be trademarks of their respective owners. By referring to a third-party product or brand, Tekla does not intend to suggest an affiliation with or endorsement by such third party and disclaims any such affiliation or endorsement, except where otherwise expressly stated. Portions of this software: 2D DCM 1989-2004 D-Cubed Limited. All rights reserved. EPM toolkit 1995-2004 EPM Technology a.s., Oslo, Norway. All rights reserved. XML parser 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Analysis Engine included in Tekla Structures uses a program copyrighted by and is the property of Research Engineers International . All rights reserved. Elements of the software described in this Manual may be the subject of pending patent applications in the European Union and/or other countries.
Performance improvements........................................................... 46 Automatic seam positioning........................................................... 47 Using Excel with custom components............................................. 47 Imperial units in formulas .............................................................. 48 Battering connection (13) improvements......................................... 48 Miscellaneous .............................................................................. 49 Components.......................................................................................... 50 Stairwell and elevator shafts (90) ................................................... 50 Miscellaneous .............................................................................. 51
Release Notes
3.4 3.5
Release Notes
Release Notes
Performance improvements ........................................................ 121 New properties for custom components ....................................... 122 Editing custom components ........................................................ 123 Define parameters for part adds .................................................. 125 Imperial units in formulas ............................................................ 125 New detail position options ......................................................... 126 Miscellaneous........................................................................... 126 Components ....................................................................................... 127 Component catalog improvements............................................... 128 Use Excel in connection design ................................................... 134 Miscellaneous............................................................................ 135
Release Notes
Release Notes
Tekla Structures version 11.1 is a main release and contains many new features and fixes.
Tekla Structures 11.1 is compatible with all previous versions. You can open and work with existing models using Tekla Structures 11.1. We recommend that you complete any models you have started using your current version. Once you save a model in Tekla Structures 11.1, you can open it in Tekla Structures 11.0, but not in older versions, in Xsteel, or in Xengineer.
Tekla Structures setup creates a new subfolder for Tekla Structures 11.1. You need Windows Administrator rights to install Tekla Structures 11.1. This ensures that all Windows system folder *.dll files are updated.
This chapter is divided into following sections: General (p. 8) Modeling (p. 11) Drawings (p. 26) Import and export (p. 45) Custom components (p. 46) Components (p. 50)
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Type in a name for the macro. Click Record. Perform the commands in the user interface. Click Stop to stop recording. To perform the recorded macro, select the macro and click Run.
The recorded macros are saved as *.cs files, in ../environments/countryindependent/macros folder: The recorded macro is saved in drawings or modeling folder, depending on in which mode the macro was recorded.
To view and edit the recorded macro: 1. 2. First check that the file type .cs is associated with suitable text editor. In Tekla Structures, click Edit on the Macros dialog box, and the file is opened in the associated editor.
To create a macro file manually, click Create in the Macros dialog box. This command creates an empty macro file, which you can manually edit, or copy and paste macros from other files.
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes following new features and fixes:
Click Apply and OK. You need to restart Tekla Structures before the change is applied.
In single user mode, if you open a model in Tekla Structures Viewer, the model is no longer locked. You can open locked models in the Viewer, in single user mode. When the orthogonal snapping was on, picking the first position was sometimes difficult. Now the reference point handling is disabled when starting a command and enabled after picking the first position.
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
Now when you add surface treatment to parts with openings or recesses, select Cut by father part cuts checkbox in the Surfacing properties dialog box. When you select this option, Tekla Structures recognizes the openings and recesses in the part.
You can now add surface treatment to cut faces (faces created by a cut). To add surface treatment to cut faces: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click the Create face surfacing or Create polygon surfacing icon. Pick the origin of the surface treatment. Pick the direction. Select the cut face to apply the surface treatment to:
Add face surface treatment
If you chose polygon surface treatment, continue picking the polygonal area. Surface treatment added to cut faces is modifed according to the changes made to the part.
In Tekla Structures 11.1 you can apply the surface treatment to parts in the following ways:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Click the Create face surfacing icon Pick the origin of the surface treatment. Pick the direction of the surface treatment. Select the part faces to apply the surface treatment to. Pick faces one by one, or use window selection: Drag the mouse from left to right to select all faces totally within that rectangular area:
Drag the mouse from right to left to select all objects totally or partly within that rectangular area:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Click the Create polygon surfacing icon Pick the origin of the surface treatment. Pick the direction of the surface treatment. Pick the part face to add the surface treatment to. Pick points to form the surface treatment area.
If you pick points outside the part face, the surface treatment is forced to fit inside the face:
If all corner points of the surface treatment are not on the part face plane, the corner points are forced to a face of the part.
When you create overlapping surface treatments, the smaller surface treatment overrides the larger one. The overriding is recognized in reports (only the visible area is calculated).
Surface treatment is now considered in numbering: To set Tekla Structures compare surface treatment in numbering click Setup > Numbering... , and select Surfacings checkbox on the Numbering tab.
Use variable XS_POLYGON_CUT_EXTRA_THICKNESS to define the cut depth of polygon cut, for example, to be able to cut thick surface treatment with polygon cut command: 1. 2. Click Tools > Advanced options..., and go to the Modeling category. Set the cut thickness with variable XS_POLYGON_CUT_EXTRA_THICKNESS. The default value is 5.0.
Now you can view and modify sketch properties in the Sketch browser dialog box:
Click a line, dimension, chamfer or constraint in the Cross section sketch editor view and Tekla Structures highlights it in the browser. Or click a part in the browser to have Tekla Structures hightlight it in the view. Use the popup menu, for example, to add equations, copy names, copy values, or delete objects. Create links between the sketch parameter variables, created in the Variables dialog box, and sketch objects to create parametric profiles. The sketches are parameterized in the same way as the custom components. For more information, see Using variables to define cross section properties in the online help.
Use chamfers when sketching profiles: 1. In the Cross section sketch editor view, the yellow circles represent chamfers. Double-click a yellow circle to open the Chamfer properties dialog box:
2. 3.
Select chamfer type, enter X and Y dimensions. Click Modify and the chamfer is applied to the selected corner.
The chamfers are shown in the Sketch browser dialog box, where you can add equations to them.
You can now create easily a cold rolled (constant thickness) cross section by sketching an open polyline, and defining extrusion type and thickness of the profile.
Description Polyline is extruded symmetrically from the center line (the line you have sketched). Default value
Extrusion Type = 1
Extrusion Type = 2
Use equations in Thickness property to define the thickness of the extruded polyline.
Angle constraint
1. 2. 3.
Pick the lines counter-clockwise. Tekla Structures creates the angle constraint.
Visualization of constraints
Now you can view the constraints in the editor view, by selecting them in the Sketch browser dialog box:
1. 2. 3.
Select the constraint in the Sketch browser dialog box. The line in question is displayed as dashed line, and the constraints are highlighted in the Cross section sketch editor view.
Deleting constraints
To delete a constraint:
1. 2. 3.
Select the constraint in the Sketch browser dialog box. Right-click and select Delete in the popup menu:
Use commands Show or hide part positioning planes and Show or hide connection positioning planes on the sketching toolbar to view the control positioning planes of the profile.
Tekla Structures uses the connection positioning planes for positioning components to parts, for example, custom components to concrete slabs, if you have selected the Position in relation to primary parts checkbox in the component dialog box, on the General tab.
By default, Tekla Structures uses solid edge planes of the main part as the reference points, but if you have modified the part or connection positioning plane in Cross section sketch editor view, Tekla Structures uses those instead of the default planes.
Part positioning planes
Part positioning planes (top, bottom, left and right) affect how the part is positioned in the model (the properties on the Position tab, in the part properties dialog box).
The following pictures display the default part positioning planes in the Cross
section sketch editor view and in part end view.
Part end view: The On plane and At depth properties are both set to Middle, with 0 offset.
The following images display modified part positioning planes in the Cross section sketch editor view and how the part reference line position has changed in the model:
Part end view: The On plane and At depth properties are both set to Middle, with 0 offset.
To view or modify the planes: 1. Open the Cross section sketch editor view.
Click icon to show default part positioning planes, or icon show the connection positioning planes. The part positioning planes are displayed as blue lines. The connection positioning planes are displayed as green lines.
In the upper right and lower left corners are handles which you can drag to modify the location of the planes. The modified planes are saved with the sketch. To revert to the default planes: select the plane lines and select Delete from the pop-up menu. Then click the Show or hide part positioning planes or Show or hide connection positioning planes icon again. Sometimes the profile dimensions were corrupted when the sketched profiles were updated in the model after closing the sketch editor. Fixed.
Miscellaneous fixes
For more information on sketching tools, see Sketching and using cross sections in the online help.
Cut planes
When you create distances to bind model objects together, use the second list box on the Snap settings toolbar to select the plane to bind the object to. The options are: Boundary planes of parts Center planes of parts Outline planes of parts Cut planes Grid planes
To create a clip plane: 1. 2. Select a rendered model view Right-click and select Create clip plane from the popup menu.
3. 4. 5.
Select the clip plane position: pick any plane. To end the command, right-click and select Interrupt. Clip plane is displayed with a symbol.
Selected plane
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.1 Common features
To move the clip plane, click the symbol, drag and drop it to the new location.
You can only move the plane to the direction of plane normal (and opposite). 7. To delete a clip plane: Click the clip plane symbol and click Delete.
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes following new features and fixes:
Command Points > Part-line intersection did not work correctly. Now once you have picked the part, you can pick multiple lines after that. For more information, see Points > Plane-line intersection in the online help.
Part cuts
If a part was cut with part cut or polygon cut command, using this part to cut another part did not work correctly. Fixed.
Numbering parts
Even if a plate created as beam and a contour plate were identical, they got different position numbers. Now Tekla Structures assigns same position numbers to plates created as beams, and to contour plates.
Handle size
Now you can modify the handle size in the model view: 1. 2. Open the Advanced options dialog box (Tools > Advanced options...) and go to Model view category. Define the handle size with variable XS_HANDLE_SCALE. 3.
Miscelleneous fixes
The default value is 1.0 Value larger than 1.0 enlarges the handles Value smaller than 1.0 decreases the handle size
Close the rendered view and reopen it to view the modified handle size. When you saved a model in the multiuser mode, the work plane symbol was sometimes drawn to wrong position. Fixed.
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
To clone from a drawing template: 1. 2. 3. 4. Create the template drawings, and define the template library in the batch file. Click Drawing > Clone drawing... (or click Clone... in the drawing list dialog box), to open the Drawing cloning dialog box. Select the drawing objects that you want to copy into the new drawing, in the Objects and actions in cloning properties. Select Drawing template option and press Templates... button.
6. 7.
In the model, select the part. In the Drawing cloning dialog box, click Clone selected.
The direction of the hatch pattern is the same as the direction of the surface treatment.
Which hatch to use with which surfacing type is configured in surfacing.htc file (located in .../environments/*your environment*/system folder). In the file is defined following: Surfacing type: 1 = concrete finish 2 = special mix 3 = tile surface 4 = steel finish Surfacing code: This is the abbreviation used in drawings and reports, for example, MF. See product_finishes.dat file for a full list of surfacing codes.
Hatch name Extra scale Extra scale is a numeric value that Tekla Structures uses to scale hatches. Color (optional) If you do not define a color for a hatch in the surfacing.htc schema file, Tekla Structures uses the color defined on the Appearance tab of the drawing surfacing properties dialog box. The color and type definition in Visible lines is used for the front side surface treatment, and in the Hidden lines for back side.
To view a list of existing hatches: 1. Open, for example, Circle properties dialog box by double-clicking Circle icon on the Drawings: Drawing toolbar. (Also other drawing object properties include fill type selection). Click Select... to open the collection of available hatch patterns. When you click a pattern, you can view the name in the Type list box, in the Circle.
Associative drawings
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes following improvements in associative drawings:
Texts in drawings
Text objects are now associative (text position is updated when the model changes). Text type
Description The insertion point (the point you pick when adding the text) is associative. You can drag the text, and it stays associative. The start and end point of the line are associative. The starting point of the leader line is associative. The direction angle is maintained when the model changes and drawings are updated.
The starting point of the line is associative (the point where Tekla Structures creates the arrow).
Drawing objects
Description One or two points (start and end points) can be associative.
The center point is associative. The first two points are associative.
Associative notes
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes new drawing object: associative note, you can use associative note as an extra marks in drawings. The note works like, for example, part mark, and it is updated according to the changes made to the object it is added to. Command Associative note with leader line Associative note without leader line. Associative note along line. Icon
Associative note can be added to following objects: Part Bolt Reinforcing bar Surfacing
You can add multiple notes to one object, and place the notes freely. Add and modify the content of the notes the same way as with part marks. Associative notes can contain following elements: Element Text User-defined attribute Symbol Description Opens dialog box where you can type in text to the note. Adds a user-defined attribute to the note. Line feed between elements Backspace between elements Add part properties, such as Profile, Class, Length,
Camber, Fittings (NS/FS) etc.
<-Part elements Bolt elements Reinforcing bar elements Surfacing elements
Add bolt properties, such as Standard, Assembly type, Slot length, Slot height etc. Add reinforcing bar properties, such as Grade, Position, Shape, cc min etc.
Add surfacing properties: Name, Material, Class, Code, and Surfacing name.
To add associative note, click Create > Associative note and select type:
With leader line
Pick the part to indicate to which part this note belongs to. If you chose With leader line, the point you pick is the first point of the leader line. Pick a point to place the note. option:
Along line
1. 2. 3.
Pick the part to indicate to which part this note belongs to. Pick a point to indicate the start of the line along which you want to place the note. Pick the end point of the line along which you want the text to appear.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Click Create > Detail view, or click icon Pick the first corner of the detail view. Pick second corner. Pick position for the detail symbol.
Tekla Structures creates the detail view and adds a detail symbol to the original view: Detail label
Detail view Detail symbol Double click the detail symbol to modify the label properties:
To modify the detail label properties on the drawing level: 1. In the drawing properties dialog box, click Detail label... to open the detail label dialog box.
Moving views
Now you can move section and detail views on another drawing sheet in the drawing list. When you move views to another drawing, the original drawing will contain a reference to the target drawing. To move drawing views to another drawing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open the drawing and the Drawings dialog box (drawing list). Select the drawing view you want to move, right-click and select Move to
drawing from the popup menu.
Select the target drawing from the drawing list. Click Move on the Move view to drawing dialog box. Tekla Structures moves the view to the selected drawing.
The moved views contain a reference to the drawing where the original section or detail was located. Also the section and detail contain reference to the drawing where the view was moved to: Original drawing B.1 - 1 containing section view. Target drawing C.1 - 1 where the section view was moved to. View label contains reference to the original drawing B.1
Label texts
To edit the reference text in the labels, use the following variables (Tools >
Advanced options... , in Drawing properties category):
XS_SECTION_VIEW_REFERENCE - section view label XS_SECTION_SYMBOL_REFERENCE - section symbol label XS_DETAIL_VIEW_REFERENCE - detail view label XS_DETAIL_SYMBOL_REFERENCE - detail symbol label
Enter the label content in the Value field: Label text can include free text and user-defined and template attributes surrounded by % characters. For example, See %DRAWING_TITLE%.
If you set the variable in the batch files, use double % characters around the user-defined and template attributes.
Description Area of the "shadow" of the part at global XY-, XZ-, or YZ-plane. **
Area of the "shadow" of the part at global XY-, XZ, or YZ-plane. ***
Area of the "shadow" of the part at it's local XY-, XZ-, or YZ-plane. **
Area of the "shadow" of the part at it's local XY-, XZ-, or YZ-plane. ***
Description Area of faces which outward normal points to positive or negative global Yaxis. area of faces which outward normal points to it's positive or negative local Z-axis. Area of faces which outward normal points to it's positive or negative local X-axis Area of faces which outward normal points to it's positive or negative local Y-axis Area of faces which outward normal points to top of form. Area of faces which outward normal points to bottom of form Area of faces which outward normal points to form sides
** XXX_NET area is the area of the shadow excluding the interior outlines (=holes). *** XXX_GROSS area is the area of the exterior outline of the shadow excluding the interior outlines (=holes).
The row content type is CONNECTION. Value field formula can be GetValue("PRIMARY.XXX") or GetValue("SECONDARY_1.XXX"), for example, GetValue("PRIMARY.AREA").
New template attributes in Tekla Structures 11.1: MATERIAL, NAME, and THICKNESS for surface treatment.
In the Template Editor, text fields were too long with some font sizes in japanese text. This problem has now been fixed. Template attributes DATE and TIME are now available for all rows. The move command now has a predefined shortcut m.
The template attribute NAME_SHORT now returns correct values from the bolt assembly catalog: for bolts, it returns bolt "Standard" for studs, it returns the name of the bolt, not the short name of the bolt asssembly.
To use the same color in automatic section hatching, set the color index number in the .htc file to 120. For more information, see Hatching in section views in the online help.
To display continuous lines: 1. 2. Click Tools > Advanced options, and go to the Plotting category. Type in FALSE in the Value field of the variable. By default, the value is TRUE.
You can now set the variables XS_PLOT_ORIGIN_MOVE_X and XS_PLOT_ORIGIN_MOVE_Y in the Advanced options dialog box, Plotting category, without restarting Tekla Structures.
1. 2.
Click Tools > Advanced options... and go to the Drawing properties category. Set XS_ALWAYS_CONFIRM_SAVE_WHEN_CLOSING_DRAWING to TRUE. The default value is FALSE.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.1 Common features
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 etc.
To show lines around hatching, and to be able to add extra lines in different colors, you may need to set variable XS_DRAW_ALL_SECTION_EDGES_IN_DRAWINGS to TRUE in the batch files. The variable is set to FALSE by default.
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes fixes for the following:
Parts Main part direction
Round holes were shown as rectangular, if the part representation was set to Bounding box or Base box. Problems occured with complex main part handling. Main part direction was handled in a wrong coordinate system.
Drawing views
If the associativity was set (variable XS_INTELLIGENT_DRAWING_ALLOWED set) and you dragged the drawing view frames to change their size, froze the drawing and opened the drawing again, the drawing view frames took the original size. Fixed. Surfacing mark properties: Leader line type settings did not work correctly. If a drawing included several level marks, only one was updated when the model was changed and you updated the drawing. Now all the level marks are updated. Part mark properties now include Finish in the elements list. Use this element in mark to show the Finish property of the part. When in general arrangement drawings, the Parts out of view plane property is set to Not visible (in General - part mark properties dialog box, on the General tab), you could not add part marks to parts out of the view plane. Now part marks can be created regardless of the visibility settings. Sometimes grid dimensions were overlapping in drawings. Now grid dimensions are always freeplaced. In Tekla Structures 11.1, Combine equal dimensions property cannot be used with US absolute and US absolute 2 dimension types. Degree symbol in angle dimensions is now closer to the text:
Sometimes complex main parts were not dimensioned correctly, when variable XS_COMPLEX_PART_MEMBERS_DO_NOT_HAVE_TO_BE_MAIN_PART was set (Tools > Advanced options..., Dimensioning: parts category) and the first (the lowest or leftmost) part was secondary. Sometimes protection did not work correctly with dimension line extensions. Now the extension line protection areas are created correctly. For more information on protection areas, see Protection in the online help. If you modified the second or the second last dimension point in a combined dimension line, also the tag texts were deleted from that side of the dimension line. Fixed. Sometimes you could not drag the grid line mark, if there was only one grid line in the drawing. Fixed.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.1 Common features
The Angle property in the Text properties dialog box affected how the protect area of text with leader line was drawn. Now also the protect area of text with leader line is always drawn horizontally. Sometimes when you moved or copied texts in drawings, using the pop-up menu commands, Tekla Structures freeplaced them. Now only texts that have Placing property set to Free, are freeplaced, and texts with fixed placing are moved or copied where you want to place them. Symbols were not placed correctly when picking the insertion point in the Drawing editor. Fixed. Multinumber characters were not always correct in single drawings, if the number of valid characters was different for assembly and part multinumbers (set with variables XS_VALID_CHARS_FOR_ASSEMBLY_MULTI_NUMBERS and XS_VALID_CHARS_FOR_PART_MULTI_NUMBERS). Fixed. Using key plan reserved a lot of memory. Fixed. If you froze a drawing with P flag, and updated it afterwards, Tekla Structures displayed a warning message saying the drawing is not up to date. Fixed. Drawings created with old Xsteel versions (version 5.5 or older) could not be opened in Tekla Structures. Fixed.When you used userdefined attributes in the value field of variable XS_ASSEMBLY_POSITION_NUMBER_FORMAT_STRING (Tools > Advanced options..., Numbering category) opening drawings was slower than without it. Fixed. If a drawing represents several similar assemblies and one of the assemblies is modified, a new assembly drawing is cloned automatically to suit the changed situation. The cloning did not always work properly in 11.0 or earlier versions, if the single part views were presented in the assembly drawing. The single part views are still not cloned when cloning assembly drawings. Sometimes the Title fields in the drawing list were displayed incorrectly when creating drawings. Fixed.
Drawing list
3D DWG/DXF export
It's now possible to export Tekla Structures model as 3D DWG. 1. 2. Open a Tekla Structures model. Click File > Export > 3D DWG... to open the Export 3D DWG/DXF dialog box. This dialog box has replaced the Export 3D DXF dialog box. Now you can use the same properties to both DWG and DXF export.
Part and Bolt accuracy: Normal, High or No bolts. Cuts: to export cuts Inner contours: for example, to export the inner contours of a tube. If you select No, the tube is exported as a solid.
4. 5.
Enter the file name, or use Browse... to navigate to another file Select whether to export as DWG or as DXF.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.1 Common features
Exporting 3D DWG or DXF as Faces uses more memory and might take time, but the end result is better. If the model is large, or you have less memory to use, Export as Reference lines option is faster, and the resulting file size is smaller.
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes fixes for the following: Reference import now supports layers in DWG, DGN, and IFC files. In Tekla Structures 11.0, when you copied objects from another model (Edit > Copy from model...), all phases were imported into the current phase. Fixed. If you tried to turn on the visibility of an IFC reference object while the IFC file was not in the right location, Tekla Structures closed without any warning.
Custom components
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
Performance improvements
Now custom component creation in large model is even ten times faster than in previous versions.
To place the seam to the position you picked, select Place to picked positions checkbox.
To place the seam automatically, deselect the Place to picked positions checkbox, and select one of the positioning options.
2. 3.
4. 5.
Spreadsheet location
Save and close the custom component editor. The new property Use external design is now in the component properties dialog box.
By default, the spreadsheets locate in folder ..\TeklaStructures\*your version*\environments\country_independent\exceldesign. The location of the spreadsheet is specified in excel.vb tile (in ..\TeklaStructures\*your version*\nt\bin\plugins folder).
Spreadsheet name
The name of the file must be component_*component name*.xls For example component_custom1.xls for a custom component named custom1.
For more information on the required Excel files, file locations and how to perform the connection check with Excel, see Using Excel in connection design in the online help.
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes fixes for the following: Part cuts could not be used to cut parts in the Custom component editor. Fixed.
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes fixes for the following: In previous versions you could not modify a component, created in Tekla Structures Steel Detailing configuration, in Tekla Structures Full Detailing configuration without converting it. Now you can modify components created with other configurations in the Full Detailing configuration, without converting them, if the component does not include reinforcing bars or cast units welds.
In addition to the features and fixes in chapter 1, Tekla Structures 11.1 Steel Detailing configuration contains also the following new features and fixes:
This chapter is divided into following sections: Modeling (p. 53) Drawings (p. 54) Import and export (p. 54) Components (p. 56)
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes fixes for the following Unpainted steel is now added to surface treatment hatch schema file surfacing.htc in Europe and US Imperial environments as 4,UP,ANSI32,1,1
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
4. 5. 6. 7.
Select From 1st to 2nd creation point in the Main axis direction list box. Click Modify, and close the dialog box. Click Tools > Numbering > Modified to update numbering. Create, for example, a single-part drawing of the plate, to view the orientation of the plate.
1. 2. 3.
Click File > Import. Select any of the following options FEM, CIMSteel, CAD, or Other, to open the
New import model dialog box.
In the New import model dialog box, select Fabtrol XML import from the Type list box and click the Properties button to open the Fabtrol XML import (17) dialog box. Click the Browse button against the Input file field to locate the file to import. Click OK to import status information into the model.
4. 5.
In Tekla Structures 11.1 you can include hard stamps also for secondary parts in DSTV files. To do this, enter TRUE in the Value field for the variable XS_SECONDARY_PART_HARDSTAMP. Note that Tekla Structures does not create hard stamps for plates. In Tekla Structures 11.0 DSTV format was fixed to follow the DSTV standard even better than before, by switching the places of phase and drawing identification in the DSTV file header. Because of this change, dstv2dxf converter does not add correct texts to DXF files, and some CNC controller softwares interprets the DSTV files incorrectly. To enable the fix and create similar DSTV files as before, set variable XS_NC_DISABLE_PIECE_IDENTIFICATION_FIX to FALSE in the batch files. By default, the variable is set to TRUE. In Tekla Structures 11.0 you could not create NC files of, for example, z or zz profiles. Now you can create NC files of all other profiles by using profile type SO in NC file settings dialog box. In Tekla Structures 11.0 hard stamps did not affect the DSTV file names. This has been fixed. Now the file name is based on Assembly position and / or Part position elements (on the Hard stamp tab, in the NC file settings dialog box).
IFC import
The reading of boundary representation (BREP) in IFC reference files has been improved.
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
Building (S91)
Use this macro to create a portal frame building with saddle roof. The macro creates frames and connections, purlins, roof and vertical bracing, and gable end posts. You can use Tekla Structures system connections and custom connections in the macro. The left and right columns and rafter profiles are identical.
To create a building with the macro: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click Ctrl + F to open the Component catalog, and search for Building (S91) macro. Double-click the macro to open Building (S91) dialog box. Modify the properties, and click Apply or OK. Pick the creation point for the building. The building will be created in X and Y direction from the picked point, in the current work plane.
Haunch (40)
Entering a value on the Picture tab for a gap between the column and the end plate now correctly affects only the distance between the column and the end plate, not the plate on the web of the column.
Bracing connections
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes the following new features and fixes:
Windbracing (1)
Connection Windbracing (1) did not work in Tekla Structures 11.0. Fixed.
Tekla Structures includes following new features and fixes: Component Std bracing connection (67) created the second bolt incorrectly, and the plates were not bolted together. Fixed.
Component L spice (175) did not handle the chamfers correctly. Fixed.
This chapter is divided into following sections: General (p. 61) Modeling (p. 61) Drawings (p. 64) Custom components (p. 67) Components (p. 67) Reinforcement (p. 70)
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
Cast-in embeds are now considered in numbering: Click Setup > Numbering..., and select Embedded objects checkbox on the Numbering tab.
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.1 Precast Concrete Detailing
Family numbering
When you use family numbering, the assembly or cast unit position numbers consist of family number and qualifier. For example: Assembly position number: TT/102-3
Family number
Family number is the same for assemblies and cast units which are similar to the criteria you define in the Numbering setup dialog box. Assemblies or cast units which have the same family number but different exact geometry or materials have different qualifier number.
To define numbering: 1. 2. Click Setup > Numbering to open the Numbering setup dialog box. On the Family numbering tab, define how to use family numbering for series:
3. 4.
Click Add serie to open the Add serie dialog box. All the assembly and cast unit numbering series in the model are listed here. Select a numbering serie and click Add. The numbering series is shown in the family numbering field.
Modify the compare criteria for each numbering serie separately. The comparing options are:
Main part profile Secondary parts Chamfers Material Overall length Cuts Name
6. 7.
To get the front view shown in the "top form" face in drawing: 1. 2. 3. Open the drawing properties dialog box. Click View... to open the drawing view properties dialog box. To see the top in view correctly in the drawing, select Fixed in the Coordinate
system on the Attributes tab:
Deforming parts
Tekla Structures 11.1includes following new features and fixes: You can warp, camber and shorten steel and concrete beams and columns. Seams and connections work with warping.
Now when you copy cast unit members and reinforcing bars, the new object will belong to the same assembly if the copied object is inside an existing assembly.
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
Strands were listed together with reinforcement bars in templates and reports. Now they have their own content type STRAND, so you can distinguish them from reinforcement bars. The template attribute STRAND_PULL_FORCE now outputs correct values in reports. Template attributes CAST_UNIT_TOP_LEVEL and CAST_UNIT_BOTTOM_LEVEL did not work in part marks. Fixed.
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes following new features and fixes:
Pull-out pictures
Reinforcement pull-out picture is now displayed as deformed in deformed view.
Use the Exaggeration property for better visualization of the reinforcement bar hooks in pull-outs:
Exaggeration not
Tekla Structures now takes reinforcement into account when calculating drawing view boundaries. The cast-in embeds were not dimensioned correctly in undeformed views. Fixed.
Custom components
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
You can also remove the custom component from the cast unit, and explode the cast unit from the pop-up menu.
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
The concrete stairs (7) macro has now default values: properties which are empty use the default values.
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes fixes for the following: It is now possible to add equations to strand properties in the model browser. Xsnap now also works for seam handle points. Cutting hollow core slab with Grating penetration (92) macro generated an application error. Fixed.
This section describes the following new features and fixes:
Wash (59)
Hollow core reinforcement (60)
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes fixes for following:
Tekla Structures includes new part properties to be used with area load generation according to part geometry. The Loading tab has been added to the beam, polybeam, concrete beam, and concrete panel properties dialog boxes. This feature is especially needed for concrete slabs, which are not always included in the analysis model.
Generate self weight load includes parts, for example decks, weight to analysis model as a load even if the part is not otherwise included in the analysis model. If part is included in the analysis model, self weight is not generated as a separate load.
You can also enter slab live load or additional self weight (screed, services) using three additional loads with load group name and load value. The direction of the load is according to load group direction. Using Part names filter you can make sure that area load from concrete slab is transferred to correct parts, for example beams supporting the slab. So you usually enter the beam name as a value.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.1 Analysis and design
Select Use continuous structure load distribution if you want to divide the most of the load to middle supports on continuous structures.
You can define primary axis direction with following optional ways: Click Parallel to part and then select the beam in the model that is parallel to the direction. Click Perpendicular to part and then select the beam in the model that is perpendicular to the direction.
When load is applied on slab, the spanning setting of the load does not have any effect, but the spanning is determined using the spanning setting of the slab itself.
Response spectrum
Seismic analysis using response spectrum is now available in Analysis model attributes. The spectrum data, loads and masses will be sent to STAAD.Pro for analysis. You can either use displacement or acceleration spectum. Damping is specified as modal damping. Like in UBC seismic analysis, seismic load groups (X and Y) are created automatically. Member and point loads are analysed according to the specified seicmic masses.
Slab components
Automatic rigid diaphragm has also been added to the following components:
Slab generation with polygon plate (61) Slab generation with points (62)
To connect column nodes using rigid diaphragms, 1. 2. Set Analysis type to Rigid diaphragm. Type "column_filter" in the Filter field.
Tekla Structures 11.1 includes fixes for the following:
The default cantilever length is now set to 300 mm, cantilevers shorter than this will be removed from the anlaysis model. You can change the limit with the following user-defined attribute: attribute("AD_plate_min_cant", "j_AD_plate_min_cant", dimension,"%.3f", no, none, "0.0", "0.0") { value("", 0) }
Now parts created by slab and truss components will be added to full analysis model automatically. Tekla Structures now displays a warning in the analysis log file, if there are no members, supports, or loads in the analysis model. Unnecessary triangles are no longer created for wall panel. When a beam was connected to a wall and the beam was slightly out of place because of a modeling error, wall mesh could be disrupted. Some tolerance is now allowed.
Beam longitudinal offsets (dx) resulted in duplicate analysis members in some cases. A new user-defined attribute Consider longitudinal model offsets has been added, to control how beam offsets are handled. The options are:
Auto (default) Dx offset is taken into account if it extends the beam or if it shortens the beam, and there is a node near the shortened position. None Extending only This is the old functionality, which takes dx off-
set into account when it extends the member and ignores it when it shortens the member.
The variable XS_AD_NODE_COLLISION_CHECK_DISTANCE now works with Extended clash check. When merging outline nodes of connected walls or slabs, orphan nodes remained in the model. These caused warnings in the analysis, but they were not harmful otherwise. These nodes are now removed. The Element type (triangular/quadrilateral) list box has been removed from the Slab and Panel properties, because quadrilateral option does not work yet. In the previous version saving the Analysis load modeling... properties failed. Loads did not keep their phase when copying, they all went to the current phase. Now the copied loads keep their original phase. To prevent strange node/element positions, Tekla Structures now checks the angle difference between analyse and physical members. If the angle difference exceeds the limit, a warning message is shown. To highlight the member in the model, open the log file and click the warning row. The default warning limit is 10 degrees. You can change the limit in the Setup > Advanced options. The load distribution sometimes failed if a line or point load was applied to a polybeam consisting of more than three points. You could prevent this problem, if you used very large bounding box around the load. This problem in bounding box handling has been fixed. Tekla Structures generated an application error, if the analysis model contained over 50 load groups and load combinations dialog box was opened. This limit still exists, but the application error is prevented and a warning is displayed.
Applying temperature load for the whole structure is now easier than in the previous versions. To create a temperature difference load for the whole structure, just insert one temperature load with Temperature change for axial elongation, and make the bounding box big enough to contain all beams and columns of the structure. If analysis (longitudinal) member offset was 100 mm or less, but not zero, member loads were not transferred correctly to analysis model. The option Create fixed support conditions automatically in load properties dialog boxes has been renamed to Use continuous structure load distribution. In Tekla Structures 11.0, if you had not run analysis in the session, using Get results command, or creating an utility report caused application error. Fixed. Load positions on plates did not always snap correctly to nearby plate nodes. Load distribution did not work correctly, if members with loads had overlapping nodes. When you modified a part, the user-defined attribute Design group (optimisation) (on Analysis tab in the part user-defined attributes dialog box), was incorrectly cleared. Fixed.
Tekla Structures version 11.0 is a main release and contains many new features and fixes.
Tekla Structures 11.0 is compatible with all previous versions. You can open and work with existing models using Tekla Structures 11.0. We recommend that you complete any models you have started using your current version. Once you save a model in Tekla Structures 11.0, you can no longer open it in older versions, in Xsteel, or in Xengineer.
Tekla Structures setup creates a new subfolder for Tekla Structures 11.0. You need Windows Administrator rights to install Tekla Structures 11.0. This ensures that all Windows system folder *.dll files are updated.
This chapter is divided into following sections: General (p. 84) Modeling (p. 92) Drawings (p. 102) Import and export (p. 119) Custom components (p. 121) Components (p. 127)
This section describes the following new features and fixes: Batch file settings in the user interface (p. 84) Performance improvements (p. 87) New Template Editor - version 3.2 (p. 87) Miscellaneous (p. 90)
The right pane show the variable Name and the Value. Variables have a description and the default value is shown in the dialog box.
When you change the value and click OK, a warning message is displayed if you need to restart Tekla Structures. If you do not get any warning message, it is not necessary to restart Tekla Structures. To get help for a variable, highlight it, then press the F1 key. All paths now support scandinavian characters (, , ). You can still edit variable settings by editing batch files using any text editor, as you could in previous versions. Any changes you make in the Advanced options dialog box overwrite changes you make by manually editing batch files. (For more information on the files the changes you make in the Advanced options dialog box affect, see the image below.) We recommend that you use one method to set variables, not both.
These files contain the default values for the variables which are set by default.
Options_username This file contains the changes you make to user-specific variables in the .ini Advanced options dialog box.
This file contains the changes you make to all other variables in the Advanced options dialog box. Copy this file to the system, project, or firm folders to share your settings with others.
For a complete list of the user-specific variables, see User variables in the online help.
Performance improvements
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes following improvements: Use more virtual memory, up to: 3 Gb in Windows XP started with /3GB switch. The /3GB switch increases the size of the virtual memory to 3 GB and restricts the kernel mode components to the remaining upper 1 GB. For more information, see Microsoft WHDC web page: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/platform/server/PAE/PAEmem.mspx . 4 Gb in x64 systems with 64 bit Windows XP / 2003. Empty string attributes (attributes that only contain a space " " or nothing "") no longer increase the size of the database. Tekla Structures now deletes empty string attributes when opening a single-user database, or converting a multiuser database. Modifying a view in models that contained DWG reference files used a lot of memory. This was because the DWG files contain triangular faces defined using four points. This is fixed. Tekla Structures now ignores the 4th point, which is the same as the 1st point. The reference files are also correctly read and displayed. Deleting parts from very complex assemblies is now faster..
To make minor modifications to an existing template, use Template Editor 2.2. To make major changes, or to create a new template, use Template Editor 3.2.
When you open a version 2.2 template in Template Editor 3.2, it prompts you to either convert the template, or click Retain and open the template in the old editor. Click Convert to convert the template and open it in Template Editor 3.2. You have to manually edit the template, before you can use it. Click Retain if you do not want to convert the template.
To start Template Editor 3.2: OR From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Tekla Structures
11.0 > Tools > Template Editor 3.2
From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Tekla Structures
11.0 > Tools > Template Editor 2.2
It contains several new features, including: Open several templates at the same time. Create almost any number of rules. Hide rows. For example, create more compact templates by hiding rows that only collect information for the summary row. Use row content types to filter out data. Row content types define what type of data a row can contain. Sum any fields together, for example, WEIGHT for parts and WEIGHT_GROSS for plates can now be summed.
Import AutoCad and MicroStation files into graphical templates. For example, import blocks to use as title block. You can define the scale of the inserted DWG file by a scale factor, by width and height or by the maximum size. Create templates to output content in several columns. Add user-defined attributes to templates and reports. Add hierarchies and comments to the user-defined attributes in the attribute tree in Template Editor. For more information, see User-defined attributes in templates in the online help. Convert Imperial units to system units (metric).
File location
Tekla Structures searches for the new templates in the following locations, in the following order: Folder Folder containing your templates Model Project Firm Environment-specific system templates System XS_PROJECT XS_FIRM XS_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_SYSTEM XS_SYSTEM Defined by variable XS_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY
To modify the folders these variables point to, click Tools > Advanced options and select the File locations group. Variable XS_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_SYSTEM is used to set the path to the default environment-specific templates delivered with Tekla Structures.
Tekla Structures searches for version 2.2 templates in two locations, in XS_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY and in the first folder containing templates: model project firm system templates system Once Tekla Structures finds a template in one of these folder, it stops searching.
If text- or graphics-based templates display incorrectly in Template Editor 3.2 (for example, texts overlap or aligning fields is difficult), ensure that your monitors DPI is set to Normal size (96dpi). To set DPI, open the Windows Control Panel and select Display
properties > Settings > Advanced > General > DPI setting. See also
Template editor help The Template Editor training manual on the Tekla extranet at https:// extranet.tekla.com
Log file
The log file now shows the object ID for objects with illegal chamfer parameters. To view the log file, click Tools > Display log file > Log file... The object ID is shown in the log file in line "Illegal parameters for chamfer: Object id: *id number*". To highlight the the incorrect object in the model, click the relevant line in the log file.
The log file now contains the file name and line number if there are errors or warnings about reading inp files (for example, objects.inp).
Inquire dialog
To copy text from the Inquire dialog box, select the text, right-click and select Copy from the pop-up menu (or press Ctrl + c). If you resize the Inquire dialog box to text automatically wraps. Using the Inquire bolts now displays the ID's of connected parts. The first ID is the first secondary part (the part with which the bolt is listed in reports), followed by the remaining secondary parts, an arrow and the primary part. For example: Connected part ID numbers: 256, 325 -> 178
Occasionally, some objects had incorrect globally unique IDs (GUID). Tekla Structures 11.0 assigns new GUIDs to these objects, which means the old incorrect GUIDs are no longer valid. If 11.0 you have exported the objects, then try to re-import them, you may have problems.
Save as
Saving the model to a folder other than TeklaStructuresModels no longer creates an empty subfolder in the autosave folder. The Save as command now also saves a copy of the Analysis subfolder.
Now the Part name checkbox in the Numbering setup dialog box also affects the Tools > Compare command. The Components checkbox has been removed from the Numbering setup dialog box. Messages in the numbering log file about overlapping series are now more informative. Illegal chamfer warnings no longer give a warning beep.
Using the Undo command only removes the last center of gravity point created, not all of them.
Error message
The error message SmartHeap Library MEM_BAD_POINTER. sometimes appeared when exiting Tekla Structures. This is due to a minor bug in the shw32.dll file contained in Microsoft Service Pack 2. This was fixed in later versions of the Microsoft OS. For more information, go to http://www.microquill.com/kb/xpsp2.htm.
Check database
The check database now identifies illegal profiles, as shown below:
Id | Object type | Inconsistency | Type -----------------------------------------------------------------Id: 43 | Part | Illegal profile: W21X44 | Warning Id: 115 | Part | Illegal profile: W21X44 | Warning Id: 155 | Part | Illegal profile: W21X44 | Warning Id: 239 | Part | Illegal profile: L4X3-1/2X3/8 | Warning Id: 317 | Part | Illegal profile: L4X3-1/2X3/8 | Warning -----------------------------------------------------------------Total 5 inconsistencies
This section describes the following new features and fixes: Sketching cross sections (p. 92) Show or hide handles (contour plates and concrete slabs) (p. 94) Selecting part handles (p. 95) Binding objects to different types of plane (p. 95) Making construction lines magnetic (p. 96) Improvements to copy and move tools (p. 97) Surface treatment (p. 97) Miscellaneous (p. 101)
Tekla Structures includes the following tools for sketching parametric cross sections:
Sketch arc Sketch circle Sketch free distance Sketch horizontal distance Sketch vertical distance Sketch radial dimension Parallel constraint Perpendicular constraint Coincident constraint Creates a dimension between two points you pick. Creates a horizontal dimension between the points you pick. Creates a vertical dimension between the points you pick. Creates a radial dimension for the arc or circle you pick. Forces lines to be parallel to each other. Forces lines to be perpendicular to each other. Forces two lines to start or end at the same point, by extending or shortening one or both lines.
Fixed constraint Horizontal constraint Vertical constraint Display variables Forces line to be parallel to the local x axis. Forces line to be parallel to the local y axis. Opens the Variables dialog box, where you can view, add and edit sketch parameters.
Prompts you to name and save the cross section sketch. Click No to close the Cross section sketch editor view.
See also
For more information on how to create profiles using the Cross Section Sketch Editor, see Sketching and using cross sections and Sketching tools in the online help.
Hold down the Alt key, and select the parts again by clicking and dragging the mouse from left to right to define a window selection.
You can only bind objects to grid planes in the Model Editor:
Grid plane
See also
Current limitations
Construction circles cannot be magnetic. For more information on construction lines, see Points > Construction line in the online help.
When you try to copy an object to its current position (i.e. the dX, dY, and dZ fields are set to zero), Tekla Structures 11.0 displays a warning. Using the Clear button in the Copy - translate dialog box now also saves the values in the dialog box, so they apply to subsequent copy commands.
Surface treatment
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes tools to create surface treatments for concrete and steel parts, for example, unpainted areas, fire proofing, special finishes, or tile patterns. Surface treatments are visible in models and can be included in drawings and reports. You can create surface treatment for entire part faces, or to a selected area:
To add surface treatment to the face of a part: 1. Double-click the Create face surfacing icon to define the properties of the surface treatment in the Surfacing properties dialog box: :
Color - color in rendered views.
Click Apply or OK to save the properties and close the dialog box. Select the part face to apply the surface treatment to: Ensure you are in a rendered view. Move the mouse cursor over a part, the faces that you can select appear in blue. Click a part face to select it.
4. 5.
When prompted, pick the origin and direction of the surface treatment. Tekla Structures creates the surface treatment.
Add to selected area
Repeat steps 4 and 5 to continue adding the surface treatment to part faces.
Use the Create polygon surfacing tool to add surface treatment to a selected area, for example you can specify unpainted areas of steel when you need to bolt an endplate to an unpainted surface:
To add surface treatment to a polygonal area: 1. Double-click Create polygon surfacing icon to define the properties of the surface treatment in the Surfacing properties dialog box: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Enter or modify the surface treatment properties to use. Click Apply or Ok to save the properties and close the dialog box. Select the part you add surface treatment to. Pick points to indicate a polygonal area. When prompted, pick the origin and direction of the surface treatment. Tekla Structures creates the surface treatment.
Cut parts
If you add surface treatment to a part face that has openings, Tekla Structures uses cut parts and cut planes to cut the surface treatment. Check that the cut part cuts through the entire surface treatment.
Use the chamfers on surface treatment corners to reshape and move the corners. You can also create cuts to add openings to surface treatments.
The Type and Surfacing name properties in the Surfacing properties dialog box, are defined in product_finishes.dat file, located in the ..environments\*your_environment*\system folder. To add surface treatments to the file, edit it using any text editor and save it in the Firm folder (indicated by the variable XS_FIRM). The first section of the file defines the types of surface treatment available. Do not edit this section:
// // // // // // // // // // Product finishes ------------------------Type : Type of surfacing 1 = concrete finish 2 = special mix 3 = tile surface 4 = steel finish : Abbreviation code used in drawings and reports : This is the name used in reports
Code Name
The remaining sections define the options for each surfacing type. This is where you add new options.
// // // // // 1 1 1 ========================================= *** Concrete Finish ========================================= WET FINISH ---------MF "Magnesium Float" SMF "Smooth Magnesium Float" WT "Wet Trowel"
1 is the surface treatment type (concrete finish) MF is the code for the surface treatment option "Magnesium Float" is the full name of the surface treatment option
This might affect plates created with older versions as follows: NC file contour points might start from a different point. Stick models make appear different.
Xsnap now also works for user-defined plane reference points. Deselecting a bolt group now also deselects bolt group handles. Bolt group handles are now visible in rendered views, even if the bolt is only a hole. Hole group handles are now also correctly displayed. The order in which bolts are selected no longer gives different clash check results. Standard grid view settings are now automatically loaded when opening a model.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.0 Common features
Some welded assymmetrical profiles disappeared from rendered views when you changed the display properties in another view from fast to exact. Fixed. Incorrect snap between part reference line and geometry line is now disabled. The list of saved filters now updates correctly when you change a model. Picking a plane sometimes generated unneeded planes or used a lot of memory, for example, when binding a point to plane or creating surface treatments. Fixed. Occasional runtime errors during multiuser save occurred when model contained multidrawings. Fixed. The Load list box did not display saved properties when you doubleclicked a reference object to open the Reference object properties dialog box. Fixed.
This section describes the following new features and fixes: Associative drawings (p. 103) Dimensioning improvements (p. 108) Dimension line tags (p. 110) Unfolding fixes (p. 110) Weld symbol improvements (p. 111) Drawing list improvements (p. 111) Elevation dimensions (p. 113) Improvements to section view symbols and labels (p. 114) Drawing color (p. 115) Templates and reports (p. 115) Miscellaneous (p. 116)
Associative drawings
All drawing types in Tekla Structures 11.0 are associative. This means that drawing objects are linked to model objects, so that most drawing objects automatically update if the model changes, but you do not lose manual changes made to drawings. All drawing types are associative, whether created manually or automatically. Tekla Structures updates the following drawing objects to reflect changes in the model: Marks Dimensions Welds Views Section symbols To keep manual changes made to single-part, assembly, and cast-unit drawings, freeze the drawings. It is not necessary to freeze general arrangement or multidrawings, they are always associative. Tekla Structures keeps the following manual changes made to drawings:
Associative symbol
Base points of drawing objects, for example if you drag an object to a new location. Drawing object properties, for example color, font, and line type.
The associative symbol is not plotted. To toggle the associative symbol on and off, click Setup > Associative symbol, or use the shortcut Shift + A. If you add manual dimensions to a drawing that includes hidden parts, such as bolts, the associative symbol helps you check that you picked the right creation points for the dimensions. If the dimension line does not have an associative symbol, the dimension is not associative.
Here are some examples that show associative drawings before and after modifying the model:
Example 1
Example 2
Before: Various marks and dimensions manually added to a general arrangement drawing:
After: After moving the right column 500mm to the right, the manual marks do not change.
Example 3
After: After column height 1 is modified in the model, the dimensions automatically update in the drawing:
If you delete an object in a model, the corresponding drawing objects are also deleted in drawings.
If you change the ID of a part in a model, the related drawing objects will not be updated if the model changes. Grid dimensions are associated with the grid line name. If you rename grid lines in a model, Tekla Structures deletes the grid dimensions associated with them in the drawings. To prevent drawing views from being deleted when associated objects are removed from the model, use the following variables: Set variable XS_INTELLIGENCE_DO_NOT_REMOVE_OBSOLETE_VIEWS to TRUE, to prevent obsolete views from being deleted from drawings. FALSE is the default. Set variable XS_INTELLIGENCE_DO_NOT_REMOVE_OBSOLETE_VIEWS_IN_GA to TRUE to prevent obsolete views from being deleted from general arrangement drawings. TRUE is the default.
To set these variables, go to the Drawing properties category in the Advanced options dialog box (no restart required), or manually edit the batch files. For more information on variables, see Batch file settings in the user interface (p. 84).
Models created with earlier versions
Only objects created in Tekla Structures 11.0 are associative. For example, if you add dimension to a drawing created with earlier version, only dimension added in Tekla Structures 11.0 will be updated if the model changes. To prevent Tekla Structures from automatically updating drawings if the model changes, clear the Value field for the variable XS_INTELLIGENT_DRAWING_ALLOWED, in the Drawing properties category of the Advanced options dialog box. Set variable XS_INTELLIGENT_DRAWING_ALLOWED_IN_GA to FALSE to prevent general arrangement drawings from being associative. Note that this prevents your part marks and dimensions to be automatically updated when the model changes.
Current limitations
Drawing objects such as lines, polygons, and circles are not associative in Tekla Structures version 11.0.
Dimensioning improvements
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes new options to define the format of equal dimensions in assembly, single-part, and cast unit drawings. 1. 2. In the drawing properties dialog box, click Dimensioning..., to open the
Dimensioning properties dialog box.
To select the format to use when combing equal dimensions, select a format in the Combine equal dimensions field on the Position dimensions tab, the options are 3*60 or 3*60 = 180:
To define how many equal dimensions must exist before they are combined, enter a number in the Minimum number to combine field.
For example:
Combine equal dimensions set to Off:
Combine equal dimensions set to 3*60=180, and four equal dimensions (1200 mm) are combined:
Current limitations
Combine equal dimensions feature does not work with US absolute and US absolute 2 dimension types.
To add dimension line tags: 1. 2. Double-click the dimension line to open the Dimension properties dialog box. Go to the Tag tab, and enter the dimension line tags.
Unfolding fixes
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes the following fixes: Bend angles in unfolded plates are now visible in multi-drawings. The Unfolded option in the View properties dialog box of single part, assembly, GA and multi drawings now works correctly: You can now only update dimensions by recreating the view in the drawing level view properties.
Set the variable XS_UNFOLDING_PLANE_EPSILON to define epsilon when checking if all section points are in the same plane. The default value for this variable is 0.01 mm. To set the variable, click Tools > Advanced options, and go to the Speed and accuracy category.
Root opening
Effective throat
See also
Renamed columns, see illustration below Title fields in the drawings list Include up to 20 user-defined attributes in the drawings list.
Title column renamed Name
Title fields contains the drawing titles defined in the Drawing properties dialog box:
User-defined attributes
To include a user-defined attribute in the Drawings dialog box: 1. To define a user-defined attribute in the drawing properties: click Userdefined attributes... in the drawing properties dialog box:
To display user-defined attribute in the Drawings list, you must set special_flag (formerly consider_in_numbering) to yes for the userdefined attribute in the objects.inp file:
Close Tekla Structures and restart the program to activate your changes. The user-defined attributes you defined now appear in the Drawings dialog box.
Opening drawings
Checking of drawings is now made much easier and faster than before. From now on, you can keep the drawing list closed while going through the drawings, as you can Open next (default shortcut Ctrl+Down) or Open previous (default shortcut Ctrl+Up) drawing without having to pick them from the drawing list.
See also
Common drawing properties in the online help. User-defined attributes in drawings in the online help.
Elevation dimensions
In Tekla Structures 11.0 you can modify how elevations are dimensioned using the Datum point for elevations field on the Attributes tab in the drawing view properties dialog box:
The datum point is a reference point relative to which the elevations are calculated. You can define different datum points for drawings and views.
To specify which section view symbol to display: In the Section symbol properties dialog box, select an option in the Symbol list box.
To modify section labels: Open the View properties dialog box by double-clicking the border of the section view. On the Label tab, enter the label text in the Text field.
Drawing color
By default drawings have a white background and black lines. To create colored drawings, set the variable XS_USE_COLOR_DRAWINGS to TRUE (go to the Drawing view category in the Tools > Advanced options dialog box). To change the drawing color in the drawing editor, click Setup >
Black and white drawing, or use the keyboard shortcut b.
Drawing and project user-defined attribute values are now correct in ASSEMBLY and ASSEMBLY_PART type templates. The ASSEMBLY_TOP_LEVEL field now includes the top level of the part, even if the solid is cut.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.0 Common features
The ASSEMBLY_WEIGHT field in part marks now calculates the weight of the assembly from all objects in the assembly, even if the whole assembly is not within the drawing view. The report fields FLANGE_LENGTH_U, FLANGE_LENGTH_B, WEB_LENGTH now display the correct lengths.
The NAME field in report templates displays the text entered in the Name field in the Surfacing properties dialog box.
Part marks
Part marks are now oriented to match beams.
Create > Part marks > All parts did not work correctly. Now Tekla
Structures ignores the visibility settings and creates marks in all existing views. Option type user-defined attributes now return the text value to part marks instead of zero.
Drawing hatches
To speed up opening drawings that contain hatches, Tekla Structures now buffers hatches. Use the following variable to adjust the size of the buffer: XS_HATCH_SEGMENT_BUFFER_SIZE. The default value is 100000. If the drawing contains very complicated hatches, try using a larger value. For small hatches, use a smaller value. You do not need to restart Tekla Structures to activate changes to this variable.
Sometimes Tekla Structures combined the grid lines of several drawing grids. Fixed. When you moved a model grid in a drawings x and y directions, the drawing grid and any manual edit were deleted and a new grid created. Fixed. Grids created in the model after creating a drawing now appear correctly in the drawings.
In general arrangement drawings, parts not completely within the drawing view are now left open. This applies also affects section views. , Bevel dimensions now appear on the face of plates, not the edge. The layout field was not recognized when you modified drawings, only "table layout" field was recognized. Fixed. If a bolt or bolt hole was located near the boundary of a drawing view, opening a drawing sometimes locked up Tekla Structures. Fixed. Modifying the properties of a multi-drawing deleted the update flag, so you could open the multi-drawing even if it was not updated. Now if some drawings have an update flag, Tekla Structures prompts you to update the drawing:
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.0 Common features
Select Yes to update and modify all selected drawings, Select Cancel to only modify up-to-date drawings and ignore those with an update flag.
Section symbols appeared in the wrong place if you created section view from a rotated view. Fixed. Modifying the Section symbol offset value at the drawing level caused the whole drawing to be recreated. Fixed.
Sometimes when you double-clicked an absolute dimension to open the Dimension properties dialog box, Tekla Structures used the relative dimension type, instead of the absolute. Fixed. Tekla Structures 11.0 displays a warning on the status bar if you try to modify the protection settings of a frozen drawing. You can now also snap to reference objects in drawings using the Geometric points snap switch. Grid lines now correctly snap to the edges of a shortening cut, instead of disappearing. If a general arrangement drawing contained studs and bolt presentation was set to solid, opening a general arrangement drawing was sometimes slow. Fixed. Sometimes when printing a landscape report the text was too narrow. Fixed. The Arial and Arial Narrow fonts no longer appear the same in drawings. Selecting GA drawings from the Drawing list and modifying them with the General arrangement drawing properties dialog box now correctly modifies all properties. Plotting a drawing to DXF or DWG file no longer changes font width. The Plot dialog box no longer rounds up the drawing scale up to the next decimal place. Line weight no longer appears too thin in black and white mode when you print a drawing. Symbols moved in drawings using drag and drop now no longer move back when you modify them.
Import IFC2x2 models (IfcBuildingElement class and sub-classes only) as reference models. This means you can use data from architectural software, such as ArchiCAD, Allplan, Bentley Architecture, and ADT. For more information on using reference models, see Reference models in the online help. Tekla Structures supports only IFC2x2 reference files, you can see the file format in the IFC file header:
IFC Export
Tekla Structures 11.0 exports both IFC2x and IFC2x2 files. It exports the following entities: IfcBeam IfcColumn IfcSlab IfcWallStandardCase IfcPlate
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.0 Common features
Use IFC export tab in a parts user-defined attributes dialog box to define how to export parts:
See also
For more information on the properties on the IFC export tab and how to export IFC files, see Exporting IFC in the online help.
Current limitations
IFC export does not support tapered members Some special profiles are not supported. Exporting curved beams is not always working correctly. In some cases polybeams are placed and rotated incorrectly.
Miscellaneous fixes
When you use the variable XS_USE_NEW_PLATE_DESIGNATION Steel 2000 and KISS exports now contain the correct values. When you set the variable XS_DGN_EXPORT_USE_LOCAL_ID to TRUE to use the local ID in 3D DGN export, it now works correctly. Importing the entire profile catalog from any environment to the UK environment did not work if the existing catalog already contained a cross-section with same name and the suffix _ 2. Now the imported cross-sections have the suffix _3, _4, etc. Adding DXF files to a drawing no longer generates extra lines between bolts. Profile rotation values in SDNF files are no longer doubled when importing. Selecting Export all in 3D DGN exports no longer causes the export to fail.
Custom components
This section describes the following new features and fixes: Performance improvements (p. 121) New properties for custom components (p. 122) Editing custom components (p. 123) Define parameters for part adds (p. 125) Imperial units in formulas (p. 125) New detail position options (p. 126) Miscellaneous (p. 126)
Performance improvements
Tekla Structures 11.0 creates and modifies custom components faster than previous versions.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.0 Common features
Tekla Structures no longer recreates custom components when saving in multiuser mode, which makes the save faster, particularly for slow hard disks or if logs are written to a network drive. Custom components that contain hundreds of parts now work faster.
When you copied custom connections to a model, or imported or exported them, Tekla Structures copied the system connections within custom connections as custom connections. This increased the size of the xslib.db1 and slowed down opening the model. This has been fixed, but this fix does not correct the results of this problem in existing custom component libraries. To fix an existing custom component library: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Backup the model. Open the model. Export all custom components. Close the model and Tekla Structures. Delete xslib.db1 from the model folder. Open Tekla Structures and the model. Import the custom components into the model. Save the model.
Save the custom component and exit the custom component editor.
When you open the custom component properties dialog box, you now have the option to create or not create the part:
When you edit a custom component, Tekla Structures shows the library definition of the component in the editor, and the modifications you make are saved to the xslib.db1 file.
The main benefits of storing edited custom components to the library definition are: You can edit custom components from the component catalog, by right-clicking the component and selecting Edit custom component.
You can edit any custom component imported into the component catalog, not only the ones in the current model. The difference between the custom component in the model and the component you edit in the custom component editor is now more clear. You see the unmodified custom component in the editor. For example, if a custom component uses the Creation option, Tekla Structures shows the library definition of the component in the editor, with all parts visible, even if you set the create parts option to No in the current model. If you remove the xslib.db1 file from the current model folder, you cannot edit or export custom components.
Tekla Structures 11.0 handles outline planes differently. Plane names are more descriptive and the distances bound to outline planes of asymmetrical profiles are more effective. Custom components created with earlier versions that includes distances bound to outline planes may not work correctly in version 11.0. When you open an old custom component in the new Custom component editor, Tekla Structures asks if you want to update the component. The options are:
Yes: The component is updated to Tekla Structures version 11.0.
If you update the component, check the component in the editor, especially the distances.
No or Cancel: The component is not updated, and will work in the
See also
For more information, see Parametric modeling and Part add in the online help.
Use the following formats to identify feet, inches and fractions: Format imp(x) imp(x,x) imp(x,x,x) imp(x,x,x,x) Example imp(1) imp(1,2) imp(1,1,2) imp(1,1,1,2) Meaning 1 inch 1/2 inch 1 1/2 inches 1 foot, 1 1/2 inches Result 342.90mm 38.10mm 12.70mm 25.40mm
log box:
Select a checkbox to indicate the position of the definition point of the detail, relative to the main part. Use the Horizontal offset and Vertical offset fields to define the horizontal and vertical alignment of the detail, relative to the primary part.
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes the following fixes:
Exploding a custom part by clicking Detailing > Explode component and picking the custom part now works. When you used the graphic options in list boxes in the custom component dialog box the settings did not change. Fixed. Parts created with custom component now get the current phase number. Mapping properties in nested custom components now works correctly. The minimum size of the component catalog has been reduced. Use the following variables to adjust the size, then re-open the component catalog: Collection names are truncated to 12 characters. To change this, use Advanced options > Modeling > XS_COMPONENT_CATALOG_COLLECTION_NAME_LENGTH. This may increase the size of the component dialog box. To adjust the size of thumbnails to between 6 and 96 pixels, use Advanced options > Modeling > XS_COMPONENT_CATALOG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE . The default is 96 pixels.
Position in relation to primary part no longer disappears from the component dialog box if you modify the component in the Custom component editor.
This section describes the following new features and fixes: Component catalog improvements (p. 128) Use Excel in connection design (p. 134) Miscellaneous (p. 135)
Thumbnail view:
By default, components are grouped in folders based on their type and framing condition. You can add and remove components, and create folders and subfolders. Information on the folders you create is stored in the file ComponentCatalogTreeView.txt located in the attributes folder in the current model folder. The default tree settings are stored in the file ComponentCatalogTreeView.txt file, located in the folder ..\TeklaStructures\11.0\environments\*your environment*\system. If you modify the default tree, your settings are stored in the current model folder. To create new folders in the tree view, right-click a level in the tree and select an option from the popup menu:
Grouping components Create new folder to create folder at the same level Create new sub-folder to create a folder one level below
1. 2. 3.
In the Component catalog, enter your search criteria and click Search. To group the search results in a new folder, click Store. In the Store search result dialog box, enter a name for the folder and click OK.
To remove components from a group, right-click the component and select: Remove, if it is a default group. or
Remove from search result if the folder was created from a search
If you click Delete, the component is deleted from the model. To remove a component from a group, always use Remove command.
Add or edit thumbnail images
To edit a thumbnail image for a component: 1. Create an image and save it in bmp format in ..\Tekla Structures\11.0\nt\bitmaps folder. To create the image, you can use Component basic view and Snapshot commands, for example.
2. 3. 4.
Press CTRL-f to open the component catalog. Right-click the component and select Change picture... Locate the thumbnail and select it:
5. 6.
Add or edit descriptions
To add component descriptions or edit existing ones: 1. 2. Click window. to view the description field in the lower section of the catalog
Select a component.
Click in the model. Tekla Structures prompts you to save the description. Select Yes to save it.
Descriptions you add or edit are stored in the current model folder in the file ..\attributes\ComponentDescriptions.csv. To use your component descriptions in other models, move the file to the system folder: ...\TeklaStructures\11.0\environments\*your environment*\system.
Add or edit keywords
To add or edit keywords, right-click a component in the component catalog, and select Edit keywords... Keywords you add or edit are saved in ComponentCatalog.txt file in the current model folder. You can combine ComponentCatalog.txt files and move them to the system folder: ...\TeklaStructures\11.0\environments\*your environment*\system.. Tekla Structures searches for the files in the following order: Folder Current model Project Firm System Defined by The open model variable XS_PROJECT variable XS_FIRM variable XS_SYSTEM
Many components are suitable to use in different situations. Now you can define the properties of a component to use in a specific situation, then save a copy in the component catalog to use in similar situations.
For example, well use the Bolted gusset (11) component as a single brace at the base plate of column.
To save a copy of the component, well right-click the component symbol in the model, and select Publish in catalog.... The Publish in catalog dialog box appears.
6. 7.
We can add the component to a specific group. By default, the component is added to the All group. By default the component uses the same thumbnail image as the original component. To change the thumbnail, see Add or edit thumbnail images (p. 131). Adding more than 255 characters to the description field generated an application error. Fixed.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.0 Common features
Searching for components by number now works correctly. For example, if you type 11 in the search field, the search results are confined to components that have the number 11.
Collection has been renamed Search result.
The folder ..\11.0\environments\country-independent\exceldesign contains the following files to help you to create your own spreadsheets: File name component_144.xls component_template.xls Description A sample file for component End plate
Tekla Structures transfers the component properties from the component properties dialog box to this sheet.
Tekla Structures transfers the component geometry and information on the main and secondary parts (for example, part profiles) to this sheet. This sheet includes calculations.
Excel adds modified values to the Outputs sheet. These values are transferred back to the component, and the component is modified accordingly.
To perform calculations, the Excel spreadsheet must contain the StartCalculation macro, which is included in the template file. You just use the sheet names shown in the template file.
See also
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes the following features and fixes: Macro symbols were selected but not highlighted in rendered views if parts of the macro were hidden. Fixed. The default color of construction lines created by a component has been changed from black. Lines located inside the work plane are yellow and lines outside the work plane are red. Tekla Structures 11.0 now automatically applies values in component dialog boxes before a save. This ensures that values in sub dialog boxes (Bolt or Weld) are also saved.
Tekla Structures version 11.0 is a main release and contains many new features and fixes.
Tekla Structures 11.0 is compatible with all previous versions. You can open and work with existing models using Tekla Structures 11.0. We recommend that you complete any models you have started using your current version. Once you save a model in Tekla Structures 11.0, you can no longer open it in older versions, in Xsteel, or in Xengineer.
Tekla Structures setup creates a new subfolder for Tekla Structures 11.0. You need Windows Administrator rights to install Tekla Structures 11.0. This ensures that all Windows system folder *.dll files are updated.
This chapter is divided into following sections: Modeling (p. 137) Drawings (p. 139) Import and export (p. 139) Components (p. 141)
This section describes the following new features and fixes: New weld options (p. 138)
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.0 Steel Detailing
Effective throat
The variable XS_BOLT_POSITION_TO_MIN_AND_MAX_POINT now works correctly. Use the variable to dimension minimum and maximum position for bolts. This variable can be used only when the dimension point is inside the bolt group, not when the point is, for example, in the part end. Positioning secondary parts (e.g. gusset plate) using By bolt dimensioning now creates horizontal and vertical dimensions both to the same hole: Previous versions
Sometimes parts at the left end of an assembly were used when calculating drawing view boundaries for an end view from the right end of the assembly. Fixed. Sometimes part cuts in the end of an assembly were included in the overall dimension of the part. Fixed. For Oversized bolt holes for bolts that did not have a slot value, bolt marks and bolt symbols were incorrect in drawings. Fixed. Tekla Structures 11.0 only relocates marks if the model changes. Sometimes slots appeared in the wrong direction in drawings. Fixed.
For more information on NC files dialog box, see Setting up NC files in the online help.
NC fixes
Plate nesting now recognizes slotted holes. If you included both assembly and part position in a hard stamp, Tekla Structures only included the assembly position in the NC filename. Fixed. Use the variable XS_DSTV_WRITE_BEHIND_FACE_FOR_PLATE to include (AK + IK) contours for front (v) and back (h) faces of plates in NC DSTV files. The default is to only include the front face. The variable XS_DSTV_NET_LENGTH now affects the part length in the EJE file in the MIS export dialog box. You can now open nesting results (DXF files) in AutoCAD.
This section describes the following new features and fixes: New help for tower and bracing components (p. 142) Improvements to existing moment connection checks (p. 142) US Design (p. 143) AutoConnection improvements (p. 143) Beam to beam connections (p. 143) Beam to column connections (p. 144) Gusset connections (p. 144) Macros and details (p. 144) Cold rolled (p. 145) Miscellaneous (p. 146)
Tekla Structures now reports buckling check results for lower flange plates if they are compressed New Net Tension Capacity and Gross Tension Capacity checks for shear plates Distribution of axial forces is now based on the relative area of the secondary members (flanges and web) New check for buckling length Results are shown using four digits
US Design
The values for Fv and Ft for various bolt scenarios are hard-coded in Tekla Structures. If you use an non-standard material grade, Tekla Structures uses the values Fv=17 kips and Ft=44 kips and adds a note to the report.
AutoConnection improvements
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes the following fixes: Using AutoConnections where beams did not touch the column caused application error. Fixed. AutoConnection did not connect parts that were not touching, even if the variable XS_AUTOCONNECTION_TOLERANCE was set.
Gusset connections
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes the following new features and fixes:
TS 11.0
The switch for indicating which part is slotted now works correctly.
Stanchions (S76)
You can now use Imperial units for spacing.
Turnbuckle (S3)
Tekla Structures now creates clevis pins with the correct rotation for horizontal or sloped bracing.
U Pan (S71), Wooden steps pan (S72), Polybeam pan (S73), and Z pan (S74) components include the following fixes: Unnecessary gap between bracket plate and stringer removed. Bracket no longer bolted to the top or bottom landing parts.
Stairs (S82): The image and the layout on the Picture tab has been improved. You can now create U-Pan stairs (S71) without entering a bracket profile thickness.This connects the bolts to the stringer, without a bracket.
Cold rolled
Ayrshire components
A new option, Remove washers, added to the Parameters tab.
Bridging (80)
Brackets were only visible in mid-span, not at the end of the first and last purlin. Fixed.
When you select the Sleeve option in a cold-rolled sleeved connection, the cleat is no longer moved.
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes the following features and fixes: The name Circular joining plates (124) has been changed to Round joining plates (124).
This section describes the following new features and fixes: Deforming parts (p. 147) Add surface treatment to parts (p. 149) Miscellaneous (p. 151)
Deforming parts
In Tekla Structures 11.0 you can warp, camber, and shorten concrete parts. You can use these tools to curve long sections that will settle on site, for example.
To warp a beam: 1. Double-click the beam to open the part properties dialog box. Go to the
Deforming tab.
2. 3. 4.
In the Start field, enter the angle of the beam at its start point, relative to the part reference line. In the End field, enter the angle of the beam at its end point, relative to the part reference line. Click Modify to warp the beam.
If you have customized the objects.inp file, ensure that the attributes warping1 and warping2 are not included in the file. They will override values entered in the part dialog box.
To camber a part: 1. 2. Double-click the part to open the part properties dialog box, and go to the
Deforming tab.
In the Cambering field, enter the degree of camber in the local z direction.
To shorten a part: 1. 2. 3. Double-click the part to open the part properties dialog box, and go to the
Deforming tab.
In the Shortening field, enter the shortening in the local z direction. Click Apply to modify the part.
Undeformed view
Parts may be warped, cambered or shortened in the final erected position, after fabrication. You can display parts in the model and in drawings in both their deformed and fabrication states. To view a part in its fabrication state in the model: Select the part and click View > Create view > Part undeformed view
See also
Show undeformed shape of parts in drawings (p. 153). Warping, cambering and shortening parts in the online help.
Define tile and mortar colors by assigning values for red, green, and blue, on a scale of 0 to 10. For example: Red = 10 0 0 Green = 0 10 0 Blue = 0 0 10 White = 10 10 10 Black = 0 0 0
5. 6.
Click Modify and Apply to save the tile pattern properties. To add the tiled surface treatment to a part, use the Create polygon surfacing or Create face surfacing command: or Pick the origin and the direction of the surface treatment. Pick the corners of the surface treatment or pick the part face,
To create tiling that runs continuously from one part to the next, pick the same origin for the surface treatment for all the parts:
Magnetic planes did not work correctly with polygon plate handles, because the center line of the polygon plate was incorrectly drawn. Fixed. Tekla Structures 11.0 creates rectangular reinforcing mesh in the direction of the current work plane if you try to create another direction. For example, if the work plane is the horizontal XY plane and you try to create the mesh in the vertical direction. When you use the the Inquire command on reinforcing bars, the reinforcing bar is highlighted, not just the main part.
If you added a steel part inside a concrete part cast unit and changed the embedded part, you could still open the cast unit drawing without running numbering. Fixed: You cannot open cast unit drawings if embedded objects have changed. Cast unit drawings are flagged P for numbering purposes, even if only embeds have changed. Tekla Structures compares embeds and will not open the drawing, even if embedded objects are not selected in numbering setup.
This section describes the following new features and fixes: Cast unit drawing improvements (p. 152) Show undeformed shape of parts in drawings (p. 153) Reinforcement marks and dimension lines (p. 154) Show tiled surface treatment in drawings (p. 155) Templates and reports (p. 157) Miscellaneous (p. 160)
To automatically open the drawing view in the drawing editor when you create a cast unit drawing, hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys and click Drawing > Cast unit drawing. This also works for assembly and single-part drawings.
When you used the Model option for Coordinate system in the Cast unit - view properties dialog box, plates were incorrectly oriented and the view direction was not taken into account. Fixed. If you clicked the Apply button before the Modify button in Cast unit bolt properties, Cast unit - bolt mark properties, and Cast unit - welding properties dialog boxes, the properties were not modified. Fixed.
3. 4.
Click Apply or OK to save the drawing view properties. Create the drawing.
See also
2. 3.
The display options are: Outline, Exact, Workshop form, Symbol, Bounding box, and Base box.
To show the tile pattern in the drawing, select the Show pattern checkbox. Click Apply or OK to save the drawing properties.
The drawing shows the tile surface treatment and the surface treatment mark:
To edit surface treatment marks: 1. Click the Surfacing mark... button in the drawing properties dialog box to open the Surfacing mark properties dialog box.
To show tile and mortar properties in surface treatment marks, use the following user-defined attributes: TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT, MORTAR_WIDTH, MORTAR HEIGHT, TILE_COLOR, and MORTAR_COLOR..
For example, to add tile width property to a surface treatment mark: 1. 2. Select User-defined attribute in the Elements list and click Add. In the Mark content dialog box, enter TILE_WIDTH:
4. 5.
Add surface treatment marks to the drawing, or modify existing ones. The surface treatment marks now include the tile width:
See also
In Template Editor 3.2, use the graphic field field_REBAR_SHAPE to show pull-out pictures.
Graphic fields have the following user-defined attributes which define their appearance: Attribute FontName FontSize FontColor RotationAxis Exaggeration EndMark Dimensions BendingAngle Default value romsim 2.0 1 2 1 1 1 1 black 0 = by view, 1 = by global Z, 2=by local axis 0 =no, 1=yes 1 = straight, 2=half arrow, 3=full arrow 0=no, 1=yes 0=no, 1=yes Description
To define the appearance of a graphic field in Template Editor 3.2, double-click the field to open the Graphical field properties dialog box and click the Free attributes... button:
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes the following features and fixes:
Sometimes reinforcement marks is fixed positions disappeared when you modified them. Fixed. The Place... button in the Cast unit - bolt mark properties dialog box no longer opens the wrong dialog box.
This section describes the following new features and fixes: Corbel connection (14) (p. 161) Seating with dowel connections (p. 161) Miscellaneous (p. 162)
An option to omit the end cut has been added to seating connections (75) and (77). This is required for multi-span beams.
An option to use a single bearing pad aligned with the column has been added to seating connections (76) and (78). This option overrides the alignment options on the Left beam and Right beam tabs. The dimensions and eccentricity of the bearing pad comes from the values for the left beam. If the eccentricity values on the Picture and Left beam tabs are zero, the bearing pad is created to the middle of the end of the column.
Column end cuts have been corrected in two-sided seating connections (76) and (78) for beams that are not parallel or with lower planes at different levels. The bearing pad is now automatically part of the column assembly. To prevent this, define a specific assembly number for the bearing pad in the component dialog box. This applies to seating connections (75), (76), (77), and (78).
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes the following features and fixes: When you modified a system component that added parts to a cast unit it sometimes removed other parts from the cast unit. Fixed. Cut parts created by concrete components generated warnings in the log file. Setting part representation to Fast in the View setup dialog box did not display polygon plates and cuts correctly. Fixed.
This section describes the following new features and fixes: Spiral reinforcement groups (p. 162) Reinforcement mesh properties (p. 164) Reinforcement components (p. 166) Miscellaneous (p. 170)
1. 2.
Double-click the Create circular reinforcing bar group icon Reinforcing bar properties dialog box. On the Group tab, select Spiral in the Rebar group type list box:
to open the
3. 4. 5. 6.
Enter or modify other properties, if required. Click Apply or OK. Select the part. Pick three points to define the stirrup.
See also
Description Click to select a mesh from the mesh catalog. Tekla Structures applies the following properties to the mesh type: Diameter, Pitching, Left overhang and Right overhang. Does not define the size of the mesh.
Creation method
Defines whether the bars are evenly distributed or not, for both longitudinal and crossing bars.
Pitching (previously spacing)
Description In previous versions, this was called spacing. Use the Pitching fields to define the pattern of both longitudinal and crossing bars:
You can use more than one pitch value. For example, Longitudinal: 3*200 3*600 2*100 Cross: 4*200 4*100 If you define several pitch values, you cannot manually define the dimensions of the mesh. Tekla Structures automatically calculates the width and length of the mesh using the values in the Pitching, Left overhang, and Right overhang fields. The Mesh type option you select also affects which dimensions you can manually enter.
Left overhang Right overhang
Define the overhang of longitudinal and crossing bars. These options are only available when Creation method is set to By varying spacings.
Tekla Structures takes the default properties for mesh from the file mesh_database.inp, located in the ...\environments\*your environment*\profil folder.
Reinforcement components
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes the following new features and fixes:
To use: 1. 2. Pick the part. To attach the reinforcement to the entire part, pick the first position, or, to attach reinforcement mesh to a selected area, pick points to indicate the polygonal shape of the reinforcement. 3.
When you define more than one set of distances in the Bar pitching field, e.g. 10*200 15*200, this component now uses them all, not just the first one.
Description Create flexural, shear or flange reinforcement for double tee beams.
Automated reinforcement layout - ledge spandrel (55)
Rebar spacing is now correctly calculated: To create a rebar group with exact spacing and flexible first and last spaces, select the One zone option in the Arrangement field and the Spacing option in the Creation method field. To create a rebar group in three zones, with exact spacing and a flexible first space, select the Three zones option in the Arrangement field and the Spacing option in the Creation method field for the first zone. To create a rebar group in three zones, with exact spacing and flexible first and last spaces, select the Three zones option in the Arrangement field and the Spacing option in the Creation method field for the middle zone. To create a rebar group in three zones, with exact spacing and a flexible last space, select the Three zones option in the Arrangement field and the Spacing option in the Creation method field for the third.
When comparing bent meshes, spacing were not always correctly compared. Fixed. Bent meshes were given unique position numbers. Fixed. Reinforcing bars that were not perpendicular to the view plane were not visible in cross section views. Fixed. Cover thickness was not always created correctly for polygonal meshes. Fixed.
To automatically connect parts in the analysis model, even if they have a large tolerance gap you can change the expansion in the axial direction using the variable XS_AD_SOLID_AXIAL_EXPAND_MM. If this variable is not set, the default value of 1mm is used.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.0 Analysis and design
AS 1250 SNiP-11-23-81 AIJ
Description Australian design code for steel Russian design code for steel Japanese design code for steel
The following design codes have been added for concrete: Option
AS 3600 SNiP-2.03.01 AIJ See also
Description Australian design code for concrete Russian design code for concrete Japanese design code for concrete
Composite beam to manually change composite beam properties,
Automatic composite beam: to have Tekla Structures automati-
cally recognize composite beams and calculate the effective slab width 2. 3. If you chose Composite beam, select the slab Material and Thickness. Select Effective slab width: Enter the value, or
Have Tekla Structures automatically calculate the effective slab width by dividing the span length of the beam by the value you enter. For example, if span length is 8.0 meters, factor 8 is used for both left and right. So the effective width of the slab is: ((0.5*8.0)/8) + ((0.5*8.0)/8), = 1.0 meter
Run the analysis to calculate the effective slab width. The effective width cannot exceed the maximum distance to the next beam: For the Composite beam option, slab width is zero if there are no adjacent beams. The Automatic composite beam option enables Tekla Structures to calculate slab width, even if there are no adjacent beams.
Effective width must be less than half the distance to the nearest composite beam.
Right click and select Inquire to see the analysis results. The results that relate to composite beams are: Effective width slab thickness slab material concrete strength rib width and height stud diameter and length
Load groups
Tekla Structures 11.0 includes the following improvements: You no longer need to create load groups before applying loads in the model. The dialog box name is now Load groups New Current field and Set current button in the Load Groups dialog box. You can select loads by load groups and load groups by loads. Right-click a load group to export or import it.
The Loads toolbar contains the following new options: A list box to select a load Open Load groups group dialog box
The default load groups are defined in the DefaultLoadGroups.lgr file, located in ..\TeklaStructures\11.0\environments\*your environment*\system folder.
Optimizes only the parts included in the analysis model. By default, Tekla Structures considers ULS and LG load combinations. Use the Serviceability limit state switch to also consider SLS and LG load combinations
Selected parts
The same as Analysis model parts and also optimizes selected parts, and parts not included in the analysis model if their design group matches the design group of a part in the analysis model.
Serviceability limit state
If limit state design is active, this option includes the serviceability limit state in the optimization. The Serviceability limit state option will be available in version 11.1.
Loads were not distributed to walls and slabs using load panel system. A tolerance problem in load distribution caused missing area loads and differences in total line load. Load distribution sometimes created a point load at an incorrect node on a column. This also occurred with walls connected to columns, creating split nodes.
Using the extended clash check method with parallel or nearly parallel clashing members did not work correctly. Fixed. The AISC ASD connection check includes the following fixes: SSL and LSL values were missing for bolt grades A325N, A325X, A490N, and A490X where the hole type is NSL in AISC manual table I-D page 4-5. NSL = Long-or short-slotted holes normal to load direction. Design check calculations used a default bolt strength when you used bolt grades A325N, A325X, A490N, and A490X and the bolt group contained slotted or oversized holes. Fixed. Now uses the bolt strength defined in AISC manual.
You can now define different offsets for the nodes at the start and end point of a concrete panel. When longitudinal analysis offsets were used on a beam, the loads applied on the beam were positioned incorrectly. Fixed. Analysis member offsets were not taken into account when creating node points on the edge of walls that contained door openings. Fixed. The full analysis model did not work correctly if it was created before creating any loads in the model. None of the loads created later were added to the analysis model. Fixed. The load form picture was not updated on the Magnitude tab, if you loaded saved properties. A similar refresh problem also affected load panel properties on all load dialog boxes, and analysis properties on part dialog boxes. Trapezoidal member loads were not generated correctly when members were outside the load plane. Extra nodes were created on beams due to incorrectly detected clashes with slabs or walls.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 11.0 Analysis and design
Analysis sometimes failed for concrete panels and slabs, because the default plane for concrete panels was the top plane in the German, Indian, Dutch, UK, US imperial, and US metric environments. The default plane has now been changed to middle. The tolerance for checking loads are inside plates has also been increased. Moment release at the end of a beam connected to a wall panel was not applied in the analysis model. Fixed. Using the member end release method, the By connection option gave incorrect analysis results. The hard-coded default values for member end restraints of connections were incorrect. Fixed. Tekla Structures did not create a rigid link between a beam and a wall created using the column tool. Where walls connected in a corner, the node points of one wall effected all neighboring walls resulting in too dense a triangle mesh. Now the nodes are merged to form a single shared node. The size of analysis elements created for walls or slabs sometimes varied considerably resulting in badly-formed triangles. The Element size in the dialog box is now an approximate value. Tekla Structures automatically rounds it up or down to form elements of the same size. The analysis log is now cleared each time analysis is run. Accepting all optimization results was very slow if Analysis utility
check was selected in the Colors dialog box. Fixed.
Analysis optimization sometimes suggested changing a library profile to a parametric profile (for example RHS150*5 to RHS150*150*5) with the same cross-section area. Now the profile name is retained if the cross section area of the optimized profile and the original profile are within 1 mm2 of each other. Analysis sometimes did not run, because the analysis method option in the analysis model properties was sometimes blanked out. Fixed. The following problems that occured when applying horizontal line loads to walls have been fixed: The load had to be positioned exactly on the selected analysis plane (e.g. the middle plane). Areas of the load that were not on the wall disappeared. Tekla Structures created nodes at the load point, even if nodes already existed, which caused problems with element meshing.
It was not possible to modify the load result created with Wind load generator (28) macro by double-clicking the load, when the component objects select switch was active. Fixed.
The Inquire command showed the default user-defined attribute value 2147483647. Modifying analysis-related user-defined attributes without the A&D module installed caused an internal error, which resulted in incorrect values for those user-defined attributes.