Week 1 GP2
Week 1 GP2
Week 1 GP2
a. Electric Charge
c. Coulomb’s Law
B. Performance Standard Use theoretical and experimental approaches to solve multi-concept and rich-context problems involving electricity and magnetism
C. Learning Describe using a diagram Explain the role of electron transfer in Describe experiments to show electrostatic State that there are positive
Competency/Objectives charging by rubbing and charging electrostatic charging by rubbing charging by induction STEM_GP12EM- IIIa- and negative charges and that
by induction STEM_GP12EM- STEM_GP12EM- IIIa-2 3 charge is measured in
IIIa-1 coulomb. STEM_GP12EM-
GAD Integration-Equalized opportunities
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous lesson Electrons transferred in any The object attracted is said to have The number of protons and electrons in an Like charges repel and unlike
or presenting the new lesson charging process. In the case acquired charge or electrified. Because atom is equal: hence, an atom is neutral. charges attract
charging by friction, they are the charge is at rest, it is often referred
transferred between the two to as static electricity.
objects being rubbed together
B. Establishing a purpose for Electrons transferred in any Why do people experience electric How great is this force of
the lesson charging process. In the case shock? attraction or repulsion
charging by friction, they are between charges?
transferred between the two
objects being rubbed together.
Electrons transferred in any
charging process. In the case
charging by friction, they are
transferred between the two
objects being rubbed together.
C. Presenting A grounding wire is simply a Electrostatic is the study of all Electrostatic charge by rubbing is responsible Through experimentation,
examples/Instances of the conductor that connects the object phenomena associated with electric for the checking of these requirements. coulomb discovered that the
new lesson to the ground. charges at rest magnitude of electrical force
between two charged
particles is directly
proportional to the product of
the magnitudes of the
charges and inversely
proportional the square of the
distance between them.
D. Discussing new concepts Rub a piece of ebonite (very hard, Paper strips attracted by a charged CD The human hair is combed using rubber comb.
and practicing new skills # black rubber) across a piece of
1 animal fur
E. Discussing new concepts Rub a glass rod with a piece of Styrofoam peanuts clinging to a cat’s fur Did the glass rod gain or lose electrons?
and practicing new skills # silk. due to static electricity
F. Developing mastery Determine charge on a piece of From those as simple as the attraction of How do charged bodies
(leads to Formative copper if you rub it with a piece the plastic wrap to one’s hand after it is interact with other charged
Assessment 3) of silk removed from a package to the bodies?
apparently spontaneous explosion of
grain silos, the damage of electronic
components during manufacturing, and
photocopier and laser printer operation.
G. Finding practical Electrostatic involves the buildup of . In the triboelectric series, the electron affinity
application of concepts and charge on the surfaces. of human hair is lower than rubber
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and Induction is the process in which, To understand Electrostatic, the The force between two point
abstractions about the when we bring two substances structure of the atom must first be charges is directly
lesson near to each other due to the understood. An atom is made up of proportional to the product of
property of induction there is subatomic particles--protons, neutrons, the charged divided by the
movement of charge carriers from and electrons. square of the distance
one substance to another between them
substance but the objects are not
physically touch each other.
I. Evaluating learning 1. What does it mean to induce a 1.What is Electrostatic? In terms of charge, proton is positively
charge? 2.Give some examples and explain. You charged, the electron is negatively charged,
2.What is the basic different may provide pictures and the neutron carriers no charge.
between charging by induction
and charging by friction method?
3. How can we charge two
spheres by induction method?
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other