Principles and Strategies of Teaching in Health Education: Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development
Principles and Strategies of Teaching in Health Education: Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development
Principles and Strategies of Teaching in Health Education: Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development
The Human development is about the remarkable journey that everyone has
taken through their lifespan from the union of the egg cell and sperm cell, through
childhood and adolescence up to the unfolding of adult life.
Human development focuses on improving the lives of the people automatically,
to a greater wellbeing.
Growth is sequential
Growth is continuous
Growth is patterned
Stages of Development
Lewis Terman of England is considered as the Father of Modern Intelligence Quotient Test
140+ Genius
120-129 Superior
50-69 Moron
49 BELOW Imbecile/idiot
(feeble minded)
Concept of Teaching
Concept of Learning
The Teacher
Learning Theories
Learning Theory
D. Conditioned Response
a response elicited after a conditioning process
Learning Paradigm
Before Conditioning:
Neutral Stimulus:
Recess Time = Child put out snack for each encounter with oral command
Ex. When you give a dog a food treat and tell him “Good boy”, he’s getting both the
primary stimulus of the treat and the secondary reinforcement of the verbal praise.
Learning Paradigm
Situation no. 1
Operant behavior= Diane studied hard and got 98 in the last test in Math
Situation no.2
Negative reinforcement= escapes home chores, increase the chances of getting high
Four phases:
a. Attention (concentration)
b. Retention (an ability to retain things in mind)
c. Reproduction (the act or process of reproducing)
d. Motivation (the act or process of motivating someone)
Components of the Educative Process
1. Learner
2. Teacher (involved in the learning process)
3. School (the learning situation)
1. Teacher
2. Learner
3. Subject Matter
With changing educational goals, the choice of methods becomes important, how
then will the teacher decide what methods to use?
These are the things to consider, the educational objectives or the aim of the lesson, the
nature of the subject matter or the lesson, the nature of the learners, school
equipment and facilities and the teacher.
It makes use of the principles of learning and allows the operation of these
principle such as readiness, exercise, and effect as provided for. The lecture is a
good method for adult and not for small children.
It utilizes the principles of learning by doing field trips and experiments provide
first-hand experiences.
It provides for individual differences. A method should be flexible enough to
serve the bright, the average, and the slow learners.
It stimulates thinking and reasoning.
It provides for growth and development. Children should grow in knowledge
and ideas; in habits; skills and abilities; in attitude and sentiments.
Methods play a vital role in teaching. They are the avenues that must be followed to
realize a desired learning goal.
a. Lecture Method
b. Case study
c. Clinical learning Education
d. Group discussion
e. Seminar
f. Tutorial
Teaching is more effective and student learning is enhance when:
a) Discovery Approach
Which refers to an inductive method of guiding students to discuss and
organize ideas and processes by themselves.
b) Process Approach
In the new curriculum emphasizes it emphasizes science as a process
whereby the child learns to understand his environment and simultaneously
scientific skills through personal experience with materials and phenomena.
c) Conceptual Approach.
In this approach, subject matter is taught to enable learners to develop
concepts. A concept is one’s mental picture of anything, an idea, an
object, or procedure;
d) Unified Approached
Are a means of treating relationships that exist among the significant
components making up a given body of knowledge.
e) Inquiry Approach
is more focused on learning and using content as a means of develop
information-processing and solving –problem skills.
Instructional Media
The term instructional media has been defined in a variety of ways. In some cases,
it refers to all aids that are used by the teacher and students. In other case it refers
only to printed media.
Health Education aims to positively influence the health behavior and health
perspective of individual and communities for them develop self-efficacy to
adopt healthy lifestyles resulting to healthy communities.
Health is a word that is derived from the old English word for HEAL. It means
whole, its health concern the whole and his/her integrity, soundness or well-
being and that the body, mind and spirit are one.
Health is the holistic nursing intervention focuses on the total care of
individual as a complete being rather than on fragmented care which
focuses only on the part or parts which are not healthy or function.
Health is holistic and it includes the different dimensions of health taking into
account, the separate influences and interaction of three dimensions.
a. Societal health
b. Environmental Health
Individual Dimensions of Health in the inner circle.
a. Physical health
b. Mental health
“Learning results from what the student does and thinks, and only from what the student
does and thinks. The Teacher can advance learning only by influencing what the student
does to learn.”
-Herbert A. Simon.