Dagher, Therapeutic Potential of Quercetin To Alleviate Endothelial Dysfunction in Age-Related Cardiovascular Diseases O
Dagher, Therapeutic Potential of Quercetin To Alleviate Endothelial Dysfunction in Age-Related Cardiovascular Diseases O
Dagher, Therapeutic Potential of Quercetin To Alleviate Endothelial Dysfunction in Age-Related Cardiovascular Diseases O
segments were accompanied by an altered function of eNOS (TGF-β)] and hundreds of signaling molecules such as damage-
in which it produces superoxide instead of NO (17). NADPH associated molecular patterns, proteases, extracellular matrix
oxidase (NOX), which is induced by ox-LDLs, was shown to lie (ECM) components [matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)],
upstream to this eNOS alteration (17). Referred to as “eNOS serine/cysteine proteinase inhibitors (SERPINs), tissue inhibitor
uncoupling,” this oxidative pathway is also present in aged of metalloproteinases and cathepsins), proteases, bradykinins,
microvessels (18). It goes without saying that oxidative stress and hemostatic factors (27–29). Without a doubt, the SASP
plays a critical role in endothelial dysfunction, and, as we will plays an essential role in normal tissue development (30), wound
next, in stress-induced senescence. healing (31), and cardiac repair (32). Transient expression of
This interconnection between endothelial dysfunction, SASP during the acute phase of a tissue injury assists with
atherosclerosis and hypertension has been confirmed clinically: repair and remodeling by recruiting the immune system to clear
using arterial dilatation as a non-invasive measure for damaged cells and by stimulating progenitor cells to repopulate
assessing endothelial function, endothelial dysfunction has the damaged tissue (33). However, senescence becomes a double-
been documented in both hypertensive and atherosclerotic edged phenomenon when ineffective clearance of SCs prolongs
patients (12, 19–22). Using acetylcholine to induce endothelium- their residency. In the concept of “inflamm-aging,” aberrant focal
dependent dilation, a reduction in arterial dilation was observed accumulation of SCs creates a pro-inflammatory environment
in the forearm and coronary beds of patients with essential favorable for the onset of various pathological conditions,
hypertension (12). Furthermore, the response to acetylcholine including endothelial dysfunction (34). Indeed, a growing body
and adenosine was significantly decreased in patients with of evidence shows that SCs are prominent in diseased vascular
hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy, indicating an walls (35), including in intact arteries from IHD patients (36, 37).
impairment in both endothelium-dependent and endothelium- Furthermore, although vascular cells have a finite replicative
independent vasodilation (19). Ludmer et al. provided the first capacity, a combination of both damage-dependent replicative
evidence of compromised endothelium-dependent vasodilation senescence and stress-induced senescence might be especially
in the presence of atherosclerosis in humans (20). Using the relevant to premature vascular aging and endothelial dysfunction
acetylcholine test, they reported a paradoxical constriction in (3, 38).
the coronary arteries of patients with both mild and advanced
coronary artery disease (20). Endothelial dysfunction was
also present in the vasculature of patients with coronary The Vicious Circle of Endothelial
risk factors but no angiographic or ultrasound evidence of Dysfunction
structural coronary artery disease (21). These studies suggest Senescence of a vascular wall leads to two immediate
that endothelial dysfunction is detectable from the early consequences: induction of a pro-inflammatory environment
stages of atherosclerosis and that it might even be a trigger by the SASP and a reduction in the turnover of vascular cells
mechanism (22). (Figure 1). In atherogenesis, plaque initiation could be driven
Now endothelial dysfunction can be extended beyond the by senescent endothelial cells through their increased secretion
concept of a damaged conduit vessel to that of a defective vascular of chemoattractant factors and adhesion molecules, which allow
wall composed of layers of cells that are prone to aging. If for the initial invasion of circulating monocytes into the vessel
endothelial dysfunction is the primum movens of hypertension wall (39). Conversely, clearance of senescent vascular cells
and atherosclerosis, an upstream connection between the three lowered the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in a mouse model of
could be linked to senescence. severe dyslipidemia (36). In addition, a senescent endothelium
presents an altered cellular lining, causing a break in selective
permeability (40). This can facilitate migration of ox-LDLs to
Senescence: The Natural Fate of Aging the subendothelial layers. The SASP can also stimulate vascular
Cells smooth muscle cells to secrete elastase and MMPs, which can
Successive replication (23) and harmful stimuli such as DNA digest components of the extracellular matrix (41). An amplified
damage, oxidative stress, and induction of mitochondrial degradation of the extracellular matrix could create a rupture-
dysfunction eventually impose a state of permanent proliferative prone vulnerable plaque. Thus, senescence of vascular cells leads
arrest on cells (24, 25). This phenomenon, termed “senescence,” to vascular inflammation and plaque progression. This vascular
is well-recognized as one of the nine hallmarks of aging (26). inflammation also raises the possibility of a multistep role of
Despite being in cell cycle arrest, senescent cells (SCs) undergo senescence in hypertension, although the link between the two
profound phenotypic changes and remain metabolically active. is less clearly established. The SASP could play a role in the
In response to stress, they secrete a set of proteins collectively dysregulation of the vascular tone: as an example, it was found to
termed the senescence-associated secretory phenotype activate the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (35).
(SASP) (27, 28). These include pro-inflammatory cytokines With aging, the clearance of SCs by the immune system
(interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, membrane cofactor proteins (MCPs) is decreased, contributing to the accumulation of SCs
and macrophage inflammatory proteins) and chemokines, (33, 42). Senescence therefore begets senescence (Figure 1),
immune modulators, growth factors [hepatocyte growth a phenomenon that has been validated in mice (43). As
factor, fibroblast growth factors, granulocyte-macrophage senescence induces more senescence, the processes involved
colony-stimulating factor, or transforming growth factor beta in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and hypertension are
FIGURE 1 | Schematic representation of the proposed connections between senescence, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and endothelial dysfunction. Normal aging
and deleterious stimuli induce senescence in endothelial cells (ECs), vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), and foam cells. Accumulation of these senescent cells
favors a pro-inflammatory state of the vascular bed through the senescence-associated secretory pathway (SASP). In turn, the SASP promotes pathological changes
leading to the development of hypertension and atherosclerosis. In a feedback manner, hypertension and atherosclerosis induce more stressors to an already
dysfunctional and senescent vessel wall. This vicious circle translates into endothelial dysfunction and, eventually, ischemic heart disease. Other causal pathways of
endothelial dysfunction include hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, abnormal endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT), genetic predisposition and detrimental
lifestyle habits such as smoking. ET-1, endothelin-1; MMP, matrix metalloproteases; NO, nitric-oxide; RAAS, renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system; ROS, reactive
oxygen species.
further amplified. In parallel, important changes in the extra- atherosclerosis through shear stress (3). As mentioned before,
cellular matrix (ECM) protein composition occur with aging other cardiovascular risk factors often coexist, such as metabolic
and promote arterial stiffening (44). A rigid arterial wall disturbances, obesity, smoking or genetic predisposition,
causes systolic hypertension, which in turn, contributes to accelerating this deleterious process (12). The vascular
wall eventually gets caught into a vicious circle where it Bioavailability and Pharmacology
must face more stressors with less protective capacities (3). The chemical structure of aglycone quercetin makes it
Therefore, it is possible to acknowledge a cyclical, rather than hydrophobic (52). Its solubility in water is 2.1 mg/L at
sequential, relationship between senescence, hypertension and 25◦ C, while it is up to 2 g/L in ethanol (52). This physical
atherosclerosis, all contributing to endothelial dysfunction. In property limits its absorption and practical use in preparation
the next sections, we will explore quercetin’s potential to target forms as a dietary supplement. Initial investigations on
this triad of endothelial dysfunction. the pharmacokinetics of quercetin in humans suggested
very poor oral bioavailability after a single oral dose
(∼2%) (53). The absorption was found to increase to 3–
17% when quercetin was consumed in a glycosidic bond
Classification and Structure compared to its aglycone form (53). Different delivery
Quercetin is part of a larger family of molecular compounds, systems using nanotechnology have since been developed
named flavonoids, which share a common hydroxylated 3- to further improve its water solubility and bioavailability, for
ringed skeleton with attached hydroxyl groups (45) (Figure 2). example, by binding it to solid lipid carriers or nanosized
Combined with the pyrocatechol, a benzene ring, this chemical polymeric micelles (54). A pharmacokinetic study in beagle
structure allows them to act as radical scavengers, explaining, dogs showed that quercetin encapsulated in polymeric
in part, flavonoids’ antioxidant property (45). Flavonoids are micelles induces a 2.19-fold longer half-life and a relative
themselves part of a large class of plant-derived substances oral bioavailability increased by 286% as compared to free
named polyphenols (46). Flavonoids include several subclasses quercetin (55).
such as flavonols, flavones, flavanols, flavanones, isoflavones, and Since dietary quercetin is usually present in its glycosylated
anthocyanins (46). They exist in most of the plants and play form, it can be rapidly hydrolyzed by β-glucosidases in the
a variety of biological activities involved in vegetative growth digestive tract, which makes it easier for absorption by the colonic
(46). Being phytochemicals, flavonoids cannot be synthesized by mucosa (56). It is then transferred to the liver through the
humans or animals, but they are ubiquitously present in our diet portal circulation where it undergoes first-pass metabolism and is
(46). They are found in virtually all fruits and vegetables, as well almost completely metabolized by glucuronidation, methylation,
as in seeds, nuts, tea and red wine (46). The mean daily intake of or sulfonylation (56, 57). Peak plasma concentration following
flavonoids in Australian, European and US adult populations has an oral quercetin dose is reached anywhere from 0.6 to
been estimated at 435 mg/day (47). 4 h (58–60). Quercetin glucuronides are the main circulating
Structurally, quercetin is not only found in its free (aglycone) metabolites and are rapidly eliminated in the urines (57, 60).
form, but also in various conjugated forms with glycosides or This short elimination half-life is another limit to quercetin’s
methyl ethers attached to the hydroxyl groups. Glycosylation medical use. Furthermore, quercetin’s metabolism seems to
preferentially occurs at the 3-hydroxyl position, such as quercetin be dependent on individual characteristics. A correlation
3-O-β-D-glucoside (isoquercetrin) or quercetin 3-O-galactoside between β-glucuronidase activity and the apolipoprotein (apo)
(hyperoside), whereas methylation usually occurs at the 3’, 4’, or E phenotype may explain the efficacy of quercetin in patients
7-hydroxyl positions, such as 3-methylquercetin (isorhamnetin) with apoE3 phenotype as opposed to those expressing apoE4
(48). Some quercetin derivatives even contain both glycosyl (61, 62). On the other hand, an increased expression of
and ethyl groups. For example, tamarixetin has a glucose β-glucuronidase was correlated with inflammation, raising
residue at the 3’ position and a methyl group at the 4’ the hypothesis that quercetin may be more effective under
position (48). Extensive studies of the biological activities inflammatory conditions (63). This is especially favorable
of quercetin have shown that the various derivatives have as endothelial dysfunction is often associated with a pro-
different levels of efficacy. For example, free quercetin was inflammatory state.
found to have the strongest antioxidant activity, confirming When it comes to pharmacokinetic interactions, conclusions
the important contribution of unbound hydroxyl groups (49). are still open to debate. Some studies investigated the effects
Among its metabolites, free quercetin was also the most effective of quercetin on the cytochrome P450 system and have noted a
recombinant human angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) 2 potential inhibitory effect of quercetin on the activity of selected
inhibitor (50). Tamarixetin and isorhamnetin demonstrated enzymes (64). Studies in pigs have shown that quercetin can
a stronger inhibition of lipid peroxidation compared to decrease bioavailability of cyclosporine and increase that of
quercetin (49, 51). Tamarixetin also exhibited the highest anti- digoxin, verapamil and various chemotherapeutic agents (65–
inflammatory activity, suggesting that unlike the antioxidant 67). However, conflicting results between in vitro and in vivo
activity, anti-inflammatory activity is not correlated with studies have been found (67). Quercetin was also reported to bind
the number of free hydroxyl groups (49). These disparities to DNA gyrase enzyme in bacteria, which could competitively
in biological activities prompt the synthesis of particular inhibit fluoroquinolone antibiotics’ activity (68). One case
metabolites that present the highest efficacy of a desired effect. report of a clinically relevant warfarin interaction resulting in
This can be achieved by inducing glycosylation or methylation supratherapeutic international normalized ratio values has been
using purified biocatalysts in vitro and native or metabolically documented in an elderly patient who ate large quantities of
engineered microorganisms (48). scuppernongs, a quercetin-containing muscadine grape (69).
FIGURE 2 | Classification and chemical structure of quercetin, a family member of flavonoids. Quercetin is a pentahydroxyflavone, having five hydroxyl groups placed
at the 3-, 3’-, 4’-, 5-, and 7-positions. Combined with the pyrocatechol, a benzene ring, this chemical structure allows them to act as radical scavengers, explaining, in
part, quercetin’s strong antioxidant properties.
Safety Profile Nephrotoxicity has been reported with high intravenous doses in
In the 1970s, in vitro mutagenicity of quercetin in the Ames cancer patients (67). Quercetin was not found to cause critical
test was reported, leading to concerns about its safety (70). adverse effects on fetal growth in rats, but human studies are
Later, in vivo studies contradicted these findings and showed not available (67). Therefore, dosages above those found in foods
that quercetin may be protective against carcinogens (70). Since should be avoided by pregnant women and nursing mothers (67).
1999, it is classified as a group 3 agent (“not classifiable as to
its carcinogenicity” to humans) by the International Agency for
Research on Cancer (70). In 2010, QU995, a highly pure form of A Recent Resurgence in Interest
quercetin, was granted a “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) While it was previously known as “vitamin P,” the National
status by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (59). Many Nutrition Institute withdrew its status in 1950 when it was found
other quercetin formulas have since been developed and made to be a non-essential nutrient (71). Added to a mislabeling of
widely available over the counter as oral dietary supplements or genotoxicity, altogether this contributed to a loss of interest
added ingredient to numerous multivitamin preparations. in the molecule. In 1993, however, the Zutphen Elderly Study
Quercetin is generally well-tolerated. Some minor side-effects first reported a 50% reduction of mortality from IHD in Dutch
such as mild headache, nausea, and tingling of the extremities men who consumed >29 mg flavonoids/day compared with
were observed in long-term supplementation at 1,000 mg/day those who consumed <19 mg (72). Around the same time, the
(67). In Canada, the recommended maximum daily dose is concept of the French paradox emerged from the contradictory
1,200 mg (67). A therapy as long as 12 weeks showed no observation of a low IHD-related mortality despite high intakes
evidence of toxicity, but data on long-term safety are lacking (67). of dietary saturated fat among the French population (73).
FIGURE 3 | Timeline of the cumulative number of published results, from 1980 to 2020, of an online PubMed literature search using “Quercetin” (dotted line) and
“Quercetin [and] Cardiovascular” (solid line) as the search term. Note the progressive increase from the mid-1990s, coinciding with publication of observational studies
associating flavonoid consumption with lower cardiovascular risks. Search performed January 10, 2021 (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed).
Most debates have focused on high consumption of red wine, topic of interest (158). Considerable evidence from experimental
which contains a variety of polyphenols, including flavonoids data indicates that quercetin may protect against atherosclerosis
(73). Other epidemiological studies soon followed and showed by interfering with multiple pathways involved in disease
a positive correlation between dietary intake of flavonoids and a progression (Table 1). Several high-fat animal models exhibited
reduced incidence of stroke, myocardial infarction and mortality reduced atherosclerotic plaque areas when exposed to quercetin
from IHD (74). (76–84). This observation was associated with a prevention
Over the years, quercetin was found to have a diverse array of of atherosclerosis-related acute aortic syndromes: in a mouse
biological properties, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, model with an exaggerated degeneration of the elastic lamina:
anti-platelet, anti-diabetic, anti-histaminic, anti-carcinogenic, administration of quercetin 2 weeks before inducing aortic
anti-bacterial, immunomodulating, and neuroprotective (75). diseases was found to reduce the incidence of aneurysms,
These prominent effects have sparked attention and hope among dissections and aortic ruptures (109).
the scientific community. As of the end of 2020, there are more First, quercetin could positively regulate the metabolism of
than 20,000 published articles on quercetin, and this number lipids. A recent systematic and meta-analysis of 16 randomized
exceeds 120,000 when including all flavonoids (Figure 3). Despite controlled trials (RCTs) published between 2007 and 2017 looked
quercetin being discovered for its role in treating capillary wall at the effects of quercetin on lipid profiles of patients with
dysfunction, it has gained more popularity in oncology and sports metabolic syndrome traits (112). A pooled analysis revealed
medicine, each counting 50% more publications than the field of that quercetin leads to a significant reduction in total and
cardiovascular research. However, its promising benefits for the LDL cholesterol, without affecting triglyceride levels (112). The
endothelium cannot be ignored (Table 1). daily doses and treatment durations used in the trials varied
greatly, from 3.12 to 3,000 mg/ day and from 3 to 12 weeks
(112). Another meta-analysis of 9 RCTs done in overweight and
CARDIOVASCULAR PROTECTIVE obese subjects found that quercetin supplementation significantly
PROPERTIES OF QUERCETIN reduces LDL cholesterol levels at doses of ≥250 mg/day and
Anti-Atherosclerotic Effects of Quercetin for a total dose ≥14,000 mg (159). Similar findings were
With the increasing epidemic of the metabolic syndrome, observed in metabolically healthy non-obese adults after an
the burden of atherosclerosis-related disorders persists despite 8-week regimen, with comparable effects among men and
the current pharmacologic treatment of dyslipidemia (64). women (113). Recent studies have highlighted the influence
Therefore, finding additional anti-atherogenic drugs remains a of the gut microbiota on host metabolic health through its
TABLE 1 | Summary of the main in vitro and in vivo cardiovascular effects of quercetin.
TABLE 1 | Continued
* From a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. AATK, apoptosis-associated tyrosine kinase; ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ADP, adenosine diphosphate; CDKN2A, p16,
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; CK, creatine kinase; CK-MB, creatine kinase-MB; cTnT, cardiac troponin T;
eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; ET-1, endothelin-1; FS, fractional shortening; HAECs, human Aortic Endothelial Cells; HMGB1, high mobility group box protein 1; HUVECs, human
umbilical vein endothelial cells; ICAM-1, intercellular adhesion molecule 1; IGFBP3, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3; IL-1β, interleukin-1β; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LOX-1,
lectin-like ox-LDL receptor-1; LTCCs, L-type Ca2+ channels; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVSP, left ventricular systolic pressure; MCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1;
MMPs, matrix metalloproteases; NO, nitric oxide; ox-LDLs, oxidized low density lipoproteins; PCSK9, proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9; PPAR-γ, peroxisome proliferator-
activated receptor gamma; SCs, senescent cells; SCFAs, short-chain fatty acids; SASP, senescence-associated secretory phenotype; SIRT1, sirtuin-1; TLR4, Toll-like receptor 4; TNF-α,
Tumor necrosis factor alpha; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion protein 1; VGKCs, voltage-gated K+ channel.
metabolites, especially short-chain fatty acids, which have been to 3.32, 2.99, and 1.11 µM upon co-administration of 2.5, 5, and
linked with improved lipid metabolism (160, 161). Quercetin 10 µM quercetin, respectively (100). In addition, isorhamnetin
was shown to increase the concentration of short-chain fatty and tamarixetin, two methylated metabolites of quercetin, were
acids in the intestinal tract of ApoE knockout (ApoE−/− ) shown to inhibit platelet aggregation and thrombus formation in
mice (85). Experiments on both in vivo rodent models and vitro through effects on activation processes such as intracellular
murine cultured macrophages (RAW264.7 cells) have suggested Ca2+ mobilization, granule secretion, and integrin activation
that quercetin promotes cholesterol-to-bile acid conversion and (100). Their antithrombotic effect was confirmed with laser-
cholesterol efflux by upregulating activity of hepatic CYP7A1, induced thrombi in mouse cremaster arterioles (100). In human
liver X receptor α, ABCG1, ABCA1, and LDLR (78, 82, 86–92). platelets, quercetin significantly increases cyclic AMP levels and
Quercetin also downregulated PCSK9 expression in RAW264.7 inhibits arachidonic acid and adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-
cells and in ApoE−/− mice (90–92). HMG-CoA reductase plays induced platelet aggregation (115, 116). Antiplatelet effects
a major role in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism as a of quercetin and its metabolites have also been associated
rate limiting enzyme in the pathway of cholesterol biosynthesis to inhibition of the phosphorylation of signaling proteins
(162). Results relating the effects of quercetin on HMG-CoA downstream of glycoprotein VI, namely the Src family tyrosine
reductase activity have been inconsistent (86, 93). Wistar rats kinases Fyn and Syk, the phospholipase Cγ2 and the linker for
fed with a diet containing 0.4% quercetin for 5 weeks did not activation of T cells (100–102).
express a change in the enzyme’s activity (86). However, in a Fourth, once oxidized in the intima, LDLs transform into
model of isoproterenol (ISO)-induced myocardial infarction in an antigenic factor, ox-LDLs, which attract monocyte-derived
Wistar rats, a 2 week oral quercetin pre-treatment at a dose of macrophages to the vascular wall, thereby initiating a phagocytic
10 mg/kg normalized plasmatic and hepatic activities of HMG- process leading to foam cell formation (163). Accumulation of
CoA reductase (93). Another protective mechanism of quercetin foam cells is an early step in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
involving enhancement of autophagy by aortic macrophages was (163). In their study, Kawai et al. used mAb14A2, a novel
highlighted in ApoE−/− mice (84). monoclonal antibody binding quercetin, to stain aortic samples
Second, quercetin has been suggested to downregulate in Japanese subjects (164). Their results revealed that quercetin
the expression of MMP-1, MMP-2, and MMP-9 in studies metabolites accumulate in atherosclerotic lesions, but not in
using molecular modeling techniques, cultured endothelial cells, normal-appearing aorta (164). In addition, intense staining
murine macrophage cells and in hypertensive rats, an effect that was primarily localized with foam cells, suggesting a potential
translates in the prevention of plaque instability (94–98). cellular target of quercetin (164). Several studies done on
Third, platelet aggregation at the site of an unstable plaque also cultured cells showed that quercetin can attenuate ox-LDLs
contributes to acute complications of atherosclerosis. Quercetin accumulation, foam cell formation, as well as ox-LDLs induced
was found to have an antiaggregatory effect on rat platelet-rich cytotoxicity and calcification (92, 95, 103–106). Interestingly,
plasma in a concentration-dependent manner (99). This was also quercetin significantly reduced plasma concentrations of ox-
observed in human citrated whole blood: using samples from 100 LDLs in two RCTs (119, 120). A retrospective comparison of
healthy volunteers, the minimal antiaggregatory concentration the participants’ apoE genotypes revealed no significant inter-
of quercetin was estimated at 15.26 µM (114). A synergistic group difference in the reduction of ox-LDLs between the
enhancement of antiplatelet effect was noted when quercetin apoE3 and apoE4 subgroups (62). This lowering effect on ox-
was added to aspirin (100). The half maximal inhibitory LDLs might be achieved through direct attenuation of LDL
concentrations (IC50 ) values for the inhibition of platelet oxidation: the lag time of LDL oxidation was increased by 3-
aggregation decreased from 10.83 µM when using aspirin alone, to 4-fold after administration of quercetin in vitro and in rats
(107, 108). The authors proposed two mechanisms contributing quercetin induced phosphorylation of eNOS at serine 1179 in a
to this attenuation of LDL oxidation: inhibition of copper- concentration, time-dependent manner; this effect was abolished
induced LDL oxidation, as well as up-regulation of Paraoxonase by H-89, an inhibitor of protein kinase A (128). Using the
1 (PON1) and its protective capacity against LDL oxidation same primary cell cultures, Khoo et al. proposed that quercetin
(107, 108). Lectin-like ox-LDL receptor-1 (LOX-1) is a scavenger stimulates eNOS phosphorylation at serine 1179 by causing a
receptor that mediates uptake of ox-LDLs by macrophages rapid increase in intracellular Ca2+ (129).
(165). Administration of anti-LOX-1 antibodies was shown to Other calcium-mediated vasoactive effects of quercetin have
inhibit atherosclerosis by decreasing these cellular events (165). been proposed. L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs) and voltage-gated
Quercetin was shown to block LOX-1 in RAW264.7 cells (95). K+ channels (VGKCs) play a tonic role in the regulation of
Moreover, ox-LDLs activate endothelial cells by inducing cell arterial vasomotricity and are commonly expressed in vascular
adhesion molecules, especially vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 smooth muscle cells (172, 173). LTCCs are involved in excitation-
(VCAM-1) and intracellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) contraction coupling while VGKCs are critical for restoring the
(166). Quercetin was found to downregulate ICAM-1 expression resting membrane potential (172, 173). Large (big)-conductance
in diabetic rats and human endothelial cells (110, 117). Quercetin Ca2+ -sensitive potassium channels (BK) and VGKCs are closely
and isoquercetin were shown to attenuate VCAM-1 expression in associated with coronary arterial smooth muscle vasodilatation
mice, HUVECs and rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells (174). Of note, aging is associated with a reduced expression
by suppressing multiple pathways including caveolin-1 (CAV- of BK channels in coronary arteries, which is consistent with a
1), Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and NFκB (109, 111, 118). As higher frequency of spontaneous vasospasmic activity in elderly
previously mentioned, ox-LDLs also stimulate eNOS uncoupling people (174). Hou et al. showed that quercetin can inhibit LTCCs
and ROS overproduction by macrophages and endothelial cells and enhance VGKCs in rat coronary artery rings, resulting
via activation of NOX (167, 168). In ApoE−/− mice, quercetin in a decrease of the vasocontractions induced by high-K+
partially reversed NOX expression and inhibited ox-LDL induced depolarizing solution (132). Moreover, coronary vasodilation
ROS formation in macrophages (83). induced by quercetin was not lost after denuding the arterial rings
Finally, atherosclerosis is also a chronic inflammatory of their endothelium, suggesting that quercetin can also promote
disease mediated by a network of pro-inflammatory cytokines. its vasodilatory effect through VSMC-mediated mechanisms
Quercetin’s administration was associated with a decrease in (132). Cogolludo et al. noted that quercetin could activate BK
multiple inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1α, IL-1β, IL- channels in coronary artery myocytes while generating hydrogen
2, IL-10, TNF-α, macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 and peroxide (H2 O2 ) (175). Although H2 O2 is considered as a
cyclooxygenase-2 (95). The impacts of quercetin on such a wide relaxing endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (176) and
range of inflammatory markers are in favor of a multi-target effect can also activate the soluble guanylate cyclase as does NO (177,
of signal transduction. 178), the data of Cogolludo et al. may nonetheless represent an
instance where quercetin behaves as a pro-oxidant rather than
Vasodilating Effects of Quercetin a vasodilator.
Several ex-vivo reactivity studies have shown a vasodilating ability Endothelin (ET) is one of the most potent vasoconstrictors
of quercetin in rat aorta, portal vein, mesenteric arteries and and is mainly produced by the vascular endothelium (179). ET-
coronary arteries (169–171) (Table 1). In addition, Choi et al. 1 plays a major role in the homeostasis of the cardiovascular
reported that quercetin acutely improved acetylcholine-induced system. ET-1 has been associated with increased oxidative
relaxation of aortic rings harvested from two-kidney, one-clip stress and endothelial dysfunction in humans (179). It was
(2K1C) hypertensive rats (121). shown to stimulate eNOS uncoupling, therefore superoxide
Quercetin’s BP lowering effects were first documented in production, and promote vasoconstriction via activation of
vivo in spontaneously hypertensive rats (122). Rats exposed NOX (130, 180). ET-1 can further reduce NO bioavailability
to quercetin had a significant lower systolic (−18%), diastolic by interfering with eNOS expression through protein kinase C
(−23%), and mean (−21%) arterial BP (122). In normotensive (PKC)-mediated activation of STAT3 (181). These data indicate
rats, endothelial dysfunction induced by a high-fat high-sucrose that diminished ET-1 concentrations may be accompanied by
diet was prevented by the supplementation with quercetin for elevated NO bioavailability (181). Lodi et al. showed that
28 days: both endothelium-dependent aortic vasodilatation and quercetin significantly decreased expression of ET-1 in human
eNOS activity were improved by quercetin (125). The vasomotor umbilical artery smooth muscle cells and human vein endothelial
protective effects of quercetin were also demonstrated in mice cells (HUVECs) co-culture model exposed to TNF-α-induced
exposed to lipopolysaccharide-induced endotoxemia. Whether change in vasomodulatory molecules (134). Zhao et al. also
given before or after lipopolysaccharide injection, quercetin showed that quercetin decreases ET-1 production in thrombin-
dose-dependently restored eNOS expression while abolishing stimulated HUVECs in a concentration-dependent manner, with
inducible NO synthase (iNOS) (126). an IC50 of 1.54 µmol/L (135). In rat aortic rings, quercetin
Several hypotheses have been formulated regarding the prevented ET-1-induced PKC activation, with a subsequent
up regulation of eNOS activity induced by quercetin. Some decrease in superoxide production (130). Moreover, chronic
authors have suggested that quercetin phosphorylates eNOS by treatment with quercetin reduced blood pressure and improved
an AMP-activated protein kinase-dependent mechanism (127). endothelial function in deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-
Li et al. observed, in bovine aortic endothelial cells, that salt rats, a low renin model of hypertension in which ET-1
is overexpressed (123, 124). These effects of quercetin were these results indicate a significant anti-hypertensive effect of
associated with a reduction in both vascular and systemic quercetin supplementation only when doses ≥500 mg/day are
oxidative stress (124). Quercetin protective effects against taken for ≥8weeks (137). Another meta-analysis which included
eNOS uncoupling were even maintained under glucotoxic 896 participants across 17 RCTS mirrored the results obtained by
conditions (131). Serban et al., which indeed is the meta-analysis done by Huang
A RCT studied the acute effects of administering 200 mg of et al. (138). More recently, a meta-analysis of 8 RCTs conducted
quercetin in 12 healthy men (136). Blood and urine samples among patients with metabolic syndrome traits showed that
taken, respectively, 2 and 5 h after oral ingestion of quercetin quercetin supplementation significantly reduced systolic BP, yet
revealed a significant acute reduction in both the plasma did not affect diastolic BP (139). Clearly, trials directly comparing
and urinary concentrations of ET-1, translated into a reduced different doses and regimen durations are needed.
ET-1 production (136). This effect is substantial given the
relatively small dose used and the low bioavailability of quercetin. Senolytic Properties of Quercetin
Interestingly, it was reported that NO inhibits ET-1 production The accumulation of SCs in the aging and diseased vessel
through the suppression of NFκB (182). A second mechanism wall raises the possibility that reducing senescence might delay
involves the renin–angiotensin system: ACE inhibitors neutralize deterioration of vascular structure and function. In an elegant
ACE by binding a zinc atom at the active site of the enzyme, and seminal experiment, Baker et al. demonstrated that the
which slows conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a health span in progeroid mice can be enhanced by killing SCs
powerful vasoconstrictor (183), including in human coronary using a transgenic suicide gene (188). Elimination of SCs also
arteries (184). Quercetin can chelate metal ions, including zinc delayed progression of multiple age-related phenotypes, such
(185), and it is tempting to presume it can act as an ACE as cancer, cataract, sarcopenia, lordokyphosis, loss of adipose
inhibitor. However, available results have been discordant. In tissue and skeletal muscle fibers, as well as improved exercise
vitro, quercetin inhibited ACE activity in a concentration- capacity (188). Translating that same effect into a druggable
dependent manner, with an IC50 of 310 µM (186). This value compound sparked research interest and led to the recent concept
was significantly higher than that of captopril (0.02 µM) (186). of “senolytic therapy” (140). Formed by the words “senescence”
In Wistar rats receiving an angiotensin-1 infusion, Hackl et al. and “lytic” (destroying), a senolytic represents a molecule that
showed that an attenuation of the BP was obtained with both could specifically induce cell death in SCs (189). Based on the
oral and intravenous administration of quercetin (133). They knowledge that SCs survive despite their harsh internal state,
also reported a 31% reduction in ACE activity in the quercetin the hypothesis was that this would be achieved by targeting
group compared to the control group (133). In contrast, one their survival pathways and anti-apoptotic mechanisms (189).
double-blind placebo-controlled RCT did not find ACE activity An alternative strategy to interfere with senescence would be
inhibition after a single-dose of quercetin (187). In this study, five to reduce the burden of SASP. The advent of antibody-based
normotensive men and twelve hypertensive men ingested a total techniques such as sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent
of 1,095 mg quercetin and 10 h later, the mean BP was reduced assay, and large-scale molecular biology techniques such as
among the hypertensive patients by 5 mm Hg compared to the mRNA profiling, antibody arrays, proteomics or multiplex assays
placebo group (187). Plasma ACE activity, ET-1, and brachial have made the detection and measurement of several SASP
artery flow-mediated dilation were unaffected by quercetin, factors possible (190). These powerful tools therefore serve to test
suggesting that the reduction in BP in hypertensive men was pharmaceutical efficacy of drugs that target SASP (190). In the
independent of the changes in ACE and ET-1 activity, or NO following sections, we will see evidence suggesting that quercetin
bioavailability (187). eliminates SCs and reduces the SASP.
Serban et al. conducted a systematic review of 7 RCTs In 2008, quercetin was reported to increase longevity of
published between 1998 and 2014, looking at the effects of worms (191), but it was not until 2015 that its potential
quercetin on BP (137). Their meta-analysis revealed a significant as a senolytic was highlighted in Kirkland’s laboratory (140)
reduction in systemic BPs associated with oral supplementation (Table 1). First, the investigators identified a series of senolytic
of quercetin (137). The weighed mean differences for the transcripts on pre-adipocytes. These included components of
systolic and diastolic BPs were 3.04 mm Hg (p = 0.028) and the ephrin regulating system, ephrin ligands B (EFNB), as
2.63 mm Hg (p < 0.001), respectively (137). These values are well as the plasminogen-activated inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and a
appreciable considering that the cohorts were largely made up member of the phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3 kinase
of normotensive subjects. The doses of quercetin ranged from (PI3 K) family, involved in regulating multiple cellular functions
100 to 1,000 mg/day. Interestingly, when using a meta-regression including survival (140). Then, they tested whether drugs that
analysis, the systolic BP-lowering effect was only associated with target any of these gene products would effectively induce
the duration of supplementation, and not the administered dose, apoptosis in radiation-induced senescent human pre-adipocytes
contrarily to the diastolic BP-lowering effects (137). Furthermore, and HUVECs. Of the 46 agents tested, quercetin and dasatinib,
when the RCTs were stratified according to the duration of a non-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor used for cancer therapy,
supplementation, quercetin had no significant benefit in the were noticeably promising (140). Dasatinib is known to block
subsets of studies lasting <8 weeks. Likewise, the BP values did EFNB-dependent suppression of apoptosis, while quercetin
not differ significantly between the two treatment arms in the inhibits PI3 K, other kinases and PAI-1, from the SERPIN family
subset of trials administering doses <500 mg/day. Altogether, member (140, 192). In contrast to dasatinib, which was more
effective on pre-adipocytes, quercetin preferentially reduced human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs) (141). In their study,
viability of senescent HUVECs (140). Parallel cultures of non- senescence was induced by ox-LDLs. Their results revealed that
senescent HUVECs proliferated 2- to 3-fold in the presence quercetin decreased the expression of senescence-associated β-
of quercetin over the same period of 3 days, indicating that galactosidase and improved cell morphology of HAECs (141).
quercetin’s induction of apoptosis is selective to SCs (140). In The senolytic effect was dose dependent, as 0.3, 1, and 3
addition, the combination of dasatinib and quercetin achieved µmol/L of quercetin improved cells viability by 10.8, 40.9, and
a synergistic effect by selectively killing both senescent pre- 48.9%, respectively (141). Quercetin simultaneously decreased
adipocytes and HUVECs, whom viability was, respectively, ROS generation, also in a concentration-dependent manner.
reduced by ∼70% and ∼50% (140). This suggests that using In addition, transcriptome microarray assays were performed
a mix of senolytics to target a broader range of anti-apoptotic and identified differentially expressed genes in the mRNAs
networks may be a strategy to follow in developing future profile of senescent HAECs treated with quercetin (141). Among
senolytic therapies (189). Used in vivo, the senolytic cocktail them, several were involved in p53 and mammalian target
also reduced the number of p16-positive SCs in fat and liver of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathways, NO metabolism,
from old mice (140). After a single 5 day treatment course maintenance of the cytoskeleton, extracellular matrix-receptor
of dasatinib+quercetin, the rodents exhibited an improved left interaction, as well as complement and coagulation cascades,
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and fractional shortening suggesting the potential mechanisms by which quercetin was
with no alteration of cardiac mass, as well as increased smooth effective against ox-LDLs (141). Quercetin also decreased the
muscle vascular reactivity to nitroprusside (140). Similar results genetic expression of AATK, CDKN2A, and IGFBP3 (141). AATK
were obtained by Xu et al.: 20 month-old mice who were is induced during apoptosis, while CDKN2A (p16) is one of the
fed dasatinib+quercetin intermittently for 4 months performed most important senescence markers (141). Interestingly, a high
better at physical endurance tests compared to the control circulating concentration of IGFBP3 was found to be a predictor
group (43). Next, they administered biweekly oral doses of of IHD (196). One can therefore wonder if quercetin could
dasatinib+quercetin to 24 to 27 month-old mice, equivalent to alleviate the risks of IHD in patients by decreasing IGFBP3.
a human age of 75–90 years; compared to the controls, these Clinical trials studying the senolytic effects of quercetin
mice had a 36% higher median post-treatment lifespan and a 65% remain scarce (Table 1). In the first clinical trial of senolytics,
lower mortality hazard (43). This was neither associated with an an intermittent regimen of dasatinib+quercetin (dasatinib: 100
increased physical morbidity nor an increased age-related disease mg/day, quercetin: 1,250 mg/day, 3 days/week over 3 weeks)
burden (43). In addition, in ApoE−/− mice fed with a high- improved physical tolerance, but not pulmonary function, in
fat diet, dasatinib+quercetin given once monthly for 3 months patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a fatal senescence-
was shown to decrease aortic calcifications and increase vascular associated disease (197). Another open label pilot study was
reactivity (193). When used alone, quercetin increased the conducted by Hickson et al. in 9 adults aged 50–80 years with
density of sirtuin 1 (Sirt1) in aorta of ApoE−/− mice (141). Sirt1 diabetic kidney disease (142). The patients received a 3 day oral
functions as a nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide (NAD+)- treatment regimen with dasatinib 100 mg daily and quercetin
dependent deacetylase and is involved in genomic stability, basal 500 mg bid. Eleven days after treatment completion, there was
level autophagy and cell survival (194). Sirt1 was found to delay a significant reduction in the number of adipose tissue SCs and
both replicative and stress-induced senescence (194). circulating SASP factors, including IL-1α, IL-6, MMP-9, and
Hwang et al. conducted in vitro experiments with adult MMP-12, accompanied by an increase of adipocyte progenitors,
human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAEC) from three suggesting a selective cytotoxic effect for SCs (142). These results
deceased female donors using replicative senescence as a relevant are in agreement with a previous in vitro study performed on
model for human arterial aging (195). Contrary to the previous human omental tissue resected during gastric bypass surgery
results reported in HUVECs (140), their findings showed that (43). The surgical explants treated with a dasatinib+quercetin
quercetin induces death in both early (non-senescent) and late- medium for 48 h had significantly less SCs and a lower secretion
passage (senescent) HCAECs, without any selectivity for the of SASP components compared to the explants treated with a
latter (195). Quercetin’s cytotoxicity was evident in all three vehicle (43). To the best of our knowledge, no clinical trial has
donors at a concentration of 10 µM, which was half the amount yet examined the senolytic effects of quercetin on endothelial
used with HUVECs (140). Late-passage cells were more sensitive dysfunction in humans, in the context of CVD.
to quercetin’s toxic effects as their relative cell abundance
was already significantly decreased at a concentration of 6 µM Myocardial Protective Effects of Quercetin
(195). Their study also investigated hyperoside, also known as The beneficial effects of quercetin on dyslipidemia, hypertension,
quercetin 3-D-galactoside, as an alternative to quercetin (195). senescence and other risk factors can be seen as a primary
Hyperoside is a natural derivative of quercetin produced by St. prevention measure against endothelial dysfunction. Once the
John’s Wort and structurally identical except for a galactoside endothalial dysfunction has resulted in an adverse cardiac event,
group attached in position 3 (Figure 2) (195). In contrast to secondary and tertiary prevention strategies become crucial in
quercetin, hyperoside had no significant cytotoxicity to either order to reduce the progression of the disease and its impacts
proliferating or late-passage HCAECs but was unable to display on patients’ quality of life. One of the most striking examples
any senolytic activity (195). A second in vitro model of an adult is myocardial ischemia. In the latter, dysfunctional endothelial
human vasculature model was investigated by Jiang et al. using cells of the coronary arteries induce a local disturbance
in other cell lines, including cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts paradoxically increases the degree of myocardial damage (200).
(198). They trigger a host response which includes increased As restoration of the circulation allows blood to reach cells that
oxidative stress, calcium imbalance, as well as cytokine, platelets, were previously subjected to ischemia, sudden availibility of
and leukocytes activation (198). This endothelial dysfunction oxygen leads to a burst in the generation of ROS, mainly deriving
is also a critical mediator of myocardial dysfunction after from the Fenton reaction, NOX, and xanthine oxidase (XO)
reperfusion (198). In response, many pathological adaptations (200). These redox reactions lead to formation of oxygen radicals,
occur, such as increased extracellular matrix deposition leading lipid peroxidation, calcium overload, activation of inflammatory
to myocardial interstitial fibrosis, changes in the myocardial cascades, and apoptosis, which propagate and cause myocardial
cell morphology, and eventually, ventricular dilatation (199). damage even distant to the original site of insult (200). This has
The latter, called “ventricular remodeling” is detrimental to important clinical implications as it limits the benefits of current
ventricular compliance and contractility (199). Clinically, it revascularization therapies such as thrombolysis, angioplasty or
translates into debilitating conditions, ranging from stable coronary artery bypass surgery (200). A number of studies based
angina to myocardial infarction and heart failure. In addition, on the rodent models of transient myocardial infarction have
experimental data showed that endothelial dysfunction correlates suggested that quercetin attenuates MIRI by interfering with
with the degree of myocardial injury, both from the ischemic several of these pathways (Figure 4).
and reperfusion insults (198). These observations suggest that First, quercetin has well-documented antioxidant properties.
quercetin’s ability to minimize myocardial injury following an Thanks to its chemical structure (Figure 2), it is able to
ischemic event may be, at least partly, mediated by its effects on directly scavenge free radicals such as superoxide, hydrogen
the endothelium. peroxide, peroxyl, and hydroxyl radicals (45). Quercetin can
Many in vivo and ex vivo murine studies have shown both also reduce the formation of ROS by inhibiting NOX and
functional and structural benefits of exposing myocardium to XO, decreasing the activity of cyclooxygenase and LOX, as
quercetin in an acute ischemic setting (143–153) (Table 1). well as regulating the activity of intracellular signaling cascades
These studies used rodent models in which transient myocardial involved in inflammatory reactions (53). Chemical studies
injury was induced by ISO injections, surgical occlusion of revealed that quercetin can reversibly inhibit XO-catalyzed uric
the left coronary artery (LAD) or interruption of Langendorff acid and superoxide radicals formation in a double-displacement
perfusion (123, 124, 130, 131, 134–136, 178–181). Quercetin reaction (201, 202). However, results of in vivo studies remain
was either given as an oral gavage, an intravenous or controversial (203). In a hyperuricemic mouse model, quercetin
intraperitoneal infusion (123, 124, 130, 131, 134–136, 178– given orally at 100 mg/kg for 1 to 7 consecutive days reduced
181). Measured functional hemodynamic parameters included serum urate levels and XO hepatic activity in a concentration-
left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), left ventricular dependent manner (204). In another study using the same model,
systolic pressure (LVSP) and maximal ratio of pressure a 7 day treatment of 400 mg/kg orally administered quercetin
change during isovolumetric contraction (peak dP/dt). While failed to reduce both serum urate levels and XO expression (205).
myocardial ischemia systematically decreased LVSP and peak In a rabbit model of surgically-induced MIRI, an intravenous
dP/dt, and increased LVEDP, this effect was counteracted injection of quercetin given 5 min before ligation attenuated the
by quercetin (143–147). Liu et al. used echocardiography in enzymatic activity of NOX2 expressed in endothelial cells (206).
mice to estimate left ventricular function (148). They showed On the other hand, quercetin acts as a chelating agent. It can
that quercetin significantly slowed the decline in LVEF and inhibit the Fenton reaction by interfering with ferrous iron (207).
fractional shortening compared with the control group (148). It can also bind to zinc and facilitate zinc trafficking into cells
On macroscopic examination, treatment with quercetin induced (208), which in turn functions as an antioxidant (209). Lipid
a significant reduction of myocardial infarct size on triphenyl peroxidation is the process by which unsaturated fatty acids
tetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining (149–151). This was further are converted to lipid peroxyl radicals by hydrogen oxidation,
supported by lower levels of serum creatine kinase (CK), which, in turn, extract hydrogen from other fatty acid molecules
CK-MB, cardiac troponin T and lactate dehydrogenase, all to create more free radicals (210). Some studies reported that
enzymatic markers of myocardial insult (144, 147–149, 151–155). quercetin offers a protection against lipid peroxidation chain
Histopathological examinations also revealed lower infiltration reaction by neutralizing peroxyl radicals and by binding to
of leukocytes to the site of infarction, less edema and overall transition metal ions, catalyzers of lipid peroxidation (154, 211,
maintained tissue architecture (149, 152, 153). All these findings 212). Finally, quercetin pretreatment was shown to decrease the
are in favor of a preservation of cardiomyocytes’ membrane content of malondialdehyde (MDA), a mutagenic product of lipid
integrity and global improvement in myocardial function after peroxidation chain reaction, and to potentiate the activity of
exposure with quercetin. Interestingly, these cardioprotective superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-
effects were observed whether quercetin was administered before Px), two most important antioxidases in cardiomyocytes (144,
induction of ischemia or during reperfusion. This suggests 147, 148, 152, 213, 214). All these properties allow quercetin to
that quercetin may have both ischemic preconditioning and slow down the domino effects of free radical injury in MIRI.
postconditioning capacities. With myocardial ischemia and MIRI, there is a shift toward
Although timely reperfusion is essential for myocardial a pro-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic phenotype caused by
salvage, it is accompanied by a stress reaction known as an increased secretion of cytokines (200). As seen previously,
“myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury” (MIRI), which quercetin was shown to significantly repress this inflammatory
FIGURE 4 | Schematic representation of the multistep mechanisms of quercetin to mitigate myocardial ischemic reperfusion injury. XO, xanthine oxidase; NOX,
NADPH oxidase.
cascade, both in vivo and in vitro (95). The pro-inflammatory gamma (PPAR-γ) further supports the targetting of NFκB
response is further exacerbated by activation of NFκB, which is activation (148). Several reports revealed that PPAR-γ, a ligand-
a pivot transcription factor in promoting cytokine expression. activated nuclear transcription factor, could suppress the signal
Enhanced NFκB signaling induces a positive feedback, which transduction of NFκB pathway in vascular diseases (216). A
further prompts inflammasome assembly (35). NFκB can be study demonstrated that mice with transient LAD ligation that
activated through the interaction of high mobility group received a 10 day pre-treatment of quercetin had a significantly
box-1 (HMGB1) with toll-like receptors (TLRs) located in higher number of PPAR-γ positive myocardial cells (148). The
cardiomyocytes (215). HMGB1 has been found to be released authors also found that quercetin partially reversed the effects
by necrotic cardiomyocytes under ischemic conditions and of a PPAR-γ inhibitor, GW9662, compared to non-quercetin-
may serve as an early mediator of inflammation following treated mice, with an associated improvement in LVEF, fractional
MIRI (215). Western blot analyses revealed a strong activation shortening and cardiac biomarkers (148). Lastly, quercetin was
of the HMGB1/TLR/NFκB pathway in heart tissues after shown to protect against calcium overload. Elevated intracellular
ischemic/reperfusion stimulation in LAD ligated rats (151). Ca2+ is involved in the deleterious biochemical and functional
Treatment with quercetin significantly inhibited expression changes accompanying MIRI (217). In vitro, quercetin decreased
of HMGB1 and TLR4 (151, 153). In addition, up-regulation Ca2+ -dependent cell death when added to H9C2 cardiomyocyte
by quercetin of peroxisome proliferation-activated receptor 30 min before application of H2 O2 -induced oxidative stress
(218). Furthermore, the downstream Ca2+ activated calpain hypertension (227, 228) or cardiac and renal fibrosis (229,
pathways may lead to contractile dysfunction and cytoskeleton 230). The best-studied mediator of EndoMT is TGF-β (231).
damage (219). Increased calpain activity has been reported The latter can induce EndoMT either directly, through both
as an aggravating factor in myocardial infarction (219). Oral Smad-dependent and Smad-independent pathways (232, 233),
quercetin (50 mg/kg) pre-treatment of Wistar rats exposed to or indirectly, through ET-1 (234, 235), CAV-1 (236), or NFκB
an ISO-induced myocardial infarction downregulated the genetic (151, 153, 237).
expression of calpain 1 and 2, protecting the myocardium from Strong lines of evidence support the cross-links between
their overactivity (152). This cardioprotective effect was also endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerosis, hypertension,
supported by a reduction of CK-MB and cardiac troponin T senescence and EndoMT (228, 238–241). Targeting EndoMT
in quercetin-treated rats compared to the control group (152). opens therefore a new therapeutic avenue against CVD. However,
Another in vivo study found that quercetin prevented inhibition contrarily to the other players of endothelial dysfunction, few
of the sodium-potassium and the calcium pumps caused by studies specifically looked at the potential contribution of
myocardial infarction (149). quercetin. In their study performed in vitro, Huang et al.
Despite extensive experimental data suggesting that quercetin showed that quercetin effectively inhibited TGF-β1-induced
can attenuate MIRI, very few trials have explored the use of human pulmonary arterial endothelial cells proliferation and
quercetin for the treatment of myocardial ischemia in humans. transdifferentiation (242). This suggests that quercetin may be
In the study done by Chekalina et al., 30 out of 85 patients with a potential antagonist for a pathogenic model of pulmonary
stable angina on optimal medical therapy were given quercetin at artery hypertension secondary to pulmonary arterial endothelial
a daily dose of 120 mg for 2 months (156). The quercetin patients cells excessive growth. Moreover, as discussed in previous
had lower levels of IL-1β and TNF-α compared to the control sections, experiments done outside the scope of EndoMT have
group (156). An open-label clinical trial conducted in Ukraine demonstrated that quercetin can downregulate ET-1 (134, 135),
studied the administration of intravenous quercetin (Corvitin) CAV-1 (118), and NFκB, which are all mediators of EndoMT.
over 10 days in patient admitted with an acute myocardial Other studies explored the effects of quercetin on a similar
infarction and heart failure symptoms. After 3 days, there was process as EndoMT but involving epithelial cells, hence the name
a significant improvement in their profile of cardiac biomarkers “epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition” (EMT). In human retinal
and LVEF (157). Altogether, these clinical data suggest that pigment epithelial cells (ARPE-19) exposed to TGF-β1, quercetin
quercetin has potential cardioprotective effects, and form a suppressed proliferation, migration, and collagen I secretion
solid foundation for a potential application of quercetin in (243). It also downregulated EMT-related markers such as alpha-
the prevention of IHD and its complications. This hypothesis smooth muscle actin and N-cadherin; conversely, it upregulated
remains to be tested in large clinical trials. the expression of tight junction proteins and epithelial-cadherin
(243). In addition, quercetin inhibited Smad2/3 phosphorylation
and translocation of Smad4, suggesting that the progression
ENDOTHELIAL-TO-MESENCHYMAL of EMT in ARPE-19 cells was reversed via the Smad pathway
TRANSITION: A LESS EXPLORED PLAYER (243). Incubation with quercetin also reduced EMT in mammary
IN ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION carcinoma and prostate cancer cell lines (244, 245). Together,
these results support a role for quercetin against EndoMT
In the late 1990’s, endothelial cells were found to undergo and EMT. However, despite multiple similarities between the
a highly dynamic process of dedifferentiation known as two processes, including canonical TGF-β signaling as their
endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT) (220). During driving force (246), more research in EndoMT models is needed
EndoMT, endothelial cells progressively acquire a wide spectrum to further confirm the efficacy of quercetin in targeting its
of phenotypes characteristic of multipotent cells (221). This trigger mechanisms.
phenotype switch involves a reduced expression of distinctive
endothelial cells markers such as von Willebrand factor, vascular
endothelial-cadherin or CD31/PECAM-1 and an increased DISCUSSION
expression of mesenchymal cells markers such as alpha-smooth
muscle actin, vimentin and N-cadherin (220, 222). Similar to The magnitude of the role of endothelial dysfunction in
senescence, EndoMT is a double-edged sword. EndoMT-derived CVD is well-established. Many pathophysiological processes are
cells exhibit hallmarks of invasive cells through cytoskeletal involved, and they contribute to each other in a feedback manner,
reorganization, increased ECM production, loss of cellular as seen with the triad of vascular senescence, hypertension and
adhesion and resultant enhanced migratory potential (223, 224). atherosclerosis. This also means that each pathway is a potential
This process is critical in the developing embryo where it was target for alleviating endothelial dysfunction. Numerous drugs
shown to generate vasculogenesis and the cardiac cushions for are already available to effectively treat dyslipidemia and
valve development (225). EndoMT was also shown to contribute hypertension. In comparison, anti-senescence therapy is only a
to wound healing (226). However, when triggered under certain nascent yet promising research field. Development of senolytic
pathological conditions such as inflammation or shear-stress drugs would bring a conceptual change that an aging vessel is
injuries, EndoMT can give rise to cancer progression (224), not an immutable process. On the other hand, an important
fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive (221), pulmonary arterial clinical consequence of endothelial dysfunction is manifested in
FIGURE 5 | Schematic representation of the endothelial and, by extension, myocardial protective effects of quercetin. These allow quercetin to act as a primary,
secondary and tertiary preventive measure against cardiovascular diseases. AATK: apoptosis-associated tyrosine kinase; ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme; AngII,
angiotensin II; BK, big K, large-conductance Ca2+ -sensitive K+ channels; CAV-1, caveolin-1; CDKN2A, p16, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; CK-MB, creatinine
kinase-MB; EndoMT, endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition; ET-1, endothelin-1; IGFBP3, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide
synthase; NFκB, nuclear factor-kappa B; NO, nitric oxide; ox-LDLs, oxidized low density lipoproteins; Fyn, Src family 59 kDa non-receptor protein tyrosine-kinase;
LAT, linker for activation of T cells; LTCCs, L-type Ca2+ channels; LVEDP, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVSP, left
ventricular systolic pressure; MMPs, matrix metalloproteases; PAI-1, plasminogen-activated inhibitor-1; PCSK9, proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9; PI3 K,
phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3 kinase; PLCγ2, phospholipase Cγ2; SCFAs, short-chain fatty acids; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SASP,
senescence-associated secretory phenotype; SIRT1, sirtuin-1, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide [NAD(+)]-dependent protein deacetylase; SOD, superoxide
dismutase; TGF-β, transforming growth factor beta; VGKCs, voltage-gated K+ channels.
IHD. The burden of myocardial ischemia has been improved While this review has focused on conditions originating
with more timely and effective reperfusion strategies such as from a diseased endothelial layer, prevention of endothelial
angioplasty, bypass surgery, antiplatelet, and antithrombotic dysfunction can be achieved by intervening beyond the
agents used to restore the patency of infarct-related coronary endothelium itself. Indeed, endothelial dysfunction is undeniably
arteries. However, at present, there is still no effective therapy associated with the remaining entities of the metabolic
to prevent MIRI. In this review, we have described mechanistic, syndrome: obesity and insulin resistance (247–251). Their
experimental and clinical evidence that suggests quercetin can role as independent risk factors for CVD merits as much
manifest a wide range of cardioprotective biological activities attention as hypertension and dyslipidemia (252). In fact, the
(Table 1). Not only does it have anti-hypertensive and anti- increasing incidence of obesity and corresponding rise in type-
atherosclerotic effects, but it also seems to mitigate senescence 2 diabetes are further challenging the prevention and treatment
and MIRI, two Achilles’ heels in the modern treatment of of CVD (253). The metabolic effects of quercetin against
CVD. Moreover, although still scarce, encouraging data suggest these two conditions have been equally encouraging and were
that quercetin may also act against abnormal EndoMT, an recently reviewed elsewhere (254–258). In addition, it should be
important yet less explored player in endothelial dysfunction. emphasized that, for clarity reasons, the effects of quercetin on
These properties of quercetin form the basis for its potential the various biochemical and biomechanical signaling cascades
benefits against aging-related endothelial dysfunction and involved in endothelial dysfunction were discussed as separate
CVD (Figure 5). entities. However, in reality, senescence, vasomotor dysfunction,
atherosclerosis, EndoMT, inflammation, oxidative stress, and appealing properties might suggest that we should reconsider our
altered endothelial cellular metabolism all interact, cross talk expectations for its potential therapeutic implications. If a defect
and occur simultaneously. The resulting chain reactions create of the endothelium was accountable for a disease, and a drug
a vicious circle, which, once it is established in one person, can could be given which would correct the defect, the disease would
easily multiply their cardiovascular risks. The ability of quercetin obviously be cured. However, drugs that were to act through less
to act as such a versatile multi-target agent against the domino direct principles might still be useful. For example, if quercetin’s
effect of endothelial dysfunction becomes very appealing. It well-established anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, albeit
seems to be promising not only in primary prevention, but also less specific, could make the endothelium less vulnerable to injury
in secondary and tertiary prevention against the dysfunctional and senescence, it could potentially reinforce the efficacy of other
coronary endothelium and myocardium exposed to ischemia- cardiovascular agents. Ultimately, managing CVD has never been
reperfusion injuries. about carrying a hammer and treating everything “as if it were a
However, after being studied for two decades and showing nail.” Instead, it revolves around adding different tools to tackle
encouraging in vitro and in vivo results, quercetin still occupies different issues of a large-scale problem.
a modest title as a dietary supplement. This could be explained In conclusion, quercetin represents a promising natural
by a couple of factors. First, quercetin lacks molecular specificity. compound that appears to satisfy all the requirements to
It does not radically block a metabolic pathway nor inhibit develop a nutraceutical against endothelial dysfunction. There
a receptor of interest. Instead, quercetin has a wide variety is a pressing need for well-designed clinical trials that
of biological activities, which makes it difficult to establish a explore its intriguing potential for senolytic therapy and
clear association between its administration and the observed myocardial protection.
positive effects. As a matter of fact, quercetin’s role as a direct
senolytic agent is still open for discussion. Does it selectively
target SCs, or does it improve their clearance by off-target AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
mechanisms such as antioxidant activity? Second, clinical trials
OD, NT-T, and ET designed the project and its main conceptual
using more consistent protocols are needed to consolidate the
ideas. OD performed the research strategy, data collection, data
medical findings attributed to quercetin. Published trials have
analysis and interpretation, drafted the manuscript, and designed
been using various treatment durations, doses and routes of
the figures, with input from all authors. All authors provided
administration, certainly contributing to heterogenous findings.
critical revisions to the article and approved the final version
The considerable variation in bioavailability of quercetin
for publication.
among individuals might result in subtherapeutic plasma
concentrations, especially when using lower doses. Furthermore,
in vitro experiments most often administered a hit-and-run FUNDING
treatment with quercetin. We could hypothesize that replicating
this regimen in humans would yield more substantial effects. This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health
Lastly, to quote Samuel Butler, “medicine is not practiced as an Research [PJT 166110 and PJT 162446 to ET]; and the
art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.” Foundation of the Montreal Heart Institute [ET and MC]. PM is
In the case of quercetin, the absence of its medical use despite its a post-doctoral scholar from the Fonds de la recherche du Québec.
15. Gimbrone MA Jr., Garcia-Cardena G. Endothelial cell dysfunction 36. Caland L, Labbe P, Mamarbachi M, Villeneuve L, Ferbeyre G, Noly PE, et al.
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