BOB Manual
BOB Manual
BOB Manual
Operation Manual
Revision 130304
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................... I
1 INTRODUCTION TO BOB ....................................................................................... 1
1.1 Installing BOB ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Running BOB .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Text Conventions Used in This Manual ....................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents I
BOB Operation Manual
Table of Contents II
BOB Operation Manual
1 Introduction to BOB
BOB is the companion software to all Marine Magnetics towed magnetometers. It provides a
graphical interface that allows you to communicate with the magnetometer, log and plot
incoming data, and export survey data in a customizable format.
1 Insert the BOB USB key in one of your computer’s USB ports.
2 Open the root folder of the USB drive.
3 Run Setup.exe to start the installation process.
The setup program will guide you through the installation of BOB and other required software.
Introduction to BOB 1
BOB Operation Manual
After you enter all the required settings (or confirm the ones for an existing survey) and click the
Done button, BOB will close the Setup Assistant and open the Main Window.
As soon as you have collected some data, you can add markers and survey lines from the Main
or GPS Plot windows.
BOB allows you to set up real time printing during the survey, see section 5.2, Print Data During
the Survey, for further details
The Setup Assistant has four tabs that represent different steps in setting up the survey:
1 Select Survey
2 Connect GPS
3 Connect Mag
4 Confirm and Configure
Markers and
survey lines
Plot area panels
Layers panel
Log panel
Most of BOB’s functions can be accessed through the menu bar. The status bar displays the
magnetometer connection status and warning — you can set the sampling rate here.
The plot area is featured in the center of the window. Survey data is plotted over the selected
time interval as a profile line graph. The plot area supports plotting multiple profiles
simultaneously with individual scaling for each trace. The panel to the left of the plot allows you
to customize the display. The panel to the right of the plot allows you to manage markers and
survey lines.
The survey timeline allows you to quickly navigate through all collected data. The time range
highlighted in orange represents all latest readings up until a limit of three minutes, while the
selection indicator (the range highlighted in light blue) represents past readings displayed on the
left side of the plot.
The Log panel shows the incoming data in either a table or terminal format. When the terminal
view is active, commands can be sent to the magnetometer by typing them via the keyboard.
Status bar
Plot area
Layers panel indicator
Data View
The status bar displays the connection state, track heading, speed, and layback.
The plot area will show both vessel and magnetometer positions. You can decide which layers
you want to display in the Layers panel.
The Data View panel shows detailed GPS information and a terminal with the incoming data.
3 Setting Up a Survey
Before you start collecting data, you need to set up a survey database that BOB will use to save
the readings to. To create a new survey, you will need to provide a survey name and the type of
magnetometer to be used. Once a survey database has been created, you will be able to:
1 Start New
3 Select
2 Enter survey device
4 Next
Setting Up a Survey 6
BOB Operation Manual
1 Load Saved
2 Select a survey
3 Open
Setting Up a Survey 7
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4 Connect
All layback changes are stored in the survey database, so you can adjust the distance as many
times as you want.
Setting Up a Survey 8
BOB Operation Manual
4 Connect
Setting Up a Survey 9
BOB Operation Manual
GPS BOB will timestamp the readings with the time provided by the GPS
PC BOB will timestamp the readings with the time provided by the computer
clock. If you have a system that keeps several computers’ clocks
synchronized to a time server, you can use this setting in a client
Manual Enter an arbitrary time and BOB will set its clock to that when you click
the Set Mag Clock button.
Setting Up a Survey 10
BOB Operation Manual
Time synchronization is very important when collecting data. If the GPS and the magnetometer
clock have the same time, we can correlate any magnetometer sample to a GPS position.
For best results, set the time on the PC as accurately as possible, as well as the time zone,
before you start the survey. All times shown in BOB are in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)
unless marked otherwise.
Before you start sampling, check the sync device time and time delta (the time offset between
sync device and magnetometer clock). The offset will be displayed in green if it is acceptable,
and red otherwise.
The time delta will not be displayed when using a SeaQuest with GPS integration.
For more information on how BOB handles the PC, GPS, and magnetometer times, refer to
Appendix F. Timekeeping in BOB.
Click the Done button to close the Setup Assistant and open the Main Window.
Setting Up a Survey 11
BOB Operation Manual
To import a guide line file, click GPS > Import Guide Lines in the main window. Select the file
and click Open (the most common file extension is .xyz). The guide lines will be displayed in the
GPS Plot window. Refer to Appendix C. Guide Line Format for the file format specification.
Setting Up a Survey 12
BOB Operation Manual
4 Collecting Data
After all the survey settings and magnetometer parameters have been entered, BOB is ready to
start collecting readings. During this stage of the survey, you will be able to see a plot for all the
sensors in the magnetometer platform in the Main Window. You can add, edit, and remove
survey lines and markers, both in the Main Window and the GPS Plot Window. The GPS Plot
Window will also let you track the vessel and magnetometer positions.
If you turn sampling on, data will start to fill up the table and terminal in the log area. The plot
area will be updated with the new values as well.
Collecting Data 13
BOB Operation Manual
Connection The magnetometer icon will display the connection status. A red
“X” mark indicates the magnetometer is disconnected, and a
green check mark means a connection has been established.
Sampling The sampling area indicates the sampling rate and whether
sampling is turned on.
Current time This is the magnetometer time calculated using the PC clock and
the last time read from the magnetometer. Holding the mouse
pointer over this area will display the synchronization options.
Last Reading The last magnetic field reading is shown here. If you are using a
four-sensor SeaQuest, this field will display the last analytic signal
Vertical position The last depth and altitude readings are shown here.
Under normal survey conditions all of the indicators in the Warnings area should be green. A
yellow indicator indicates a lower-than-optimal value, while a red one may require the user to
take immediate action. See Appendix B. Warnings for more information on the warning
Collecting Data 14
BOB Operation Manual
The selection indicator highlights the parts of the survey that are displayed in the plot area. The
Review pane is highlighted in blue/green, and the Latest Readings pane in orange.
The table in the log area is horizontally split in two. It shows all the readings collected in the
survey in the top pane and as many latest readings as will fit in the bottom. This divider can also
be dragged to the top, or bottom of the table area. If you move the mouse pointer in the plot
area and the top side of the table is visible, the table will scroll to match the row that
corresponds to the reading in the plot area.
Gap lines in the plot area mark a missing time span in the survey data.
Gap lines
Review Latest
Collecting Data 15
BOB Operation Manual
Right-click the time scale to get a context menu. Use it to set the time range shown to one
minute, three minutes, one hour, or one day. Click Auto-Hide in the context menu to lock (or
unlock) the time scale as visible.
Refer to Appendix G. Mouse and Keyboard Shortcuts for other ways to adjust the plot display.
Collecting Data 16
BOB Operation Manual
The Layers panel lists all the data layers available for the
magnetometer being currently used, as well as markers,
gaps, and lines. The number to the right of each layer
represents the full scale for that layer in the plot area.
Click the eye icon to toggle that layer’s visibility. If the line
represents a layer group -such as Position- all of the layers
in that group will be toggled. For example, a magnetometer
equipped with a depth sensor and altimeter contains three
layers in the Position group: Depth, Altitude, and Bottom.
Figure 4-7: Click the LAYERS bar to
hide or show the Layers panel.
Different magnetometers have different layers. See Appendix A. Layer Descriptions for more
information on the layers displayed.
2 Drag the
Refer to Appendix G. Mouse and Keyboard Shortcuts for scale slider
Collecting Data 17
BOB Operation Manual
Connection The compass icon will display the connection status. A red
“X” mark indicates the GPS is disconnected, and a green
check mark means a connection has been established.
Now Mode Turn Now Mode on to track the current position of the
magnetometer continuously. When this tracking is on, BOB
will keep the magnetometer in the center of the plot.
Reset Scale and Center Click this button to reset the scale and place the
magnetometer in the center of the plot.
Click and drag anywhere outside the center button to rotate the plot
clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Click the center button to reset the rotation angle and make north
point up. Figure 4-10: The rotation
control in the GPS Plot
Refer to Appendix G. Mouse and Keyboard Shortcuts for ways to adjust the plot display.
Collecting Data 18
BOB Operation Manual
Refer to Appendix G. Mouse and Keyboard Shortcuts for more ways to access marker
Right-click an item or
anywhere in the white area
Collecting Data 19
BOB Operation Manual
Marker well
Ctrl-click to instantly
Right-click on
add a marker
the shortcut
Right-click the bar
marker icon
Right-click on
the plot area
Marker well
Ctrl-click to instantly Right-click on
add a marker the shortcut
Collecting Data 20
BOB Operation Manual
Marker Set
Date and time
The marker icon will be colored depending on Figure 4-14: The Add Marker dialog.
which marker set it belongs to.
Collecting Data 21
BOB Operation Manual
Right-click a marker set and click Delete Set in the context menu, or
Select a marker set and click the Delete button.
Collecting Data 22
BOB Operation Manual
Refer to Appendix G. Mouse and Keyboard Shortcuts for quick ways to access survey lines
4.13.3 Access Survey Lines Operations - GPS Plot Window Context Menus
Right-click anywhere in the plot area of the GPS Plot window to display a context menu with
survey lines operations.
Collecting Data 23
BOB Operation Manual
In the Survey Lines panel Click Edit in the marker context menu.
In the Main and GPS Plot Windows Click Edit Line Marker in a line marker context
To keep incoming data from pushing the current view up, click the Scroll Lock button.
To stop collecting data in the terminal window click on for the magnetometer or the GPS. To
resume collecting data click on . Note that regardless of the data shown in the terminal, all
data is stored in BOB’s database.
Both terminals in the Main and GPS Plot windows offer the same functionality.
1 Click the Terminal tab in the Log (or Data View) panel to display the terminal.
2 Set Show Mag Messages to on.
3 Click anywhere in the terminal area. The border of the terminal window will be green if it
is ready to receive keyboard input.
4 Type commands using your keyboard.
Collecting Data 24
BOB Operation Manual
Collecting Data 25
BOB Operation Manual
5 Retrieving Data
You can set BOB to export survey data to a text file, or print data in real time. Additionally, you
can archive a full survey to a backup file.
You can specify which columns to export and configure additional settings:
Apply base station correction Use base station data to correct field readings.
Show readings outside survey lines By default, data that is not inside a survey line will not be
exported. Check this box to export all data.
Retrieving Data 26
BOB Operation Manual
Show readings with time errors Export data with a timestamp flagged as invalid.
Delimit with: Click Space to generate a *.txt file that separates values
with spaces, or Comma for a *.csv file that uses commas
Open file when done BOB will use the default program to open the *.txt or *.csv
file after the export operation has finished. In most cases,
these will be Notepad for a space-delimited file and Excel
for a comma-delimited one.
Click the Export Log button after you have configured all settings. The progress bar at the
bottom will reflect the export operation progress, and the Export Log dialog will close when the
progress is complete. If you have selected Open file when done, the newly created file will be
opened as well. See Appendix D. Export Log Samples for log examples.
The print output utilizes a “floating-type” scale similar to the main window plot area. When the
data trace goes beyond one side of the chart, it will reappear on the other side. Line stamps can
be printed alongside the plot; these include: event markers, time, pen data value, and GPS
position in latitude/longitude or UTM format.
All printing control is done in the main window. To print a marker, open the Add Marker dialog,
enter the marker name, and click the Print button.
The iSys V8.5e plot is currently configured to the Mineral Management Services (MMS)
settings. This consists of two continuous profile plots of the magnetic field values at 1000nT and
100nT scales. The x-axis of the plot is stamped with the survey time every 10” (25cm).
Retrieving Data 27
BOB Operation Manual
Y-Axis Select the profiles you want to print and set their y-scale and offset. The
output plot will have major gridlines separated at 1/10th the full vertical
scale and minor gridlines at 1/50th of the selected scale, so it is
advantageous to choose a scale that is divisible by 5 or 10. The vertical
offset is specified in the units of the current pen: if Pen 1 has a scale a
100nT, an offset of 10nT will raise the plotted line on the chart by 1/10th
of the full scale of the chart.
X-Scale Select the scale for the time axis. This will determine the density of the
plotted points along the length of the print paper.
Line Stamps You can have the printed profile stamped with the survey time, data
reading value, and GPS coordinates. Line stamps are printed along the
left hand side of the output and spaced every 10” (25cm) of page length.
1 Click Survey > Backup To File in the main window menu bar.
2 Select the file location, enter the file name, and click the OK button. A bak file that
contains all of the survey data will be created.
Retrieving Data 28
BOB Operation Manual
Fields Starb. Starboard sensor total magnetic field reading. Units: nanoTeslas (nT)
Vertical sensor total magnetic field reading. Shown for gradiometers
Fields Vert.
with a vertical sensor. Units: nanoTeslas (nT)
Aft sensor total magnetic field reading. Shown for gradiometers with
Fields Aft
an aft sensor. Units: nanoTeslas (nT)
Position Depth Distance between water surface and gradiometer. Units: meters (m)
Distance between water surface and water bottom (water column)
Position Bottom
calculated from depth sensor and altimeter readings. Units: meters (m)
Position Altitude Distance between gradiometer and water bottom. Units: meters (m)
Angle between track and the direction the gradiometer nose is facing.
Attitude Pitch
Units: degrees (°)
Angle between horizon line and the plane created by the gradiometer
Attitude Roll
wings. Units: degrees (°)
Attitude Heading Heading with respect to magnetic north. Units: degrees (°)
7 Appendix B. Warnings
The following table shows the thresholds for each of the warnings in the status bar.
Signal Strength
Good: >150
(SeaSPY & Acceptable: 110-150 Poor: <110
Excellent: >180
Leak No leak detected (0-1) Leak is likely (2) Leak has occurred (3-9)
Appendix B. Warnings 31
BOB Operation Manual
Geosoft Oasis Montaj can generate XYZ files that match this format through its QC Utility menu.
// [Plan name]
// Date [yyyy]/[mm]/[dd]
Line [line number]
[start latitude],[start longitude]
[end latitude],[end longitude]
Line [line number]
[start latitude],[start longitude]
[end latitude],[end longitude]
Tie [tie line number]
[start latitude],[start longitude]
[end latitude],[end longitude]
Tie [tie line number]
[start latitude],[start longitude]
[end latitude],[end longitude]
All imported lines will be drawn in green in the GPS Plot window (Figure 8-1).
//Flight 0
//Date 2012/06/26
Line 39900
Line 39910
Line 40010
Tie -500
Tie 0
/Marine Magnetics Corp. Magnetometer Data Log [6/27/2012 9:21:23 PM]
/Filename -- [C:\Explorer.txt]
/Datum -- [WGS-84]
Reading Date Reading Time Magnetic Field Signal Quality Depth Leak Measurement Time Signal Strength
Gradient> Condition Weak Signal Poor Reading Instrument Mistuned Aft Depth Reading ID System Time
Line Name Error Mag Latitude Mag Longitude Mag Easting Mag Northing Mag Zone GPS Latitude GPS
Longitude GPS Easting GPS Northing GPS Zone %
27-Jun-2012 17:20:11.000 50640.365 99 0.2 0 965 148
* 4975 27-Jun-2012 21:20:43.330 * 43.70134506 -79.24117681 641718.54
4840205.84 17T 43.70027833 -79.23987667 641825.82 4840089.59 17T %
27-Jun-2012 17:20:12.000 50640.248 99 0.2 0 965 148
* 4976 27-Jun-2012 21:20:44.407 * 43.70134630 -79.24117732 641718.50
4840205.98 17T 43.70029667 -79.23990333 641823.63 4840091.58 17T %
27-Jun-2012 17:20:13.000 50640.141 99 0.2 0 965 148
* 4977 27-Jun-2012 21:20:45.483 * 43.70134776 -79.24117792 641718.47
4840206.06 17T 43.70031000 -79.23993500 641822.33 4840092.29 17T %
/Marine Magnetics Corp. Magnetometer Data Log [2/27/2012 2:08:22 PM]
/Filename -- [C:\Data_1.csv]
/Datum -- [WGS-84]
14-Feb-2012 08:40:16.500,9.5,9.3,0.455,43847.500,118,464, ,43848.165,103,464, ,43847.784,122,464,
,43847.802,99,464, ,-0.443,0.097,0.025,-3.40,-2.40,279.70,1,14-Feb-2012
14-Feb-2012 08:40:17.000,9.5,9.4,0.486,43847.397,153,464, ,43848.091,133,464, ,43847.674,167,465,
,43847.684,141,464, ,-0.463,0.140,0.050,-2.10,-2.40,281.30,2,14-Feb-2012
14-Feb-2012 08:40:17.500,9.6,9.4,0.618,43846.790,178,464, ,43847.701,162,464, ,43847.276,209,464,
,43847.358,155,464, ,-0.607,-0.061,-0.094,-0.70,-2.50,282.30,3,14-Feb-2012
Plot header
Data stamp
Pen 1 profile
Plot wrap
Magnetometer The time extrapolated from the last magnetometer time response.
GPS The time extrapolated from the last valid GPS fix.
Internal GPS This is the same as the magnetometer clock. BOB does not have
access to the internal GPS clock. When you synchronize the
magnetometer to the internal GPS using BOB, a command is sent
to the magnetometer, which does the synchronization internally.
Changing the PC time when sampling is on is not recommended. For best results, set the PC
time as accurately as possible at the start of the survey. To change the PC time after the survey
has started, turn sampling off first and synchronize the magnetometer and GPS again after
changing the PC time.