KONIMotosport Catalog
KONIMotosport Catalog
KONIMotosport Catalog
A KONI is not your average shock absorber. KONI PHILOSOPHY
They feature a number of standards that make As KONI is known as the shock absorber specialist par excellence, we
them unique: commit ourselves to delivering to our customers the finest quality product
with the best performance. KONI has vast experience, and a world-wide
ADJUSTABLE: to set them to your personal
reputation in developing their products for all applications.
preference and to compensate for wear.
TAILORMADE: not a copy of the original, Our engineers ensure that every product is manufactured to meet the
but designed for a specific car or even highest standards. KONI shock absorbers are produced from the finest
conditions. materials; surfaces are machined to the narrowest tolerances and quality
IMPROVEMENT: individually tested until control is incorporated in all production steps. At the end of the production
the optimum in handling and comfort is line every single damper is 100% dyno-tested to assure highest quality.
This philosophy results in unrivaled lifetime, superb road performance and
SAFETY: the handling of your car is a
maximum customer satisfaction. Our philosophy is one of no compromises!
major issue for your own safety.
INVOLVEMENT: KONI test drivers are
dedicated car enthusiasts themselves.
shock absorbers will usually outlive your car.
KONI experts recognize that every vehicle has
unique damping needs. KONI manufactures
three shock absorber technologies in order to
choose the perfect damping solution. Every
KONI is adjustable for ultimate perform-
ance benefits.
Road Racing/Autocross
2822 Series................................................................................................................2-3
2812 Mk. II Series .........................................................................................................4
2812 Long Body Series.................................................................................................5
2817 Series Struts ........................................................................................................6
2816 Series Inserts .......................................................................................................7
3012 Series ...................................................................................................................8
8212 Series ...................................................................................................................9
8610 and 8611 Series Inserts.....................................................................................10
Race Series.................................................................................................................11
Damper Length Guidelines .........................................................................................11
Road Racing Technical Reference.........................................................................12-13
Road Racing Tuning Guide .............................................................Inside Back Cover
Drag Racing
Drag Racing Technology .............................................................................................14
Electric Drag................................................................................................................15
8212 SPA1 and 8216 SPA1 Series .............................................................................16
80-2650 SPA1 .............................................................................................................17
Drag Racing Coil-Over Guidelines ..............................................................................17
Stock Applications..................................................................................................18-19
Drag Racing Technical Reference..........................................................................20-21
Drag Racing Tuning Guide ..............................................................Inside Back Cover
Oval Track
Oval Track Technology ................................................................................................22
2812 Series .................................................................................................................23
3012 Series .................................................................................................................24
3014 Series .................................................................................................................25
30 Series .....................................................................................................................26
Force Velocity Chart for 30 Series ..............................................................................27
Street Stock Applications ............................................................................................28
Oval Track Tuning Guide...........................................................................................29
Threaded Coil-Over Sleeves and Spring Perches .................................................30-31
Bump Rubbers ............................................................................................................31
For Adjustment Procedures, FAQs, Passenger Car and Light Truck For Heavy Duty Applications
and Technical Information Applications Use KONI CD Catalog or
Use KONI Technical Guide 103613 Use KONI Catalog 103609 www.konirv.com
Figure 1 Figure 2
Low Speed Only High Speed Only
The high speed adjustment on the 2822 Series is fitted on the side of the
damper. In combination with the low speed adjustment it will be able to gen-
erate 4096 predefined damping curves. This makes the control over the
damping forces even more precise.
Ordering Information: Springs seats are available to work with either 2.25” or 2.5” ID springs. There are a large number of mounting
options available besides the lengths given below as well as valving combinations. Please call for more information.
Lengths Available
The 2812 Mk. II Series spans 35 different stroke/length combinations. In addition, 3 different top
mounting eye lengths are available.
For a damper to function properly, it must be the correct length and valving. Regardless of the actual
mounting configuration, the basic method for selecting a damper is always the same. Please refer to
page 11 for a guide through this process.
Lengths Available
#1 #2 #3
Type Code L max L min L max L min L max L min Stroke L body
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
214 214 185 219 190 224 195 29 139
219 219 190 224 195 229 200 29 144
224 224 190 229 195 234 200 34 144
229 229 195 234 200 239 205 34 149
234 234 195 239 200 244 205 39 149
239 239 200 244 205 249 210 39 154
244 244 200 249 205 254 210 44 154
249 249 205 254 210 259 215 44 159
254 254 205 259 210 264 215 49 159
259 259 210 264 215 269 220 49 164
264 264 210 269 215 274 220 54 164
Note: Always select the longest L min you can 269 269 215 274 220 279 225 54 169
274 274 215 279 220 284 225 59 169
accommodate. This ensures the lowest friction 279 279 220 284 225 289 230 59 174
plus the best durability. The same eye options 284 284 220 289 225 294 230 64 174
are available for the Long Body as the 2812 Mk. 289 289 225 294 230 299 235 64 179
II as well as ordering on- or off-axis adjuster 294 294 225 299 230 304 235 69 179
windows. The bearing in the lower eye is 7/16”. 299 299 230 304 235 309 240 69 184
304 304 230 309 235 314 240 74 184
309 309 235 314 240 319 245 74 189
Ordering Information: Once the correct 214 314 235 319 240 324 245 79 189
length code has been identified, please fill out 219 319 240 324 245 329 250 79 194
the order sheet at the back of the catalog. 324 324 240 329 245 334 250 84 194
Please call if there are any questions regard- 329 329 245 334 250 339 255 84 199
ing lengths or valvings available. 334 334 245 339 250 344 255 89 199
339 339 250 344 255 349 260 89 204
344 344 250 349 255 354 260 94 204
349 349 255 354 260 359 265 94 209
354 354 255 359 260 364 265 99 209
359 359 260 364 265 369 270 99 214
364 364 260 369 265 374 270 104 214
369 369 265 374 270 379 275 104 219
374 374 265 379 270 384 275 109 219
379 379 270 384 275 389 280 109 224
384 384 270 389 275 394 280 114 224
In most racing-damper designs, a needle The 2812 LB can be used on racecars using
valve is used. These simple mechanisms eye to eye bearing mountings or on produc-
have many drawbacks, the most important tion based suspensions using a variety of
being a high sensitivity to; manufacturing tol- eyes, pins, clevises, etc.
erances, oil viscosity (and thus temperature
variations) and damage to the (needle) valve Ordering Information: Shock Lengths can
seat. This means that regular performance be from the chart listed here or by custom
checks must be carried out and the only way lengths as needed. Please call for mounting
to make such dampers perform as you want or valving questions. For more information on
them to is to set them on a damper dyno. finding the correct shock length for your
application, please refer to page 11.
Also, most companies use an external reser-
voir to accommodate the bump adjuster. The Note: Always select the longest L min you
2812 Long Body does not need this which can accommodate. This ensures the lowest
makes for a lighter and simpler installation. friction plus the best durability. The same eye
options are available for the Long Body as
The 2812 LB works the same as the 2812 the 2812 Mk. II as well as ordering on- or off-
Mk. II Series but utilizes a modular design axis adjuster windows.
allowing a much longer damper and more
flexibility for alternative mounting designs –– Lengths for the #3 top mounting eye are
than our standard 2812 Mk. II. There are taken from the center of the bottom mount-
three standard eye configurations available ing eye to the center of the top mounting
but due to its modular design, these attach- eye. The steel cap measurements are from
ments can be easily modified to meet the the center of the lower eye to the top of the
necessary requirements. Steel caps for both steel cap.
the lower and upper attachments are avail-
able to fabricate custom mountings.
Lengths Available
2817 Series
The 2817 are racing dampers designed for strut applications. The 2817 Series is a semi-
finished strut damper where only the mounting brackets need to be added.
The 2817 Series uses an inverted "twin guide" installation. The primary guide is fitted to the
top of the main cylinder. The secondary guide is fitted to the lowest point of the damper
body itself and runs up and down inside the strut housing. Therefore as the strut is com-
pressed, the distance between the two guides increases. This reduces friction and increas-
es strength dramatically under load. Damping adjustments for rebound and compression
are made at the bottom of the strut unit.
The strut housing and spring seats (for 2.5" I.D. springs) for the 2817 are made of hard-
anodized aluminum. A removable steel sleeve is fitted to the bottom part of the main cylinder
of the strut housing to allow for fabrication of bracket to fit each particular application.
Bracket Fabrication will make it difficult to refit the sleeve over the
The 2817 comes with a steel sleeve of 4.5mm aluminum casing. If, despite all precautions,
thick which is an integral, yet detachable part the sleeve turns out to be distorted, screw the
of its structure. Onto this sleeve a bracket can sleeve onto the casing as far as it will go and
be welded to attach the strut to the upright of then tap around the circumference of the
the car. Usually such a bracket will consist of sleeve with a soft faced hammer until the
two steel strips, vertically welded parallel to sleeve is free to move.
the strut. The distance between the strips, of How to determine the required
course, is equal to the thickness of the upright- Droop Limiter damper length for the 2817 and 2816
fitting flange. The thickness of the strips A droop limiter can be installed to reduce Please note that this procedure assumes
should be approximately 5mm. A TiG welding L max. The limiter length can be increased in that the vehicle is already equipped with
process is recommended. Cool the area sur- steps of 5mm and can be changed by a KONI dampers.
rounding the weld and beware of overheating Service Center. Please state the required
the steel 2817 sleeve. The resulting distortion length at the time of ordering. A. Put the car on a flat level surface.
Measure the distance between the
Length code L max Dynamic* L max Static** L min Stroke Max** L cylinder upper and lower spring seats.
2817A43 VVV 00 429 429 310 119 251
B. Jack the car up to maximum desired
droop. Measure the distance between
2817A47 VVV 00 469 469 330 139 271 the upper and lower spring seats.
2817A51 VVV 00 509 509 350 159 291 C. Support the car on jack stands.
2817A55 VVV 25 549 549 370 179 311 Remove the wheels, springs and bump
2817A59 VVV 25 589 589 390 199 331 rubbers. For convenience, disconnect
the anti-roll bars if possible.
NOTE: D. Now raise the suspension to the
* This is the max length allowed under dynamic conditions (see disclaimer below).
point where either the chassis would
** The damper should only reach this length under static (no load) conditions.
hit the ground or where a suspension
component uses up all its available
travel. If the factory length struts are
being used, it is necessary to deter-
mine if the length of the strut housing
will require shortening to achieve the
desired bump travel.
E. Subtracting the value found in stop
D with the value found in step B give
the required stroke.
F. Find a 2817 that has this required
stroke. Compare the L min with that
required from Step D.
NOTE: Upper Mounting Pin is now 5/8" Diameter.
G. If the L min is too long, check the
next shorter length and determine if
the L max will be sufficient.
Disclaimer: H. If the L min is too short, check the
At full droop the beam strength of a strut assembly is at its minimum. To warrant sufficient strength and safe next longer length. The L max can
operation, a droop limiter is usually installed inside the damper. Unfortunately, the resulting dimensions of the be shortened by increasing the
damper do not allow for the combination of a very low ride height and sufficient clearance to remove the
wheels when the car is on jacks. As a solution, the droop limiter is shortened or removed. As a result, the length of the internal droop limiter
damper can potentially be used outside of its safe operation limits. Under NO circumstance should a dynamic of the damper.
load be allowed to act on the strut assembly when the dampers are at such extended droop.
2816 Series
The 2816 is a damper for use in strut hous- of the suspension strut housing. The sec-
ings that are designed and fabricated by the ondary guide is attached to the damper and
customer. The damper is to be used in an moves up and down, relative to the primary
inverted “twin guide” installation. In this lay- guide. This configuration offers the stiffest
out, the primary guide is located at the top assembly possible with lowest friction.
3012 Series
The 3012 Series features a threaded aluminum- Styles Available
body, external double-adjustability and a high The 3012 Series dampers are available in either
pressure gas mono-tube design, ensuring opti- one of two standardized styles. The part num-
mum performance. Our patented mono-tube bers ending in an even number are supplied with
design allows for independent adjustments to the the standard eye, which has the rebound adjust-
rebound and compression forces. All damping ment window on axis to the mounting eye. The
adjustment are made at the piston, eliminating dampers ending in an odd part number are sup-
the additional weight and packaging complica- plied with the rebound adjustment window 90
tions of an external reservoir. The 3012 Series degrees to the axis of the eye. Please note that
offers one of the broadest adjustment ranges in the eye supplied with the odd numbered
the industry, eliminating the need of constant dampers increases the maximum and minimum
revalving procedures from track to track. dimension of the damper 5mm (0.2”).
The rebound adjustment is made at the top of Besides the 3012 shock, there is a steel bodied
the shock while the compression is made by full version, the 3011 Series also available. In addi-
extending the shock and turning the rod. tion, a rebound only adjustable 3014 Series is
available in the same lengths. Custom mount-
ings and lengths are also available.
8212 Series
The 8212 Series is an aluminum bodied 45 degrees from vertical as otherwise air
externally double adjustable coil-over. It has a might be sucked into the working cylinder.
twin-tube hydraulic construction that is fully When this occurs, the damper does not
rebuildable and the valving can be matched function properly.
to a wide range of applications. Adjustment of
the rebound and compression damping is The 8212 Series dampers are available in 7
provided by two controls and may be adjust- standard valving. Listed below are the valving
ed independently of one another without codes, and the range of spring rates that are
removing it from the car. Please note that recommended.
the mounting angle may not be more than
Variations Available
1. Settings for spring rates lighter than those of B1 or heavier than those listed for
B8+ can be supplied after discussing your requirements with your KONI dealer.
2. In its standard form, the 8212 Series accepts spring with an inside diameter of 2.5”.
If desired, 2.25” spring seats are available upon request.
3. In applications where the minimum length of the damper is correct, but the desired
droop travel is too long an internal rebound stop may be added to achieve the correct
dimension. Discuss your needed with your KONI dealer. Custom Lengths are also
4. A steel bodied, nickel plated version, the 8211 Series, is available offering identical
performance with a slight sacrifice in weight. This is an ideal shock for vintage
applications that require a steel body shock.
5. A single adjustable version, the 8216 Series, is also available with adjustment in
rebound damping only.
RACE Series
The RACE Series dampers are designed as a bolt in application for those
running either in high performance driving events, road racing or autocross. They
are externally adjustable in rebound damping and can be adjusted on the car.
They are designed to work with the extreme high performance spring rates up to
1000 lbs. with coil-over sleeve setups. These shocks come with factory style perches
but will also work will our coil-over sleeve systems on page 30.
Also, these shocks have been shortened to give additional travel in the suspension
to work with the lowered ride heights. This gives the dampers additional travel
and keeps the car from bottoming out. The measurement given in the table below
is the amount that the shocks are shorter than the factory length dampers.
Double eye mounting style: 2812, 3011, 3012, 4. Refer to the chart that corresponds with the
30 SP8, 8212 damper that you have selected. Find the
Lmax that matches the one you measured.
A. Prepare the car for making measurements: put If no exact match can be found, decrease
it on a flat and level surface, support it on jack Lmax to the next available length.
stands as such to lift the wheels off the NOTE: All KONI dampers are designed to
ground. Remove the wheels, springs and withstand the loads of limiting suspension
dampers. Disconnect the anti-roll bars if fitted. droop and it is advisable to make use of this
B. Check if the upper and lower mounting eyes
of the damper you have selected will clear the D. 1. Raise the suspension to the point where
attachment points on the car under all normal the chassis would hit the ground, or a sus-
operating motions. pension component uses up all of its avail-
able travel.
C. 1. The suspension should now be set at its
maximum droop position. Take careful note 2. Now again measure the distance between
of which suspension component is limiting the damper mounting points.
the suspension from traveling any further. 3. Check that this figure is greater that the
2. Lift the suspension just enough to prevent Lmin found at point D1.
that component from binding. 4. If this is not the case, decide if you need all
3. Measure the center to center distance the available droop-travel. If not, decrease
between the upper and lower damper Lmax to the next available fit an go back to
attachment points. This is the open length step C4.
or Lmax.
Bump damping controls the unsprung weight of the vehicle Once you have found what you feel to be the best bump setting on
(wheels, axles, etc.). It controls the upward movement of the sus- all four wheels, you are now ready to proceed with adjusting the
pension as when hitting a bump in the track. It should not be used rebound. The rebound damping controls the transitional roll (lean)
to control the downward movement of the vehicle when it encoun- as when entering a turn. It does not limit the total amount of roll; it
ters dips. Also, it should not be used to control roll or bottoming. does limit how fast this total roll angle is achieved. How much the
Depending on the vehicle, the ideal bump setting can occur at any vehicle actually leans is determined by other things such as spring
point within the adjustment range. This setting will be reached rate, sway bars, roll center heights, etc.
when “side-hop” or “walking” in a bumpy turn is minimal and the
ride is not uncomfortably harsh. At any point other than this ideal It should be noted that too much rebound on either end of the vehi-
setting, the “side-hopping” condition will be more pronounced and cle will cause an initial loss of lateral acceleration (cornering power)
the ride may be too harsh. at that end which will cause the vehicle to oversteer or understeer
excessively when entering a turn. Too much rebound control in
STEP 1: Set all four dampers on minimum bump and minimum relation to spring rate will cause a condition known as “jacking
rebound settings. down.” This is a condition where, after hitting a bump and com-
STEP 2: Drive one or two laps to get the feel of the car. NOTE: pressing the spring, the damper does not allow the spring to return
When driving the car during the bump adjustment to a neutral position before the next bump is encountered. This
phase, disregard body lean or roll and concentrate sole- repeats with each subsequent bump until the car is actually low-
ly on how the car feels over bumps. Also, try to notice if ered onto the bump stops. Contact with the bump stops causes a
the car “walks” or “side-hops” on a rough turn. drastic increase in roll stiffness. If this condition occurs on the front,
STEP 3: Increase bump adjustment clockwise 3 clicks on all four the car will understeer; if it occurs on the rear, the car will oversteer.
dampers. Drive the car one or two laps. Repeat Step 3
until a point is reached where the car starts to feel hard STEP 1: With rebound set on full soft and the bump control set
over bumpy surfaces. from your testing, drive the car one or two laps, paying
STEP 4: Back off the bump adjustment two clicks. The bump attention to how the car rolls when entering a turn.
control is now set. NOTE: The back off point will proba- STEP 2: Increase rebound damping three sweeps on all four
bly be reached sooner on one end of the vehicle than dampers and drive the car one or two laps. Repeat Step
the other. If this occurs, keep increasing the bump on 2 until the car enters the turns smoothly (no drastic atti-
the soft end until it, too, feels hard. Then back it off 2 tude changes) and without leaning excessively. Any
clicks. The bump control is now set. increase in the rebound stiffness beyond this point is
unnecessary and may in fact be detrimental.
EXCEPTION: It may be desirable to have a car that assumes an
oversteering or understeering attitude when enter-
ing a turn. This preference, of course, will vary from
one driver to another depending on individual driv-
12 ing style.
The following is a guide to try to fix handling problems AFTER the car’s initial setup has already been found.
Rebound Rebound
Setting is Too Firm – Can cause the car to “jack Setting is Too Firm – Can cause a snap over
down” which can cause the driver to think the car steer on corner entry from rear tires losing con-
is too firm in compression. Can also cause a lack tact on bumps. Can also cause the car to “jack
in grip from the tire not separating from the chas- down” in the rear and less grip.
sis fast enough and cause the car to understeer. Setting is Too Soft – Can cause a corner entry
Setting is Too Soft – Though a soft rebound oversteer and corner exit oversteer. Vehicle may
setting will allow better compliance with the road, feel floaty or excessively oscillate after hitting
the car may feel floaty or excessively oscillate bumps.
after hitting bumps.
Compression Setting is Too Firm – Can cause the car to have
Setting is Too Firm – Can cause the car to feel a snap oversteer, especially on mid-corner
skittish and lose grip over rough sections of bumps. Car won’t feel stabile in turn and skittish
pavement. Can cause outside tire to be loaded on rough pavement.
too quickly. The car won’t stabilize in a turn. Setting is Too Soft – Can cause corner exit
Setting is Too Soft – Can cause a corner entry understeer and possible excessive suspension
understeer. Can possibly cause excessive sus- movement.
pension movement.
1. When changing to firmer springs, the shocks usually need to be set firmer for rebound and softer for
compression damping.
2. On rainy or slick tracks, softening the compression damping will help to delay initial loading on the tire which
increases grip.
This is a guide for Shock Setup only. Other factors such as the spring rates, sway bars, alignment and tire
pressures will also have an affect on the handling of the vehicle.
For applications that use an upper spherical bearing mount or camber plate,
please check the following points for adequate clearance through the entire range of suspension travel.
• Make certain that the mounting hardware does not • Make certain that the retaining clip for the bearing does
contact the outer bearing race or the housing that not contact the piston rod shoulder or mounting hardware.
retains the bearing. The mounting hardware includes
any nut, washer, or spacers that are use to locate the
mounting pin in the bearing.
Any contact at these points can cause excessive side load that could cause damage
to the damper or bearing mounting assembly.
Unfortunately the nose-in-the-air position trapped huge volumes Yes. This means they are designed to digress, or “blow off” at high
of air which ruined any attempt at aerodynamics so E.T.s were not piston speed. Why? Well, if you had the velocity sensitive type
as good as they could have been. setting the front shocks use, it would be possible to grossly over
damp the rear suspension on initial launch, thereby picking up rear
KONI SPA1 Series shocks deal with this in several ways. First, wheels. The rear SPA1 KONI will “blow off” then, and allow proper
they use virtually no bump (compression) damping. Why? To allow “unwinding” of the rear suspension.
the front-end to settle quicker, restoring the nose down attitude
that is so essential for cleaner air flow. Second, the rebound WARNING
(extension) forces are velocity sensitive; that is, they increase at a
rate directly proportionate to piston speed. KONI Series SPA1 shock absorbers are specifically for
use in off highway drag race competition only. If used on
So, what does this mean? public highways loss of vehicle control and consequent
personal injuries may result.
On a dry surface with good hookup, the amount of lift generated
by initial launch is, of course, very sudden and quite violent. The
velocity sensitive nature of the SPA1 reacts instantly (no magic,
just good design and tuning) to damp this lift to avoid bogging
caused by too much weight transfer. (Yes, you can have too much
of a good thing.)
Electric Drag
The 12-2021 electric drag racing dampers offer
the ultimate in adjustable drag race suspension.
Rebound damping forces are adjusted by an
electric servo motor located inside the piston rod
that can be adjusted with the touch of a button.
This allows the driver to launch the car with high
rebound forces to hold the car down for better bite
and then change to a softer setting by a remote
switch to offer more compliance to optimize trac-
tion. Compression damping is also adjustable
manually to one of twelve settings via a screw
adjustment at the bottom of the damper. The
spring seats accept a 2.25” I.D. spring or a 2.5” ID
spring when used with the included nylon
adapters and are installed with 1/2" I.D. spherical
bearings. These are complete kits that include the
wiring harness and the control box. The SPA11
“Gorilla” valving is available as well which offers
higher rebound forces for applications using high-
er spring rates.
Note: Compression Adjustment range not shown in graph.
Part Number Stroke Max. Length Min. Length Spring Length Ride Height
12 2021 6.57" 19.25" 12.68" 14" 15.96"
12 2021 SPA11 6.57" 19.25" 12.68" 14" 15.96"
Parts Available Upper Spring Seat Lower Spring Seat Locking Ring Nylon 2.25" to 2.5" spring seat adapter Electronic Control Box Wiring Harness
8212 SPA1
Part Number Stroke Max. Length Min. Length Spring Length Ride Height
The 8212 SPA1 Series of dampers 8212 1121 SPA1 5.13" 15.88" 10.75" 10"-12" 13.32"
is an aluminum bodied coil-over
that features externally adjustable 8212 1126 SPA1 6.00" 17.50" 11.50" 12" 14.50"
rebound and compression damp- 8212 1123 SPA1 7.00" 19.50" 12.50" 14" 16.00"
ing. Due to its unique valving and
wide range of adjustment, this
drag racing damper satisfies a
wide range of suspension config-
urations and spring rates. The
8212 SPA1 is fully rebuildable
and comes complete with 2.5” I.D.
spring hardware and 1/2" I.D.
spherical bearings. Custom Lengths
can be built to your requirements
in our shop.
Parts Available Upper Spring Seat
8212.29.129 Lower Spring Seat
8212.29.011 Locking Ring Nylon 2.25" to 2.5" spring seat adapter Bump Rubber
8216 SPA1
Part Number Stroke Max. Length Min. Length Spring Length Ride Height
The 8216 SPA1 is an aluminum
bodied coil-over that is designed 8216 2027 2.25" 11.26" 8.74" 8" 9.87"
for use with 2.5” I.D. springs. 8216 1906 SPA1 4.61" 15.59" 10.98" 10"-12" 13.29"
These single adjustable drag race 8216 1907 SPA1 5.44" 17.17" 11.73" 12" 14.45"
dampers are externally adjustable 8216 1908 SPA1 6.37" 19.13" 12.76" 14" 15.95"
on rebound damping with the com-
pression damping set from the fac-
tory. Custom Lengths can also be
fabricated in our shop.
Parts Available Upper Spring Seat
8212.29.129 Lower Spring Seat
8212.29.011 Locking Ring Bump Rubber Bump Rubber (for 8216-2027 only)
80-2650 SPA1
Part Number Stroke Max. Length Min. Length Spring Length Ride Height
The 80-2650 SPA1 is an eco- 80 2650 SPA1 5.2" 15.83" 10.63" 12" 13.23"
nomical steel bodied coil-over
that is designed for use with
2.5” I.D. springs. These single
adjustable dampers are inter-
nally adjustable on rebound
damping with a fixed com-
pression damping setting. The
80-2650 SPA1 mount has 1/2"
I.D. rubber mounting bushings.
Parts Available Upper Spring Seat Lower Spring Seat Locking Ring Rubber Bushing
Ride Height – The ride height measurement given in the tables Spring Seats – The spring seats and threading on the shocks
above is the point at the center of stroke for the shock. Ideally, you should be kept clean at all times. Dirt and other debris could other-
should be within a half inch above or below this depending on your wise lodge into the threads and possibly damage them.
chassis setup.
Car Transport – If you trailer your car to the track, it is possible that
Bump Rubber – The bump rubber, or bumpstop as it is also called, you are wearing your shocks out faster. If the tires of the car are tied
can be cut down some depending on if the travel is needed in com- down instead of the chassis, the shock is trying to work to stop the
pression. The bump rubber should not be removed though as this movement the chassis by the trailer. This can cause premature wear
protects the shock from damage. Any trimming done to the bump- of the suspension components.
stop should be done from the top down. The conical part at the bot-
tom should be left alone as it allows a more progressive stop the
suspension movement.
Apollo, Skylark 74-79 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Centurion, Electra, LeSabre 71-76 80 1958 SPA1 Not Available
Century Wagon 73-77 80 1958 SPA1 Not Available
Century, Regal (Exc. Wagons) 70-87 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Regal, Grand National 78-87 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Electra, LeSabre (Exc. FWD) 77-85 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Skylark, Special 68-72 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Skylark, Special 64-67 Not Available 80 1661 SPA1
Sportwagon 70-72 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Camaro incl. Z-28 82-92 8710 1289 SPA1 Not Available
Camaro incl. Z-28 70-81 80 2108 SPA1 80 2109 SPA1
Camaro W/Mono-Leaf Rear Springs 68-69 80 1914 SPA1 80 1915 SPA1
Camaro W/Multi-Leaf Rear Springs 68-69 80 1914 SPA1 Not Available
Camaro 67 80 1914 SPA1 80 1915 SPA1
Caprice, Impala Sedans, Wagons 77-95 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Caprice, Impala Sedans, Wagons 66-78 80 1958 SPA1 Not Available
Chevelle, Malibu Sedans 68-85 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Chevelle, Malibu Sedans, SS-396 64-67 Not Available 80 1661 SPA1
Chevy 55-57 80 2108 SPA1 Not Available
Nova 75-79 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Chevy II, Nova 68-74 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Chevy II, Nova 62-67 80 1546 SPA1 80 1915 SPA1
Corvette 63-83 80 1820 SPA1 80 1576 SPA1
El Camino 68-77 80 1958 SPA1 Not Available
Monte Carlo 70-87 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Charger 77-81 80 2660 SPA1 Not Available
Charger, Coronet 73-76 80 2660 SPA1 Not Available
Dart, Demon, GTS 63-76 80 1423 SPA1 Not Available
Mustang (Exc. IRS) 94-04 8710 1311 SPA1 80 2401 SPA1
— Double Adjustable Rear Alternative _ 8042 1134 Sport
— Quad Shock 25 1215
Mustang, 8 cyl. 87-93 8710 1272 SPA1 80 2401 SPA1
— Double Adjustable Rear Alternative _ 8042 1026 Sport
— Quad Shock 25 1215
Mustang, 4 cyl. 86-92 Not Available 80 2401 SPA1
—Quad Shock 25 1215
Mustang w/1.5 in. Lower Rear Bushing (Exc. SVO) 79-86 Not Available 80 2401 SPA1
—Quad Shock 25 1215
Mustang 74-78 80 2660 SPA1
Not Available
Mustang 71-73 Not Available 80 2511 SPA1
Mustang 64-70 80 2510 SPA1 80 2511 SPA1
Pinto Sedan and Wagon 70-80 80 2660 SPA1 Not Available
Capri w/1.5 in. Lower Rear Bushing 79-86 Not Available 80 2401 SPA1
— Quad Shock — 25-1215
Cougar 67-70 80 2510 SPA1 Not Available
Cutlass Sedan 87 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Cutlass Vista Cruiser 73-77 80 1958 SPA1 Not Available
Cutlass 442 66-67 Not Available 80 1661 SPA1
Cutlass F-85 (Exc. 442) 64-67 Not Available 80 1661 SPA1
Omega 75-79 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Barracuda 64-69 80 1423 SPA1 80 1539 SPA1
Belvedere, Satellite 74 80 2660 SPA1 Not Available
Duster/ Valiant 63-76 80 1423 SPA1 80 1539 SPA1
Road Runner 73-75 80 2660 SPA1 Not Available
Bonneville, Catalina, Parisienne (all) 77-81 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Bonneville, Catalina, Parisienne (all) 65-76 80 1958 SPA1 Not Available
Can-Am 77 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Firebird Incl. Trans-Am 82-92 8710 1289 SPA1 Not Available
Firebird Incl. Trans-Am 70-81 80 2108 SPA1 80 2109 SPA1
Firebird 69 80 1914 SPA1 Not Available
Firebird 68 80 1914 SPA1 Not Available
Firebird 67 80 1914 SPA1 80 1915 SPA1
Grand Am 73-77 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Grand Prix 69-87 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
GTO, LeMans, Tempest Sedans 68-77 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
GTO, LeMans, Tempest Sedans 64-67 Not Available 80 1661 SPA1
LeMans Wagon 73-77 80 1958 SPA1 Not Available
Parisienne Incl. Wagon 83-86 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Phoenix, Ventura II 75-79 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Ventura 72-74 80 1958 SPA1 80 1661 SPA1
Note: For FWD applications, please check the Sport applications in our Passenger Car and Light Truck Applications.
80 2660 SPA1 Pin Eye 11.69" 8.00" 80 1576 SPA1 Eye Eye 14.13" 10.12"
80 1914 SPA1 Pin Fork 13.27" 8.62" 80 2511 SPA1 Pin Pin 16.46" 10.12"
80 1958 SPA1 Pin Fork 13.66" 8.82" 80 1915 SPA1 Pin Eye 19.80" 12.01"
80 1820 SPA1 Pin Fork 13.66" 8.82" 80 2401 SPA1 Pin Eye 20.35" 12.32"
80 2510 SPA1 Fork 2-Stud 14.40" 9.37" 80 2109 SPA1 Fork Pin 20.47" 12.48"
80 2108 SPA1 Pin Fork 14.84" 9.41" 80 1661 SPA1 Fork 1-Stud 21.18" 12.99"
80 1423 SPA1 Pin Eye 14.88" 9.50"
80 1546 SPA1 Pin 2-Stud 16.30" 10.00"
2 Minimum Length
– completely compress shock absorber and measure.
The 2812 Series are a mono-tube damper specifically designed for asphalt competition purposes and
features externally adjustable bump and rebound. The precision adjustment mechanism allows for maximum
control possible over the damping forces generated.
In modern racing applications damper sensitivity, repeatability, and ease of use are a must. To achieve this,
the 2812 Series uses a superior and advanced adjustment mechanism operated by closing and opening
valve-loaded ports. By having all damping forces generated at the piston, the control over the damping forces
is very precise. A separate reservoir is not needed to accommodate the bump adjuster. This makes for a
lighter assembly and a compact and simple installation.
Due to the uniqueness of this damper, please call to discuss application and valving. The shocks are user
rebuildable with hundreds of different valving combinations available. For parts and tool information, please call.
The chart below is just a sample of the various lengths that are available. The 2812 shock uses a 1/2” ID
bearing but custom mountings can be fabricated as well due to its modular design.
For more information on finding the correct shock length for your application, please refer to page 11. For
strut based applications, please refer to page 6.
Note: Always select the longest L min you can accommodate. This ensures the lowest friction plus the
best durability.
3012 Series
The 3012 Series is the ultimate circle track shock. The KONI patented mono-tube design allows for inde-
pendent adjustments to the rebound and compression forces. The 3012 Series offers one of the broadest
adjustment ranges in the industry, eliminating the need for constant revalving procedures from track to track.
Note: This shock is also available in a steel body known as the 3011 Series.
3014 Series
The 3014 Series shock is the premier rebound adjustable damper in the industry. The 3014 can be adjusted
without removing anything from the car; just simply turn the adjuster wheel to the desired position and it’s
set. This low gas pressure mono-tube has a rebound adjustment range that covers a number 1 through 9
valve and can be ordered with a choice of two compression valves.
30 Series
Our 30 Series shock is a single adjustable mono-tube design that can be used on Asphalt or Dirt
Applications. There are four distinct rebound adjustments that allow you to adjust the shock to suit your
needs, chassis setup and track conditions. It is lightweight, very consistent and affordable.
Set including threaded sleeve, lower spring perch, and upper spring perch . . . . . . . . .30.0000
Threaded Sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30.0000.0005
Lower spring perch with locking set screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30.0000.0006
Upper spring perch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30.0000.0010
Snap ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30.0000.0009
Make / Model Year Front Rear Make / Model Year Front Rear
Apollo/Skylark 74-79 8040 1087 8040 1088 Cutlass 64-87 8040 1087 8040 1088
Regal/Grand National 70-87 8040 1087 8040 1088 Omega 75-79 8040 1087 8040 1088
Skylark 68-72 8040 1087 8040 1088
CHEVROLET Cam-Am 77 8040 1087 8040 1088
Camaro 82-92 8741 1030 8241 1140 Sport Firebird 82-92 8741 1030 8241 1140 Sport
Camaro 70-81 8040 1017 8040 1018 Firebird 70-81 8040 1017 8040 1018
Caprice/Impala 77-91 8040 1087 8040 1088 Grand Am 73-77 8040 1087 8040 1088
Chevelle/Malibu 64-85 8040 1087 8040 1088 Grand Prix 69-87 8040 1087 8040 1088
Chevy II/Nova w/Multi-Leaf 68-74 8040 1087 8040 1088 GTO/LeMans/Tempest 64-77 8040 1087 8040 1088
Monte Carlo 70-87 8040 1087 8040 1088
LeMans 78-81 8040 1087 8040 1088
Nova 75-79 8040 1087 8040 1088
Phoenix/ Ventura II 75-79 8040 1087 8040 1088
FORD Ventura II w/Multi-Leaf 72-74 8040 1087 8040 1088
Mustang 94-04 8741 1401 Sport 8041 1026 Sport
For other Street Stock applications, check our Passenger Car and Light
Mustang 87-93 8741 1121 Sport 8041 1026 Sport
Truck Application Guide.
Quad Shock 25 1215
Mustang (Exc. SVO) 85-86 8741 1103 8041 1026 Sport
Quad Shock 25 1215
Mustang w/1.5" Lower 81-84 8741 1103 8041 1026 Sport
Rear Bushing (Exc.SVO)
Quad Shock 25 1215
Mustang, all models 79-80 8741 1103 8041 1026 Sport
Setting both Front shocks Firmer for Rebound will tighten the car up some.
Setting both Rear shocks Firmer will loosen the car up some.
Adjust only enough rebound into each shock absorber to Rebound adjustments will allow you to alter your car to a corner
eliminate the undesirable characteristic. Adjusting too much entry condition without affecting corner exit or vice versa.
rebound may mask a handling problem of another sort.
Rebound controls the sprung weight of the chassis or weight
Adding more rebound to the car will make the car more stable on transfer while Compression damping affects the unsprung
rougher tracks. On Dirt cars, adding Rebound to the Right Rear weight of the chassis or the tire contact to the racing surface.
will make the car more stable when it slides into the cushion.
KONI THREADED SPRING PERCH SLEEVES AND PARTS The threaded sleeves are designed to mount on fixed platforms or
Threaded coil-over spring perches allow vehicles that would nor- groove located circlips that are perpendicular to the damper body.
mally have fixed location spring perches to gain some of the bene- The threaded sleeves are made of anodized aluminum with thread-
fits of racing developed tuning techniques. Performance suspen- ed specially designed for load carrying and self cleaning proper-
sion adjustments such as ride height adjustment and corner ties. All lower perches have a nylon tipped locking set screw to pos-
weighting or weight jacking can be performed with threaded spring itively lock the perch in place without damaging the threads.
perches. KONI offers several coil-over sleeves and individual com-
ponents to allow both street and race cars these performance ben- Caution should be used in the installation and use of threaded
efits. Because different vehicles have differ spring and shock spring perches to be sure not to cause damage to the vehicle from
mounting needs and uses, each installer will need to establish bottoming or topping springs, shocks and suspension parts. KONI
which parts are right for that particular application. cannot be held responsible for modifications or damages caused
by the improper use or adjustment of threaded spring perches.
Figure A
Figure B
30.0000.0005 80.0000.1
and 30.0000.0006
Set including threaded sleeve, lower spring perch, and 25mm upper spring perch (figure A). . . . . . . . . . . 80.0000.1
Set including threaded sleeve, lower spring perch, and 40mm upper spring perch (figure B). . . . . . . . . . . 80.0000.2
Threaded Sleeve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.0000.0005
Lower spring perch with locking set screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.0000.0006
25 mm upper spring perch (figure A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.0000.0007
40 mm upper spring perch (figure B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.0000.0008
Nylon 2 1/4" to 2 1/2" ID spring adapters (2 needed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Set including threaded sleeve, lower spring perch, and upper spring perch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.0000
Threaded Sleeve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.0000.0005
Lower spring perch with locking set screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.0000.0006
Upper spring perch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.0000.0010
Snap ring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.0000.0009
28 Series
Note: Do not place shock absorber in a vice (except at the lower eye).
The rebound and compression adjuster requires a pin with an outside diameter of 1.5mm or a 1.5mm
hex key. The adjusters are marked with the letters that are stamped on the mounting eye.
The Rebound adjuster is marked with an R (rebound). To increase the rebound force, put the adjuster
pin next to the minus sign and turn the pin towards the plus sign (left to right).
The Compression adjuster is marked with a B (bump). To increase the compression force, put the
adjuster pin next to the minus sign and turn the pin towards the plus sign (left to right).
The adjusters each have 7 distinct stop (clicks), each of which marks an adjustment position. There are
a total of 8 adjustment positions for both the compression and rebound adjusters. There are stops at the
minimum and maximum position. DO NOT FORCE THE ADJUSTER AS DAMAGE MAY RESULT!
3011/3012 Series
Note: Do not place shock absorber in a vice (except at the lower eye).
The Rebound adjuster requires a pin with an outside diameter of 3mm or a 2.5mm Allen key.
To increase the rebound force, put the adjuster pin next to the minus sign and turn the pin towards
the plus sign (left to right). This is one sweep of adjustment. From the minimum position there is a
total adjustment range of 6-8 sweeps. There are no specific clicks of adjustment to mark the adjust-
ment position and the rebound adjuster can be placed at any position in the adjustment range. DO
The Compression adjustment is made with the shock fully extended. The compression
adjustment requires tool 1037.74.01.04 or a tool of similar dimension to depress the adjuster
button. Hold the shock body where the piston rod emerges from the cylinder. Depress the button
fully, and hold it down while adjusting. It may require turning the rod slightly to get the button fully
depressed. The adjuster has 10 distinct stops (clicks) each of which marks an adjustment position.
To increase the compression force, turn the piston rod counter-clockwise. When finished, release
the button and make sure the button fully springs back into position. Otherwise, the correct
adjustment will be disturbed.
8212/8216 Series
The Rebound adjuster requires a pin with an outside diameter of 3mm or a 2.5mm hex key. To
increase the rebound force, put the adjuster pin in the hole next to the minus sign and turn the pin
towards the plus sign. This is one sweep of adjustment. The total adjustment range is 7 to 8 sweeps.
There are no specific clicks to mark the adjustment position; the rebound adjuster can be placed in
any position in the adjustment range.
30 Series
Note: Do not place shock absorber in a vice (except at the lower eye).
The Rebound adjustment is made with the shock fully extended. First remove the shock
absorber from the vehicle. Raise the black plastic dust cap covering the adjuster button. Hold
the shock body where the piston rod emerges from the cylinder. Depress the button fully and
hold it down while adjusting. The adjuster has 3 distinct stops (clicks), each of which marks an
adjustment position. There are a total of 4 adjustment positions. The shock may have been
adjusted previously. Check if the shock is in the zero-position by turning the piston rod count-
er-clockwise until the zero-stop is felt. DO NOT FORCE.
To increase the rebound forces, turn the piston rod clockwise. Once the correct adjustment has
been reached, release the button and make sure that it full springs back into position before
installing the shock again.
To increase the Rebound force, turn the knob counter-clockwise in the direction of the “firm” arrow.
There will be 1.5-3 turns of the adjuster depending on the model. There are no specific clicks to mark the
adjustment position; the rebound adjuster can be placed in any position in the adjustment range. When
finished, remove the adjusting knob to prevent damage to the adjuster.
Note: Some shock absorbers include a bump rubber concealed under the
dust cover. All bumpstops MUST be removed prior to adjusting. Do not forget
to re-install after adjusting.
The shock may have been adjusted previously. Therefore, check whether the
shock absorber is at the minimum position by keep it compressed and gently
turning further counter-clockwise while counting the half turns until a stop is
felt. This is the minimum rebound position.
To increase the rebound damping, turn the piston rod clockwise. The typical
adjustment range is 3-5 half turns. There will be a stop at the maximum
POSITION! When finished with the adjustment, extend the shock vertically
for at least an inch without turning in order to disengage the adjusting mech-
anism. The dust cover or piston rod may now be turned freely.
Identifying KONI Part Numbers. Refer to the chart below to determine an at-a-glance overview of the
KONI part number prefixes and what feature each one indicates.
26 2812 2816 2817 30 30 SP8 3014 3012 80 8010 8040 8041 8042 82 8240 8241 8242 8210 8212 86 8610 8611 8640 8641 87 8710 8711 8740 8741 8742
Twin-Tube Hydraulic X X X X X X X X X X X
Twin-Tube Low Pressure Gas X X X X X X X X X X X
Mono-Tube High Pressure Gas X X X X X X X X
Externally Adjustable X X X X X X X X X X
Standard Adjustable X X X X X X X X X X X
Double Adjustable X X X X X X X X X
McPherson Strut Cartridge X X X X X X X
McPherson Strut Complete Housing X X X X X X X
Standard Shock Absorber X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Rebuildable X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Not Rebuildable X X X
Front Rear
Shock Series Requested
Type of Shock (A, B, C, D):
L Minimum
L Maximum
"A" Body Length
Aluminum/Steel Body
Coil-over/Non Coil-over
Gas/Non Gas
Single/Double Adjustable
Motion Ratio (see tech section)
Spring Rate Range
Spring Inner Diameter
Top Eye Adjuster Orientation
Bottom Eye Adjuster Orientation
Signed: Date:
Front Rear
Part number of dampers
Customer supplied or supplied by KONI
Fabrication from non-KONI units (wet kit)?
* To add rebound stop means that the maximum length of the damper will get shorter
** For Double adjustable conversions only
*** Applies to eye top attachment shocks only
This specification sheet must be signed off by the customer before any shocks will be built or modified. Any changes made by the customer will be recognized as the cus-
tomers requested dimensions and the damper will be built to these listed specifications. The customer is responsible for the signed off specification sheet. At time of order,
we will contact your for any corrections, as needed, and with a price quote for the work. If there are any questions, please contact us at 800-922-2616.
Signed: Date: