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Location, Atmosphere Store in Determining The Community's Visit Intention To The 'Pasar Baru' Shopping Center Bandung

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ISSN: 2146-0353 ● © RIGEO ● 11(6), SPRING, 2021

www.rigeo.org Research Article

“Location, Atmosphere Store In Determining

The Community’s Visit Intention To The 'Pasar
Baru' Shopping Center Bandung”
Mariana Rachmawati1 Mohd Haizam Saudi2
Widyatama University Widyatama University

Obsatar Sinaga3
Padjadjaran University Bandung 2021

The need for public entertainment today makes companies compete to build a shopping and tourist
center. Currently, many people have a consumptive nature, this is used by companies to continue to
create innovations in various products and services so that they are able to meet consumer needs and
make consumers feel satisfied. However, a good location and store atmosphere has not been able to be
an indicator of supporting interest in the Bandung City Community to visit intention The ‘PASAR BARU’
Shopping Center. The purpose of this research is to obtain the results of a study of the location, store
atmosphere and buying interest, as well as to obtain the results of an analysis of the location and store
atmosphere of The ‘PASAR BARU’ Shopping Center. The research method used is descriptive, verification
and quantitative approaches to examine more deeply about the variable of visit intention The ‘PASAR
BARU’ Shopping Center. Descriptive methods are used to describe or analyze a research result but are
not used for broader conclusions. Verification method is a research that aims to determine the relationship
between two or more variables. From the results of the research, location partially has no significant effect
on visit Intention., while the store atmosphere partially has a significant effect on visit intention in the city
of Bandung.

Location, Store Atmosphere, Visit Intention.

To cite this article: Rachmawati, M.; Saudi, M. H; and Sinaga, O. (2021) “Location, Atmosphere Store in Determining
the Community’s Visit Intention To the 'Pasar Baru' Shopping Center Bandung”. Review of International Geographical
Education (RIGEO), 11(6), 542-547. doi: 10.48047/rigeo.11.06.66

Submitted: 12-10-2020 ● Revised: 17-12-2020 ● Accepted: 22-02-2021

Rachmawati, M.; Saudi, M. H; and Sinaga, O. (2021) “Location, Atmosphere Store in Determining the Co…

Overall, the development of shopping centers in Indonesia is very rapid, this can be seen clearly
from the various forms of shopping centers that are built. Shopping centers are one of the places
that are in demand by many people. In addition to shopping to meet daily needs, shopping
centers also provide a different atmosphere that can be enjoyed by the community. For this
reason, this place is designed as attractive as possible to get the attention of every visitor who
comes. Shopping centers not only provide primary needs, but secondary and tertiary needs are
also met here. Shopping center (Shopping Center) is a place for retail trade or retail whose
locations are combined in one building or complex. New forms and concepts as well as creative
ideas on how to shop more comfortably and more comfortably with an easily accessible location
will be key factors for the successful development of a shopping center that answers the needs
and satisfaction of its visitors. In shopping centers, people can also do one stop shopping where
we can shop for necessities and can also do other activities. One of the Trade Centers that are
well known to the people of Bandung is The PASAR Baru Trade Center, which is located on Jalan
Otto Iskandar Dinata Bandung, which is close to one of the icons in Bandung, namely Bandung
Square. The' PASAR NEW' Trade Center Bandung is located in a strategic location, as well as many
public transportation passing it, with many products sold there, fashion, Make Up, Food and
Baverage, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Market, children's playground..
The effort of The Pasar Baru Trade Center Bandung in increasing interest in visiting the public or
consumers is a strategic location aimed at making shopping centers easy to reach by consumers.
According to Baker (2014) Location refers to various marketing activities that seek to expedite and
facilitate the delivery or distribution of goods and services from producers to consumers. In
addition to location, store atmosphere is a determining factor for people to visit more sensitive to
the atmosphere that makes them comfortable or not in a place. According to Suryawardani,
Wulandari, and Pratama (2018) store atmosphere is a combination of store physical
characteristics such as architecture, layout, signs and displays, coloring, lighting, air temperature,
sound and aroma, where these characteristics work together to create a corporate image within
the store. the mind of the customer, which is expected to increase the revisit intention of the
community or consumers.

Figure 1.

The 'NEW PASAR' Trade Center Bandung

The PASAR Baru Trade Center Bandung is located on Jalan Otto Iskandar Dinata Bandung, which
is close to one of the icons in Bandung, namely Bandung Square. THE PASAR Baru Trade Center
Bandung is located in a strategic location, as well as many public transportation passing it, with
many products sold there, fashion, Make Up, Food and Baverage, Herbal Medicine, Traditional
Market, children's playground.

Literature Review and Hypothesis


According to McCharty quoted from Kotler, Burton, Deans, Brown, and Armstrong (2015) states
that place, which is a company activity so that the product is easily obtained by its target
customers. Location or place is a combination of location and decisions on distribution channels,
in this case related to how to deliver to customers and where the strategic location is. The
company's strategic location is the key to the company's ability to attract consumers. Location is
a decision a company makes with regard to where its operations and nature are located.

© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(6), Spring 2021
Determining this location, the company needs to pay attention to the types of consumer
interactions and services provided.

Store Atmosphere

Understanding Store Atmosphere according to Kotler et al. (2015) is the atmosphere of each store
has a physical layout that makes it easy or difficult to move around in it. Each store has a different
appearance whether it is dirty, attractive, grand, and gloomy. A store must form a planned
atmosphere that is in accordance with its target market and can attract consumers to buy at the
store. Berman, Evans, and Chatterjee (2018) stated that the atmosphere of the store is the feeling
of someone when entering the store. Prospective consumers already have an idea about a store
before he goes in looking for goods and knows the price, he will feel at home in the store or out

Visit Intention

Visit intention is considered very important in increasing the number of tourist visits to a destination
and controlling consumer visits in the future, because satisfied consumers tend to make return visits
and provide positive word of mouth. Another theoretical study considers the variable of consumer
satisfaction as an important variable that influences behavioral intentions, especially the behavior
of intention to revisit Baker (2014). Meanwhile, according to Scridon, Achim, Pintea, and
Gavriletea (2019) said that satisfied consumers will make repeat visits in the future and also tell
others about the product or service they feel. Satisfaction is also a major antecedent of revisiting
intentions, Kim, Lehto, and Kandampully (2019).

Framework and Hypothesis

Figure 2. Relationship Flow Framework between Latent Variables

X1 = Location (variabel laten eksogen)

X2 = Store Atmosphere (variabel laten eksogen)
Y = Visit Intention (variabel laten endogen)
 = Residue factor

H1: Location has an influence on Visit Intention
H2: Store Atmosphere has an influence on Visit Intention
H3: Location and Store Atmosphere has an influence on Visit Intention

Research Methodology
The object of this research is the 'Pasar Baru' Trade Center, the unit of analysis is the community
and consumers of the 'Pasar Baru' Trade Center, this study aims to determine how much influence
Location and store atmosphere have on visit intention, the research method is descriptive and
verification, with linear regression hypothesis testing multiple , correlation coefficient and
determination , with random sampling distribution technique.

Rachmawati, M.; Saudi, M. H; and Sinaga, O. (2021) “Location, Atmosphere Store in Determining the Co…

Research Finding and Argument

• Goodnes fit model test (F-test)

Table .1
Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Regressi 34.414 2 17.207 73.814 .000b
1 Residual 27.507 118 .233
Total 61.921 120

a. Dependent Variable: MJ
b. Predictors: (Constant), Store Atmosphere, Location

It is known that the value of Fcount > Ftable (73,814 > 3.07) with a significant level of Fcount < 0.05,
namely (0.000 < 0.05), then Ho is rejected. Because the probability value (0.000) is smaller than
0.05, it can be said that the location variable and store atmosphere together have a relationship
and influence on the visit intention of the people of Bandung City at The 'NEW PASAR' trade
Center.Pearson Correlation Analysis and Coefficient of Determination

Table .2.
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted Std. Error of
the Estimate
R Square
1 .745 .555 .547 2.900
a. Predictors: (Constant), store atmosphere, location

The large influence of the contribution given Location and store atmosphere Location, Store
Atmosphere on public interest in visiting, can be known through the coefficient of determination.
Based on these calculations, it can be seen that R Square can be concluded that the influence
of Location, Store Atmosphere on public visiting interest is 55.5% while the remaining 44.5% is
influenced by other variables not examined.
Based on this analysis it can be interpreted that consumer attitudes which include location, store
atmosphere have an influence on interest in visiting the community, it can be seen from Fhitumg
> Ftable (73,814 > 3.07) means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that location and
store atmosphere have an influence of 55 ,5% of the public's interest in visiting THE PASAR Baru
Trade Center Bandung and the effect is significant simultaneously with the hypothesis statement
being accepted.

Pearson Correlation Coefficient

The close relationship between the influence of location and interest in visiting the community is
0.346. This shows that the reciprocal relationship between the two variables is in the interval 0.20 –
0.399, meaning that it has a weak closeness criterion.
The close relationship between the influence of Store atmosphere and interest in visiting the
people of Bandung is 0.745. This shows that the reciprocal relationship between the two variables
is in the interval 0.60 – 0.799, which means that it has a strong closeness criterion.

Coefficient of Determination
a. To calculate the influence of the contribution given by the location (X1) on the interest in
visiting the community (Y) it can be known through the coefficient of determination (Kd), with the
Kd = r2 x 100%

© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(6), Spring 2021
= 0.3462 x 100%
= 12%

Location Store Visit
Atmosphere Intention
Pearson 1 .490** .346**
Location Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 121 121 121
Pearson .490** 1 .745**
Store Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 121 121 121
Pearson .346** .745** 1
Visit Intention Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 121 121 121
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The coefficient of determination (Kd) can be concluded that the location (X1) on the interest of
visiting the community (Y) is 12% and the remaining 88% is influenced by other variables.
c. To calculate how much influence the contribution given by the store atmosphere (X2) to
the interest in visiting the community (Y) can be known through the coefficient of determination
(Kd), with the formula:

Kd = r2 x 100%
= 0.7452 x 100%
= 55.5%

The coefficient of determination (Kd) can be concluded that the Store Atmosphere (X1) on the
interest of visiting the community (Y) is 55.5%, the remaining 45.5% is influenced by other variables.

• Analisi Hypotesis Coefffient T-test


1. Based on the calculation of the statistical test in table 5.38. can be seen (tcount > ttable)
(0.46 < 1.97976) means Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. This means that the location has an
influence of 4.6% on the interest in visiting the Bandung City community and this influence is not
significant with the hypothesis statement being unacceptable.
2. Based on the calculation of the statistical test in table 5.38. can be seen (tcount > ttable)
(10.657 < 1.97976) means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that store atmosphere
has an influence of 10.7% on interest in visiting Bandung City people and the influence is significant
with the hypothesis statement being accepted.

Rachmawati, M.; Saudi, M. H; and Sinaga, O. (2021) “Location, Atmosphere Store in Determining the Co…

Conclusion and Suggestion


1. The public has an interest in The Pasar Baru Trade Center Bandung which causes their
attention to be diverted to the existence of the shopping center. Research analysis shows that the
people of Bandung City and its surroundings show a lack of interest in the Pasar Baru Trade Center
Bandung. This is evidenced that they are not too distracted by the focus of their attention on Ujung
Berung Town Square. However, behind these lacking responses, it can be seen that the
community has an interest in its existence and is very interested in knowing the facilities and
atmosphere in The PASAR Baru Trade Center Bandung mall after knowing from the questionnaire
presented. However, they do not have the interest to visit to find out and prove their perceptions.
2. Location relationship is not related to visiting interest although it will be related or have an
impact in the long term with the public's interest in visiting. In the sense that even though it shows
a strategic location relationship at a low level and when it comes to the long term, it will have a
significant impact by having a location near the tourist site.
3. The relationship store atmosphere is closely related to interest in visiting in the sense that
people feel that the store atmosphere in THE PASAR Baru Trade Center Bandung makes them feel
at home for long and will have an effect in the future.

1. As a result of frequent traffic jams, which causes visitors to be reluctant to go to The Pasar
Baru Trade Center area, Bandung is expected to be able to provide sign directions on the closest
road to be passed by private and public vehicles so that they are not always hit by traffic jams.
2. Based on the results of the answers from respondents is that there are not many directions.
The PASAR Baru Trade Center Bandung paid the government to add a sign for directions 500
meters from the building. The PASAR Baru Trade Center Bandung can make billboards and carry
out promotions stating the layout of The PASAR Baru Trade Center Bandung location.
3. The layout of the kiosks in the mall which is felt by visitors is the lack of a wide distance
between one kiosk and another, The PASAR Baru Trade Center Bandung is expected to be able
to provide a wide distance and the PASAR Baru Trade Center Bandung can rearrange kiosks that
look narrow so that people can walk around with a comfortable feeling in the mall.
4. So that people are interested in the existence of The PASAR Baru Trade Center Bandung
mall, namely by providing discount promos or cheaper product prices compared to competitors,
and adding hype tenants such as xi fung tang which only exists in a few malls such as PVJ so that
interested in coming to The Pasar Baru Trade Center Bandung. Then install billboards in several
places that are often passed by vehicles or pedestrians so that the public knows information about
the latest interesting tenants.
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