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TO BS 8110 and EC2

User Guide to Excel spreadsheet files
for contemporary reinforced concrete
design to BS 8110: Part 1, 1997
and EC2 (ENV 1992) with commentary

C H Goodchild BSc, CEng, MCIOB, MIStructE

R M Webster CEng, FIStructE

NB This version of the User Guide may have been
superseded by the publication Spreadsheets for
concrete design to BS 8110 and EC2 and by the file


This publication was produced by the Reinforced Concrete Council (RCC) as part of its project 'Spreadsheets for
concrete design to BS 8110 and EC2'. This project was jointly funded by the RCC and the Department of the
Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) under its Partners in Technology scheme and was made
possible by members of industry with their contributions in kind.

The RCC was set up to promote better knowledge and understanding of reinforced concrete design and building
technology. Its members are Allied Steel & Wire, representing the major suppliers of reinforcing steel in the UK,
and the British Cement Association, representing the major manufacturers of Portland cement in the UK. Charles
Goodchild is Senior Engineer for the Reinforced Concrete Council. He was responsible for the concept and
management of this project and this publication.

Rod Webster of Concrete Innovation & Design is principal author of the spreadsheets. He has been writing RC
spreadsheets since 1984 and is expert in the design of tall concrete buildings and in advanced analytical


The ideas and illustrations come from many sources. The help and guidance received from many individuals are
gratefully acknowledged.

Thanks are due to members of the projects Advisory Group for their time and effort in helping to make the project
feasible and in bringing it to fruition:

S Alexander, S Alhayderi, Dr H Al-Quarra, I Baldwin, C Barker, M Beamish, A Beasley, T Bedford,
G Belton, R Bhatt, R Bickerton, P Blackmore, D Blackwood, M Brady, C Buczkowski, A Campbell,
Dr P Chana, G Charlesworth, L Cheng, Mr Chichger, R Collison, A Craddock, M Morton, J Curry,
J Dale, H Dikme, C P Edmondson, J Elliott, I Feltham, G Fernando, M Fernando, I Francis, A Fung,
P Gardner, J Gay, P Green, A Hall, N Harris, G Hill, D W Hobbs, R Hulse, M Hutcheson, A Idrus,
N Imms, P Jennings, D Kennedy, G Kennedy, R Jothiraj, Dr Shaiq Khan, A King, G King, S King,
K Kus, Lockhart, M Lord, B Lorimer, M Lovell, Dr Luker,J Lupton, M Lytrides, Prof I Macleod,
F Malekpour, A McAtear, A McFarlane, F Mohammad, A Mole, M Morton, R Moss, B Munton,
C O'Boyle, Dr A Okorie, T O'Neill, B Osafa-Kwaako, D Patel, D Penman, M Perera, B Quick, Y Rafiq,
A Rathbone, M Rawlinson, P Reynolds, H Riley, N Russell, U P Sarki, T Schollar, A Stalker, A Starr,
M Stevenson, B Stoker, B Treadwell, A Truby, R Turner, T Viney, Dr P Walker, B Watson,
J Whitworth, C Wilby, S Wilde, A Wong and E Yarimer

The RCC extends its special appreciation to:
Richard Cheng, BSc, CEng, Eur Ing, FIStructE, author of the retaining wall and basement wall spreadsheets,
Peter Noble for conversions and checking, and to
Andy Pullen for initial studies into compatibility of spreadsheet software.

Also the late Sami Khan for help with post-tensioning spreadsheets.

Thanks also to Alan Tovey (Tecnicom) and Gillian Bond (Words & Pages) for editing, design and production.

97.370 v0.92 UserGuid.doc
First published 2000

ISBN 0 7210 1545 X

Price group F

British Cement Association 2000

Published by the British Cement Association on behalf of the
industry sponsors of the Reinforced Concrete Council.

British Cement Association
Century House, Telford Avenue
Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 6YS
Telephone (01344) 762676 Fax (01344) 761214
All advice or information from the British Cement Association and/or Reinforced Concrete Council is intended for those who wi ll
evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and take responsibility for its use and application. No liability (including
that for negligence) for any loss resulting from such advice or information is accepted by the BCA, RCC or their subcontractors,
suppliers or advisors. Users should note that all BCA software and publications are subject to revision from time to time and
should therefore ensure that they are in possession of the latest version.
BS 8110 and EC2


Introduction 3
General notes
Managing the spreadsheets 5
Familiarisation 7
Using the spreadsheets 14
Assumptions made 19
Spreadsheets to BS 8110
Elements RCC11 Element Design.xls 22
RCC12 Bending and Axial Force.xls 25
RCC13 Punching Shear.xls 26
RCC14 Crack Width.xls 27
Analysis RCC21 Subframe Analysis.xls 28
Slabs RCC31 One-way Solid Slabs (A & D).xls
RCC32 Ribbed Slabs (A & D).xls 31
RCC33 Flat Slabs (A & D).xls 33
Beams RCC41 Continuous Beams (A & D).xls 35
RCC42 Post-tensioned Slabs & Beams (A & D).xls 37
Columns RCC51 Column Load Take-down & Design.xls 42
RCC52 Column Chart generation.xls 45
RCC53 Column Design.xls 46
Walls RCC61 Basement Wall.xls 47
RCC62 Retaining Wall.xls 49
Stairs RCC71 Stair Flight & Landing - Single.xls 52
RCC72 Stairs & Landings - Multiple.xls 53
Foundations RCC81 Foundation Pads.xls 54
Tabular versions RCC91 One-way Solid Slabs (Tables).xls 56
RCC92 Ribbed Slabs (Tables).xls 58
RCC93 Flat Slabs (Tables).xls 60
RCC94 Two-way Slabs (Tables).xls 62
RCC95 Continuous Beams (Tables).xls 63
Spreadsheets to EC2 (ENV 1992)
Eurocode 2 64
Notes regarding EC2 64
Elements RCCe11 Element design.xls 66
Analysis RCCe21 Subframe analysis.xls 68
Beams RCCe41 Continuous beams (A & D).xls 69
Administrative files 71
Readme.doc & .txt Essential information for initial use
Printreg.xls Help/ information/ formatting
UserGuid.doc Word file of User Guide
TheFonts Folder containing fonts used in the spreadsheets:
References and further reading 73
Symbols 75

in the text of this publication, spreadsheets are often referred to by their initial reference
number rather than the full names given above
# A & D = Analysis and Design

This publication has been produced under the Reinforced Concrete Councils project, Spreadsheets
for concrete design to BS 8110 and EC2. It provides:
- A User Guide for the spreadsheets produced under the above project
- Examples of current commercial reinforced concrete design
- A consensus of current commercial reinforced concrete design practice
- A consensus of opinion concerning reinforced concrete design to EC2.

The spreadsheets are intended to follow normal design practice and cater for the design of low- to
medium-rise multi-storey concrete framed buildings.

Over a number of years, the Reinforced Concrete Council has developed spreadsheets to produce
cost-optimised span/depth charts
. It was recognised that the spreadsheets could prove to be a very
useful tool for all designers equally useful to the single practitioner, larger organisations and
educational establishments. Thus in 1996 a project was set up to commit reinforced concrete design
to computer spreadsheet files. The project was jointly funded by the RCC and the Department of the
Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) under its Partners in Technology scheme. It was
made possible by the support and contributions of time given by individual members of industry. The
project was managed by the Reinforced Concrete Council and guided by an 80-strong Advisory Group
of interested parties, including consulting engineers and software houses.

The spreadsheets were to be issued with publications covering their use, complete with model designs
and commentary. Two issues were originally envisaged: one to BS 8110: Part 1, 1997, Structural use
of concrete
, and one to Eurocode 2, Design of concrete structures, Part 1
. Owing to current
uncertainties with the final detailed content of EC2, the number of spreadsheets to the current ENV
has been curtailed. Nonetheless, it has been possible to maintain a comprehensive coverage and
present the spreadsheets to EC2 with those to BS 8110 in this single-volume user guide.

The design of concrete structures has been described as time consuming and costly. Computer
programs are used extensively but designers are often reluctant to rely on black box technology over
which they have little knowledge or control. Computer spreadsheets, on the other hand, are user-
friendly, completely transparent and very powerful, and are becoming increasingly popular in all
aspects of engineering. They have powerful graphical presentation facilities and established links with
other software, notably word processors. In structural engineering, they suit concrete design ideally, in
that they can carry out a series of mathematical calculations and, as in design, can check whether
certain conditions are met. They are an ideal medium to deal with the intricacies of concrete design.

And this is where it is hoped the publication and spreadsheets will help students and inexperienced
engineers grasp an understanding of reinforced concrete design. For the experienced engineer,
spreadsheets allow the rapid production of clear and accurate design calculations. It is hoped that the
spreadsheets will allow younger users to understand concrete design and help them to gain
experience by studying their own what if scenarios. The individual user should be able to answer their
own questions by chasing through the cells to understand the logic used. Cells within each
spreadsheet can be interrogated, formulae checked and values traced.

In producing the spreadsheets several issues have had to be addressed. Firstly, which spreadsheet
package should be used? Excel appeared to hold about 70% of the market amongst structural
engineers and was thus adopted. More specifically, Excel 97 was adopted as being de facto the most
widely available spreadsheet in the field. To avoid complications, it was decided not to produce
corresponding versions using other spreadsheet packages.

In trying to emulate current practice, a consensus of opinion was sought and used on several design
issues. For instance, with flat slabs, should deflection checks consider the whole bay width as
opposed to checking column strips and middle strips? Should retaining walls conform to BS 8002
or CECP2
. It is anticipated that through use and continuing development more standardised
design methods will emerge. Students and young engineers may follow the model calculations
presented in the spreadsheets to form an understanding of current reinforced concrete design.

The introduction of Eurocode 2 is inevitable. Students and both inexperienced and experienced
engineers will all need to grasp an understanding of design to this code. There are differences
between EC2 and BS 8110. The spreadsheets should help with the transition. The introduction of
Eurocode 2 will provide commercial opportunities for those who are prepared to use it.

It is believed that both novices and experienced users of spreadsheets will be convinced that
spreadsheets have a great potential for teaching BS 8110 and Eurocode 2, improving concrete design
and, above all, improving the concrete design and construction process.


Managing the spreadsheets

Spreadsheets can be a very powerful tool. Their use will become increasingly common in the
preparation of design calculations. They can save time, money and effort. They provide the facility to
optimise designs and they can help instill experience. However, these benefits have to be weighed
against the risks associated with any endeavour. These risks must be recognised and managed. In
other words appropriate levels of supervision and checking, including self-checking, must, as always,
be exercised when using these spreadsheets.

For the experienced engineer, it is hoped that the spreadsheets will help in the rapid production of
clear and accurate design calculations for reinforced concrete elements. The contents are intended to
be sufficient to allow the design of low-rise multi-storey concrete framed buildings.

Spreadsheets allow users to gain experience by studying their own what if scenarios. Should they
have queries, individual users should be able to answer their own questions by chasing through the
cells to understand the logic used. Cells within each spreadsheet can be interrogated, formulae
checked and values traced. Macleod
suggested that, in understanding structural behaviour, doing
calculations is probably not a great advantage; being close to the results probably is.

Engineers are often accused of having little idea of the costs of their designs. With spreadsheets, it is
a very simple matter to multiply the quantities of reinforcement, concrete and formwork required by
current rates to give an idea of material costs. By considering these costs along with time costs,
different forms of concrete construction can be compared quickly and sizes or depths of elements can
be sensibly optimised.

Other benefits include quicker and more accurate reinforcement estimates, and the possibilities for
electronic data interchange (EDI). Already, bending schedules in the form of ASCII files derived from
spreadsheets are the basis of some EDI and the control of bar-bending machines. Standardised, or at
least rationalised, designs will make the checking process easier and quicker.

Appropriate use
In its deliberations
the Standing Committee on Structural Safety (SCOSS) noted the increasingly
widespread availability of computer programs and circumstances in which their misuse could lead to
unsafe structures. These circumstances include:
- People without adequate structural engineering knowledge or training may carry out the structural
- There may be communication gaps between the design initiator, the computer program developer
and the user.
- A program may be used out of context.
- The checking process may not be sufficiently fundamental.
- The limitations of the program may not be sufficiently apparent to the user.
- For unusual structures, even experienced engineers may not have the ability to spot weaknesses
in programs for analysis and detailing.

The committees report continued: Spreadsheets are, in principle, no different from other software
With regard to these spreadsheets and this publication, the RCC hopes to have addressed more
specific concerns by demonstrating clear evidence of adequate verification by documenting the
principles, theory and algorithms used in the spreadsheets. The spreadsheets have also had the
benefit of the Advisory Groups overview and inputs. Inevitably, some unconscious assumptions,
inconsistancies etc
. will remain.

A fundamental condition of use that the user accepts responsibility for the input and output of
the computer and how it is used.

As with all software, users must be satisfied with the answers these spreadsheets give and be
confident in their use. These spreadsheets can never be fully validated but have been through beta
testing, both formally and informally, through members of the Advisory Group. However, users must
satisfy themselves that the uses to which the spreadsheets are put are appropriate.

The initial spreadsheets were put through what was termed idiot-proofing to try and guard against
strange numbers being used. By its very nature, this exercise could not be all-encompassing. Future
developments, such as adoption of European standards, might lead to use of concrete strengths of
37 N/mm
= 30, f
= 37) and other material properties strange to UK eyes. Another example is
reinforcement diameters of 14 mm that are used overseas.

Users and managers should be aware that spreadsheets can be changed and must address change
control and versions for use. The flexibility and ease of use of spreadsheets, which account for their
widespread popularity, also facilitate ad-hoc and unstructured approaches to their subsequent

Quality Assurance procedures may dictate that spreadsheets are treated as controlled documents and
subject to comparison and checks with previous methods prior to adoption. Users' Quality Assurance
schemes should address the issue of changes. The possibilities of introducing a company's own
password to the spreadsheets and/or extending the Revision history contained within the sheet
entitled Notes! might be considered.

The spreadsheets have been developed with the goal of producing calculations to show compliance
with codes. Whilst this is the primary goal, there is a school of thought
that designers are primarily
paid for producing specifications and drawings which work on site and are approved by clients and/or
checking authorities. Producing calculations happens to be a secondary exercise, regarded by many
experienced engineers as a hurdle on the way to getting the project approved and completed. From a
business process point of view, the emphasis of the spreadsheets might, in future, change to
establishing compliance once members, loads and details are known. Certainly this may be the
preferred method of use by experienced engineers.

The spreadsheets have been developed with the ability for users to input and use their own preferred
material properties, bar sizes and spacings etc. However, user preferences should recognise moves
for efficiency through standardisation.

Another long-term objective is automation. To this end, spreadsheet contents might in future be
arranged so that input and output can be copied and pasted easily by macros and/or linked by the
end-user. There are counter-arguments about users needing to be closer to the calculations and
results in order to ensure they are properly considered see Appropriate use above.

We emphasise that it is up to the user how he/she uses the output. The spreadsheets have been
produced to cater for both first-time users and the very experienced without putting the first-time user
off. Nonetheless, their potential applications are innumerable.

With spreadsheets, long-term advantage and savings come from repeated use but there are risks that
need to be managed. Spreadsheets demand an initial investment in time and effort but the rewards
are there for those who take advantage. Good design requires sound judgement based on
competence derived from adequate training and experience not just computer programs.

Outline description
There are many different ways to present structural concrete calculations. Calcs should demonstrate
compliance with relevant design codes of practice, but different designers want to investigate different
criteria and want to set out calculations in different ways. Spreadsheets cannot satisfy everyone. The
spreadsheets presented here have been set out to cover the criteria that may be deemed usual. It is
incumbent on the user to judge whether these criteria are pertinent and sufficient for the actual case in
hand. It is also incumbent on the user to ensure that the inputs are correct and that outputs are of the
correct order of magnitude.

The spreadsheets are intended to follow normal design practice and cater for the design of low- to
medium-rise multi-storey concrete framed buildings. Each type of element may be designed in several
different ways, e.g. horizontal frame elements may be designed using:
- Element design: design of simple elements to BS 8110: Part 1

- Tabular design: design of elements based on moments and shears derived from BS 8110: Part 1
Tables 3.12 and 3.5
- Analysis and design: design of elements based on moments and shears from analysis, e.g. sub-
frame analysis, embodied within the spreadsheets.

Element design
The element design spreadsheets illustrate the basic principles of reinforced concrete design from
input material properties, dimensions, moments, shears and axial loads, etc. They form the basis of
element design used in succeeding spreadsheets. The moments, shears and axial loads used should
be derived from separate analysis (e.g. hand calculations, sub-frame analysis spreadsheet or other
analysis package). For further explanation the user is referred to BS 8110 or a number of standard
reference works
(11, 12, 13)

Tabular design
The tabular design spreadsheets use Tables 3.12 and 3.5 from BS 8110: Part 1 to automate the
derivation of design moments and shears. The use of these tables is, however, restricted.
For slabs, BS 8110: Part 1, Clause, restricts the use of Table 3.12 to where:
- In a one-way slab, the area of a bay (one span x full width) exceeds 30 m

- The ratio of characteristic imposed loads, q
, to characteristic dead loads, g
does not
exceed 1.25
- The characteristic imposed load, q
, does not exceed 5 kN/m
, excluding partitions
- Additionally, for flat slabs, there are at least three rows of panels of approximately equal span in
the direction being considered.

For beams, Clause 3.4.3, Table 3.5 is valid only where:
- Characteristic imposed loads, Q
, do not exceed characteristic dead loads, G

- Loads are substantially uniformly distributed over three or more spans
- Variations in span length do not exceed 15% of the longest span

If design parameters stray outside these limits, the spreadsheets should be used with caution.

Analysis and design
To provide for more general application, these versions combine sub-frame analysis with design.
Spreadsheets for one-way slabs, ribbed slabs, flat slabs and beams provide powerful design tools.
Sub-frame analysis is used in the post-tensioned concrete design spreadsheet.

The flat slab spreadsheet is intended to be used one-direction at a time. The post-tensioned concrete
design spreadsheet follows Concrete Society TR43
and involves sub-frame analysis at various limit
states. The principles used are applicable to both beams and slabs with either bonded or unbonded
tendons. The examples of the retaining wall and basement wall spreadsheets are based on common

The sub-frame analysis spreadsheet, RCC21.xls, may of course be used alone (and the elements
designed by other means such as RCC11.xls).

Column design
Column design is presented in, essentially, two different ways; either an amount of reinforcement is
determined or the capacity of a section is checked two valid design approaches.

Under RCC11 Element Design.xls (or RCC11.xls for short), the amount of reinforcement is calculated
(by iterating to find the neutral axis depth in order to solve two simultaneous equations).

Under RCC52.xls for single axis bending and RCC53.xls for two axis bending, N-M interaction charts
are derived from presumed reinforcement arrangements. Individual load cases are checked against
the capacity of the column with the various reinforcement arrangements.

RCC51.xls is set out so that the user may undertake a traditional column load take down, assess
design moments and critical axis before calculating the amount of reinforcement required.

RCC12.xls determines the capacity of an unsymmetrical reinforced column (or beam).

Other spreadsheets provide for the design of pad foundations catering for one or two columns,
punching shear, stairs (either as single flights and single landings or flights and landings as in a stair
core), small retaining walls and basement walls. More detail and further references are given within
the spreadsheets themselves.

As with all software, spreadsheets have their own jargon. The basic terminology for layout is shown on
the following screen dump:

Excel file name Cell Drop down menus
(use View/Toolbars
to switch on and off
Formula bar
Cell reference
Scroll bar
Worksheet area
Sheet tabs
Other software
Each spreadsheet may contain several linked sheets (i.e. layers or pages) that deal with different
aspects of design. The sheets name on the sheet tab gives an indication of the content. For the more
involved spreadsheets, individual sheets are devoted to a full explanation of the design (with
references for educational and validation purposes) or analysis, etc, and other sheets give an
abridged version more in keeping with the requirements of experienced practising engineers. Further
sheets may contain analysis calculations, data for graphs and calculation of reinforcement weight. All
spreadsheets have a Notes! sheet where disclaimers, status and revision histories relating to each
spreadsheet are incorporated (sheet names are differentiated by the use of an appended exclamation
Sheet tabs
(from RCC41.xls)

Those sheets with names in capitals are intended for printing out as design calculations: it is these
sheets that are printed out as examples in this guide. Other sheets are available to view in the
spreadsheets. These may need to be printed for checking purposes and parts of them, such as simple
design routines, may be pasted into word-processed calculations (see Printing, p16).

The spreadsheets are intended to be as consistent as possible. Generally, upper sheets consist of
calculations, notes and workings as illustrated in the example below, which gives an indication of the
contents of a typical spreadsheet. The first sheet consists of input, followed by results of analysis,
design, weight of reinforcement, analysis, detailed design with references, graph data and finally a
revision history.

Typical spreadsheet (RCC41.xls)

Main sheet
Main graphical output of
Bending Moment Diagrams,
and shear force diagrams, but
also input for redistribution

Design for sections of each span. Spans 3, 4, 5
and 6 follow on; extraneous spans blanked out.
Input of bar size and link size required.
Calculation of reinforcement
Workings of the sub-frame analysis
carried out using moment distribution.
Showing design of reinforcement with reference
to code requirements. Spans 3, 4, 5 and 6 follow
on from 1 and 2.
Data for graphs in charts


Disclaimers, status and revision history of the

Typical screen layouts
Upper sheets
The calculations are intended to mimic hand-written calculations as far as possible with a little more
explanation by way of references to codes and derivation of numbers than would usually be the case
in normal submissions. Sheets intended for printing out are divided into three sections, calculations,
operating instructions and workings. The output is intended to be sufficient to allow detailing, although
the designer should always consider and allow for rationalising reinforcement both within and between
elements. The example below is from RCC11.xls. In this case, the sheet designs solid slabs from
moments, shears, material data etc that are input by the user. Input cells are in blue and are
underlined (so they can be recognised in black and white versions).

The cells under Operating Instructions contain help and error messages that are intended to help the
user with the correct operation of the spreadsheet. They also contain variously checks, print boxes
and combo-boxes. Box markers indicate where checks have been carried out and have proved
satisfactory. Print buttons (buttons with macros assigned to them) automatically print out the
calculation sheets providing macros have not been switched off. Combo-boxes allow choices between
specified options.

To the right hand side of many spreadsheets are intermediate calculations, data for graphs, etc. These
workings are not considered vital to understanding the calculation: they may nonetheless be viewed
and investigated. Workings may also be contained on supplementary sheets.

file name
Sheet tab
software being
Generally references to
BS 8110 etc
Combo-box used for
automated choices
Input cells are in blue and
are underlined (so they can
be recognised in black and
white versions)
This is the area that will
print out using the
automatic print button
Gives messages, options,
help messages, etc. pertinent
to the design
May not be intelligible to
the layman without looking
at at the workings of the
Workings can be extensive
and whole sheets may be
devoted to them. In the
normal course of printing
these workings are not
Results in bold
Contents of cells
are investigated here
Excel toolbar
Typical screen layout
Other sheets
These sheets are not necessarily intended for printing out and may not be understandable without
reference to the printed calculations. For instance, in this case (from RCC52.xls Calcs!) the N-M
relationship for 32 mm diameter bars in this particular column is being calculated for increments of
neutral axis depth. Many iterations are required in order to construct the N-M graph. There are
therefore many calculations and these are set out in tables. The volume of calculations makes it
difficult to produce legible print-outs on a limited number of sheets.
32 Bar diameter
d' = 54 mm d = 246 mm Asc = 4825.5 mm
N=0 quadratic a = 4221.000 b = 594189.70 c = -9.E+07
n max = 657.5 Interval = 2.665 (24 intervals between N=0 and Nbal)
N = 0 (solve for zero N)
n Neutral axis 92.59 95.25 97.92 100.58 103.25 105.91 108.58 111.24 113.91
Fc Conc comp force 390821 402069 413317 424565 435814 447062 458310 469558 480807
c strain Steel comp strain 0.00146 0.00152 0.00157 0.00162 0.00167 0.00172 0.00176 0.00180 0.00184
t strain Steel tens strain 0.00580 0.00554 0.00529 0.00506 0.00484 0.00463 0.00443 0.00424 0.00406
fsc Steel comp stress 276.11 287.53 298.33 308.56 318.26 327.47 336.23 344.57 352.52
fst Steel tens stress 438.1 438.1 438.1 438.1 438.1 438.1 438.1 438.1 438.1
Fsc Steel comp force 666191 693747 719804 744480 767882 790107 811240 831362 850541
Fst Steel tens force 1057011 1057011 1057011 1057011 1057011 1057011 1057011 1057011 1057011
z Conc lever arm 204.33 203.14 201.94 200.74 199.54 198.34 197.14 195.94 194.74
N Fc + Fsc - Fst 0.00 38.80 76.11 112.03 146.68 180.16 212.54 243.91 274.34
M M O R 207.77 211.15 214.36 217.41 220.31 223.08 225.71 228.21 230.60
Labels for chart
N diff 38.80 37.30 35.92 34.65 33.47 32.38 31.37 30.43 29.55
M diff 3.38 3.21 3.05 2.90 2.76 2.63 2.51 2.39 2.28

The Notes! sheet shows the disclaimer, status and revision history of each spreadsheet. The
disclaimer and status should be read and understood. The revision history provides a record of the
spreadsheet being used and may provide a basis for users QA procedures. The revision/version and
name of the spreadsheet shoud appear on all print-outs. This example is taken from RCC52.xls Notes!

Status of spreadsheet
Public release version.
Revision history RCC52 Column Chart generation
Date Version Action Size (kB)
06-Aug-99 RCC52v1.0
First public release.
Includes | version comments
All advice or information from the British Cement Association and/or Reinforced Concrete
Council is intended for those who will evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents
and take responsibility for its use and application. No liability (including that for negligence) for
any loss resulting from such advice or information is accepted by the BCA, RCC or their
subcontractors, suppliers or advisors. Users should note that all BCA software and
publications are subject to revision from time to time and should therefore ensure that they are
in possession of the latest version.
This spreadsheet should be used in compliance with the accompanying publication
'Spreadsheets for concrete design to BS 8110 and EC2' available from British Cement
Association, Telford Avenue, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 6YS.

Using the spreadsheets

Using the spreadsheets for the first time / Frequently Asked Questions
Base versions
Initially, always start from the base versions on the CD-ROM. If in doubt, go back to the version on the
CD-ROM. These safeguards are to avoid using corrupted or bespoke files. Eventually, familiarity with
the spreadsheets and Quality Assurance procedures may overtake this basic precaution.

Please note that whilst all spreadsheet cells, apart from input cells, are covered by nominal protection,
it is possible to change the contents of cells. Original versions by RCC can be sourced from the RCCs
CD-ROM or website. Also, please note conditions of use and disclaimers associated with the use of
the spreadsheets contained within the sheet titled Notes! and elsewhere in this user guide.

The spreadsheets are normal Excel 97 files. Excel 97 ( Microsoft Corporation) is a standalone
package or may be included as part of the Microsoft Office 98 package on PCs or Macs. The files are
compatible with Excel 2000, part of Office 2000, and are likely to be compatible with future versions of
Excel. Those not familiar with Excel are directed to the Help functions within Excel and relevant
literature available at book and computer shops.

Please note that the spreadsheets will not necessarily work with previous versions of Excel (e.g. 95,
5.x etc) or other spreadsheet programs. This is due to incompatibility between software and backward
incompatibility between versions. (To check which version of Excel you are running see sign-on
screen, or Help/About Microsoft Excel or see Printreg.xls under Administrative files.). Those running
Excel 2000 are advised to use the Save As/.xls function to avoid inordinately large file sizes.

Long file names
The base versions of the spreadsheets are saved with long file names to aid familiarity with each
spreadsheet's purpose. Some software and networks only recognises eight characters for a file name.
In use, users may be requested by the system to allow abbreviated names eg RCC11.xls .

As shorthand, the spreadsheets are generally referred to by their number rather than their name in full,
i.e. RCC11.xls is used as shorthand for RCC11 Element Design.xls.

Loading a spreadsheet for the first time
Under Windows 95, 98 or NT insert the spreadsheet CD-ROM into the CD drive (drive D: assumed).
A spreadsheet can be loaded using one of the following methods:
a) From My Computer, double click(//) on My Computer, double click on D (assumed CD drive)
//double click on spreadsheet of ones choice //. Excel will boot up and most probably warn about
macros before loading the spreadsheet fully. In order to proceed, enable macros (see below).
b) Successively click Start/ Programs/ Microsoft Explorer/ double click mouse on CD Drive (D)// .
Double click the mouse pointer on the spreadsheet of your choice, e.g.RCC11.xls//. If not already
loaded and available, Excel will boot up and load up with RCC11.xls.
c) Successively click Start / Programs / Microsoft Excel. Once Excel has booted up, click mouse
pointer on File in top menu bar / click mouse on Open / click mouse on the Look in box and scroll
through to the CD Drive
d) Click mouse on the CD Drive (D)//. Double click mouse on the spreadsheet of your choice, e.g.

No installation program per se is included. Under file managers such as Microsoft Explorer, the CD-
ROM versions of the spreadsheets can be dragged and dropped into an appropriate folder specified
by the user. Alternatively, from within Excel, the spreadsheets can be loaded directly from the CD-
ROM but should users wish to save the modified spreadsheet, it has to be saved to an alternative
When loading the individual spreadsheets, Excel may warn you about the presence of macros. All the
macros provided in the files are either to allow automated printing of the calculations or to provide
choices by way of combo-boxes. The printing macros have been assigned to buttons. Turning the
macros off will not affect the actual function of the spreadsheets but will make printing of the sheets as
configured more difficult and make the choice of options very much more difficult.

Unless the appropriate fonts Tekton and Marker (supplied in the CD-ROM) have been installed by the
user, the appearance on screen will be different from that in the publication and from that intended.
These upright fonts have been used to emulate a designers handwriting and to allow adequate
information to be shown across the page and in each cell.

If problems are experienced it is most likely that the fonts on your computer screen will have defaulted
to the closest approximation of the fonts intended (e.g. the toolbar may say Tekton but a default font
such as Arial will have been used). The spreadsheets will work but not as intended ends of words
may be missing, numbers may not fit cells resulting in a series of hashes, #####. Column width and
cell overlap problems only occur when the correct fonts are not loaded.

It is strongly suggested that the Tekton and Marker fonts are copied into your computer's font library.
This may be done in the following manner, either:

- Start/Settings/Control Panel/Fonts/ File/ Add Fonts and when asked copy fonts to system
directory say yes.
- Through Microsoft Explorer and copying (or dragging) the font files into your font library, usually
contained in Windows/ Set-up/ Fonts.

Default font size
Even with the correct fonts installed, the appearance of the sheets might be different from those in this
publication. This may be due to the default font size on the user's computer being different from the
font size 12 used in the development of the spreadsheets. For instance if the user's default font size is
10, pages will appear and print narrower than intended (as unformatted cells will revert to a narrower
cell width than intended).

Please ensure that the default font size is set at 12. (Tools/ Options/ General/ Standard font and size).
If standard font or size is changed it will become effective only after rebooting Excel. While the
spreadsheets were developed using Tekton 12, many True Type font size 12 (e.g. Arial or preferably
Times New Roman 12) may give adequate presentation.

If a series of hashes (#####) still appears, it may be necessary to resize the column width.

Screen view
The spreadsheets have been developed assuming that part, if not the whole, of the Operating
Instructions column is in view. This column contains comments, instructions, checks, explanations etc.
and is important to the correct operation of the spreadsheets.

Generally, a screen zoom of 75% has been used as a default size on the sheets. Occasionally, other
zoom sizes have been used in order to aid comprehension.

In the spreadsheets, input data is blue and underlined. New data may be input by overwriting default
values or by entering values in greyed out cells. Entering data in far-left greyed-out cells will also
remove the grey conditional background to other cells, which will then require data entry. Some input
cells refer back to data on previous sheets within a workbook. These are coloured magenta, but
change back to blue if other data are entered.

Do not copy and paste input from one cell to another as this may cause formatting and other
errors. Do not use Space, Enter (the space equals text). If similar input is required in other cells
then use = cell reference with caution, e.g. = B16 in the appropriate input cell.

All non-input cells should have nominal protection and the contents of these cells can be overwritten
only if the user has taken positive steps to overwrite original contents.

In the page headers the Made by and Checked boxes should be completed or cleared by using a
blank or hyphen; clearing the cell completely would produce 0 on subsequent sheets.

Values in red or red backgrounds
During operation, values in red or cells with red backgrounds flag either incorrect data to be changed
or excess data to be cleared (manually). Even space as an entry might generate red backgrounds.

If you make a mess of it
Start again from the base version of the spreadsheet on the CD-ROM.

The sheets may be printed out in several ways:
- Through the automated print buttons in the spreadsheets (using these print macros will over-write
print areas defined elsewhere)
- Using the Print icon on Excels standard toolbar
- Using File/Print within Excel
- Copying and pasting (special) parts of the spreadsheets to a word processor or other package.
(Pasting (special) into a word processor file as a bitmap produces a wysiwyg image. Pasting as
other formats will probably require some pre-copying formatting of the spreadsheet and/or post-
formatting of receiving cells)

Print areas may be defined by:
- Highlighting area then clicking File/Print Area/Set Print Area
- Clicking View/Page Break Preview and adjusting boundaries to suit

Print previewing can be achieved using the Print Preview icon on the standard toolbar.

Print formatting
Different hardware and software are configured in many different ways. This situation leads to many
variations on the actual print from individual printers. Best results are likely to be obtained from
Windows printers but even these may not produce printing that is identical to that in this publication.
Some manipulation for printing with your configuration may be inevitable. See also printreg.xls under
Administration files.

Auto complete
Excels facility for AutoCompleting cells (e.g. entering T might auto complete to Type) can be a
mixed blessing. In most spreadsheets it should be turned off via Tools/ Options / Edit and clearing the
Enable AutoComplete for cell values box.

Help is available at the following places:
- Within Excel under Help
- Within the spreadsheet under OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS
- Within the Word document UserGuid.doc available on the CD-ROM
- Queries should be e-mailed to rcc@bca.org.uk. However, the RCC cannot guarantee to reply but
preference will be given to those who register and quote their password. See Shareware
registration below. The RCC regrets that telephone enquiries cannot be dealt with.

Continued use
These spreadsheets are offered as shareware. This can be considered a try before you buy system
where you are expected to pay the program authors a registration fee if you find the program useful or
if the programs are used for commercial design. In general you may pass on copies of shareware
programs to colleagues within the UK, although commercial (for a fee) distribution requires special
written permission from the publisher.

Shareware registration
Designers who use this software in the course of their work are requested to pay a registration fee of
50 + VAT per office where the spreadsheets are used. The registration will cover spreadsheets to
both BS 8110 and EC2. In order to register please either use a print-out of printreg.xls (see
Administrative files p72 or take a copy of this page, fill it in and return with payment to the RCC.
Separate conditions apply for use outside Britain and for educational establishments - please apply in

Registered User



Address 1:

Address 2:



Postcode (& Country):




Nature of business:

No. of employees

Cheques payable to: 'The Reinforced Concrete Council'
Century House, Telford Avenue,
Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 6YS

Benefits of registration
Registrants will receive:
- A receipt
- A password
- By quoting their password, preferential treatment with regard to support
- By using their password, free access to download any new or updated spreadsheets that may be
made available on the RCCs website at www.RCC-info.org.uk.

Registration will be valid for at least one year but beyond one year, the RCC reserves the right to
charge for downloading updates in order to cover costs.

E-mailed questions, comments, developments and suggestions are welcomed. Send them to
rcc@bca.org.uk. The RCC regrets that it cannot guarantee to reply or to enter into correspondence.
Preference will be given to those who register and quote their password. Telephone enquiries cannot be
dealt with.

It is intended that the RCCs website (www.RCC-info.org.uk) will include updated versions of the
spreadsheets. These will be downloadable by registrants who can supply their valid password.

Conditions of use: disclaimers
A fundamental condition of use that the user accepts responsibility for the input and output of
the computer and how it is used.

Whilst, the spreadsheets have been checked with all reasonable care and diligence, they cannot be
guaranteed for every eventuality.

Validation was held to be extremely important but these spreadsheets can never be fully validated.
However, they but have been through beta testing, both formally and informally, through members of
the Advisory Group and others. Users must satisfy themselves that the uses to which the
spreadsheets are put are appropriate. Users must have read, understood and accepted the disclaimer
contained on the inside front cover of this publication (and repeated in the sheet named Notes! in each

Please inform the RCC of any major discrepancies found.

Change control
Nominal protection
Users and managers should be aware that the spreadsheets can be changed. Beyond nominal cell
and sheet protection, the files are open and can be changed. There are several reasons for this:
- The files can be customised by users to their own preferred methods of presentation and design
(e.g. deflections might be calculated to part 2 of BS 8110; individual firms or project logos might
replace the RCCs logo).
- The protection should stop inadvertent changes and corruption of cells.
- Developments and improvements can be made and fed back to the RCC. Such feedback is
encouraged and allows a wider consensus to be gained.
- Protection can always be overcome by determined users
- Fully protected files can hide cell contents
- Spreadsheet emulators are at present unsuitable for this application.
- Different designers want different facilities available to them and should not be restricted.

The spreadsheets are all protected but with no password, in other words users have to do something
positive if they are to change any formulae, and must therefore take responsibility for any deliberate or
accidental changes. The projects Advisory Group held this to be a sensible position.

Users and managers must address change control and versions for use. The RCC can
only control the base versions issued on CD-ROM (and web page). The published
examples can be used as record copies to help identify changes. Users Quality
Assurance procedures may dictate the use of more sophisticated protection measures.

The protection may be over-ridden to allow customisation and individual development. Any
development of the spreadsheets should be undertaken by experienced staff who have a good
understanding of the problems and pitfalls of both design and spreadsheets. It may take an
experienced engineer four or five times longer to prepare a spreadsheet than it would to produce the
equivalent manual calculation: robust, commercially acceptable spreadsheets may take 50 times as
long. They can take even longer to test, check and correct. Only repetition of use makes the
investment of time worthwhile.

With relatively open files, designers are at liberty to alter the spreadsheets as they wish. However,
they must satisfy themselves that any alterations are correct and do not interfere with any other aspect
of the spreadsheet in question and conform to any QA procedures.

Notwithstanding the above, copyright of the spreadsheet contents remains with the BCA for the RCC.
Altered or amended versions of the spreadsheets may not be sold or hired without the written
permission of the RCC.

Please inform the RCC of any major discrepancies found or improvements made.

Saving files/file management
Many users save spreadsheets to a directory and/or folder of their choice. This is particularly true
where spreadsheets pertaining to a particular project are saved to a folder given the project's name.

Assumptions made

During the course of development of these spreadsheets, a number of structural and computing
assumptions have been made. These are discussed below

Several of the spreadsheets contain automatic routines that increase A
in order to reduce service
stress f
and therefore increase modification factors in order to satisfy deflection checks. The 'As
enhancement' values are the percentages by which A
required for bending are increased in order to
satisfy deflection criteria.

The spreadsheets with analysis allow redistribution in accordance with BS 8110: Part 1, Clause The user may choose between three options. These options do not affect redistribution at
supports but do determine how span moments are calculated, as shown in the following table.

Reinforcement densities
Some spreadsheets give an indication of weight of reinforcement in the margin under Operating
Instructions. These densities should be used with great caution. Many factors can affect actual
reinforcement quantities on specific projects. These include different methods of analysis, non-
rectangular layouts, large holes, actual covers used, detailing preferences (curtailment, laps and
wastage), and the unforeseen complications that inevitably occur. As may be examined in the sheets
entitled weight, the densities given relate to simple rectangular layouts and the RCCs interpretation
of BS 8110. They make no specific allowance for wastage.

The densities assume that the areas or volumes of slabs are measured gross, e.g. slabs are
measured through beams. Beam reinforcement densities relate to web width multiplied by overall

Rationalisation of reinforcement
Although it may appear that many of the spreadsheets give least solutions weight (hence more bars,
more work), the amounts of reinforcement derived are actually accurate (and not necessarily
rationalised). It is intended, therefore, that the amounts of reinforcement derived from the spreadsheet
should be considered as minima.

The user should specify more rationalised reinforcement layouts to the detailer. Rationalisation
should be done manually there would seem to be too many variables and personal preferences to
enable automatic rationalisation. A detailer can always close up spacing and/or reduce bar diameters
if desired.
Design span moments
Support moment from
which span moment
is calculated


Design span moments will probably be
less than elastic moment (minimum of
70% of elastic moment).
This option may lead to a kinked bending
moment diagram as the 70% kicks-in in
the spans.
In the case of thin sections such as slabs,
consideration of span deflection and
service stress often leads to reinstatement
of any reinforcement theoretically saved.
M Minimum of

M and


Design span moments might be less than
elastic moment but less likely than with
option 0.
Increasing the minimum support moment
for the calculation of span moment from
to M
is seen as a sensible
compromise between options 0 and 2.
M Minimum of

M and M

Design span moments cannot be less than
elastic moment.
Most often used but, if, typically, 20%
redistribution is specified at supports,
design span moments will increase by
about 10% over elastic span moments.
Again, in thin sections, consideration of
deflection and service stress can limit
additional amounts of reinforcement due to
increased span moment.

= (moment after redistribution)/(moment before redistribution)
= 100% - % redistribution requested
M = elastic moment at support, all spans loaded
= maximum elastic Moment at support, alternate spans loaded

Most often the spreadsheets require bar size as input, rather than bar spacing. This can lead to
unusual, but correct, spacings. Where bar diameter input is available, it may be worth investigating
larger bars (at larger centres). For instance, in the design of a flat slab it would probably be preferable
to use 4828 larger bars at greater centres rather than 6840 smaller bars at small centres (weight is
marginally different, 82.5 kg/m
c.f. 80.8 kg/m
). This results in 30% fewer bars compared with 2%
extra steel. Rationalised arrangements with least number of bars without breaking the spacing rules
and least number of bar marks are always preferable. Eventually, it may be possible to automate this
process, but for the time being it is between the program user (i.e. the designer) and the detailer to
decide how to rationalise bar arrangements. Any estimates of reinforcement must take this process
into account.

Other spreadsheets tend to size bars in such a way that minimum centres (or clear spacings) are not

It is assumed that issues of detail will be considered by the engineer and detailer. Issues such as
radius of bottom bars and beam bearings, space between bars in narrow beams, spliced bars at
supports of beams, connection details, etc., need to be considered.

Imposed c.f. live loads
Loosely, Imposed load is taken to be the characteristic load input by the user. Live load is taken to be
that part of the ultimate load that is not characteristic dead load (i.e. Live load = n - g

#DIV/0! (Divide by zero errors)
In some spreadsheets, #DIV/0! results may arise and be displayed. In sheets intended for printing out,
#DIV/0! indicates an error in or invalid input. In sheets of workings, they have no relevance to the
validity of the sheet or the spreadsheet as a whole.

Please note that in many cases, but not all, a very small value has been used rather than zero in order
to avoid #DIV/0! (divide by zero) problems in Excel, e.g. [RCC53.xls] Cases!B3:B8 where
IF(ERROR(G3),0.000001,G3) has been used.

Linking spreadsheets
To avoid complications, links between different spreadsheets have not been used. Nonetheless, for
the experienced user, linking provides a powerful tool. The results of one spreadsheet can be linked
through to become the input for another, or project data can be auto-loaded. This minimises the
amount of input required and at the same time reduces the scope for error in data transfers. For
example, the results of a beam analysis can be carried through to beam design. Any links created by
the user are at his or her discretion.

Deflection checks are based on span:depth criteria in the codes. Estimates of actual deflections are
not yet available within the spreadsheets.

Analysis: cantilever deflections and support rotation
Support rotations are ignored. Support rotation cannot be determined except as part of a rigorous
deflection analysis. Rotations cannot be easily derived from moment distribution, and in any case,
gross section slopes are of little or no value. It is assumed that BS 8110s usual deemed-to-satisfy L/d
checks (rule of thumb) are adequate.

If support rotations are expected to be critical additional checks should be undertaken.

Screen resolution
The spreadsheets have been developed in 1024 x 768 resolution, so that their appearance will be
acceptable between SVGA (800 x 600) and 1280 x 1024. They will obviously work in VGA (600 x
480), but higher resolutions are recommended.

The spreadsheets rely on Excel and the users' systems being year 2000 compliant.

RCC11 Element Design.xls

RCC11.xls includes sheets for designing
- Solid slabs,
- Rectangular beams,
- T beams (and ribbed slabs) for bending,
- Beam shear and
- Columns with axial load and bending about one axis.

RCC11.xls designs elements to BS 8110: Part 1, 1997. It is assumed that loads, moments, shears,
etc. are available for input from hand calculations or analysis from elsewhere. A governing criterion
can be deflection; span-to-depth ratios are used as per BS 8110: Part 1, Clause 3.4.6.

This sheet allows for the design of a section of solid slab in a single simply-supported span, in a
continuous span, at supports or in a cantilever. These choices have a bearing on deflection limitations
and the user should choose the appropriate location from the combo-box to the right hand side. The
user may also choose to allow for no or nominal compression steel; this again affects deflection
factors. To an extent the spreadsheet will automatically increase reinforcement in order to lower
service stresses and enhance allowable span to depth ratios. The spreadsheet allows a certain
amount of theoretical over-stress as defined by the user in cell M7. Engineering judgement is required
to ensure that any over-stress is acceptable and that specified reinforcement is sensibly rationalised.

The example is taken from Designed and detailed
. The slight variance in reinforcement
requirements is due to the spreadsheet allowing marginal over-stress and allowing centres in
increments of 25 mm.

This sheet designs rectangular beams. The location of the beam may be either in a single simply-
supported span, in a continuous span, at supports or in a cantilever . These choices have a bearing on
deflection limitations and the user should choose the appropriate location from the combo-box to the
right hand side.

When considering span reinforcement, the spreadsheet will, where necessary, automatically increase
reinforcement in order to lower service stresses and enhance allowable span-to-depth ratios. In
checking deflection, the sheet entitled RECT~BEAM! includes two bars of the specified reinforcement
diameter to derive a modification factor for compression reinforcement. The facility to specify
additional compression reinforcement to enhance span-to-depth ratios is contained within

The example is taken from Designed and detailed
. The expression for area of tension steel
required may be unfamiliar to some and is explained below:

As = (39.5E6/390.0 + 242.5E6/381.1)/438.1
= ([M - M
]/[d - d] + M
= As + M

= 1684 mm

TEE~BEAM designs T beams and L beams in single simply-supported span, end span, internal span
or cantilever locations. Again, these choices have a bearing on deflection limitations and the user
should choose the appropriate location from the combo-box to the right hand side. With respect to the
effective width of the flange, the user may also choose that the section is considered as a tee- or an
inverted L beam.

A default value for the width of the flange b
is calculated and displayed as input. This cell may be
overwritten if, for instance, say the user wishes to allow for openings etc. The default is calculated as
web width + 0.14 span for T beams, internal span
web width + 0.16 span for T beams, end span
web width + 0.07 span for L beams, internal span
web width + 0.08 span for L beams, end span

In the determination of compression steel, where the neutral axis lies below flange, the concrete in
web, bw, below flange has been ignored. This is seen as a valid alternative to the approach in
Clause .

In order to calculate the appropriate deflection factor for compression reinforcement, there is a facility
to specify compression reinforcement. When considering deflection, the spreadsheet will, where
necessary, automatically increase span reinforcement in order to lower service stresses and enhance
allowable span-to-depth ratios.

The example is taken from Designed and detailed
. The span could have been defined as an end
span rather than interior span: the part of the span in hogging would have been greater than the 70%
assumed and the width of the flange could have been taken as being wider (1580 mm), leading to
some economy.

This sheet checks beams or slabs for shear and calculates any shear reinforcement required. It is
hoped that the input is self-explanatory.

Providing the applied load is fundamentally a UDL, or where the principal load is located further than
2d from the face of the support, BS 8110: Clause allows shear to be checked at d from the
face of support. Checks for maximum shear (either 5.0 N/mm
or 0.8f
) are carried out
automatically. A maximum link spacing of 600 mm is used; this is seen as a sensible maximum.

The example is taken from Designed and detailed
. The value of shear used is that at d from the
face of support (i.e. 300.0 (0.45 + 0.30/2) x 68.12 = 259 kN). The designed links would be necessary
for a distance of 1500 mm from this position before reverting to nominal link arrangements. It may
have been more appropriate to have used T10s and the full 300.0 kN shear at centre of support. This
would have lead to T10 @125 for 1750 mm from the centre of support. (The difference in length of
designed links is due to the different capacity of the nominal links.)

Apart from punching shear, shear in slabs is rarely critical. (See RCC13.xls.)

This sheet designs symmetrical rectangular columns where both axial load, N, and maximum design
moment, M
are known (see BS 8110: Part 1, Clause 3.8.2, 3 and 4). It iterates x/h to determine where
the neutral axis lies. The sheet includes stress and strain diagrams to aid comprehension of the final

For simplicity, where three or more bars are required in the top and bottom of the section, it is
assumed that a (rotationally) symmetrical arrangement will be required for the side faces. This
appears to be common practice, for small to medium sized columns.

For more detailed consideration see RCC52.xls. In particular, see RCC53.xls regarding the issue of
side bars.

COLUMN! Assumes that the moment entered has already been adjusted, if necessary, for bi-axial
bending. For many side and all corner columns, there is no other choice than to design for bi-axial
bending, and the method given in Clause must be adhered to, i.e., RCC53.xls or sheets 2 and
3 of RCC51.xls should be used.

Theoretical shortfalls in area of up to 2% are considered to be acceptable. In theory, negative amounts
of reinforcement required can be obtained but these are superseded by requirements for minimum
amounts of reinforcement in columns. No adjustment is made in the area of concrete occupied by

Maximum link centres are given. The routine in the area L61:U81 investigates shear when, in
accordance with Clause, M/N > 0.6h. In such cases either a maximum allowable shear is
shown where shear is critical, or input of shear and number of legs in links allows the links to be
designed for the applied shear. Even in unbraced structures shear is rarely likely to be critical.

The example is taken from Designed and detailed

RCC12 Bending and Axial Force.xls

This spreadsheet gives an interaction chart for moment against axial load for rectangular sections with
asymmetrical reinforcement arrangements. Initially intended for beams with axial load it is also
applicable to asymmetrically reinforced columns.

Moments are considered to be about the x-x axis. All applied loads and moments should be ultimate
and positive, as positive moments induce tension in the bottom reinforcement.

With asymmetrical arrangements of reinforcement the diagram indicates that negative moments are
theoretically possible. After much consideration, the diagram is considered to be correct but strictly is
valid only for load cases where the member is operating above 0.1f
and with at least minimum
eccentricity. These limits are shown on the graph. A reciprocal diagram is generated automatically
when top and bottom steels are reversed in the input.

Calcs! Shows the derivation of the chart where moment capacity is calculated at intervals of neutral
axis depth from n.a. depth for N = 0 to n.a. depth for N = N
, then in intervals from n.a. depth for
N = N
to n.a. depth for N = N
. This sheet shows workings and is not necessarily intended for
printing out other than for checking purposes.

RCC13 Punching Shear.xls

This spreadsheet designs punching shear links. Essentially it is intended to be used with simple
rectangular flat slabs to BS 8110 i.e. with RCC33.xls. Equally it can be used in conjunction with
RCC81.xls or to check wide beams in, say, troughed slabs.

The spreadsheet is presented as four pairs of sheets dealing with internal, edge, (external) corner and
re-entrant corners.

It should be remembered that in slabs these traditional links are time-consuming to fix on site
proprietary systems are generally much quicker to fix on site and this far outweighs first cost.

These sheets constitute the input and main output. Input is fairly self-evident but, as ever, care must
be exercised in ensuring correct values are used. The top diagram acts as a legend and the chart at
the bottom of the sheet shows the column, any holes and link perimeters, and should act both as a
check for input and help explain output. The x-x axis is across the page.

To the right is a combo-box that allows either:
- Input of both V
(design shear transferred to column) and V
(design effective shear including allowance
for moment transfer) is required. These figures should be available from sub-frame analysis e.g. output
from RCC33.xls under Reactions (see p 58). A value of V
, computed from V
and the factor according
to location of the column (see BS 8110: Part 1, Clause 3.7.6) is suggested under Operating Instructions:
in general this figure may be regarded as a maximum: calculating effective shear from moment transfer
generally results in lower figures.
- Input of V
alone. V
defaults to the values given in BS 8110: Part 1, Clause 3.7.6

The areas of steel in the two directions should be averages in each direction, i.e., ensure that it
reflects the actual reinforcement in the sides of the perimeter, an average of column strips and middle
strips as appropriate.

Except when checking column face shear, holes under half the slab depth or column side are
ignored as in the second paragraph of BS 8110: Part 1, Clause Multiple holes should be
aggregated pro-rata as if they were one hole at one position.

The shear at 1.5 d and at the first perimeter requiring no reinforcement is shown under Results.

The examples emulate the example used for RCC33.xls, i.e. emanating from the in-situ building of the
European Concrete Building Project (ECBP) at BRE Cardington. V
is given as an input.
Reinforcement has been increased to T16 @ 150 (1340 mm
/m) both ways to increase v
to overcome
problems with rules regarding v > 2v
(see Clause As will be seen V
is less than 1.4V
. In the
case of edge columns, a factor of 1.25 can be used if bending is about an axis parallel to edge and 1.4
if perpendicular (Clause A worse case has therefore been taken.

Int Dets! (Edge Dets!, Corner Dets and Re-ent Dets! similar)
These sheets show design calculations, determination of critical perimeters, enclosed areas and link
requirements complete with references to BS 8110. They are not necessarily intended for printing out
other than for checking purposes. The area load is deducted from V
, before V
is enhanced.

These sheets use the relationship V
to calculate shear at successive perimeters. Deductions for
holes in the calculation of shear perimeters are calculated by finding the angle defined by the
extremities of the hole. The projection of this angle is deducted from the appropriate perimeter.
RCC14 Crack Width.xls

Crack Width!
In the design of reinforced concrete structures, it is assumed that the tensile capacity of concrete does
not contribute to the strength of the structure, and steel reinforcement is provided to resist the internal
tensile forces that develop. Because steel reinforcement can develop the resisting tensile force only by
extension (i.e. steel needs to extend to develop stress), and hence causes cracks to form in the
surrounding concrete, cracks in reinforced concrete structures cannot be avoided. In day-to-day
practical design, crack widths are controlled by limiting the maximum spacings of the tension
reinforcement. However there are times when the engineer will need to carry out more rigorous
analysis and calculations, e.g. in the design of water-retaining structures, and design for severe
exposure where estimation/prediction of crack width is important. This spreadsheet calculates crack
widths in accordance with BS 8110 and BS 8007.

Crack width limits are set as:
BS 8110: Part 1, Clause 0.3 mm In normal reinforced concrete structures
BS 8007 0.2 mm In water-retaining structures under severe or very severe exposure
BS 8007 0.1 mm In water-retaining structures with critical aesthetic appearance

In calculation of crack width, elastic theory with 'cracked section' is adopted. Both BS 8110: Part 2 and
BS 8007 appendix B gives the crack width formula.




x h
c a
2 1
a 3
m cr

In calculating crack width, w, the average strain, c
, at the level where cracking is being considered
allows a stiffening effect, c
, of concrete between cracks


1 m

where c
is the theoretical strain at the level considered, calculated on the assumption of a cracked
section using half the concrete modulus Ec to allow for creep effects

( )
( ) x d A E 3
x h b
s s


BS 8007 allows an additional enhancement factor of 1.5 in calculating c
for structures designed with
a crack width limit of 0.1 mm. The spreadsheet provides an option to adopt this enhanced factor if
design crack width is limit to 0.1 mm. To choose this option, select the blue 'check box' on the right
hand margin.

is the distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudinal bar. The input
value is defaulted to the distance at the point on the tension face midway between two bars. However
other values can be entered to suit other locations, e.g. corner bars. The default value can be reset by
pressing the blue button on the right hand margin.
RCC21 Subframe Analysis.xls

RCC21 SubframeAnalysis.xls analyses sub-frames in accordance with BS 8110 using moment
distribution. Inputs are required on two sheets.

This single sheet consists of the main inputs, most of which should be self-explanatory. As in other
spreadsheets, avoid pasting input from one cell to another as this may cause formatting and other

The dimension of the flange width, b
, is automated to be either b
+ 0.07 x span for L beams or b
0.14 x span for T beams.

Unwanted data cells are greyed out. The use of C, K, or E can alter the characteristics of a support
from cantilever to knife-edge to encastre. Remote ends of supports may be F for fixed; otherwise they
default to pinned. Extraneous data is highlighted in red or by messages in red. Under Operating
Instructions a number of checks, mainly for missing entries, are carried out and any problems are
highlighted. At the bottom of the sheet a simplistic but to-scale arrangement and loading diagram is
shown. This is given to aid data checking. It may prove prudent to write down expected values for
bending moments at each support down before progressing to ACTIONS!

Also, under Operating instructions, the user should in-put the type of redistribution required as
explained more fully under Redistribution (see page 20).
- 0 means full redistribution.
- 1 limits alternate span upward redistribution to the percentage specified.
- 2 means no span moment redistribution.

UDLs are input as line loads e.g. 4k N/m
for a 5.0 m wide bay would be input as 20 kN/m.

Ultimate and characteristic support reactions are given at the bottom of the sheet

This sheet includes charts showing the elastic bending moment diagram, redistributed moment
envelope, elastic shear forces and envelope of redistributed shear forces. These diagrams are based
on data from the analysis undertaken in Analysis! at 1/20 span points. Maximum span and support
moments are given.

The user is required to input desired amounts of redistribution to the initial moments in line 26. Cell
L14 allows three types of distribution according to the user's preference for calculating span moments
(see Assumptions made: redistribution). Redistribution input is included close to the bending moment
diagrams in order to give the user control rather than relying on blanket redistribution.

The sheet also tabulates elastic and redistributed ultimate shears and column moments according to
the various load cases.

This sheet details the moment distribution analysis carried out but is not necessarily intended for
printing out other than for checking purposes

This sheet comprises data for graphs used on other sheets, particularly in ACTIONS! It is not
necessarily intended for printing out other than for checking purposes

RCC31 One-way Solid Slabs (A & D).xls

This spreadsheet analyses and designs (A & D: Analysis and design) up to six spans of one-way solid
slabs to BS 8110 using continuous beam analysis. There is user input on each of the first four sheets
and choice of reinforcement for each span is implicit.

This single sheet consists of the main inputs, most of which should be self-explanatory.

The number of spans is altered by entering or deleting data under L (m). Unwanted data cells are
greyed out. The use of C, K or E can alter the characteristics of the end supports from cantilever to
knife-edge to encastre. Extraneous data is highlighted in red or by messages in red. Under Operating
Instructions a number of checks are carried out and problems are highlighted.

For the purposes of defining load, the section is assumed to be 1.00 m wide. At the bottom of the
sheet a simplistic loading diagram is given to aid data checking. Great care should be taken to ensure
this sheet is completed correctly for the case in hand. It may prove prudent to write down expected
values of bending moments at each support down before progressing to ACTIONS!

Support reactions are given at the bottom of the sheet.

This sheet shows bending moment and shear force diagrams from the analysis undertaken in
Analysis! The user is required to input the desired amount of redistribution to the initial moments in line
25. Cell J14 allows three types of distribution according to the user's preferences. Requesting
redistribution at a cantilever produces a warning message in the remarks column.

In SPANS! the user is required to choose top, bottom and link reinforcement for each span. The
amounts of bending and shear reinforcement required and checks are derived from detailed
calculations in Bar! Unwanted cells are greyed out.

Unless overwritten, reinforcement diameter specified for a support carries through both sides of the
support, i.e. the diameter specified for the right hand support of a span carries over to the left hand
support of the next span. It may be possible to obtain different numbers of bars each side of the
support due to differences in depth or to comply with minimum 50% span steel; practicality should
dictate that the maximum number of bars at each support should be used.

With regard to deflection, the area of steel required, A
/m, shown under Heading, may have been
automatically increased in order to reduce service stress, f
, and increase modification factors to
satisfy deflection criteria. The percentage increase, if any, is shown under Deflection. With respect to
cantilevers, neither compression steel enhancement nor consideration of rotation at supports is

Hogging moments at span are checked and used in the determination of top steel in spans. Careful
examination of the Bending Moment Diagram and Graf! should help to determine whether any
curtailment of this reinforcement is warranted.

To avoid undue sensitivity, especially with regard to deflection, reinforcement may be over-stressed by
up to 2.5%

Weight! gives an estimate of the amount of reinforcement required in one direction of the slab per bay
and per cubic metre. Bay and support widths are required as input.

Simplified curtailment rules, as defined in BS 8110 Clause 3.12, are used to determine lengths of bars.
The figures should be treated as approximate estimates only as they cannot deal with the effects of
designers' and detailers' preferences, rationalisation, etc, etc. They do not allow for reinforcement in
supporting beams or for mesh.

This sheet details the moment distribution analysis carried out but is not necessarily intended for
printing out other than for checking purposes.

This sheet shows design calculations, complete with references to BS 8110. It is not necessarily
intended for printing out other than for checking purposes. In many instance service stress, f
, has
been set to 1.0 or 0.0001 N/mm
to avoid problems with division by zero.

This sheet comprises data for graphs used on other sheets, particularly in ACTIONS! It is not
necessarily intended for printing out other than for checking purposes.

RCC32 Ribbed Slabs (A & D).xls

Using continuous beam analysis, this spreadsheet analyses and designs up to six spans of ribbed
slab to BS 8110. There is user input on each of the first three sheets and choice of reinforcement for
each span is implicit.

This single sheet consists of the main inputs which should be self-explanatory.

The number of spans is altered by entering or deleting data under L (m). Unwanted data cells are
greyed out. The use of C, K or F can alter the characteristics of the end supports from cantilever to
knife-edge to fixed. Extraneous data is highlighted in red or by messages in red. Under Operating
Instructions a number of checks are carried out and any problems are highlighted.

For the purposes of defining load the section under consideration is assumed to be 1.00 m wide. It will
be seen from Bar! that moments per metre are converted to moments per rib, and calculations of
reinforcement areas required etc., are based on moments and shear per rib. Great care should be
taken to ensure this sheet is completed correctly for the case in hand. It may prove prudent to write
expected values of bending moments at each support down before progressing to ACTIONS!

Combo-boxes to the right under Operating Instructions define minimum bar sizes to be used (e.g. at
supports between ribs) and whether the user wants to use links or not. If links are required these may
be either designed or nominal links; the centres of nominal links can be changed.

Towards the bottom of the sheet a simplistic loading diagram is given to aid data checking. At the
bottom of the sheet, support reactions are given.

This sheet shows bending moment and shear force diagrams from the analysis undertaken in
Analysis! The user is required to input desired amount of redistribution to the initial moments in line 26.
Cell L14 allows three types of distribution according to the user's preferences. See Redistribution
under Assumptions made on page 19.

At some future stage might it be possible in the spreadsheet to summarise reinforcement and where
and why failures have occurred.

In SPANS! the user is required to choose top, bottom and link reinforcement for each span. The
amounts of bending and shear reinforcement required and checks are derived from detailed
calculations in Bar! Unwanted cells are greyed out.

The reinforcement diameter specified for a support carries through both sides of the support, i.e. the
diameter specified for the right hand support of a span carries over to the left hand support of the next
span. It should be noted that hogging moment is checked both at the centre of support (solid section)
and the solid/rib intersection (ribbed section). As the moments at the solid/rib intersection each side of
the support may differ, it may be possible to obtain a design giving different numbers of bars each side
of the support. Practicality should dictate that the maximum number of bars at each support is used for

Hogging moments at span positions within a span are checked and are used in the determination of
top steel in spans.

WEIGHT! Gives an estimate of the amount of reinforcement required in one direction of the slab per
rib and per square metre. Simplified curtailment rules, as defined in BS 8110: Part 1, Clause 3.12, are
used in the determination of lengths of bars. The figures should be treated as approximate estimates
only as they cannot deal with the effects of designers' and detailers' preferences, rationalisation, etc,
etc. They do not allow for reinforcement in supporting beams or for mesh.

This sheet details the moment distribution analysis carried out. It is not necessarily intended for
printing out, other than for checking purposes.

This sheet shows design calculations, complete with references to BS 8110. It is not necessarily
intended for printing out other than for checking purposes. In spans, service stress, f
, may be reduced
to satisfy deflection criteria. In many instances, minima of 1.0 or 0.0001 have been used to avoid
problems with division by zero.

This sheet comprises data for graphs used on other sheets, particularly in ACTIONS! It is not
necessarily intended for printing out other than for checking purposes.
RCC33 Flat Slabs (A & D).xls

RCC33.xls analyses and designs bays of simple rectangular flat slabs to BS 8110: Part 1. The
spreadsheet uses sub-frame analysis with pattern loading to calculate a bending moment envelope.
This envelope may be subjected to redistribution.

For a complete rectangular flat slab the user is expected to use the spreadsheet at least four times
(internal bay(s) x - x, internal bay(s) y - y, edge bay(s) x - x and edge bay(s) y - y). Punching shear
should be checked using RCC13.xls.

The spreadsheet does not currently allow for holes or drops (maybe next time!). If holes are
considered critical then the user is directed towards using RCC21.xls (sub-frame analysis) and
allowing for holes in breadths used. See also Clause 3.7.5. The single load case of all spans loaded
(Clause is not used. Beyond panel aspect ratios of 1.5 consideration might be given to the
appropriateness of using other forms of analysis (e.g. grillage or finite element).

The example emulates the design used on the in-situ building of the European Concrete Building
Project (ECBP) at BRE Cardington, (albeit that on the ECBP f
= 30 N/mm
and f
= 500 N/mm

This sheet provides the main inputs to the spreadsheet (although other inputs occur in other sheets).

Most inputs are (we hope) self-explanatory. LEGEND! should help with definition of dimensions, e.g.
edge distance C is actually from centreline of column to edge of slab. Cover is defined as being to the
layer under design. The layering is set at T1 - B1 (& T2 - B2) although T1 - B2 might be deemed more
appropriate (e.g. with prefabricated mats).

The number of spans is altered by entering data in the appropriate cells. Unwanted data cells are
greyed out. The use of C, K, F or P can alter the characteristics of a support from Cantilever to Knife-
edge to Fixed to Pinned. Extraneous data is highlighted in red or by messages in red. Under
Operating Instructions a number of checks are carried out and problems found are highlighted. At the
bottom of the sheet a simplistic loading diagram is given to aid data checking. Great care should be
taken to ensure that this sheet is completed correctly for the case in hand. It may prove prudent to
estimate values for bay width bending moments at each support by hand before progressing to

Cantilevers less than 1.00 m should be described as end distances (rather than cantilevers; otherwise
certain logic regarding breadth of effective moment transfer strip, b
(see BS 8110: Part 1, Figure
3.13), goes wrong). End distances equivalent to the half width of the column should be used to define
slabs whose edge is flush with the outside of the column. On edge columns, b
restricts M
t max
which in
itself restricts the amount of moment transferred into columns above and below.

Load input should define the loads on the slab only. A combo-box is used to switch between the
internal or edge bays. If EDGE is chosen, cells H14:I14 and E16:G16 become operative and
information about the perimeter load along the edge and the distance of the edge from the centreline
is required as input. Perimeter loading is assumed to be dead load.

Cell L51 gives an estimate of reinforcement requirements for the element considered in the direction
considered (not both directions).

It will be noted that the example assumes the reinforcement is in the second layer; therefore warnings
concerning cover greater than 40 mm should not be of too much concern.

The spreadsheet takes automatic measures to ensure deflection criteria are met. It may be argued
that in this instance, with equal spans in the two directions, these measures are unwarranted in that
deflection criteria will have been met in the orthogonal T1/B1 layer.

To the right under Operating instructions a number of checks are carried out. Box markers indicate
where checks have been carried out and proved satisfactory.

This sheet shows bending moment and shear force diagrams from the analysis undertaken in
Analysis! The user is required to input the desired amount of redistribution to the initial moments in line
26. Cell L14 allows three types of distribution according to the user's preference.

The sheet also provides output reactions and column moments. Using the value of V
for punching
shear obviates the need to use the 1.15, 1.25 and 1.4 factors in Clause to determine V
from V

SPANS! details the amounts of reinforcement required derived from detailed calculations in Bar!

LEGEND! gives an explanation of the dimensions used in MAIN! and for the analysis and design.

WEIGHT! gives an estimate of the amount of reinforcement required in one direction of the slab for the
internal or end bays considered. Simplified curtailment rules, as defined in Clause 3.12, are used to
determine lengths of bars. The figures should be treated as approximate estimates only as they
cannot deal with the effects of designers' and detailers' preferences, rationalisation, the effects of
holes etc, etc. They do not allow for punching shear links or link carrier bars.

This sheet details the moment distribution analysis carried out but is not necessarily intended for
printing out other than for checking purposes. It is derived from RCC21.xls.

This sheet shows design calculations, complete with references to BS 8110. It is not necessarily
intended for printing out other than for checking purposes.

Hogging moments at span positions within a span are checked and are used in the determination of
top steel in spans.

This sheet comprises data for graphs used on other sheets, particularly in ACTIONS!

RCC41 Continuous Beams (A & D).xls

The spreadsheet designs multiple-span rectangular or flanged beams using sub-frame analysis to
derive moments and shears. The intention is to provide the design and analysis of up to six spans of
continuous beams with columns above and below. Spans may incorporate cantilevers, fixed ends or
knife-edge supports. There are three main sheets: MAIN!, ACTIONS! and SPANS!

This sheet contains user input of materials, frame geometry and load data.

Input data is blue and underlined. New data may be input by overwriting default values or by entering
values in greyed out cells. Entering a value of 5.0 in cell C18 will clear a line of data in both the span
and support data ready for input. Guidance on input for the type of section and type of end condition of
the support is given under Operating Instructions.

The sheet has been set up with as many carry throughs as possible, i.e. input cells are made equal to
preceding input cells to make the inputting of regular beams easier. Inputting C18 as = C17 will insert
6.00 in the remaining spans: it will also remove the grey conditional background to the remaining
spans, supports and loads and allow data entry. Deleting C18, indeed C19, will blank out remaining
spans, etc. Generally, values in red or red backgrounds indicate either incorrect or excess data. For
instance, if knife-edge supports are required, entering K in cell C24 will elicit red data to the right,
which needs to be cleared manually.

Do not copy and paste input values as this can corrupt formatting (copy and paste values only is OK).

Rebar layering refers to whether there are beams in the other direction. Answering yes drops by one
bar diameter the steel at the supports. For instance when using splice bars at the support bars in the
other direction have to be avoided - and allowed for in the design.

With respect to cantilevers, design for bending caters for moments at the face of support; design for
deflection considers the cantilever from the centre line of support. In beam-to-beam situations the
width of support can be input as being very small to avoid under-design in bending.

The example is taken from Designed and detailed
In order to reflect this publication, the
spreadsheet has been set up with the beams being considered as rectangular in both the analysis and
design. The analysis in the spreadsheet mimics Designed and detailed, but as the spreadsheet
considers the rectangular section for design, more reinforcement is required particularly in the span.
Some economy would have been gained by considering the beams as T sections rather than
rectangular (192 kg/m
c.f. 222 kg/m
). The spreadsheet notes that cover to the top exceeds 40 mm.
In this case, the crack width should normally be checked.

ACTIONS! Includes bending moment and shear force diagrams, summaries of moments and shears
and user input for amounts of redistribution. users should ensure that the amounts of redistribution are
always considered as there are no default values.

This sheet designs reinforcement for bending in spans and supports and for shear in the spans. User
input is required for reinforcement sizes some intuition may be required to obtain sensible
arrangements of reinforcement. Non-existent spans are blanked out. Support moments (including
cantilever moments) are considered at the face of the support. This may lead to unequal amounts of
reinforcement being designed for each side of the support. See Bar!

Besides the limit of maximum modification factor for deflection = 2.0, an additional limit of maximum
allowable area of steel to comply with deflection criteria, A
, = 2 x A
has been imposed

This sheet estimates the weight of reinforcement in the beam when designed according to normal
curtailment rules as defined in BS 8110. Workings are shown on the right hand side of the sheet. The
estimate may be printed out using File/print or the print button on the normal toolbar. It should be
recognised that different engineers' and detailers' interpretations of these clauses, and different project
circumstances and requirements will all have a bearing on actual quantities used.

This sheet shows the moment distributions used in the analysis of the beam: it is not intended for
formal printing. It will be seen that the loads are considered initially as 1.0g
over all spans then as
- 1.0)g
over alternate spans.

Intended mainly for first time users and young engineers, this sheet gives further details of the
calculations summarised in SPAN! Support moments are considered at faces of supports; checks at
span relate to hogging and any top steel required is provided in the span.

This sheet provides data for the charts in MAIN! and ACTIONS!: it is not intended for formal printing.

RCC42 Post-tensioned Slabs & Beams (A & D).xls

This spreadsheet designs post-tensioned slab and beam elements in accordance with BS 8110:
Part 1, 1997. In essence the spreadsheet checks a number of parameters: stresses at transfer,
stresses in service, moments of resistance at ULS, shear, vibration, deflection, neutral axis depth, and
reinforcement service stress. These checks are shown in SUMMARY!

The spreadsheet is set out in several layers.
- MATDATA! Defines load cases, various options and material properties.
- SUMMARY! Summarises the design, analysis, checks and outputs from the rest of the
- DETAILS! Shows the workings for the moment distribution for the various load cases, profiles,
prestress losses and checks in some detail.
- DEFLECT! Shows workings for deflection at
/20 points along each span.
- Graf! Provides the data for the graphs, and values generated are used for checking.

Users are referred to Post-tensioned concrete floors Design Handbook
, and Post-tensioned
concrete floors
for further details of methods and values used.

A maximum of three spans may be considered. Cantilevers are not available. Shortening is calculated
in the losses section, but is not used to modify column moments. The effects of restraint to both
columns and prestress in the member must be considered. The spreadsheet considers one direction
at a time only.

The first sheet includes all the general and material input data used in the subsequent sheets. Load
combinations and load factors are defined. The input under Options should be self-explanatory. The
choices have implications on the design as shown below.
- Stressing ends determines where prestressing losses occur
- Prestressing system Specifying unbonded or bonded changes prestress loss calculations.
Prestress losses tend to be higher with bonded tendons as wobble factors and coefficients of
friction are higher but using several strands in a single duct can lead to overall economy,
especially in more heavily loaded beams.
- Commonly 70% to 75% is taken for initial estimates for jacking force/final force. This quantity is
calculated at Details!N68:N69 and has to be re-specified in Details! line 68 to be within 5 % of that
- With respect to allowable flexural tensile stresses in prestressed beams (and slabs), BS 8110:
Part 1, defines three classes (see Clause These classes determine the limits of tensile
stress. For example see BS 8110: Part 1, Clause 4.1.3, which also allows 5.0 N/mm
strength for C40 concrete. For Class 3, which is generally used for internal environments,
cracking is allowed either up to 0.1 mm or, more usually, to 0.2 mm.
- Slab or Beam varies shear requirements and determines whether nominal top bonded
reinforcement is included in the spans or not. Nominal top steel is included in mid-span of beams.
If slabs are specified, the user may choose to use nominal top steel to overcome hogging
moments in the spans. Invoking the nominal bonded reinforcement in mid-span should overcome
most problems with hogging in, say, dissimilar spans of slabs. Slabs requires a second input; type
of slab alters parameters used in checking vibration.
- Normal curtailment rules for bonded reinforcement are not necessarily satisfactory for post-
tensioned slabs and beams. Nonetheless the spreadsheet assumes that curtailment occurs at
0.3 x span.

With regard to concrete, the usual minimum strength used in prestressing is 40 N/mm
. The minimum
allowable strength at transfer (i.e. when the tendons are initially stressed), f
, is 25 N/mm
. Ambient
temperatures during curing may be taken as 15
C for a UK summer, but otherwise may be dependent
upon curing/insulation regimes. Typically, long-term Relative Humidity may be taken as 45% indoors,
or 85% outdoors for the UK. Other data used in the determination of various concrete factors, e.g.
determination of creep factors, is shown on the right hand side of the sheet. These factors are case
specific and have been derived from the best available data for the various parameters shown. The
formulae for calculating creep factors and free shrinkage strain are from C&CA paper TDH 2391
and use the following factors.
- K
is a factor depending on the composition of the concrete,
- K
is an environmental factor,
- K
is a maturity factor,
- K
is an effective member thickness factor, and
- K
covers the development of the deferred deformation with time.

Factors used in the derivation of material data are used in this screen dump from the

BS 8110 Table4.2
30 3.8 0 3.2048
40 5 5 0
50 5.8 0 0
1.271 1.267 1.258 1.249 1.245 1.235 1.225 1.210
Maturity Curve 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0.8 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5
0.8 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1
30 0 2.6 4.5 7.9 10.3 12.2 13.7 16.2 18
40 0 5.2 7.8 12.2 15.5 18.1 20.1 23.2 25.5
50 0 11.4 12.7 18.1 22.2 25.1 27.3 31.1 33.7
60 0 13.7 15.2 21.7 26.6 30.1 32.8 37.3 40.4
40 0 5.2 7.8 12.2 15.5 18.1 20.1 23.2 25.5
50 0 11.4 12.7 18.1 22.2 25.1 27.3 31.1 33.7
40 0 5.2 7.8 12.2 15.5 18.1 20.1 23.2 25.5
Longterm fcu inf Et inf
40 28.00
1 4 0.8 5.8 40 60 0 100
40 23.2 25.5 2.3 25.04 40 38.9 40 1.1
Kc = Relative Humidity factor
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
3.2 3.13 3.05 2.95 2.85 2.77 2.65 2.5 2.3 2.13
50 55 2.85 2.77 0.08 0 2.850
Kd = Ambient factor
30 90 210 420 840 2700 5400 10800
60 120 210 420 1860 2700 5400
1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.75 0.65 0.5
120 120 1.6 1.4 0.2 30 1.550
1500 1860 1 0.75 0.25 660 0.911 1.000
1.160 1.145 1.110 1.075
14 15 16 17
9 10 13 16
1 3 3 4
22.6 23.2 25.2 26.5
31.3 32.2 34.5 36.1
40.3 41.3 43.9 45.5
48.4 49.6 52.7 54.6
31.3 32.2 34.5 36.1
40.3 41.3 43.9 45.5
31.3 32.2 34.5 36.1
95 100
1.25 1
Ke = Effective Thickness factor 406.5 406.5 #DIV/0!
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
10 1.2 1 0.94 0.85 0.795 0.75 0.733 0.72 0.709
Span 1 400 450 0.72 0.709 0.011 6.5 0.719
Span 2 400 450 0.72 0.709 0.011 6.5 0.719
Span 3 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
cc = Free Shrinkage Strain
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
420 405 380 360 330 305 275 243 205 162
50 55 380 360 20 0 380
Ke factor for Shrinkage
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
10 1.3 1.05 0.907 0.8 0.71 0.65 0.587 0.55 0.513
Span 1 400 450 0.55 0.513 0.037 6.5 0.548
Span 2 400 450 0.55 0.513 0.037 6.5 0.548
Span 3 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Ultimate Shrinkage Strain - Bending
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
% 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26
Kp 0.9418 0.9418 0.9418 0.9418 0.9418 0.9418 0.9418 0.9418 0.9418
ccs 208.9 208.9 208.9 208.9 208.9 208.9 208.9 208.9 208.9
m 23.3039 Ec 28 28 2.3462 Ec 8.3677
Ultimate Shrinkage Strain - Prestress
Span 1 Span 2 Span 3
% 0.3 0.3 0.3
Kp 0.9335 0.9335 0.9335
ccs 207.1 207.1 #DIV/0!

Details of strand used in the UK are given at the bottom of the sheet. Users should ensure that their
chosen strand is readily available. Post-tensioned concrete floors
gives typical values for
(coefficient of friction), K (wobble factors), Rel% (relaxation) and draw-in (mm) in Tables 2.6 and 7.1.

It is usually assumed that working loads are applied at a concrete age of 60 days (user input). The
quasi-permanent imposed load should be assessed from the
factor in EC2, which is usually 20% of
imposed load for dwellings, 30% for offices and stores, and 60% for parking. (One never takes 100%,
adjusts for the very different | creep values. Hence 30% is appropriate for a more or less
permanently loaded structures: the high value for parking is to compensate for long-term dynamic

The first page (top part of the sheet entitled SUMMARY!) shows input for the sub-frame analysis, i.e.
dimensions and loads.

Input should be fairly self explanatory. It should be noted that H is in the plane of the screen and b, b

etc. at right angles to the plane of the screen. Several warnings are given under Operating Instructions
and with conditional formatting should data be incorrect.

Supports can be made to be knife-edge by inputting K in column D: remote ends of columns can be
either F for fixed, or P for pinned. The line can be left blank. A support width (h below) can be used in
conjunction with a K support so that design moments are used at the support face.

Data under 'Normal Direction' is used for the vibration checks. The number of bays affects possible
modes of vibration, which is checked in accordance with CS TR43
. The vibration response factors
calculated are accordance with Steel Construction Institute
and Concrete Society guidelines.

Vibration should not be a problem in post-tensioned slabs and beams. Normally, vibration response
factors of 12 are used for very busy offices, 8 for normal offices, or 4 for high specification offices or
laboratories where vibration is critical.

Loads are characteristic and are for the whole bay width (not expressed as kN/m
unless a 1 m bay
width is being analysed). The self-weight is a user input. The construction load is intended to be that
required to be applied during transfer (usually 1.5 kN/m
). However, designers should consider the
load history of the slab to ensure worst cases are checked, e.g. temporary loads while casting floors
above. Bay widths in the normal direction do not affect the loading unless, of course, the user chooses
to introduce a suitable relationship (in the loads input).

The current configuration is shown in a chart. This gives a scale representation of the spans, supports,
loads and an idealised cross section of each member. Charts also show representations of the tendon
profiles and equivalent loads used in the analysis. For the tendons, a reversed parabolic profile is
used but minimum lengths of straight tendon are used at the supports as recommended by Khan
Service equivalent loads are shown: those at transfer may be viewed at DETAILS!B361:N372.

The next page (SUMMARY ii) is the nub of the spreadsheet: it has a number of key inputs and
outputs. These include inputs of P
/ P
(initial force/ jacking force), P
/ P
(final force/ jacking force),
number and height of tendons, and amounts of bonded reinforcement (some of the inputs are
necessary to avoid circular arguments).

As it is the nub of this spreadsheet the source of any failures or missing information (e.g. no tendons
or no tendon height specified) will become apparent in SUMMARY ii. It is suggested that users may
wish to create a second window of this part of the spreadsheet (Window/ New Window/ Arrange).

Extract from SUMMARY ii

SUMMARY ii: Tendons & bonded reinforcement
(a) TENDONS Pj = 130 kN Pf/Pi = 90.0% Pf/Pj = 80.0% kN
No of STRANDS Supt 1 Span 1 Supt 2 Span 2 Supt 3 Span 3 Supt 4
Recommended 23 23 23 25 25 25 0 0 0
Use 24 24 24 24 24 24 0 0 0
Recommend'd height 295 40 40 0
Height mm 300 40 480 480 40 300 300 0
Lengt h St raight mm 150 150 150 0 0 0
xt o maxSag mm 5311 7006 0
Pi kN 2765 2759 2757 2757 2759 2765 0 0 0
BalanceLoad kN 278.0 371.3 354.2 261.2 0.0 0.0
Pf kN 2501 2496 2493 2493 2496 2501 0 0 0
BalanceLoad kN 251.5 335.8 320.4 236.2 0.0 0.0
Tendons (a) OK
St resses at t ransfer (b) OK
St resses in service(c) OK
Shear (e) OK
Vibrat ion (f) OK
Deflect ion (g) OK
Neut ral axis dept h OK
Rebar st ress OK
0 % 42% 8 3% 125%
0 % 42% 8 3% 125%

With regard to Tendons the spreadsheet automatically calculates the number of tendons for each
span using an algorithm. The algorithm uses either the maximum of the median stress levels, or the
maximum permitted. The spreadsheet calculates the minimum number of strands required so that
permissible concrete tensions are not exceeded at either the initial or final stage. Thus the numbers of
tendons are then shown as recommended values, and the user can override them if required. Once
the number of tendons for each span has been fixed, the program attempts to find an optimum single
level of initial prestress for all strands (this often appears to be the maximum permissible). If the
minimum force required generates excessive compressive stresses, the section is deemed to have

Tendons are assumed to be level through supports and follow a parabolic profile between. The points
of inflection are taken to be at
/10 of the clear span points.

Besides number of tendons, the main user control is to adjust the value of P
/ P
. This adjusts the
number of tendons. One would rarely need to adjust tendon heights.

The checks carried out are listed below.
- Tendons (a)
- Stresses at transfer (b)
- Stresses in service (c)
- ULS MOR (d)
- Shear (e)
- Vibration (f)
- Deflection (g)
- Neutral axis depth
- Rebar stress

In the spreadsheet, those that are unsatisfactory are highlighted and directions are given for further

There are also two charts. The efficiency chart gives the user an idea of how hard the section is
working or how far it is out. The second chart, ultimate limit state moment envelope and moments of
resistance (capacity), should be used in conjunction with choosing amounts of bonded reinforcement.
The third page (SUMMARY iii) shows stresses at transfer and in service in both tabular and chart
form. It should be noted that, in keeping with current practice, moments are considered at the face of
columns. Thus peak moments are not necessarily at column centrelines and moments might be
different each side of an internal column. Definition of tendon height is theoretically for the whole of the
profile at supports. The convention used in the stress charts is:
- Red squares tension, blue circles compression
- Solid markers bottom, hollow markers top
- Dotted lines permissible stresses

The fourth page (SUMMARY iv) gives details of shear envelopes, vibration and deflection together
with support reactions and column moments.

Over nine pages, DETAILS! shows detailed calculations regarding section properties, distribution
factors, moment distribution used for the sub-frame analysis, profiling constants, pre-stressing losses,
balanced loads, ULS moment and shear checks, and finally vibration.

The deflection sheet gives details of calculations dealing with defections. The sheet entitled Graf!
shows graph data extracted from each sheet.

This sheet is intended to illustrate typical calculations for a particular point in a span in order to show
how all the criteria are satisfied. The sheet illustrates the transfer and service stress checks and the
calculation of Moment of Resistance carried out in tabular form in Graf! The point chosen is at span
and is highlighted in Graf!

Graf! provides the data for the charts of the configuration and loads, tendon profile, equivalent loads,
ULS moments and capacities, shear envelopes, deflections, stresses at transfer and stresses in
service within SUMMARY! Each chart is plotted at
/20 points along each span. Many values within
Graf! are used and checked for being minima or maxima for the various criteria. For instance it may be
here that problems with hogging moments are found.
RCC51 Column Load Take-down & Design.xls

Conventional column load take downs by hand can be time-consuming. This spreadsheet emulates
conventional column design to BS 8110
by providing on separate sheets: load take down from inputs
of location, dimensions, levels and loads to give design axial loads and moments per floor. RCC51.xls
is intended as a stand-alone column design spreadsheet for use when a sub-frame analysis is not
available or is unwarranted. As in COLUMN! within RCC11.xls, this spreadsheet determines the area
of steel required (A

The spreadsheet is set up in such a way that one column size (input in CDES!) is used throughout the
height of the column location and that the critical section for design occurs where axial load is at its

The example is based on Designed and detailed
but differs in several respects:
- Seven storeys used in the example rather than three (in order to demonstrate automatic input
- No special account taken of roof loadings (in order to demonstrate automatic input adequately)
- All columns are taken as 4.00 m long (again, in order to demonstrate automatic input adequately)
- Load distribution according to BS 8110: Part 1, Clause, i.e. reaction factors of are used
for loads from adjacent spans rather than results of analysis or using shear force factors from
BS 8110: Part 1 Tables 3.5 and/or 3.12.
- No double counting of floor slabs due to allowances for floor slabs in design of, therefore
reactions from, edge beams spanning parallel to floor slab span.

As a default the level with maximum axial load with concurrent maximum moment, i.e. the bottom
level, is chosen for consideration in DESMMNTS! (derivation of design moments) and CDES! (design).
The user may investigate other levels by choosing the appropriate level in the combo-box on the right
hand side of CDES!.

Unbraced columns may be designed, but the spreadsheet demands some input of applied moment in
LOADTD! in the appropriate axis. If the column is unbraced then it must be part of a stability frame if
only nominally with moments that should be input as applied moments in LOADTD!

Input is self explanatory but, in order to facilitate use of this spreadsheet, some degree of automation
has been introduced. It is vital that input data is hand checked to ensure the loads are described
properly. It is also advised that a clean version of the spreadsheet should be used for each column
analysed and designed (i.e. reload the base spreadsheet each time).

Please note when inputting a location for numbered gridlines to start with an apostrophe, i.e. use !2 - 3
(otherwise 2 - 3 will give the result of -1!). Cantilevers may be dealt with by inputting no beam on the
appropriate axis but inputting additional loads and moments (under At column position, other applied
loads (e.g. loads from cantilevers)). Note that, so far as the column is concerned, cantilever moments
will relieve (or even exceed fixed end) beam moments and should be specified as negative moments.

As explained under Operator Instructions deleting a level will 'grey out' subsequent columns and set
spans to 0.0 m. Enter data (and delete any subsequent hatches, #####) or equate cells to previous
cells (avoid copying cells across) to get up to 10 levels of load take down. Deleting or setting a value
of 0 in columns G to P will 'grey out' values to the right, which will be set at 0.0. Generally, input values
are carried through to the right. Red figures or red backgrounds mean inconsistent or incorrect data
entries. Overwrite if incorrect.

Slab spans may be parallel to x or y, or two-way spanning. Troughed slabs may be modelled by using
the topping thickness for the slab and adding widths of ribs within a bay to the width of the beam.

Some input (highlighted in magenta) defaults to values from other sheets. For instance column
dimensions are input in CDES! The user may immediately see whether the design is viable or not and
change dimensions accordingly. These cells are not protected so can be overwritten: beware.

For troughed slabs use topping thickness and aggregate width of ribs with width of beam.

Reduction factors for live load to according to BS 6399: Part 1
Clause 5.2 are automatically applied
to axial load unless specified otherwise.

The basic design procedure is covered in BS 8110: Part 1 Clause 3.8. In order to determine design
moments several inputs are required:
- Values of | for braced and unbraced columns, see Clause and Tables 3.19 and 3.20 as
shown below

Table 3.19 Values of | for braced columns
End condition
at top
End condition at bottom
1 2 3
0.75 0.80 0.90
0.80 0.85 0.95
0.90 0.95 1.00

Table 3.20 Values of | for unbraced columns
End condition
at top
End condition at bottom
1 2 3
1.20 1.30 1.50
1.30 1.50 1.80
1.60 1.80 -
2.20 - -

- Whether the column is braced or un-braced see BS 8110: Part 1, Clause
- In order to evaluate N
and thus K accurately, an initial assessment of the area of reinforcement,
is required. An indication of the probable percentage of reinforcement is given (automation of
this figure would cause a circular reference error in the spreadsheet). If A
is set at 0% then
effectively K = 1, which is conservative (see BS 8110: Part 1, equation 33 and definitions under

As in COLUMN! within RCC11.xls, this sheet designs symmetrical rectangular columns where both
axial load, N, and design moment, M
or M
(see BS 8110: Part 1, Clause 3.8.2, 3 and 4) have been
calculated from previous sheets. CDES! iterates x/h to determine where the neutral axis lies. The
sheet includes stress and strain diagrams to aid comprehension of the final design (please refer to
notes regarding COLUMN! in RCC11.xls).

The spreadsheet is set up in such a way that one column size (input in CDES!) is used throughout the
height of the column location and that the critical section for design occurs where axial load is at its
maximum. Other levels can be investigated by choosing the appropriate level from the combo-box
located under Operating Instructions. Always ensure that the size of column designed is correct for the
level under consideration.

Condition 1 column
monolithically connected to
beam at least as deep as the
column in the plane considered
(or foundation specifically
designed for moment)
Condition 2 column
monolithically connected to
beams or slabs shallower than
the column in the plane
Condition 3 column
connected to members which
will provide some nominal
Condition 4 column

For simplicity, where three or more bars are required in the top and bottom of the section, a
(rotationally) symmetrical arrangement of reinforcement is proffered, i.e. top and bottom reinforcement
with additional side bars. The argument goes that using the critical axis method of BS 8110 to
determine areas of steel in bi-axially bent columns implies that the bars are in the corners of the
element. Therefore additional side bars help ensure this is so. Counter-arguments suggest these
additional bars are unnecessary. Bresaler's load contour check [(M

+ (M

< 1.0, where
o = 2/3 + 5N/3N
], used in CP 110
is not adopted in this spreadsheet but may be investigated
using RCC53.xls.

The use of T40s in such small columns would not normally be advocated. However, the choice of
T32s would lead to the use of either 6T32s (5.6%, OK) or, using the (rotationally) symmetrical
arrangement, 8T32 (7.7%, no good). Reference to RCC53.xls. suggests that 6T32 would satisfy
Bresaler's load contour check. The use of C45 concrete would make 4T32s sufficient.

Some input (highlighted in magenta) defaults to values from other sheets. These cells are not
protected so can be overwritten: beware.

This sheet shows workings for the load take-down and is not necessarily intended for printing out
other than for checking purposes. Load distribution works according to BS 8110: Part 1, Clause axial force in a column may be calculated on the assumption that beams and slabs
transmitting force into it are simply supported".

This sheet shows workings for beam and column stiffnesses and is not necessarily intended for
printing out other than for checking purposes.

In the determination of section properties, beams are considered full height beam widths are
deducted from slab widths. Moment distribution works according to BS 8110: Part 1, Clause
beams possess half their actual stiffness.
RCC52 Column Chart generation.xls

This spreadsheet generates axial load:design moment interaction charts for symmetrically reinforced
rectangular columns. It checks the capacity of the columns with various arrangements of
reinforcement against input load cases of axial load and uniaxial bending

Within RCC11.xls, COLUMN! allows the user to determine the area of steel required from inputs of
axial load and moment about the x - x axis. Another approach, adopted in BS 5400
and CP 110
and more suited to the grouping of columns on particluar projects and adopted here by RCC52.xls, is
to give an interaction chart. This shows axial load against moment for symmetrical sections of
specified size, strength and reinforcement. It works on the premise of calculating the moment and
axial load capacities of a section with assumed amounts of reinforcement and assumed neutral axis
depth. Iterations of neutral axis depth give data for the Axial load:Moment interaction chart for the
specified section. The spreadsheet also checks the reinforcement required for input load cases. The
user may try different arrangements of reinforcement.

RCC52.xls assumes that the moments input in the load cases have already been adjusted, if
necessary, for bi-axial bending. For many side and all corner columns, there is no choice but to design
for bi-axial bending, and the method given in Clause must be adhered to, i.e. RCC53.xls
should be used.

Main! contains all input and output data,

Bending is assumed to be about the x - x, i.e. horizontal axis, and the input moment is assumed to be
the maximum design moment as defined in BS 8110 i.e. including M
etc and in the correct

Where more than two bars are required per face, the user may choose to specify a similar
arrangement of bars on the side faces in order to avoid confusion in detailing and fixing. In this
respect, there is also a question regarding design. To an extent all columns are bi-axially bent and
BS 8110 directs that bi-axially bent columns are effectively designed about one axis only (by adding
moment in the critical direction to account for moment in the non-critical direction). By implication the
second axis is not designed specifically. One reason for adding side bars (when three, four or more
bars are required T & B) in square(ish) sections, is to ensure that the second axis is catered for.
Ideally with BS 8110, the resultant axis should be found and calculations done accordingly. But this
presumes that the arrangement of bars is known to start with. With BS 5400 and CP 110 checks are
carried out on a chosen section about both axes. Bi-axially bent columns are dealt with in RCC53.xls

The chart shows lines for 0.1f
and M
. The user should be aware that all load cases should be
within the boundaries of these lines.

Calcs! Shows the derivation of the charts where moment capacity is calculated at intervals of neutral
axis depth from n.a. depth for N = 0 to n.a. depth for N = N
, then at intervals from n.a. depth for
N = N
to n.a. depth for N = N

Cases! identifies the smallest bar diameter that satisfies each of the load cases.
RCC53 Column Design.xls

RCC53.xls generates column design charts for symmetrically reinforced rectangular columns bent
about two axes and checks input load cases.

RCC53.xls also gives interaction charts, showing axial load against moment for the critical axis for
symmetrical rectangular sections of specified size, strength and reinforcement arrangement. The user
may try different arrangements of reinforcement. It also provides designs for input load cases, which
are plotted on the relevant x- or y- axis chart.

RCC53.xls takes account of any side-bars.

Bresalers load contour check: Philosophy of design for bi-axially bent columns
When preparing this spreadsheet, there was some discussion about the interpretation of BS 8110 with
respect to bi-axially bent columns and the provision of side bars.

For simplicity, where three or more bars are required in the top and bottom of the section, it appears to
be common practice, in small- to medium-sized columns at least, to provide a (rotationally) symmetrical
arrangement of reinforcement, i.e. to provide additional side bars. The argument goes that using the
critical axis method of BS 8110 to determine areas of steel in bi-axially bent columns implies that the
bars are in the corners of the element. Therefore additional side bars help ensure that this is so.

There is a counter argument to suggest that the design procedure for bi-axially bent columns in
BS 8110 makes the precaution of adding additional side bars unnecessary.

argues that the Bresaler's load contour check, as used in CP 110
should be adopted to
ensure a safe design for biaxially bent columns otherwise designed to BS 8110, as shown below.
+ (M
< 1.0, where o = 2/3 + 5N/3N

The project's Advisory Group requested that this check should be included in the spreadsheets for
biaxially bent columns.

MAIN! contains all input data and gives designs for the input load cases.

Guidance for the input is given within the spreadsheet but users should be familiar with BS 8110:
Part 1, Clause 3.8. The input moments are the initial end moments due to ultimate design loads as
defined in BS 8110 about the appropriate axes. M
, the critical direction for bi-axial bending and
design moments are calculated.

CHARTS! shows two charts, one chart for when M
is critical and one for when M
is critical. These
Axial load:Moment interaction charts for the specified section also show relevant input load cases. The
load cases are identified by axial load only (a quirk of Excel!).

The charts show lines for 0.1 f
and M
(i.e. e
N). The user should be aware that all load cases
should be within the boundaries of these lines. Due to a quirk in Excel, load cases can any be
identified by axial load, N, on the charts.

Xcal! and Ycal!
These sheets show the derivation of the charts where moment and axial load capacity is calculated at
intervals of neutral axis depth (in intervals from n.a. depth for N = 0 to n.a. depth for N = N
, then in
intervals from n.a. depth for N = N
to n.a. depth for N = N

Cases! identifies the smallest bar diameter that satisfies each of the load cases. Clause is
included for both directions (columns K & L) and the spreadsheet decides which axis is dominant.
RCC61 Basement Wall.xls

This spreadsheet designs simple retaining basement walls and is intended for walls up to 3.5 m high.
It is based on complying with BS 8002: 1994
and BS 8004: 1986
. It may also be used to design
walls to comply with CECP 2
and BS 8007
. The spreadsheet has been developed with both the BS
8002 and the conventional (CECP 2) methods in mind. On balance, the spreadsheet provides
reasonable flexibility and in doing so, encourages the designer to employ his/her own engineering
judgement and interpretation of the codes.

The spreadsheet is intended to cover only short walls and to help 'general' engineers who, from time
to time, design retaining walls as part of a wider interest in structures, rather than the specialists. The
3.5 m wall height is an arbitrary limit set for a short wall which is intended to cover over 90% of the
cases encountered in 'general' structural designs. Although many of the design principles still apply to
higher walls, criteria such as wall movements and the validity of the assumptions made (e.g. no wall
friction) require further consideration and investigation.

The effects of compaction pressures can be generated using idealised imposed / surcharged loads.
Residual lateral pressure calculations were considered to be too complicated to be covered in the

Many cells are referred to in formulae by names; for example, DATA!C24 is given the name H which is
used in formulae at M50:N50, Diagrams!D146:D150, etc. A list of names and where they are defined
can be seen by referring to Insert\ Name\ Define in Excel.

Input is required on three sheets.

The spreadsheet is laid out in a very similar manner to RCC62.xls.

This single sheet consists of the main inputs.

Most inputs, which are in blue and underlined, should be self-explanatory. The top diagram defines
most input parameters. A simplistic diagram shows the geometry of a section of the wall and base.

The spreadsheet is based on a number of assumptions, which should be assessed as being true or
erring on the safe side in each case. These assumptions are:
- Wall friction is zero
- Minimum active earth pressure = 0.25qH
- Granular backfill is used
- The spreadsheet is not intended for walls over 3.5 m high

STABILITY! details other assumptions, i.e:
- The wall idealised as a propped cantilever (i.e. pinned at top and fixed at base)
- The wall is braced
- Maximum slenderness of wall is limited to 15, i.e. [ 0.9 x (H
- T
< 15 ]
- Maximum ultimate axial load on wall is limited to 0.1f
times the wall cross-sectional area
- Design span = Effective wall height = H
- (T
- -ve moment is hogging (i.e. tension at external face of wall)
- +ve moment is sagging (i.e. tension at internal face of wall)
- Wall MT is maximum +ve moment on the wall
- Estimated lateral deflections are used for checking the PA effects.

Factors for
can be set at 1.4 or 1.6 in accordance with BS 8110 or may be set to 1. The designer
has, and should have, the final decision and responsibility to select the load factors he or she feels are
suitable to the design conditions. Under Operating Instructions a number of checks are carried out and
problems highlighted.

An estimate of reinforcement per metre length of wall and base is given.

Further details about DATA! can be seen under the description for RCC62.xls.

STABILITY! calculates the overturning and restoring moments, sliding and resisting forces on a
section together with ground bearing pressures and factors of safety. Failures are highlighted.

Factors of safety against overturning and sliding are required as input. As noted in the sheet, wall and/
or surcharge loads may have stabilising effects. By using the boxes in column L the user should toggle
between maximum and minimum values to ascertain worst case(s) (perhaps this will be automated
some time).

In the case of sliding, where sliding resistance of the base alone is insufficient, the user may choose,
outside of the spreadsheet, to rely on a propping force through the basement slab.

The first page of this sheet tabulates moments and shears.

Input of eccentricity of vertical load, reinforcement diameters and centres is required for main bending
steel on both internal and external faces and for transverse reinforcement. The spreadsheet works on
the principle of checking a proposed section and reinforcement arrangement rather than proposing an
arrangement of reinforcement.

The second page details the design of both outer and inner parts of the base. Again, the spreadsheet
works on the principle of checking a proposed section, and input of both reinforcement diameter and
centres is required for both main bending and transverse reinforcement.

This sheet shows the build up to the estimate of reinforcement weight given. The figures should be
treated as approximate estimates only as they cannot deal with the effects of designers' and detailers'
preferences, rationalisation, etc.

Diagrams! shows data for the charts used in other sheets but is not necessarily intended for printing
out other than for checking purposes.

Crack width!
This sheet shows calculations to determine crack widths in the wall. It is not necessarily intended for
printing out, other than for checking purposes.

RCC62 Retaining Wall.xls

RCC62.xls designs simple retaining walls with stems up to 3.0 m high. The spreadsheet has been
developed with both the BS 8002 and the conventional (CECP 2) methods in mind. On balance, the
spreadsheet provides reasonable flexibility and, in doing so, encourages the designer to employ their
own engineering judgement and interpretation of the codes. It is based on complying with BS 8002:
and BS 8004: 1986
. It may also be used to design retaining walls to complying with CECP
and BS 8007

The spreadsheet is intended to cover only short walls and to help 'general' engineers who, from time
to time, design retaining walls as part of a wider interests in structures rather than the specialists. The
3.0 m wall height is an arbitrary limit set for short wall which is intended to cover over 90% of the
cases encountered in general structural designs. Although many of the design principles still apply to
higher walls, criteria such as wall movements and the validity of the assumptions made (e.g. no wall
friction) require further consideration and investigation. For instance, with reference to pressures, the
engineer is expected to judge between using the default of k
(active coefficient) or inputting a larger
figure relating to k
(at rest coefficient).

The effects of compaction pressures can be generated using idealised imposed/ surcharged loads.
Residual lateral pressure calculations were considered to be too complicated to be covered in the

Stability analysis is done about the toe of the base. (Stability analysis taken about toe of nib is ignored;
the nib is a section sticking down from general level of the base, and stability analysis about its toe
gives strange answers). Global slope stability checks are not undertaken in the spreadsheet and
should be addressed using other means.

Input is required on three sheets.

Many cells are referred to in formulae by names; for instance DATA!C23 is given the name H which is
used in formulae at C56:D60, Diagrams!D88:D137, etc. The spreadsheet is laid out in a very similar
manner to RCC61.xls.

This single sheet consists of the main inputs. Most inputs, which are in blue and underlined, should be
self-explanatory. The top diagram defines most input parameters.

The designer should determine the 'Design Soil Parameters' based on the combinations in BS 8002
which will give the worst credible loads i.e. the design values should be the lower of (a) the peak
strength reduced by a mobilisation factor or (b) the critical state strength.

As default values, the earth pressure coefficients are calculated using the simplified Rankines formula
for smooth vertical walls based on values of the design soil parameters. Alternatively, the engineer
can enter his or her own coefficients to suit the conditions of the design by overwriting the default

Maximum earth pressure occurs during service and not at ultimate limit state, as at ultimate limit state
the actual earth pressure will be less. BS 8002
also uses a mobilisation factor on soil parameters,
increasing load on the active side of the wall and reducing soil resistance on the passive side. In so
doing, the code recommends that no further partial load factors are necessary in design of the
structure. The above are not entirely compatible with BS 8110: Part 1, Table 2.1, nor to our knowledge
have they been fully accepted by the general practising engineer. Many designers do seem to use the
BS 8002 mobilisation factor as well as the traditional safety factors. Therefore the built-in partial load
factors may be changed. Factors can be set at 1.4 or 1.6 in accordance with BS 8110 or may be set to
1.0. The designer has, and should have the final decision and responsibility to select the load factors
he or she feels are suitable to the design conditions.

BS 8002 suggests that no additional factors of safety are required in checking of external stability (i.e.
overturning and sliding) provided that the structure is in equilibrium and the worst credible loads are
used in the design.

For the calculation of bearing pressures, all partial load factors are switched to unity and the design
checks are based on allowable ground bearing pressure, i.e. the permissible stress approach. The
bearing pressure is then factored up with the partial load factors adopted from above for the design of
concrete base. Bearing pressure is calculated using the concept of no tension equilibrium, i.e.
triangular stress blocks are used when eccentricity is outside the middle third.

BS 8002 has minimum surcharge and minimum unplanned excavation depth requirements. However
in the spreadsheet, the surcharge loads are set as input data. The minimum 10 kN/m
limit in BS 8002
has not been used with the understanding that the BS 8002 committee is considering reducing the 10
to 6 kN/m
for 3 m high walls.

The spreadsheet is based on a number of assumptions which should be assessed as being true or
erring on the safe side in each case. These are:
- Wall friction is zero
- Minimum active earth pressure = 0.25qH. A minimum active pressure of 0.25H (made to be a
function of soil property rather than an arbitrary value equivalent to approx. 5 kN/m
per m height
to cover conditions regarding tension cracks. However, this does not comply with BS 8002, which
recommends that full hydrostatic pressure is used. As the majority of small retaining walls have
granular backfills, the cohesion value of retaining soil has been 'locked' to zero.
- Granular backfill is used. Even a small value of effective cohesion, c, can significantly reduce
active pressures. However, to acknowledge the fact that many retaining walls are built with
granular backfill for drainage and to err on the side of caution, the spreadsheet assumes only
cohesionless materials.
- The spreadsheet does not include checks on rotational slide/slope failure.
- The spreadsheet does not include checks on the effects of seepage of ground water beneath the
- The spreadsheet does not include checks on deflection of the wall due to lateral earth pressures.
- The spreadsheet is not intended for walls over 3.0 m high.

Many engineers have reservations about including the effect of passive pressure in front of the wall
and a warning message has been used to help ensure that passive pressure is considered only if it
can be guaranteed that there will be no future excavation in front of the wall.

Under Operating Instructions a number of checks are carried out and problems are highlighted.

is calculated using base material properties. Lever arm of passive reaction is measured from
bottom base level downward. In the calculation of passive force, cohesion of the base material is also
taken into consideration.

STABILITY! calculates the overturning and restoring moments, sliding and resisting forces on a
section together with ground bearing pressures and factors of safety. Failures are highlighted.

Required Factors of safety against overturning and sliding are required as input. In some
circumstances, some loads may have stabilising effects. By using the check boxes to switch loads off
and on, worse cases should be investigated by hand.

For stability calculations, overall factor of safety is used instead of partial safety factors and fill on the
external face of the wall is ignored.

All loads are assumed to be static loads. Dynamic loads / vibration are not covered. However, at the
discretion of the designer, dynamic effects may be modelled by factoring up static loads.

The equation for sliding assumes that passive pressure acts without movement. The user may
consider that the situation is better modelled by applying a partial safety factor to passive pressure at
cell K39.

Idealisation, rounding errors and assuming a triangular pressure diagram (which is not strictly correct)
may lead to theoretical inaccuracies. Moments at the top of the wall may be small to the point of being
indistinguishable on the Bending Moment Diagram a problem of scale.

An estimate of reinforcement per metre length of wall is given.

The first page of this sheet summarises the checks carried out for moment resistance, shear
resistance, crack width and minimum reinforcement requirements.

Input of both reinforcement diameter and centres is required both for main bending steel and for
transverse and secondary reinforcement: the spreadsheet works on the principle of checking a
proposed section and reinforcement arrangement rather than proposing an arrangement of

The second page details the design of both outer and inner parts of the base. Again, the spreadsheet
works on the principle of checking a proposed section and input of both reinforcement diameter and
centres is required for both main bending and transverse reinforcement.

This sheet shows the build up to the estimate of reinforcement weight given. The figures should be
treated as approximate estimates only as they cannot deal with the effects of designers and detailers
preferences, rationalisation, etc.

Diagrams! shows data for the charts used in other sheets but is not necessarily intended for printing
out other than for checking purposes.

Crack width!
This sheet shows calculations to determine crack widths in the wall.

This check is included, so the spreadsheet can also be used for design of water-retaining structures to
BS 8007. For example a water tank may be looked at by setting H
within DATA! to the water level of
the tank, switching soil properties to 0 and crack width, at DATA!F31, to 0.3 mm. The crack width
check to BS 8007 is the same as that to BS 8110.
RCC71 Stair Flight & Landing - Single.xls

RCC71.xls designs simply supported flights and landings to BS 8110. Input is required on two sheets.

This single sheet consists of the input and main output. Inputs are in blue and underlined and most
should be self-explanatory.

Only simply supported spans are catered for. If flights are continuous with floors, the user should
specify continuity steel over supports as appropriate. Calculations are done per metre width of flight.
Input loads are assumed to be characteristic and acting vertically. They should account for any
undercuts. Self-weight, moments and reactions are calculated automatically. The area of steel
required, A
, may be automatically increased to increase modification factors and satisfy deflection
criteria. Where the stair flight occupies more than 60% of the span an increase in allowable span to
depth ratios of 15% is included in accordance with Clause Nominal top reinforcement may be
specified in order to help overcome deflection problems. Dimensions are not checked for compliance
with Building Regulations.

Ultimate, characteristic dead and characteristic imposed reactions are given below the indicative

Again, this single sheet consists of the input and main output. Input defauls in magenta have been
derived from FLIGHT! but may be overwritten. Calculations are done per metre width of landing.

Inputs are underlined and most should be self-explanatory. As defaults, which can be overwritten, the
material data and characteristic flight reactions carry over from FLIGHT! Self-weight, moments and
reactions are calculated automatically. The maximum width of landing over which flight loads can be
dispersed has been restricted to 1.8 m in the spirit of Clause Reactions are ultimate, both
total and per metre run. The area of steel required, A
, can be automatically increased to satisfy
deflection criteria.

Dias! calculates the reinforcement sizes and reinforcement percentages for deflection modification
factors used in FLIGHT! and LANDING!

RCC72 Stairs & Landings - Multiple.xls

This spreadsheet designs the flights and landings of a staircase in a stair core to BS 8110. It is
assumed that flights are supported on the landings and that the landings are simply supported on
bearings at each end.

This single sheet consists of the input and main output. Inputs are in blue and underlined and most
should be self-explanatory. Dimensions are not checked for compliance with Building Regulations.
Simple supports are assumed. Calculations are done per metre width of flight and landing. Input loads
are assumed to be characteristic and acting vertically. They should account for any undercuts. All
stairs are assumed to start from flight 1. Superfluous flights and landings are blanked out. Self-weight,
moments and reactions are calculated automatically. Where the stair flight occupies more than 60% of
the span an increase in allowable span to depth ratios of 15% is included in accordance with Clause and, as with other spreadsheets, the area of steel required may be automatically increased to
satisfy deflection criteria. Ultimate reactions per metre are given.

Dias! calculates the reinforcement sizes and reinforcement percentages for deflection modification
factors used in STAIRCORE!

RCC81 Foundation Pads.xls

This spreadsheet designs simple pad foundations from input of material properties, dimensions and
characteristic loads and moments. Single column bases and combined, double bases are catered for
on separate sheets.

A diagram is provided to illustrate the dimensions: a chart showing scale plan views is provided to help
ensure gross errors are avoided. The efficiency diagrams are provided so that the user may gauge
how hard the base is working in respect to allowable increase in ground bearing pressure, bending
and shear in the two axes together with a measure on punching shear capacity. If the design is invalid,
this chart should help identify the problem.

The spreadsheet does not allow for punching shear links bending reinforcement is increased to
ensure allowable shear, v
, is adequate. The user should note that punching shear perimeters can
jump from being rectangular to being two- or three-sided, leading to unexpectedly large increases in
reinforcement for increases in base thickness. Information from BS 8110: Part 1, Clause and
Figure 3.19 has yet to be fully incorporated in this spreadsheet.

Warnings are given if columns encroach within 100 mm of an edge.

Suggestions are made, under the Operating Instructions column, for the optimum plan size of the

Where two centres are given, e.g. 14 T16 @ 200 & 325 B2, the reinforcement is subject to BS 8110:
Part 1, Clause and different centres are required, bars need to be grouped closer in the
central part of the base.

This sheet shows workings and is not necessarily intended for printing out other than for checking

Allowable bearing pressure is taken as an allowable increase in bearing pressure and density of
concrete density of excavated material (i.e. soil) is used in the calculations. The program assumes
that pads are embedded to depth H in the soil. A 25% over-stress is allowed where load cases include
wind loads.

Design moments are generally those at the face of the column. Both sides of the column are checked
for moment in each direction to ensure maxima are identified. Shear enhancement is allowed for both
beam and punching shear.

Neither crack widths, factors of safety against sliding, nor water tables are catered for. Where resultant
eccentricities are outside the base a warning message is given; the general status message is
updated as well. Factors of safety against overturning are checked (minimum 1.5). Warnings are also
given at the onset of an uplift situation.

In addition to graphs showing plan layout and efficiency, this sheet gives moment diagrams for the
two principal axes. Design moments are taken at the edge of both column sections

Suggestions are made, under the Operating Instructions column, for the optimum plan size of the base
and eccentricities given the column offsets from one another.

The user's attention is drawn to the fact that the analysis is done in two orthogonal directions. When
column eccentricities are large in both directions the analysis may not account adequately for local
effects (e.g. bottom cantilever moments on two sides of each column loads in opposite corners gives
bottom moments of 0 kNm). In such cases, it may be better to change the orientation of the base in
such a way that eccentricity in one direction is minimal. Warnings about double eccentricities are given
when the distances between column centrelines exceed 15% of the relevant base dimension in each
orthogonal direction. Comparison with FE analysis suggests this is reasonable so long as the base is
thick and rigid.

This sheet shows workings and is not necessarily intended for printing out other than for checking

The notes for Det! above also apply.

This sheet shows dimensions, axes, corners and notation used.

This sheet comprises data for graphs for both SINGLE! and DOUBLE!
RCC91 One-way Solid Slabs (Tables).xls

Design is often undertaken using the moment and shear factors taken from BS 8110: Part 1, Tables
3.5 and/or 3.12. This series of spreadsheets uses factors for moment and shear based on these

RCC91.xls designs simple one-way solid slabs to BS 8110. For three or more spans they use moment
and shear factors from Table 3.12. The use of these factors is governed by Clause (single load
case and the conditions of Clause are met {bays > 30 m
, q
> 1.25 g
, q
> 5.0 kN/m
} and at
least three bays of approximately equal span (the corresponding factors for beams also restrict use of
the factors to where spans differ by no more than 15% of the maximum span)). Where the relevant
conditions are not met, users are directed towards RCC31.xls where continuous beam analysis
overcomes many of these caveats.

The design of single- and two-span slabs is also possible. The factors used for two-span slabs should
be considered subject to the same conditions as for using the factors from Table 3.12 of BS 8110.

This single sheet consists of the input and main output. In itself it should prove adequate for the
design of the simplest one-way solid slab designs. A nominal 1 m wide strip of slab is considered.

Inputs are underlined and most should be self-explanatory. End support condition determines the
factors applied for bending. Simple charts show the spans, loads and indicative bending moments.
The factors from Table 3.12 give rise to a single load case that has been subject to 20% redistribution:
a bending moment envelope is inappropriate and the diagram is therefore indicative only. The factors
used are given in the table below.

Coefficient End
First int
Simple support

1 span 0.00 0.125 ~ ~ ~
2 span 0.00 0.086 0.100 ~ ~
3 span etc 0.00 0.075 0.086 0.063 (0.063)
Continuous support 1 span 0.040 0.105 ~ ~ ~
2 span 0.040 0.066 0.100 ~ ~
3 span etc 0.040 0.075 0.086 0.063 (0.063)
1 span 0.50 ~ ~
2 span 0.46 0.60 ~
3 span etc 0.46 0.60 0.50

The factors used are based on continuous end supports. The two-span factors were derived by
modelling the appropriate number of spans with a single loadcase of 4 kN/m dead and 5 kN/m
imposed and allowing any one span to be 15% less than the input length (strictly according to
BS 8110 this is applicable to beams only).

The area of steel required, A
, may be automatically increased to reduce service stress, f
, and to
increase modification factors to satisfy deflection criteria. The option in line 42 to have top steel in
spans influences modification factors used in deflection calculations.

As most contractors prefer prefabricated reinforcement mats might be considered.

To the right of the sheet are calculations. An approximate reinforcement density is given.

Weight! gives an estimate of the amount of reinforcement required in a slab. Simplified curtailment
rules, as defined in Clause 3.12 are used to determine lengths of bars. The figures should be treated
as approximate estimates only as they cannot deal with the effects of designers' and detailers'
preferences, rationalisation, the effects of holes etc, etc. It excludes supporting beams, trimming to
holes etc. To the right of the sheet are calculations of length, etc.

This sheet comprises data for graphs used in MAIN! It is not necessarily intended for printing out other
than for checking purposes.
RCC92 Ribbed Slabs (Tables).xls

This spreadsheet designs simple single-, two-span and multiple-span ribbed slabs to BS 8110: Part 1
using the moment and shear factors in, or in the case of single and two spans, consistent with Table
3.12 of BS 8110. The use of factors from Table 3.12 is governed by Clause as follows
- A single load case is assumed and the
- Conditions of are met
bays > 30 m
5.0 kN/m
at least three bays are of approximately equal span
- The corresponding factors for beams also restrict use of the factors to where spans differ by no
more than 15% of the maximum span.

The factors used for two-span slabs should be considered subject to these same conditions. They
were derived by modelling the appropriate number of spans with a single load case of 4 kN/m
and 5 kN/m
imposed, and allowing any one span to be 15% less than the input length (strictly
according to BS 8110 this is applicable to beams only). The factors used are based on continuous end

Where the relevant conditions are not met, users are directed towards RCC32.xls where continuous
beam type analysis overcomes many of these caveats.

This single sheet consists of the input and main output. In itself it should prove adequate for the
simplest ribbed slab designs. Inputs are underlined and most should be self-explanatory.

The option to have top steel in spans or not has bearings on whether shear links can be
accommodated and on deflection calculations. The option to have links, minimal (or nominal) links or
no links is a matter of choice for the designer. Most contractors prefer to prefabricate reinforcement for
ribbed slabs on the ground or off-site: this means at least nominal links and nominal top steel are
usually required.
- Designed links are taken to be those provided where (v
+ 0.4) < v < 0.8 f
- Minimal links are taken to be those that are required to provide shear resistance for
< v < (v
+ 0.4)
- Nominal links are those used if required for temporary support only in areas where v < v

Under Bending, the Width of solid from CL refers to the distance between centre line of support and
the rib/solid intersection. It determines where shear and, at internal supports, hogging moment in ribs
are checked. The user inputs preferred diameters of reinforcement in the rib. At supports, these bars
usually need to be supplemented by intermediate bars to comply with either spacing rules or with
hogging moments in the solid section of slab.

In spans, the area of steel required, A
, may be automatically increased to reduce service stress, f
and to increase modification factors to satisfy deflection criteria.

An approximate reinforcement density is given. It excludes mesh, supporting beams, trimming to holes

Please note that the bending moment diagrams are indicative only. The factors from Table 3.12 give
rise to a single load case that has been subject to 20% redistribution: a bending moment envelope is
inappropriate. The factors used are given in the table below.


First int.
Bending 1 span 0.040 0.125 ~ ~ ~
2 span 0.040 0.086 0.100 ~ ~
3 span etc 0.040 0.075 0.086 0.063 0.063

Shear 1 span 0.50 ~ ~
2 span 0.46 0.60 ~
3 span etc 0.46 0.60 0.50

The factors used are based on continuous end supports. The two-span factors were derived by
modelling the appropriate number of spans with a single load case of 4 kN/m dead and 5 kN/m
imposed and allowing any one span to be 15% less than the input length (strictly according to
BS 8110 this is applicable to beams only).

DETAILS! gives two pages of detailed calculations and references to BS 8110 justifying the output in
MAIN! This sheet is intended as an explanation for the less experienced engineers and may prove
useful for checking purposes.

Maximum spacing, S
, at supports is based on rib centres: usually two large bars are required in the
top of the rib for moment at the rib/solid intersection and one, two or even three smaller bars (minimum
T10) are required between to overcome spacing rules. Concentrating reinforcement with larger bars in
the top of the rib raises the percentage steel in the rib at the rib/solid interface, thereby maximising v

and reducing shear requirements.

In terms of curtailment, 50% of reinforcement for maximum sagging is taken as being A

bending, i.e. excluding any extra for deflection, etc. Figure 3.25 refers to reinforcement for max.
moment. Ribbed slabs are taken as being slabs so the 40% rule is applied. It is usually assumed
that ribs become beams when they are at centres > 1.5 m

Tapered links are assumed. Where required for shear resistance, links should be at maximum 0.75d

Weight! gives an estimate of the amount of reinforcement required in a slab. Simplified curtailment
rules, as defined in Clause 3.12 are used to determine lengths of bars. The figures should be treated
as approximate estimates only as they cannot deal with the effects of designers' and detailers'
preferences, rationalisation, the effects of holes etc, etc. To the right of the sheet are calculations of
length etc.

This sheet comprises data for graphs used in MAIN!
RCC93 Flat Slabs (Tables).xls

This spreadsheet designs simple rectangular flat slabs to BS 8110: Part 1 using moment and shear
factors from Table 3.12. The use of these factors is also governed by Clause as shown below.
- A single load case is assumed
- The conditions of are met
bays > 30m
k >/
>/ 5.0 kN/m
at least three bays of approximately equal span
- The corresponding factors for beams also restrict use of the factors to where spans differ by no
more than 15% of the maximum span.

Where the relevant conditions are not met, users are directed towards RCC33.xls where sub-frame
analysis overcomes many of the caveats made in the code restricting the use of bending moment and
shear factors from Table 3.12.

The spreadsheet does not currently allow for holes or drops. If holes are considered critical then the
user is directed towards using RCC21.xls (sub-frame analysis) and allowing for holes in breadths
used. Note should also be made of Clause 3.7.5. Punching shear can be checked using RCC13.xls.

It does not cater for single or two-span cases.

This single sheet consists of the input and main output. In itself it should prove adequate for the
simplest flat slab designs.

Most inputs should be self-explanatory. A location plan helps with definition of dimensions. The
number of spans is altered by changing the number of grid line inputs: deleting the end grid line name
will decrease the number of spans. A combo-box is used to switch between the continuous and simply
supported end support/slab connection factors. Note the effect on column transfer moments. Edge
distance, C, is actually from centreline of column to edge of slab.

Double penult means penultimate in both directions, i.e. internal column of corner bay.

Please note that the bending moment diagrams are indicative only. The factors from Table 3.12 give
rise to a single load case that has been subject to 20% redistribution: a bending moment envelope is
therefore inappropriate.

DETAILS! gives detailed calculations and references to BS 8110 justifying the output in MAIN! This
sheet is intended as explanation for the less experienced engineers and may prove useful for
checking purposes.

Column transfer moments are limited to M
t max
see Clause and equation 24

A basic deflection ratio of 26 x 0.9 (see Clauses and 3.7.8) is used in line 189 etc. Some
engineers like to use a higher basic deflection ratio (rather than 26 in the code) to offset any potential
problems with deflection of partitions and especially of cladding.

Traditional shear links can be very time consuming on site, so in order to minimise the number of links
the centres are maximised at 0.75d (see line 226 et seq). Additional bars may be necessary to act as
carriers to these links if top and bottom bars cannot be arranged at the preferred spacings.
Consideration should also be given to using proprietary systems.

Weight! gives an estimate of the amount of reinforcement required in a slab. Simplified curtailment
rules, as defined in Clause 3.12 are used to determine lengths of bars. The figures should be treated
as approximate estimates only as they cannot deal with the effects of designers' and detailers
preferences', rationalisation, the effects of holes etc, etc. Additional link carrier bars are not included

Xdia! And Ydia!
In these sheets each bending moment is designed using a different size bar (with different effective
depths, d). The largest bar (i.e. minimum number of bars) consistent with maximum specified diameter
and maximum spacing rules is identified and used in DETAILS! Thus a least bars solution is given.
The Xdia! and Ydia! pages find the maximum diameter that can be used while complying with spacing
rules. The sheet finds which of Clause (a) or (b) applies. This has quite a dramatic effect
on rationality of the bars and spacings. A detailer can always reduce bar diameters and/or close-up
spacing if he or she wishes provided that overall areas of steel are at least maintained.
RCC94 Two-way Slabs (Tables).xls

This spreadsheet designs restrained two-way solid slabs in accordance with BS 8110: Part 1 using
moment and shear factors from equations 14 to 20 (i.e. Tables 3.14 and 3.15). Input is required on the
first two sheets.

This single sheet consists of the input and main output. In itself it should prove adequate for the
design of restrained two-way slabs. Inputs are underlined and most should be self-explanatory.

Self-weight, moment and shear factors are calculated automatically. The use of the factors is also
governed by Clause (similar loads on adjacent spans, similar spans adjacent). Where the
relevant conditions are not met, users are directed towards Clause or alternative methods of
analysis (e.g. sub-frame analysis). Whilst ultimate reactions to beams are given, shear per se is not
checked as it is very rarely critical.

The dimension l
must be greater than l
: bays where l
> l
are invalid. It is recognised that B1 can be
parallel to l
and the user should specify in which layers the top and bottom reinforcement are located
(see D33 and H33). In line 32 the user is asked to specify the diameter of reinforcement to be used.
This reinforcement should be provided at the required centres in accordance with Clause (1) to
(6). (Middle strips and column strips, torsion reinforcement at corners where an edge or edges is/are
discontinuous.) The spreadsheet highlights whether additional reinforcement for torsion is required or
not. As noted under Deflection, the area of steel required, A
, may be automatically increased in
order to reduce service stress, f
, and increase modification factors to satisfy deflection criteria.

An approximate reinforcement density is given. This is approximate only and excludes supporting
beams, trimming to holes, etc.

Weight! gives an estimate of the amount of reinforcement required in a slab. Simplified curtailment
rules, as defined in Clause 3.12, are used to determine lengths of bars. The figures should be treated
as approximate estimates only as they cannot deal with the effects of designers' and detailers'
preferences, rationalisation, the effects of holes, etc, etc. To the right of the sheet are calculations of
length, etc.

Support widths are required as input as they affect curtailments and lengths.
RCC95 Continuous Beams (Tables).xls

The spreadsheet designs multiple-span rectangular or flanged beams. It uses design ultimate bending
moment and shear force factors from Table 3.5 of BS 8110: Part 1. As such its use should be limited,
as defined by Clause 3.4.3, to where:

- Q


- Uniform loads are placed
- Variations in span < 15% l

The intention is to provide the design of a simple continuous beam on one sheet of A4.

The input requirements are self-explanatory. Answering Y to Support in alt layer will incur additional
cover to top bars at supports (of the same size as those being designed at that location) to allow for
beams in the other direction. Users should ensure effective depths, d, are correct (see DETAIL!D15,

The choice between rectangular, L or T beam is made via a combo-box to the right hand side.

When considering span reinforcement, the spreadsheet will, where necessary, automatically increase
reinforcement in order to lower service stresses and enhance allowable span to depth ratios. The
diagrams for loading and for bending moment are indicative only (the moment factors in Table 3.5 do
not give rise to a moment envelope).

The example is taken from Designed and detailed

For first time users and young engineers, further detail of the calculations undertaken is given on the
sheet named DETAIL!, pages 2 and 3 of the print-out.

This sheet estimates the weight of reinforcement in the beam when designed according to normal
curtailment rules as defined in BS 8110. The estimate is repeated at the bottom of MAIN!. Workings
are shown on the right hand side of the sheet. The estimate may be printed out using File/print or the
print button on the normal toolbar.

It should be recognised that different engineers' and detailers' interpretations of these clauses,
different project circumstances and requirements will all have a bearing on actual quantities of
reinforcement used.

This sheet provides data for the charts in MAIN! and is not intended for formal printing.

Eurocode 2

At the time of writing (August 1999), we are advised that the base document, Eurocode 2: Design of
concrete structures, Part 1 General rules and rules for buildings, DD ENV 1992-1-1: 1992
is due for
revision into an EN in the near future. The spreadsheets presented here are in accordance with this
document but development of other spreadsheets has not perhaps been as extensive as first
envisaged. Nonetheless, the spreadsheets presented here cover all the fundamental elements of in-
situ concrete and should give users a good understanding of the current ENV and provide the basis
for an understanding of the final EN document.

It is hoped that the production of spreadsheets to the final version of EC2 will be possible at some
later date.

Eurocode 2, Design of concrete structures, has not been widely adopted by UK industry. The process
of converting to a new design Code of Practice is slow and expensive, and EC2 will be adopted only
when there is commercial advantage in doing so. Mainland Europeans, in contrast, are more
enthusiastic, and there is a danger of the UK becoming isolated and uncompetitive in Europe. While
several books on the subject have been published, there are very few design aids. The availability of
these spreadsheet files will help address this need.

These spreadsheets have called for some interpretation of the ENV. The provision for boxed values
and the National Application Document mean that many factors hidden away in the BS 8110 versions
are documented on a separate sheet allowing later amendment.

Notes regarding EC2

In his Comparison of design requirements in EC2 and BS 8110, Narayanan
gave the following
outline description of EC2.

General layout
ENV 1992-1-1(3): Part 1 is broadly comparable to BS 8110: Parts 1 and 2. EC2 comprises principles
and rules of application. Principles are general statements, definitions, other requirements, and
analytical models for which no alternative is permitted. The rules of application are generally
recognised rules that follow the principles and satisfy their requirements. In EC2, a number of
numerical values appear within boxes. These numbers are for guidance only as each EU member
sate is required to fix the values that will apply in its jurisdiction. Thes boxed values are determined
by National Application Documents (or NAD, part of reference 3) and are shown in a separate sheet
within the spreadsheets.

Terminology employed will be generally familiar to UK engineers, although there are some new
words. Thus loads are referred to as actions; bending moments and shear forces are called
internal forces and moments; superimposed loads are variable loads; and self-weight and dead
loads are referred to as permanent loads.

Concrete strength in EC2 refers to the cylinder strength (f
), which is used throughout the EC2
spreadsheets. The relationship between cylinder and cube strengths is shown below.

Strength class
Property C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/40 C40/50 C45/50 C50/60
(cylinder) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
(cube) 25 30 37 40 50 50 60
29 30.5 32 33.5 35 36 37
Frame analysis
There are slightly differences in the partial safety factors for loads. ENV 1992 uses factors of 1.35 for
dead loads and 1.5 for imposed loads. Corresponding values in BS 8110 are 1.4 and 1.6.

Section analysis
The spreadsheets take a pragmatic approach to the design of sections to ENV 1992. Thus a simplified
rectangular stress block, Figure 4.4, is used (and particularly in the case of columns, not the more
complicated consideration of strains in Figure 4.11).

Lever arm, z is restricted to 0.95 x effective depth. This limit is derived from BS 8110 and avoids
dangers associated with theoretically over-shallow neutral axis depths.

Redistribution of moments in continuous structures
EC2 permits redistribution of moments in non-sway structures subject to the maintenance of
equilibrium between the distributed moment and applied loads. The maximum redistributed moment to
the moment before the distribution is limited to 70%. After distribution the limit is 85%.

Applied shear force (V
) is compared with three values for the resistance (V

represents the shear capacity of concrete alone; V
is the shear resistance determined by the
capacity of the notional concrete struts; and V
is the capacity of a section with shear reinforcement.

The ENV 1992 span depth/ratio check is similar to that in BS 8110. For each type of member, it
provides two values, one for highly stressed members and another for lightly stressed members. In
this context, members with less than 0.5% reinforcement are considered lightly stressed members,
and members with 1.5% reinforcement are considered highly stressed. More rigorous approaches may
be used if required.

Formulae for calculating basic lap lengths are similar to those in BS 8110, but ENV 1992 uses
marginally lower bond stress.

Minimum percentages of reinforcement
There is hardly any difference between the two Codes in the minimum longitudinal reinforcement in
beams and slabs. However for criteria for minimum reinforcement to control cracking is different.

Familiarisation: outline description
The layout and workings of the spreadsheets to EC2 are in line with those in the previous section,
Spreadsheets to BS 8110. Descriptions of the spreadsheets to EC2 are given in the following pages.
The Introduction (page 3), and General notes (page 5) are common to the use of all spreadsheets in
this publication.
RCCe11 Element Design.xls

RCCe11.xls includes sheets for designing
- Solid slabs
- Rectangular beams and
- T beams (and ribbed slabs) for bending
- Beam shear
- Columns with axial load and bending about one axis.

RCCe11.xls designs elements to Eurocode 2: Part 1: 1992
. It is assumed that loads, moments,
shears, etc, are available for input from hand calculations or from analysis from elsewhere. Span-to-
depth ratios and other 'boxed' values are taken from the UK National Application Document (part of
reference 3).

This sheet designs a section of solid slab in a single simply supported span, in a continuous end or
internal span, at supports or as a cantilever. Workings and references to clause numbers are given to
the right hand side of the sheet.

Input should be self-explanatory. Terminology may differ from the BS 8110 version: for instance the
term o is the redistribution factor (i.e. 1 redistribution percentage/100). Concrete cylinder strength,
, is changed using the combo-box to the right hand side.

In spans, the location of the section being designed has a bearing on deflection limitations, and the
appropriate location should be chosen from the combo-box to the right hand side. Similarly, the user
should choose from the list of usage (dwelling, office/store, parking etc.), which governs the proportion
of imposed load affecting long-term deflection. EC2 requires the input of the relationship between
dead and imposed loading. This is done at cells G9 and G10. When appropriate the sheet will
automatically increase amounts of reinforcement in order to lower service stresses and enhance
allowable span-to-depth ratios.

The example is taken from Worked examples for the design of concrete buildings
(to EC2) which
itself is based on the 1985 version of Designed and detailed. Discrepancies in numbers may be
ascribed to differences in f
and differences between tabular and calculated values of x/d.

This sheet designs a rectangular beam in a single simply supported span, in a continuous end or
internal span, at supports or as a cantilever. These choices have a bearing on deflection limitations
and the user should choose the appropriate location from the combo-box to the right hand side. The
user should similarly choose from the list of usage (dwelling, office/store, parking, etc.), which governs
the proportion of imposed load affecting long-term deflection. This sheet will, where necessary,
automatically increase reinforcement in order to lower service stresses and enhance allowable span to
depth ratios. Again, input of the relationship between dead and imposed loading is required in cells
D12 and D13.


is the quasi-permanent load factor applied to imposed loads in calculations of deflection. The
factors are 0.2 for dwellings, 0.3 for offices, 0.6 for parking areas and 0.0 for snow and wind.

The example is taken from Worked examples for the design of concrete buildings
(to EC2) which
itself is based on the 1985 version of Designed and detailed.

This sheet designs a rectangular beam in a single simply supported span, in a continuous end or
internal span, at supports or as a cantilever. These choices have a bearing on deflection limitations
and the user should choose the appropriate location from the combo-box to the right hand side.
Choosing between end and interior spans alters maximum allowable flange width. The user should
similarly choose from the list of usage (dwelling, office/store, parking) which governs the proportion of
imposed load affecting long-term deflection. This sheet will, where necessary, automatically increase
reinforcement in order to lower service stresses and enhance allowable span-to-depth ratios. Again,
input of the relationship between dead and imposed loading is required in cells D12 and D13. The
user may also choose between a T beam and an inverted L beam.

The example is taken from Worked examples for the design of concrete Buildings

(to EC2) which itself
is based on a 1985 version of Designed and detailed .

This sheet designs beams for shear.

Input is (we hope) self-explanatory. The value of shear force, V
, used can, provided there is diagonal
compression and continuity of tension reinforcement for at least 2.5 d from the face of support, be
evaluated at d from the face of support (see Clause The UDL is the relevant ultimate
uniformly distributed load.

The sheet designs the links required at the section considered. If the beam loading is considered to be
uniformly distributed, the ultimate UDL, n, can be entered under n to give the distance for which this
arrangement is required before reverting to nominal link arrangement.

This spreadsheet designs symmetrically reinforced rectangular columns bent about one axis where
both axial load, N, and maximum design moment, M
, are known. It is based on EC2 Figure 4.4 and
Clause It iterates x/h to determine where the neutral axis lies. The sheet includes stress
and strain diagrams to aid comprehension of the final design. Workings and references are shown to
the right hand side of the sheet.

For simplicity, where three or more bars are required in the top and bottom of the section, it is
assumed that a symmetrical arrangement will be required for the side faces (see the argument
included within the commentary for the BS 8110 version, page 23).

Input is self-explanatory. The sheet assumes that the moment entered has already been adjusted, if
necessary, for bi-axial bending (- see Worked examples for the design of concrete buildings
Under Calculations, o is a stress block shape factor, similar to the 0.67 factor used in BS 8110.

Theoretical shortfalls in area of up to 2% are considered to be acceptable.

The example is taken from Worked examples for the design of concrete buildings
(to EC2) which
itself is based on the 1985 version of Designed and Detailed. Discrepancies in numbers may be
ascribed to differences in f
and differences between tabular and calculated values of x/d.

This sheet is for reference only. It lists those values specific for the UK use of EC2, and gives their

RCCe21 Subframe Analysis.xls

RCCe21.xls analyses sub-frames in accordance with Eurocode 2: Part 1: 1992

Spans may be of two different profiles to simulate varying section inertia.

Inputs are required on two sheets.

This single sheet consists of the main inputs.

Most inputs should be self-explanatory. In cell D9 etc, segment refers to the length of the section
measured from the left-hand support. If this is less than the span length, the cell below will show the
remainder of the span as a second segment. The dimension of the flange width, b
, is automated to be
either b
+ 0.07 x span for L beams or b
+ 0.14 x span for T beams.

Unwanted data cells are 'greyed out. The use of C, K, or E can alter the characteristics of a support
from cantilever to knife-edge to encastr. Remote ends of columns at supports may be F for fixed,
otherwise and by default, P for pinned. Extraneous data is highlighted in red or by messages in red.
Beneath Operating Instructions a number of checks, mainly for missing entries, are carried out and
any problems are highlighted. At the bottom of the sheet there is a simplistic but scale arrangement
and loading diagram. This is given to aid data checking. Great care should be taken to ensure that this
sheet is completed correctly for the case in hand. It may prove prudent to write down expected values
for bending moments at each support before progressing to ACTIONS!

Ultimate and characteristic support reactions are given at the bottom of the sheet

This sheet shows bending moment and shear force diagrams from the analysis undertaken in
Analysis! The user is required to input desired amount of redistribution to the initial moments in line 27.
Cell L14 allows three types of distribution according to the users preferences.

The sheet also provides elastic and redistributed ultimate shears and column moments according to
the various load cases.

This sheet details the moment distribution analysis carried out but is not necessarily intended for
printing out other than for checking purposes.

This sheet comprises data for graphs used on other sheets, particularly in ACTIONS! It is not
necessarily intended for printing out other than for checking purposes

This sheet calculates non-prismatic Fixed End Moments used in other sheets notably in Analysis!.
Separately, for each load type and for unit load, it calculates the simply supported bending moments
at 1/20

points then numerically integrates the Area Moment diagram to find the Fixed End Moments.
This sheet is not necessarily intended for printing out other than for checking purposes.
RCCe41 Continuous Beams (A & D).xls

The spreadsheet allows for the design of multiple-span rectangular or flanged beams using sub-frame
analysis to derive moments and shears according to the current version of Eurocode 2: Part 1: 1992

The intention is to provide the design and analysis of up to six spans of continuous beams with
columns above and below. There are three main sheets: MAIN!, ACTIONS! and SPANS! Input is
required on each of these three sheets.

This sheet contains user input of materials, frame geometry and load data, for up to six spans. Users
should note that with values of concrete strength of f
> 35 N/mm
(equivalent to f
> 45 N/mm
limiting values of x/d and consequently
(limiting applied moment ratio) are affected dramatically.

The example is taken from Worked examples for the design of concrete buildings
(to EC2) which
itself is based on the 1985 version of Designed and detailed. In order to reflect the latter publication,
the spreadsheet has been set up with the beams being considered as rectangular in both the analysis
and design.

Users should note that the maximum permitted flange widths are calculated from points of
contraflexure on the BM diagrams, and may therefore change with modifications in loading.

ACTIONS! includes bending moment and shear force diagrams, summaries of moments and shears
and user input for amounts of redistribution. Users should ensure that the amounts of redistribution are
always considered, as there are no default values.

This sheet designs reinforcement for bending in spans and supports and for shear in the spans. User
input is required for reinforcement sizes. The size used at a right support is carried through to the left
support of the next span. However different numbers of bars may be designed, as support moments
(including cantilever moments) are considered at the face of the support (see Bar!). Non-existent
spans are greyed out.

The reinforcement areas required for ultimate span moments can be automatically increased in order
to enhance span-to-depth ratios. EC2 Clause, appears to give the unlimited possibility to
reduce service stress and increase span-to-depth ratios, but the spreadsheet does not allow any
increase in span-to-depth ratios greater than 100%. The effectiveness of increasing the area of
reinforcement depends on the extent of cracking. The effect is marginal if the section is substantially
uncracked, i.e. slabs, but is more significant for beams. Beeby and Narayanan's Designers handbook
to EC2, p182)
gives some modification factors based on parametric studies.

This sheet estimates the weight of reinforcement in the beam as designed according to curtailment in
EC2. Workings are shown on the right hand side of the sheet. The estimate may be printed out using
File/print or the print button on the normal toolbar. It should be recognised that different engineers and
detailers interpretations of these clauses, different project circumstances and requirements, will all
have a bearing on actual quantities used. A print-out of this sheet is reproduced.

This sheet shows the moment distributions used in the analysis of the beam: it is not intended for
formal printing.

For first time users and young engineers, further detail of the calculations undertaken and EC2
references are given. Moments at span points are used to determine the top reinforcement in
spans. A print-out of this sheet is reproduced.

This sheet provides data for the charts in MAIN! and ACTIONS!: it is not intended for formal printing.

Many values used in EC2 are subject to national ratification. This is signified by them appearing within
boxes in the main document. These 'box' values are defined in the National Application Document
(part of DD ENV 1992-1-1 1992)
and those used within the spreadsheet are presented within Box!

Under the Admin folder will be found several files associated with the use of the spreadsheets.

Readme.doc & readme.txt
Essential for initial users of the spreadsheets in both Word and text formats.

This spreadsheet is included to provide:
- A means for finding set-up / printing discrepancies between computers
- An initial check on users set-ups
- A print-out for registration

A copy is shown over leaf. Its use should be self explanatory.

UserGuid.doc: Word file of User Guide
This file formed the basis of the printed User Guide. It may be loaded, read and printed out by using
Word 97 or subsequent releases. The file is included to provide help and to allow printing of parts of
the document. It may also be used as a basis for comment.

User Guide.pdf: Adobe Acrobat file of the User Guide
This User Guide will be made available as an Acrobat file on futur editions of the accompanying CD-
ROM. It will present the full User Guide in colour. Adobe Acrobat Reader v 3.0 or later will be required
to read and interrogate the .pdf file. Acrobat Reader will be made available on the CD-ROM and will
be installable separately. The file will be included to provide help and to allow (colour) printing of parts
of the document.

This folder contains the font files:
- Tekton~i.ttf
- Tekton~n.ttf
- Marker.ttf

These fonts have been included in order to give users access to the fonts intended for the

These upright fonts were used in the spreadsheets in order to emulate a designers handwriting and to
allow an adequate amount of information to be shown across the page and in each cell. As described
under Loading a spreadsheet for the first time see (p 14), unless the appropriate fonts and default font
size have been installed, the appearance on screen will be different from the publication and from that
intended. Column width and cell overlap problems may occur unless the correct fonts and default font
size are installed.

To the best of our knowledge these fonts are copyright-free.


Dear User,
This spreadsheet has been included for three main reasons:
1 a means for finding set-up / printing discrepancies -
2 an initial check on users' set-ups
3 a printout for registration
many thanks
C H Goodchild
Your name A B See
Co N G Neer & Partners
Address Address 1 In Excel, default font name
Address 2 eg Arial
Town In Excel, default font size
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E-mail eg ngneer@home.co.uk
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Nature of business eg Consulting Engineers Excel release
No of employees eg 12 8.0e 8.0a
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Monitor eg Samsung 17GL Recalculation mode
Printer eg HP Laserjet II Automatic Automatic


If registering, remittance
Registration includes acceptance
of the 'Conditions of Use' as
defined in User Manuals
Spreadsheets for concrete
design to BS 8110 and . EC2






















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(View/Toolbars /Format t ing). If not load
t hesefont s int o your font direct ory
(Usually C\Windows\Font s)







Please check one of the boxes above and complete the information below by overwriting blue text as far as you are able. Please do
not change anything else.
In the case of 1 or 2 above, compare with printed version in accompanying commentary and in the case of difficulty print and fax a
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Makecheques payablet o 'BCA'
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If <8.0a users may experiencedifficult ies

1 Goodchild, C.H. Economic concrete frame elements. British Cement Association,
Crowthorne, 1997. 128 pp.
2 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 8110: 1997. Structural use of concrete. Part
1. Code of practice for design and construction. British Standards Institution, London,
3 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. DD ENV 1992-1-1: 1992. Eurocode 2: Design
of concrete structures. Part 1: General rules and rules for buildings. Includes the UK
National Application Document. British Standards Institution, London, 1992.
4 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 8002: 1994. Code of practice for earth
retaining structures. British Standards Institution, London, 1994.
5 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 8007: 1987. Code of practice for design of
concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids. British Standards Institution, London,
(Civil Engineering Code of Practice No. 2.) Institution of Structural Engineers, London,
1975. 224 pp.
7 MACLEOD, I.A. ET AL. Information technology for the structural engineer. The
Structural Engineer, Vol. 77, No. 3, 2 February 1999. pp. 23 - 25.
Structural Safety, 10th report, July 1992 June 1994. SETO Ltd, London, 1994. 32 pp.
9 ANSLEY, M. Liability concerns require adaptable software. Concrete International, Vol.
19, No. 12, December 1997. pp. 37, 38.
10 KHAN, S. Techno Consultants Ltd, Manchester. Correspondence with authors, May
11 MOSLEY, W.H. & BUNGEY, J.H. Reinforced concrete design (4
edition). Macmillan,
Basingstoke, 1990. 392 pp.
12 REYNOLDS, C.E. & STEEDMAN, J.C. Reinforced concrete designer's handbook (10

edition). E&FN Spon, London, 1998. 448 pp.
13 ALLEN, A.H. Reinforced concrete design to BS 8110 - simply explained. E&FN Spon,
London, 1988. 256 pp.
14 THE CONCRETE SOCIETY. Post-tensioned concrete floors Design Handbook,
Technical Report No 43. The Concrete Society, Slough (now Crowthorne), 1994. 162
15 HIGGINS, J.B. & ROGERS, B.R. Designed and detailed (BS 8110:1997). British
Cement Association, Crowthorne, 1998. 28 pp.
16 KHAN, S. & WILLIAMS, M. Post-tensioned concrete floors. Butterworth Heinnemann,
Oxford, 1995. 312 pp.
17 CEMENT AND CONCRETE ASSOCIATION. Basic data for the prediction of shrinkage
and creep. Training note TDH 2391. Cement and Concrete Association (now British
Cement Association), Slough (now Crowthorne), 11 pp.
18 WYATT, T A. Design guide on the vibration of floors. Pub. No. 076, Steel Construction
Institute, Ascot, 1989. 43 pp.
19 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 6399: Part 1: 1996. Loading for buildings.
Code of practice for dead and imposed loads. British Standards Institution, London,
20 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. CP 110: 1972. Code of practice for the
structural use of concrete. British Standards Institution, London, 1972.
21 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 5400: 1988. Steel, concrete and composite
bridges. British Standards Institution, London, 1988.
22 RAFIQ, M.Y. AND SOUTHCOMBE, C. Genetic algorithms in optimal design and
detailing of reinforced concrete biaxial columns supported by a declarative approach
for capacity checking. International Journal of Computers and Structures, 69 (1998), pp
443 - 457.
23 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 8004: 1986. Code of practice for
foundations. British Standards Institution, London, 1986.
24 NARAYANAN, R S. Comparison of design requirements in EC2 and BS 8110. The
Structural Engineer, Vol. 67, No 11, 6 June 1989, pp. 218 - 227.
25 BEEBY, A.W. ET AL. Worked examples for the design of concrete buildings. British
Cement Association, Crowthorne, 1994. 256 pp.
26 BEEBY, A.W. & NARAYANAN, R.S. Designers handbook to Eurocode 2 Part 1.1:
Design of concrete structures. Thomas Telford Ltd, London, 1994. 242 pp.

Further reading

Manual for the design of reinforced concrete building structures. London, ISE, London,
1985. 88 pp.
2 REYNOLDS, C.E. & STEEDMAN, J.C. Examples of the design of reinforced concrete
buildings to BS 8110 (4
edition). E&FN Spon, London, 1992. 320 pp.
3 MOSLEY, W.H. Et Al. Reinforced concrete design to Eurocode 2 (EC2). Macmillan,
London, 1996. 426 pp.


Please note that definitions relating to retaining and basement walls and many of those relating to
post-tensioned design are contained within the relevant spreadsheets.
Unit Explanation
(B or S) Beam or slab (re PT)
(L, R, B) Stressing ends left, right and bottom (re PT)
(B, U) Prestressing system bonded or unbonded (re PT)
~ Not applicable/ no result
~~~ or
No input required

Coefficient of friction
mm Area of concrete section
mm Distance from point considered to nearest longitudinal bar (Crack widths:
usually from surface half way between bars to bar)
mm Area of prestressing strand/tendon
mm Area of (tension) steel
mm Area of compression steel
s min
mm Minimum area of steel required
s prov
mm Area of steel provided
s req'd
mm Area of steel required
mm Area of shear reinforcement
b mm Width, effective width, breadth (in RCC51.xls both or two-way spanning)
mm Bredth of flange
B, Btm Bottom
mm Breadth of effective moment strip
mm Breadth of section
mm Average web width of a flanged beam
char Characteristic (load)
Cl Centreline (of support)
CO mm Cover (crack widths)
Comp Compression
d mm Effective depth
d' mm Depth to compression reinforcement
mm Depth of compression zone (column design)
Def Deflection
Dia Diameter
E/O Extra over
N/mm Modulus of elasticity of concrete (at 28 days)
N/mm Modulus of elasticity of concrete at initial stressing (re PT)
N/mm Modulus of elasticity of prestressing strand/tendon (re PT)
e mm Eccentricity
mm Minimum eccentricity
F kN total design ultimate load on the full width of panel
Characteristic concrete strength at initial stressing (re PT)
Characteristic concrete cylinder strength (EC2)
N/mm Characteristic concrete strength
FEM Fixed end moment
N/mm (Estimated in-) service stress of reinforcement in a section
N/mm (In-) service stress of reinforcement in a section: compression
N/mm (In-) service stress of reinforcement in a section: tension
fy N/mm Characteristic steel strength (bending reinforcement)
N/mm Characteristic steel strength (link reinforcement)
kN Characteristic dead load
kN Characteristic dead load per unit area.
H, H mm Height
mm Effective diameter of column (design of flat slabs)
mm Thickness of flange
mm Height of flange
K M/bd
- used to determine whether compression reinforcement is
required or not
K Wobble factor (re PT)
K' Factor determining whether compression reinforcement is required
L m, mm Span
L/d Span:depth
m, mm Length along x axis, length of shorter side (two-way slab panel or flat slab
m, mm Span in x direction
m, mm Length along y axis, length of longer side (two-way slab panel or flat slab
MOR kNm Moment of resistance
M(e) all kNm Elastic moment all spans loaded
M(r) even kNm Redistributed moment even spans loaded
kNm Design ultimate moment at a section
kNm Additional design ultimate moment induced by deflection of column
kNm Moment due to axial load acting at minimum eccentricity
kNm Moment of resistance
kNm Service moment (crack widths)
kNm/m Maximum design ultimate moments in span or at support in strips of unit
width and length l
. Likewise m

kNm Design moment transferred between slab and column
kNm Design moment about x - x
N kN Design ultimate axial load
n kN/m Total design ultimate load per unit area
n. a. Neutral axis
n/a Not applicable
No Number

mm Bar diameter, maximum bar diameter
o/a Overall
Perim Perimeter
PL Point Load
PT Post tensioned (concrete)
kN Characteristic imposed load
kN Characteristic imposed load per unit area
R Grade 250 reinforcement, mild steel
R/H % Relative Humidity (re PT)
Rel% % Relaxation (re PT)
s mm Spacing (of links or bars)
SLS Serviceability limit state
mm Spacing of links
T Top, Grade 460 reinforcement
Tens Tension
UDL Uniformly distributed load
ULS Ultimate limit state
ult Ultimate
uno Unless noted otherwise
V kN Design ultimate shear force
v N/mm Shear stress at a section
N/mm (Allowable) design shear stress
' N/mm (Allowable) design shear stress corrected for axial load (e.g. column
kN Design effective shear including allowance for moment transfer (flat slabs,
punching shear)
kN Maximum design shear force without reinforcement (EC2)
kN Maximum design shear force with reinforcement (EC2)
kN Design shear (EC2)
kNm/m Maximum design shear in strips of unit width and length lx.
kN Design ultimate shear transferred to column (flat slabs, punching shear)
w mm Crack width
W/C ratio Water:cement ratio (re PT)
kN Characteristic wind load
kN Characteristic wind load per unit area.
x mm Depth to neutral axis
x or y Spanning parallel to x or y,
Y/N Yes/ no
z mm Lever arm

o Modular ratio (usually E
, approximately 15)


Redistribution factor - the ratio: (moment at a section after redistribution /
moment at the section before redistribution)
c Strain
Average strain (crack widths)


Partial safety factor for strength of material: concrete.


Partial safety factor for strength of material. (See relevant Code)
Partial safety factor for strength of material: steel
Proportion of steel reinforcement

N/mm Allowable compressive (long term) stress in concrete (re PT)

N/mm Allowable compressive stress in concrete at initial stressing (re PT)

N/mm Allowable tensile stress in concrete at initial stressing: (re PT)

N/mm Allowable (long term) tensile stress in concrete (re PT)
Basic shear strength (EC2)

Quasi-permanent load factor applied to imposed loads in calculations of
deflection (EC2)
% Damping, (usually 2% to 8%) (re PT)

Coefficient of friction


Limiting value of applied moment ratio for singly reinforced sections
(ENV 1992)


C. H. Goodchild
R M Webster


LOGO (Better built in Concrete- colour version)

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