A Review of Thiosulfate Leaching of Gold: Focus On Thiosulfate Consumption and Gold Recovery From Pregnant Solution
A Review of Thiosulfate Leaching of Gold: Focus On Thiosulfate Consumption and Gold Recovery From Pregnant Solution
A Review of Thiosulfate Leaching of Gold: Focus On Thiosulfate Consumption and Gold Recovery From Pregnant Solution
Abstract: Thiosulfate leaching is a promising alternative to cyanidation, and the main hindrances
for its wide commercial application are the high thiosulfate consumption and the difficult recovery
of dissolved gold. In this review, the four solutions to reduce the consumption of thiosulfate,
including the control of reaction conditions, the use of additives, the generation of thiosulfate in
situ, and the replacement of traditional cupric-ammonia catalysis, are introduced and evaluated
after the presentation of background knowledge about thiosulfate consumption. The replacement
of cupric-ammonia catalysis with other metals, such as nickel- and cobalt-based catalysts, is
proposed. The reason is that it not only reduces thiosulfate consumption observably via decreasing
the redox potential of leach solution significantly but also is beneficial to gold recovery mainly
owing to eliminating the interference of cuprous thiosulfate [Cu(S2O3)3]5−. Based on the comparative
analysis for five common recovery techniques of rare-noble metals from pregnant leach solution,
ion-exchange resin adsorption is considered to be the most appropriate to recover aurothiosulfate
[Au(S2O3)2]3− because the resin can be employed in the form of resin-in-leach/pulp and, furthermore,
is able to be eluted and regenerated simultaneously at ambient temperature. At last, how to reduce
the process cost of the resin adsorption technique is discussed. In order to simplify the complex two-
stage elution process for loaded resins, the traditional catalysis is suggested to be replaced.
Keywords: gold; thiosulfate leaching; nickel- and cobalt-based catalysts; gold recovery; resin
1. Introduction
Cyanidation has been the predominant gold leaching technique since it was first put forward by
John Stewart MacArthur in the 1880s [1] because of its simple process and low cost. However,
unluckily, cyanide is highly toxic, and there have been some serious environmental accidents
occurring around the world caused by the leakage of cyanide from metallurgical plants [1–3]. Due to
of environmental concerns, cyanide leaching has been banned in many regions at present.
Furthermore, the leaching period of cyanidation is usually as long as 24 h [3] and gold cannot be
effectively leached from refractory gold ores. Thus, alternative lixiviants for gold have received more
and more attention in recent years. Among those lixiviants, chloride, thiourea, and thiosulfate have
received the most attention. The development of chloride leaching is impeded mainly by its
hazardous working environment, poor reaction selectivity, and high requirements for equipment
corrosion protection [4–6]. The future of thiourea leaching is not attractive because the consumption
and price of thiourea are both high and, furthermore, it is a suspected carcinogen [7–10]. Thiosulfate
leaching is widely considered to be the most promising alternative method owing to its reduced
Metals 2017, 7, 222; doi:10.3390/met7060222 www.mdpi.com/journal/metals
Metals 2017, 7, 222 2 of 15
environmental risk, high reaction selectivity, low corrosivity of leach solution, cheap reagents, etc.
Thiosulfate leaching was first proposed as a part of Von Patera process [16], where the leaching
was implemented after chloridizing roasting. In the initial stage of thiosulfate leaching, high
temperature and pressure were required until an improvement was carried out by using ammoniacal
thiosulfate solution to leach copper-bearing sulfide ores at ambient temperature [17]. From then on,
the studies about cupric-ammonia catalyzed thiosulfate leaching at room temperature began to
prevail. So far, there have been a large number of literature reported in this field on the effects of ore
types and reaction conditions [16,18–20]. However, the successful commercial application of
thiosulfate leaching is almost nonexistent, except that it is being used by Barrick Gold Corporation
(Elko, NV, USA) in its Goldstrike deposit with the pretreatment of acidic or alkaline pressure
oxidation [21–23]. The carbonaceous gold ore in Goldstrike deposit cannot be efficiently leached by
cyanidation due to the “preg-robbing” phenomenon, however, this phenomenon does not occur
during thiosulfate leaching owing to the very weak affinity of carbonaceous substance for gold
thiosulfate complex [24]. This also leads to the problem that the dissolved gold in thiosulfate solution
cannot be effectively recovered by active carbon adsorption which is the dominant technique used
for pregnant cyanide solution. The dissolved gold in the Goldstrike deposit is recovered by a resin-
in-leach process, and the loaded resin is eluted with a complex two-stage process. According to the
literature [18,23], the thiosulfate consumptions in different studies are usually over 25 kg/t-ore during
leaching and the dissolved gold cannot be effectively recovered by the simple techniques of active
carbon adsorption and cementation that is used widely in cyanidation, both of which make the
commercial competitiveness of thiosulfate leaching weak. Thus, the industrial application of this
alternative method is still rare up to now.
In this review, the background knowledge about thiosulfate consumption will be presented at
first, and then four solving measures to reduce the consumption are evaluated in detail. Afterwards,
five common recovery techniques for rare-noble metals from leach solution are comparatively
analyzed. In the end, how to improve the economy of the resin adsorption technique is discussed.
The main intentions of this review are to propose an optimal approach for the reduction of thiosulfate
consumption and a commercially-viable technique to recover dissolved gold from pregnant
thiosulfate solution.
These anodic reactions are shown as Equations (2)–(4). In cathodic areas, [Cu(NH3)4]2+ is reduced to
[Cu(S2O3)3]5−, and newly-generated [Cu(S2O3)3]5− is quickly oxidized back into [Cu(NH3)4]2+ by
dissolved oxygen in the solution. Thus, [Cu(NH3)4]2+ catalyzes the reaction of oxygen reduction. These
cathodic reactions are listed as Equations (5) and (6).
It is worth noting that [Cu(NH3)4]2+ as a catalyzer boosts gold dissolution dramatically, but it
also markedly accelerates thiosulfate decomposition due to its relatively strong oxidizing ability [27].
As shown in Equation (7), S2O32− can be easily oxidized to S4O62− by [Cu(NH3)4]2+ whilst the
[Cu(NH3)4]2+ itself is reduced to [Cu(S2O3)3]5−. As mentioned above, the [Cu(S2O3)3]5− will be also
oxidized back into [Cu(NH3)4]2+ rapidly by oxygen. Thus, [Cu(NH3)4]2+ does not only catalyze the
reduction of oxygen, but also catalyzes the oxidation of thiosulfate.
4Au + 8S2O32− + O2 + 2H2O → 4Au(S2O3)23− + 4OH− ∆G0 = −97.9 kJ/mol (1)
Au → Au+ + e ∆G0 = 163.2 kJ/mol (2)
Au+ + 2NH3 → Au(NH3)2+ ∆G0 = −74.1 kJ/mol (3)
Au(NH3)2+ + 2S2O32− → 2NH3 + Au(S2O3)23− ∆G0 = −74.9 kJ/mol (4)
Cu(NH3)42+ + 3S2O32− + e → Cu(S2O3)35− + 4NH3 ∆G0 = −21.9 kJ/mol (5)
4Cu(S2O3)35− + 16NH3 + O2 + 2H2O → 4Cu(NH3)42+ + 4OH− + 12S2O32− ∆G0 = −67.1 kJ/mol (6)
2Cu(NH3)42+ + 8S2O32− → 2Cu(S2O3)35− + S4O62− + 8NH3 ∆G0 = −19.8 kJ/mol (7)
[Au(S2O3)2]3− from ion exchange resins and thus hinder gold recovery by resin adsorption [33,34].
Thus, thiosulfate decomposition not only results in reagent consumption, but also inhibits the
leaching and recovery of gold.
because of the accumulation of passivation species deriving from thiosulfate decomposition on gold
Figure 4. Step-oxidation of thiosulfate catalyzed by pyrite. (a) the adsorption of thiosulfate; (b) the
transfer of electrons; (c) the formation of reaction products.
follows: humic acid radical ions not only weaken the interaction between Cu(II) and thiosulfate via
complexing with the central cupric ion at its axial coordination site and relieve the catalytic effect of
minerals on thiosulfate decomposition by making the affinity of mineral surfaces for S2O32− disappear,
but also prevent passivation species from coating gold surfaces through electrostatic repulsion.
by the formed thiosulfate [55]. In another study, more than 80% of S0 added at 0.8 M in lime milk
solution in an autoclave was transformed into thiosulfate under 85 °C, 0.35 MPa and n(Ca/S )
0.55, and the gold extraction from an oxide gold ore containing negligible copper (0.007%, mass
percent) by generated thiosulfate reached 81.6% after 5 h of leaching [56]. This implies that gold can
be efficiently leached at relatively high temperature and oxygen partial pressure without cupric-
ammonia catalysis. Calcium thiosulfate can also be produced by the oxidation of S0 in lime milk
solution with a two-step process [57]. At the first step, calcium polysulfide and calcium polythionate
are formed by the reactions between the elemental sulfur, oxygen, and lime at 70–75 °C and 0.3–
0.5 MPa, and at the second step these two products are both further converted into calcium thiosulfate
at 80–95 °C and 0.3–0.5 MPa. The overall reaction for the generation of calcium thiosulfate is
listed as Equation (17). The S0 can be obtained via the oxidation of sulfidic gold-bearing feed during
acidic pressure oxidation pretreatment, and then the obtained S0 was further reacted with added
sulfite to form thiosulfate. The gold occurring in sulfidic feed was efficiently leached by the formed
thiosulfate [58].
Ca(OH)2 + 6S + 3O2 → 3CaS2O3 + 3H2O (17)
Thiosulfate can also be directly generated by the oxidation of element S in sulfide minerals in
alkaline media. Melashvili et al. [30] studied the equation for thiosulfate yield during pyrite
oxidation, and found that the sulfur in pyrite can be directly oxidized into thiosulfate under the
condition of 80 °C, 0.07–0.28 MPa, and pH 12.5. As shown in Figure 5, the oxidation of sulfur in
pyrite is a quasi-chain reaction process, where the valence of S is gradually increasing along the
direction from left to right. Melashvili et al. [59] further investigated the simultaneous dissolution of
gold by in situ formed thiosulfate during pyrite oxidation, and the best result was that 96% of gold
and 75% of silver were leached from a pyrite concentrate whilst 60% of sulfide sulfur is oxidized. Xu
et al. [60] found that the S in sulfidic gold-bearing ores/concentrates was partially oxidized into
thiosulfate during alkaline pressure oxidation pretreatment under the condition of CaO 30–80 kg/t-
feed, 140–160 °C and 0.3–0.4 MPa, and a part of gold in the feed was leached by the generated
thiosulfate. From the above, it is worth noting that the generations of thiosulfate from elemental
sulfur or sulfide minerals are both under high temperature and oxygen concentration. Thus, the
solution composition is very complex due to the decomposition of formed thiosulfate under the
strong oxidizing environment, which is detrimental to the gold recovery by resin adsorption [18].
it is concluded that cobalt-ammonia can also catalyze thiosulfate leaching of gold via the conversion
between [Co(NH3)5]2+ and [Co(NH3)6]3+ with the aid of O2, and the related reactions are listed as
Equations (20) and (21). The conclusion is supported by the literature [67]. Additionally, nickel-citrate
and cobalt-EDTA are also found to be able to catalyze thiosulfate leaching through the transformation
between the bivalent and trivalent nickel-citrate/cobalt-EDTA complex ions [68,69]. Compared with
traditional cupric-ammonia catalysis, the consumptions with the nickel and cobalt catalysts are
observably lower because the redox potential of the solution is significantly decreased as a result of
the absence of [Cu(NH3)4]2+ and, furthermore, there is no ammonia pollution. In addition, nickel-
citrate and cobalt-EDTA are, respectively, the dominant forms of nickel and cobalt complex ions,
which are very different with [Au(S2O3)2]3− at the aspects of size and structure. Thus, the complex ions
of nickel and cobalt have little interference with gold recovery by resin adsorption or solvent
extraction. From the above, the replacement of traditional cupric-ammonia catalysis with nickel- and
cobalt-based catalysts can not only reduce thiosulfate consumption, but is also beneficial to gold
recovery from pregnant thiosulfate solution.
Figure 6. Eh–pH diagram of Ni–NH3–S2O32−–H2O system under the conditions of 0.05 M Ni, 1.0 M
S2O32−, 1.0 M NH3, 25 °C, and 101.3 kPa pressure.
Figure 7. Eh–pH diagram of Co–NH3–S2O32−–H2O system under the conditions of 0.05 M Co, 1.0 M
S2O32−, 3.5 M NH3, 25 °C, and 101.3 kPa pressure.
Metals 2017, 7, 222 10 of 15
are difficult to be protonated, thus, the ion-exchange ability of resins is damaged at a higher pH than
8. Thus, the weak base resins are not suitable to recover gold from ammoniacal thiosulfate solution
whose pH is generally in the range of 9–11 [84,85].
The loading capacities of strong base resins usually reach up to 10–25 kg/t, and are independent
of the solution pH. The high capacities make strong base resins more tolerant to competing anions
and can efficiently adsorb the extremely low concentration aurothiosulfate [81]. However, the
selectivity of these resins is poor, and inevitable anions such as [Cu(S2O3)3]5− and polythionate will
strongly compete with [Au(S2O3)2]3− for the active sites of resin surface and are co-adsorbed with gold
by resins. The co-adsorption of Cu(I) makes the adoption of a two-stage elution process necessary to
separate the copper and gold. At first the copper can be selectively eluted by the solutions of
oxygenated ammonia-ammonium sulfate, ammonium thiosulfate, etc., thus, a copper rich solution is
produced. Then, the gold is able to be effectively eluted by the single component solutions of
thiocyanate, polythionates, perchlorate, and nitrate or the two component solutions of thiourea +
sulfuric acid and sulfite + chloride [18,83]. The elution with single component solutions requires an
additional regeneration procedure for resins to regain their loading capacities and avoid the
accumulation of elution reagents in leach solution. For the two component solutions, the synergistic
reagents of thiourea (TU) and sulfite can form the mixed ligand complexes of [Au(S2O3)TU]− and
[Au(S2O3)(SO3)]3− through reacting with [Au(S2O3)2]3−, and these two complexes have observably
reduced affinity for the resins and, thus, are easily eluted by sulfate and chloride ions, respectively.
The SO42− and Cl− on resin surface are easily substituted by [Au(S2O3)2]3− when the eluted resins are
returned into pregnant leach solution. Furthermore, these ions have no obvious harmful impact on
thiosulfate leaching, which is deduced from the fact that sulfate and chloride both can be used as
additives to stabilize Cu(II) during leaching. Thus, the resins have regained their loading capacities
during the gold elution process, and the additional regeneration procedure is omitted by use of the
two component eluent solutions [83].
The commercial competitiveness of resin adsorption technique is low due to the cost and time
involving in operating this complicated two-stage elution process [18]. However, if the traditional
cupric-ammonia catalysis is replaced by other metals such as nickel and cobalt based catalysts, whose
complex ions have weak affinity for the resins, and the co-adsorption of base metals with gold on
resin surface will not occur. Thus, the two-stage elution process can be substituted by a simple one-
stage process, and the resin adsorption technique for pregnant thiosulfate solution become
commercially viable.
5. Conclusions
Thiosulfate leaching is a promising alternative to cyanidation. Although there have been a great
number of studies about thiosulfate leaching of gold in the past several decades, its successful
commercial application is rare. The main reasons for this are as follows: thiosulfate consumption is
high because thiosulfate itself is metastable and easily oxidized by Cu(II), which is a catalyst for gold
leaching and, furthermore, certain associated minerals can accelerate the oxidation; the recovery of
dissolved gold in pregnant leach solution is difficult because of the low affinity of activated carbon
for [Au(S2O3)2]3−, the complex composition of the solution, and the interference of [Cu(S2O3)3]5−.
The adoption of low reagent concentrations under limited oxygen supply and the regulation of
mixed pulp potential via the elaborate adjustment of reaction conditions are both beneficial to reduce
thiosulfate consumption. Some additives can be dedicated to stabilize thiosulfate, especially certain
organic macromolecular additives that decrease the oxidizing ability of Cu(II) and, furthermore,
relieve the catalytic effect of associated minerals on thiosulfate oxidation. The generation of
thiosulfate in situ deriving from the oxidation of sulfide minerals is also possible to solve the high
consumption problem. However, the replacement of traditional cupric-ammonia catalysis with other
metals, such as nickel- and cobalt-based catalysts is the most optimal approach, because it not only
reduces thiosulfate consumption observably by decreasing the redox potential of the leach solution
significantly, but also eliminates the interference of [Cu(S2O3)3]5− for gold recovery from pregnant
thiosulfate solution.
Metals 2017, 7, 222 12 of 15
The technique of ion-exchange resin adsorption is suitable for the gold recovery from thiosulfate
leach solution because the resin can be employed in the form of resin-in-leach/pulp and be eluted and
regenerated simultaneously at ambient temperature through the elaborate choice of eluent. Strong-
base anion resins are preferred to weak-base anion resins because their loading capacities are
markedly higher and independent of solution pH, but their selectivity for [Au(S2O3)2]3− against
[Cu(S2O3)3]5− is low. Thus, a complex and high-cost two-stage elution process is required to separate
the copper and gold loaded on the resins. If the traditional cupric-ammonia catalysis is replaced by
other metal-based catalysts, whose complex ions have weak affinity for the resins, the two-stage
process will be substituted by a simple and low-cost one-stage process.
Acknowledgments: Financial supports from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant Nos.
51504293 and 51574284), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (grant No. 2014M550422), the Hunan
Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No. 2015JJ3149), the Fundamental Research Funds for the
Central Universities of Central South University (No. 2017zzts799), and the Open-End Fund for the Valuable
and Precision Instruments of Central South University (CSUZC201704) are all gratefully acknowledged.
Author Contributions: Bin Xu completed the main part of this review; Wenhao Kong and Yongbin Yang
completed the other parts of this review; Qian Li and Tao Jiang offered the advice for writing and revision of
this review; Xiaoliang Liu collected the references in the course of writing.
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