56 2017-01-16 Dasamoni Thesis FINAL
56 2017-01-16 Dasamoni Thesis FINAL
56 2017-01-16 Dasamoni Thesis FINAL
A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of
In Partial Fulfillment
Master of Science
Computer Engineering
Fall, 2016
Many model-based approaches have been suggested to improve and accelerate the
deployment. In this approach, abstract models of the system are created and then
commands and information being distributed reliably throughout the system with
Energy (BLE) communications used by the irrigation system requires a model with very
network topology and protocol, and the data was observed to verify the correct
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... ii
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1
Implementation of Application Layer............................................................ 56
Testing ........................................................................................................... 67
Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 59
Future Work .......................................................................................................... 59
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 61
Table Page
Figure Page
1. Metamodeling ..................................................................................................... 5
11. BLE protocol stack components and layers for a single mode device ................ 31
19. Classes used in communication layer .................................................................. 54
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I thank Dr. Mike Turi, Department of
throughout the course of this work. I could not have asked for a better supervisor and a
mentor than Prof. Turi, who was not only my sounding board but also showed infinite
and Dr. Kenneth Faller for their insightful comments and encouragement.
task. These systems are still developed in an ad-hoc manner as the block components and
middleware required for building such applications are hard to find in formally verifiable
and analyzable format [1]. Moreover, the design complexity of these systems increases
tremendously with the need to adapt to the new processes quickly and to develop highly
individual components and later compose them in a plug and play manner to realize the
complete system. But this comes with significant challenges [1]: (1) a lack of tools to find
the right set of components to provide desired QoS to an application; (2) the need for
configuring many attributes and parameters of both middleware components and the
application at various stages of development; and (3) the ability to automate the
On the other hand, embedded systems that make extensive use of digital signal
while real-time applications use event-based models. Since these applications have real-
time constraints, the designers must ensure that their software architecture meets their
functional and performance requirements are met just by examining the software
metamodeling information that helps define the structure of the language to precisely
express key characteristics and constraints of a particular application domain; the model
transformation information that helps automate the process and also ensures the
captured earlier[1]. MDD also increases the level of abstraction hence the design
the interface between the components—a hardware and a software unit—should be fully
The two architectural concepts that are used in these developments are event
triggered or time triggered. In the event triggered architecture, event messages contain
event information. They are usually queued and consumed by an external control that is
outside the communication system. In time triggered architecture, the state messages with
state information are sent periodically and the control exist within the communication
system autonomously [2]. Some of the analysis techniques used in real-time embedded
systems design include executable simulation modeling [3] and real-time scheduling
studied. First a brief overview of model based approach is described and then a model
was constructed and compared against a set of criteria. Following that, the detailed
system under design is given. This involves designing a prototype for an irrigation
controller that controls the irrigation of a vegetable in making decision as to when and
how much the crops need to irrigated. This DES setup has five nodes and each consists of
one Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 Development Kit(DK) board and with two different
types of sensors and a control output indication to indicate the irrigation related decision.
The final chapter details the conclusion of this research and future work that can be taken
helps design embedded systems with well-defined structure, well-defined abstraction, and
efficient designs. Modeling languages are derived using standard languages to express
structural and functional actors and their key relationships over time. Modeling languages
can be either graphical or textual. Graphical modeling languages use diagram techniques
that are interpreted by computers. Special consideration should be taken when a modeling
Modeling Basics
languages, data is modelled using metadata that forms a metamodel [5] as shown Figure
Figure 1. Metamodeling.
program execution. The metamodeling notations should not only offer facilities to
support primitive concepts such as entity, activity, and goal within the metamodel, but
relationships such as defines, denote, mentions and includes. It should also offer support
used by the control engineering communities for designing real-time embedded systems.
These are driven by extensive tools, such as Matlab/Simulink from Mathworks. But, with
Object Management Group (OMG)’s creation of the Unified Modeling Language (UML)
methodologies, UML has gained in popularity for deriving specification and designing
being used diversely. They help represent the elements and relate them to each other
graphically. The facilities provided by UML has real advantages over traditional
approach in many aspects like model readability, model validation, and model
stereotypes are specific metaclasses. Both UML and SysML have been added with
stereotypes, a UML extension mechanism, and tags, to serve some of the specific needs
in describing the model elements. This serves the need for specificity at the same time
accommodating general cases. For example, a stereotype can be created and given a
unique name for the users outside the system to identify and tag definitions are added to it
applied to a model element, tag values that describe its characteristics are also added [8].
The following paragraphs describe the diagram structure of the modeling frameworks,
UML and SysML, and how they can be used in constructing a model.
UML and SysML are very similar modeling languages. Both share similar
concepts but SysML uses slightly different terminology that is friendlier to systems
UML is used in different phases of embedded system design. The current version
of UML, UML 2.0, supports thirteen different types of diagrams as shown in Figure 2
and are mainly classified under structure diagrams and behavior diagrams. The Class
diagram, and Deployment diagram are structure diagrams used to represent the static
structure of the design. The Use Case diagram, Activity diagram, and State Machine
diagram fall under the behavior diagram category. The four interaction diagrams,
diagrams represent the classes of objects that will be used during the system execution,
for a relationship in order to indicate the number of objects that can be linked. Object
diagrams allow the representation of the relationship between instances of object classes.
These diagrams are available since the initial version of UML. The Component diagram
allows one to represent the software components that will be used to build the
components that perform and provide the required functionality. The Composite diagram
is proposed in UML 2.0, and shows the internal structure (including parts and connectors)
organization of packages and its elements, while the Deployment diagram represents the
system parts. It also describes the system boundary and the interaction with users and
other systems. While Activity diagram represents the flow of data and control between
activities, State Machine diagram describes the state transitions and actions that a system
or its parts perform in response to events. This diagram also represents the states that an
object may be in and the transitions between those states. An object’s state is determined
by the value of its attributes, and transitions are the result of a method invocation that
causes an important change in the state. Sequence diagram is used in representing the
interaction between the collaborating objects. This diagram is used to model usage
scenarios, the logic of methods, and logic of services by a sequence of method calls or
messages in a natural or logical way. The Communication diagram shows the interaction
by means of relationship between objects and association between the classes required for
exchanging messages. The Timing diagram and the Interaction Overview diagram are
new to UML 2.0. The Timing diagram is used to represent how one or more objects
behave in a given period of time. When the Timing diagram is used to represent one
object then it is similar to the State Machine diagram. The Interaction Overview diagram
is a variant of the Activity diagram, and its focus is on the control flow of the
interactions. Instead of activities, the nodes within the diagram are frames. In UML 2.0,
the concept of frame has been introduced to define a diagram. Frame encapsulates a
diagram and has a name, a type and parameters. Using the names, one diagram can be
nested inside another diagram. The Interaction Overview diagram uses the interaction
frames to depict the type of UML interaction diagram or interaction occurrence frames to
SysML reuses a subset of UML 2.0 and provides extensions that are used mainly
in system engineering designs. There are three categories of diagrams in SysML [9] as
shown in Figure 3. Structural diagrams that help show both logical and structural
elements of the system and their connections and relationships between them--for
show the dynamic view of the system using state charts, and conditions and events that
cause state to change; cross-cutting diagrams help model relationships between both
structural and behavioral elements and they are not commonly used.
After a model is constructed, some of the strategies used to generate the low level
interpretive models. An executable model generates executable code but the executability
of the code depends more on the execution tool that is used than that of the model itself.
Some strategies require a more complete and precise model specification while others
may be able to fill in the gap and execute more incomplete models. The most well-known
family of executable models are the executable UML. Executable UML models make
extensive use of Action Languages to precisely define the behavior of all class methods.
languages and platforms. Instead, the model interpretation strategy relies on the existence
of a virtual machine’s ability to directly read and run the model. Earlier, many MDD
approaches opted for code-generation strategy but now model interpretation strategy is
being used.
designing a high-level system model is the first step. It requires laying down both
behavior or functionality of the system from the user point of view, quality-of-service
(QoS) requirements such as performance, timing and power usage, and problem domain
structure are specified. Development of formal solution for the above requirements
results in functional specification of the system. Modeling languages such as UML and
SysML help express these requirements and specifications through different type of
diagrams. These high-level models should also reflect the nature of the application
domain. At this point the platform information is added to the model and this helps
translate the high-level model into an executable code. This above process can be
automatic but usually requires interaction from the designer at different degrees. The
executable code is usually of particular language, and the way it was obtained depends on
the specific modeling approach and the MoC used in the process. Further, design
exploration can be done by using the executable code as input for architectural
exploration process to find alternative software solutions that would still fulfill system
Evaluation Criteria
First, I wanted to evaluate and compare some of the modeling tools available in
the marketplace to find one suitable for my development. They were compared both
qualitatively and quantitatively. The criteria for comparison is based on the work by
Ardis et al. [10], where a qualitative comparison of several design languages for reactive
and/or restrictions.
B. Functional Specification: This evaluates the model for its abstraction level and
how components of a given system interact and how they exchange data,
control and notions of time. Some of the commonly used MoCs are:
Discrete Event (DE), Continuous Time (CT) and Finite State Machine
(FSM). The use of these three MoCs have been detailed in [11].
C. Domain specificity of a tool: This evaluates the suitability of the tool for the
application domain such as, industrial automation, avionics, automotive for which
it is being designed
F. Design space exploration: This evaluates if a model incorporates facilities that can
Evaluation Process
1. IBM Rational Rhapsody [12] for System Engineers provides design, development
modeling. This supports both Unified Modeling Language (UML) and System
Modeling Language (SysML). But for my evaluation I used the capabilities that
are offered by SysML soley. It is a trial copy that is good for 90 days and can be
for editing real-time models cyber-physical systems (CPS), and takes advantage
of the profiles such as UML , SysML, and MARTE. Profiles help include
I used the capabilities of UML profile for the purpose of comparison. This can be
After the initial evaluation, I decided to compare only IBM® Rational Rhapsody
and Papyrus-rt, as AF3 offers domain specific model to cater automotive industry needs.
To evaluate further, I installed IBM® Rational Rhapsody for system engineers in the
windows environment and selected SysML as the modeling language of preference. I also
installed Papyrus-rt in the windows environment with UML as the modeling language of
that are offered for creating one such diagram to express functional requirements, and the
ability to extend them with stereotypes and tags for non-functional requirements such as
maintainability to express the constraint in the implementation, were quite useful. The
Verify Requirement Relation was also constructed in connecting to a particular test case
The test cases can even be represented in number of different ways in Sequence
diagram and this helps in tracing the requirement for which test cases are written through
a verify relationship. The refine requirement relation can tell how a model element such
as a use case can be used to further refine a requirement. Another important requirement
contained by the parent during the process of decomposition. This fine granularity is an
important feature that helps refine and validate requirements easily. These features
validate and verify the requirements and also help understand the requirements well to
known diagram type, Use Case diagram. I created one as shown in Figure 4. This details
the expectations of the system from a user perspective and hence it links the requirements
and its interaction with the real-world. It also details the specific actions and capabilities
of the system and the valuable results that could be achieved for actors or stakeholder of
the system. These are aspects of a Use Case diagram that are useful in traceability and
impact analysis.
As far as the physical properties and constraints of the system are concerned, they
are not captured in traditional Use Case diagram. This leaves with some QoS
Management Framework (RMF) [15] can be coupled with Papyrus-rt and can be used for
behavior of this system under design by representing them in behavioral diagrams such as
Activity diagram, Sequence diagram, and State Machine diagrams of SysML in Rational
Rhapsody and UML in Papyrus-rt. However, I could only evaluate the behavioral criteria
of the ping-pong model I created in Papyrus-rt. To make use of the real-time features in
the ping-pong model, profiles such as UML real time profile, UML-RT state machine
profile, and UML-RT C++ property set profiles were added. The UML-RT runtime
services and UML-RT runtime library were also added for code generation.
In this model, a ping pong ball is the message that is exchanged between the
entities and the players are “Pinger” and “Ponger.” The protocol is governed by UML-RT
and it defines how the messages are sent and received between the nodal elements,
outgoing, or both. The outgoing protocol message is called “ping” and the incoming
The “Pinger" action as shown in Figure 6 happens each time the "Playing" state is
entered. Whether transitioning into the "Playing" state from the "initial" state or, because
of the "OnPong" transition, the player either starts the game or keeps on playing, as per
our requirements. This action also sends a "ping" message to the other player, represented
The “Ponger” state machine as in Figure 7 consists of only one state called
"Playing," that triggers a self-transition on receiving the "ping" message on the "ponger"
port from “Pinger.” In this case, "Ponger" will not initialize the game and the action here
Rational Rhapsody and Papyrus-rt. The above example has demonstrated that clearly. In
addition, Rational Rhapsody has an extra feature in Activity Diagram that helps control
the execution of an activity by disabling it. But, to stop a behavior without requiring it to
can be used.
With this modeling background, the model for the system under design could
used. However, my effort to extend the above facilities to the Irrigation controller design
was unsuccessful, as the complexities involved in handling all the BLE events of
Bluetooth Low Energy stack and the API calls of the SDK into communication and
application layer of the design that needed complex interactions proved difficult in this
bottom-up approach. With very little support available for this open source software, a
But, as far as the applicability of the model is concerned, MoC decides the
behavior of the model [15]. Here, both in Papyrus-rt and Rational Rhapsody, sufficiently
expressive MoCs with strong formal properties have been combined seamlessly to enable
implementations. This was observed in the C++ code generated by the Ping pong model.
Block Definition Diagram and Internal Block Diagram to describe the structure of an
constraints and allocations. With the introduction of the concept of assembly in SysML, a
assembly provides a domain neutral modeling element that can be used to represent the
structure of any kind of system, regardless of the nature of its components. In composite
structure diagrams of SysML, the parts of a system and their interconnections support
provide many profile extensions and stereotype accommodations that help find suitable
features necessary for the application domain for which the system is to be designed.
design elements to other designs and lifecycle artifacts such as architecture management,
change management and quality management through Open Services for Lifecycle
Collaboration (OSLC) that help plan, design, and document the system under
Rational Rhapsody provides this in C, C++, or Java, whereas Papyrus-rt does not provide
these facilities; it provides only code generation. Though, the model for the intended
system cannot be generated because of the reasons specified earlier, the evaluation of the
modeling software with the ping-pong model has provided knowledge and viewpoints
information processing is distributed over several intelligent units called nodes to achieve
a common goal. These individual nodes that form the architecture of the system have
dedicated hardware and software that help processes the information. The software
of logical components and how these components are distributed across processors. The
communication between the nodes are generally through one or more networks, either
wired or wireless. In this chapter, DES is further discussed in detail and design of one
Though DES system might appear to the user as one single coherent system, it is
in fact a complex multi-unit system. Some of the salient features of a distributed system
are resource sharing, concurrency, scalability, fault tolerance, and transparency. Figure 8
describes how a distributed system with three machines is organized in the middleware
hardware, application software that resides in flash memory, and real-time operating
system(RTOS) that resides in the ROM help supervise the application software and
distribute the system resources among the tasks by scheduling them according to their
priorities and timing constraints. The scheduling technique used in RTOS is either cyclic
time-table based or static or dynamic task priorities based. In a real-time system like this,
the stimuli are responded within the time limit. In addition to this, protocols are
implemented for communicating between the nodes and managing the shared hardware
Advantages of DES
With DES, the data processing is done closer to the source in the respective
nodes. Potential advantages that result from this are improved dependability with error
containment within the node, enhanced availability and reliability with dispersed
system constructed by integrating nodal subsystems, better scalability with the ease of
adding new nodes for new or replicated functionality, facility for growth with the
enhancement in the system at the node level and good maintainability with the ease of
replacing node due to its inherent modularity. The need to segregate and
suppliers involved in the development process may dictate the need to have a distributed
system. At the hardware level, power, memory, and bandwidth requirements may
Issues in DES
Though there are many advantages in distribution, efficiency problems that could
taken into account while designing one such system. Due to its inherent openness, they
are prone to security threats and failures. Some of the other issues identified in the
analysis done in this work [16] are identifying and naming nodes in the system for further
testing and debugging during development and deployment, and heterogeneity of the
system. Some of the QoS issues such as performance, availability and reliability may also
be affected due to the allocation of processes to different processors in the system and the
DES Models
In order to master the complexity of distributed systems, it is imperative that they are
properly organized for the design choices to be captured in one single model. Usually,
1. Physical models that define the hardware composition of the system. The system
interconnecting network.
2. Architecture models that define the roles played by the components of the system-
-the way responsibilities are distributed among them, and how they are deployed.
3. Fundamental models that define the properties such as time that are common to
models, and security models. Interaction model deals with issues related to the
systems and asynchronous systems are the two variants of this model. Failure
model deals with failures that can occur during the processes and in the
communication channels. Security model defines and classifies security threat that
A separate classification of the DES can be based on the type of processors that
are part of the system. In homogeneous system, all processors are of the same type
manner. It has been around from the time humans have been cultivating plants to satisfy
their food needs. Though initial form of irrigation was to haul buckets of water and pour
on the plants, the present farm practices demand more efficient and mechanized forms of
irrigation. Irrigation is necessary in the United States to supplement the water needs of
the crops as most farming is done in the arid regions where rainwater alone cannot
sustain the crop growth. Here, in an effort to find a solution to irrigate a vegetable farm
automatically, based on demand, and most importantly, to improve the water use
efficiency in a conscious way to conserve water and energy and to reduce nutrient
leaching, I am designing an Irrigation Controller. The system will use drip irrigation as
the mode of delivering water. The hardware architecture consists of sensor nodes and the
software architecture defines the topology and the protocol for the communication among
the nodes and also specify the application software that runs above it to process the data
acquired from the nodes. The sensor readings from the sensor nodes deployed in the farm
are used to make decision as to when and how much to irrigate. The sensor nodes used
here use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to form a network and communicate among
themselves. These sensor nodes read the soil moisture content, atmospheric temperature
and relative humidity from the locations where they are deployed. The collected sensor
data is stored in the node and then on request sent to the valve node where further
processing is done to make irrigation related decision. The sensor nodes can be
configured as pure sensor node or a combination of sensor and valve node by a jumper
This DES was designed as a proof of concept to implement the ideas learnt from
Hardware Architecture
The hardware architecture of the prototype consists of five nodes. Each node
consists of nRF52 DK board, a soil moisture sensor and a temperature and relative
humidity sensor. Only one node should have the control to activate a solenoid valve in
addition to the sensors. Here, an LED is lit to indicate that the valve has been activated.
The communication among the nodes is purely BLE wireless. The Figure 9 shows the
hardware architecture of the prototype and the following paragraphs explain the
It is a simple breakout board for measuring the soil moisture and similar
materials. This sensor [16] works on the principle that the water content of the soil is a
Content (VWC) of the soil which is the unit for soil moisture content. Here, the sensor
probe forms a large capacitor with the surrounding dielectric material, soil, and hence
electromagnetic (EM) field is produced between the positive and negative plates. This
converts the charged capacitor into voltage which can be read at the analog output (AO)
of the sensor. This output can be calibrated for soil moisture content for different soil
types using the graph [17] shown in Figure 10. The operating voltage of the sensor is
3.3V-5V. This sensor also has a a digital output (DO) which is 1 when the soil moisture
content exceeds the set threshold voltage using a potentiometer on the board. I used the
Figure 10. Soil moisture sensor output vs VWC.
This highly accurate digital sensor [18] from Silicon labs, Si7021, has ± 3%
relative humidity measurement accuracy with a range of 0–80% RH, and ± 0.4 °C
temperature accuracy at a range of -10 to +85° C. It uses I2C communication for data
board with a 3.3 V regulator and level shifting so it can be used with 3.3 V or 5 V logic.
To keep the sensor clean, PTFE filter is used. This is connected to the DK board using
VCC, GND, and two data lines for I2C communication that are connected to a built-in
4.7 KΩ pullup resistor. The data values acquired from this are processed in the Sensor
node module.
Software Architecture
and application layer. While communication layer defines the topology and the protocol
of the network under design, application layer defines the how an irrigation event is
To design a communication protocol that helps connect and maintain the network
of the BLE nodes in this setup, I decided to combine the network capability offered by
Bluetooth in its specifications and a Spanning Tree topology and come up with an
experimental setup that follows a loose mesh topology. This topology helps connect the
nodes in the farm for the intended purpose of irrigation. Before discussing the working of
this experimental protocol in detail, some of the essential details of the BLE is presented
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). With the advent of Wi-Fi connectivity, most
consumer products have local wireless connectivity. Bluetooth is one such wireless
technology, well known to the public as a provider of local connectivity between a phone
and a headset. The newer extension of Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) follows
the Bluetooth 4.2 standard and is a low energy protocol intended for energy-constrained
applications such as sensors. It was designed to enable wireless connectivity with small
devices running on a coin cell battery. This low power requirement for the battery
very low duty cycles. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) manages the IEEE
802.15.1 standard which is used to create such networks. This standard, only defines
PHY/MAC layers, while actual network layers are determined independently by other
network protocols such as ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, RF4CE, and WirelessHART used for
in home automation applications and ANT protocol in sports product applications use the
same low networks layers of this standard. BLE devices also come with a smaller price
The reasons for not considering ZigBee in this application are the average power
consumption of a Zigbee node is in the range of 30 mw whereas the requirement for the
nodes in this development should be around the capacity of a coin cell battery, and the
range between the nodes should be within 30 meters with matches specification of BLE.
BLE use-cases have a simple network organization of star-type connectivity. One key
point to be noted is that BLE is incompatible with standard Bluetooth so the nodes do not
interoperate with classical Bluetooth devices. However, a dual-mode device can ensure
protocol. The ANT protocol operates within the required power budget, is less complex,
and can be used with nRF52 series boards. But, considering 128-bit AES security offered
by BLE and its availability in almost all cellphones make it a user-friendly interface and
it is considered a plus for the present and future needs of this development.
BLE Protocol Stack. The BLE stack used in this development is S132, a
The SoftDevice allows greater flexibility to create more complex network topologies for
BLE applications. This allows the applications to communicate with sensor nodes and
concurrently with BLE devices such as a smartphone or tablet. The salient feature of
The BLE protocol stack [20] or SoftDevice is split into several layers as shown in
Figure 11 to provide different functionalities. The Application is the highest layer and is
responsible for containing the logic, user interface, and data handling of everything
highly dependent on implementation. The stack is further partitioned into Link Controller
(LC) and Host part. The host is abstracted from the Link controller. The LC, the lower
layer of the stack, handles both the Physical Layer (PHY) and Link Layer (LL).
Figure 11. BLE protocol stack components and layers for a single mode device.
The Physical (PHY) Layer is where the actual analog communication circuitry
exists. It helps modulate and demodulate analog signals and transforms them into digital
symbols. BLE operates in ISM, license-free, 2.4 to 2.483-GHz frequency band and uses
ensure reliability over longer distances. Among the 40 channels, three are dedicated for
advertising functions [21] only for ease of discovering the devices available in the
vicinity as shown in Figure 12. Advertising channels are allocated in different parts of the
frequency shift keying (GFSK) modulation [19] and the over the air data rate of this
crowded band and stays longer on the same channel to make the timing requirements
relaxed. Once discovered in an advertising channel, connection request is sent and initial
connection parameters are exchanged through the same channel. After the discovery and
connection initiation, regular data channels are used for further communication.
Other important BLE features include 0-dBm (1 mw) power output, a typical
(CRC) and a 32-bit message integrity check to improve link reliability. It also uses 128-
bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Though it uses less complex radio than the
Direct Spread Spectrum (DSS) unitized in 802.15.4, it reuses the majority of existing
The Link Layer (LL), custom hardware and software, is the part that directly
interfaces with PHY. The bits are transmitted using PHY and Link Layer defines the
packet structure and controls the transmission of them by defining the sequence and
timing of the frames using Link Layer Protocol (LLP). It communicates with other
devices regarding connection parameters and data flow control. It also provides gate
keeping by limiting the exposure and data exchange with other devices by maintaining a
“white list” of allowed devices. This is also the only hard real-time constrained layer of
the whole protocol stack, since it is responsible for complying with all of the timing
requirements defined by the specification. It is therefore usually kept isolated from the
The Link Layer defines roles that can be logically grouped into advertiser and
scanner (while not in active connection) and Peripheral and Central (while in a
connection). Advertiser device sends advertising packets while the Scanner device scans
for advertising packets. Central is the device that initiates a connection and manages it
later and Peripheral is the device that accepts a connection request and follows Central’s
The Host part, or the upper layer of the BLE stack as shown in Figure 12, has
Logical Link Control and an Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) component that provides data
services to upper layer protocols such as Security Manager Protocol(SMP) and Attribute
protocol (ATT) by protocol multiplexing, and segmenting the data into smaller packets
for the LL, and de-multiplexing and reassembly operations on the other end. The L2CAP
also provides backend interface for Generic Access Profile (GAP) that defines the generic
The security manager (SM) is responsible for device pairing and distribution of
the security key by encrypting data and providing data authentication. The SMP that
devices. SM also provides additional cryptographic functions for other components of the
The Generic Access Profile (GAP) is the cornerstone that allows Bluetooth Low
Energy devices to interoperate with each other. It provides a framework that any BLE
implementation must follow to allow devices to discover each other, broadcast data,
modes of operation such as advertising and scanning, and to initiate, establish, and
manage connections with other devices. Certain roles are involved in creating and
maintaining a BLE link. A BLE device can either assume a Central role or a Peripheral
role. The device in the Central role always initiates a connection, while the Peripheral is
the device that is connected to. In addition to Central and Peripheral roles, there are
Observer and Broadcaster roles. In the Observer role, connection is not established but
the device either listens only to what is happening on the air and in the Broadcaster role,
Advertising and scanning. Advertising is nothing but broadcasting data with the
intent to form a connection. Advertising interval, as shown in Figure BLEAd, is the time
Advertising is done sequentially on all the enabled channels. For a Central device to
connect, Peripheral device must advertise. It sends a 31-byte advertising packet with a
time interval, known as the advertising interval ranges between 20 ms and 10.24 s. The
scan interval and scan window parameters define how often and for how long a scanner
device will listen for potential advertising packets. These values impact the power
consumption largely because of their direct relation to the radio circuitry on time. There
are two types of scanning procedures: Passive scanning in which the scanner simply
listens for advertising packets and Active scanning in which the scanner sends a Scan
Request packet and the advertiser responds with a Scan Response packet. The advertising
interval [22], as shown in Figure 13 affects how long it takes to initiate a connection. The
Central must receive an advertising packet before it can send a connection request to
initiate a connection. The Peripheral listens for connection requests for a short while after
send a request for more advertising data, called a Scan Request, if it is configured as an
Active Scanner. A Peripheral responds to this request by sending a Scan Response packet
The advertising packet contains a user readable name, information about the
device that is sending the packets and flags used for informing if a device is discoverable
or not. A BLE device uses the advertising and data channels to exchange these packets.
The format of an over-the-air packet is specified in Figure 14. A basic BLE over the air
packet consists of 1 preamble byte, 4 access code bytes correlated with RF channel used
for advertising, a Protocol Data Unit(PDU) of 2 to 39 bytes, and 3 bytes of CRC. Hence,
the shortest packet would have 80 bits with transmission time of 80us and the longest
packet will be of 376 bits with the transmission time within 0.3 ms. This number is
important as the BLE single mode devices have a very strict power budget.
The PDU for the advertising channel consists of 16-bit header that defines the
type of advertising, 4-byte device address, and up to 37 bytes of information. Also, the
active scanner may request up to 37 bytes of additional information from the advertiser if
the advertising mode allows such an operation. It means that a sizable portion of data can
be received from the advertising device even without establishing a connection. The data
channel PDU consists of a data packet header and up to 37 bytes of payload trailed by 4
bytes of Message Integrity Check (MIC) data if the link layer connection is encrypted.
The data channel payload, depending on the packet header, may carry link layer control
The BLE device address is its identifier and is similar to Ethernet Media Access
Control (MAC) address. This 48-bit (6-byte) number uniquely identifies a device among
peers. The factory-programmed addresses must be registered with the IEEE Registration
Authority and will never change during life of the device whereas random addresses can
Initiating. This is the same procedure as that of scanning phase but Central has an
intention of forming a connection. After listening to the advertising packets, the Central
Connecting. The Central and Peripheral are said to be in a connection from the
first data exchange. The Central requests data from the Peripheral at specifically defined
between 7.5 ms and 4 s according to the Bluetooth Core Specification. Though this is
decided and applied to the link by Central, Peripheral can send Connection Parameter
Update Requests to the Central. If the Peripheral doesn’t respond to packages from the
Central within the time frame, called connection supervision timeout, the link is
considered lost. To achieve higher data throughput, multiple packets, each contains up to
can choose to ignore certain intervals, if it has no data to send. The number of ignored
intervals is called the slave latency. While in a connection, the devices hop through all
the channels in the frequency band, except for the advertising channels which is
an anchor point to calculate the time for the next event. During a communication event,
Peripheral and Central [23] alternate sending and receiving packets until either side stops
sending packets. The current event is considered closed and the data exchange is
known as Attribute protocol (ATT) is optimized for small packet sizes. While GAP
defines the general topology of BLE network stack, GATT describes in detail how the
data is transferred once devices have a dedicated connection. The GATT layer gives the
ability to organize the data with much finer-grained control. This enables an attribute
server to expose a set of attributes and their associated values to be discovered, read, and
written by an attribute client of peer devices. The Generic Attribute Profile (GATT)
describes a service framework using ATT for discovering services, and for reading and
with the applications. The application profile is a collection attributes and permission that
This is the layer where the data is being exchanged between the devices. To
maintain the interoperability of BLE devices, GATT profiles are used as a bridge
between wireless protocol and the applications to guarantee the integrity not only at the
standardized protocol level, but also at the data representation level. This is done by
sending and receiving data in the same format for an intended functionality so that the
devices having the same profiles can understand each other. These GATT based profiles
as shown in Figure 16 help minimize the size of the data exchange between the devices
and hence keeps average power consumption down. GATT-based profiles are simple and
requires minimal code development. This is particularly important for single mode BLE
BLE also defines two roles for GATT, a GATT Server that is holding the data and
a GATT Client that is accessing the data. These two roles are completely independent of
GAP roles. It is possible for a device to be both a GATT Server and GATT Client
GATT hierarchy. GATT Server organizes data in what is called an attribute table
and it is the attributes that contain actual data. An attribute has a handle, a Universally
Unique Identifier (UUID), and a value. A handle is the index in the GATT table for the
attribute and is unique for each attribute in a device. The UUID contains information on
the type of data within the attribute, which is key information for understanding the bytes
that are contained in the value of the attribute. There may be many attributes in a GATT
Characteristics. The data used in sending the information through GATT Service
attributes. One declares the characteristic and the other is the value of the characteristic. It
is recommended that the data that changes together be bundled together in one
or functionally related. One such example would be readings of a particular sensor and
related settings for the sensor inputs and outputs. In this way, clearer separation achieves
use-case defined boundaries to promote its reuse across different types of applications.
Profile. A profile is a collection of one or more services that can form a use case
description. A profile document describes the required and optional services that are
available through the profile and their interactions. It also includes GAP and GATT Roles
connection intervals and security. The profiles do not have an attribute in the attribute
table as the service implementations are done at the application level, not at the stack
attribute type. The BLE UUID has a common base UUID and a defined attribute 16-bit
For my application, one GATT service and a custom characteristic were created
specification for BLE, here is an experimental algorithm that is based on piconet and
spanning tree protocols. Earlier, Bluetooth networks, commonly known as piconets, use a
master/slave model to send data to the required device in the network. In this model, a
master device coordinates the communication. It can send as well as receive data to any
of its slave devices. Slaves are only allowed to transmit to and receive from their master
and are not allowed to talk to other slaves in the piconet. Figure 17 shows a piconet and
But, beginning with BLE version 4.1 specifications, any restrictions on role
combinations have been removed. The possible roles are a device can act as a central and
a peripheral at the same time, a central can be connected to multiple peripherals, and a
peripheral can be connected to multiple centrals. The Spanning Tree topology as shown
Basic Concept. This topology is for connections made with BLE 4.1. This works
with the Nordic nRF51 and nRF52 chipsets in combination with S130/S132 SoftDevices.
Instead of just using the piconet topology, I intended to expand the network by
combining this with spanning tree topology. The neighboring nodes form a network
among themselves in a spanning tree fashion which could loosely represent a mesh. In
this network, the nodes can share information among each other even without direct radio
connection. This is a requirement for the irrigation controller distributed network as the
sensor nodes are spread over a vast area and the nodes in a small area needed to connect
to form a group in order to process the data and take action to perform the irrigation
schedule for that particular area. This uses some of the ideas used in Nordic’s BLE Relay
This algorithm constructs a spanning tree with all the reachable nodes. Each node
can be configured to act in one Peripheral connection role and in two Central connection
roles. The nodes can be added to the network by powering them on even after initial route
Security of the network is ensured by Network Encryption Key which can be embedded
in the nodes during their deployment in the network through various means to ensure the
The Idea. The Idea behind the algorithm is that every node is part of a Group
whose Id is unique in a network. When a node is powered on, it assigns itself a default
Group Id, and Network Id that it would like to belong to, and then alternates between
advertising in a Peripheral role and scanning in a Central role with data containing all the
parameters that are necessary for forming a Spanning Tree network. The main constraint
that has to be exercised here is that the nodes should be from two different Groups can to
form a connection and exchange information. And, a node that is part of a bigger Group
gets to decide if it wants to make connections with other nodes from smaller Groups. If a
node disconnects from a Group voluntarily or because of timeout, Group Size must be
reduced according to the number nodes that were lost. This can only be done by keeping
track of all the nodes that are connected to it directly and the total number of connections
Initialization phase. In this phase, all the initialization needed for the network
formation is done.
1. Before a node can join to form a connection, following values are assigned to a
a) The Node ID is the Nordic Semi’s chip ID and is a unique number within the
2. Start advertising. Advertising packet has Node ID, Group ID, Group size and
attributes that other nodes that would like to form a connection can use in their
decision-making process.
1. Scan all the advertising channels and collect advertising packets from surrounding
2. Buffer advertising packets from all the scanned nodes with a timestamp; discard
older advertising packets (if any) for the nodes just scanned to make sure there is
Grouping phase. In this phase the connections are formed. The following tasks are
1. Sort the collected advertising packets by Group Size and find a node with the
2. Find all qualified nodes who will take on the peripheral role in a connection using
outward connection.
3. Disqualify the nodes that are in the same Group to avoid redundant connections.
password that is known to both nodes that are forming a connection. No other packets are
3. If authenticated, inform the change in Group size to all the existing connections in
that group.
Route Maintenance phase. Once the network is formed, advertising packets from
all the nodes have the same Group ID. The following actions are performed to maintain
the route.
3. Go back to advertising with normal frequency if a node notices its connect partner
getting disconnected.
Random advertising phase When a node has exhausted all its connections, it can
switch to non-connectable advertising that is done at random times with very less
repetition. This state helps reduce energy consumption and has random timeout.
Self-healing phase. This phase helps repair the connection that is lost from a
Group. The small Group that is broken off does the following
1. Generate new Group ID for the smaller node with connection loss counter
3. Make the node from which connection is lost enter into connection selection
1. Send a directed advertising message to the node with which peripheral connection
has to be formed.
2. On receiving the above message, that node may enter in to Grouping Phase and
connect as Central. That node may have to disconnect from the current Group if
Application Layer
Application layer in this design is mainly irrigation control algorithm that controls
the irrigation events by taking sensor values and weather data as it inputs. The Irrigation
using this algorithm are when to irrigate and how much to irrigate.
To decide when to irrigate two methods are used. First, soil-water content is
calculated by estimation using an accounting method called checkbook method. This uses
atmospheric temperature and relative humidity values read from the sensors and other
location. But, in this setup, as the system do not have the ability to connect to the internet
yet, these values are given to the node when deployed. Once the estimated value is found,
it is further scrutinized by reading the soil moisture sensor values from the neighboring
nodes to get a better idea about the state of the crop stress.
Checkbook method. This pen and paper method is prevalently used in the farm
industry. It is an accounting approach similar to that of the account keeping in the bank,
by taking daily deposits and withdrawals into an account. This helps estimate the soil
moisture balance in the effective root zone of the crop and schedule the irrigation before
the crop is stressed. First, the soil moisture deficit (in the accounting metaphor: the
current checkbook balance) is found, and then daily adjustments are made to that value
by taking into account the crop water use by evapotranspiration of the crop (ETc)
(withdrawals) and rainfall and irrigation (deposits), as described in [30]. This is done
using Crop Water Use table as shown in Table 2. This procedure is repeated in a few
more locations in the field to make the calculations precise, because several things
influence the soil moisture balance including soil type, crop type and growth stage, and
various weather factors [30]. “Since not all of these can be accounted for by using the
loss from the land surface, namely evaporation and transpiration. Through the process of
evaporation, water is converted into water vapor and thus removed from soil structure,
water bodies and wet vegetation. The loss of water through leaf stomata and other parts is
called transpiration. These two processes depend on solar radiation, air temperature,
relative humidity and wind speed. Rate of transpiration depends on many factors such as
crop characteristics which in turn depends on crop type and stage of the crop,
Table 1 shows the values required for calculating ETo. The values for the atmospheric
temperature and RH are acquired from the sensors and rest of the values are acquired
from the weather data information available online. Once the reference ETo is calculated
for a particular location, ET for a particular crop, ETc, is found using Equation 2, where
Kc is Crop Coefficient. Kc values for different crops at different stages of growth can be
To find when to irrigate, Plant Available Water (PAW) is needed for further
calculation. PAW is the amount of water in the soil that is potentially available for plant
uptake. Technically, it is calculated as the amount of soil water at matric potentials above
-1500 kPa. PAW for a particular soil type and can be acquired from Table 1 of the
Decagon manual [27]. Managed Allowed Depletion (MAD) is the maximum amount of
PAW allowed to be removed from the soil before irrigation refill occurs. It is best to
irrigate only when the root zone has reached MAD to conserve water. MAD value of
50% is reasonable overall value. This percentage should be around 30-50% for sensitive
Further, daily soil moisture balance, the main indicator of the crop stress, is
calculated in this estimation method, by taking into account the rainfall and the amount of
water irrigated that day, if any. Then, the daily moisture balance, in terms of percentage
of PAW is calculated to see if MAD has reached. If it has, it is time to irrigate. These
values, as shown in Table 2, modeled using Table 2 of [28] as reference, are maintained
Soil Soil
moisture moisture MAD
balance at ETc Effective Net Balance at reached?
start of day Evapotranspiration Rainfall in Irrigation end of day % of Time to
Date in inches in inches inches in inches in inches PAW irrigate
Once the soil moisture balance is found, as a step to fine tune the process, the soil
moisture sensor readings are compared to decide if irrigation is required at this time or
not. Also, weather factors such as impending rain in a day or two is taken into account
To determine how much to irrigate the factors such as area that needs to be
irrigated, the desired % PAW to reach after irrigation, and the application efficiency (Ea)
(which is the fraction of the amount of the water that is applied by the irrigation system)
which in turn will be available to the plant for use (usually 80% for drip irrigation).
The combination method implemented in this design is being used farms across
the United States to schedule irrigation to improve water and energy use efficiencies.
This white paper [28] acted as the main reference in designing the above method.
Semiconductor. Each board can be connected to three different types of sensors that is
used in this design. I used the Software Development Kit (SDK) offered by Nordic
Semiconductor for this purpose. The boards can be configured to be a sensor node or
For selecting the hardware for the nodes, I looked into development kits (DK)
with BLE capability. I evaluated STM32 Nucleo development boards from ST Micro and
nRF5 series SoC DK from Nordic Semiconductor for their hardware capabilities,
decided to go with the nRF52 development kit (DK) [29] board to implement its
Bluetooth low energy wireless communication option, ability to work just with CR2032
Lithium 3v battery without any external power source, low cost, and the ability to use the
multiprotocol nRF52832 SoC suited for Bluetooth low energy, ANT and other
proprietary 2.4GHz applications. The nRF52832 SoC is built around a 32-bit ARM
Cortex™-M4F CPU with 512kB + 64kB RAM and an embedded 2.4GHz transceiver.
The kit gives access to all I/O and interfaces via connectors and has 4 LEDs and 4
buttons which are user-programmable. An NFC antenna can be connected to the kit to
enable NFC tag functionality. It supports the standard Nordic Software Development
Tool-chain using Keil, Segger, IAR and GCC. Program/Debug option offered for the DK
Nordic Semiconductor provides BLE Stack in binary form under the name
SoftDevice. This is linked with the application code and loaded into SoC to implement a
BLE device. It also provides an extensive SDK that defines all the API calls to the
be called using supervisory software interrupt calls (SVC calls). As shown in Figure 18,
the API also enables the application to register callback functions to get notified of the
important events such as timer events, system events, BLE events, and error events. This
facility that makes use of callback events help implement the Spanning Tree network and
are registered with the SoftDevice for BLE Events such as Timer events and Peer
Manager Events. This is followed by the initialization of GAP advertising structures and
scan structures. A timer is also initialized to periodically to raise events upon which all
the timed functions are done in the application. It also initializes the GATT service with
one custom characteristic with a custom UUID. After all the initializations, the
generated with the help of Timer event callback. With BLE event call back, it collects
and stores all the Advertising packets that are gathered during Scanning phase and forms
connection to eligible nodes first using its central role connections (2x). Once all the
central role connections are exhausted, it uses its peripheral role connection (1x). This
way, each node can potentially connect to three other nodes with two Central role
connections and one peripheral role connection. The Figure 19 details the BLE events
By preventing the nodes from the same Group from connecting to each other,
redundant connections are avoided. On forming a new connection in the network, Group
Size change event is triggered and a connection packet of broadcast events to update all
the other nodes with this change. Every GATT characteristic access in a node triggers
events that are propagated to the Application layer using callbacks registered to monitor
the BLE events. The structure of the advertising PDU used in this design is detailed
bytes of data to be sent over advertising packets. The types of data that can be packed in
manufacturer specific data. I will be using only these two data types in my advertisement
and scan packets to pack all the necessary data needed to implement the Spanning Tree
The way in which different types of data are packed in these 31 bytes, is shown in
Table 3. Each type of data starts with the length of data in a single byte, followed by the
type of data in a single byte and then the data itself, which is of size one less than what is
defined in the length byte, since the length includes the data type, which is one byte.
The data packet shown in Table 3 is periodically sent out as Advertising packet
during the Peripheral role phase. Then the node switches over to Central role and scans
and collects advertising report packets from the neighboring nodes. It parses all the
initialize a custom GATT service with a single characteristic enabled with read and write,
and uses it for transferring data between two connected nodes thereby providing a
Data Propagation through Spanning Tree. Each node in the Spanning Tree has the
capability to relay information to a specific node by tagging the data with that particular
node ID as a receiver node ID. If the receiver node ID is set to 0, then the message is
Application layer of the Irrigation controller sits on top of the Spanning Tree
network layer and is implemented using two classes, namely, WeatherSense Controller
and Valve Controller. WeatherSense Controller class, uses Timer event and, generates
periodic readings of all the sensors that are connected to the node, processes them and
stores them future retrieval. The Valve Controller class also uses Timer events to
generate a periodic GATT characteristic reading of the neighboring nodes that are
configured to work as sensor nodes. Upon receiving the GATT read, sensor nodes return
the previously collected sensor data to the Valve node, where the data is processed using
the Irrigation Control algorithm to make the decision if the valve has to be turned on or
remain off. Figure 20 shows the class structures of the classes used in this
+Temperature +SensorLogData
+TimerEvtHandl(): +GATTSDataRcvdHandl(Data,DataLen)
+GATTSDataWrite(Data) +TimerEvtHandl()
+ReadMoistureSensor() +GATTSDataWrite(Data)
+ReadTemperature() +CheckBookAlgo()
To integrate the temperature and relative humidity sensor Si7021 with the nodes, I
decided to connect it using the two-wire interface (TWI) to the nRF52 board. I connected
the Si7021’s I2C pins to TWI port 0 of nRF52--SDA to pin 26 and SCL to pin 27, and
3.3V and GND. Using nRF5 SDK Version 11 TWI drivers, sensor read and write
functions help read and write the sensor. I used a logic analyzer to debug the functions
and found out that there is at least a delay of 25 ms needed between writing to a register
address to select it and reading contents of the register. Using the UART interface of the
board and a terminal program running on the PC, humidity and temperature readings
from the sensor were displayed on the computer and hence verified it by changing the
For the soil moisture sensor, analog output of the sensor was connected to the
analog input of channel 0 of nRF52 DK. Using SAADC drivers from SDK, read the
analog value of the sensor continuously and output it to through the UART interface and
monitored the values with the terminal program on the PC. Further, I calibrated the
sensor by subjecting the sensor to total dryness, total wet conditions and varying moisture
After the sensors were integrated, using the provided nRF SDK examples, I
created a simple BLE peripheral device with one BLE GATT service and one simple
Semiconductor to connect to the BLE device that I programmed and tested writing to the
with the weather parameter values needed for calculating ET using Penman equation [25]
before they are deployed. The calculation of ET using penman equation is also further
Psychrometric constant (γ) needed and storing them in the node as well. Table 1 used in
the values.
With the extensive use of UART log and debug messages, I was able to monitor
and debug various aspects of network formations and connection formations among the
Thus a distributed embedded system has been implemented to improve water and
This chapter summarizes the thesis, discusses some of the findings and
limitations, and suggests future work that can be done to improve this system.
In this research, the design part of the research was very successful and it resulted
hardware setup, experimental communication protocol that allows the sensor nodes to
turn on and off at will, and an irrigation control algorithm that is both energy and water
efficient. However, a working model for this design could not be completed and that can
be attributed to the unique complexity in integrating BLE stack and application layer in a
model, and the lack of support for the open source tools used in this development. Bigger
distributed systems such as aerospace systems and automotive systems use sophisticated
modeling tools with a vast knowledge base. Such a tool would have helped in designing a
working model in this research but the time and budget constraints made it difficult to
Future Work
This working system designed in this research can be made user friendly and
more effective, by adding a gateway node with RESTful API to the existing setup. This
node acts an interface with the real world by acquiring weather data from the internet,
instead of using the pre-programmed data in the nodes. This will not only improve the
accuracy of the system by taking into account the impending weather events such as rain,
but it will also enhance the capabilities of the system with a good user interface.
Interfacing with a cellphone will also make this setup interactive and less error prone.
Addition of high accuracy sensors will improve the reactivity of the system.
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