GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
II. CONTENT Introduction of Musical Introduction of Musical “Maglalatik” for Boys at Itik-Itik “Maglalatik” for Boys at Itik-Itik for
Instruments Instruments for Girls folk dances Girls folk dances
A. Reviewing previous lesson What is the classification of Present the video dance of Present the video dance of Maglalatik for
and presenting new lesson musical instruments? Maglalatik for Boys /Itik- Boys / Itik-Itik for Girls
Itik for Girls
B. Establishing a purpose for Do you like playing musical Groupings. I DO I DO
the lesson instruments? What Form 4 groups. Each group Demonstration of each Demonstration of dance steps of the
instruments do you want to will be assigned to a musical dance steps of the teacher teacher
play? classification. They will write
as many musical instruments
that they know.
C. Presenting Let the students write as Discuss the different YOU DO YOU DO
examples/instances of the many musical instruments classifications of musical Demonstration of the Demonstration of the pupils
lesson that they know. instruments according to pupils
each picture.
D. Discussing new concepts and Identify the instruments The teacher will enumerate THEY DO THEY DO 5.
practicing new skills #1 according to their instruments and the pupils Demonstration by group Demonstration by group
classification. Write whether will give the sound of each
string, woodwind, brass or instrument.
percussion. 1. Flute
1. 2. Drums
3. Triangle
4. Maracas
Violin Classification of
2. Instruments
1. String-are
3. instruments that are
plucked or bowed
and often referred
to as the backbone
of the orchestra. Ex.
Violin cello double
bass and harp.
4. 2. Woodwind-produce
music when
musicians blow the
mouthpiece. Ex.
Piccolo flute oboe
clarinet bassoon
3. Brass-are used to
produce sound by
means of blowing.
They are made of
brass metal. Ex.
Trumpet, trombone,
French horn, Tuba.
4. Percussion- are
played by striking
the instrument with
sticks or hammers
while others
through shaking or
rubbing like
maracas. Ex.
Timpani, snare
drum, bass drum
J. Additional activities for Research on the different Have a copy of the list of
application or remediation kinds of instruments. instruments according to its
VI. REFLECTION Assessing you as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.