Savanna School District [J] Temporary
5 robatio
Formal Evaluation Summary [emer]
| Name: Taylor Griepsma ‘School: Hansen
Grade: 6th "| School Year:2022-23 | Date: November 17, 2022 -
| Years of Teaching Years In Savanna: Years With Evaluator:
Experience:5 years 4 years 1 year
Period covered by this | Observation Dates: Conference Dates:
evaluator: 5 ee September 19, 2022 September 29, 2022
November 8, 2022 November 14, 2022
it is evident that Mrs. Griepsma has a strong rapport with her students. Her classroom is welcoming |
and students were engaged throughout both of her lessons. Mrs. Griepsma’s classroom management |
is structured and systems are in place. Verbal and visual cues were utilized to redirect behaviors and
make transitions smooth. Mrs. Griepsma does a great job of modeling core content. Visual aides were
available for the students to use as resources and tools such as whiteboards were utilized to support
learning. She made lessons relevant and allowed multiple opportunities for students to partner share.
It is evident that the students enjoy her class. They were engaged in the tasks and participated when
necessary. Mrs. Griepsma paused to check for understanding often. A strength of Mrs. Griepsma is
her implementation of small group instruction. This is a regular practice in her classroom and allows
‘students to get more individualized instruction to fit their needs. Overall, Mrs. Griepsma demonstrates
\the qualities of a strong educator.
VU _| Meets District Standards
Needs to Improve
Unsatisfactory/Does Not Meet District Standards
Employee's Signature Date: Principal's Signatui Date:
Tt (Mee _|_uiilas An eo | NNfI8/22-
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