Mrcem Sba
Mrcem Sba
Mrcem Sba
14 th SEPTEMBER 2021
1. you are leading a trauma case of multiple casualties of road traffic accident, you have
a patient who has blunt abdominal trauma and lost cardiac output 45 min ago.
surgical registrar wants to perform resuscitative thoracotomy, while you are against it.
your consultant is busy in intubating a child from the same accident and he is not to
be disturbed, what will you do...?
2. a paramedic has called you for advise on a baby who is dead in his home in his cot,
what should be done next...?
A. bring the baby to ED
B. call the police/authorities
C. leave the baby with parents and return
D. stay there until baby well being authorities arrive
E. Call the GP to attend
3. Patient SVT stable but nurses struggling to measure bp because heart rate over 200
A.Valsalva maneuver
B. DC shock
C. Iv adenosine
4. Double fang marks of a venomous snake bite pic ? Patients vitals were okay, and
had a rash around the wound. Venomous snake bite have two fang marks. No there
were no systemic upset, they only showed de pic of de fang mark
A. Antivenom
B. Antihistamines
C. Analgesics
5. There was anothe x ray pic, distal radius fx, diagnosis;
Barton or smith fracture?
volar displacement +
Not involving the articular surface
A. acute alcohol.
B. Serotonin syndrome
13. Wheezy chest in a child who ate fertilizer... atropine?
14. Child with bleeding pv, brought by grand parents - female genital mutilation?
A. semen splash
B. Receptive anal intercourse
C. IV drug abuser
D. Sub saharan dwelling more than last 5 years
16. Child with bleeding pv, brought by grand parents
A. female genital mutilation
B. Sex abuse
17. frozen meat consumption 5 days back. Diarrhoea started on day2.
A. Rotavirus
B. Norovirus
C. Ecoli O1507
D. Campylobacter jejuni
E. Some salmonella or shigella
22.. Which of the following is the earliest sign of compartment syndrome? (pallor of
skin/pain on passive stretch/loss of distal pulses/paresthesia of limbs)
23. Which of the following is the analgesia of choice for a child presented to your unit with
burns over bilateral upper limbs? (intranasal diamorphine/IV morphine/oral diclofenac/rectal
diclofenac/oral paracetamol)
24. You are in a restaurant and you notice a child who is 18 months old presented with
choking episode. He is gasping and unresponsive. What is your next course of active? (5
rescue breath/ 5 back blow and chest thrust/5 back blow and abdominal trust/ encourage
coughing/ start CPR)
25. A 38 weeks old mother delivered a baby in your ED. Upon deliver noted the baby is
floppy and blue. What is your next course of action? (start chest compression/ give 5
inflation breath/ call for senior help/ dry the baby/ suction of trachea)
26. A 12 years old boy presented with abdominal pain and vomiting. Blood gases revealed
severe metabolic acidosis and high blood glucose and ketone. What is your insuline regime?
(IV Insulin 20 unit stat dose/SC insulin 10 unit stat dose/IVI insulin 0.05 unit/kg/hour/ IVI
insulin 0.1 unit/kg/hour)
27. A 35 years old lady developed sudden onset occipital headache associated with
multiple episodes of vomiting. She is currently on OCP. She just had her hairwash in the
local saloon yesterday. What is the most likely causes? (subarachnoid
hemorrhage/stroke/venous sinus thrombosis/vertebral artery dissection
30. tallux
31. salterharris 3
39. GCS good and then fell down bec raised icp
Ketamine is the only drug used in RSi For asthma because of its bronchodilator properties.
44. Capnography diagram which keep on oncreasing the co2 diagram. cause
45. Glaucoma
46. The husband bought sick wife to ED and due to busy ED and he took wife back home
without treatment. next day shes dead. amd options were write death cerificate from Gp,
inform police etc
47. pt came with pesiticide all parameters were pointing towards Organophospate poisioning
except the raised heart rate which was 145. So i didnt choose atrope and chose something
48. knee joint with bifringent needle along with neutrophils. options given were Gout, and
calcium pyrophosphate49. how will you declare someone dead with cardiorespiratory arrest
52. A burn question of hand and options what is the pain managemnt intranasal dimorphone,
intravenous dimorphine
53. opiate poisioning naloxne given and gcs came down afrer few hours commense the
infusion of naloxe
54..A child having cynotic spells eating food, options were Asd, vsd, pda. (tof) not given in
57.paedriatic chocking
58 fluid calculations in a child
59. Size of an ett tube in 4 year child. options were 4,4.5,5,5.5 and 5
61. A pic given in which right eye was constricted and facing upwards and other left was
dilated and asking which nerve involved right occulomotor, left occulomotor, rt 4th nerve and
rt and left 6 nerve
62. there was one question where women has had a hairwash and suddenly developed
occipital headache
B. Temporal arteritis
63. 75 year old pt has capacity and doesnt want treatment but the family wants treatment
64. calculate fluids 4ml per kg first 10kg then 2ml per kg for 5 amswer was 50. like the
question was 15 year old child how much fluid. i did 2*15= 30 which was wrong
70. Child swolled magnets x ray given and the magnets crossed stomach and is in bowels
A. glucagon
A. transcutebous pacing
77. paracetamol posioning and a graph showing the plasma concentration of paracetmol vs
time and there were options
78. there was a question to differentialte between Kawaski disease and some other and the
answer was cervical lymphadenopayhy greater than 1.5.
79. Child with history of strep pharyngitis develops ankle pain.... what other investigation us
would like to do.... i chose urine rme for psgn
82. there was a scuba diving question adverse effect with options nystagmus, skin allergy,
vomiting and something whats the answer. i chose nystagmus( i think this is regarfing
decompression sickness)
84. Varicel bleed answer? Both octerotide and terlipressin were there.
A. S1 nerve root
B. Common peroneal nerve injury
86. One was a picture of a throat with inflammation but not apparent abnormalities.... i put
paul bunnel test ....
88) Child with upper uti followed by testicular swelling with bluish spots over testes
A. Torsion
B. Mumps orchitis
C. Epididmoorchitis?
D. Appendage torsion is the answer
89. There was a lady with hypertthyroidism and thyroid swelling having AF since a long
time.... they asked about treatment
A. .Amiodarone
B. .Flecainide
C. Verapamil
D. .bisoprolol
E. .Cardioversion or something
90. The senario of hypo magnisemia , hypokalemia and hypocalcemia which to treat first.
91. a seldinger drain was put and the patient became more hypovolemic after 1 hour.
A. lung contusion
B. ventricular wall rupture
A. GCS 8
B. Upper airway obstruction