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Workbook - Compressed Combinados

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Getting lost

voCABULARY directions
Conlplete the words.
¡ rurn lefl a Read the information about getting around in the US.
" By bus
2 go srro fJ \¡\~ ah.t.D.J
3 rurn r~i:. i_, _k\1-- - - In the US, an economical way for
4 go p..oSS:: the train station traveling long distances is by bus.
The most important company is
s onthec.uo~f'(Y{'-"'-- --
Greyhound, which has frequent service
6 across ftuo.,_M!.!...I.._ __ between big cities. Greyhound is also
a convenient. way for traveling to smaller cities and towns
7 a b...tJdCJ e p □ c:i c=a
that don't have other forms of transportation like trains or
8 at the tt¡?,1\ 1c l_,·,_:,~~-'-'-.k.___
lffi a~- [] airplanes. Traveling by bus is usually cheap if you buy your
ticket early and travel at times of the day that are not busy.
By car
2 ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS Many people travel by car in the US. lt can
Complete the dialogue with these words. be expensive. and there is often a lot of
traffic. However, traveling by car mea ns
-;-xactly Exetise ¡-mÍss .Deár ~ ~ tell wi(' Wbefe's- that you can be independent and flexible.
Also. a car with three or more passengers
can be cheaper than public transportation. You can go quickly
A I b_(~ me, please.
WY)_o¡ Q' , the train station? from one city to the next on freeways. but small roads are often
6 J- ':::X-1~ ~ J ,1don't live here. more scenic· and fun. Parking in big cities can be difficult and very
A Excuse me. Is the train station 4 Y\kl2( here? expe~sive. Sorne cities like Denver, Baltimore. and Philadelphia
e The train station? lt's near here, but I don't know have light rail train systems. You can park outside the city in
s " • , í ( \...¡ where. Sorry. a free parking lot and then take a light rail train downtown.
A Excuse me. Can you ¡ s
. <:r. -t
,.)(A+ me th e By train
1 . , ·1 j to the train station, please? Trains are generally faster and more
0 Yes, co~rse. Go past the hotel. Then turn left at the
comfortable than buses for long distance
travel. but they can be a lot more expensive.
traffi< lights. lt's at the end of the street.
There is only one train company that
A sorry eauld you 8 f +, / that again, please? -~ · operates train service in the US, and
0 Yes. co past the hotel. Then turn left at the traffic lights that is Amtrak. Passengers can get information on timetables
and ,(', at the end ofthe street. You can't and tares from the Amtrak website. which also has a way to buy
tickets. There are three types of tickets: coach clasS:, business
'/1 : <:;, s- it!
class, and first class. Tickets are cheaper if you buy them early.
A Tha1k you.

b Read the information again. Write T (true) or F (false) .

3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1 Taking a bus is a slow way to travel. .L

2 The best time to travel by bus is at quiet times.
Complete the sentences with the words in the box. . ..
3 There isn't much traffic in the US. '
could co,urde mlet nje Mayi1€ t ~ ~ J(i{d 4 You need to pay far parking when you use
light rail in Denver.

2 What
~1 ¿
a view!
you like to visit?
5 You can buy tickets from Amtrak. --

3 What is V\\ cR e Match the fiighlighted adjectives to their rneanings.

. to see?
4 We ~ V\,,Q,-1.Q... go to the art gallery. 1 beautiful S'C0VI \ (
5 Would you like to y(llf ±
for lunch? 2 easy to do
6 That's really <PJ \ á_ of you. 3 cheap
7 N'\ o-. 1 h,e another time. 4 easy to change something -1( f-.~¡ ~ &? .
8 Yes, of COU 'Sl S happening often
. d to sher1ocK Huirnes 1out he n · •~ ,.-
At t nbu te ever sa1u,
. .

. w ith the co rrect form of thc

ucst1o ns
b Contplete rhe q
1 GRAMMAR simple past: regular verbs in pare n - -ro::r----77~-,
and irregular
a Rcad this poiice report. Complete the sentcnces with
the simple past form of the verbs in parenthcscs.

[Ur:] !!Dl!f • . ]
1 Bank robbery 1

We arrived (arrive) at the bank at
9 :36 in the evening, and we 2
kf ,I
(park) our pollc:e car outside. The bank L -..........--~~~~ ;
_..:.J,Jl>V)'·\ (be) closed and all the Where I wereyou at about 9:30 yesterday
lights 4
'JJ ,-- r/ (be) off, but we
evening? (be)
),')-rl\('-\ (look) through the 1
was at t he movies. The movie z started_
window. We 6
S 1.-.i,J (see) a at 9:00. (start)
person inside the bank. At first, we D What rnovie _di1.'l ..:µzJ_s~
3 ? (see)
rDJH :.'.. _ _ _ (not can) see who it SP I can't rernernber. lt wasn't very good.}
. A d who 4 el l(! -uu "'º tothe
was , but tl1en he ª QP'7flPd (open) D Hrnrn. Very interest1ng. n 1 o
the door and carne out - it was Steven rnovies with? (go)
Potter. He 9
YJ,D:t: f Q,Yl (not run) SP With rny girlfriend.
s___D 1(J Sh.e \d(~ the movie? (like)
away - he just walked slowly to his car, D
SP Yes, she thought it was very good.
and then drove away. The next morning,
What time 6 D, d the movie _ ~0M~,.____7 1
we 10
VJ()()\ ego) to his house
at 6 :00 a.m. We 11
{ ('.)Jf'ld (find)
SP At about 10:30.
him in bed. He ~2 ruz\ wu.o\-ed Cnot o Andwhat 7 01 ol '(aJ do afteryouleftthemovies? (do)
want) to speak to us, but we .\ ('.)Q\( SP We went to a restaurant - La Dolce Vita on Main Street.
(take) him to the police station. D La Dolce Vita? 1 know it. Very good spaghetti. What time
0 Did ycv lftlue the restaurant? (leave)

SP At about 12:00 a.m.

D That's very late. 9 D d --(OJ JP home after that? (gol
SP No, we went to a birthday party at Flanagan's. Then we went
D How? 10 p, d i CJIJ ~ et a taxi? (get)
SP No, we got a bus.
D And what time u Q, d ,¡o.) :,o to bed? (go)
SP At about 4:00 a.m. Can I go home now? l'm tired.
D No, l'd like to ask you sorne more questions ...
\fOCABULARY irregular verbs 4 LISTENING
i co111pIe
te the base form and past forms of these irregular
. a ffin:t~!O) Listen ro a radío inrcrvicw wich a
' bs with a, e, ,,o, or u. detective. What does he likc most ahour his job?
ease form
1 begin c..9....me b .~m Listen again and choosc a, b, or c.
2 c_o.rne
3 dr.l-nk
dr.a._nk l Jeremy Dow ns deci<lc<l he ~
dr.o..ve wanted to be a detective... ,:?' 1
4 dr..1--ve
g4 ve
5 &-l-ve a whenhewasachil<l. -~--' \\ 1
6 kn..o..W kn~ w
b when he left school. í . J,#~~\11~\;
7 p~ t
8 5J_t
p~ t
s..Q.t c wben he finished college.
2 His first job in che police
(í ·t~~
•:.,~~~: ~.::. =::.~
~ \'\\\ )\t\j/
g sw.J.._rn
10 w¡¡__ke [up] w_ake [up] was as... \
-::--==-~'~Jj i,-'i.J. ',

11 W-4--íl W_Qn a a teacher. -:-~~ ~ fr -~

12 wrj_te wr.o._te b a police officer. :-:_: ·~~
c a detective. -=-7:~_ ~ -
b Complete the sentences with the simple past form of the 3 Jeremy took a ... to make sure ----~
verbs in the box. , he was strong and healthy
~(c( b~k .heal'- mjl<e t # can ~ meet tMík for the job.
a a law test
1 Last night we heard a noise downstairs.
b a running test
2 They r1~,·.J'lbt: theman'sdaughterwas themurderer.
3 The police officer f
12v'()d the money in an old bag.
c physical fitness
4 Jeremy usually works ...
4 They l"<\, \ their friends outside the restaurant.
a outside.
5 ¡ _h.:..- ·.' a detective story in the bookstore.
b in an office.
6 My wife \Jo$\- her cell phone last night.
c at the police station.
7 The man h, n'&e a window and went into the house.
5 He sometimes feels .. .when he
g Somehody h 20 K my laptop when I was out of is atwork.
che room. a bored
9 We wcre worried because we --"'(m=IJ,.,_____ _ see a police
b stressed
car outsi<le our house.
c worried
10 Iwas thirstyso l Vy¡ad-e acup of tea.

3 PRONUNCIATION simple past verbs

a Match the verbs with the sarne vowel sound. USEFUL WORDS
drove could made said learned bqdght h_a'8
Learn these words and phrases.
l carne made
1-ev,vUJ library /'la1brnri/
2 left
murder /'m;ird;ir/
3 ran kad
4 saw soid nobody /'noobadi/
secretary /'sEkratEri/
5 spoke bo v2h 1-
believe /b1'liv/
6 took wu!d
7 heard kill /k11/
marry /'mreri/
b . ~ -:m Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. business partner /'b1zn;is portnar/
f want breakf ast in bed, sleep in the k
1 you Allison Pearson .. itc~,
wpbw,J c,,M':A11 0
' "bsh
' S~> I\ ~, I t 111,;4

1 GRAMMAR there is I there are, sorne / 2 VOCABUL

ARY the house
any + plural nouns a Complete the crossword.

ª Com~lete the dialogue with the correct form of C)ues across ➔

there is/ there are and, 1'f necessary, a, some, or a11y.

A Helio. l'm interested in the apartment for rent. 0

~~· OK Let me tell you about it. 1 Tliere's a large
!rving room and ---in.0...t;\ o,
small kitchen.
[fil '
A 11
Is. K, .,, O, table in the kitchen?
No, • .J.hLJc '' n' l .But 5 -+b.P(f I D s :--=-- '
· room w1th a table and sorne chairs.
very nice ct·1n1ng
A Th t'5 f
bedrooms ---ª-1.::." ~hcic
ine. What about the bedrooms?'How many
: ? 1
\-''u ''(h.._ three bedrooms anda bathroom. 1
A - ~<..J1J.f..!L.Q._ shower in the bathroom?
8 Yes, ~ r: t '> .
10 3
A Good. -l~1J.--Ll:t:if'- 0.nj_ bookshelves in the gA T H
living room?
B No, l'm sorry. But u ~ ho,"
0 re 1,2n1e cupboards.
A That's OK. 1think it's perfect for us. How much is it? 4
o (L

b Write the sentences in the plural using sorne or any.

1 There's an armchair in the living room. 6
There are sorne arrnchairs in the living room
2 Is there a rug downstairs?
e e
D E.
t"e ~ lrio1f on,~ da1JJY\Slvfü5 ?
p \J.J
3 There's a CD on the shelf. E
cQ'5 ovi f ~~ eJ~
rbRrR 0. 1.e :orvw 6€ 11

4 Is there a glass in the cupboard? Clues clown J- ~ 1 A..

[\,R ~~ea úv'l✓ QlúJlPI ,-,,J~r wp~,J.. ? [IJ (

5 There isn't a li$ht in the study.
Jn~,e º' M~ an:-1 J¡.,liils 111 \-~C) JW1
1 '
e ~ the correct form.
@/There'sa nic nd 2 Q/there
isn't very expensi They are tw rooms,
but • there aren't .......__~ _...- ere's f It is
a small kitchen an -~ __.-- / It isn't a III
bathtub in the bathroom, but t's t . ere s a new shower.

The apartment is on the 10th floor, soª~ / it is


a great view of the city. And there' · s a very large

balcony with a lot of flowers. 1º There are
beautiful in the summer!
Wrirc rhe room. 4 LISTENING
b sually take off your coat in the hall_.
1 youu a ,'DJ:!D Listen to Mrs. Goodings show
sually take a shower in the bo\\o, wM her l10use to Bradlcy and Joanna, a couplc who are
2 you u
You usually have dinner in the dJ...in.nu"Pkl'..!f ____- ---- interested in renting it. Check ✓ thc threc rooms
r~ · Mrs. Goodings shows them.
You usually use a computer in the stl.lu~~i .J..-- ---
4 l bathroom O
5 You usually park your car in the ~¡p~,~Q~~~.e=------ 2 bedroorn O
You usually make lunch in the k..i.1.:1-!C1.<1MwQ~W)!...l.----
~ You usually watch television in the l,.:..'v~\LL!f\c:.ia_l....---
3 dining room o
4 garage o
r..0.0 .W-- ' S hall o
! You usually sleep in the b {<l íQOvY) 6 kitchen o
You usually sit outside in the y..,.CJ,._,1___.~,..____ _ __ 7 living room o
pRONUNCIATION lcrl and hrl; sentence
8 study o
3 b . ,;mrom Listen again and wrice T (true) or F (false).
stress r Mr;, Goodings always eats in che kitchen. .I
a ~ che word with a different sound. 2 Joanna doesn't like the living room.
3 There isn't a washing machine in the kitchen. -

-~ 1 they're there dear

There's a hole in the ceiling of the kitchen.
Joanna likes the windows in the living room. _
There isn't a TV in the living room.
chair 7 There are three bedrooms upstairs .
-@ 2 cheers stairs near
8 Bradley forgets about the hale in the
bathroom ceiling.
~ 3 where we're
! Learn these words and phrase s.
chair 1
advertisement h.edvdr'ta1zmant/

dishwasher /'d1Jw0Jar/
4 here hair hear
lovely /'IAvli/
rent /rnnt/
b ~~ Listen and repeat the words.
., a long time ago /a bl) ta1m a'gou/
Wow! /wao/
e Underline rhe stressed syllable. How horrible! /hau 'h:,rdbl/
1 o!ffice It's perfect! /its 'parf1kt/
2 mirrlor
3 cu!pboard
4 baijco!ny
5 bath!tub
6 solfa
7 arm!chair ,
8 ga¡rage
9 cei:ling
d ~ Listen and check. Then listen and
: 'repeat the words.
vocASULARY prepositions: place
2 d rnovernent
1 GRAMMAR there was / there wer an tenc es wit h thes e wor ds.
was n t, or wuen't· Com plet e the sen
a Complete the text. Use was, were,

- -t -- i-A--:i-nkón:-::;nt::o-:;f~n:~:::;to-
r U,!)dér up
b¡¡liínd from ~;;ó f pef~----
acrossf'~ro~m~~~ - ~= '::_,__ _ _ __

-- ---- -- -- --- ----
- A
-~.. ;,;.., ,,
.. ....
· ·•

' 1
0 º -;;:~=-i
v ;;;~

..¡t,~• ~/
1 mer. and I stayed
~ I wen t on vacation to Brazil last sum
1 1
1; in an ama zing hote
l. My room was great. The re

!1 1
was a larg e bed, and ther e w12..1 e
2 sorne big
¡) re 3
vJcJ 5
'•¡ :1 ij cup boa rds to put my clothes in. The
gera tor
'I l ' a kitc hen, hut ther e • wo,s a sma ll refri
1 5
v-/0 (2._ thre e
full of drin ks and snac ks. The re
1 ; · .

diff eren t rest aura nts to choose from

. The re 6 vJO ~
l, and ther e
', ¡¡'' a beau tifu l swim min g pool in the hote

-L V~ a long beac h nearby. The9re • r
7 ),.)(UQ
aJQi Q some
1 :~ any tour ists on the beach, but ther e
bab y turt les. The y wer e real ly beautiful
1 ,. . . ,•
. - 1 .., .,. .•.,
1 '

a forro of there was / there were.

b Complete the dialogue with

A Did you have a good vacation?

B Not really.
There was a problem with my hotel.
1 1 1
'A Oh, no. What happened?
'I" 1
'B Well, we couldn't swim because Jb~<
Q. UJm6\ 1 There's a family --11 L_ the din ing
room .

2 The hoy is sitti ng 'fl.Ri,, .\-- .\:-o

1 1
:l:bD, o ut11 Ov\ '.\ any the girl.
11:1 a swimming pool. And
, ¡1 restaurants near the hotel. 3 The wom an is '" \yor1+ ofthe man.
A • HJ t.ld fü'2-1e a small refrigerator in your room? be~ ;Y'.J d thewoma
¡/ 4 There's a gho st stan ding
'e No, 5 +h14e iM'.Alió'r a small refrigerator and v~cW
the table.
5 The re's a bag


+hPlo WlRIO'.\ a television . The only thin
6 A waiter is com ing C?, 1i o+ the kitchen.

in my room was the bed! k,w the waiter.

7 There's a gho st Ac rosS
! _r ¡i A Oh. 7 ! \ h, ~ ~\riQ I J a bathroom?
e 8 The waiter is carr ying the plat es

B Yes, but 4½e-1 e l..Ut1-l

8 any clean towels.

¡ kitchen .1--::0 the tabl es.

Everything was very dirty. .
¡ __ _ the kitchen door
A 9 LUue ~ h!UL any nice people at the hotel? 9 The re's a clock _ _O=:....:!,_v.=e.t::__

B Yes, 10 -! VlíN Q.. w'1..lf sorne great people, but they 10 A gho st is going , f. the stairs.

1 all felt the same as me - very angry!

pRONUNCIATION silent letters
~ ~ rhe silent letters.
i ghoSt 3 white S hour 7 builder
2 cupboard 4 know 6 walk 8 wrong
b ,~ -~ Listen and repeat. Copy the ~thm.

~ Listen and underline the stressed words.

e -, . .
There was a lamp on the table.
There wasn't a bathtub in the bathroom.
3 Was there a mirror in the
4 There were some books on the shelf.
5 There weren't any cupboards in the kitchen.
6 Were there any plants in the study?
d - ~ Listen again and repeat the sentences.

Read the text. Write T (true) or F (false).
1 Maesmawr Hall is more than 500 years old.
2 People have seen ghosts inside and outside the hotel.
Maesmawr Hall:
3 The ghosts are all of people who lived in the house in the past. ¡: A Haunted House in Wates
4 Robi,1 Drwg's ghost somet_imes appears as a bull. T
5 Par:w)rmal investigators didn't think that Maesmawr Hall

aesmawr Hall is a manor house in Powys,
was i:aunted. r- Wales. lt was built in 1535 and today is a
20-bedroom hotel and venue far weddings.
S LISTENING lt is famous because people say it is haunted.

Many guests say that they have seen ghosts. A

a ,rmr~:m Li_sten to fo~r pe?ple talk~~g about hotel businessman who stayed at the hotel said that when
J. rooms. Wh1ch countnes d1d they v1s1t?
he looked out of the window, he saw hundreds of
Roman soldiers marching. In fact, in Roman times
b .~:m Listen again. Match the speakers to the rooms. there was a road that passed through the grounds
of Maesmawr Hall. Other guests said they saw the
Speaker 1 O Speaker 2 O Speaker 3 O Speaker 4 O ghosts of the Davies sisters who owned the hotel
A The room was under the water. in the 1900s, and the ghost of an old housekeeper
B The room had mirrors on the walls and the ceiling. walking through a wall in the hall. But perhaps most
C The room wasn't very comfortable. frightening is the story that the ghost of an evil man
D The room was up a tree. named Robin Drwg haunts the woods around the
hotel. Sorne people say that they have seen this ghost
suddenly change into the shape of a bull.
USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Maesmawr was on a TV show about houses with
ghosts called Most Haunted. The TV show hosts and
Learn these words and phrases.
investigators from the Mid Wales Paranormal (MWP}
ghosts /gousts/ haunted /'h:mtad/ reported a lot of strange activity in the hall - seeing
guest /gr.si/ strange /stremd;y balls of light, feeling movements, and hearing unusual
owner /'oun-;ir/ In the middle of the night sounds. During the investigation, the floor in one of
priest /prist/ /m Ó'J mrdl av óa 'na1t/ the upstairs rooms moved. The hotel's current owner,
brave /bre1v/ remate control /nmout bn'trool/ Nigel Humphryson, says he often hears voices and
frightened /'fra1tnd/ banging noises that he cannot explain.
So if you're interested in ghosts, why not stay here?
But don't go outside at night unless you're feeling
-.' liit4 ~ FILE 8 really brave!
1 GRAMMAR countable / uncountable nouns;
a Complete the crossword.
a I an, sorne / any
a What <lid Sarah and Martin buy when they went shopping Clues across ➔
yesterday? Write a, an, or some in the blanks.
@A ~

°' e

potato chips
M" . .
' ~.,. .

b Write the sentences in the affirmative [±] or

negative B form.
1 There's sorne cheese in the refrigerator.
B There isn't any chees.e in tite refrigerator
2 There are sorne strawberries in our garden.
G _There ~ 1 ·,¡ / ,-t/1·( d '<crn1W11tel ,.a ov, 7,·,::hl
3 I didn't have an egg for breakfast.
[±] Lb , d
.,,-1 C""-H.... f-N hreok'&i
4 There isn't any sugar in my tea.
There r s 5,21\l e· Jv1t:-r' i,,, 11·11 k'r.,¡
S I didn't eat any snacks yesterday.
[I) I a\ 1J ~-.J@ $ {)Q Cl( ) 1e,1~Jo-4
6 There weren't any sandwiches in the kitchen.
[I] There t-U'2.l e_ So•l11 s:cia'wl('k.i 11) }l,,R \.(, \claev\
7 I bought a pineapple at the superrnarket.
C{~ ~ ~ (J }) {'-'xfYIC-1 KJJ-.
B 1 d, d n-1 0.,)
1 e,
r1{70 P-fJ

8 There was sorne bread in the cupboard.

B There c,(}l,.lJfl'1 C<n:-{ ~1RaJ /11 Jhe w_tJboo.) ..
e Complete the dialogue with a, an, sorne, or any.

A What do we need to buy for our dinner party? Let's make a list.
b Write the words in the correct column.
B Well, 1want to make 1 -ª--- lasagne, so we need $ ~
pasta and 3 G\ awles banarias c_911dy c¡y?ois choc;.olate coo~es
l1 meat.
A Pasta...and meat. What about tomatoes? Are there muslm5oms oni9f)s or~ ges pyás pin~pple
po)?toes potáfo chips sand~hes strawberries
I • o."1 tomatoes in the refrigerator? 7

e Let's look. There's 5 Ov') onion, but there aren't

6 O"':f Vegetables Snacks Fruit
tomatoes. Put those on the list, too.
1A OK...tomatoes. Is there 7 Cwl cheese? (U ,i..'.)b (C,tV\.:Í i- app.les.
e Yes, there's ª Di mozzarella cheese, so that's perfect W\~ \,¡ iuO\N\<; ckoGO~A 2 ~110!'.lll-L
A Let's have 9 a salad with the lasagna. Qk'.li ~ll 5 ( ,x:i ~ IQS QrúV\~
e OK. Then we need to buy º C\1
lettuce. /:2vÍ-ulv c.lJ c/J[
/2.fü )
A What about dessert? Is there u ()Vly fruit? !2tA!:a h2eJ )(dkld !.,!,¿jf1'1
~•eeª ~ qj
e No, there isn't. Let's get 12 Soefle. strawberries.

p -
g @the
word with a clifferent sound. a m.n mLisien IO four spcakcrs talking aboul rheir
¡l _..,--- - -- - - - - - , favoritc mcal. Complete thc mcal,q,
Speaker I roast
1 meat breakfast tea -----
Speaker 2 _____ tikk a rna~ala
tree=--+------ - - - - - - - i Speaker 3 hot dog and _ _ _ __

1 2 bread healthy ice cream

egg_ ! - -- -- - - - - - - - 1
Speaker 4
Speaker 1
S\IIL!Ct ami sour tofu and
Listen again. Match the speakcrs to rhc sentcnccs.
O A I oftcn eat it outsi<lc.
'O~ Speaker 2 O B I always or<lcr rice with it.

3 eat great steak Speaker 3 O C I have it ata local restaurant.
tra-.:.:_in_ . . . L - - - - - - - - - --____J Speaker 4 O D l eat it when I visit my parents.

~ Listen and check. Then

b ,,listen and repeat the words.
Learn these words and phrases.
4 READING cream /krim/
a Read the article and match the headings dishes /d1J1z/
to the paragraphs. ingredients /m'gridi:mts/
popcorn /'popbrn/
coconut water popsicles roast camel
sauce /s::,s/
b Read the article again. Write T (true) sweet corn /'swit k::,rn/
or F (false). (foo<l) to go /'too gou/
delicious /d1'hJ~s/
1 The Bedouin people eat roast
camel on special occasions. ..I.. vegetarian /v¡;d3~'t¡;rian/
2 There are seven ingredients in
the Bedouin meal. f'
3 Frank Epperson's drink froze _..
because the weather was cold. 1
4 He sold his first ice pop when
he was 29 years old. L
S According to the article, you
can find coconut water in all
coconuts. :r:
6 Coconut water has a lot of sugar. J2 The Bedouin people, who live in the deserts of Africa, sometimes prepare a very big
meal to celebrate [w,e d~ . The cook uses sorne eggs, sorne fish, sorne chickens, a
e Guess the meaning of the highlighted_ sheep, and a carne! to prepare it. He stuffs the fish with the eggs, the chickens with
words. Check in your dictionary. the fish, the sheep with the chickens, and the carne! with the sheep. Then he cooks
all the ingredients together in an enormous ~e~ in the ground.
2 _ __
lt was an 11-year-old American boy who invented these. In 1905, the boy, Frank Epperson,
wanted to make a drink. He put sorne soda powder in a cup of water and used a stick
to mix it. Then he forgot about the drink and left it outside. That night it was very cold,
so the mixture froze. Eighteen years later, he made sorne more of the frozen mixture
and sold his first one atan amusement park. The British call them "ice pops."
3 _ __
You can find this liquid in young fruit that is still green. People drank it in South-East
Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean befare it became popular as a health drink. Today,
athletes drink it after playing sports. lt is very good for you as it is low in fat~
and sugars. Doctors sometimes use it in an emergency because it is similar to
human plasma.
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