User Manual: The All-In-One Music Production Station That Goes Anywhere You Want
User Manual: The All-In-One Music Production Station That Goes Anywhere You Want
User Manual: The All-In-One Music Production Station That Goes Anywhere You Want
Table of Contents
Power adapter information4
iRig Keys I/O4
Register your iRig Keys I/O4
1 Installation and setup5
1.1 iOS Devices5
1.2 MAC/PC10
1.3 Using iRig Keys I/O to Control Logic Pro or GarageBand11
1.4 What is new in Firmware version 1.0.812
1.5 What is new in Firmware version 1.0.912
2 MIDI controller section13
2.1 Keyboard13
2.2 Drumpads13
2.3 Touch sensitive controls13
2.3.1 iRig Keys I/O 4913
2.3.2 iRig Keys I/O 2515
2.4 Knobs15
3 Presets16
3.1 Preset recall16
3.2 Rapid user preset recall16
3.3 Preset browsing using the PROG buttons17
3.4 Preset store17
3.5 User presets delete18
4 Factory default settings19
4.1 Global settings19
4.2 Factory 1 - IK Virtual Instruments19
4.2.1 iRig Keys I/O integration with IK Virtual Instruments20
4.3 Factory 2 - Apple Logic Pro X/GarageBand22
4.3.1 iRig Keys I/O integration with Logic Pro and Garage Band23
4.4 Factory 3 - Chromatic PADS + MIDI Volume and MIDI Pan24
4.5 Factory 4 - Program Change PADS + MIDI Volume and MIDI Pan25
4.6 Factory 5 - Ableton Live26
4.7 Factory 6 - Apple MainStage27
5 Edit Mode28
5.1 Audio output volume28
5.2 Global edit menu28
5.2.1 Send specific MIDI Program Changes numbers, and set Current Program number28
5.2.2 Keyboard edit29 Set the MIDI Transmit Channel of the keyboard29 Set different velocity (touch) response to the keyboard30 Transpose the keyboard in semitones31
5.2.3 Enable/disable touch knob features31
4 x AA
2 5
*iRig Keys I/O 49 only
4. Connect a microphone or an instrument to the input combo jack. If the microphone you are using requires
external phantom power, activate the 48V switch.
48V OFF 48V ON
6. Connect a mixer, an amplifier or a PA system to the stereo line outputs. It is possible to control the output
volume with the DATA/VOLUME knob on the top panel (please refer to the instruction on this manual). These
are floating balanced output. This kind of output approximately simulates a floating transformer winding;
if both hot and cold outputs are driving signal lines, then the outputs are balanced, as if a centre- tapped
output transformer were being used. This system has the advantage that it can give the same level into
either a balanced or unbalanced input without rewiring connectors. These kind of outputs are also perfect to
route the onstage signal to a mixer without the need of a DI box, ensuring a loud and pristine signal.
7. Connect your headphones to the headphone output. It is possible to control the output volume with the
DATA/VOLUME knob on the top panel (please refer to the instruction on this manual).
8. If needed, connect a footswitch/expression pedal to the TRS connector on iRig Keys I/O.
1.2 MAC/PC
1. Connect the Mini-DIN to USB cable to the iRig Keys I/O port and to a free USB port on your MAC/PC (the
required power is supplied by the USB host).
2. Move the back side switch to the USB position.
Note: If you have any issues with the iRig Keys I/O controlling Logic after following the automatic setup above,
you may manually setup the iRig Keys I/O as a control surface.
2.1 Keyboard
iRig Keys IO 25 by default plays notes between C2 and C4.
iRig Keys IO 49 by default plays notes between C1 and C5.
If you need to play notes lower or higher than this range, you can shift the whole keyboard in octaves using the
OCT up and down buttons.
2.2 Drumpads
iRig Keys I/O 25 has 8 drum pads, in 2x4 disposition.
iRig Keys I/O 49 has 8 drum pads, in 1x8 disposition.
All the 8 pads on iRig Keys I/O can send MIDI Note ON and OFF, MIDI CH and MIDI CC messages.
On each pad it’s possible to program what kind of message will be sent (Note, CC or MIDI CH).
Each pad is illuminated by a RGB LED and the illumination gives you feedback on the pad status.
Slide this touch sensitive sensor up or down to send Pitch Bend messages. When you don’t touch the sensor,
it return to a central rest position. Moving the finger up will increase the pitch; moving it down will decrease the
Note that the amount of pitch change depends on how the receiving virtual instrument is set. This control can be
edited to send any other CC message (see dedicated chapter on this manual).
Slide this touch sensitive sensor to send Modulation Wheel messages (MIDI CC#01). The lowest position
sends a value of 0; the highest position sends a value of 127. Most instruments use this message to control the
amount of vibrato or tremolo in the sound, but note that this depends solely on how the receiving instrument
itself is programmed and not on the iRig Keys I/O settings. This control can be edited to send any other CC
message (see dedicated chapter on this chapter).
Sound modules like virtual instrument apps or plug-ins can switch sounds when they receive the Program
Change MIDI message. iRig Keys I/O sends Program Changes by pressing the PROG up or down buttons.
Starting with the currently selected program, iRig Keys I/O will send the next higher program numbers when
you press PROG UP and lower program numbers when you press PROG DOWN. The 7-segment displays will
inform you about the number relative to the PC number that has been selected. To set the current program see
the dedicated chapter on this manual.
These touch-sensitive buttons serves as transport controls, from left to right: Stop/Return-to-Start/FFW (when
ALT button is active), Play and REC. The far right button, labeled as ALT, serves to enable/disable the alternative
functions of buttons and knobs.
When the ALT button is active thetransport buttons above will turn in (from left to right): Fast forward (FFW),
EDIT Mode and PRESET Mode functionality will be described later on this manual.
IMPORTANT: configure the transport in the Preset menu so it communicates properly with your software.
2.4 Knobs
The DATA knob act as browsing control when used in specific software or can be used to send a generic CC
number programmable by the user. It acts also to control the audio output volume when the ALT function is
active. Refer to the dedicated section on this manual for complete editing instructions.
The Knobs 1 to 8 can be assigned to any Control change number. When the ALT function is active the knobs
from 5 to 8 are activeted. Refer to the dedicated section on this manual for complete editing instructions. These
knobs are also touch sensitive: this means that you’ll be able to see the current value of the CC assigned to
each knob by simply touching it. The touch feature allows you, also, to send a specific CC# (momentary and
freely assignable, as described later in this manual) when the knob is touched: it is also possible to disable these
functions as described later in this manual.
The knobs can have different behaviour (Relative or Absolute):
When working in Absolute (ABS) mode the knob will send values from 0 to 127 on the selected CC (+1
increments per clockwise encoder steps and -1 decrements per counter-clockwise encoder steps).
Once values 0 or 127 are reached they will be continued to be sent if the knob is rotated in the same direction.
The starting value from which to send +1 or -1 values will always be the last one sent by the knob the last time it
was moved.
When working in Relative (REL) mode the knob will send custom values to the selected CC. This will allow the
host application to browse long lists of elements easily.
3 Presets
iRig Keys I/O comes with 5 factory presets (F01...F06) and 99 user presets (U01...U99) freely assignable. The
keyaboard can be configurated per personal use: it is possible to configure knobs, pads, touch sliders and
external pedal and all these configurations can be stored, recalled (via RCL or fast-recall) as user presets; the
factory presets can be only recalled.
To enter to the Presets menu, press the ALT button and then the PRESET button:
The display will shows RCL (recall preset) and all the drum pads corresponding to non empty user presets from
U01 to U08 will light on (this will allows you for a rapid recall of the preset).
As said, the display will shows RCL and by rotating the DATA knob it will cycle between STR (store user preset)
and DEL (delete user presets). The press on the DATA knob will select the action.
• You can exit the preset mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
• By pressing the DATA push-knob all the previously store user presets will be deleted and the keyboard will
exit automatically the Preset Mode;
• You can exit the preset mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
5. Rotate knobs 1 to 4 on iRig Keys I/O to control the first four macros of SampleTank 3. If the Touch CC is
enabled, as soon as you touch a knob this will highlight on the user interface;
6. To access knobs 5 to 8 on your iRig Keys I/O, press the ALT button on the left side of the display, then
rotate, so you can control the remaining next four macros of SampleTnak 3;
1. Launch Syntronik;
2. Rotate the DATA knob and scroll between the presets of Syntronik;
4.3.1 iRig Keys I/O integration with Logic Pro and Garage Band
IMPORTANT NOTE: make sure to have performed the steps described on paragraph “1.3 Using iRig Keys I/O
to Control Logic Pro or GarageBand” on this manual.
1. Launch Logic Pro X or Garage Band;
2. iRig Keys I/O will set automatically to F02;
3. Create a new Software Instrument track;
4. Transport buttons let you remote the transport of Logic Pro X or Garage Band;
5. Press the REC button to start recording and playing keys on iRig Keys I/O record some notes;
6. Press the Stop/Return to Start button , the first of the buttons strip, to stop the recording and return to the
begin of the song. This apply only on iRig Keys I/O 49;
7. Press the PLAY button to start playback of the song. On iRig Keys I/O 25 the Play button will act also as
the Stop button;
8. Rotate the DATA knob to move the playhead along the song;
9. Press the DATA knob to turn cycle mode on or off;
10. Rotate knobs 1 to 4 on iRig Keys I/O to control the first four smart controls of the loaded instrument or on
audio track of the selected effect;
11. To access knobs 5 to 8 on your iRig Keys I/O, press the ALT button, then rotate, so you can control the
remaining next four smart controls.
4.5 Factory 4 - Program Change PADS + MIDI Volume and MIDI Pan
DATA knob -> CC#22 Relative mode (ALT -> audio output volume)
DATA push -> CC#23
Slider 1 -> Pitch Bend / iRig Keys I/O 25 Slider 1-> Pitch Bend (ALT/ Mod Wheel)
Slider 2 -> Mod Wheel / iRig Keys I/O 25 Slider 2-> Octave (ALT/ Prog Change)
Exp Pedal -> Expression CC#11
Sus Pedal -> Sustain CC#64 MOM
Pad 1 -> PC000
Pad 2 -> PC001
Pad 3 -> PC002
Pad 4 -> PC003
Pad 5 -> PC004
Pad 6 -> PC005
Pad 7 -> PC006
Pad 8 -> PC007
Pad MIDI CH -> Global
Pad Velocity -> 127 (Fixed 127)
Knob 1 -> CC#07 Absolute mode (Touch CC#30 - OFF by default)
Knob 2 -> CC#10 Absolute mode (Touch CC#31 - OFF by default)
Knob 3 -> CC#11 Absolute mode (Touch CC#32 - OFF by default)
Knob 4 -> CC#12 Absolute mode (Touch CC#33 - OFF by default)
Knob 5 -> CC#13 Absolute mode (Touch CC#34 - OFF by default)
Knob 6 -> CC#14 Absolute mode (Touch CC#35 - OFF by default)
Knob 7 -> CC#15 Absolute mode (Touch CC#36 - OFF by default)
Knob 8 -> CC#16 Absolute mode (Touch CC#37 - OFF by default)
Transport -> MMC
5 Edit Mode
In Edit Mode you can edit parameters related to the keyboard, pads, touch controls, knobs and perform a
factory reset.
To enter to the Edit Mode, press the ALT button and then the EDIT button:
The display will shows GLO (global menu) to edit the global parameters and, by rotating the DATA knob, PRE
(preset menu) to edit the parameters associated to the preset. It is possible to select global or preset by rotating
the DATA knob: the confirmation of each action is provided by pushing the DATA knob.
In GLO (global menu) you will find: PC (program change number) - KEY (keyboard) - PAD (Pads sensitivity) -
TCH (touch knobs) - LED (LEDs backlight) - PRG (Prog buttons beahviour) - OFF (all-notes-off) - RST (factory
In PRE (preset menu) you will find: DTA (DATA knob) - KEY (Keyboard MIDI CH) - KNB (Knobs) - PED (external
pedal) - PAD (drum pads) - SLD (sliders) - TRN (transport)
5.2.1 Send specific MIDI Program Changes numbers, and set Current Program number
iRig Keys I/O can send MIDI Program Changes in two ways:
1. Program Changes are sent sequentially by using the PROG up and PROG down buttons.
2. Program Changes are sent directly by sending a specific Program Change number from within EDIT mode.
After sending a specific Program Change number, the PROG up and down buttons will work sequentially
from that point.
To send a specific Program Change number:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the global
• By rotating the DATA knob it will cycle between the parameters of the Global menu;
• Reached the PC (programm change) position pess the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to set a
Programm change;
• The display will show NBR (number) to let you insert the PC number. Insert the PC number (from 0 to 127)
with the keys marked from 0 to 9. You can cancel your input with the CANCEL/NO key;
MIDI instruments can respond to 16 different MIDI channels. For iRig Keys I/O to play an instrument, you need
the iRig Keys I/O MIDI Transmit Channel to match the receiving channel of your instrument.
To set the MIDI Transmit Channel:
The keyboard on iRig Kyes I/O is velocity sensitive. Usually this means that the harder you hit the keys, the
louder the sound that is produced. However this ultimately depends on how the instrument you’re controlling is
programmed and your playing style.
In order to match the style of individual users, iRig Keys I/O offers six different velocity response settings:
“S” VEL SENS, SOFT Use this setting if you prefer a light touch on the keys. This is especially useful when you
need to play fast passages or program drum patterns.
“N” VEL SENS, NORMAL. This setting is the default setting and works well in most cases.
“H” VEL SENS, HEAVY. Use this setting if you prefer a heavy touch on the keys.
“64” FIXED, 64. This setting will always send a fixed MIDI velocity value of 64 without any touch response.
“100” FIXED, 100. This setting will always send a fixed MIDI velocity value of 100 without any touch response.
“127” FIXED, 127. This setting will always send a fixed MIDI velocity value of 127 without any touch response.
To set the velocity response:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the
global menu;
• By rotating the DATA knob you will cycle between the parameters of the Global menu
• Reached the KEY position pess the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit the keyaboard
• The display will shows CH (MIDI channel) and by rotating the DATA knob it will cycle between VEL (velocity)
-> TRS (transpose);
• Reached the VEL position press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to set a Velocity response;
• The display will show the current Velocity value. By rotating the DATA knob you can select the velocity
• To confirm your input press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
The iRig Keys I/O keyboard can be transposed in semitones. This can be useful when, for example, you need
to play a song that is in a difficult key, but you still want to physically play it in an easier or more familiar key.
To transpose iRig Keys I/O:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the
global menu;
• By rotating the DATA knob you will cycle between the parameters of the Global menu;
• Reached the KEY position pess the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit the keyboard parameters;
• The display will shows CH (MIDI channel) and by rotating the DATA knob it will cycle between VEL (velocity)
-> TRS (transpose);
• Reached the TRS position press the DATA puch-knob to confirm you want to transpose the keyboard;
• The display will show current transpose value (C by default). Press any note on the first octave on the left of
the keyboard.
• The display will show the selected note (black keys will be rapresented with a dot near the note letter);
• To confirm your input press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
iRig Keys I/O touch sensitive knobs allows you to see the current value setted on each knob by touch it. Also,
each touch can send a CC freely assignable. It is possible to enable/disable these features:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the global
• By rotating the DATA knob you will cycle between the parameters of the Global menu;
• Reached the TCH position pess the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to enable/disable the touch
• The display will show CC and will cycle between CC and SNS. The CC (control change) allows you to
enable or disable the sending of the CC message associated to the touch of each knob; the SNS (sensing)
allows you to enable or disable the capacite sensitive feature of the knobs. These are the possible
combinations: CC (OFF) and SNS (ON), default -> the CC assigned to the touch of the knob is OFF; CC
(ON) and SNS (OFF) -> the CC assigned to the touch of the knob is sent when you start rotating the knob
and not when the knob is just touched;
• If you select, for example, CC:
• By rotating the DATA knob clockwise you’ll turn ON the feature; turning counter-clockwise the DATA knob
you’ll turn it OFF. By default this feature is set to OFF;
• If you select, for example, SNS:
• By rotating the DATA knob clockwise you’ll turn ON the feature; turning counter-clockwise the DATA knob
you’ll turn it OFF.
• To confirm your input press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
Sometimes it may be necessary to stop all notes playing on the current MIDI channel when they are stuck or
when controllers are not resetting properly.
iRig Keys I/O can send MIDI CC# 121 + 123 to reset all controllers and stop all notes. To reset all controllers and
set all notes off:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the global
• By rotating the DATA knob you will cycle between the parameters of the Global menu;
• Reached the OFF position pess the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to send a note off message;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
iRig Keys I/O can be reset to its original factory value of MIDI channel, Programm change, Audio volume, active
preset, velocity, transpose, octave and controls assignations. Note that the factory reset won’t delete the store
User presets.
To reset iRig Keys I/O:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the global
• By rotating the DATA knob you will cycle between the parameters of the Global menu;
• Reached the RST position press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to reset the keyboard
• The keyboard will request you to confirm if you want to perform the reset, by showing CFM;
• By pressing the DATA push-knob the keyaboard will be resetted and it will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
It is now possible to set different pad’s sensitivity to fit different user needs, to all the pads or to a specific pad.
To assign different pad’s sensitivity:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the global
• By rotating the DATA knob you will cycle between the parameters of the Global menu;
• Reached the PAD position press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit the pad’s sensitivity;
• The display will show SNS (sensitivity). Press the DATA push-knob to confirm;
• The display will show ALL and by rotating the DATA knob you will cycle between ALL and pad’s number 1
to 8. This way you can decide if assign a different sensitivity to all pads or to specific ones. Press the DATA
push-knob to confirm;
• The display will show REG (regular) and by rotating the DATA knob you will cycle between RED (reduced)
and LOW (for the lowest sensitivity). Press the DATA push-knob to confirm and the keyboard will exit
automatically the Edit Mode;
A second operating mode for Prog buttons is present to allow fast preset switching. By default the Prog buttons
send program change messages up and down. It is also possible to set the Prog buttons to browse between
the stored presets.
To edit the Prog buttons:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the global
• By rotating the DATA knob you will cycle between the parameters of the Global menu;
• Reached the PRG position press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit the Prog buttons;
• The display will show PC (progam change, default setting) and by rotating the DATA knob you will cycle to
PRE (preset: this mode will allows you to browse between the stored presets). Press the DATA push-knob to
confirm and the keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode.
LEDs can be turned on, dimmed, to better identify capacitive controls on the keyboard. This is particularly useful
in low ambient light situations.
To turn on/off the LEDs:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the global
• By rotating the DATA knob you will cycle between the parameters of the Global menu;
• Reached the LED position press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to edit the LEDs backlight;
• It is now possible to turn ON and OFF the LED backlight by rotating the DATA knob. Press the DATA push-
knob to confirm and the keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode.
You can assign to the DATA push-knob different behaviour (Relative or Absolute), Control Change messages or
audio volume control.
When working in Absolute (ABS) mode the knob will send values from 0 to 127 on the selected CC (+1
increments per clockwise knob steps and -1 decrements per counter-clockwise knob steps).
Once values 0 or 127 are reached they will be continued to be sent if the knob is rotated in the same direction.
The starting value from which to send +1 or -1 values will always be the last one sent by the knob the last time it
was moved.
When working in Relative (REL) mode the knob will send custom values to the selected CC. This will allow the
host application to browse long lists of elements easily.
• Select ROT if you want to assign a generic CC message to the rotation of the knob; Select PSH if you want
to assign a generic CC message to the push of the knob;
• If ROT is selected the display will show ABS and can cycle between ABS (ABSOLUTE) and REL (relative).
Select one of the two modes by pressing the DATA push-knob;
• The display will show NBR (number) to let you insert the CC number. Insert the CC number (from 0 to 127)
with the keys marked from 0 to 9. You can cancel your input with the CANCEL/NO key
• Select the mode you want to assign by pressing the DATA knob;
• If you have selected ROT the display will show ABS and can cycle between ABS (ABSOLUTE) and REL
(relative). Select one of the two modes by pressing the DATA push-knob;
• The display will show NBR (number) to let you insert the CC number you want to assign to the knob;
• Insert the MIDI control change number (from 0 to 127) with the keys marked from 0 to 9. You can cancel
your input with the CANCEL/NO key;
• To confirm press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
iRig Keys I/O has an external pedal input that works with both sustain and expression pedals. The external
pedal can be programmed to send CCs and PCs.
• Insert the MIDI control change number (from 0 to 127) with the keys marked from 0 to 9. You can cancel
your input with the CANCEL/NO key;
• To confirm press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
• Insert the MIDI control change number (from 0 to 127) with the keys marked from 0 to 9. You can cancel
your input with the CANCEL/NO key;
• To confirm press the DATA push-knob;
• The display will show MOM (momentary) or LCH (latch) to let you set the way the pedal will send the
message. To confirm press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
position press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to assign a PC to the Sustain pedal;
• The display will show NBR (number) to let you insert the CC number you want to assign to the knob;
• Insert the MIDI control change number (from 0 to 127) with the keys marked from 0 to 9. You can cancel
your input with the CANCEL/NO key;
• To confirm press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
To the 8 pads it is possible to assign a MIDI channel (that can be the same of the Keyboard global MIDI channel,
or be differnt one), change velocity, assign notes, CCs and PCs.
MIDI instruments can respond to 16 different MIDI channels. For iRig Keys I/O pads to play an instrument, you
need the iRig Keys I/O pads MIDI Transmit Channel to match the receiving channel of your instrument.
To set the MIDI Transmit Channel associated to the pads:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Rotate the DATA knob until you reach the PRE position. Press the DATA push-
knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the preset menu;
• The display will show DTA. Rotate the the DATA knob clockwise to reach the PAD position;
• Reached the PAD position press the DATA push-knob;
• The display will show CH. Press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to assign a MIDI CH to the 8
• The display will show the current MIDI channel setted fot the pads;
• Turning the DATA knob you can cycle between channel 1 and 16, plus the current MIDI channel setted in the
global menu, marked as GLO. This way the MIDI channel of the pads will be fixed to the global MIDI channel
of the keyboard.
• Reached the position you want, press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
The pads on iRig Keys I/O are velocity sensitive. Usually this means that the harder you hit the pads, the louder
the sound that is produced. However this ultimately depends on how the instrument you’re controlling is
programmed and your playing style.
In order to match the style of individual users, iRig Keys I/O offers six different velocity response settings:
“S” VEL SENS, SOFT. Use this setting if you prefer a light touch on the keys. This is especially useful when you
need to play fast passages or program drum patterns.
“N” VEL SENS, NORMAL. This setting is the default setting and works well in most cases.
“H” VEL SENS, HEAVY. Use this setting if you prefer a heavy touch on the keys.
“64” FIXED, 64. This setting will always send a fixed MIDI velocity value of 64 without any touch response.
“100” FIXED, 100. This setting will always send a fixed MIDI velocity value of 100 without any touch response.
“127” FIXED, 127. This setting will always send a fixed MIDI velocity value of 127 without any touch response.
To set the velocity response:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Rotate the DATA knob until you reach the PRE position. Press the DATA push-
knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the preset menu;
• The display will show DTA. Rotate the DATA knob clockwise to reach the PAD position;
• Reached the PAD position press the DATA push-knob;
• The display will show CH and will . Rotate the the DATA knob clockwise to reach the VEL position;
• The display will show the current velocity value ;
• By rotating the DATA knob you can select the velocity response;
• To confirm your input press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
You can assign a Note a CC or a PC to any drum pad. To edit the single pad:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Rotate the DATA knob until you reach the PRE position. Press the DATA push-
knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the preset menu;
• The display will show DTA. Rotate the DATA knob clockwise to reach the PAD position;
• To select the desired pad press it: the selected pad will begin to slowly pulse;
• The display will show NTE (note) and by rotating the DATA knob it will cycle to CC (control change) and PC
(program change). Select NTE with the DATA puch-knob if you want to assign a Note to the selected pad,
select CC if you want to assign a control change to the selcted pad, or selct PC if you want to assign a
program change to the selected pad;
To assign a Note, select NTE with the DATA puch-knob as described above:
• The display will show NBR (number) to let you insert the MIDI control change number. Insert the MIDI
control change number (from 0 to 127) with the keys marked from 0 to 9. You can cancel your input with the
• The keyboard will return to display SEL to let you select another pad to be edited;
• If you want to edit another pad repeat the step above, otherwise press the DATA push-knob to confirm your
editing. If you want to not confirm the editing press the CANCEL/NO key.
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode.
To assign a PC, select PC with the DATA push-knob as described above:
• The display will show NBR (number) to let you insert the MIDI control change number. Insert the MIDI
control change number (from 0 to 127) with the keys marked from 0 to 9. You can cancel your input with the
You can assign the fader mode (hold or return to zero) as well as the CC number associated to the slider.
Hold mode: the slider will act like a mechanical fader, so it will retain the position;
Return to zero mode: in this mode the slider will automatically return to zero position once not touched;
• Insert the MIDI control change number (from 0 to 127) with the keys marked from 0 to 9. You can cancel
your input with the CANCEL/NO key;
• To confirm press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
• The display will show DTA. Rotate the DATA knob clockwise to reach the SLD position;
• Reached the SLD position press the DATA push-knob;
• The display will show SEL (select) to let you select the control you want to edit. All the led bars will start to
You can assign the fader mode (hold or return to zero) as well as the CC number associated to the slider.
Hold mode: the slider will act like a mechanical fader, so it will retain the position;
Return to zero mode: in this mode the slider will automatically return to zero position once not touched;
• The display will show 1 and will cycle between 1 and 2. This means that you can assign the desired control
to the primary (1) or alternative (2) function of the slider;
• The display will show PCH (pitch) and by rotating the DATA knob it will cycle to MOD (MOD wheel) -> CC
(control change) -> OCT (octave) -> PC (Programm Change).
• Reached the CC position press the DATA push-knob to confirm you want to assign a CC message to the
• The display will show HLD (hold mode) and by rotating the DATA knob it will cycle to RET (return to zero
• Select the mode you need by pressing the DATA push-knob;
• The display will show NBR (number) to let you insert the CC number you want to assign to the slider;
• Insert the MIDI control change number (from 0 to 127) with the keys marked from 0 to 9. You can cancel
your input with the CANCEL/NO key;
• To confirm press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
The transport control buttons are dedicated buttons for sending conventional transport control commands:
Stop/Return-to-start/FFW, Play, Record. You can use the transport format editing (in the Preset menu) to set
these buttons to send RT (Real Time), CC (MIDI CC) and MMC (MIDI Machine Control).
It is possible to edit the MIDI channel of the keyaboard and to store it on a preset:
• Enter Edit Mode by pressing the ALT and EDIT buttons;
• The display will show GLO. Rotate the DATA knob until you reach the PRE position. Press the DATA push-
knob to confirm you want to edit a parameter in the preset menu;
• The display will show DTA. Rotate the DATA knob clockwise to reach the KEY position;
• Reached the KEY position press the DATA push-knob;
• The display will show CH to indicate you’re going to edit the MICI channel. Press the DATA push-knob to
• The display will show the current MIDI channel;
• Turning the DATA knob you can cycle between channel 1 and 16, plus the current MIDI channel setted in
the global menu, marked as GLO. This way the MIDI channel will be fixed to the global MIDI channel of the
• Reached the position you want, press the DATA push-knob;
• The keyboard will exit automatically the Edit Mode;
• You can exit the Edit mode any time by pressing the CANCEL/NO key.
6 Low Battery
When the battery level approach to be low, the INPUT LED will fast blink red.
Sound is distorted.
You’re probably overloading the input. Check that the input gain on iRig Keys I/O is set properly. If the Audio
Level LED is red when you play your instrument or sing or talk into a mic, decrease the input gain as described
in this guide.
I don’t get any sound.
In order for iRig Keys I/O to turn on, a Core Audio-compatible audio app must first be launched on your iOS
device or Mac.
iOS: be sure you are using an app that works with audio input from the Lightning dock connector.
Mac: be sure you have set “iRig Keys I/O” as the audio or MIDI input device on the audio app you are using.
Phantom power doesn’t turn ON when connected to an iOS device.
Check that you have inserted working AA batteries in iRig Keys I/O’s battery compartment, or that you’ve
connected iRig Keys I/O to the external power supply.
I can’t get any sound from my condenser microphone.
Your microphone may need phantom power. Turn phantom power on by moving the iRig Keys I/O botton to the
ON position.
Microphone Input
Microphone Input: balanced female 3-pin, XLR. Pin 2: hot / Pin 3: cold / Pin 1: ground
Microphone Input Level: from 6 mVpp to 1.4 Vpp
Microphone Input Impedance: 3.2 kOhms
Gain Range: 46 dB
Phantom Power: +48V ± 4V
Frequency Response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz +/-1.5dB
Input Noise: -100 dB RMS
Instrument Input
Instrument Input: unbalanced, Hi-Z, TS 1/4” Jack, Tip: signal / Shield: ground
Instrument Input Level: from 30 mVpp to 6.9 Vpp
Instrument Input Impedance: 1 MOhms
Gain Range: 27 dB
Frequency Response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz +/-1.5dB
Input Noise: -100 dB RMS
Line Output
Line Outputs: 2x balanced, TRS 1/4” Jack, Tip: hot / Ring: cold / Shield: ground
Floating Balanced Outputs with automatic level compensation when working in unbalanced mode
Maximum Output Level: +13 dBu into 600 Ohms balanced load
Frequency Response: from 10 Hz to 21 kHz (+/- 0.2dB)
Output Dynamic Range: 102 dB(A)
Output Impedance: 150 Ohms balanced
Other Input/Output
DC barrel: 1x DC barrel. For power and device charging.
Device Connector: mini-DIN
External Pedal Input: 1/4” TRS Jack
Conversion: 16 or 24-bit A/D - D/A
Sampling Rate: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz and 96 kHz
• USB bus powered when used with a computer
• Battery powered (4xAA included) when used with an iOS device
• DC power supply (not included, iRig PSU 3A sold separately)*
Keys: 25 or 49 (depending on the version) full-size keys with velocity
8 velocity-sensitive multi color assignable pads
Please visit:
for the complete warranty policy.
FCC statement
This device complies with Part 15.107 and 15.109 Class B of the FCC Rules CFR47:
October 2010.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
“Made for iPod,” “Made for iPhone,” and “Made for iPad” mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPod, iPhone, or iPad, respectively, and has been certified by
the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Please note that the use of this
accessory with iPod, iPhone, or iPad may affect wireless performance.
iRig® Keys I/O, iGrand Piano™ and SampleTank® are trademarks property of IK Multimedia Production Srl. All other product names and images, trademarks and artists names are the property of their
respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with IK Multimedia. iPad, iPhone, iPod touch Mac and Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
countries. Lightning is a trademark of Apple Inc. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.