Introduction to
the Philosophy of
the Human Person
Quarter 2 – Module 6:
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person – Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 6: Intersubjectivity
First Edition, 2020
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Introduction to
the Philosophy of
the Human Person
Quarter 2 – Module 6:
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner
is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and
skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your level
of mastery in achieving the learning
Additional In this portion, another activity will be given to
Activities you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the human person as an embodied spirit. The scope of this module permits
it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into two lessons, namely:
• Lesson 1 – The Meaning and Dynamics of Intersubjectivity
• Lesson 2 – The Values and Disvalues in Intersubjectivity
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. discuss the meaning and dynamics of intersubjectivity;
2. realize that intersubjectivity requires accepting differences and imposing on
3. appreciate the talents and contributions to society of persons with disabilities
and those from the underprivileged sectors of society;
4. explain the values and disvalues in Intersubjectivity; and
5. perform activities that demonstrate the talents of a person with disabilities
and those from the unprivileged sectors of the society.
What I Know
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following items carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
5. What value in inter-subjectivity is projected when you show comfort and share
grief with a grieving person?
a) Alienation
b) Empathy
c) Ethics of care
d) Friendship
7. In a birthday party, Carlos felt uneasy because of the presence of his enemies.
However, he managed to smile the whole celebration he needed to. What action
did Carlos show?
a) Alienation
b) Authenticity
c) Discrimination
d) Seeming-action
8. Mrs. Santiago, a guidance counselor needed help in cleaning the guidance office.
Some students volunteered to help her eventually. What value in inter-
subjectivity is displayed by the students?
a) Alienation
b) Availability
c) Rejection
d) Responsibility
9. Mr. Cayabyab is not welcome in his new residence. For him, it is a worse
experience ever. In inter-subjectivity, how do we call his experience?
a) Alienation
b) Availability
c) Discrimination
d) Rejection
The Meaning and Dynamics
1 of Inter-subjectivity
At the end of this lesson you are expected to:
What’s In
What’s New
Let us ponder:
Think of the people you encounter every day. Identify the persons to whom you
are most likely to say the following statements. Write their names on the blanks. Use
a separate paper.
“How are you today?”
“Did you hear the latest news?”
“I just came back from abroad.”
“I really appreciate everything you have dine for me.” _
“Without you, my life will have no meaning at all.” _
What is It
Humans have the natural tendency to relate, establish attachments and seek
close relationship with other people (Abella, 2016). He further said that it is in this
human nature that people are driven to reach out to other people and interact with
them in a meaningful way. Thus, it is an aspect of being a man is his relatedness
with others. One manifestation of this relation with others is accepting others and
their differences, (Garcia, et. al. 2016).
What is Intersubjectivity?
The interaction between the self and the other is related to the philosophical
concept of intersubjectivity (Abella, 2016). He further explained that there is the
element of a mutual recognition of each other as a person. And that, what is unique
in intersubjectivity is the relationship between two or more distinct subjects. As what
he said, it is the characteristic of a human person to engage in a very intimate and
personal relationship with others who are different form him or her but also like him
or her.
Copy the graphic organizer on a sheet of paper. Write in the boxes the names of
four people with whom you have genuine relationships. Write how they have
contributed to your growth as a person.
According to Abella, 2016, most human interactions are not based on deception.
He further explained that our human nature drives us to uphold dignity and
goodness and our interactions with others are geared toward what is good and
beneficial. Finally, he said that these lead human to strive and achieve deeper and
more substantial interactions and relations with other people
According to Mel Garcia, 2016, the following are given dynamics of
What’s More
What I Have Learned
1. What is Intersubjectivity?
2. How do we as human persons relate with others?
3. What are the dynamics of intersubjectivity?
4. What characterizes a genuine human interaction?
What I Can Do
Read carefully. Please use a separate sheet for this activity.
George is new to the school. He is from another country. He dresses and talks in
a way that is different from most kids. He also wants different kinds of foods for
lunch. Some of the kids tease him. They call him names like ‘weirdo’. They never
include him in activities. In PE class, he is never picked for a team. He sits alone at
lunch. Now, answer the following questions thoroughly.
1. In what ways is George different?
2. How do the kids treat George?
3. Why do you think they don’t treat George well?
4. What kind things do you think you could do to help you get to know George
5. What are some of the things you could do that might make George
uncomfortable, and make it harder for you and Abdul to become friends?
(Garcia, et al. 2016).
Additional Activities
Fill in the chart below. On the left side, write a list of some of the things you can
control, and on the right side, a list of some of the things you cannot control.
Please use a separate sheet in this activity.
These Are Things I Can Control These Are the Things I Cannot Control
The Values and Dis-values in
2 Intersubjectivity
At the end of this lesson you are expected to:
What’s In
Did you make it? Great job! We can now move
forward to your new lesson!
What’s New
He mentioned that not all human interactions are positive. He even explained that
there are those who view other people negatively and consider human actions as
being influenced by selfish interest. The pessimistic view considers human
relationship frustrating and often inauthentic or deceptive, according to him.
What is It
According to Abella, 2016, the following are the basic Values in Intersubjectivity
1. Empathy – the ability to share emotions. It is an important aspect in
intersubjectivity. The emotion is driven by the person’s awareness that the
other is a person with thoughts, and feelings. It enables us to experience
another person’s emotion, such as happiness, anger, sadness and grief.
a. Basketball enthusiasts celebrating their favorite team’s victory.
b. Parents taking pride with the achievement of their children.
c. Sharing with the grief of a friend whose parents died.
2. Availability – is the willingness of a person and be at the disposal of
a. Helping a friend fix his broken bicycle
b. Having time to listen to a friend’s problem
c. Making yourself available in a community service
3. Ethics of Care – is an ethical theory that emphasizes the moral dimension
of relationships and interactions. This moral perspective vulnerable.
Proponents of the ethics of care believe that people have moral obligation
to respond to the needs of other people and one cannot turn a blind eye on
the problems of others.
a. Helping an elderly cross the street
b. Donating blood to a sick person
c. Giving food to a hungry stranger
The following are the basic Disvalues in Intersubjectivity
1. Alienation – arises when a person ceases to view the other as a distinct and
authentic person and merely considers the other person as a mere object or a
means to satisfy personal interest (Abella, 2016).
Example. Being “matapobre,” insulting a service staff in a restaurant.
2. Rejection – can be defined as the act of pushing someone or something away.
One may experience rejection from one's family of origin, a friend, or a
romantic partner, and the resulting emotions can often be
painful. Rejection can be experienced on a large scale or in small ways in
everyday life.
Example. When you are not welcome in a group, organizations, clubs.
3. Discrimination - can be defined as the unjust or prejudicial treatment of
different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age,
or sex.
When you are excluded in a group because of the color of your skin, your
place of origin, sexual orientation etc.
What’s More
What I Can Do
2. Have you had an opportunity to apply the ethics of care in your everyday life?
Describe your experience.
You will be graded using these rubrics:
CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 1
Ideas This paper is This paper is The writer is Topic is not Yet, the paper
clear and mostly focused beginning to well-defined has no clear
focused. It and has some define the topic, and/or there sense of purpose
holds the good details even though are too many or central theme.
reader's and quotes. development is topics. To extract
attention. still basic or meaning from
Relevant details general. the text, the
and quotes reader must
enrich the make inferences
central theme. based on sketchy
or missing
Sentence The writing has The writing The text hums The text seems The reader has
Fluency an easy flow, mostly flows, along with a choppy and is to practice quite
rhythm, and and usually steady beat, but not easy to read a bit in order to
cadence. invites oral tends to be orally. give this paper a
Sentences are reading. more fair interpretive
well built, with businesslike reading.
strong and than musical,
varied structure more
that invites mechanical
expressive oral than fluid.
Conventions The writer The write The writer The writer Errors in
demonstrates a understands shows seems to have spelling,
good grasp of good writing reasonable made little effort punctuation,
standard conventions control over a to use capitalization,
writing and usually limited range of conventions: usage, and
conventions uses them standard spelling, grammar and/or
(e.g., spelling, correctly. Paper writing punctuation, paragraphing
punctuation, is easily read, conventions. capitalization, repeatedly
capitalization, and errors are Conventions are usage, grammar distract the
grammar, rare; minor sometimes and/or reader and make
usage, touch-ups handled well paragraphing the text difficult
paragraphing) would get this and enhance have multiple to read.
and uses piece ready to readability; at errors.
conventions publish. other times,
effectively to errors are
enhance distracting and
readability. impair
Presentation The form and The format only The writer's The writer's The reader
presentation of has a few message is message is only receives a
the text mistakes and is understandable understandable garbled message
enhances the generally easy in this format. occasionally, due to problems
ability for the to read and and paper is relating to the
reader to pleasing to the messily written. presentation of
understand and eye. the text and is
connect with not typed.
the message. It
is pleasing to
the eye.
( n.d.)
Artwork reflects a
high level of
originality and
expands on the
original concept.
Craftsmanship The artwork shows The artwork shows The artwork shows The artwork shows
limited average good craftmanship, outstanding
craftmanship and craftmanship and with some attention craftsmanship with
limited attention to average attention to to control, clear attention to
control, adaptation, control, adaptation, adaptation, control,
selection and selection and selection and adaptation,
experimentation of experimentation of experimentation of selection and
medium/media. medium/media. medium/media. experimentation of
Artwork is messy Artwork is Artwork is neatly Students use of
and shows smudge somewhat messy kept. materials is
marks, rips, tears, and shows either innovative
or folds. smudge marks, Art is in
rips, tears, or folds. impeccable
Effort The student put Artwork is complete Artwork is Artwork is
forth little effort but it lacks some completed in an completed with
required to finish finishing touches or above average excellence and
the project with can be improved manner; yet more exceeded teacher
detail and care; with little effort. could have been expectations.
class time was not Class time was done. Student Student exhibits
used well. used adequately. needs to go one step exemplary
further to achieve commitment to the
Student does just excellence. project.
enough to meet the
requirements. Student is
respectful of the
studio, supplies
and equipment
Student shows
respect to fellow
students and
( n.d.)
3. The views and ideas of other people, as well as social context, do not
influence behavior as individuals.
8. All humans find it difficult to have meaningful relationships with
10. Ethics of care believes that persons help one another because of their
selfish interests.
1. Always submit your output via Class Notebook unless other
platform or location is announced (Assignment, MS Forms, etc)
2. Your MS Teams Notebook must have a tabs entitled:OUTPUTS-Q3
and OUTPUTS-Q4; inside every tab, your pages should entitled:
3. Upload your document as Insert- File- Print OUT
4. Those who will not comply will not be checked.
5. Quiz on Friday at 1:00 – 2:00 pm ONLY. Link will be sent 30
minutes before the given schedule. Failure to comply will be given
another set of quiz and schedule.
“True DISCIPLINE gives enthusiastic obedience to instructions even though they do not satisfy the
reason”. MK Ghandi
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