Suspensive Condition
Suspensive Condition
Suspensive Condition
Art 1179 (1) – Every obligation whose Is one which is not subject - Not subject to any The obligation will become I promise to give you It is an obligation that is
performance does not depend upon a to any condition and no condition. demandable at once or P5,000. considered as a simple
future or uncertain event, or upon a specific date is mentioned - Not subject to any immediately demandable. obligation where a party
past event unknown to the parties is for its fulfillment and is, term/period. owed something to the
demandable at once. therefore, immediately other.
Art. 1181 (1) - In conditional Is one whose 1. Futurity - The acquisition of rights, I will give you my car if you When the debtor binds
obligations, the acquisition of rights, as consequences are subject EXC: A past event as well as the pass the Bar himself to pay when his
well as the extinguishment or loss of in one way or another to unknown to the parties. extinguishment or loss of Examinations. means permit him to do so,
those already acquired, the fulfillment of a those already acquired, the obligation shall be
shall depend upon the happening of condition. 2. Uncertainty (may or shall depend upon the deemed to be one with a
the event which constitutes the may not happen) happening of the condition period, subject to the
condition (1181) provisions of Art 1197. (Art
- The effect will depend on 1180)
what kind of condition is
attached to the obligation.
Art 1186 – The condition shall be - It is one that suspends - The condition is Suspensive condition will X insured his car with an Mere intention of the
deemed fulfilled when the obligor the effectivity of the suspensive take effect once the insurer against loss and debtor to prevent the
voluntarily prevents its fulfillment. obligation until the - The obligor fulfillment of the damage. It was stipulated happening of the
condition is fulfilled. It is actually prevents suspensive condition is in the policy that the driver condition, or to place
Art 1187 – The effects of a conditional the fulfillment of the the fulfillment of the extinguished unless the of the insured car must be ineffective obstacle to its
obligation to give, once the condition condition that produces condition; and parties agree. the owner of a valid and compliance without
has been fulfilled, shall retroact to the the efficacy of the - He acts voluntarily subsiding license. Later, actually preventing the
day of the constitution of the obligation. or intentionally. the car was involved in an fulfillment is insufficient.
obligation. Nevertheless, when the accident, and the driver (Tolentino; Civil Code of
obligation imposes reciprocal had an expired license. the Philippines, Vol IV).
prestations upon the parties, the fruits
Suspensive Condition
and interests during the pendency of
the condition shall be deemed to have
been mutually compensated.
Art. 1190 – When the conditions have - It is one which An obligation is Resolutory Condition will I will give you my specific The fulfillment of the
for their purpose the extinguishment of extinguishes the obligation extinguished once the take effect upon the car today but you should resolutory condition
Resolutory Condition an obligation to give, the parties upon upon the happening of the obligation has been fulfillment of the condition pass the October 2011 converts the creditor into
the fulfillment of said conditions, shall condition. The obligation delivered to the creditor. in its obligation to give and CPA Examination, my debtor, and the debtor into
return to each other what they have takes effect at once, but in obligation to do or not to obligation is terminated. creditor.
Art.1182 – When the fulfillment of the - It is one which depends Potestative Condition is Since the Potestative D is to give C P50,000 if D A potestative condition is a
condition depends upon the sole will of upon the will of one of the upon the will of either the conditions do not create goes to Baguio. condition suspensive in
the debtor, the conditional obligation contracting parties. debtor or creditor. obligations at all and nature.
shall be void. If it depends upon impose no duty on the
Potestative Condition
chance or upon the will of a third parties, the obligation is
person, the obligation shall take effect void and has no effect.
in conformity with the provisions of this
Art. 1182 - When the fulfillment of the The condition that If the condition is casual Where X, building When the fulfillment of the
condition depends upon the sole will of depends upon chance or and its fulfillment depends contractor, obliges himself condition does not depend
the debtor, the conditional obligation upon the will of a third upon chance and/or upon in favor of Y owner, to on the will of the obligor,
shall be void. If it depends upon person. the will of a third person, repair at X's expense any but that on a third person
chance or upon the will of a third the obligation is deemed damage that may be who can in no way be
person, the obligation shall take effect as valid. caused to the building by compelled to carry it out,
in conformity with the provisions of this any earthquake occurring and it is found by the court
Casual Condition Code. within 10 years from the that the obligor has done
date of the completion of all in his power to comply
its construction. with his obligation, his part
of the contract is deemed
complied with and he has
a right to demand
performance of the
contract by the other party.
Art. 1182 - When the fulfillment of the The condition that It is a mixed condition It will be valid only once the Where X, building It should depend partly on
condition depends upon the sole will of depends partly upon the when the potestative and fulfillment of the condition contractor, obliges himself the will of the debtor and
the debtor, the conditional obligation will of one of the casual condition is depends partly on the will in favor of Y, owner, to partly on chance, hazard
shall be void. If it depends upon contracting parties and combined together to be of one of the contracting repair at X's expense, any or the will of a third person
chance or upon the will of a third partly by chance, fortune as one. parties and partly by damage to the building which do not invalidate Art.
person, the obligation shall take effect or will of a third person or chance, fortune or will of a taking place after an 1182 of this Code.
in conformity with the provisions of this party. third person/party. earthquake if found by a
Mixed Condition
Code. panel of arbitrators that
construction defects
contributed in any way to
the damage. Both
conditions must take place
in order that X’s obligation
will arise.
Art. 1182 - When the fulfillment of the The condition that is Possible condition must be When an obligation is a I will give you P5,000 if you The condition will depend
condition depends upon the sole will of capable of fulfillment, possible to fulfill or possible condition, it is pass the Quiz. upon the will of either the
the debtor, the conditional obligation legally and physically. extinguished. automatically considered debtor or the creditor
shall be void. If it depends upon as valid. depending on what they
Possible Condition
chance or upon the will of a third have agreed on.
person, the obligation shall take effect
in conformity with the provisions of this
Impossible Condition Art. 1183 – Impossible conditions, - The condition that 1. Applies in suspensive - Impossible conditions I will give you P10,000 if There are two kinds of
Art. 1184 – The condition that some It is the happening of an The Positive Condition is When a positive condition I will give you a specific car Positive condition is
event happen at a determinate time event at a determinate extinguished once the has been extinguished, if you will marry X, this year extinguished:
shall extinguish the obligation as soon time obligation has been the term of the obligation 2023. - As soon as the time
as the time expires or if it has become fulfilled. will be expired and the said expires without the
indubitable that the event will not take condition cannot be event taking place;
place. materialized. or
Positive Condition - As soon as it has
indubitable that the
event will not take
place although the
time specified has
not yet expired.
Art.1185 – The condition that some It is a condition that The Negative Condition Similar to the Positive I will give you a specific car It may be considered as
event will not happen at a determinate consists in refraining from shall be effective once the Condition, the effect of the if you will not marry X this negative condition either
time shall render the obligation doing an omission of an obligation has been negative condition is it will year 2023. when a time has been
effective from the moment the time act (not to do). fulfilled. likewise expire the term fixed or if no time has been
indicated has elapsed, or if it has . and the said condition fixed.
become evident that the event cannot cannot be materialized as
occur. well.
Negative Condition
If no time has been fixed, the condition
shall be deemed fulfilled at such time
as may have probably been
contemplated, bearing in mind the
nature of the obligation.
Art 1191 – The power to rescind Unilateral is when only one Unilateral applies to the In a contract of loan, A is Both of the party is obliged
obligations is implied in reciprocal party is obliged to comply collection of sums of obliged to give the sum of to give something to the
ones, in case one of the obligors with a prestation. money where the creditor money to B for his loan. other.
should not comply with what is gave to the debtor what he After A has given the
JDOBLIC Worksheet No. 2: Table Comparison of Kinds of Obligations 3
Art 1191 – The power to rescind It is one whose 1. Futurity The effect for term or D borrowed from C P10,0 When the obligation or
WITH A TERM OR PERIOD obligations is implied in reciprocal consequences are 2. Certainty period will depend on what 00.00 payable on Decemb condition has a term or
ones, in case one of the obligors subjected in one way or 3. Possible kind of term/period is er 31 with the stipulation period, it is deemed valid
Art. 1191 (2) - The injured party may It is where the obligation Day Certain - the day A suspensive term shall Joey promises to support Suspensive term is a law
choose between the fulfillment and the begins only from a day which will necessarily take effect only when the Rachel from the death of that has an obligation with
recission of the obligation, with the certain upon the arrival of come, although it may not obligation is fulfilled. Rachel’s father, which a certain period.
Suspensive Term (Ex Die) payment of damages in either case. the period. be known when; whether means the obligation only
He may also seek recission, even after we like it or not. begins from the death of
he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter Rachel’s father.
should become impossible.
Art. 1191 (2) - The injured party may It is a period after which Day Certain - the day Obligations with a Joey promises to support When a contract is subject
choose between the fulfillment and the the obligation is which will necessarily resolutory period take Rachel until Rachel to a resolutory condition,
recission of the obligation, with the extinguished. come, although it may not effect once the obligation reaches her majority age, the non-compliance with
Resolutory Term (In Diem) payment of damages in either case. be known when; whether comes to an end. which means the the condition resolves the
He may also seek recission, even after we like it or not. obligation is already contract by force of law
he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter effective but will terminate without need of a judicial
should become impossible. once Rachel turns 18. declaration.
Art. 1191 (2) - The injured party may It is one where there are Two or more objects or The conjunctive condition In order to satisfy B’s debt The right of choice belongs
choose between the fulfillment and the several prestation and all prestations are needed to will take effect when its to the C, the former to the debtor unless it has
recission of the obligation, with the of them are due and be fulfilled. fulfillment gives rise to the undertook to deliver his been expressly granted to
payment of damages in either case. demandable. obligation. Otherwise, no own phone to the latter. the creditor.
He may also seek recission, even after obligation will arise. Likewise, he undertook to
he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter render free legal services
should become impossible. with the value up to
Art. 1191 (3) - The court shall decree It is one where one of two Similar to conjunctive, two Similar to the conjunctive Janelle borrowed P50,000 The right of choice belongs
the recission claimed, unless there be or more of the prestations or more objects or condition, the distributive cash from Shiela. It was to the debtor unless it has
just cause authorizing the fixing of a is due and demandable. prestations are needed to condition shall take effect agreed that Janella has the been expressly granted to
DISTRIBUTIVE period. be fulfilled. also when an obligation is alternative to pay Shiela the creditor
fulfilled. either in P50,000 cash or
an Iphone 14, or a 40” LED
Art. 1206 – When only one prestation It is one where only one - one thing is due, Facultative condition shall I will give you my guitar but In facilitative obligation,
has been agreed upon, but the obligor prestation has been but another is paid take effect when the I may give my television even though one
may render another in substitution, the agreed upon but the in its place. obligation is extinguished set as a substitute. prestation is agreed upon,
obligation is obligor may render - There is no where the debtor is liable the obligor may render
called facultative. another in substitution. alternative for damages. another as its substitution
The loss or deterioration of the thing However, if only one is provided. in order to extinguish the
Facultative intended as a substitute, through the chosen, the other is - The debtor is given obligation.
negligence of the obligor, does not discarded. the right to
render him liable. But substitute the thing
once the substitution has been made, due with another
the obligor is liable for the loss of the that is not due.
substitute on account of his delay,
negligence or fraud.
Art 1207 – The concurrence of two or It is one where the whole - The whole The effect of a joint A, B, and C are liable to D There are two kinds of
more creditors or of two or more obligation is to be paid or obligation is to be obligation is the non- in the amount of P9,000.00 obligation according to the
debtors in one and the same obligation fulfilled proportionately by paid or fulfilled performance of one of the and it was stated that the number of parties:
does not imply that each one of the the different debtors proportionately by debtors in their debt and corresponding share of a. Individual obligation
formers has a right to demand, or that and/or is to be demanded the different the creditor can file an each of them is P3,000.00. where there is only one
each one of the latter is bound to proportionately by the debtors. action for the non- obligor and obligee.
render, entire compliance with the different creditors. - The obligations are performance of the b. Collective obligation
prestations. There is a solidary liability demanded debtors. where there are two or
only when the obligation expressly so proportionately by more debtors and/or two or
states, or when the law or the nature of the different more creditors that will fall
Art 1207 – The concurrence of two or It is one where each one of - Unity of object The creditor can claim the A and B are solidary There is solidary liability
more creditors or of two or more the debtors is liable for the - plurality of ties thing due from any one of debtors of C in the amount only when:
debtors in one and the same obligation entire obligation and/or them until full performance of P10,000.00. a. the obligation expressly
does not imply that each one of the each one of the creditors has been received. so states; or
formers has a right to demand, or that has a right to demand b. the law requires
each one of the latter is bound to entire compliance or solidarity; or
render, entire compliance with the satisfaction of the whole c. the nature of the
prestations. There is a solidary liability obligation from any or all of obligation requires
only when the obligation expressly so the debtors. solidarity.
states, or when the law or the nature of
the obligation requires solidarity. Solidary liability also exists
SOLIDARY when it is imposed in a
Art 1208 – If from the law, or the final judgment against
nature or the wording of the obligations several defendants.
to which Art 1207 refers the contrary
does not appear, the credit or debt
shall be presumed to be divided into as
many equal shares as there are
creditors or debtors, the credits or
debts being considered distinct from
one another, subject to the Rules of
Court governing the multiplicity of
Art 1223 – The divisibility or It is one the object of - Each obligor is bound to The creditor will be The obligation of X to paint The kinds of divisions are:
indivisibility of the things that are the which, in its delivery or perform their obligations; capable of partial the house of Y should be a. Qualitative division or
object of obligations in which there is performance is capable of - Each obligee is entitled fulfillment once the thing finished in 10 days. one based on quality
only one debtor and only one creditor partial fulfillment. to receive, only his portion. due has been delivered or where it is not based on
does not alter or modify the provisions the performance was number or quantity of
of Chapter 2 of this Title. extinguished. things that are the object of
the obligation.
DIVISIBLE Art 1224 – A joint indivisible obligation b. Quantitative division
gives rise to indemnity for damages or one based on quantity
from the time anyone of the debtors rather than on quality.
does not comply with his undertaking. c. Ideal or intellectual
The debtors who may have been division or one which
ready to fulfill their promises shall not exists only in the minds of
contribute to the indemnity beyond the the parties.
corresponding portion of the price of
Art 1223 – The divisibility or It is one the object of - Each obligor has an To give 10 pcs of Pilot There are kinds of
indivisibility of the things that are the which, in its delivery or obligation to give black ballpen with 0.7 indivisibility:
object of obligations in which there is performance is not definite/specific things; ballpoint that should be a. Legal indivisibility
only one debtor and only one creditor capable of partial - Obligations which are not used in the upcoming where a specific provision
does not alter or modify the provisions fulfilment. susceptible of partial midterm examinations. of law declares it and the
of Chapter 2 of this Title. performance; obligations which, by their
- Obligations provided by nature are divisible.
Art 1224 – A joint indivisible obligation law to be indivisible, even b. Conventional
gives rise to indemnity for damages if thing or service is indivisibility where the
from the time anyone of the debtors physically divisible; will of the parties makes as
does not comply with his undertaking. - Obligations intended by indivisible and obligations
The debtors who may have been the parties to be indivisible which, by their nature, are
ready to fulfill their promises shall not even if thing or service is divisible.
contribute to the indemnity beyond the physically divisible. c. Natural indivisibility
corresponding portion of the price of where the nature of the
the thing or of the value of the service object or prestation does
in which the obligation consists. not admit of division.
Art 1226 – In obligations with a penal It is one which contains an - To fulfill the performance In case of non-compliance S made a promise that he Penal clause constitutes
clause, the penalty shall substitute the accessory undertaking to of the obligation; or if no stipulation has will convey D the house an obligation and may
indemnity for damages and the pay a previously stipulated - in case of non- been made to the contrary, and if he fails, he should become demandable in
payment of interests in case of indemnity in case of compliance, its purpose is the penalty shall substitute pay him P500,000.00 default of an unperformed
noncompliance, if there is no breach of the principal to extinguish an obligation the indemnity for damages obligation and sometimes
stipulation to the contrary. prestation intended by substituting a penalty including the payment of jointly in it.
Nevertheless, damages shall be paid if primarily to induce its for the indemnity for interest.
the obligor refuses to pay the penalty fulfillment. damages and payment of
or is guilty of fraud in the fulfillment of interest.
the obligation.