process that involves a trained counselor to help process that assists the client to move towards
an individual to find ways on understanding useful involvement and contribution to society.
their problem.
ASSESSMENT- entails the collection of
CLIENTELE- a class or group of people who information in order to identify, analyze,
are receiving services from a professional evaluate, and address the problems.
THRAPY- a process of meeting with a therapist
CLIENT- a person receiving services from a to resolve problematic behaviors.
therapist or mental health doctors.
INTERVENTION- are actions performed to
COUNSELOR- a professional that helps people bring about change in people.
with mental, physical and emotional health
EVALUATION- a critical component of a
issues and help resolve their problems.
developmental guidance and counseling program
VOLUNTARY CLIENTS- those who opted to that ensures accountability.
voluntary seek assistance of the workers due to
NEEDS- a psychological deficiency that a
problems or difficulty which they think they
person feels the compulsion to satisfy.
cannot do it on their own.
INDIVIDUAL- which exists as a distinct entity,
INVOLUNTARY CLIENTS- an individual who
or a person separate from other people and
may not even consider asking for help because
possessing their own needs
they think that they are doing fine or they are
unaware of the agencies that can provide them GROUP- a number of people that are located,
help. gathered and classed together
REALITY- the realistic and objective perception COMMUNITY- a social unit with commonality
of existing condition or situation. such as norms, religion, values or identity.
tendency to be in negative or anxious emotional individuals who needs to be helped to manage
state. well a life changing situation or personal
problem and other support needs.
PSYCHOTIC- a disorder for more severe mental
disorder that causes abnormal thinking COMMUNITY COUNSELING- when people
experience something collectively, which may
be socially troubling and constitute the danger of
term patterns of thought and behaviours that are
blocking their capability to move on.
unhealthy and inflexible.
GROUP COUNSELING- a type of counseling
COUNSELING PROCESS- it refers to the
extended to organizations, groups, in
events, characteristics or condition that occurs
communities, students and teachers in school,
during or as a result of the interaction between
the desire to reduce conflict and become more
counselor and client.
productive as a team.
PROCESS- refer to what the counselor does
with the client as well as how change occur
offered to employees of a company, often
within a client.
through an employee assistance program that
provides employees a safe place to discuss
issues they are struggling with.
The clientele and audience of counseling ANTHROPOLOGIST
are normal people. ECONOMIST
They are not in need of clinical or PSYCHOLOGIST
mental help.
Seeking to achieve a goal.
They may be a youth in need of SOCIAL WORKER
guidance at critical moments of their JOURNALIST
A client is anyone in need of realizing a
change in behavior or attitude. COUNSELOR’S RIGHT&OBLIGATION