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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2022

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level

In Pure Mathematics P3 (WMA13) Paper 01

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Summer 2022
Question Paper Log Number P66647A
Publications Code WMA13_01_2206_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2022

General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same

treatment. Examiners must mark the first candidate in
exactly the same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates
must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do
rather than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme
not according to their perception of where the grade
boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark
scheme should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be
awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if
deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark
scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award
zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of
credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will
provide the principles by which marks will be awarded
and exemplification may be limited.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the
candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.


General Instructions for Marking

1. The total number of marks for the paper is 75.

2. The Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:

‘M’ marks
These are marks given for a correct method or an attempt at a correct method. In Mechanics
they are usually awarded for the application of some mechanical principle to produce an
e.g. resolving in a particular direction, taking moments about a point, applying a suvat
equation, applying the conservation of momentum principle etc.
The following criteria are usually applied to the equation.

To earn the M mark, the equation

(i) should have the correct number of terms
(ii) be dimensionally correct i.e. all the terms need to be dimensionally correct
e.g. in a moments equation, every term must be a ‘force x distance’ term or ‘mass x distance’, if
we allow them to cancel ‘g’ s.
For a resolution, all terms that need to be resolved (multiplied by sin or cos) must be resolved
to earn the M mark.

M marks are sometimes dependent (DM) on previous M marks having been earned.
e.g. when two simultaneous equations have been set up by, for example, resolving in two
directions and there is then an M mark for solving the equations to find a particular quantity –
this M mark is often dependent on the two previous M marks having been earned.

‘A’ marks
These are dependent accuracy (or sometimes answer) marks and can only be awarded if the
previous M mark has been earned. E.g. M0 A1 is impossible.

‘B’ marks
These are independent accuracy marks where there is no method (e.g. often given for a
comment or for a graph)

A few of the A and B marks may be f.t. – follow through – marks.


3. General Abbreviations

These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the mark schemes.

• bod – benefit of doubt

• ft – follow through
• the symbol will be used for correct ft
• cao – correct answer only
• cso - correct solution only. There must be no errors in this part of the question to obtain
this mark
• isw – ignore subsequent working
• awrt – answers which round to
• SC: special case
• oe – or equivalent (and appropriate)
• dep – dependent
• indep – independent
• dp decimal places
• sf significant figures
•  The answer is printed on the paper
• The second mark is dependent on gaining the first mark

4. All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as A1 ft to
indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a misread
however, the subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft, but manifestly absurd
answers should never be awarded A marks.

5. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially simplify it,
deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question affected.

6. If a candidate makes more than one attempt at any question:

• If all but one attempt is crossed out, mark the attempt which is NOT crossed out.
• If either all attempts are crossed out or none are crossed out, mark all the
attempts and score the highest single attempt.

7. Ignore wrong working or incorrect statements following a correct answer.


General Principles for Pure Mathematics Marking

(But note that specific mark schemes may sometimes override these general principles)

Method mark for solving 3 term quadratic:

1. Factorisation
( x 2 + bx + c) = ( x + p)( x + q), where pq = c , leading to x = …
(ax 2 + bx + c) = (mx + p)(nx + q), where pq = c and mn = a , leading to x = …

2. Formula
Attempt to use correct formula (with values for a, b and c).

3. Completing the square

Solving x + bx + c = 0 : ( x  b2 )2  q  c, q  0, leading to x = …

Method marks for differentiation and integration:

1. Differentiation
n n −1
Power of at least one term decreased by 1. ( x → x )

2. Integration
n n +1
Power of at least one term increased by 1. ( x → x )

Use of a formula
Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the advice given in recent
examiners’ reports is that the formula should be quoted first.

Normal marking procedure is as follows:

Method mark for quoting a correct formula and attempting to use it, even if there are small
mistakes in the substitution of values.
Where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained by implication from
correct working with values, but may be lost if there is any mistake in the working.

Exact answers
Examiners’ reports have emphasised that where, for example, an exact answer is asked for,
or working with surds is clearly required, marks will normally be lost if the candidate resorts
to using rounded decimals.

Answers without working

The rubric says that these may not gain full credit. Individual mark schemes will give details
of what happens in particular cases. General policy is that if it could be done “in your head”,
detailed working would not be required. Most candidates do show working, but there are
occasional awkward cases and if the mark scheme does not cover this, please contact your
team leader for advice.

Scheme Marks
 dy  M1A1
 =  6  3(3 x − 2)5 (= 18(3 x − 2)5 )
 dx 

"18"(3  13 − 2)"5" = −18 M1

−18 →
18 M1

1  1
y −1 = " " x −  dM1
18  3

3x − 54 y + 53 = 0

(6 marks)


M1 Applies the chain rule to achieve a form of A(3x − 2)5 which may be unsimplified.
The index does not need to be processed for this mark.

Alternatively, multiplies out the brackets to achieve an expression of the form

Ax6 + Bx5 + Cx 4 + Dx3 + Ex 2 + Fx + G (where all coefficients do not need to be simplified) and
reduces the power by 1 on at least one of the terms. You will need to check this carefully to make sure it is
the relevant term where the power has decreased
eg Bx5 → ...  Bx 4
Condone slips in their expansion.

(The actual expansion is 64 − 576 x + 2160 x 2 − 4320 x3 + 4860 x 4 − 2916 x5 + 729 x6 )

 dy 
A1  =  18(3x − 2)5 or unsimplified equivalent eg 6  3(3 x − 2)5 but the index must be processed. If
 dx 
they have multiplied out then accept −576 + 4320 x − 12960 x 2 + 19440 x3 − 14580 x 4 + 4374 x5 .
Accept x1 for x


1 dy
M1 Substitutes x = into their which must be of the form A(3x − 2)5 (or accept a polynomial
3 dx
of degree 5) and finds a value for

M1 Finds the negative reciprocal of their gradient. May be implied by the equation of their line. It
cannot be scored for setting = 0 , solving to find x and then taking the negative reciprocal of this.

1  1
dM1 Attempts to find the equation of the normal. Look for y − 1 = " "  x −  (must be a changed
18  3
gradient from their tangent gradient). It is dependent on the first method mark. If they use
 53 
y = mx + c they must proceed as far as c = ...  = " " 
 54 

A1 3x − 54 y + 53 = 0 or any integer multiple of this with all terms on one side of the equation eg
−6 x + 108 y − 106 = 0 You must see the = 0
isw after a correct answer is seen. Eg if they proceed to state values for a, b and c which contradict
their equation then take their equation as their final answer.

Scheme Marks
5 − "3" 2 M1, A1
fg(5) = f (3) = ,=
3  "3"+ 2 11

5 − 2x
f −1 ( x) = M1A1
3x + 1

1 B1
x , x  −

5 − 1a B1ft
= 2(a + 3) − 7
3  1a + 2

5 − 1a M1A1
= 2(a + 3) − 7  4a 2 − a − 2 = 0
3  1a + 2
1  33
( a =)

(9 marks)


M1 Correct order of operations applying g before f on 5

5 − (2 x − 7)
Allow an attempt to substitute x = 5 into fg( x) = condoning slips. They must
3(2 x − 7) + 2
proceed to find a value.
This may be completed in two steps so allow for an attempt at g(5) = A → f ( A) = ...

Condoning arithmetical slips and bracket errors/omissions.

A1 or exact equivalent. Accept 0.18 but not eg 0.18 or 0.18….

5− x ...  2 y 5− y ...  2 x
M1 Changes the subject of y = →x= or x = →y=
3x + 2 3 y  ... 3y + 2 3 x  ...

5 − 2x 2x − 5 5 − 2x
A1 f −1 ( x) = or f −1 ( x) = or exact equivalent expressions such as f −1 ( x) =
3x + 1 −3x − 1  1
3 x + 
 3
5 − 2x
Accept f −1 : x → Condone f −1 = ... (or f −1 = y = ... ) but do not allow just y = ... or
3x + 1
f −1 : y = ...

B1 x− . The omission of x  is condoned.
5 − 2t 1
Note: It is also acceptable to define f −1 in any variable eg as f −1 (t ) = t  − as long as the
3t + 1 3
variable is used consistently to score M1A1B1. If another variable is used other than x it must be
fully defined eg f (t ) = ... not just f = ...

5 − 1a 1 1 "5"− "2"(2a − 1)
B1ft Sets = 2( a + 3) − 7 or their = f −1 (2a − 1)  =
3  1a + 2 a a "3"(2a − 1) + "1"
(may be in terms of x). Follow through on their f ( x ) .
May be implied by later work if they have invisible brackets.

M1 They must start with an equation of one of these forms (which may be in x):
a 5 − 1a
• = Da + E or equivalent so typically look for = 2(a + 3) − 7
1 3  1a + 2
B C
Aa  1
(may be manipulated to = Da + E )
B  Ca

1 Aa  B
• = or equivalent
a Ca  D
Rearranges their equation of an allowable form to a 3TQ. They must be attempting to
solve f   = g(a + 3) so it cannot be awarded for an attempt to solve f ( a ) = g(a) or
1 1
f   = g 
a a

Do not be concerned with the mechanics of their arrangement and condone invisible
A1 4a 2 − a − 2 = 0 or equivalent equation involving 3 terms. Eg 4a 2 − a = 2 (may be in terms
of x). May be implied by awrt  0.843 and the = 0 may be implied by their attempt to solve
their quadratic equation.

1  33 1  33
A1 (a =) or exact equivalent. Do not accept rounded decimals. Condone x =
8 8

Scheme Marks
 9 x dx = 3 ln 3x 2 + k + C
 2
 3x + k 2
( ) M1A1

3 3
ln(75 + k ) − ln(12 + k ) = ln 8 M1
2 2

3  75 + k  dM1
ln   = ln 8 oe
2  12 + k 

75 + k ddM1
= 4  k = ...
12 + k
( k =) 9
(6 marks)


M1 Integrates to A ln(3x 2 + k ) with or without the + C. Allow A = 1 for this mark. Condone invisible

3 3
2 2
( )
ln ( 3x 2 + k ) + C or ln B 3x 2 + k oe Must include the constant of integration that is

different from k. Must have brackets around 3x 2 + k


 (
Also allow eg ln  B 3x + k 
) 2

(b) *Be aware they can solve equations on the calculator which is not acceptable*

M1 Attempts to substitute in 5 and 2 into their changed expression which must include x and k,
subtracting either way round and sets equal to ln 8 . The values embedded in an equation is
sufficient to score this mark. Condone slips if they attempted to evaluate when substituting in.
Ignore the + C .

dM1 Attempts to apply the subtraction (or addition) law of logarithms once to an equation of the
form  A ln ( B + k )  A ln ( C + k ) = ln D or equivalent (allow A = 1) .
 B+k 
Typically look for A ln ( B + k ) − A ln ( C + k ) = ln D  A ln   = ln D or equivalent
C+k 
Do not be concerned with arithmetical errors and condone slips dealing with their A

Condone invisible brackets.

1 A
 B+k   B+k 
ddM1 Solves their equation of the form ln   = ln D A or
ln   = ln D
C+k  C+k 
where A  1 , and the A is correctly dealt with by
• removing lns correctly
• rearranging to form a linear equation in k
• proceeding to find a value for k.
 "75"+ k  " "
eg "ln   = ln 8  "75"+ k = "48"+ "4k "  k = ...

 "12"+ k 
It is dependent on both of the previous method marks.
Condone arithmetical slips in their rearrangement and condone invisible brackets as long as the
intention is clear. Also condone this mark to be scored if k is negative.

A1 9 cao (with intermediate working seen)

3 3
They cannot proceed from ln(75 + k ) − ln(12 + k ) = ln 8 to ( k = ) 9 without some
2 2
intermediate working seen (eg an equation with the lns removed)

( 2
Note an answer of ln 3x + k (+C ) in (a) will score a maximum of M1dM1ddM0A0 in (b)

Scheme Marks
3.85 − 3.08 77
Gradient = (=0.154 or ) M1
5−0 500
log10 N = 3.08 + 0.154t oe

a = 103.08 = awrt 1200 B1

log10 b = "0.154" or b = 10"0.154" M1

b = awrt1.43
 500 000  M1
log10 500000 = 3.08 + 0.154T  T = ... or T = log"1.43"   = ...
 "1200" 
(T = ) awrt 17
(7 marks)

Mark (a) and (b) together


M1 A correct attempt to find the gradient between the given coordinates. This may be implied by 100.154
77 3.85 − 3.08 3.08 − 3.85
or awrt 1.43 or . The values embedded in the expression or is
500 5−0 −5
sufficient. Check Figure 1 and may be seen in (b)

A1 log10 N = 3.08 + 0.154t Must be in terms of log10 N and t (may be seen in (b))
Condone log N or lg N for log10 N but do not accept ln N
77 77
Accept equivalent equations such as log10 N = + t or 500log10 N = 1540 + 77t or
25 500
500 1540
t= log10 N −
77 77
Do not accept N = 1200 1.43t


B1 awrt 1200

M1 A correct equation to find b using their gradient in (a). Can be awarded for log10 b = "0.154"
or b = 10"0.154" (may be implied by awrt 1.43). Allow log or lg but not ln.

A1 awrt 1.43


M1 Substitutes in N = 500 000 into their N = abt using their values for a and b and uses a valid
method to find a value or expression for T (can be left as a logarithm)
This can be either by:
• using correct inverse laws
• using a calculator and proceeding directly to a value for t
500 000 log10" 1250
3 "
Typically, "1200" "1.43"T = 500 000  "1.43"T = T = = ...
"1200" log10"1.43"
500 000  500 000 
 "1.43"T =  T = log"1.43"   = ...
"1200"  "1200" 
Alternatively uses their log10 N = "3.08"+ "0.154" t and rearranges to find a value for T
allowing sign slips only:
log10 500000 − "3.08"
log10 500000 = "3.08"+ "0.154"T  T = = ...
May be implied by a correct answer.

A1 (T = ) awrt 17 isw after a correct answer is seen (cannot be left as a logarithm)

This mark can only be scored provided EITHER their equation in (a) is correct OR their values
for a and b are correct in (b).

Scheme Marks
(i) 7 B1

(ii) 9


... ...
kx − 9 − 2 = 0 and −kx + 9 − 2 = 0  , M1
k k

7 11
CVs , A1
k k

7 11 A1
k k

9 M1
"− 2" = −2  " "+ 3  k = ...
( k = ) 3.6
k  3.6

(8 marks)
−2  kx − 9  2

... ...
x M1
k k

7 11 A1A1
k k

(a) Check Figure 2 and by the questions

B1 7 Condone (0, 7) but not (7, 0)

9 9   9
B1 oe Condone  , − 2  but not  −2, 
k k   k

M1 A correct attempt to find the two critical values. Eg
• Forms two correct equations (or linear inequalities) with the modulus signs removed and solves to
find the values of x where the graph crosses the x-axis (see main scheme) or the values of x such
that kx − 9 − 2  0
• Solves the given inequality to isolate x in the middle (Alt(b)) by:
kx − 9 − 2  0  kx − 9  2  −2  kx − 9  2  ...  x  ...
• Solves the given inequality by squaring both sides and solving:
2 2 2 218 77  9 4
(kx − 9)  4  k x − 18kx + 77  0  x − x + 2  0   x −   2  ...  x  ...
k k  k k
Do not be too concerned by their use of =, , ,  ,  throughout their working.
7 11
A1 Correct critical values , cao which may be seen in their final answer.
k k
7 11 7 11  7 11 
A1 x or simplified equivalent eg “ x   x  ” or “  x  :  x   ” or
k k k k  k k
 7 11 
x   ,  Must be in terms of x
k k 
There must be some attempt to bring the two inequalities together if separate. The mark cannot be
7 11 7 11  7 11 
scored for x  x DO NOT ACCEPT eg “ x  or x  ” x   , 
k k k k k k 
M1 Uses a correct method to find a value for k. For example:
 9 
• Substitutes in  " ", "− 2"  into y = 3 − 2 x and attempts to find a value for k. They may solve
 k 
"− 2" = 3 − 2 x  x = "2.5"  " "  "2.5"  k  ...
• Finds when y = 3 − 2 x intersects with AB ( y = −kx + 7 ) and then when y = 3 − 2 x intersects with B
4 9
and forms the inequality  " " or similar.
k −2 k
 4 
• Finds the value of x when y = 3 − 2 x intersects with AB, y = −kx + 7 ,  =  and then when
 k −2
 14 
y = 3 − 2 x intersects y = kx − 11  =  and sets equal to each other to find the value for k (or
 k +2
solves simultaneously to find  x = "2.5"  " "  "2.5"  k  .. )
"− 2"− 3
• Finds the gradient between (0,3) and B and deduces that −2  oe leading k = …
" "− 0
• Sets f ( x) = 3 − 2 x and attempts the discriminant leading to a value for k:
3 − 2 x = kx − 9 − 2  (5 − 2 x) 2 = (kx − 9) 2  (4 − k 2 ) x2 + (18k − 20) x − 56 = 0

b2 − 4ac = 0  (18k − 20)2 − 4(4 − k 2 )  (−56) = 0  100k 2 − 720k + 1296 = 0  k = ...

(allow two values for k from a quadratic)
In each method do not be too concerned by their use of =, , ,  ,  throughout their working.
Condone arithmetical slips.
A1 ( k = ) 3.6 oe

Question Marks
6(a) 1 −
1 1 M1A1
( f ( x) = ) 5( x2 − 2)   4  (4 x + 9) 2 + 10 x(4 x + 9) 2

10( x 2 − 2) + 10 x(4 x + 9) 50 x 2 + 90 x − 20 dM1

( f ( x) = ) 1
= 1
(4 x + 9) 2
(4 x + 9) 2

10(5 x 2 + 9 x − 2) A1
( f ( x) = ) 1
(4 x + 9) 2

(b) 1 B1
Sets f ( x) = 0 to give x = −2,


( )
(c) 1
y = 5 ("− 2") − 2 ( 4  ("− 2") + 9 ) 2 = 10

(−2, 10)


(d) f (0) = −30 B1

Upper bound = 2  "10"+ 4 = ... or Lower bound = 2  "− 30"+ 4 = ... M1

−56 g( x) 24 A1


(10 marks)

18 18
A1 k  3.6 or eg k  but not k If k  −2 is found then it must be rejected
5 5
1 1

M1 Attempts the product rule. Award for  A(5 x 2 − 10)(4 x + 9) 2
 Bx(4 x + 9) 2 or equivalent where A, B
 0 The indices do not need to be processed for this mark.
If they quote the product rule eg uv '+ u ' v and state the expressions for u, u ' , v and v ' then
allow a miscopy when substituted. They must have

1 1

eg u = 5 x − 10 → u ' = Ax and v = (4 x + 9) → v ' = B(4 x + 9) 2 2

1 1
May also attempt the product rule on 5 x (4 x + 9) − 10(4 x + 9) so award for 2 2

1 1 1
− −
 Ax(4 x + 9) 2  Bx 2 (4 x + 9) 2
 C (4 x + 9) 2 A, B, C  0
1 1

A1 Correct unsimplified expression for f ( x) eg 2(5 x 2 − 10)(4 x + 9) 2
+ 10 x(4 x + 9) oe 2

dM1 Proceeds to a single fraction, multiplies out the brackets on the numerator and proceeds to the
3TQ −
form 1 or 3TQ (4 x + 9)
2 . They cannot proceed straight to the given 3TQ or a multiple of it
(4 x + 9) 2

without some working seen to score this mark.

Alternatively, you may only see manipulation of the numerator and then 1 which is
(4 x + 9) 2

2 2 2 2 10(5 x 2 + 9 x − 2)
acceptable: 10( x − 2) + 10 x(4 x + 9) = 10( x − 2 + 4 x + 9 x) = 10(5 x + 9 x − 2)  1
(4 x + 9) 2

Condone arithmetical slips in their working but their method to proceeding to a single fraction
must be correct.
It is dependent on the previous method mark.

10(5 x 2 + 9 x − 2)
A1 ( f ( x) = ) 1
with no errors seen in the main body of their solution.
(4 x + 9) 2

10(5 x 2 + 9 x − 2)
4x + 9

Condone invisible brackets as long as they are recovered, or their subsequent working makes their
intention clear. They do not need to explicitly state k = 10 but if there is a contradiction between their
expression and their stated value then the expression takes precedence. Do not be concerned with what
they have before the =
(b) Mark (b) and (c) together

1 1 
B1 Sets f ( x) = 0 to give −2, Withhold if one is rejected. Condone (−2, 0)  , 0  . May be
5 5 
seen in (c)
M1 Substitutes their smaller root from solving 5x + 9 x − 2 = 0 into y = 5( x − 2)(4 x + 9) and
2 2

proceeds to find a value for y. Condone bracket omissions, miscopying or arithmetical slips as
long as it is clear that they are attempting to substitute their smaller root into f(x)
A1cao (−2, 10) only (Allow x = −2, y = 10 )


B1 ( f (0) =) − 30 seen (which may be implied by sight of −56 )

M1 A correct attempt at the lower or upper bound.

• Either attempts 2  "10" + 4 and identifies this as the upper bound. Follow through on their part (c)
y coordinate.  "24" or "24" is acceptable
• Or attempts 2  "− 30" + 4 and identifies this as their lower bound.  "− 56" or "− 56" is
acceptable for this mark. It cannot be scored for using 2  f   + 4 as their lower bound.
Note that g  −56 or g − 56 will score B1M1.
Allow use of max or min for upper and lower bound for this mark.
A1 −56 g( x) 24 oe eg “  g ( x)  : −56 g( x)  g( x) 24 ” or “ −56 g( x) AND g( x) 24 ”
or g   −56, 24 or other variations similar to these. Condone g for g(x) and −56 y 24 or
−56 2f ( x) + 4 24 but not −56 f 24

DO NOT ACCEPT “ −56 g( x)  g( x) 24 ” or "− 56 g( x) OR g( x) 24"


Number Scheme Marks

13 M1
or 2sin  ( 3(cosec2 2 − 1) − 7 ) = 13sec  oe
3cot 2 2 − 7 =
2sin  cos 
13 dM1
3(cosec2 2 − 1) − 7 =
2sin  cos 

 3cosec2 2 −10 = 13cosec 2  3cosec2 2 −13cosec 2 − 10 = 0 * ddM1A1*

(b) 3cosec 2 − 13cosec 2 −10 = 0

(3cosec 2 + 2)(cosec 2 − 5) = 0  ( cosec 2 ) = 5  (sin 2 ) = M1A1
 1 
sin −1  " "  dM1
=  5  = ...
( = ) awrt 0.101, 1.47
(8 marks)
Alt(a)  3(1 − sin 2 2 ) 
2sin   − 7  = 13sec  M1
 sin 2

3(1 − sin 2 )
−7 = dM1
sin 2
2sin  cos 
3 13 ddM1
− 10 =
sin 2
sin 2
3cosec 2 − 13cosec 2 −10 = 0 *

M1 Attempts EITHER
1 1
• to divide both sides by ( 2 ) sin  and use sec  = (or cosec = ) to achieve a term of
cos  sin 
A ...
the form oe (implied by or … cosec sec ).
B sin  cos  ...sin 2
Note sin 2 (3cot 2 2 − 7) = 13 does not score this mark. They have not divided by (2) sin 

• to use 1  cot 2 2 = cosec2 2 to replace the cot 2 2 term in the equation or in the alternative
cos 2 2
method it is for using cot 2 2 = and using 1  sin 2 2 = cos 2 2 to replace the cos 2 2
sin 2 2

Condone arithmetical slips and invisible brackets.


dM1 Attempts BOTH

1 1
• to divide both sides by ( 2 ) sin  and use sec  = (or cosec = ) to achieve a term of the
cos  sin 
A ...
form oe (implied by or … cosec sec ). May be implied
B sin  cos  ...sin 2
• to use 1  cot 2 2 = cosec2 2 to replace the cot 2 2 term in the equation or in the alternative
cos 2 2
method it is for using cot 2 2 = and using 1  sin 2 2 = cos 2 2 to replace the cos 2 2
sin 2

Condone arithmetical slips and invisible brackets. It is dependent on the first mark.

ddM1 A full attempt to achieve a 3TQ in cosec 2 only. It is dependent on both of the previous method
marks. They must
• use the identity sin 2 = 2sin  cos  (or cosec2 = cosec sec ) and proceed to a cosec 2
• multiply out the brackets and collect terms on one side to form a 3TQ in cosec 2 only.

Do not be concerned with the mechanics of their arrangement and they may proceed to the printed
answer at this stage. Condone arithmetical slips and invisible brackets.

A1* Achieves 3cosec2 2 − 13cosec 2 − 10 = 0 with no arithmetical errors in the main body of
their solution. You must see either sin  cos  or sin 2 within their working.
Allow recovery of invisible brackets in their solution.
Withhold the final mark for poor notation such as cosec2 2 being written as cosec2 2 or if the
2 is missing from 2
They may work in a different variable, but the final answer must be in terms of 2

(b) *Be aware that answers with no intermediate working seen is not acceptable*

M1 Attempts to solve the quadratic and finds the reciprocal of one of their roots (usual rules apply for
solving a quadratic). Do not be concerned by their labelling.
1 3 2
Look for eg .... = 5 → or eg .... = − → −
5 2 3
1 3 1
A1 ( sin 2 = ) (Ignore any reference to − ) on its own is sufficient. Condone eg
5 2 5
1 1 1
sin 2 2 = or sin X = or sin  =
5 5 5
dM1 Correct method to find a value for  by finding arcsin(their ) and dividing by 2.
May be implied by awrt 0.10 or awrt 1.5 (or in degrees awrt 5.8 or awrt 84).
It is dependent on seeing either the quadratic solved or their root from the quadratic (either
1 or − 1 ) or the reciprocal of the root being stated first.
It cannot be scored for solving eg sin 2 2 = ...

A1 ( = ) awrt 0.101, awrt1.47 and no other angles within the given interval.
Some intermediate working must be shown. Examples of minimum working shown in (b):

sin 2 =  ( = ) 0.101, 1.47
cosec 2 = 5  ( = ) 0.101, 1.47

Scheme Marks
8(a) dv
= −et −10 + 9e−0.75t = 0  9 = e1.75t −10 or 9e−0.75t = et −10 M1A1

10 + ln 9 10 + ln 9 M1
9 = e1.75t −10  t = or ln 9 − 0.75t = t − 10  t =
1.75 1.75
t = awrt 6.97
awrt 11.9 (ms )-1

12 −12e
− e(t −10) dt = 12t − e(t −10) + 16e−0.75t (+ C)
12t − e(t −10) + 16e−0.75t  = 100  12T = ... M1

T = (116 − 16e−0.75T + eT −10 − e−10 ) *

(116 − 16e−0.7510 + e10−10 − e−10 )
T2 = M1
T2 = awrt 9.7493 A1
9.7293 (seconds) A1

(12 marks)

(a) * Be aware this can be solved directly on a calculator. Calculus must be seen*
M1 Differentiates to  Aet −10  Be−0.75t and sets equal to 0 Must be seen in (a) Do not accept
differentiating to eg ...tet −10 . Condone an expression of 12  Aet −10  Be−0.75t only

A1 9 = e1.75t −10 or equivalent eg 9e−0.75t − et −10 = 0

M1 Proceeds from their equation of the form AeCt  D − Be Et  F = 0 or equivalent leading to a value or an
expression (which may be unsimplified) for t. If log work is seen it must be correct.
40 + 4ln 9 10 + ln 9
Eg or will score this mark
7 1.75
9e−0.75t − et −10 = 0  awrt 6.97 can also score this mark

This cannot be scored from an unsolvable equation.


40 + 4ln 9 10 + ln 9
A1 awrt 6.97 or awrt 6.96 including exact unsimplified expressions such as or .
7 1.75
A1 awrt 11.9 (ms-1) with all previous marks scored. Condone lack of units

Note: awrt 6.97 and awrt 11.9 with no calculus scores 0 marks

M1 Attempts to integrate the expression for v. Award for 12t  Ae(t −10)  Be−0.75t .
Do not accept eg 12t  Ae(t −10) +1  Be−0.75t +1
Allow if their attempt to integrate appears in part (a) as long as it is a clear attempt at integration.
Limits may have been substituted in.

12 −0.75t
A1 12t − e(t −10) + 16e−0.75t (with or without +C) and allow unsimplified eg 12t − e(t −10) − e
Do not withhold this mark if they write 12x but subsequently replace it with T later on.

M1 Substitutes T and 0 into their changed expression with three different terms in t , sets equal to
100 and attempts to make 12T or T the subject.
Eg 12T − e
T −10
+ 16e−0.75T ) − ( −e−10 + 16 ) = 100  12T = ...
Condone arithmetical slips in their rearrangement.

A1* T=
(116 −16e−0.75T + eT −10 − e−10 ) with no errors including bracket errors/omissions.
Must have T = …



M1 Substitutes 10 into the iterative formula. The expression with 10 embedded is sufficient to score this

May be implied by awrt 9.7492 or awrt 9.7493. May also be implied by 9.7306

A1 awrt 9.7493

(ii) *Be aware that this can be found directly on a calculator which is not acceptable*

A1 9.7293 (seconds) (cannot be awarded without the method mark)

SC If they over round in (i) and (ii) and achieve 9.749 and 9.729 then award M1A0A1

Scheme Marks
9(a) dy (1 + sin x)(−2sin x) − (1 + 2 cos x) cos x
= M1A1
(1 + sin x )

(1 + sin x)(−2sin x) − (1 + 2cos x) cos x = 0 dM1

 −2sin x − cos x − 2 = 0

2sin x + cos x = −2 * A1*

Possible solutions from R sin( x +  ) or R cos( x −  ) :
2sin x + cos x = −2  5 sin( x + 0.464) = −2 or 5 cos( x − 1.107) = −2 M1M1A1
or eg solutions from squaring

(2sin x + cos x)2 = 4  cos x(3cos x − 4sin x) = 0

3 dM1
5 sin( x + 0.464) = −2 or 5 cos( x − 1.107) = −2  x = ... or tan x =  x = ...
x = awrt 3.79

(9 marks)

M1 Attempts to differentiate by the product rule or quotient rule and proceeds to:
 A(1 + sin x)(sin x)  (1 + 2cos x) cos x
Quotient rule: (Scored for the numerator only)
Product rule:  cos x(1 + 2cos x)(1 + sin x)−2  A sin x(1 + sin x) −1
1 + 2cos x 1 2cos x
Alternatively, they express = + and proceed to either
1 + sin x 1 + sin x 1 + sin x

cos x A sin x(1 + sin x)  cos x(2 cos x)

Quotient rule:  
(1 + sin x ) (1 + sin x )
2 2

Product rule:  cos x(1 + sin x)−2  A cos 2 x(1 + sin x)−2  B sin x(1 + sin x) −1

Condone arithmetical slips and invisible brackets.

 dy  (1 + sin x)(−2sin x) − (1 + 2cos x) cos x

A1  = or equivalent (which may be unsimplified)
(1 + sin x )
 dx 

If is is via the product rule then it may appear as

 dy  −2 −1
 =  − cos x(1 + 2 cos x)(1 + sin x) − 2sin x(1 + sin x) or equivalent (which may be
 dx 

dM1 Sets the numerator of their quotient equal to zero, multiplies out the brackets and attempts to use the
identity  sin 2 x  cos 2 x = 1 (which may be implied by their working) leading to an equation in
sin x and cos x only. There must be no squared terms.
If it is via the product rule they will need to either combine their terms into a single fraction and then
set the numerator equal to zero (or multiply both sides by (1 + sin x ) ), and then attempt to use the

identity  sin 2 x  cos 2 x = 1 leading to an equation in sin x and cos x only. There must be no
squared terms.
Condone slips and invisible brackets. It is dependent on the first method mark.

A1* Achieves 2sin x + cos x = −2 with no errors or missing brackets around 1 + 2 cos x or 1 + sin x
when needed in the main body of their solution.
(Do not penalise the fraction line not being quite long enough for the numerator.)
It is acceptable to proceed to a correct , multiply out the brackets and proceed directly from
−2sin x − 2sin 2 x − cos x − 2cos 2 x = 0  2sin x + cos x = −2 to score full marks. You do not need
to explicitly see sin 2 x + cos 2 x = 1 stated or substituted in.
Note if they only ever use the numerator of the quotient formula: vu '− uv ' from the beginning
Maximum score is M1A0dM1A0*

(b) *Be aware this can be solved entirely using a calculator which is not acceptable*
Solution by expressing 2sin x + cos x in the form R sin( x   ) or R cos( x   )
M1 R = 22 + 12 = 5
2   −1  1 
M1 ( = ) tan −1 (  12 ) or ( = ) tan −1 ( 2 )
 sin  
(or cos   )
 5  5
A1 " 5 "sin( x + "0.464") = −2 or " 5 "cos( x − "1.107") = −2 oe (or in another variable)

dM1 Attempts to solve their equation and proceeds to find a value for x.
  −2    −2 
eg x =   − sin −1     "0.464" or x = sin −1    "0.464"
  " 5" " 5"
You may need to check their angle on your calculator. Condone slips in their rearrangement.
It is dependent on both of the previous method marks.

A1 awrt 3.79 only

Solutions squaring both sides and using the identity sin 2 x + cos 2 x  1
M1 Attempts to square both sides and multiplies out the brackets. Condone sign slips only on the brackets
they are multiplying out. Do not accept just squaring all the individual terms.

M1 Attempts to use  sin 2 x  cos 2 x = 1 and proceeds to a quadratic equation in either sin x or
cos x or an equation of the form  A cos 2 x  B cos x sin x = 0 .
The use of the identity may be done before squaring both sides. Eg look for
2sin x + 2 = cos x  2sin x + 2 = 1 − sin 2 x  ...

Condone sign slips only.

A1 3cos 2 x − 4sin x cos x = 0 oe or 5sin 2 x + 8sin x + 3 = 0 oe or 5cos 2 x + 4cos x = 0 oe

The = 0 may be implied by later work and terms do not need to be collected on one side.

dM1 Attempts to solve their quadratic equation in either sin x or cos x or an equation of the form
 A cos 2 x  B cos x sin x = 0 and proceeds to find a value for x. Do not allow for solving
cos x = 0
Usual rules apply for solving a quadratic. They may even just state the roots from their calculator.
It is dependent on both of the previous method marks.

A1 awrt 3.79 only

The table below may help with following through a particular approach:

(2sin x + cos x)2 = 4 (2sin x + 2)2 = cos2 x (cos x + 2)2 = 4sin 2 x

M1 4sin 2 x + 4sin x cos x + cos 2 x = 4 4sin 2 x + 8sin x + 4 = cos 2 x cos 2 x + 4cos x + 4 = 4sin 2 x
M1 Attempts to use  sin 2 x  cos 2 x = 1
A1 3cos 2 x − 4sin x cos x = 0 oe 5sin 2 x + 8sin x + 3 = 0 oe 5cos 2 x + 4cos x = 0 oe
dM1 Eg cos x(3cos x − 4sin x) = 0 Eg (5sin x + 3)(sin x + 1) = 0 Eg cos x(5cos x + 4) = 0
 x = ...  x = ...  x = ...
A1 awrt 3.79

It is possible that they may divide the equation by either sin x or cos x and use 1 + tan 2 x = sec2 x
or 1 + cot 2 x = cosec2 x resulting in the following equations (or equivalent simplified rearrangements of
these) to solve:
• 3cot 2 x = 4cot x
• cot x(5cot x + 4cot x cosec x) = 0
• 3cosec2 x + 8cosec x + 5 = 0
• 4 tan x = 3
• 4sec x + 5 = 0

The mark scheme should be applied in the same way but looking for use of 1  tan 2 x =  sec2 x or
1  cot 2 x = cosec2 x and proceeding to equations involving cot x, cosec x, tan x or sec x
Send to review if unsure.

Solutions using the t method substitution

x 2t 1− t2
Using t = tan    sin x = cos x =
2 1+ t2 1+ t2
M1 Attempts to express 2sin x + cos x = −2 in terms of t. Attempts to use sin x = and
1  t 2
1  t 2
cos x = .
1  t 2
 2t  1 − t
M1 Proceeds from an equation of the form 2  2 
+ 2
= −2 to a 3TQ
 1+ t  1+ t
4t 1− t2
+ 2
= −2  4t + 1 − t 2 = −2(1 + t 2 )  ...
1+ t 1+ t

A1 t 2 + 4t + 3 = 0 or equivalent. The = 0 may be implied by later work and the three terms do not
need to be on the same side of the equation.

dM1 Correctly rearranges their equation to find a value for x

t 2 + 4t + 3 = 0  t = −3  x = 2 ( arctan("− 3") +  ) Ignore any reference to t = −1
It is dependent on both of the previous method marks.

A1 awrt 3.79

There may be other variants of these methods, but the mark scheme should still be able to be applied. If
in doubt send to review.

Answer only scores 0 marks

earson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828

with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom

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