Course Information:
Course Code: ESLAO1
Grade: All
Type: Open
Credit Value: 1
Prerequisite: none
Course Teacher: Kam-fay Ip
Work Room: 2004
Contact Information: (905) 202-1234 ext. 2004 Email: Kam-fay.Ip@yrdsb.ca
Overall Expectations:
1. read and demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts for different purposes;
2. use a variety of reading strategies throughout the reading process to extract meaning from texts;
3. use a variety of strategies to build vocabulary;
4. locate and extract relevant information from written and graphic texts for a variety of purposes.
1. write in a variety of forms for different purposes and audiences;
2. organize ideas coherently in writing;
3. use correctly the conventions of written English appropriate for this level, including grammar, usage, spelling, and
4. use the stages of the writing process
All About Me The teacher will use this introductory unit to get to know their students. Students will have a chance to show
who they are. This introductory unit will also help them to get to know their fellow classmates, since they will
be working closely together to learn English. Students will also set goals for their classes.The unit will help
them learn about their school and what it can do to help them be successful. These resources will promote
success in high school, group work and in English. Some teaching strategies in this unit are: ice breakers,
group paragraph writing and practice presentations.
Short Stories/Poetry Students will have the opportunity to read many different stories/ poems and to learn very basic elements of
fiction and literary elements. During this time, they will also have a chance to discuss these stories/poems
in small groups. They will learn different reading strategies in order to help them understand the texts that
they are reading. Three of the main teaching strategies for this unit is teacher read-alouds and think-alouds,
viewing movies and TV shows.
Canada and Me and Students will learn some information about Canada. They will then do some basic research about Canada to
Media Studies learn about the country they are living in. They will have opportunities to discuss what it means to be a
Canadian and what Canada can offer them. After completing research, students will have the opportunity to
see how pictures appeal to them and then create their own visual
project based on their research. Some teaching strategies in this unit are: teacher modelling of research
skills, looking at exemplars and programs to create media projects.
Culminating Students will show what they have learned this semester by displaying their knowledge throughout
culminating activities. For evaluations, see below.
In ESL, we believe giving students a lot of time for practice. For every assignment that we complete in this class,
there are opportunities to ensure that the teacher and the student have conferenced, there is time for process work
and opportunities for peer and teacher feedback. We scaffold all assignments in order to build the skills for
mainstream English classes.
-Bur Oak’s Library Materials - personal reading novels
-Teacher-Selected Stories/Poems
-Google Classroom
-Teach Assist - https://ta.yrdsb.ca/yrdsb/
This Course Outline has been adapted from: The Ontario Curriculum: English as a Second Language and English
Literacy Development 2007 Ministry of Education 2007