• Another reason for early travel was the Olympic • The decade that followed is considered to have been
Games in 776 B.C. in Olympia, Greece. Travel for sports a significant period in tourism development, as more travel
cannot be overlooked in those times, especially in the companies came onto the scene, increasing competition for
perspective of how dramatically it has grown in modern times customers and moving towards “mass tourism, introducing new
and the mass travel it entails. destinations and modes of holidaying”. In the 1970s,
ecotourism and sustainable tourism became important topics.
• Religious travel grew strongly after the crucifixion of In the 1980s, cruising became popular. In 1986, the United
Christ. As AD, one of the important providers of lodging places States established the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) to
for the pilgrims was the church. In the first century Roman eliminate unnecessary barriers to travel to the United States.
Catholic Church maintained hospices, monasteries and hostels The Visa Waiver Program is a program of the US government
for pilgrims during the middle ages. that allows citizens of specific countries to travel to the United
States for tourism, business, or while in transit for up to 90
• Marco Polo became the first note business traveler as days without having to obtain a visa. Currently, 39 countries
he pioneered trade routes from Europe to China, staying at and territories are part of the program.
primitive inns called khans along the way from 1275 to 1292.
• Industry growth has been interrupted at several key
• Travel for leisure purposes has evolved from an points in history, including World War 1, the Great Depression,
experience reserved for very few people into something and World War II. At the start of this century, global events
enjoyed by many. Historically, the ability to travel was reserved thrust international travel into decline including the September
for royalty and the upper classes. From ancient Roman times 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Centre in New York (also
through to the 17th century, young men of high standing were known as 9/11), the war in Iraq, perceived threat of future
encouraged to travel through Europe on a “grand tour”. terrorist attacks, and health scares including SARS, BSE
(bovine spongiform encephalopathy, West Nile Virus, MERS,
• The use of hospitality predates the use of the word and the present time CORONA virus (COVID19).
tourism, and first appeared in the 14th century. It is derived
from the Latin hospes, which encompasses the words guest, • At the same time, the industry began a massive
host and foreigners. The word tourist appeared in print much technological shift as increased internet use revolutionized
travel services. Through the 2000s, online travel bookings airlines to purchase discounted seats that they then sell to
grew exponentially, and by 2014 global leader Expedia had consumers for a price that is generally about 20 percent lower
expanded to include brands such as, the Hotwire than the price offered by airlines or an online service company
Group, trivago, and Expedia CruiseShip Centers, earning such as Travelocity.
revenues of over $4.7 million.
• National Offices of Tourism (NOT) – seek to
MAIN ELEMENTS OF TRAVEL AND TOURISM improve the economy of the country they represent by
increasing the number of visitors and consequently their
Tourism is the business of attracting visitors and catering to spending in the country. Connected this function is the
their needs and expectations. The following is an overview of responsibility to oversee and ensure that hotels, transport
the major components of the tourism and travel industry. systems, tour operators, and tour guides maintain high
standards in the care and consideration of the tourist.
1. Tourist Destinations: A tourist destination is a place of
interest where tourists visit, typically for its inherent or an • Destination Management Companies (DMC) – is a
exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, service organization in the visitor industry that offers a host of
natural or built beauty, offering leisure and amusement. programs and services to meet client’s needs. Initially, a
destination management sales manager concentrates on
Promoters of Tourism
selling the destination to meeting planners and performance
• Pacific Area Travel Association (PATA) – founded improvement companies (incentive house).
in 1951, comprising 95 government state and city tourism
2. Transportation: This sector is vital to move travelers
bodies, 25 international airlines and airports, 108 hospitality
around the world. Transportation is a broad term which
organizations, 72 educational institutions, and hundreds of
includes roads, railways, airways, and waterways:
travel industry companies in Asia Pacific and beyond that have
terminals (airports, railway stations, bus terminals, ferry
united behind common goals: excellence in travel, and tourism
crossings and seaports) and vehicles (aircrafts, buses, trains,
ships, ferries). In tourism all the components of the
• Ministry of Tourism – a government cabinet body transportation play a vital and impressive role.
that advocate tourism development, marketing, and
• Airlines – Major, National, Regional, Nonscheduled /
management through the National Tourism Organization
• Ground Transporter – Rent-a car, Motor/coach,
• City Level Offices of Tourism and Convention
Centers – Many cities have established convention and
visitors bureau (CVBs), whose main function is to attract and • Cruise lines – Cruise ship
retain visitors to the city. They are staffed by representatives
of the city’s attractions, restaurants, hotels and motels, and 3. Accommodations: This is an important part of
transportation system. These bureaus are largely funded by tourism infrastructure because any traveler will need a bed to
the transient occupancy tax (TOT) that is charged to the sleep at the end of the day. The hotel industry satisfies this
guests. need of the traveler. Accommodation comes in many forms:
• Tour Operators – they are the one who promote • Hotels – they come in various categories and
tours and trips that they plan and organize. A tour is a trip standards to meet every possible budget.
taken by an individual or group of people who travel together
with a professional tour manager / escort and follow perpetual • Motels – are motor hotels located on highways.
preplanned itinerary.
• Lodges – are up-country accommodation mostly
• Travel Agencies – A travel agent is a middleperson sponsored by the local state. We would have forest lodges,
who acts as a travel counselor and sells travel services on country lodges, ski lodges, etc.
behalf of airlines, cruise lines, rails and bus transportation
• Guest Houses – were originally meant for
companies, hotels, and auto rental companies. The American
government officials on tour but they are now open to the
Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) is the world’s largest travel
trade association, with more than 26,000 members in more
than 165 countries. Agents use computer reservation systems • Furnished Apartments – are modern popular
(CRS) to access service availability and make bookings. The alternative hotels especially for travelers staying longer.
main vendors of CRS are Sabre, Apollo, Worldspan, System
One, and Galileo. • Camps – are ideal for trekkers on foot or caravans.
They provide outdoor accommodation ranging from tents,
• Tour Wholesalers and Consolidators – Tour porta-cabins to caravan sites.
suppliers provide the package components for tour operators
via the services of hotels, attractions, restaurants, airlines, • Resorts – are for holidaymakers and located at
cruise lines, railroads and sightseeing which are packaged into attractive natural sites like hills, beaches, hot spring, waterfalls,
a tour that is sold through a sales channel to the public. Tour lakes, etc. Man-made resorts are the latest craze like
wholesaling came into prominence years ago because airlines Disneyland, Universal Studios, Lego-land, Wild Wadi, etc.
had vacant seats, which, like hotel rooms, are perishable.
Airlines naturally wanted to sell as many seats as possible and • Cruise line – a company that operates cruise ships
found that they could sell blocks of seats to wholesalers close that features accommodation while on board.
to departure dates. 4. Tourist Attractions are a core component of
These tickets are for specific destinations around which tour tourism. They are often called “tourist attractions” because
wholesalers build a tour. Wholesalers then sell their tours they tend to attract tourists. Attractions are the places,
directly through retail agents. Consolidators work closely with people, events, and things that make the objects of the tourist
gaze and attract tourists to destinations. Common examples The tourist/visitor looks for diverse psychic and physical
include natural and cultural sites, historical places, monuments, experiences and satisfaction from the tourism activity. The
zoos and game reserves, aquaria, museums and art galleries, nature of these experiences will mostly find out the destinations
gardens, architectural structures, theme parks, sports facilities, chosen and the activities experienced and enjoyed or
festivals and events, wildlife, and people. participated in.
5. Travel Brokers are also known as travel agents and • The businesses providing tourist goods and
assist clients in making the best travel arrangements possible. services (profits)
• Travel agents sell transportation, lodging, and Business people behold tourism as an opening to make profit
admission to entertainment activities to individuals and groups by furnishing goods and services demanded by the tourist
planning trips. They offer advice on destinations, plan trip market.
itineraries, and make travel arrangements for clients.
• The government of the host community or area (wealth
• Travel wholesalers supply to retail travel agents and factor)
they do not sell directly to consumers. Wholesalers link
individual tourism operators with retailers. They consider The government looks on tourism as a capital and megabucks
which type of tour program would appeal to a particular market factor in the economy. Its outlook / attitude bears upon the
and promote that accordingly. income and employment generation capabilities of this
business for its citizens apart from the foreign exchange
• Tour and charter operator typically combines tour earnings from international tourism and the public / government
and travel components to create a package holiday. The most revenue in the form of tax receipts from tourist expenditures,
common example of a tour operator’s product would be a flight directly and/or indirectly.
on a charter airline plus a transfer from the airport to a hotel
and the services of a local representative, all for one price. • The host community (employment factor)
• Ground Tour Operator is a local agency that Local residents most often consider tourism as a cultural and
provides services such as transportation and guide services. employment factor. It is primarily the effect of interaction
Generally, ground operators work with tour operators, but at between large numbers of international visitors as guest and
times will work directly with clients. the local residents as hosts which may be promising or
unpromising, both that is of significance and interest to this
• Travel incentive companies basically imply group.
unforgettable and entertaining trips paid by employers, with the
main purpose of encouraging employees to reach challenging
business goals of the company by achieving individual and/or TOURISM VALUE CHAIN
group goals. The incentive travel is predominantly used with
the basic aim increasing sales.
6. Travel Related Services encompasses event and
conference planning organizations, travel companies and
organizations, as well as associations, government agencies
and companies that specialize in serving the needs of the
tourism sector as a whole. This includes both consumer-direct
and business-to-business companies.
• Financial (credit cards, travelers cheques, travel
• Travel publications guide books
6. Covers many more industries not related to tourism • Centered Destination – It is the most common type
of tourist destination where tourists spend most of their time on
7. Many points and parts of this value chain become a occasional excursions to nearby places of attraction. For
complete and expandable value chain in themselves example, Andaman Island is a centered destination.
depending upon the type of tourism and its needs.
• Base Destination – It refers to that type of
TYPES OF TOURISM destination where tourists need to travel and explore
surrounding region.
In 1994, the United Nations classified tourism in three
categories: • Multi-Centre Destination – Here the destination
comprises two or more destinations of equal importance. For
1. Domestic Tourism involving residents of the given example, India is a multi-center destination where each Indian
country travelling with that country only. People are visiting or state or region offers different culture, nature, and culinary
taking holidays and travel in own country. experience.
2. Inbound Tourism involving foreigners (non- • Touring Destination – A touring destination refers to
residents), traveling into a given country. They are visitors the place to visit as part of linear itinerary.
from outside the country.
• Transit Destination – It is a place of a brief halt en-
3. Outbound Tourism involving residents traveling to route while the tourists are heading towards the final
another country. Visitors are travelling to a different country for destination. For example, Abu Dhabi is a transit destination
a visit or a holiday. where tourists take a short break for going to Cape Town,
Outbound Tourism involves two additional conditions: South Africa.
efficiency, integrate comfort and world-class amenities are also • Quick-service Establishments – These are commercial
its foundation. foodservice restaurants that compete for customers who look
to garner quick snacks, drinks, and meals. Typically, they have
An extravagant resort, for instance, should offer its customers fewer employees. Think of McDonald’s, KFC, Subway, Pizza
privacy and exclusive services to cut it in the niche. Hut, etc.
As you might expect, accommodation can marry well with
other segments of the hospitality industry.
• Catering Businesses – This category provides food and
Of the three things which people need, when they travel, the beverage catering services for any special occasion – from
most important one is accommodation. Other two are food and weddings to birthday parties and everything in between.
transportation. It is due to the fact we have started with lodging
in our list of 5 sectors of the hospitality industry.
• Full-Service Restaurants – These are your typical • Therefore, the travel and tourism domain makes the
restaurants or eateries which feature course meal, drinks, and backbone of our hospitality industry. It is a huge domain which
a plethora of other food services. These establishments demands innovation, strategy, and novelty at each step.
usually seat you at a table and use waiter to take food orders.
• When we talk about travel and tourism, it is not confined to
From fine dining to casual dining to themed restaurants; there leisure and travel for fun. Both formal and informal travelling
is a range of these full-service restaurants. are included in this division. People travel across the globe for
businesses, education, entertainment, holidays, and many
Themed restaurants have grown multiple folds like the wave other things.
of luxury underwater restaurants of the world.
• Like all other different sectors of the hospitality industry,
Such is the popularity and growth of Foodservice this one also demands customer focus, leniency, relationship
establishments that industry pundits are considering Full- management, and other integrated marketing skills for its
service restaurants as a separate category of the hospitality smooth running and expansion.
This again is a key category of the hospitality industry as it
People are always looking forward to food when they on the involves the most important thing of hospitality - us, the buyers
go. When in a different country, people like to taste local and recipients of all hospitality services. Hence, this sector of
cuisines. hospitality thrives for us and to entertain us.
So, food and catering make essentials of the hospitality Entertainment is a significant part of our travel these days. If
industry. It starts with food production and ends at food travelling experience lacks fun and entertainment, then you
presentation on the eating tables, with storage and cooking might not be able to enjoy your time up to the fullest.
steps resting in between.
For the successful running of hospitality businesses, it is
It is also important to discuss the processes and stages important to have in the kitty as many entertainment activities
involved in the foodservice industry of hospitality. as possible.
Some of the activities which can elevate your experience
when it comes to entertainment are:
• Food Management - It starts with the production of food.
Many hotels and restaurants serve naturally organic food. • Marinas – They are one of the most popular places to go
Apart from production, food transportation and storage also when it comes to partying. You can get along with your friends
make part of this division. on a private yacht where you can dance, play games, and
enjoy the best of your life.
• Food Presentation – People like to eat food which is well
presented. So, a lot of focus should be made on food • Sports and Gaming – Sports and gaming are basic
representation to improve hospitality experience. things which people are looking for on their travel. As a result,
casinos, swimming pools, and other similar activities are
becoming an indispensable part of the hospitality sector.
• Beverages – Apart from general food items, beverage
storage, and representation also make it into the list of food
and catering services. • Cruise – Apart from marinas, cruise services are also
becoming an essential component of the hospitality industry.
Now, people like to spend their days on luxury ships which sail
• Restaurant Management – Restaurant management is a across the blue oceans under the clear sky.
science which is being taught in colleges these days. With
proper skills to manage a restaurant, you can manage food,
beverage, and maintain a quality representation of food, so that • Nightclubs – Who doesn’t love to dance to their favorite
customers will come again to eat at your place. song when on a break? We all do. This is why hotels have
nightclubs services in them.
A lot to consider, tourism is synonymous with hospitality and
not as a different sector of the hospitality industry.
• Travel and tourism industry is a vast sector of the • Bars – Sitting around a table and having a couple of
hospitality industry with several key players across the globe. drinks with your friend is always a refreshing experience. This
Most of them include trains, airlines, cruise ships, and several is why bars make an important part of the entertainment sector
crew members in their service. of the hospitality industry.
• On the whole, players in the travel and tourism segments An emerging yet vastly important sector of the hospitality
are in the business of moving people from one destination to industry is vacation ownership of a place. In this scheme,
another. people either individuals or parties own the rights to a place for
a specific time period during the year.
• It would not be an exaggeration if we make a statement
that the most important segment of the hospitality industry is We have placed Timeshare on our list of 5 different sectors of
travel and tourism as others depend on it. Without profound the hospitality industry because of the raised interest of
levels of travelling and tourism in a region, the hospitality hospitality enthusiasts for Timeshare.
industry of the region won’t grow.
Timeshare gives us an option to own our choices and to
enjoy facilities by either buying a part of a facility or getting into global society. It is also the most powerful interdisciplinary
a membership plan. During this time, they can bring this place language in almost all fields of engineering, and every aspect
under their use, the way they want to. of health sciences, education, social sciences, physical
sciences, economics, finance, environmental sciences, Global
There are many places which people can own for the time Warming, and even music and art, among many other
being, under the timeshare rule. A couple of them are disciplines (Tsokos & Wooten, 2016).
discussed below:
But What is Mathematics?
Definition: If we ask a dozen persons, “What Math is,” we
• Convention Centers – Convention centers make the would probably get more than a dozen answers. But Blay
base of the hospitality industry as they offer a place where (2020) provided a noteworthy definition that “Math is the
people can gather in bulks for seminars, conventions, expos, language of mind, body and soul – mind and body because it
and other similar things. deals with every aspect of our daily life, and soul because of its
power to create abstractions.”
Definition of Mathematics According to Some
• Villas and Resorts – You can own villas and resorts
under the timeshare rule, for some time of the year and can go
and enjoy with your friends or family.
1. Albert Einstein (1879–1955): “Do not worry too much
about your difficulties in Math, I can assure you that
With the developing technologies and improved management mine are still greater.”
skills, the hospitality industry is poised to grow in future as well.
Hence, to elaborate on these sectors, it is imperative to take a 2. Aristotle (384–322 BC): “The science of quantity and
holistic approach towards presenting the outlook for the
hospitality industry. the Mathematical sciences particularly exhibit order,
symmetry, and limitation; and these are the greatest
forms of the beautiful.”
making the sign of a cross every time you pass by a Further, to check the Pascal’s Triangle, we can use the
expansions of binomial expressions. Each row of the triangle
church; and has x and y values, where:
always putting on a shirt with the right arm first. x= 1 or the first term in a row in the Pascal’s Triangle;
xy= middle term/s in a row in the Pascal’s Triangle; and
y= 1 or the last term in a row in the Pascal’s Triangle
Number Patterns
This gives us the coefficients for an expanded binomial of the
This section discusses number patterns and relationships. Let form (x + y)n, where the power or n is the row of the triangle.
us examine some patterns in numbers. Look for any video Illustration 1 shows how we can derive with these binomial
about number patterns and discover how they form sets of expansions. Observe the pattern of expansion below to
numbers and symmetry. continue to the power of 7, 8, 9, etc.
Illustration 1
Let us see though the graph below the solution or the pattern
that Leonardo Fibonacci discovered.
Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recursive relation of Fn =
Fn-1 + Fn-2, and with a starting condition of F1 = 1 and F2 = 1.
In other words, we always start the pattern with 1, 1 and
followed by the sum of the previous two. Following this, we can
create a sequence of 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and so
Source: However, in contrast to everyday language, Mathematical
physique/ language presents symbols that have straightforward
meanings. Additionally, the language of Mathematics is a
Finding the nth term in a Fibonacci Sequence using practice in simplification that more elegant equations are
Binet’s Formula shorter ones. We practice simplification by solving long
equations. The Mathematical language is straightforward
because it is transparent about its truth value.
Mathematical Equations
Mathematical Language and Symbols - Part 1
We use language to communicate complete thoughts or ideas.
The Language of Mathematics
Complete thoughts are communicated through sentences,
As Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) said, "The universe cannot be which have a doer (noun) and what the doer is, was, or will do
read until we have learned the language and become familiar (verb) or how the doer is described (adjective). Thus, "The
with the characters in which it is written. It is written in Philippines" is not a complete thought, but "The Philippines is a
mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles, dirty place" is a complete thought.
and other geometrical figures, which means it is humanly
impossible to comprehend a single word. Without these, one is
A group of Mathematical symbols that express a complete
wandering about in a dark labyrinth." Like other languages,
thought is called an equation. Typically, equations are a
Mathematics has its grammar, syntax, semantics, vocabulary,
comparison of two or more Mathematical expressions. The
word order, synonyms, negations, conventions, idioms,
example "The Philippines is a dirty place" can be
abbreviations, sentence construction, and paragraph structure.
Mathematically expressed as "The Philippines=dirty place," as
Mathematics has language features unparalleled in other the Philippines is equated to being dirty.
languages, like representation, for example, "x, y, or z" for any
real number or any numerical expression. In addition, the
language of Mathematics is packed with terms and symbols,
which are typically not used in everyday conversations. These
reasons may make understanding Mathematics difficult.
We further expand our table above to show how equations took 5." Is what he said true or false? You do math in your
work: head by subtracting 20-8 and concluded that Zee is lying or
that his statement is false.
If he had said, "I took 12 cookies," he would've been telling
the truth. If Zee is particularly scared of you and said, "I took
some cookies," you would never know if that statement is true
or false because "some" would be any number. An unknown
truth value of a statement is considered as having an "open"
truth value.
True equations are verifiable as logical, while false equations
are not. Open truth values cannot be logically judged as true
or false. Let's expand the previous table to illustrate how truth
values may be made:
Mathematical Language and Symbols - Part 2
Translation from English to Mathematical Expressions
and Sentences
Truth Values Reading and writing are the basic skills that should be
As mentioned earlier, Mathematics uses straightforward enhanced to get using a language; it is the same in learning
language. Unlike linguistic language, it is easy to judge if a Mathematics. In a language course, you are encouraged to
Mathematical equation is true or not. To evaluate an equation's speak in complete sentences, while in a Math class, labelling
truth value, we look at the assumptions and givens within the and explaining the answers are the rules that no one should
particular equation. It is best to think about an equation as one forget. However, it should be noted that Mathematics is a much
whole story in mathematics and not assume what is not given. easier language than English because it has few verbs, though
This lesson will only discuss three types of truth values: true, it has an infinite number of nouns (Leshem and Markovits,
false, or open. 2013).
Without additional information, the sentence "The Our preliminary activity practised the two common English and
Philippines=dirty place" can only be judged as having an open mathematics attributes as a language, which has synonyms
truth value. We cannot simply judge the Philippines as dirty and abbreviations. As Tsokos and Wooten (2016) said, “Math
because the story does not tell us how dirty is "dirty." is the language of thought. We think faster than we speak, and
we speak faster than we write, therefore to convey our
Suppose you lived in a dormitory. One day, you stored a box of thoughts quickly, Mathematicians abbreviate everything.”
20 cookies and explicitly told your dorm mates not to take them
from your cookie box. The next day, you left the dorm without Once you have learned the basic keywords for translating word
eating your cookies (you still have 20). When you came home problems from English into mathematical expressions and
hours later, you opened your box of cookies to take a snack. equations, you will be presented with various English
Surprisingly, it only had eight cookies left. expressions and be told to perform the translation.
Private higher education and technical- vocational education A. Prime Duty of the Government to its Citizens
institutions with at least 350 student cadets, may offer the
The aim of the government is to serve and protect the citizens
ROTC component and consequently establish / maintain a
and vice-versa the responsibility of all citizens to defend the
Department Of Military Science and Tactics (DMST), subject to
security of the state, and in fulfillment the government may
the existing rules and regulations of the Armed Forces Of The
require each citizens to render personal, military or civil
Philippines (AFP).
B. Role of the Youth in the Nation-Building
The state shall promote civic consciousness among them, and CWTS students demonstrate technical skills in communities
shall develop their physical, moral valuable resource of the like meat processing, silkscreen making and how to establish
nation, the youth shall be motivated, trained, organized and small business.
involved in military, literacy or civic welfare programs actively.
Care for Health - This area aims to give knowledge on
Lesson 2 medical-related fields and extend health services needed in
the community. It includes medical services like first- aid
- What are the components of the NSTP? operation, vaccination, info dissemination, basic lifesaving
seminars, heath / nutrition technical assistance and training of
Reserve Officer’s Training Corps [ROTC]
youth to be first aid assistants.
Refers to the program component, institutionalized under
Environment - This area inculcates environmental awareness
Section 38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077, designed to
and its contribution to health and related fields. It involves
provide military training to motivate, train organize
management of waste, environmental protection, dissemination
and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.
and application of technologies supportive of the community
Civic Welfare Training Service [CWTS] needs and livelihood activities related to environment and
other related fields supportive of the national thrust.
Refers to the program component or activities contributory to
the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members
of the community or the enhancement of its
facilities, especially those devoted to improving
health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety,
recreation and moral of the citizenry and other social welfare
Literacy Training Service [LTS] SELF-ACTUALIZATION
Refers to the program component designed to train the
students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school IV. LESSON PROPER LET’S BEGIN!
children, out-of-school youth and other segments of society in ∙ I have healthy body
need of their services.
S-afety and Security I am an attractive person
I am an honest person
Religion is my guide in everyday life
I am a cheerful person
V-alues Formation and Moral Recovery I hate myself
I-ndustry and Entrepreneurship I am from a happy family
C-are for Health I am not loved by my family
(Jamaludin & Yousaf- TSCS, 2009)
Safety and Security - This area involves disaster
Definition of Self Concept
preparedness during fire, earthquake or other calamity that
needs immediate response from any trained civilians during “the totality of the individual’s thoughts and feelings having
emergency situations. Basic lifesaving seminar, fire drill and reference to himself as an object” (Rosenberg, 1979, p.7)
the like are some of these examples.
Like other belief systems, the self-concept includes
Education - This area involves enhancement of institutional
support materials and facilities for the community and school
such as providing materials containing basic literacy skills for 1. Cognitive
pre-schoolers, alternative learning system for out-of-school
2. Behavioral
youths and adults, mathematics and science tutorials and
extended services of skilled students. 3. Affective component.
William James was American philosopher- western culture Perceives one’s behavior in environment.
and social thought. Fall under the cognitive component of self concept.
Focused on individual self-concept e.g., interpersonal Beliefs about one’s self.
competition, individual achievement, independence. Information from previous experiences.
How does self-concept foster
Alternative perspective- Eastern culture such as Japan-
eastern culture and social thought. SELF ACTUALIZATION
Focused on collectivistic self-concept e.g., intragroup "Self-Actualization is the intrinsic growth of what is already in
cooperation, interdependence, and collectivistic achievement. the organism, or more accurately, of what the organism is." -
Abraham Maslow
The looking-glass self is a social psychological concept,
created Charles Horton Cooley by in 1902, stating that a Characteristics of Self Actualizing People
person's self grows out of society’s interpersonal interactions
and the perceptions of others. The term refers to people
shaping themselves based on other people’s perception, Realistically oriented, SA persons have a more efficient
which leads the people to reinforce other people’s perspectives perception of reality, they have comfortable relations with it.
on themselves. People shape themselves based on what This is extended to all areas of life. SA persons are
other people perceive and confirm other people's opinion on unthreatened, unfrighten by the unknown. they have a
themselves. The term "looking glass self" was first used by superior ability to reason, to see the truth. They are logical and
Cooley in his work, Human Nature and the Social Order in efficient.
C. H. Cooley has summed it up in his statement: "I am not
what I think I am and I am not what you think I am; I am what I Accept themselves, others and the natural world the way they
think that you think I am." are. Sees human nature as is, have a lack of crippling guilt or
shame, enjoy themselves without regret or apology, they have
Threat to self-concept/ cognitive dissonance theory no unnecessary inhibitions.
Cognitive dissonance is a discomfort caused by holding Spontaneity, Simplicity, Naturalness
conflicting cognitions (e.g., ideas, beliefs, values, emotional
reactions) simultaneously. Spontaneous in their inner life, thoughts and impulses, they are
unhampered by convention. Their ethics is autonomous, they
The theory of cognitive dissonance in social psychology are individuals, and are motivated to continual growth.
proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce
dissonance by altering existing cognitions, adding new ones to Problem Centering
create a consistent belief system, or alternatively by reducing
Focus on problems outside themselves, other centered. They
the importance of any one of the dissonant elements that can
have a mission in life requiring much energy, their mission is
leads to the change in self-concept.
their reason for existence. They are serene, characterized by
DIFFERENCE a lack of worry, and are devoted to duty.
Democratic values and attitudes - A weak self-concept on the other hand often distorts the
individual’s perceptions of how others see him, generating
Able to learn from anyone, humble. Friendly with anyone feeling of insecurity in relating to other people.
regardless of class, education, political belief, race or color.
Conflict of Self-concept
Discrimination: means and ends, Good and Evil
- Each human being is several selves. He lives in the role of
Do not confuse between means and ends. They do no do father, husband, businessman, executive, player and so forth
wrong. Enjoy the here and now, getting to goal-- not just the but if there are conflicts among any of these roles discomfort
result. They make the most tedious task an enjoyable game. arises.
They have their own inner moral standards (appearing amoral
to others). - Such conflicts bring with them dynamics as tensions, guilty
Philosophical, unhostile sense of humor
- We tend to resolve these conflict based on our personality
Jokes are teaching metaphors, intrinsic to the situation, orientations.
spontaneous, can laugh at themselves, never make jokes that
hurt others. Self-Awareness
Resistance to enculturation: Transcendence of any particular - It does not accomplish any final form in the course of human
culture life.
- Enhances awareness of common interests and concerns MORAL VALUES AND VALUES FORMATION
People resort to various kinds of rules to guide their lives. The final theory is the most modern and is the
Thus moral rules and ethics remind us that it is immoral to Paternalistic view, harm to self and others view as put
covet, to tell lies or engage in drunkenness in private. forward by Professor Hart in the 1960s. His theory is that
Society may disapprove of such practices but the law is the law should only intervene in the private lives of
not so concerned with such matters and leaves them to citizens to prevent harm to others and harm to oneself. He
the individual’s conscience. did acknowledge that there was a difficulty in defining
harm but did acknowledge that it did not include moral
Three main theories harm to oneself. An existing law illustrating this theory is
the law which prevents methods of prostitution. The
Paternalistic view focuses very much on the individual.
∙ The Liberal View (harm to others) proposed by John
Pursuing your own good in your own way is an
Stuart Mill
‘experiment of living’. To limit these experiments on any
∙ The Moralistic view (harm to society) proposed by Lord
grounds other than their causing harm to others is
mistaken and will harm society as a whole: ∙ To impose a
∙ Paternalist view (harm to self and others) proposed by
way of life on moral grounds is to assume infallibility about
Professor H.L.A Hart
moral values. ∙ Bad ways of living might still have some
The Liberal View insight or truth to them that we would lose if we banned
them. Diversity of lifestyles causes people to think about
John Stuart Mill posits that the only purpose for which how to live, which leads to better lives. ∙ Different people
power can be rightly exercised over any member of a need to live different sorts of lives.
civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to
Lesson 2 Core & Related Values
others. His own good, either physical or moral is not
sufficient. Mill argues this approach is good for individuals
and society. Health refers to a holistic concept of physical, mental and
social well- being, with reverence and Health and harmony
The Moralistic View with nature
∙ Critical thinking
Protection of the environment
∙ Creativity
Wise use of resources
∙ Openness and respect for others
Responsible consumerism
∙ Future orientation
Productivity and quality
∙ Scientific orientation
Economic equity
The Human Act: Its Characteristics At this age we may be much impressed with religion or our
teachers. You may remember being particularly influenced by
Knowledge junior school teachers who seemed so knowledgeable--maybe
even more so than your parents.
a familiarity with someone or something, which can The Socialization Period
include facts, information, descriptions, or skills acquired
Between 13 and 21, we are very largely influenced by our
through experience or education peers. As we develop as individuals and look for ways to get
away from the earlier programming, we naturally turn to people
Freedom who seem more like us.
Other influences at these ages include the media, especially lives, commit themselves to the welfare of the country, care
those parts which seem to resonate with the values of our about the environment and other social and moral issues.
peer groups. They are not clear as to what sort of persons they hope to
become when they complete their school education.
Values and the Contemporary Realities
It's tough to have high moral values, but some people get
there. Whenever there is a discussion about values and value
education there is generally a skepticism about the relevance
If you can understand how people's values develop, then you of values in the present day context.
can guide the process. This is well understood by dictators
and religious sects around the world. Dictators regularly take KEY CHALLENGES
over the education system and brainwash the children in their
ideals. An old Jesuit saying is not that far off: 'Give me the Tradition vs. Modernity
child and I will give you the man.'
Developing societies like India often face the conflict about
Being principled is a very powerful method of influence. But tradition and modernization and both adults and young
beware: this is a one-way street -- it also means there are learners have very uneasy attitudes in relation to tradition and
many things you cannot do. modernization.
Pre-moral Globalization
In the pre-moral state, we have no real values (we are thus One of the contemporary realities is that the socio-cultural
'amoral'). Young children are premoral. So also, are environment has been radically transformed. Globalization
psychopaths. Our basic nature tells us to be Machiavellian, signifies omni present culture. Our cultural horizon today
doing whatever it takes to achieve our goals, even if it means embraces almost all the planet. Societies have become less
hurting other people. and less mono-cultural.
Conventional Diversity
Most people have conventional values, as learned from their Philippines is a multilingual, multicultural and multi religious
parents, teachers, and peers. These basically say, 'here are country. In the age of increasing intermingling of communities
the rules to live in reasonable harmony with other people.' and cultures, it is important that diversity within the Philippine
society is appreciated based on universal principles.
The bottom line of this state is that we will follow them just so
long as we think we need to. We will break our values Inclusivity
occasionally, and especially if our needs are threatened or we
A healthy happy society is one in which all its members feel
are pretty sure we can get away with breaking values with
included and do not feel that they are excluded from the
nobody else knowing about it.
processes of the society because of their color, culture, caste,
Principled religion, gender or community.
the church, the work place, the larger society and the
1. Values Clarification is a difficult task
whole community
There are three basic steps that are useful in
Process comes by the influence of: Values Clarification:
∙ Choice - right to exercise one's freedoms in any
Family manner
School or church ∙ Value - Worth in usefulness or importance to the
Multitudinous institutions of society possessor
(specially the nation and state) ∙ Action - something done
World community and in fact universe 2. Values are better than rules
Forward-thinking The organization promotes values to
Knowing what is important to them will help them find
success in their personal and professional lives. guide people. Doing this saves time because
organizations need not write rules, and need not refer
1. Character Values to rule books or organization manual
Character values are the universal values that 3. Values serve as outline goals
you need to exist as a good human being. They are An explicit set of values shall form the foundation of any
also the core characteristics that employers look for organization because they endure
when hiring. 4. Values send a message
Examples of character values include commitment, A good value teaches and guides the members of the
loyalty, positive attitude, and respect. organization. A symbolic act affirms the value over and
2. Work Values over.
Work values are values that help you find what you 5. Values shape an organization
want in a job and give you job satisfaction. It is Values manifest itself in various ways. It thrusts
especially important to understand what your work members to produce quality good products.
values are in order to thrive professionally. Examples
of work values are hands-on, public contact, prestige,
and stability. WEEK5
the same.
1. A Clear Vision
5. Commitment
As a leader you need to have a clear vision of what you
Proving your commitment to the brand and your role,
want to achieve and why. This vision needs to be
you will not only earn the respect of your team but will
grand enough to encompass the visions of the people
also instill that same hardworking energy among your
or group you wish to lead.
2. Communication skills gratitude’ being grateful for all that we already have.
Leaders need to be able to communicate their vision But how about being grateful for the times things didn’t
powerfully and persuasively. Think of Martin Luther work out. We learn more from our failures, and we can
King, or Gandi. fail our way to success.
3. Competency 14. Goal
You have to be competent in the task, so the berry A leader will set a clear objective that is achievable for
picker leader would be the person who knows where the group/organization to attain.
the best berries are. 15. Flexibility
4. Empathetic Success comes with an ability to change and adapt as
Leaders are able to empathize with people, so that they situations arise and alter.
feel and know that their leader understands their 16. Persistence
feelings and thoughts. Only air is softer and more malleable than water. Yet
5. Decisive over time with persistence water will carve great
A leader will usually make a decision quickly once canyons out of hard bedrock.
having accessed the situation and then stick with that
decision. The root meaning of a decision is to cut
oneself off from any other option. 7 Most Common Leadership Styles (and How to Find Your
6. Courage
At first glance, we may think that some leadership styles are
If you don’t have courage this is a skill that can take a
better than others. The truth is that each leadership style has
bit of learning. But with time and application can be its place in a leader's toolkit. The wise leader knows to flex
enhanced or learnt. Courage doesn’t mean foolhardy from one style to another as the situation demands.
but means standing up for and doing what you believe Leadership styles are on a continuum, ranging from autocratic
at one end, to laissez-faire at the other, with a variety of styles
is right.
in between.
7. Sense of Humor
A great sense of humor Is a prerequisite for a leader. 1. Autocratic Style
Patton famously said ‘We’re not retreating; we’re The phrase most illustrative of an autocratic leadership
advancing in a different direction’ style is "Do as I say." Generally, an autocratic leader
8. Confidence believes that he or she is the smartest person at the
Be confident and have confidence in your team and table and knows more than others. They make all the
organization. If you’re newly appointed to a leadership decisions with little input from team members.
position and are a little unsure. Then have confidence 2. Authoritative Style
in the people who promoted you, that you are the best The phrase most indicative of this style of leadership
person to do a job. (also known as "visionary") is "Follow me." The
9. Self-Discipline authoritative leadership style is the mark of confident
Good self-discipline is another hallmark of a leader. leaders who map the way and set expectations, while
10. Can do engaging and energizing followers along the way.
Leaders have a can do attitude. After all, if the person In a climate of uncertainty, these leaders lift the fog for
in charge doesn’t think it can be done, then there is people. They help them see where the company is
little hope. going and what's going to happen when they get there.
11. Inspiration Unlike autocratic leaders, authoritative leaders take the
Inspiration will keep us going long after motivation has time to explain their thinking: They don't just issue
faded away. As this blog Do you want to be inspired or orders. Most of all, they allow people choice and
Motivated looks at. latitude on how to achieve common goals.
12. Ambition 3. Pacesetting Style
Maybe all of us have an ambition to be more and or "Do as I do!" is the phrase most indicative of leaders
have more, in leaders this is pronounced. who utilize the pacesetting style. This style describes a
13. Attitude very driven leader who sets the pace as in racing.
Maybe you’ve heard of the phrase, ‘have an attitude of
Pacesetters set the bar high and push their team experienced employees who are self-starters and
members to run hard and fast to the finish line. motivated. To be most effective with this style, monitor
While the pacesetter style of leadership is effective in team performance and provide regular feedback.
getting things done and driving for results, it's a style
that can hurt team members. For one thing, even the
most driven employees may become stressed working Knowing which of the leadership styles works best for you is
part of being a good leader. Developing a signature style with
under this style of leadership in the long run. the ability to stretch into other styles as the situation warrants
4. Democratic Style may help enhance your leadership effectiveness.
Democratic leaders are more likely to ask "What do you
think?" They share information with employees about 1. Know yourself.
anything that affects their work responsibilities. They Start by raising your awareness of your dominant
also seek employees' opinions before approving a final leadership style. You can do this by asking trusted
decision. colleagues to describe the strengths of your leadership
5. Coaching Style style. You can also take a leadership style
When you having a coaching leadership style, you tend assessment.
to have a "Consider this" approach. A leader who 2. Understand the different styles.
coaches views people as a reservoir of talent to be Get familiar with the repertoire of leadership styles that
developed. The leader who uses a coach approach can work best for a given situation. What new skills do
seeks to unlock people's potential. you need to develop?
6. Affiliative Style 3. Practice makes a leader.
A phrase often used to describe this type of leadership Be genuine with any approach you use. Moving from a
is "People come first." Of all the leadership styles, the dominant leadership style to a different one may be
affiliative leadership approach is one where the leader challenging at first. Practice the new behaviors until
gets up close and personal with people. A leader they become natural. In other words,
practicing this style pays attention to and supports the don't use a different leadership style as a "point-and-
emotional needs of team members. The leader strives click" approach. People can smell a fake leadership
to open up a pipeline that connects him or her to the style a mile away—authenticity rules.
team. 4. Develop your leadership agility.
Ultimately, this style is all about encouraging harmony Traditional leadership styles are still relevant in today's
and forming collaborative relationships within teams. workplace, but they may need to be combined with
It's particularly useful, for example, in smoothing new approaches in line with how leadership is defined
conflicts among team members or reassuring people for the 21st century. Today's business environments
during times of stress. are fraught with challenges due to the changing
7. Laissez-Faire Style demographics and the employee expectations of a
The laissez-faire leadership style is at the opposite end diverse workforce. This may call for a new breed of
of the autocratic style. Of all the leadership styles, this leader who is an amalgam of most of the leadership
one involves the least amount of oversight. You could styles discussed here.
say that the autocratic style leader stands as firm as a
rock on issues, while the laissez-faire leader lets people
swim with the current.
On the surface, a laissez-faire leader may appear to
trust people to know what to do, but taken to the
extreme, an uninvolved leader may end up appearing
aloof. While it's beneficial to give people opportunities
to spread their wings, with a total lack of direction,
people may unwittingly drift in the wrong direction—
away from the critical goals of the organization.
This style can work if you're leading highly skilled,
segment of general education which aims to contribute to
the total development of the learner through participation
in selected activities. Thus, it provides opportunities to
acquire lifelong skills that are essential to his physical,
mental, social, and emotional development.
Physical Education is an integral part of young people's
education in senior cycle. As a result of their learning in
physical education, young people can increase their
enjoyment, confidence, and competence in a range of
physical activities. They can learn about health-related
fitness and take responsibility for being physically active
now and in the future. Overall, they can develop positive
attitudes to physical activity and its importance in a
healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
Synovial joints and movements alimentary canal (the digestive tract) facilitates the
peristaltic waves that move swallowed food and nutrients.
In the eye, smooth muscle changes the shape of the lens
What is muscular system? to bring objects into focus. Artery walls include smooth
muscle that relaxes and contracts to move blood through
The Muscular System is responsible for the movement of the body.
the human body; attached to the bones of the skeletal The heart wall is composed of three layers. The middle
system are about 700 named muscles that make up layer, the myocardium, is responsible for the heart’s
roughly half of a person’s body weight. pumping action. Cardiac muscle, found only in the
myocardium, contracts in response to signals from the
Each of these muscles is a discrete organ constructed of cardiac conduction system to make the heartbeat. Cardiac
skeletal muscle tissue, blood vessels, tendons, and muscle is made from cells called cardiocytes. Like skeletal
nerves. Muscle tissue is also found inside of the heart, muscle cells, cardiocytes have a striated appearance, but
digestive organs, and blood vessels. their overall structure is shorter and thicker. Cardiocytes
In these organs, muscles serve to move substances are branched, allowing them to connect with several other
throughout the body. cardiocytes, forming a network that facilitates coordinated
systemvocabulary-diagram/ Planes of the Body
3 Types of Muscular Tissues
Supination of the forearm occurs when the forearm or relatively intense work and active recovery. It allows for
performance of much more work at a more intense 4
palm are rotated outwards. Supination of the foot is
workload over a longer period of time than if working
turning of the sole of the foot inwards, shifting weight to
the lateral edge.
Fartlek – Literally means “Speed Play “it is similar to Looking good – regular physical activity is a healthy
interval training in that you must run for a specified period lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle such as proper nutrition, good
of time; posture, and good body mechanics can help you look your
Par Cours – The technique for improving cardio best.
respiratory endurance that basically combines continuous Feeling good – people who engage in regular physical
training and circuit training activity feel better. You can resist fatigue, are less likely to
be injured and are capable of working more efferent.
Five Important Consideration of Interval Training
Enjoying life – life is more enjoyable when you engage in
regular physical activity that results in physical fitness, the
Training Period – The amount of time that continuous
key to be able to do more of the things you want to do.
activity is actually being performed.
Meeting emergencies – a fit and active person has the
Recovery Period – The time between training periods.
capacity to help or to assist other people when they need
Set – The group of combined training and recovery period.
Repetition – The number of training/ recovery period per Body Mass Index
Training Time/Distance – The rate or distance of the The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a widely accepted tool to
training period. evaluate body composition. The score reflects how heavy
the person is, relative to his/her height.
3. Flexibility it is a quality of plasticity which gives the ability to
The BMI may be determined using a table or chart which
do a wide range of movement.
displays BMI as a function of mass and height using
4. Muscular endurance is the ability of muscle to perform or
sustain a muscle contracting repeatedly over a period of time. contour lines or colors for different BMI categories, and
which may use other units of measurement (converted to
5. Muscular strength is the ability of the muscle to exert force metric units for the calculation).
during an activity. The BMI is a convenient rule of thumb used to broadly
6. Body composition refers to the relative amount of muscle, categorize a person as underweight, normal weight,
fat, bone, and other vital parts of the body. The components of overweight, or obese based on tissue mass (muscle, fat,
health-related and motor skill-related fitness overlap. For
example, cardio respiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, and and bone) and height. Commonly accepted BMI ranges
body composition are essential for healthy living; they are also are underweight (under 18.5 kg/m2), normal weight (18.5
important in skillful motor performance.
to 25), overweight (25 to 30), and obese (over 30).
Physical Fitness BMIs under 20 and over 25 have been associated with
higher all-causes mortality, with the risk increasing with
1. Physical fitness is a state of well-being with low risk of distance from the 20–25 range
premature health problem and energy to participate in a
variety of physical activities. It is a combination of WEEK 4
medical fitness (body soundness) and dynamic fitness
(capacity for action). It is the ability of an individual to SKILLS RELATED FITNESS
perform one’s daily activities efficiently without undue
fatigue, reduce the risk of health problems and with Chapter 4: Skill related-fitness
Six components of skill related-fitness
extra “reserve” in case of emergency.
Benefits of skill related-fitness
2. Fitness A broad term denoting dynamic qualities the
allow you to satisfy your needs regarding mental and
emotional stability, social consciousness and What is skill related fitness?
this is the number of pulses beat at rest. The best tome to A skill-related physical fitness component that relates
take the RHR is upon waking up in the morning. The to the time elapsed between stimulation and the
average RHR is 75 beats for males and 80 foe females beginning of reaction to it.
per minute.
Factors determining your skill-related fitness
COMBINATION OF VARIETY OF EXERCISES TO TONE Our personalities are thought to be long term, stable, and
AND KINDS OF CRUNCHES ARE EFFECTIVE. The word personality comes from the Latin word persona.
DECREASE THE HEART RATE AND SMOOTH In the ancient world, a persona was a mask worn by an
TRANSITION. CONTINUE WITH SLOW MOVEMENT TO actor. While we tend to think of a mask as being worn to
PREVENT DIZZINESS AND HEADACHES DUE TO conceal one’s identity, the theatrical mask was originally
BLOOD POOLING ON THE LEGS. used to either represent or project a specific personality
trait of a character.
Age: 1 to 3 Years
Agreeableness measures the extent of a person's warmth and
kindness. The more agreeable someone is, the more likely
they are to be trusting, helpful and compassionate.
Disagreeable people are cold and suspicious of others, and While there are a number of differences between Erikson's and
they're less likely to cooperate. Men who are high in Freud's ideas, their theories both focus on how children
agreeableness are judged to be better dancers by women, develop a sense of independence and mastery.
suggesting that body movement can signal personality.
Psychosexual Development
People high in neuroticism worry frequently and easily slip into
anxiety and depression. If all is going well, neurotic people tend Freud called this the anal stage of development. Children gain
to find things to worry about. a sense of mastery and competence by controlling bladder and
bowel movements. Children who succeed at this stage develop
Other personality measures a sense of capability and productivity. Those who have
problems at this stage may develop an anal fixation. As adults,
Sensing and intuition refer to how people prefer to gather they might be excessively orderly or messy.
information about the world, whether through concrete
information (sensing) or emotional feelings (intuition). Thinking Psychosocial Development
and feeling refer to how people make decisions. Thinking types
go with logic, while feeling types follow their hearts. Erikson called this the autonomy versus shame and doubt
stage. Children develop self-sufficiency by controlling activities
DIMENSION OF THEORIES OF FREUD AND such as eating, toilet training, and talking. Those who succeed
at this stage develop a sense of independence while those who
ERICKSON struggle will be left doubting themselves
Sigmund Freud's psychosexual theory and Erik
Erikson's psychosocial theory are two well-known theories of
development. While he was influenced by Freud's ideas, Ages: 3 to 6 Years
Erikson's theory differed in a number of important ways.
During the preschool and early elementary years, Freud's
Like Freud, Erikson believed that personality develops theory was much more concerned with the role of the libido
in a series of predetermined stages. Unlike Freud’s theory of while Erikson's theory was more focused on how children
psychosexual stages, Erikson’s theory describes the impact of interact with parents and peers.
social experience across the whole lifespan. Let's compare and
contrast these two theories by looking at some of the key
similarities and differences at each stage.
Freud's Theory Age: Adulthood
Freud referred to this as the phallic stage. The libido's energy
is focused on the genitals. Children begin to identify with their
same-sex parent. Boys experience the Oedipus complex while Freud's theory focused exclusively on development between
girls experience the Electra complex. birth and the teen years, implying that personality is largely set
in stone by early childhood. Erikson, on the other hand, took a
Erikson's Theory lifespan approach and believed that development continues
even in old age.
Erikson's called this the initiative versus guilt stage. Children
begin to take more control over their environment. Those who
are successful at this stage develop a sense of purpose while
those who struggle are left with feelings of guilt.
Freud's Theory of Psychosexual Development
Freud's theory largely focuses on the period between birth and
adolescence. According to Freud, the genital stage lasts
Ages: 7 to 11 throughout adulthood. He believed the goal is to develop a
balance between all areas of life.
Years Freud believed that this age served as more of a
transitional period between childhood and adolescence. Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development
Erikson, on the other hand, believed that kids continue to forge
a sense of independence and competence. Eriksons' theory includes three more stages that span
adulthood. These three stages are: Intimacy vs. Isolation:
Psychosexual Development Young adults seek out romantic love and companionship.
Generativity vs. Stagnation: Middle-aged adults nurture others
Freud referred to this as the latent period. The libido's energy and contribute to society. Integrity vs. Despair: Older adults
is suppressed and children are focused on other activities such reflect on their lives, looking back with a sense of fulfillment or
as school, friends, and hobbies. Freud believed this stage was bitterness
important for developing social skills and self-confidence.
Psychosocial Development DEVELOPMENT
Erikson called this the industry versus inferiority stage. An individual’s personality refers to his/her appearance,
Children develop a sense of competence by mastering new characteristics, attitude, mindset and behavior with others.
skills. Kids who succeed at this stage develop pride in their Personality development grooms an individual and helps him
accomplishments while those who struggle may be left feeling make a mark of his/her own. Personality development goes a
incompetent. long way in reducing stress and conflicts. Personality
development helps you develop a positive attitude in life.
Personality development helps an individual to inculcate
Age: Adolescence positive qualities like punctuality, flexible attitude, willingness to
learn, friendly nature, eagerness to help others and so on.
This is the type of communication which takes place through • Physical barriers to non-verbal communication.
various official channels within a formal body of the
organization. Formal communication can take place both in • Language differences and the difficulty in
writing or through oral forms. There are also two different types understanding unfamiliar accents.
of formal communications. And those types are vertical • Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false
communication and horizontal communication. As the name assumptions or stereotyping. People often hear what they
suggests, vertical communication is the type of communication expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to
which flows upwards to downwards or vice versa in a formal incorrect conclusions.
body of the organization. Similarly, the horizontal or lateral
conversation takes place across various divisions. • Cultural differences. The norms of social interaction
vary greatly in different cultures, as do the way in which
• Informal Communication emotions are expressed. For example, the concept of personal
This type of communication includes all sorts of space varies between cultures and between different social
communications which take place without the structure of a settings.
formal body of the organization. There are many experts who
refer to this type of communication as having a ‘grapevine’
structure. This type of conversation is often distorted and takes Barriers to Communication by Category
place rapidly.
• Language Barriers - Clearly, language and linguistic
ability may act as a barrier to communication. However, even
when communicating in the same language, the terminology
The Importance of Communication used in a message may act as a barrier if it is not fully
understood by the receiver(s). For example, a message that • Active Listening - Active listening is a skill that can be
includes a lot of specialist jargon and abbreviations will not be acquired and developed with practice. However, this skill can
understood by a receiver who is not familiar with the be difficult to master and will, therefore, take time and patience.
terminology used. As nurses, we are especially prone to 'Active listening' means, as its name suggests, actively
making this mistake. We must remember to use language that listening. That is fully concentrating on what is being said
can be understood by the receiver. rather than just ‘hearing’ the message of the speaker. Active
listening involves listening with all senses. As well as giving full
• Psychological Barriers - The psychological state of the attention to the speaker, it is important that the ‘active listener’
receiver will influence how the message is received. For is also ‘seen’ to be listening - otherwise the speaker may
example, if someone has personal worries and is stressed, conclude that what they are talking about is uninteresting to the
they may be preoccupied by personal concerns and not as listener. By providing this 'feedback' the person speaking will
receptive to the message as if they were not stressed. Stress usually feel more at ease and therefore communicate more
management is an important personal skill that affects our easily, openly and honestly. There are both verbal and non-
interpersonal relationships. Anger is another example of a verbal cues that convey active listening. Non-verbal signs
psychological barrier to communication. When we are angry it include smiling (if appropriate), making eye contact, nodding at
is easy to say things that we may later regret and also to appropriate times, and avoiding distractions. Theses non-
misinterpret what others are saying. More generally, people verbal cues convey the message that you are interested in
with low self-esteem may be less assertive and therefore may what the speaker has to say, and that your attention
not feel comfortable communicating - they may feel shy about
saying how they really feel, or read negative sub-texts into is fully invested. Offering verbal signs of active listening can
messages they hear. also be useful. Reflecting on something the speaker has said
by asking a clarifying question is a terrific way to do this.
• Physiological Barriers – These barriers may result Paraphrasing involves finding slightly different words to repeat
from the receiver’s physical state. For example, a receiver with the main idea of the speaker, and is also great way to show
reduced hearing may not grasp the entirety of a spoken active listening.
conversation, especially if there is significant background
noise. • Use Simple Language - It’s important to remember
the audience that you’re speaking to, and use language that
• Physical Barriers - An example of a physical barrier to can be easily understood. Avoid using medical terminology or
communication is geographic distance between the sender and jargon when speaking to clients and their families. People are
receiver(s). Communication is generally easier over shorter often intimidated by such language, and can be afraid to admit
distances as more communication channels are available and that they don’t understand the message being delivered. An
less technology is required. Although modern technology often important tool to use when speaking is to pause occasionally
serves to reduce the impact of physical barriers, the and ask questions to ensure that your message is being
advantages and disadvantages of each communication understood as intended. You may also allow the listener to ask
channel should be understood so that an appropriate channel questions to clarify any points.
can be used to overcome the physical barriers.
• Give Constructive Feedback - Remember that
• Attitudinal Barriers – These are behaviors or feedback was part of the communication chain we looked at on
perceptions that prevent people from communicating the first page. While the feedback that you give the
effectively. Attitudinal barriers to communication may result speaker/sender may occasionally be negative, it is important
from personality conflicts, poor management, resistance to that it be constructive in nature. The intent of the feedback
change, or a lack of motivation. Effective receivers of should be to further the abilities of the speaker. This will
messages should attempt to overcome their own attitudinal strengthen the interpersonal relationship, and enhance future
barriers to facilitate effective communication. communications.
• Semantic Barriers - These barriers are concerned with • Communicate Only What Is Needed - Noise and
all sorts of problems which can take place when the distractions can clog up the communication process on all
information is being encoded or decoded. These barriers can levels. While it might be fun to send out funny GIFs or memes
take place due to faulty words, different interpretations, or to your coworkers, these act as distractions that can detract
translations. from productivity. Keep your workers focused by encouraging
them to communicate only what is necessary. If they’d like to
• Organizational Barriers - These barriers refer to the
joke around, they can do that through face-to-face
obstructions which can take place due to strict organizational
communication, as it’s a better way to strengthen bonds and
structures. An example of this can be in highly centralized
relationships. Additionally, it’s important not to overload your
organizations, some members of the team do not get to
workers with too much information. Sending a group text to
interact with other members at all.
everyone that relates to a subject only three people are
• Personal Barriers - These are the personal factors of interested in is a waste of time for everyone involved. Keep
both the sender and the receiver which might hinder the messages short, succinct, and packed with only the information
process of effective communication. a person needs to do their job.
• Implicit measures of self-esteem began to be used in • Understand how they are an interesting and valuable
the 1980s. These rely on indirect measures of cognitive person for others, at least for those with whom they have a
processing thought to be linked to implicit self-esteem, friendship.
including the Name Letter Task. Such indirect measures are
designed to reduce awareness of the process of assessment. • Resist manipulation, collaborate with others only if it
When used to assess implicit self-esteem, psychologists seems appropriate and convenient.
feature self-relevant stimuli to the participant and then measure • Admit and accept different internal feelings and
how quickly a person identifies positive or negative stimuli. drives, either positive or negative, revealing those drives to
Shame others only when they choose.
Shame can be a contributor to those with problems of low self- • Are able to enjoy a great variety of activities.
esteem. Feelings of shame usually occur because of a • Are sensitive to feelings and needs of others; respect
situation where the social self is devalued, such as a socially generally accepted social rules, and claim no right or desire to
evaluated poor performance. A poor performance leads to prosper at others' expense.
higher responses of psychological states that indicate a threat
to the social self namely a decrease in social self-esteem and • Can work toward finding solutions and voice
an increase in shame. This increase in shame can be helped discontent without belittling themselves or others when
with self-compassion. challenges arise.
Real self, ideal self, and dreaded self Secure vs. defensive
There are three levels of self-evaluation development in A person can have high self-esteem and hold it confidently
relation to the real self, ideal self, and the dreaded self. The where they do not need reassurance from others to maintain
real, ideal, and dreaded selves develop in children in a their positive self-view, whereas others with defensive high
sequential pattern on cognitive levels. self-esteem may still report positive self-evaluations on the
Rosenberg Scale, as all high self-esteem individuals do;
• Moral judgment stages: Individuals describe their real, however, their positive self-views are fragile and vulnerable to
ideal, and dreaded selves with stereotypical labels, such as criticism. Defensive high self-esteem individuals internalize
subconscious self-doubts and insecurities, causing them to
react very negatively to any criticism they may receive. There others when evaluating self-worth. Others may measure their
is a need for constant positive feedback from others for these likability in terms of successes: others will accept themselves if
individuals to maintain their feelings of self-worth. The they succeed but will not if they fail.
necessity of repeated praise can be associated with boastful,
arrogant behavior or sometimes even aggressive and hostile The three state
feelings toward anyone who questions the individual's self-
This classification proposed by Martin Ross distinguishes three
worth, an example of threatened egotism.
states of self-esteem compared to the "feats" (triumphs,
honors, virtues) and the "anti-feats" (defeats, embarrassment,
shame, etc.) of the individuals.
Implicit, explicit, narcissism and threatened egotism
Implicit self-esteem refers to a person's disposition to evaluate
themselves positively or negatively in a spontaneous, The individual does not regard themselves as valuable or
automatic, or unconscious manner. It contrasts with explicit lovable. They may be overwhelmed by defeat, or shame, or
self-esteem, which entails more conscious and reflective self- see themselves as such, and they name their "anti-feat". For
evaluation. Both explicit self-esteem and implicit self-esteem example, if they consider that being over a certain age is an
are subtypes of self-esteem proper. anti-feat, they define themselves with the name of their anti-
feat, and say, "I am old". They express actions and feelings
Narcissism is a disposition people may have that represents an such as pity, insulting themselves, and they may become
excessive love for one's self. It is characterized by an inflated paralyzed by their sadness.
view of self-worth. Individuals who score high on narcissism
measures, Robert Raskin's 40 Item True or False Test, would Vulnerable
likely select true to such statements as "If I ruled the world, it
The individual has a generally positive self-image. However,
would be a much better place."
their self-esteem is also vulnerable to the perceived risk of an
There is only a moderate correlation between narcissism and imminent anti-feat (such as defeat, embarrassment, shame,
self-esteem; that is to say that an individual can have high self- discredit), consequently, they are often nervous and regularly
esteem but low narcissism or can be a conceited, obnoxious use defense mechanisms. A typical protection mechanism of
person and score high self-esteem and high narcissism. those with vulnerable self-esteem may consist in avoiding
Threatened egotism is characterized as a response to criticism
that threatens the ego of narcissists; Although such individuals may outwardly exhibit great self-
confidence, the underlying reality may be just the opposite: the
they often react in a hostile and aggressive manner. apparent self-confidence is indicative of their heightened fear
of anti-feats and the fragility of their self-esteem. They may
Low also try to blame others to protect their self-image from
situations that would threaten it. They may employ defense
Low self-esteem can result from various factors, including
mechanisms, including attempting to lose at games and other
genetic factors, physical appearance or weight, mental health
competitions in order to protect their self-image by publicly
issues, socioeconomic status, significant emotional
dissociating themselves from a need to win, and asserting an
experiences, social stigma, peer pressure or bullying.
independence from social acceptance which they may deeply
A person with low self-esteem may show some of the following desire. In this deep fear of being unaccepted by an individual's
characteristics: peers, they make poor life choices by making risky decisions.
• Sees temporary setbacks as permanent, intolerable Contingent self-esteem is derived from external sources, such
conditions. as what others say, one's success or failure, one's
competence, or relationship-contingent self-esteem. Therefore,
Individuals with low self-esteem tend to be critical of contingent self-esteem is marked by instability, unreliability,
themselves. Some depend on the approval and praise of and vulnerability. Persons lacking a non-contingent self-
esteem are "predisposed to an incessant pursuit of self-value". As narcissism
However, because the pursuit of contingent self-esteem is
based on receiving approval, it is doomed to fail. No one Life satisfaction, happiness, healthy behavioral practices,
receives constant approval and disapproval often evokes perceived efficacy, and academic success and adjustment
depression. Furthermore, fear of disapproval inhibits activities have been associated with having high levels of self-esteem
in which failure is possible. "The courage to be is the courage (Harter, 1987; Huebner, 1991; Lipschitz-Elhawi & Itzhaky,
to accept oneself, in spite of being unacceptable. This is the 2005; Rumberger 1995; Swenson & Prelow, 2005; Yarcheski &
Pauline-Lutheran doctrine of 'justification by faith.'" Mahon, 1989). However, a common mistake is to think that
loving oneself is necessarily equivalent to narcissism, as
Non-contingent self-esteem is described as true, stable, and opposed for example to what Erik Erikson speaks of as "a
solid. It springs from a belief that one is "acceptable period, post-narcissistic love of the ego". A person with a healthy self-
acceptable before life itself, ontologically acceptable". Belief esteem accepts and loves himself/herself unconditionally,
that one is "ontologically acceptable" is to believe that one's acknowledging both virtues and faults in the self, and yet, in
acceptability is "the way things are without contingency". In this spite of everything, is able to continue to love her/himself.
belief, as expounded by theologian Paul Tillich, acceptability is
not based on a person's virtue. It is an acceptance given "in In narcissists, by contrast, an " uncertainty about their own
spite of our guilt, not because we have no guilt". Psychiatrist worth gives rise to...a self-protective, but often totally spurious,
Thomas A Harris drew on Tillich for his classic I'm OK – You're aura of grandiosity" – producing the class "of narcissists, or
OK that addresses non-contingent self-esteem. Harris people with very high, but insecure, self-esteem... fluctuating
translated Tillich's "acceptable" by the vernacular OK, a term with each new episode of social praise or rejection."
that means "acceptable". The Christian message, said Harris,
Narcissism can thus be seen as a symptom of fundamentally
low self-esteem, that is, lack of love towards oneself, but often
unconditionally". A secure non-contingent selfesteem springs
accompanied by "an immense increase in self-esteem" based
from the belief that one is ontologically acceptable and
on "the defense mechanism of denial by overcompensation."
"Idealized love of self...rejected the part of him" that he
Importance denigrates – "this destructive little child" within. Instead, the
narcissist emphasizes their virtues in the presence of others,
Abraham Maslow states that psychological health is not just to try to convince their self that they are a valuable person
possible unless the essential core of the person is and to try to stop feeling ashamed for their faults; such "people
fundamentally accepted, loved and respected by others and by with unrealistically inflated self-views, which may be especially
her or himself. Self-esteem allows people to face life with more unstable and highly vulnerable to negative information, tend to
confidence, benevolence, and optimism, and thus easily reach have poor social skills."
their goals and self-actualize.
Self-esteem may make people convinced they deserve
happiness. Understanding this is fundamental, and universally WORKING ON ATTITUDES
beneficial, since the development of positive self-esteem
In psychology, attitude is a psychological construct, a mental
increases the capacity to treat other people with respect,
and emotional entity that inheres in, or characterizes a person.
benevolence and goodwill, thus favoring rich interpersonal
They are complex and are an acquired state through
relationships and avoiding destructive ones. For Erich Fromm,
experiences. It is an individual's predisposed state of mind
the love of others and love of ourselves are not alternatives.
regarding a value and it is precipitated through a responsive
On the contrary, an attitude of love toward themselves will be
expression towards oneself, a person, place, thing, or event
found in all those who are capable of loving others. Self-
(the attitude object) which in turn influences the individual's
esteem allows creativity at the workplace and is especially
thought and action. Prominent psychologist Gordon Allport
critical condition for teaching professions.
described this latent psychological construct as "the most
José-Vicente Bonet claims that the importance of self-esteem distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social
is obvious as a lack of self-esteem is, he says, not a loss of psychology." Attitude can be formed from a person's past and
esteem from others, but self-rejection. Bonet claims that this present.
corresponds to major depressive disorder.[16] Freud also
claimed that the depressive has suffered "an extraordinary
diminution in his self-regard, an impoverishment of his ego on Definitions Social psychology
a grand scale....He has lost his self-respect".
• An attitude is an evaluation of an attitude object,
False attempts ranging from extremely negative to extremely positive. • An
attitude can be a positive or negative evaluation of people,
For persons with low self-esteem, any positive stimulus will
objects, events, activities, and ideas. It could be concrete,
temporarily raise self-esteem. Therefore, possessions, sex,
abstract or just about anything in your environment, but there is
success, or physical appearance will produce the development
a debate about precise definitions.
of self-esteem, but the development is ephemeral at best.
• Eagly and Chaiken, define an attitude as "a
Such attempts to raise one's self-esteem by positive stimulus
psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a
produce a "boom or bust" pattern. "Compliments and positive
particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor."
feedback" produce a boost, but a bust follows a lack of such
feedback. For a person whose "self-esteem is contingent",
success is "not extra sweet", but "failure is extra bitter".
Jung's definition
• Attitude is a "readiness of the psyche to act or react in • The classic, tripartite view offered by Rosenberg and Hovland
a certain way". Attitudes very often come in pairs, one is that an attitude contains cognitive, affective, and behavioral
conscious and the other unconscious. Within this broad components.
definition Jung defines several attitudes.
Attitude component model
An influential model of attitude is the multicomponent model,
The main (but not only) attitude dualities that Jung defines are where attitudes are evaluations of an object that have affective,
the following. behavioral, and cognitive components (the ABC model):
• Consciousness and the unconscious. The "presence • Affective component The affective component of
of two attitudes is extremely frequent, one conscious and the attitudes refers to your feelings or emotions linked to an
other unconscious. This means that consciousness has a attitude object. Affective responses influence attitudes in a
constellation of contents different from that of the unconscious, number of ways. For example, many people are afraid/scared
a duality particularly evident in neurosis". of spiders. So this negative affective response is likely to cause
you to have a negative attitude towards spiders.
• Extraversion and introversion. This pair is so
elementary to Jung's theory of types that he labeled them the • behavioral component The behavioral component of
"attitude-types". attitudes refers to the way the attitude we have influences how
we act or behave.
• Rational and irrational attitudes. "I conceive reason as
an attitude". • Cognitive component The cognitive component of
attitudes refers to the beliefs, thoughts, and attributes that we
• The rational attitude subdivides into the thinking and would associate with an object. Many times a person's attitude
feeling psychological functions, each with its attitude. might be based on the negative and positive attributes they
associate with an object.
• The irrational attitude subdivides into the sensing and
intuition psychological functions, each with its attitude. "There MODE model
is thus a typical thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuitive
attitude". This is the theory of attitude evaluation (motivation and
opportunity as determinants of the attitude - behavior relation).
• Individual and social attitudes. Many of the latter are When both are present, behavior will be deliberate. When one
"isms". is absent, impact on behavior will be spontaneous. The MODE
model was developed by Fazio. A person's attitude can be
Factors Psychological
measured in two different ways:
• The attitude of a person is determined by
• Explicit measure - are attitudes at the conscious level,
psychological factors like ideas, values, beliefs, perception, etc.
that are deliberately formed and easy to selfreport.
All these have a complex role in determining a person's
attitude. • Implicit measure - are attitudes that are at an
unconscious level, that are involuntarily formed and are
• Values are ideals, guiding principles in one's life, or
typically unknown to us.
overarching goals that people strive to obtain.
Both explicit and implicit attitudes can shape an individual's
• Beliefs are cognitions about the world—subjective
behavior. Implicit attitudes, however, are most likely to affect
probabilities that an object has a particular attribute or that an
behavior when the demands are steep and an individual feels
action will lead to a particular outcome. Beliefs can be patently
stressed or distracted.
and unequivocally false.
• Another important factor that affects attitude is
symbolic interactionism, these are rife with powerful symbols Another classic view of attitudes is that attitudes serve
and charged with affect which can lead to a selective particular functions for individuals. Daniel Katz classified
perception. attitudes into four different groups based on their functions
Family 1. Utilitarian: provides us with general approach or
avoidance tendencies
Family plays a significant role in the primary stage of attitudes
held by individuals. Initially, a person develops certain attitudes 2. Knowledge: help people organize and interpret new
from his parents, brothers, sister, and elders in the family. information
There is a high degree of relationship between parent and
children in attitudes found in them. 3. Ego-defensive: attitudes can help people protect their
4. Value-expressive: used to express central values or
Societies play an important role in formatting the attitudes of an beliefs
individual. The culture, the tradition, the language, etc.,
influence a person's attitudes. Society, tradition, and the
culture teach individuals what is and what is not acceptable.
Utilitarian People adopt attitudes that are rewarding and that
Economic help them avoid punishment. In other words, any attitude that
is adopted in a person's own self-interest is considered to
A person's attitude also depends on issues such as his salary, serve a utilitarian function.
status, work environment, work as such, etc.
Knowledge People need to maintain an organized, meaningful, components. Emotion works hand-in-hand with the cognitive
and stable view of the world. Attitudes achieve this goal by process, or the way we think, about an issue or situation.
making things fit together and make sense. Examples:
By activating an affective or emotion node, attitude change
• I believe that I am a good person. may be possible, though affective and cognitive components
tend to be intertwined. In primarily affective networks, it is more
• I believe that good things happen to good people. difficult to produce cognitive counterarguments in the
resistance to persuasion and attitude change.
• Something bad happens to Bob.
Components of emotion appeals
• So I believe Bob must not be a good person.
Any discrete emotion can be used in a persuasive appeal; this
may include jealousy, disgust, indignation, fear, blue,
This function involves psychoanalytic principles where people disturbed, haunted, and anger. Fear is one of the most studied
use defense mechanisms to protect themselves from emotional appeals in communication and social influence
psychological harm. Mechanisms include: research.
• Serves to express one's central values and self- Attitude accessibility refers to the activation of an attitude from
concept. memory in other words, how readily available is an attitude
about an object, issue, or situation. Issue involvement is the
• Central values tend to establish our identity and gain relevance and salience of an issue or situation to an individual.
us social approval thereby showing us who we are, and what Issue involvement has been correlated with both attitude
we stand for. access and attitude strength.
An example would concern attitudes toward a controversial Attitude-behavior relationship
political issue.
The effects of attitudes on behaviors is a growing research
Change enterprise within psychology. Icek Ajzen has led research and
helped develop two prominent theoretical approaches within
Attitudes can be changed through persuasion and an important
this field: the theory of reasoned action and, its theoretical
domain of research on attitude change focuses on responses
descendant, the theory of planned behavior. Both theories help
to communication. Experimental research into the factors that
explain the link between attitude and behavior as a controlled
can affect the persuasiveness of a message include:
and deliberative process.
• Target characteristics: These are characteristics that
Theory of reasoned action
refer to the person who receives and processes a message.
One such trait is intelligence - it seems that more intelligent The theory of reasoned action (TRA) is a model for the
people are less easily persuaded by one-sided messages. prediction of behavioral intention, spanning predictions of
attitude and predictions of behavior. The theory of reasoned
• Source characteristics: The major source
action was developed by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen (1975,
characteristics are expertise, trustworthiness and interpersonal
1980), derived from previous research that started out as the
attraction or attractiveness.
theory of attitude, which led to the study of attitude and
• Message Characteristics: The nature of the message behavior. The theory was "born largely out of frustration with
plays a role in persuasion. Sometimes presenting both sides of traditional attitude– behavior research, much of which found
a story is useful to help change attitudes. weak correlations between attitude measures and performance
of volitional behaviors" (Hale, Householder & Greene, 2003, p.
• Cognitive routes: A message can appeal to an 259).
individual's cognitive evaluation to help change an attitude. In
the central route to persuasion the individual is presented with Theory of planned behavior
the data and motivated to evaluate the data and arrive at an
The theory of planned behavior was proposed by Icek Ajzen in
attitude changing conclusion. In the peripheral route to attitude
1985 through his article "From intentions to actions: A theory of
change, the individual is encouraged to not look at the content
planned behavior." The theory was developed from the theory
but at the source. This is commonly seen in modern
of reasoned action, which was proposed by Martin Fishbein
advertisements that feature celebrities. In some cases,
together with Icek Ajzen in 1975. The theory of reasoned action
physician, doctors or experts are used. In other cases, film
was in turn grounded in various theories of attitude such as
stars are used for their attractiveness.
learning theories, expectancy-value theories, consistency
Emotion and attitude change theories, and attribution theory. According to the theory of
reasoned action, if people evaluate the suggested behavior as
Emotion is a common component in persuasion, social positive (attitude), and if they think their significant others want
influence, and attitude change. Much of attitude research them to perform the behavior (subjective norm), this results in a
emphasized the importance of affective or emotion higher intention (motivation) and they are more likely to do so.
Motivation and Opportunity as Determinants (MODE) Some characteristics you may notice with aggressive
Russell H. Fazio proposed an alternative theory called
"Motivation and Opportunity as Determinants" or MODE. Fazio • They speak up when they have an idea, notice an
believes that because there is deliberative process happening, injustice, or see an opportunity to do things better.
individuals must be motivated to reflect on their attitudes and
subsequent behaviors. • They may come across as confident, demanding,
passionate, outspoken, or commandeering.
• They’re much more likely to approach people in
In 1928 Louis Leon Thurstone published an article titled authority about problems.
"Attitudes Can Be Measured" in it he proposed an elaborate
procedure to assess people's views on social issues. Attitudes • In the extreme, they may steamroll others, coming
can be difficult to measure because measurement is arbitrary, across as pushy or too harsh.
because attitudes are ultimately a hypothetical construct that
cannot be observed directly.
How to work with someone who tends to be aggressive?
But many measurements and evidence proofed scales are
used to examine attitudes. A Likert scale taps agreement or Aggressive personalities don’t fear conflict, which can make
disagreement with a series of belief statements. The Guttman them valuable advocates for new ideas within the workplace.
scale focuses on items that vary in their degree of They fight for what they believe in, and they’re vocal about it.
psychological difficulty. Knowing how to work with aggressive people can help you
channel their energy for the betterment of your team.
Explicit measures tend to rely on self-reports or easily
observed behaviors. These tend to involve bipolar scales (e.g., How to motivate someone who tends to be aggressive at
good-bad, favorable-unfavorable, support-oppose, etc.). work?
Explicit measures can also be used by measuring the
straightforward attribution of characteristics to nominate • When possible, give them some time and resources
groups. Explicit attitudes that develop in response to recent to work on passion projects they’ve advocated for. They’ll
information, automatic evaluation were thought to reflect appreciate the “yes” and being able to test out new ideas.
mental associations through early socialization experiences.
• Aggressive personalities appreciate an environment
Implicit where they can speak freely, be honest about the problems
they see, and champion good ideas. Even if your corporate
Implicit measures are not consciously directed and are culture calls for more restraint, give your aggressive employees
assumed to be automatic, which may make implicit measures an outlet in one-on-one sessions with you.
more valid and reliable than explicit measures (such as self-
reports). For example, people can be motivated such that they
find it socially desirable to appear to have certain attitudes.
How to give feedback to an aggressive employee?
• Aggressive people appreciate directness. Be kind but
WORKING ON ATTITUDE direct when you need to give constructive criticism.
They’d rather hear the bottom line than have you beat around
the bush.
How to give feedback to a passive employee?
• Some managers hesitate to give feedback if an
If you want to see your passive employees speak up more employee with an aggressive personality is coming on too
often in meetings, with customers, or on projects, tell them strong with peers. However, this kind of interpersonal coaching
directly. Be specific about what you’d like. can be invaluable in helping people with aggressive
personalities succeed at work.
What is the opposite of a passive personality?
On the other hand, some people have no qualms about making
their opinions known. Let’s take a look at the aggressive Assertiveness is a skill regularly referred to in social and
personality trait and how it affects a person’s working style. communication skills training.
Being assertive means being able to stand up for your own or
other people’s rights in a calm and positive way, without being
What does it mean to be aggressive at work?
either aggressive, or passively accepting ‘wrong’.
Aggressive people are assertive in their interactions with
others. They’re comfortable speaking up, especially when
they’re confident in their viewpoints. Assertive individuals are able to get their point across without
upsetting others, or becoming upset themselves.
What are the characteristics of an aggressive person?
What is Assertiveness?
The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines assertiveness as: 2. Manipulative people do not understand the concept of
“Forthright, positive, insistence on the recognition of one's boundaries.
rights”. In other words: Assertiveness means standing up for
your personal rights - expressing thoughts, feelings and beliefs 3. A manipulator avoids responsibilities for his own
in direct, honest and appropriate ways. It is important to note conduct by blaming others for causing it.
also that: By being assertive we should always respect the
4. Manipulative people prey on our sensibilities,
thoughts, feelings and beliefs of other people. Those who
emotional sensitivity, and especially conscientiousness.
behave assertively always respect the thoughts, feelings and
beliefs of other people as well as their own. 5. They will often talk about you behind your back the
same way they talk to you about others.
6. Never waste your time trying to explain who you are
Passive, Aggressive and Assertive
to people who are committed to misunderstanding you.
Assertiveness is often seen as the balance point between
7. Characterize people by their actions and you will
passive and aggressive behavior, but it’s probably easier to
never be fooled by their words. Always remember that what a
think of the three as points of a triangle.
person says and does are two very separate things. Observe
someone closely, without making excuses for them—usually
what you see is what you get.
Being Assertive
8. If the individual put as much effort into being a good
• Being assertive involves taking into consideration your person as they do into pretending to be one, they could
own and other people’s rights, wishes, wants, needs and actually be a good person. This is an essential point: Our initial
desires. encounter and perception of someone strongly colors our
developing relationship with them. If we understood from the
• Assertiveness means encouraging others to be open beginning that a person is not who they seem to be, and is just
and honest about their views, wishes and feelings, so that both hiding behind a facade of what appears to be socially
parties act appropriately. acceptable behavior, then perhaps we would be more-wary of
getting involved with them.
Being Passive
9. Regularly examine what you believe.
Responding in a passive or non-assertive way tends to mean
compliance with the wishes of others and can undermine
individual rights and self-confidence. WEEK 5
By being aggressive towards someone else, their rights and
self-esteem are undermined. INDUSTRY
Reemergence of trait theory Situational theory also appeared as a reaction to the trait
theory of leadership. Social scientists argued that history was
New methods and measurements were developed after these more than the result of intervention of great men as Carlyle
influential reviews that would ultimately reestablish trait theory suggested. Herbert Spencer (and Karl Marx) said that the
as a viable approach to the study of leadership. Equipped with times produce the person and not the other way around. This
new methods, leadership researchers revealed the following: theory assumes that different situations call for different
characteristics; according to this group of theories, no single
• Individuals can and do emerge as leaders across a optimal psychographic profile of a leader exists. According to
variety of situations and tasks. the theory, "what an individual actually does when acting as a
leader is in large part dependent upon characteristics of the
• Significant relationships exist between leadership
situation in which he functions."
emergence and such individual traits as: Intelligence,
Adjustment, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Openness to
experience and General self-efficacy The Fiedler contingency model bases the leader's
effectiveness on what Fred Fiedler called situational
contingency. This results from the interaction of leadership
Zaccaro noted that trait theories still: style and situational favorability (later called situational control).
The theory defined two types of leader: those who tend to
• Focus on a small set of individual attributes such as accomplish the task by developing good relationships with the
"The Big Five" personality traits, to the neglect of cognitive group (relationship-oriented), and those who have as their
abilities, motives, values, social skills, expertise, and problem- prime concern carrying out the task itself (task-oriented).
solving skills.
• Fail to consider patterns or integrations of multiple
attributes. Victor Vroom, in collaboration with Phillip Yetton (1973) and
later with Arthur Jago (1988), developed a taxonomy for
• Do not distinguish between the leadership attributes describing leadership situations, which was used in a
that are generally not malleable over time and those that are normative decision model where leadership styles were
shaped by, and bound to, situational influences. connected to situational variables, defining which approach
was more suitable to which situation. This approach was novel
• Do not consider how stable leader attributes account because it supported the idea that the same manager could
for the behavioral diversity necessary for effective leadership. rely on different group decision making approaches depending
on the attributes of each situation. This model was later
referred to as situational contingency theory.
Behavioral and style theories
In response to the early criticisms of the trait approach,
theorists began to research leadership as a set of behaviors, The path-goal theory of leadership was developed by Robert
evaluating the behavior of successful leaders, determining a House (1971) and was based on the expectancy theory of
behavior taxonomy, and identifying broad leadership styles. Victor Vroom. According to House, the essence of the theory is
David McClelland, for example, posited that leadership takes a "the meta proposition that leaders, to be effective, engage in
strong personality with a well-developed positive ego. To lead, behaviors that complement subordinates' environments and
self-confidence and high self-esteem are useful, perhaps even abilities in a manner that compensates for deficiencies and is
essential. instrumental to subordinate satisfaction and individual and
work unit performance".
Kurt Lewin, Ronald Lipitt, and Ralph White developed in 1939
the seminal work on the influence of leadership styles and Functional theory
Functional leadership theory is a particularly useful theory for This LMX theory addresses a specific aspect of the leadership
addressing specific leader behaviors expected to contribute to process is the leader–member exchange (LMX) theory, which
organizational or unit effectiveness. This theory argues that the evolved from an earlier theory called the vertical dyad linkage
leader's main job is to see that whatever is necessary to group (VDL) model. Both of these models focus on the interaction
needs is taken care of; thus, a leader can be said to have done between leaders and individual followers.
their job well when they have contributed to group
effectiveness and cohesion.
In-group members
Integrated psychological theory In-group members are perceived by the leader as being more
experienced, competent, and willing to assume responsibility
The Integrated Psychological theory of leadership is an attempt than other followers.
to integrate the strengths of the older theories (i.e. traits,
behavioral/styles, situational and functional) while addressing
their limitations, introducing a new element – the need for
Out-group members
leaders to develop their leadership presence, attitude toward
others and behavioral flexibility by practicing psychological Out-group members often receive less time and more distant
mastery. It also offers a foundation for leaders wanting to apply exchanges than their in-group counterparts.
the philosophies of servant leadership and authentic
Integrated Psychological theory began to attract attention after Leadership can be perceived as a particularly emotion-laden
the publication of James Scouller's Three Levels of Leadership process, with emotions entwined with the social influence
model (2011). Scouller argued that the older theories offer only process. In an organization, the leader's mood has some
limited assistance in developing a person's ability to lead effects on his/her group. These effects can be described in
effectively. Scouller proposed the Three Levels of Leadership three levels: The mood of individual group members, The
model, which was later categorized as an "Integrated affective tone of the group and Group processes like
Psychological" theory on the Businessballs education coordination, effort expenditure, and task strategy.
Neo-emergent theory
The three levels in his model are Public, Private and Personal
leadership: The neo-emergent leadership theory (from the Oxford Strategic
Leadership Programme) sees leadership as an impression
• The first two – public and private leadership – are formed through the communication of information by the leader
"outer" or behavioral levels. These are the behaviors that or by other stakeholders, not through the true actions of the
address what Scouller called "the four dimensions of leader himself.
leadership". These dimensions are: (1) a shared, motivating
group purpose; (2) action, progress and results; (3) collective
unity or team spirit; (4) individual selection and motivation. Constructivist analysis
Public leadership focuses on the 34 behaviors involved in
influencing two or more people simultaneously. Private Some constructivists question whether leadership exists, or
leadership covers the 14 behaviors needed to influence suggest that (for example) leadership "is a myth equivalent to a
individuals one to one. belief in UFOs".
• The third – personal leadership – is an "inner" level
and concerns a person's growth toward greater leadership
presence, knowhow and skill. Working on one's personal Leadership emergence
leadership has three aspects:
(1) Technical knowhow and skill (2) Developing the right
The list includes, but is not limited to: assertiveness,
attitude toward other people – which is the basis of servant
authenticity, Big Five personality factors, birth order, character
leadership (3) Psychological self-mastery – the foundation for
strengths, dominance, emotional intelligence, gender identity,
authentic leadership.
intelligence, narcissism, self-efficacy for leadership, self-
monitoring and social motivation.
Bernard Bass and colleagues developed the idea of two Assertiveness - The relationship between assertiveness and
different types of leadership, transactional that involves leadership emergence is curvilinear; individuals who are either
exchange of labor for rewards and transformational which is low in assertiveness or very high in assertiveness are less
based on concern for employees, intellectual stimulation, and likely to be identified as leaders.
providing a group vision.
Authenticity - Individuals who are more aware of their
Leader–member exchange theory personality qualities, including their values and beliefs, and are
less biased when processing self-relevant information, are
more likely to be accepted as leaders.
Leadership styles
Big Five personality factors - Those who emerge as leaders
tend to be more (order in strength of relationship with A leadership style is a leader's style of providing direction,
leadership emergence): extroverted, conscientious, emotionally implementing plans, and motivating people. It is the result of
stable, and open to experience, although these tendencies are the philosophy, personality, and experience of the leader.
stronger in laboratory studies of leaderless groups. Different situations call for different leadership styles.
Agreeableness, the last factor of the Big Five personality traits,
does not seem to play any meaningful role in leadership
emergence • Autocratic or authoritarian - Under the autocratic
leadership style, all decision-making powers are centralized in
the leader, as with dictators. Autocratic leaders do not ask or
Birth order - Those born first in their families and only children entertain any suggestions or initiatives from subordinates.
are hypothesized to be more driven to seek leadership and
• Participative or democratic - The democratic
control in social settings.
leadership style consists of the leader sharing the decision-
making abilities with group members by promoting the interests
of the group members and by practicing social equality.
Character strengths - Those seeking leadership positions in a
military organization had elevated scores on a number of • Laissez-faire or Free-rein - In Laissez-faire or free-rein
indicators of strength of character, including honesty, hope, leadership, decision-making is passed on to the sub-
bravery, industry, and teamwork. ordinates.
A bridge of all disciplines. As a mediating discipline, 3. Importance of History in Our Own Lives
history is also useful because everything has a history. The two fundamental reasons for studying history underlie
Medicine, banking, legal practice, teaching religion, specific and relatively diverse uses of history in our own lives.
A well-told history is beautiful. Many of the historians who most
commerce, etc., have history. Thus, history, as a appeal to the general reading public know the importance of
discipline, covers a wide range of issues. A nurse would dramatic and skillful writing and accuracy. Biography and
military history appeal in part because of the tales they contain.
find a knowledge of the history of nursing in her locality
History as art and entertainment serves a real purpose on
useful, while military personnel can also find the history of aesthetic grounds and the level of human understanding. Well-
the force invaluable. Therefore, history becomes a told stories reveal how people and societies have functioned
and prompt thoughts about the human experience in other
meeting ground for different disciplines, thereby making it times and places. The same aesthetic and humanistic goals
fascinating. inspire people to immerse themselves in reconstructing
relatively remote pasts, far removed from the immediate,
Why Study History? present-day utility. Exploring what historians occasionally call
the "pastness of the past," that is, how people in distant ages
According to Peter Stearns (1998), we should study history constructed their lives, involves a sense of beauty and
because it is essential to individuals and society and harbors excitement and ultimately another perspective on human life
beauty. We can discuss the subject's real functions in many and society.
ways because of different historical talents and paths to
historical meaning. All definitions of history's utility, however,
4. History Contributes to Moral Understanding
rely on two fundamental facts.
History also provides a terrain for moral contemplation.
1. History Helps Us Understand People and Societies Studying the stories of individuals and situations in the past
allows a history student to test their moral sense and hone it
In the first place, history offers a storehouse of information against some real complexities that individuals have faced in
about how people and societies behave. Understanding the challenging settings. People who have weathered adversity not
operations of people and communities is difficult, although only in works of fiction but in historical circumstances can
several disciplines attempt it. Exclusive reliance on current inspire. "History is teaching by example" describes this use of a
data would needlessly handicap our efforts. How can we study of the past, that is, a study of certifiable heroes (i.e., the
evaluate war if the nation is at peace other than using historical great men and women of history) who successfully worked
materials? How can we understand genius, the influence of through moral dilemmas and ordinary people who provide
technological innovation, or the role that beliefs play in shaping lessons in courage, diligence, or constructive protest.
family life if we do not use what we know about past
experiences? Several social scientists attempt to formulate
5. History Provides Identity
laws or theories about human behavior. However, even these
recourses depend on historical information, except for limited History also helps provide identity, which is one reason all
artificial cases in which scientists can do experiments to modern nations encourage its teaching in some form. Historical
determine how people act under certain circumstances. data includes how families, groups, institutions, and whole
Significant aspects of a society's operation, such as mass countries were formed and how they have evolved while
elections, missionary activities, or military alliances, cannot be retaining cohesion. For many Americans, studying one's family
set up as precise experiments. history is the most obvious use of history because it provides
facts about genealogy and (at a slightly more complex level) a
Consequently, history must serve, however imperfectly, as
basis for understanding how the family has interacted with
a replacement for experiments. Data from the past must serve
considerable historical change. Family identity is established
as our most vital evidence in determining why our society
and confirmed. Many institutions, businesses, communities,
and social units, such as ethnic groups in the United States, partisan claims about the glories of national or group identity.
use history for similar identity purposes. Defining the group in The study of history for no reason undermines loyalty or
the present pales compared with the possibility of forming an commitment, but it teaches the need for assessing arguments
identity based on a rich past. Nations also use identity history and provides opportunities to engage in debate and achieve
and abuse it occasionally. Narratives that tell the national story, perspective.
emphasizing distinctive features of the national experience, are
meant to provide an understanding of national values and a Experience in Assessing Past Examples of Change.
commitment to national loyalty. Experience in assessing past examples of change is vital to
understand the difference in society today; it is an essential
skill in our "ever-changing world." The analysis of change
6. Studying History Is Essential for Good Citizenship
means developing some capacity for determining the
A study of history is essential for good citizenship. The magnitude and significance of change because some changes
need for good citizenship is the most common justification for are more fundamental than others. Comparing specific
history in the school curricula. The advocates of citizenship changes to relevant examples from the past helps history
history also hope to promote national identity and loyalty students develop this capacity. The ability to identify the
through a history spiced by vivid stories and lessons in continuities that always accompany even the most dramatic
individual success and morality. However, the importance of changes also comes from studying history, similar to the skill to
history for citizenship goes beyond this narrow goal and can determine the probable causes of change. Learning history
even challenge it at some points. helps one determine if one main factor, such as a technological
innovation or a deliberate new policy, accounts for a change or
The history that lays the foundation for genuine citizenship whether because generally, several factors combine to
returns to the essential uses of the study of the past. History generate the actual change that occurs.
provides data about the emergence of national institutions,
problems, and values because it is the only significant Hence, the study of history is crucial to developing a well-
storehouse of such data. History also offers evidence about informed citizen. It provides necessary factual information
how nations have interacted with other societies, providing about our political institutions' background and about the
international and comparative perspectives essential for values and problems that affect our social well-being. It also
responsible citizenship. Studying history also helps us contributes to our capacity to use evidence, assess
understand how recent, current, and prospective changes that interpretations, and analyze change and continuities. No one
affect citizens' lives are emerging or may emerge and what can ever deal with the present as the historian deals with the
causes are involved. Studying history also encourages habits past—we lack the perspective for this feat, but we can move in
of mind that are vital for responsible public behavior, whether this direction by applying historical habits, and we will function
as a national or community leader, an informed voter, a as good citizens in the process.
petitioner, or a superficial observer.
or interpreted. It can be biased, depending on the Is the information uninterpreted data or statistics?
viewpoint of the author. These sources are valuable
because they give an exact account of historical events or Is the source an original work?
new ideas (Westminster Giovale Library, nd) Did the information come from personal experience?
Example of primary sources: the event being researched by someone who did not
experience the said event. These documents have no Analysis of a clinical trial
direct personal connection with the events or people being
studied, but they may benefit from being able to put the
event "in context" or perspective (Concordia University Literature reviews and meta-analyses
Texas Library, 2020). Questions to Ask When Determining If Something Is a
Secondary Source:
These works have been based on primary or secondary
sources. These sources are generally an interpretation, a Did the author consult multiple sources to create this
summary, an analysis, or a review (Eastern Institute of work?
Technology, nd).
Is this information an interpretation or paraphrasing of
It offers commentary, analysis, or interpretation of the another author's work?
primary sources. These sources are written many years
Did the information come from second-hand reporting?
after an event or by people that are not directly involved in
the event. These sources are often written by people who Is the source a textbook, review, or commentary?
have expertise in the field and can be biased, depending Why Use Secondary Sources?
on the author's viewpoint (Westminster Giovale Library, Secondary sources are best for uncovering the
nd). background or historical information about a topic and
broadening your understanding of a subject by exposing you to
These sources interpret, include, describe, or draw others' perspectives, interpretations, and conclusions.
However, critiquing an original information source (primary
conclusions based on works written by others. Authors source) is a better option if you plan to reference it in your
use secondary sources to present evidence, back up work.
arguments and statements, or represent an opinion using
and citing multiple sources. Secondary sources are often WEEK 2
referred to as "one step removed" from the actual
occurrence or fact (Saint Mary's University of Minnesota,
THE PHILIPPINES as an archipelago
As an archipelago nation, the Philippines has more than
Example of secondary sources:
7,100 islands with a coastline that stretches 10,850 miles. The
archipelago has no land boundaries. Taiwan is the nearest
Encyclopedias country to the north, Brunei, and Malaysia to the southwest,
Indonesia to the south, Vietnam to the west, and China to the
Chronologies northwest. The South China Sea surrounds the Philippines in
the west, the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Sulu and Celebes
Biographies Seas in the south, and the Bashi Channel in the north. These
tropical and mountainous islands have a land area of 115,831
Monographs (a specialized book or article) square miles. Also, the country comprises three major regions:
Luzon, the largest island in the north; the Visayas, which is an
Most journal articles (unless written at the time of the island group in the center; and Mindanao, which is the largest
island in the south. These regions have distinct political, social,
event) and cultural differences. The capital city of the country is
Manila in Luzon, where the climate is always tropical and warm
Most published books (unless written at the time of the because the Philippines is 5° to 20° north of the equator. The
Philippines is a part of the Southeast Asian nations. Its
neighboring countries are Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,
Vietnam, Thailand, Brunei, East Timor, Cambodia, Laos, and
Abstracts of articles Myanmar. It has a strategic location and is open to diverse
cultural influences coming from Asia and beyond. Filipinos are
Paraphrased quotations primarily Malay people. Additionally, the archipelago lies on the
edge of the so-called Ring of Fire, a chain of active volcanoes
Dictionaries marking the intersection of two tectonic plates. The presence of
the Ring of Fire makes the possibility of an earthquake or
Textbooks volcanic eruption an ever-present danger and the islands are
originally volcanic and primarily mountainous. It has been said
Webpages that the highest point in the country is the peak of Mount Apo in
Mindanao, which is 9,692 feet above sea level, followed by
Mount Pulag in Luzon, which is 9,324 feet above sea level. The
Documentary movies
worst recorded calamity in the Philippines occurred in June
1991 when Mount Pinatubo in central Luzon blew up, thereby Sea helped de-escalate tensions in the Spratly Islands, but it
causing widespread devastation. did not establish a legal code of conduct. In 2005, China’s, the
Philippines’, and Vietnam’s national oil corporations inked a
The archipelago is geologically a part of the Philippine collaborative agreement to conduct maritime seismic research
Mobile Belt, situated between the Philippine Sea Plate, the in the Spratly Islands.
South China Sea Basin of the Eurasian Plate, and the Sundra
Plate. The Mindanao Trench (also known as the Philippine The same claim was placed on the Malaysia’s Sabah
Trench) is an 820-mile submarine trench found in the east of state. The Sultanate of Brunei granted this region to the
the Philippine Mobile Belt and a part of a collision of tectonic Sultanate of Sulu as a reward for assisting him against his
plates. The Galathea Depth, which is the deepest point in the enemies. In 1878, the Sultanate of Sulu leased Sabah to the
Philippines Sea Plate, has 34,580 feet. The Philippine Fault British North Borneo Company for 5,000 Malaysian ringgits per
System comprises a network of seismic faults that produce year and firearms to fight the Spaniards. Sabah became a
several earthquakes each year, most of which are British crown colony in 1920. Sabah was formally handed to
undetectable. Malaysia by the British in 1963. Violent mass deportations of
Filipinos living in Sabah sparked debate about the assertion in
2003. Malaysia still pays the annual rent of 5,000 Malaysian
ringgits (approximately US$1,500) to the Sultan of Sulu’s heirs.
The Philippines lies between Taiwan and Borneo in the
Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea. Nearly 3,000 islands
out of the more than 7,000 islands in the Philippines are
The Philippines is located within many of Southeast Asia’s named. The 11 largest islands account for more than 90% of
main bodies of water, such as the South China Sea, Philippine the total land area. More than 70% of the population resides on
Sea, Sulu Sea, Celebes Sea, and Luzon Strait. The coastlines the two largest islands, that is, Luzon and Mindanao, which
of many islands are irregular, with numerous bays, gulfs, and together comprise more than 70% of the land area.
inlets. Manila Bay is the most commercially important coastline
Luzon, which is the largest island, has an area of 104,690
because of its naturally sheltered harbor. The largest gulfs,
square kilometers (40,421 square miles). Three parallel
Leyte and Panay gulfs, are in located the Visayan Islands. The
mountain ranges run from north to south in Luzon. The longest
Philippines’ large rivers are generally not navigable, except for
range, which is the Sierra Madre, is on the east coast. The
short portions. Streams are subject to typhoons and flooding
Cagayan River Valley, which separates the Sierra Madre from
during the monsoon season. The longest river is the Cagayan
the western Cordillera Central range, is on the west coast.
River in north-central Luzon, which flows northward to the sea.
Mountainside rice terraces create deep steps into the slope of
Other long rivers in Luzon are Agno and Pampanga rivers,
the Cordillera Central, which is more than 6 meters (20 feet)
which cross the central Luzon Valley. Chico River flows
high. Luzon’s highest peak, that is, Mount Pulag, is 2,930
through the Cordillera Central in northern Luzon and irrigates
meters (9,613 feet) high. The Zambales Mountains are in the
the mountainsides. Pasig River, one of Luzon’s shortest rivers,
westernmost part of Luzon and ends at Manila Bay. The
flows through Manila, thereby giving it commercial significance.
southern end of the island, which is called the Bicol Peninsula,
It originates in the island’s largest lake, Laguna de Bay, and
is mountainous and has many volcanoes. Southeastern Luzon
empties into Manila Bay. Mindanao has two main rivers. The
has the low-lying Ragay Hills and a 91-meter (299-foot) deep
Mindanao River (Rio Grande de Mindanao) receives the waters
river gorge. Luzon has two lowland areas, that is, the Central
of Pulangi River. Agusan Rivers flows north into the Bohol Sea.
Plain and the Cagayan Valley. Central Plain is the largest at
The largest lake in the Philippines is Laguna de Bay, a
240 kilometers (149 miles) long and 64 kilometers (40 miles)
freshwater lake located 13 kilometers (8 miles) southeast of
wide. The plain has many swamps because it is only slightly
Manila. Its surface area is 922 square kilometers (356 square
above sea level. Cagayan Valley has an area of 10,360 square
miles). Sewage and toxic waste from the surrounding urban
kilometers (4,000 square miles). Mindoro is the island to the
areas contaminate its water. Taal Lake, 56 kilometers (35
southwest of Luzon; its land area is 9,736 square kilometers
miles) south of Manila, occupies a vast volcanic crater and
(3,759 square miles). A mountain range runs from north to
contains an active volcano. Lake Lanao is the largest lake in
south across the island with coastal plains on either side. The
Mindanao and the source of the Agusan River, which exits the
highest peak, that is, Mount Halcon, is 2,587 meters (8,488
lake at the Maria Christina Falls. Lake Lanao is 347 square
feet) high. As the largest island, it is composed of six main
kilometers (134 square miles) in area.
regions, namely, the National Capital Region, Cordillera
Controversial Territory Administrative Region, Ilocos (Region 1), Cagayan Valley
(Region 2), Central Luzon (Region 3), Southern Tagalog
The Philippines’ territorial sea claims extend 100 nautical (Region 4), and Bicol (Region 5).
miles off the coastline all around the country under the 1898
Treaty of Paris. A 1978 presidential decree increased the share The Visayan island group includes more than half the
to 285 nautical miles into the South China Sea, encompassing Philippine islands. Seven of these islands are populated. The
the disputed Spratly Islands, known as the Kalayaan group has a total land area of 61,077 square kilometers
(Freedom) Islands in the Philippines. The United States (23,582 square miles). The major islands are Samar (13,079
indicates that the claim is excessive, thereby violating the square kilometers), Negros (12,703 square kilometers), Panay
international freedom of navigation. However, the Philippines (11,515 square kilometers), Leyte (7,213 square kilometers),
also claims sovereignty over its continental shelf, extending Cebu (4,421 square kilometers), Bohol (3,865 square
200 nautical miles from its coastline, under the United Nations kilometers), and Masbate (3,268 square kilometers). The
Convention on the Law of the Sea. However, China, Malaysia, easternmost islands of Samar and Leyte are connected by a
Taiwan, and Vietnam make similar claims. The islands at stake bridge. Samar and Leyte have dense jungle forests, and each
are those with underwater oil and natural gas resources. The has a central mountain range. Southern Samar has rocky hills.
2002 Declaration on the Behavior of Parties in the South China Chocolate Hills, which is cone-shaped mounds covering 52
square kilometers (20 square miles), is located southwest in forests in a given area without replanting trees, although they
Bohol. Chocolate Hills range from 50 meters to 200 meters are required by law to do so at present.
(164–656 feet) high and are covered in vegetation that turns
brown during summer. The rest of the island consists of Specifically, the two distinct seasons in the country are
plateaus. To the west is Cebu, which is a long, narrow island wet and dry. The wet season is generally the time for rice
with a hilly interior. Negros, which is the island to the west of planting. The population as of the 2000 census is 76.5 million
Cebu, is primarily lowlands. The volcanic rock Tablas Plateau and is concentrated in 12 major islands, which constitute 95%
is located in the southwest. Negros has one high volcanic of the available land space. This value represents an increase
mountain range. Panay is the westernmost island in the of 11.5% or 7.9 million over the 1995 census count of 68.6
system; it has a hilly western coast and northern lowlands. million people. The population grew at a rate of 2.36% annually
Masbate is located in the north of Visayas and has hilly areas. between 1995 and 2000. If the annual growth rate continues to
Palawan is a part of the Calamian Islands in the eastern increase at 2.36%, then the Philippine population is expected
Philippines. The total land area of Palawan is 11,655 square to double in approximately 29 years. The life expectancy at
kilometers (4,500 square miles), 8–48 kilometers (5 to 30 birth for the total population is estimated at 68.12 years.
miles) wide, and more than 442 kilometers (275 miles) long.
Another problem is that several corrupt timber magnates
Mountains run the entire length of the island, surrounded by a
and Filipino politicians conspire in illegal timber export.
narrow coastline. The highest peak is 2,085 meters (6,841 feet)
Deforestation continues to be one of the major sources of
high. The major region comprises three main regions, namely,
ecological damage in the country, thereby threatening all
western (region 6), central (region 7), and eastern Visayas
animal and plant species. Resource-rich marine mangroves
(region 8).
and coral reefs are also rapidly disappearing due to huge
Mindanao, which is the country’s second largest island, commercial trawling, aquaculture, pollution, and illegal fishing
has a total land area of 94,630 square kilometers (36,537 practices that include the use of cyanides and dynamite to
square miles). The Pacific Cordillera range lies on the island’s increase the catch.
eastern coast. Agusan River separates itself from the
Race and Ethnicity
Cordillera central range to the west. Mount Apo in the central
mountain system is the highest elevation in the country at The most significant ethnic minority in the Philippines is
2,804 meters high (9,199 feet). The two ranges end in the Chinese. Many Filipinos have Chinese ancestry only because
Bukidnon-Lanao Plateau, which has several deep canyons and of intermarriage. However, the colonization of the islands by
extinct volcanoes. The plateau has an elevation of 609 meters the Spaniards (1565–1898) and Americans (1898–1946) has
(1,998 feet). The Davao-Agusan Trough is a lowland area in influenced the development of Philippine society and culture.
the east that becomes flooded seasonally. South-central Up to 170 different spoken languages and 500 dialects exist
Mindanao has two marshes. Western Mindanao, which is a across the archipelago, all belonging to the Malayo-Polynesian
mountainous area, is called the Zamboanga Peninsula. The linguistic family. While the majority of Filipinos can speak the
Sulu Archipelago is southwest between the Zamboanga national language, called Tagalog, and they share the same
Peninsula and Indonesia. It comprises more than 800 small national identity, each group tends to identify with the primary
islands with a total area of approximately 4,144 square language group to which it belongs. The two principal
kilometers (1,600 square miles). Mindanao consists of the languages are Tagalog, which is spoken in the provinces
following regions: western Mindanao (region 9), northern around Manila, and Cebuano, which is used throughout the
Mindanao (region 10), southern Mindanao (region 11), central Visayas and Mindanao. Other major languages are Ilocano,
Mindanao (region 12), and Autonomous Region in Muslim Hiligaynon, Bicol, Waray, Kapampangan, and Pangasinense.
Mindanao. But at the same time, English is widely used throughout the
islands and the language of education and trade. It is
Climate and Environment
understood by 40% of the population and serves as the lingua
As a tropical climate country, the Philippines remains hot franca in the government, business, mass media, and
and humid throughout the year. The monsoons blow from the academia.
southwest from May to October and from the northeast from
These tribal groups are historically and culturally different
November to February. The western part of the country has
from the mainstream group of Filipinos and have long struggled
two seasons. One is summer, which is the rainy season, and
to keep their land and cultural identity intact. The Philippines is
begins in May and ends in November. And the other is winter,
the only Christian nation in Asia. More than 60% of Asia’s
which is the dry season in most of the Philippines, and starts in
Christian population lives in the Philippines, and their number
December and ends in May. December through February is
is increasing. In 1986, over 50 million people in the Philippines
cool and dry, but March through May is hot and dry. The
were Christians. By the 1990s, this number reached over 65
tropical storm season lasts from June to October, with most of
million. Approximately 11 million people in the Philippines are
the storms coming from the southeast. Unfortunately, typhoons
non-Catholic Christians, practicing in over 350 organizations,
annually lash out in the islands, especially those closest to the
most of which operate under the umbrella organization of the
Pacific. Even a weak typhoon can now cause flash flooding
National Council of Churches in the Philippines. The largest
and tragic loss of human life and property because of
denomination includes the gospel-style Philippines for Jesus
Movement and the Iglesia ni Cristo. The largest religious
An example is what happened when Typhoon Uring hit minority group is the Muslim population, with Islam being a
Ormoc, Leyte, on November 5, 1991. The land of the much older presence than Christianity. The estimates of the
Philippines is characterized by irregular coasts, alluvial plains, Muslim population range between 3.9 million and 7 million or
narrow valleys, and rolling hills and mountains running from 5%–9% of the population. Approximately 94% of these Filipino
north to south. It used to have a lush and tropical forest cover Muslims are concentrated in the western and southern parts of
with a diverse ecosystem. However, deforestation reduced Mindanao, the Sulu archipelago, and the southern part of
forests to only 19.4% by the end of the 20th century. Palawan.
Deforestation occurs when lumber companies cut down all
Anthropologists believe that the islands of the Philippines
are being inhabited for 250,000 years. The inhabitants were
the Aetas, Malays and Indones who came to the Philippine prehistoric animals were found in the Cagayan Valley in
islands in different time periods. It is now believed that these northern Luzon. At the end of the ice age, when the seas
ethnicities did not come in batches. Instead, they arrived in the began to rise again, the Philippines became an archipelago
islands around the same time and repeated the process surrounded by water. It was already inhabited by small groups
through the country’s pre-colonial history. The different groups of hunters and gatherers who were self-supporting and self-
adapted to the unique environment of the island they inhabited. sufficient.
For instance, some Aeta groups became masters of fishing.
This is suggestive of the idea that the culture of one ethnicity is Approximately 7,000 years ago, food crops such as rice,
not inferior or more advanced than the other. millet, and legumes began to be developed in northeastern
India, Burma, Thailand, and China, one of the earliest cradles
To add to all the information above, the basic unit of the of the Neolithic or agricultural revolution. Linguists have studied
Philippine society is the nuclear family, with the father as the the movement of these migrating populations by tracing the
head; the family includes extended relatives of husband and spread of their language, that is, Austronesian, which refers to
wife. Social stratification is governed by wealth and education, a related group of languages spoken by the peoples of
which is a by-product of Spanish and American influences. The Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Taiwan as well as in
upper class constitutes 11% (e.g., professionals, civil servants, parts of Vietnam. It is also the language of Polynesians found
teachers, and business people), and the lower class comprises in the Micronesian islands and some of the Melanesian groups.
89% (e.g., farmers, laborers, fisherman, merchants, etc.). The recovery of the widely separated Austronesian language
Literacy is substantially higher in the Philippines than in other must have a common source that preceded the discovery of
countries in Southeast Asia. According to the 2002 census, the Indo-European language family. Moving beyond Austro-Tai
95% of the total population 15 years of age and over can read into Austronesian proper, the reconstruction of linguistic
and write in at least one language. Literacy ranges from 91.5% prehistory, which is most widely used today, is based on a
in the Greater Manila area to 55%–65% in the rural family tree of subgroups and a hierarchy of protolanguages
countryside. Therefore, a large proportion of the nation’s extending from Proto-Austronesian. Blust's (1984)
population uses some form of mass communication. In 2003, reconstruction favors a geographical expansion beginning in
26 broadsheets are being released (newspapers and tabloids), Taiwan (the birthplace of Austronesian languages, including
12 of which are written in the English language. A total of 366 PAn), then encompassing the Philippines, Borneo, and
AM and 290 FM radio stations and 75 television and broadcast Sulawesi, and finally bifurcating, one branch moving west to
stations also existed in 2003. The Philippine press is one of Java, Sumatra, and Malaya, and the other branch moving east
those that enjoy the most freedom worldwide because of its into Oceania. The reconstructed Proto-Austronesian
propensity for muckraking, which is a legacy of American vocabulary, which is generally related to this early Taiwan-
journalism. Luzon phase, indicates an economy well-suited to marginal
tropical latitudes with rice, millet, and sugarcane; domestication
of dogs and pigs; and the use of watercraft. The Malayo-
WEEK 3 Polynesian (MP) subgroup later split into various lower-order
Western and Central-Eastern branches as a result of further
colonization excursions across the Philippines into Borneo,
PREHISTORY AND ANCESTRY Sulawesi, and the Moluccas. The Moluccas are thought to be
where the Central-Eastern MP split, and Eastern MP
Prehistory of the Philippines and Southeast Asia encompasses all Austronesian languages of the Pacific
Islands, with the exception of a few in western Micronesia. The
The early history of the Philippines has a remarkable vocabulary of Proto-MP, which is a linguistic entity that might
blend of the antiquity of Southeast Asia due to the modern have been located somewhere in the Philippines, is of
delimitation of the region. It is connected with the prehistoric considerable interest because it contains several low economic
times of China. It was distinct to its geographical area, indicators that were absent earlier and more northerly Proto-
including Burma, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Austronesian stage (Bellwood, 2006).
Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Many
questions about the study of pre-colonial settlements in the Several proto-Austronesian speakers carried the rice
Philippines are unanswered. A considerable number of the culture across the sea to northern Luzon, Philippines from
early evidence of the coastal communities that may have Taiwan at approximately 3,000 B.C.E. Essentially, rice is a
existed and used by modern archaeologists to learn more tropical and subtropical crop whose cultivation depends on
about these settlements was washed away when the seas rose water. Southeast Asia is in a monsoon zone and has soggy soil
due to global warming at the end of the last ice age, that is well suited for rice farming. Rice can be cultivated in two
approximately 17,000 years ago. The warm and humid climate ways, as follows: Dry rice cultivation is a form of shifting
in the tropical zone has a disintegrating effect on bamboo and agriculture that involves planting rice on the dry ground either
other plant-like materials used by early inhabitants to build their by sowing in the wind or planting seeds in holes punched by
homes, make tools, and write. Ethnographers have unevenly digging sticks after the existing vegetation has been cut. Wet
studied different ethnolinguistic and cultural groups. American rice cultivation involves the use of germinated seeds that are
archaeologists of the colonial era (1898–1946) tended to planted in a seedbed. When these rice plants are
interpret their findings in a continuous spread and overlay of approximately a foot high, they are transplanted. Fields are
human settlements that reached into the distant past. In the often plowed with the help of a carabao, which is a buffalo-like
south, the Sunda Shelf connected the Philippines with Borneo, animal in the Philippines. Considering that wet rice irrigation
Java, and Sumatra, with the entire peninsula of Malaysia, and planting involve remarkable cooperation between many
Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia. Northern Luzon was linked groups of people, it expanded upon the earlier settlement
to Taiwan and formed the entryway to a broad land corridor patterns and increased the population.
leading into China. We know that people lived in Java and
China around the mid-Pleistocene or during the ice age Most of the descendants of the MPs were seafarers, who
approximately 300,000 years ago as their remains, along with carried their traditions through the entire expanse of the Pacific
stone implements and the bones of extinct animals, were Ocean. Many theories exist about the movement of peoples of
found. Similar stone tools and fossil remains of large the Pacific from the coast of South Asia through the major
archipelago of Southeast Asia in the western borders of the legendary swords, icons, and relics that accorded a spiritual
Pacific in Neolithic times. Most of these theories are based on essence that filled them and their people with sacred power.
the existence of cultural traits or artifacts of material culture However, although rajahs could pass down their titles and
that exhibit similar characteristics as reported from wealth to their children, they could be usurped from power
archaeological sites in these areas. The close relationship when strong leaders emerged. Thus, the office of rajah or chief
between the early peoples of the Philippines and Polynesia is could be either inherited or achieved through competition in
demonstrated by the similarities in the types of stone tools and early Philippine society. Kinship still played an integral role in
pottery they used. Other similar artifacts made from shells have the development of local hierarchies. In contrast to Northeast
been found in profusion in the archaeological sites of Oceana. Asia (e.g., China, Korea, and Japan), a large and impersonal
Domesticated plant and animal evidence are also conclusive. state bureaucracy never developed in the Philippines; instead,
One of the oldest domesticated plants is the taro. The numerous competing centers of power whose rulers strove not
differentiation and distribution of this plant have been traced by to colonize their neighbors but to include them in their networks
archaeologists as moving from south Asia going north to Japan of kith and kin were established. Communities of relatives and
and south into New Caledonia, New Zealand, and Fiji. Only friends were developed as children grew up and got married,
three animals, that is, dog, pig, and chicken, are domesticated thereby building their homes adjacent to parents on either side
from Southeast Asia to Polynesia. These animals have of the family. The boundaries separating these communities
originated from Southeast Asia. Thus, the early Southeast were in a state of fluidity and shifted as new alliances were
Asian seafarers were highly skilled canoe builders and formed, histories coalesced, and new leaders emerged.
navigators who sailed across the Pacific by using their bodily
senses as their compass at a time when almost all of the Local leaders were distinctive because they can entice
Europeans thought such travel was impossible. In the last followers who cooperated in religious and scholarly, ritual,
2,000 years, we can see archaeological and linguistic evidence agricultural, commercial, and military matters. Such leaders
for the existence of a world maritime trade economy, which replaced or incorporated the previous ancestral line of the
was similar to that of the Mediterranean (only much larger in community into their own by achieving the title of village
scale) and connected the Philippines to China, India, and the ancestor. These leaders cultivated followers by engaging in
Arab and Persian lands. Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, and reciprocal exchanges. They possessed divine spiritual force,
Confucian influences were absorbed and transformed in the which enabled them to maintain harmonious social interactions
Philippines through an interactive process of adoption and inside and between groups, as well as between the earth and
adaptation. At approximately 1,200 C.E., Islam began to the universe. The collapse of a monarch's network of
spread to Southeast Asia as several sultanates also developed reciprocity and exchange, or the anarchy that occurred in times
in the Philippines, especially southern Mindanao. of natural tragedy, signaled the decline of a ruler, and people
flocked to follow a new authority. Personal authority was seen
differently in Southeast Asia than it is in the Western
perspective. Power was an existential fact, not an abstraction
Trade and Rise of Local Rulers as it is in Western social theory. Indigenous signs indicated a
powerful ruler. A powerful leader was seen as pure in terms of
The warm and tropical monsoon winds, blowing from the his or her ability to concentrate and disperse power, not in a
northeast in northern winter, and the southeast during the moralistic sense. The ability to manage one's environment and
northern summer contributed to the development of a one's inner self are inextricably linked. The following are the
prosperous and growing regional trade economy. Considering apparent signs of a leader: one had “radiance” about them, one
that these winds have regularly reversed direction every who was sexually fertile, and one who had surrounded oneself
season, the early Southeast Asians learned to plan their with sacred objects, and people who held unusual power to
seafaring journeys following the changing winds. They could absorb it vicariously. Leaders wore and distributed “magic”
sail with relative ease across a large expanse of ocean to visit amulets, uttered formulaic prayers, and believed that their
trading partners and relatives. Then, after resting for a while, weapons and personages, were invincible in times of battle.
they ride home with the wind. The relative ease and safety with Locals, on the other hand, saw defeat in combat or a decline in
which people could travel encouraged increases in material a ruler's wealth as indicators of a leader's waning inner
and cultural exchanges. The tropically rich vegetative cover strength. Hence, the projection and recognition of charismatic
and congenial topography of the islands made it relatively leadership and authority around the Philippine archipelago
comfortable to walk on foot or sail. Many islands around the were a local matter. Social transformations occurred as foreign
archipelago are interconnected by landfills and waterways with influences were selectively reinvented, and they were specific
well-sheltered bays and protected harbors. Trade over land to the conventions of a particular community.
and sea brought new people in contact with one another,
ranging from upland hunters and gatherers and horticulturalists
to the complex chiefdoms and states of South, Southeast, and
Northeast Asia. Maritime trade encouraged widespread social, Indian and Chinese Influences
cultural, and economic changes throughout the region. It
introduced new people to different religious and political Some of the earliest known influences came from Hindu
backgrounds who shaped, as they were shaped by, the and Buddhist traders and monks who exchanged textiles and
development of local histories and hierarchies. other sacred gifts for local and Chinese wares. They introduced
new religious rituals and political forms of behavior. However,
The geographical boundaries between these communities the inhabitants of the Philippine islands did not blindly accept
or mandalas were porous and fluid; foreigners could become the Hindu belief system and way of life; instead, they
friends or even family if they marry by engaging in trade or an selectively integrated what they perceived to be useful Hindu
apprenticeship to share sacred knowledge. New leaders who notions into their already existing animistic beliefs and
recognized a potentially powerful trade partner who promised practices. Early local rulers adopted Hindu titles, such as rajah,
to bring in prestige goods could arise. These rulers and accompanying accouterments to enhance their spiritual
occasionally took Indic titles, such as rajah, which was derived and political power. The term Visaya (Vijaya), which seemed to
from Sanskrit, to distinguish their descendants as members of refer to the central group of the islands in the Philippines, is
a royal lineage. They traded valuable heirlooms, such as suggestive of her place in the Hindu tributary system. Few
known Hindu artifacts include the 1,790-gram 21-karat gold of Malacca. In 1405, he swore his allegiance to the Chinese
Hindu goddess of Agusan, which is on display in the Chicago emperor, for which he had rewarded a seal of investiture,
Natural History Museum. The scarcity of ancient Hindu, thereby recognizing Malacca as an independent kingdom.
Buddhist, or shamanistic scripts and material remains may be Parameswara’s maneuver infuriated the Javanese and
attributed to the fact that Spanish colonizers destroyed pagan Siamese; the latter royal courts claimed that the island was
icons and books in their wake. In contrast to Bali, Indonesia, their territory, but they felt helpless to do anything about it for
Hindu temple complexes were never built in stone in the fear of antagonizing the powerful Chinese. Afterward, Malacca
ancient Philippines. However, substantial archaeological and became a favorite stopover for Muslim traders to sit out the
historical evidence indicated the existence of many small long monsoon season. In 1414, they encouraged the prince to
trading centers that specialized in the production of prestige adopt Islam and form a marriage alliance with one of the
goods (e.g., potteries, textiles, medicinal plants, and decorative Muslim princesses of Pasai. Malacca soon became one of the
plumes) for trade and exchange as tributes. One of the earliest greatest sea emporiums in Southeast Asia, overshadowing its
known maritime Southeast Asian states to do business with neighboring ports.
traders in the Philippines was the Sri-Vijaya Empire from
Indonesia, which controlled east-west trade through the Strait Courtly demeanors and the court language, that is, Malay,
of Malacca for 400 years from 700 C.E. to 1,100 C.E. Sri- which once served as the language of trade and
Vijaya was close to southern Philippines and located at the communication throughout much of Southeast Asia, began to
southernmost tip of Sumatra, inland along the Musi River, be replaced by Arabic as Arabic beliefs and practices gained in
which flows out into the Malacca Strait, at the crossroads of ascendance. However, the Vijayan courtly demeanor that is
sea trade. The Sri-Vijaya had a powerful navy that punished based on loyalty, marriage alliances, and trade never went
pirates and protected foreign ships by allowing them safe away but remained alongside new Islamic forms. Therefore,
passage through the straits. Sri-Vijaya became one of the most one of the earliest sultanates to develop in the Philippines was
important clearinghouse centers for exchange and export to the Sulu island chain, which was off the coast of Borneo. Islam
the west. The river provided inhabitants with access to a wide was introduced there by early Chinese traders and Muslim
variety of products and offered them a safe and secure harbor. missionaries during the Ming dynasty in the 14th century.
At first, this community was self-sufficient in food production. However, in 1450, the Sumatran sultan, Sayyid Abu Bakhr,
However, over time, the population multiplied and expanded its married a local princess that Sulu became a prominent center
territory further upriver to the coasts. of Muslim trade and culture. Rulers living across the sea on
Mindanao and elsewhere in the Philippines soon realized that
Sri-Vijayans formed a pact with the Javanese, who then they could benefit by participating in the growing Muslim trade
supplied them with rice. Although these two communities did networks. They could gain wealth and further solidify their
not always agree with each other and even fought power by surrounding themselves with large armies and
occasionally, they mostly prospered together in peace and slaves, which strengthened their ability to collect tribute and
harmony through marriage and trade alliances. The Sri-Vijaya build new alliances. Although Muslim rulers believed that all
Empire began to decline in the 1400s when the Chinese came were equal in the eyes of one God and did not believe in
to dominate Southeast Asian sea trade. A sudden increase in slavery, and only debt bondage and freed slaves once
the population during the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644 C.E.) in converted, they still believed they could capture and enslave
combination with the frequent outbreaks of infectious diseases, non-Muslims. While this created a new dichotomy between
such as the measles and smallpox epidemics in 1407, 1410, Muslims and non-Muslims, the division between slaves and
1411, and 1413, may have further instigated the Chinese to masters existed long before the arrival of Islam in Southeast
search for additional sources of supplies, especially medicinal Asia.
herbs. Famous mariners, such as General Zheng He, who
commandeered the emperor’s fleet of 48 treasure ships in Ancient Asian Slavery Systems
1409, began to develop an elaborate set of tributary networks
Diverse religious and philosophical traditions exerted
through the use of diplomacy; force, if needed; and the giving
influence over the formation of different slavery systems in
of tribute to local rulers, who acknowledged China’s supremacy
Southeast Asia. While the institutionalization of slavery may
in return. Local ambassadors and dignitaries were escorted
have nothing to do with Buddhism and Confucianism as
back with the tribute missions to pay homage to the Chinese
envisioned by the founders, namely, Buddha and Confucius,
emperor. They were treated with remarkable hospitality and
respectively, Confucianism and Buddhism still advocated a
accorded the full dignity and splendor of their rank and title.
specific social order of hierarchy, that is, that of serving the
Only local rulers who were recognized by the Chinese emperor
king. While Buddhism diverged from Hinduism, it continued to
were allowed to participate in its expanding network of trade
be informed by Hindu cultural ideas and practices. The
and exchange. Thus, local and competing Philippine leaders
Buddhist occupation with merit making and harmonious
could build up their power and notoriety with their place in the
coexistence with all life forms, coupled with Hindu notions of
celestial order of the Middle Kingdom.
caste and hierarchy, coalesced with the open system of slavery
Coming of Islam as practiced in ancient Thailand. In comparison, the Chinese
Confucian interest in following lines of authority through kinship
Islam was transmitted to Sumatra and Java by Arab and that ranked people according to age level and that placed
Persian traders and missionaries in the 13th century, although ancestors over the living, seniors over juniors, males over
earlier Muslim trading sites existed in the region. As Islam females, and male scholars over commoners, fit with the
began to spread rapidly after the death of Prophet Muhammad closed system of slavery in ancient Vietnam. Hinduism,
in 632, Arabia emerged as one of the most important centers of Buddhism, and Chinese Confucianism influenced the
commerce and culture. Arab and other Muslim traders and development of different Southeast Asian systems of slavery.
sailors were the intermediaries between Asian merchants and This was the case in the precolonial Philippines, where a
European traders. As these Muslims converted local rulers and mixture of Hindu/Buddhist, Confucian, and Islamic notions was
their retainers, their trade networks also expanded. One of the selectively integrated into already existing systems of debt
earliest rulers to convert to Islam was the banished prince of bondage. A basic understanding of the distinctive differences
Palembang origin, Parameswara, who ran away from the between Buddhism and Confucianism, as illustrated by the way
Javanese court to settle in a small fishing village on the island of ancient Thailand and China, is important to understanding
this chapter’s closing discussion on the early Philippine system war and conquest, such as tens of thousands that were taken
that already existed in contrast to Spanish colonial Christianity. by the Siamese in the wars against the Khmer Empire in the
14th century, this was by far the most common because
Thai Buddhist Slavery population may decrease that only an outside infusion of
bodies could maintain the community. Frequent warfare was a
Thai history has long been influenced by Buddhist and
form of competition for a loyal following, not a territory, and
Hindu social teachings. In contrast to India or China, where
helped reproduce the local population, which was often
genealogical links are largely traced through the male lines,
ravaged and depleted by the spread of diseases such as
genealogies are traced bilaterally through the male and female
malaria and smallpox, famines, floods, droughts, and raids.
side of the family in Thailand. Thai daughters, not sons, are
These slaves were then redistributed among nobles according
expected to take care of their parents when they get old. This
to their rank, while some were donated to temple services.
horizontal status accorded to both sexes is offset thus far as
These slaves were commissioned by the king to build new
Thai females always were considered a property of either their
temples in distant and remote regions to win the local
father’s household or husband’s household. Female slaves
community’s support and loyalty. Slaves served another
were definitively valued for their contribution to sexual
function as a form of exchange and tribute. Thus, the use of
reproduction and as second wives and concubines, although a
slaves became more than the acquisition of a labor force and a
father or husband who sold his daughter or wife into bondage
replacement population. However, a political and economic
in times of starvation or financial hardship in former times could
exchange that was used to pay off debts influenced the political
keep her at home as long as he paid the interest on the loan. A
atmosphere. Thai slaves were mainly absorbed and absolved
free person previously had to demonstrate that he was over his
instead of freed or made kin. While the entire subject is
head in debt and desperately poor before he could legally sell
complicated, the groundwork here is enough to distinguish the
any member of his household or himself into slavery;
Thai system of slavery from the Euro-colonial type. We now
otherwise, he would be severely punished according to the law.
turn to a discussion on the ancient Chinese and the Philippine
Buddhism also mitigated some of the harsher effects of slavery
systems of slavery.
as it was viewed as meritorious, and slaves had some rights
against owners who transgressed the boundaries of their Early Chinese Slavery
sexual rights. Slaves could also possess private properties,
some of which were entrusted in positions of authority over China has been long influenced by Confucian social
other slaves and free clients. Historically, Thais practiced an teachings. In contrast to Thailand, where the family tree is
open-ended form of slavery that was theologically oriented traced bilaterally through the male and female lines, in China,
around Buddhist ideas of a galactic order, and even the king of genealogical links are recorded over the generations through
Siam was said to be a slave of Buddha. Similar to India, male ties. Chinese females are perceived as outsiders; they
Thailand has a philosophy of a coming of a just and righteous are nameless in ancestral rites, and their primary role is to bear
king. In times of judicious and benevolent kingship, social life is male heirs. A female could enter into domestic household
said to be replete with a bountiful harvest and harmonious service as a maid or child servant. In that case, she might be
relationships that produce a popular feeling of well-being. adopted as a younger sister and become part of the family.
Conversely, duplicitous, selfish kingships mark times of bad Alternatively, she would be arranged into an exogamous
harvest and social disruption. The ancient system of slavery in marriage, occasionally as a child bride. Meanwhile, the bride
Thailand, similar to precolonial Philippines albeit in a different price for the first wife was high, it was transformed into a
guise, was a form of debt slavery; men and women could “buy” dowry, and the marriage rite itself marked the transference of
their freedom. certain rights and privileges to her. By contrast, the primary
role of second wives was to produce sons, while concubinage
Laws that guaranteed basic rights are in place. Free was for pleasure. Matchmakers arranged the sale of maids,
clients and slaves were often perceived to be living on the brides, concubines, and prostitutes privately. Slaves in ancient
same level in terms of status. Occasionally, slaves (e.g., China found themselves in a closed system. As a rule, slaves
temple slaves) held substantially higher stations than those in China were born as slaves or purchased as children, in
who were free of bondage. The king held most slaves and addition to the purchase of concubines by the wealthy. While
divided them between princes (and leading monks) in the potential for slaves to alter or change their status was open
exchange for their loyal service in governing the kingdom. in Thailand, that opportunity was extremely limited in China.
Slaves were a symbol of luxury and wealth, but Thai society Given that China is a strictly patriarchal society, any inclusion
was not oriented around slavery as an economic system of males into the lineage would constitute a threat to existing
because slaves worked alongside free clients. Typically, heirs because this would cause further division of property at
freemen and their families were self-sufficient subsistence the death of the clan head. Therefore, males who were not
farmers who worked the king’s land and who could be called, purchased as children for replacement heirs (indicating the
within reasonable guidelines, by royal administrators to provide absence of other heirs) were suspended in permanent slave
food and labor on construction projects for the kingdom. The status, although eunuchs were of high status because they
Thai system of slavery might be “feudal” in nature. The slave were loyal and powerful (e.g., they generally served the
had many of the same modes of entry into slavery that were emperors royal court). Watson explained that girls had more
found in China, that of conquest, war, capture, and being freedom than boys did once they became slaves because boys
“sold,” but there is the added aspect of the debt slave, who would enter their new life either as an heir or lifelong servant.
may or may not be redeemable. Being redeemable means that Females had more tangible opportunities for improving their
one’s debts might eventually either be worked off or paid off, situation through marriage. Chinese women were considered
and the condition of slavery diminished, and the slave freed. as belonging to, rather than being in, the kinship line even
Other forms of slavery, such as judicial or temple slaves, are when they married within it. Given that they did not have any
not commonly found in China. The temple slaves were on inheritance right that would have been recognized or
occasion those who placed themselves into service because supported, they were not considered a threat. Therefore, they
the life of the temple slave might be viewed as better than the had more social mobility than men did. China created its supply
life of the freed person occasionally. Slaves were exempt from of slaves from within by creating stratification within its social
mandatory labor requirements, and those services they provide structure; taking its slaves from within that created a “lower”
were lighter than other forms of slavery. Regarding slaves of class.
The stigma attached to the status of a slave did not only male ancestor; instead, important genealogical claims were
last a lifetime but for subsequent generations of slaves. This based on achieving a founding line of descent and establishing
phenomenon can be traced back to the Chinese practice of fictive kin relations horizontally in the present. This emphasis
ancestor worship. The Chinese viewed belonging to a lineage on the present had an impact on how the master-slave bond
as a requirement for being considered a civilized person. Given emerged locally, where social relations, not private property,
that the males were carriers of the lineage, even the poorest were highly valued. Customary interactions between masters
farmers would resist selling their sons until all the daughters and slaves in this context were mutually respectful. The coming
and even the wife were sold. For example, they would sell their of the Spanish colonizers to the Philippines with their different
sons to save them from dying from starvation. This attitude habits and worldview was an affront to the cultural ethos and
resulted in a few males on the market. Thus, males were common sense of mutual well-being. Spanish colonial
priced high. This practice repeatedly disrupted the male slaves’ processes profoundly and irreversibly disrupted and altered
ancestral lines. Thus, the slaves, in essence, never developed local practices, and the effect of this influence should not be
a family line, and their hereditary relatives remained unknown. underestimated. However, local motifs and customary forms of
In some modern cases, the ancestral line might be invented to behavior continued to re-emerge in new guises and resisted
conceal a lack of ancestry. This slave market system based on the colonial design.
use value and not exchange value was transformed when the
European colonizers came to China. The Europeans brought
and introduced their habit of buying and selling slaves as if
they were only material objects, which was an affront and
contrary to ancient Asian codes, which provided slaves with PRIMARY & SECONDARY SOURCES: HISTORICAL
certain rights and social security. CONTEXT
Ancient Philippine Slavery A Historian's Critical Questions
The Philippines experienced a mélange of religious and Students who study history sometimes confuse sources
philosophical influences before the colonial period. Underlying with evidence. Good historical sources merely provide raw
Hindu, Buddhist, and Islamic faiths were widespread and information that scholars can reconstruct into evidence.
intermingled with indigenous beliefs and practices that were Historians use reconstructed historical evidence to make
informed by animistic nature worship. The economy was historical arguments about what happened in the past. To
engaged in a maritime trade economy that extended far collect evidence, historians examine sources by reading
beyond Southeast Asia. Local communities were dispersed closely and asking critical questions.
along estuaries of rivers and coastal shores, with each
settlement scattered to protect the residents from the possibility Students of history should also note that sources of
of offshore slave raiders. Each community’s individual history history are subjective. Meaning, persons who document and
was made up of a complex of local histories wherein leaders interpret history usually have his/her unique point of view about
were legitimated by their followers, relative to even wider what is happening.
concentric networks or mandalas, of power. Chiefdoms
existed, that is, the office of the chief was ordinarily inherited, We get historical information from primary and secondary
and a redistributive system wherein slavery was a key sources. Analyzing historical information includes answering
component was in place. However, as a check on their the following:
authority, the office of the chief (rajah or datu) was also
achieved, and the center of redistribution shifted as new Who produced this source, and what is his/her
leaders emerged. background? Is the author’s biography (i.e. point of view
The system of slavery in the Philippines was a far- and personal experience) relevant to comprehending this
reaching and complex system that differed dramatically from, source? Was the author biased or dishonest? Did he/she
and existed in utter contradistinction to, the Euro-American
transatlantic slave trade system. In contrast to the European have a plan/agenda?
colonial system where slaves were supplied in the market,
slaves in the Philippines often shared the same ethnicity, When and where was this source created? Is it similar to
language, and descent as their masters. Parents frequently
other sources from the same period? In what ways is it a
arranged the marriage of their young children by turning over
several slaves in good faith. Men often sold themselves into product of the time, place, or context in which it was
slavery to their fathers-in-law as a form of bride price, which created?
was similar to what Jacob did for the hand of Rachel and Leah
as told in the Bible. Almost everyone was indebted to someone
else to some degree, and slavery in this sense was endemic.
What motivated the author to create this source? Who
Generally, slaves took a good deal of satisfaction in being was his/her intended audience? And what’s the point? Is
attached to their masters. Various types of slaves ranged from
the author’s purpose (or argument) stated explicitly or
those captured for ransom in raids at one extreme to those
who sold themselves into slavery to someone for whom they implicitly? Was it meant to be used in a public or private
felt a debt of gratitude from the heart in other extremes. Except setting? Is it a scholarly work, a work of fiction, a work of
for those living inside their master’s house, slaves were
expected to support themselves, working part-time for their art, or a piece of propaganda?
owners, while the owners themselves were generally enslaved
to other masters. Kinship played an important role in the How does this source compare to the other sources
development of debt bondage on the islands. Family networks you’ve looked at for this study? Is it biased toward a
and lineages were traced bilaterally through both the female
and male lines. This phenomenon diminished the importance particular argument? Incorporate or neglect significant
of status based on lineage connections to a single female or pieces of evidence? Does it structure its argument
according to similar (or different) periods, geographies, 1. P – Purpose of the maker in preparing the source
participants, themes, or events? Knowing the purpose of the author or maker of a primary
source includes finding out the role or place of that person in
the society he/she lived in. The social structure and culture of
Sources of History
the maker will help us form a basis for the development of the
1. Primary Sources of History
Primary sources are materials produced in the period 2. A – Arguments and strategies used to achieve
studied. They reflect the immediate concerns and perspectives these goals
of those who are experiencing the historical events studied.
Typical examples of primary studies are diaries, What ideas are the maker trying to convey by
correspondence, dispatches, newspaper editorials, speeches, documenting a historical event or period? You may also ask
economic data, literature, art, and film. This type of historical who the maker’s audience is and what is the maker’s strategy
source allows the historian to see the past through direct in communicating to his/her audience. For instance, Anne
participants' points of view. Frank, who lived in the Nazi Period in Germany, made a dairy.
The diary contents are most probably intended for her private
The primary sources used in this research are from the reading. At present, historian now know that Anne’s father
time period under consideration. These sources include edited some pages to remove sensitive content. Knowing these
witnesses and artifacts. Familiar primary sources include details helps us read between the lines and assume the
newspapers, correspondence, memoirs, laws, official “unwritten.” This analysis also enables us to know how credible
documents, and published works. or reliable the source is.
(Mariano Peji and Filipino sailors at the U.S. Naval Academy (Anne Frank's Diary, The History Channel, 2018)
posed in basketball uniforms circa 1926, UMD Libraries Digital
Collections Filipino American Community Archives)
1. P – Presuppositions and values
Looking at the primary source above, we can make
We can also analyze a primary source by examining how
assumptions about the American Occupation in the Philippines.
the beliefs of the maker differ or are similar to ours. This
First, we can say that the sport basketball has reached our
process highlights the values of the maker. At times, it may be
shores. Another assumption we can make is about how
uncomfortable to us to read about slave-raiding of ancient
Filipinos dressed when playing sports. Lastly, we may be able
Filipino tribes, but we consider their behavior as a product of
to assume some information based on the building behind the
their time because they value different things (i.e. familial ties
people in the picture.
and food production).
2. Epistemology
(The Royal Kandit, Villegas, 2004)
An epistemological reading of a primary source will give
Non-text materials are also considered as primary us information that can be factually proven. These facts are not
sources of history if they were made by people experiencing explicitly shown in the material. For instance, we can date
the historical events in question. The golden Royal Kandit Anne Frank’s diary using the material of the paper or the ink
shown above is an artifact dating from between the 10th and that was used.
13th century and was found in Surigao. It is made of gold,
about 74 centimeter, and weighs about a kilogram. If we 3. R – Relate to other texts
analyze the information about the golden belt, we may ask
questions about how ancient Filipinos in Surigao were able to We can infer some things from reading various
craft and own ornate pieces of precious gold. primary sources from different makers or writers. We can
do this by highlighting repetitive themes across sources.
Evaluating Primary Sources An example would be the current reading of Ferdinand
Like an investigative report, historical arguments try to Magellan’s purpose in coming to the Philippines: some
establish how things may have happened. Still, we have to be historians suggest that he came for trade and not as a
careful with interpreting primary sources as these are not conquistador, effectively dating the Spanish Colonization
perfect documentations of historical events. Thus, we should of the Philippines to 1565 instead of 1521. (Gerona, 2021)
also compare sources with each other to check their Secondary Sources of History
Another source of history is secondary sources. If you
A fair reading of history involves asking questions about tried to answer the questions above or made interpretations
historical sources. You can be a critical reader if you use your about the primary sources in the previous photos, the
historical imagination and envision what could have happened documentation of your ideas can be considered a secondary
if historical characters were in different circumstances. Primary source of history.
source analysis will help you gather information about details
that can be put together to form an idea of a historical event or Secondary sources are materials produced after the
period. period that is studied and is made by a person who did not
experience the historical events he/she was writing about.
Professor Patrick Rael, who was a Professor of History at Secondary source creators typically lived during the time
Bowdoin College, developed an acronym for evaluating period being examined, but their work was based on a primary
primary source texts (PAPER) (Rael, 2004):
source. Historians use secondary sources to learn how other The evidence that the maker or author cited to support
historians have viewed the past.
his/her argument
Historians using secondary sources consider the historical
subject with ample background of the sources' origin and The parts of the material that makes the argument weak
generally select, analyze, and incorporate evidence (derived
from primary sources) to make an argument. Works of scholars
The structure and form of the source (text, art, film, etc.)
are the most common secondary sources.
Any competing material that affects the way the material
(5000 Php Banknote with Lapulapu and the Philippine Eagle, being studied is structured
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, 2021)
How different or similar to works on the same topic is the
A common secondary source of history are Philippine
banknotes. The 5,000-peso banknote shown above shows a material.
realistic sketch of Lapulapu. The way he looks in the banknote
is informed by investigating the bodily adornment customs and Credibility and Reliability
the physical characteristics of Visayans. It is NOT a
photograph of Lapulapu. In other words, the banknote does not Aside from analyzing the content of sources, historians
give a perfect picture of what Lapulapu looks like because it is also examine the credibility and reliability of historical sources.
only a rendition.
A. Credibility
Credible sources are those that are transparent about
approaches, biases, and points of view. They do this by
The book cover in the photo shows a volume of highlighting what is not known at the moment and what are
secondary historical material written by Rolando Borrinaga. He accepted as facts while making arguments.
conducted a modern and Waraynon reading of the
correspondence among Waray, Bicolano, Tagalog, and B. Reliability
Cebuano revolutionaries in the Spanish and American Colonial Reliable sources are those that are relay as facts those
Periods. His opinions and inferences are informed by other that can be verified with evidence. For example, dates in
primary sources such as maps, laws, and photographs. historical material can be corroborated by other materials such
as laws or new reports.
Secondary sources are also reliable sources of
information, despite them being mere copies of primary WEEK 5
sources. They are reliable because they tend to be informed by
analysis of culture and historical periods. Secondary works PHILIPPINES HISTORICAL SOURCES
such as scholarly work usually show readers what part of the
A. Book or article
work are facts and what are opinions or intelligent guesses.
Secondary sources will alert you to any historical Bangka, Kaluluwa, at Katutubong Paniniwala
controversies, disagreements, or key questions that historians
are grappling with. Additionally, makers of secondary sources Maria Bernadette L. Abrera
are not emotionally tied to the period they are examining.
Similar to primary sources, we need investigative skills in Since the fifteenth century, variously characterized as a
reading secondary historical material. Secondary sources can small and light vessel to a large commercial boat, “bangka” has
be interpreted in different ways since each reader will know a been the general Philippine name for all types of seacraft. This
different set of information and will have a different point of name does not exist in seventeenth-century Visayan and Bikol
view. We need to think through the material and connect it to dictionaries; instead, the term “baloto” arises, which is similar in
other sources. We also need to be careful in distinguishing appearance and function to the bangka.
between scholarly and non-scholarly secondary sources.
The bangka’s ceremonies demonstrate that it is more than
When we join history classes, we are usually asked by our a water vessel in Philippine culture: it is a storehouse for an
teachers to explore the discussions of other scholars by writing entire indigenous society’s belief system. The entire procedure
essays. Our historical essays can be considered as secondary is enveloped with rituals and religious implications, from the
sources, as long as we provide enough information about the selection of the tree to its fall, digging out, or hewing into
following: planks, through the construction, and finally to its launching
into the sea. The bangka reflects the indigenous animist belief
Maker or writer of the source/material system in a clear and obvious way. The funeral ceremonies
and the use of the bangka as a vessel to transfer the deceased
The maker’s or author’s expertise, training, and theoretical to the next life are examined, exposing Filipinos’ worldview.
These all indicate the belief not just in the bangka as a “soul
approach boat” but in a “soul of the boat” itself.
The maker’s or author’s explanation of why and how the Visit this site for full
events happened bangka-kaluluwa-at-katutubong-panininwa.pdf
If this is the case, the boat predates Magellan’s arrival and wonder.
death in the Philippines in 1521, as well as the Chinese Determine the Author’s Point of View
explorer Zheng He’s trip across Asia in 1400, by hundreds of
The author’s argument expresses his or her point of view
“For over a thousand years, trade and settlement patterns on a particular topic.
and routes across Asia connected select islands (of the
Philippines), particularly those with adequate harbors and a
“What is the author’s position on the issue?” you might
constant supply of local products,” Azurin explained.
“The mention of slaves-for-sale in Magellan’s chronicler
Pigafetta’s account of the first circumvention is especially Step 1: Determine the Author’s Premises
interesting: Raja Humabon boasted to Magellan that some
boatloads of slaves had just left Cebu for Cambodia and The author’s assumptions are things he takes for granted
Champa – likely in need of warm bodies for their succession
without providing any evidence (to put it another way,
wars, or new stonecutters for their megalithic shrines,” he
continued. what the author believes or accepts as factual and uses to
Could balangays of Filipino craftsmen have aided in the support his argument).
construction of ancient Asian temples like Angkor Wat?
“What does the author take for granted?” you might
“Given that archeologists such as Robert Fox, H. Otley
Beyer, and others have pointed out that various islands in the wonder.
southern Philippines had communities related to these areas,”
he added, “that’s a plausible conjecture.” The entire argument will be flawed if the author’s
assumptions are irrational or inaccurate. Unless readers
Continuing A Seaworthy Tradition
recognize the author’s preconceptions, they may be
According to Dr. Bolunia, the “mother boat” and the
smaller balangays in Butuan were “clearly intended for mislead.
exploring the high seas.” Step 2: Determine the Different Types of Assistance
Their overall design and construction, she claims, are
more adapted to navigate deep ocean waters than shallow The types of evidence that the author employs to support
rivers. A quarter rudder and sails would also indicate a his or her argument are referred to as types of support.
seagoing vessel, however these have yet to be discovered,
according to Dr. Bolunia.
“What kind of backup does the author present to back up
the argument?” you might wonder.
Research findings, case studies, personal experience or
observation, examples, facts, analogies, expert testimony,
and views can all be used as evidence.
Step 3: Determine the Support’s Relevance