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The pitch is the entire act of presenting a product concept.
It is meant to be brief and enticing, and well developed to take the interests of the
intended audience into account. 
Marketing is a method of putting the right product in the right place, at the right
price, at the right time.

A sales pitch is a condensed sales presentation where a salesperson explains the

nature and benefits of their business, ideally in less than one or two minutes.
Sales pitches are often referred to as ‘elevator pitches’ because they should be able
to be delivered within the time constraints of a single elevator ride.

elevator pitches’ because they should be able to be delivered within the time
constraints of a single elevator ride.

A product pitch is not much different than a sales pitch, but is specifically focused on
a product or service. You'll go in-depth and emphasize how your product works, how
it will solve their pain points, and the specific benefits it will bring to your customers.

How to Start a Pitch

Starting a pitch is arguably the hardest part. You have to grab your prospect’s
attention so that they actually want to hear the value of your product and how it can
help their business. But before you can share the product’s value, you have to hook
the prospect.

Essential elements when starting your pitch,

Start with the problem.
Always start with the problem. Unless they know the problem you can solve, they
won’t be open to hearing how your product is a solution.
Tailor the start of the pitch to their vertical.
No one wants to hear a general pitch that would apply to any business. Research
their vertical and use the information you found to personalize the pitch
Offer stakes.
If they don’t solve the problem using your solution, what do they have to lose? You
don’t need to state it in such clear terms — but alluding to the risks at the start of
your pitch can help you secure buy-in straightaway.
Here are a few methods for starting a product pitch, but remember: try to stick to
thirty seconds, or one to two sentences if you’re delivering the pitch via email.
Start off with a personal anecdote.
Ask a question that relates to the problem you solve.
Start with a stat that resonates and offers stakes.

How to Make a Sales Pitch

Make it short.
Make it clear.
Explain who your customers are.
Explain the problem they're facing.
Explain how your product addresses their needs.
Describe what success will look like as a result of using your product.

The Sales Pitch Framework

Value Statement
How We Do It:
Proof Points:
Customer Stories:
Engaging Question:
If you have time to properly expand and work on a conversation, touch on points of
interest. Here's a framework you can use for building your elevator pitch:

Start with a statement or question about the problem you solve. You can present the
problem using a personal anecdote, question, or eye-opening statistic. Answer the

Value Statement:

Share a very clear, concise statement of value. Be action-oriented and outcome

Avoid using jargon. Share benefits.
Value Statement:Share a very clear, concise statement of value. Be action-oriented
and outcome focused. Avoid using jargon. Share benefits.
How We Do It:Highlight unique differentiators and explain what you do.

Proof Points:
Provide clear reference examples and list recognizable achievements. Share industry
validation and awards.
Customer Stories:
Share customer examples and successes. Tell emotional and personalized customer
stories. Make it real and tangible.
Engaging Question:
Close the pitch with an open-ended question, creating a space to have a
Many companies use success stories in their pitches to ensure the sale. Name-
dropping really works, so be sure to use that to your advantage. And if your product
is small or light enough to keep in your pocket, you should always have one on-hand
to show your prospect.

Sales Pitch Ideas

Tell a story.
Include a value proposition.
Personalize the sales pitch.
Switch up your pitch.
Practice your pitch.
Try not to use metaphors

Create a WOW moment.

Appeal to emotions.
Back it up with facts.
Tap into their fear of missing out.
Educate them.


What is a business pitch?
A business pitch is a presentation of a business idea to a group of people who can
help turn your idea into a reality.
You can pitch to:
Investors who can help fund your idea
Potential customers who will pay for your product or service
Advocates who will support your idea

Types of pitches in business

1. Investor pitch
In this type of business pitch, you present a persuasive presentation or pitch deck to
a group of potential business partners and/or investors.

2. Sales pitch 
The goal of a sales pitch is to answer the question “What’s in it for me?” from the
lens of the potential customer. 
The best and most effective salespeople can make a sales pitch in as short as one
minute. Also known as the ‘elevator pitch’, this type of business pitch should be able
to be delivered in a single elevator ride (30-60 seconds on average). In this format, a
short sales pitch should include four key components:
1.Your unique product name and category
2.The specific problem you are trying to solve
3.The innovative solution you offer
4.the unique selling point of benefit to your solution

Product pitch
A product pitch is similar to a sales pitch, however, the spotlight should be on the
product and/or solution itself. 
In a product pitch, you should aim to:
Explain your product or offering clearly and concisely
Identify and address the target audience and/or industry your product supports
Specify the problem the aforementioned faces and how your solution can solve it
Provide a realistic example of your solution in action
Make sure to use accurate facts backed up by relevant and recent data

Job pitch
If you’re applying for a job or internship and you’re wondering how you can stand
out from the crowd (consisting of your peers and other qualified applicants),
consider pitching yourself to a prospective employer. 
Applying the same logic used for a sales or product pitch deck; sell yourself!
A job pitch or personal summary pitch should be concise, personalized, and
consistent. In a job pitch you should include:
A brief introduction to you
An explanation as to why you’re a great fit for the company and role
Relevant experience and achievements
Your goals and career aspirations

Workplace pitching
Do you have an idea or initiative that will help your colleagues and help boost the
company’s profitability?  Pitch it internally within your workplace, to your team or
For example, you can pitch a remote-first culture or the four-day workweek to your
HR, and/or the rest of the leadership team.

This well-known WHAC method stands for:

What is it and what do you offer? 
You start your business pitch by answering the questions: what is it, and what do you
How does it work? 
Next, explain your proposal. Provide a quick summary of the benefits of your
solution. In our example, share how the UX researcher will help the product team
accomplish its objectives.
Are you sure? 
Once you have provided the solution, the people listening to your pitch are likely
saying to themselves, “will it really work?”
Can you do it? 
The final part of your pitch should answer this question.

What is a pitch example?

“Hi [their name]. It's [your name] from [your company]. Last time we spoke, you
mentioned [problem that the prospect experienced]. I've given it some thought and I
think I know how I might be able to help you [insert the benefit of your product, as it
relates to their problem].”
Why it works:
The pitch refreshes their memory and provides context for the conversation. 
It highlights the problem they experienced and how you can solve it. 
It’s appropriate in any scenario—phone call, email, voicemail, or social message. 

tips to improve your pitches

1. Have the right tools for the job
2. Use data to support your claims
3. Do your research
4. Use a conversation starter
5. Practice
6. Talk about benefits, not features


Bootstrapping is a term used in business to refer to the process of using only existing
resources, such as personal savings, personal computing equipment, and garage
space, to start and grow a company.
This approach is in contrast to bringing on investors to provide capital, or taking on
debt to fund a business’ expansion. It’s about stretching what you’ve got—whatever
that is—to get the job done.

The term “bootstrapping” originated with a phrase in use in the 18th and 19th
century: “to pull oneself up by one’s bootstraps.” Back then, it referred to an
impossible task. Today it refers more to the challenge of making something out of
A bootstrapped company is one that has been started and expanded only through
the entrepreneur’s personal resources and revenue generated by the company.


Funding Startups
The amount of capital needed to start the average business these days isn’t as
massive as what entrepreneurs were seeking several years ago.
Part of the reason for this streamlining of capital is that businesses have replaced
manpower and extravagant marketing campaigns with technology and a more
hands-on operational approach. Another is due to the financial crunch banks have
imposed in lieu of the global recession. Entrepreneurs are no longer padding their
start-up costs, making it easier to secure smaller loans and investments

Business Funding
Borrowing From a Friend
Self-Funding a Business
Crowdfunding Platforms
Loans From Traditional Banks
Government Funding Opportunities
Angel Investors
Venture Capital Firms

How entrepreneurs build network?
Find new communities
Connecting with other professionals through designated networking organizations is
an effective way to build your network.
Use social media to find groups with common interests and intent and get involved
through discussions. Look for niche groups based on demographics or industries.

Entrepreneurship networking can also:

Improve your core skills:
Provide financial possibilities:
Build communication abilities:
Provide inspiration:

10 tips to improve your entrepreneurial networking skills

1. Find new communities
2. Prepare
3. Attend events
4. Get involved in your area
5. Network everywhere
6. Maintain relationships
7. Explore your industry
8. Build mentoring relationships
9. Ask good questions
10. Keep records

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