Case Pres AP.F
Case Pres AP.F
Case Pres AP.F
Slide 1: TITLE
Slide 2: INTRO OF THE GROUP (Leader, Assistant Leader, Sec, and
3: Introduction
One of the most considered as a crucial factor for pregnancy
bleeding is placental abruption. It typically manifests as a
painful combination of uterine contractions, vaginal bleeding,
and bleeding. Depends primarily on gestational age, fetal weight,
and the degree of abruption, the perinatal mortality rate ranges
from 20 to 67%. Since placental abruption accounts for about half
of perinatal deaths, it is also a significant cause of pregnancy
Alcohol, cocaine usage, and cigarette smoking are just a few of
the factors that have been linked to an increased risk of
placental abruption. Recent studies have shown that women with
thrombophilic pregnancies and those who have a family history of
venous thromboembolism are more likely to experience placental
abruption . The majority of cardiovascular disease risk variables
are believed to be associated to placental abruption risk
As to extent:
1. Partial
2. Total
As to onset:
1. Acute abruption
2. Chronic abruption completely without delivery.
As to type of bleeding:
1. External
2. Concealed
3. Marginal sinus rupture
7: Synonyms
Accidental hemorrhage
premature separation of the placenta
placental apoplexy
8: Causative Organism
The cause of Abruptio Placenta is still unknown
9: Risk Factors:
Factors that can increase the risk of placental abruption
- Modifiable
- Use of narcotics such as cocaine
- Use of Cigarettes (Smoking)
- Alcohol Drinking
- Non-Modifiable
Physical examination
Fetal heart rate monitoring
coagulation blood tests
Evaluation for placental abruption can include the following:
The abruption gets worse and you are having increased pain.
You are bleeding heavily or show signs in your blood tests
of severe anemia.
Your baby has heart rate changes that indicate it is having
Moderate or severe placental abruption
If the pregnant woman has a moderate to severe abruption,
she is in a medical emergency and usually need to give birth
right away. Needing to give birth quickly may increase
chances of having a c-section.
Medical Management
- Medicines may be given to stop contractions if the baby is not
ready to be born.
- Steroids may also be given to help the baby's lungs develop
faster if early delivery may happen.
Surgical Management
-LSCS Procedure
14: Complications
Placental abruption can cause life-threatening problems for both
mother and baby.
coagulation failure
acute renal failure
acute corpulmonale
Sheehan’s syndrome and post transfusion hepatitis
Maternal oliguria and shock
Growth problems
Preterm birth
Still birth