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Tut Test 5 Memo

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Tutorial Test 5A
1. A particle is moving at a constant speed in a circular trajectory centered on the origin of an
xy coordinate system. At one point (x = 4 m, y = 0 m) the particle has a velocity of -5.0j m/s.
Determine the velocity and acceleration when the particle is at:
a). x = 0, y = -4 m
b). x = -4 m, y = 0


a). x = 0, y = -4 m
The velocity is always tangent to the trajectory.
v = -5i m/s (because the circular motion is clockwise on the axis system)
a = v2 /r = 52/4 = 6.25 m/s2
a = 6.25j m/s2 (always directed toward the center)
b). x = -4 m, y = 0
v = 5j m/s
The acceleration magnitude is constant, so we still have a = 6.25 m/s2
a = 6.25i m/s2 (always directed toward the center)

2. A curling rock is traveling down the ice when it mysteriously

explodes into three parts. After the explosion, one piece having
27.0% of the total mass moves at a speed of v1f = 14.2 m/s at an
angle of 42.0° to the positive y axis. A second with 52.0% of the
total mass move at a speed of v2f = 18.9 m/s at an angle of 17.8°
to the positive x axis. The third piece moves with speed v3f = 35.9 m/s at 39.0° to the negative
y axis. What was the speed of the stone before the explosion?


In any kind of collision, momentum is conserved so

m1 v1f + m2 v2f + m3 v3f = (m1 + m2 + m3 )vi (1)
Now momentum and velocity are vector quantities and the i and j components must be
handled separately
m1 v1fx + m2 v2fx + m3 v3fx = (m1 + m2 + m3 )vix (1a)
m1 v1fy + m2 v2fy + m3 v3fy = (m1 + m2 + m3 )viy (1b)
So we can rearrange these equations to find the components of the final velocity
vix = (m1 v1fx + m2 v2fx + m3 v3fx ) / (m1 + m2 + m3 ) (2a)
viy = (m1 v1fy + m2 v2fy + m3 v3fy ) / (m1 + m2 + m3 ) (2b)
Taking the masses of the piece to be m1 = 0.27M, m2 = 0.52M, and m3 = (10.270.52)M =
where M is the total mass, and using the given values, we find
vix = [0.27(14.2sin(42°)) + 0.52(18.9cos(17.8°)) + 0.21(35.9sin(39°))]
= 2.05 m/s
viy = [0.27(14.2cos(42°)) + 0.52(18.9sin(17.8°)) + 0.21(35.9cos(39°))]
= 0.0 m/s
The stone had an initial speed of 2.05 m/s to the right.

Tutorial Test 5B
1. For an object in uniform circular motion, rank the changes listed below regarding the effect
each would produce on the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the object? Assume
all other parameters stay constant except that noted in the description of the change.
Change A: The speed of the object doubles
Change B: The radius of the motion triples
Change C: The mass of the object triples
Change D: The radius of the motion becomes half as big
Change E: The mass of the object becomes half as big
Change F: The speed of the object becomes half as big


1. Since a = v2/r, the mass doesn't affect the acceleration magnitude as long as the speed and
the radius stays the same. Of course, the object would have to be forced differently to keep
the speed the same if the mass changes. We will discuss this concept when we cover
Newton's 2nd Law.
Change A: The acceleration quadruples
Change B: The acceleration becomes 1/3 as big
Change C: The acceleration doesn't change
Change D: The acceleration doubles
Change E: The acceleration doesn't change
Change F: The acceleration becomes 1/4 as big
Change F < Change B < Change C = Change E < Change D < Change A or
Change A < Change D < Change E = Change C < Change B < Change F

2. A lion of mass 120 kg leaps at a hunter with a horizontal velocity of 12m/s. The hunter has
an automatic rifle firing bullets of mass 15 g with a muzzle speed of 630m/s and he attempts
to stop the lion in midair. How many bullets would the hunter have to fire into the lion to stop
its horizontal motion? Assume the bullets stick inside the lion.


The total momentum of the system, the bullets and the lion, would be zero since there are no
externalforces to consider,
P = mlion vlion - nmbullet vbullet = 0 ,
where the lion is assumed to be moving in the positive direction. Rearranging the equation to
find n,
n = mlion vlion / nmbullet vbulle
= (120 kg x 12 m/s) / (0.015kg x 630 m/s)
= 152.4
It would take 153 bullets to stop the lion dead, so to speak.

Tutorial Test 5C
1. A stunt pilot executes a uniform speed circular path in an airplane. The initial velocity (in
m/s) of the plane is given by v0 = 2500i + 3000j. If the radius of the circular path is 74.75 km,
find the magnitude of the acceleration.


First find the speed:

v = (25002 + 30002 )½ = 3905 m/s
For uniform circular motion:
a = v2 /r
a = 39052 /74750
a= 204 m/s2

2. On a frictionless surface, a 6.0kg rock approaches from the left at 3.5 m/s. It collides
elastically with a 9.0kg rock which is approaching from the right at 1.7 m/s. Without
changing coordinate systems, find the final velocities of the rocks.


We are dealing with a collision, so we know we must conserve momentum,

m1 v1f + m2 v2f = m1 v1i + m2 v2i
m1 (v1f – v1i) = m2 (v2i – v2f) (1)

We are told that the collision is elastic which means that kinetic energy is conserved. For a
1D collision, this is the same as
½m1 v1f2 + ½m2 v2f2 = ½m1 v1i2 + ½m2 v2i2
½m1 v1f2 – ½m1 v1i2 = ½m2 v2i2 – ½m2 v2f2
m1 (v1f – v1i) (v1f + v1i) = m2 (v2i – v2f) (v2i + v2f) (2)
eqn (2) ÷ eqn (1)
(v1f + v1i) = (v2i + v2f)
v2f – v1f = – (v2i – v1i ) (3)
Substituting in the give data, our equations become
6v1f + 9v2f = 6 × 3.5 + 9 × (–1.7)
6v1f + 9v2f = 5.7 (4)
v2f – v1f = –(–1.7 – 3.5)
v2f – v1f = 5.2 (5)
Solving the two equations in two unknowns, we find
v1f = – 2.74 m/s and
v2f = 2.46 m/s.

Tutorial Test 5D
1. A particle is moving at a constant speed in a circular trajectory centered on the origin of an
xy coordinate system. At one point (x = 4 m, y = 0 m) the particle has a velocity of -5.0j m/s.
Determine the velocity and acceleration when the particle is at:
a). x = 0, y = 4 m
b). x = -2.83, y = 2.83 m


a). x = 0, y = 4 m
v = 5i m/s (because the circular motion is clockwise on the axis system)
a = v2 /r = 52/4 = 6.25 m/s2
a = -6.25j m/s2

b). x = -2.83, y = 2.83 m

The velocity will still have a magnitude of 5 m/s, and will still be tangent to the trajectory. At
the point referred to, the angle of the tangent is 45°.
v = 5m/s (cos45i + sin45j)
v = 3.54i + 3.54j m/s
The acceleration will still have the same magnitude, a nd again, must point toward the center.
In this case, at a 315° angle.
a = 6.25 m/s2 (cos315i + sin315j)
a = 4.42i - 4.42j m/s2

2. A 50.0kg skater is traveling due east at 3.00 m/s. A 70.0kg skater

is moving due south at 7.00 m/s. They collide and hold on to one
another after the collision. Determine the magnitude of their velocity
after the collision. Ignore the effects of friction.


In any kind of collision, momentum is conserved so

(m1 + m2 )vf = m1 v1i + m2 v2i (1)
Now momentum and velocity are vector quantities and the i and j components must be
handled separately
(m1 + m2 )vfx = m1 v1ix + m2 v2ix (1a)
(m1 + m2 )vfy = m1 v1iy + m2 v2iy (1b)
So we can rearrange these equations to find the components of the final velocity
vfx = (m1 v1ix + m2 v2ix ) / (m1 + m2 ) (2a)
vfy = (m1 v1iy + m2 v2iy ) / (m1 + m2 ) (2b)
Using the given values, we find
vfx = [(50 kg)(3 m/s) + (70 kg)(0)] / (50 kg + 70kg)
= 1.25 m/s
vfy = [(50 kg)(0) + (70 kg)(7 m/s) / (50 kg + 70 kg)
= 4.083 m/s
To find the magnitude and direction of the final velocity, we use Pythagoras' Theorem and
vf = [(vfx ) 2 + (vfx ) 2 ]½
= 4.27 m/s

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