Program Kejuruteraan Awam (2020-2021)
Program Kejuruteraan Awam (2020-2021)
Program Kejuruteraan Awam (2020-2021)
Pensyarah / Lecturer
Ir. Dr. Siti Fatin Mohd. Razali
BEng(UTM), PhD(UWA), P.Eng, MIEM
Hidraulik & Hidrologi (Hydraulic & Hydrology)
Dr. Noraini Hamzah
BEng(UKM), MScEng(Leeds), PhD(UMalay)
Pengurusan Projek dan Pembinaan (Project Management and Construction)
Bidang kejuruteraan awam mempunyai skop yang luas. Secara umumnya, jurutera awam
terlibat terus dalam pembinaan semua infrastruktur yang diperlukan untuk menjamin
keselesaan serta keselamatan kehidupan manusia. Ini termasuklah pembinaan rumah,
bangunan, jalan/ lebuh raya, empangan, lapangan terbang, pelabuhan, sistem bekalan air,
sistem rawatan sisa, sistem tebatan banjir dan sebagainya. Dalam projek-projek ini jurutera
awam perlu bertindak sebagai perancang, pereka bentuk, dan pembina. Beliau juga
bertanggung jawab terhadap prestasi struktur selepas pembinaan.
Peranan jurutera awam juga perlu mengikut perkembangan cara hidup rakyat dan
teknologi dunia. Sebagai contoh, semasa ini, pengetahuan, kesedaran dan kepekaan orang
ramai terhadap kualiti alam sekitar sekeliling mereka yang menjamin kehidupan yang
bermutu telah meningkat. Oleh itu jurutera awam perlu membuat penelitian yang lebih
intensif terhadap kesan projek serta teknologi kejuruteraan. Mereka perlu memastikan
bahawa sesuatu projek tersebut tidak hanya akan memberikan kemudahan dan keselesaan
kepada orang ramai tetapi perlu juga menjamin supaya alam sekitar terpelihara dalam
jangkamasa pendek dan panjang. Perkembangan tamadun manusia juga memerlukan
seseorang jurutera awam prihatin dengan masalah sosial dan kemajuan teknologi terkini.
Jurutera awam perlu berkebolehan dalam hal-hal ekonomi, pengurusan, kemasyarakatan dan
teknologi-teknologi komputer terkini supaya dapat memperlengkapkan diri untuk membantu
negara menuju ke arah negara maju.
Di UKM, Program Kejuruteraan Awam telah dirancang dan direka bentuk untuk
memenuhi tuntutan seperti yang disebutkan sebelum ini. Pelbagai bidang kejuruteraan
awam diselaraskan melalui kumpulan kepakaran seperti kumpulan kejuruteraan struktur,
kumpulan kejuruteraan bahan, kumpulan pengurusan projek dan pembinaan, kumpulan
kejuruteraan geoteknik dan geosekitaran, kumpulan kejuruteraan sumber air dan sekitaran
dan kumpulan kejuruteraan pengangkutan. Tenaga tenaga pengajar program mempunyai
kelayakan akademik dan profesional yang diperlukan untuk mengendalikan kursus
kejuruteraan awam.
Makmal-makmal juga dilengkapi dengan pelbagai kelengkapan terkini untuk kerja kursus
dan penyelidikan. Dengan jumlah peralatan yang melebihi RM20 juta, makmal kejuruteraan
awam mampu mengendalikan kerja makmal untuk pengajaran dan penyelidikan yang
berkualiti sehingga keperingkat yang tertinggi.
The scope of civil engineering is vast. In general, civil engineers directly involve in the
construction of all required infrastructures to ensure human’s living comfort and safety. This
includes the construction of houses, buildings, roads/highways, dams, airports, ports, water
supply systems, waste treatment systems, flood mitigation systems, etc. In these projects, civil
engineers act as planners, designers, and builders. He/she is also responsible for the
performance of the structures after construction.
The role of civil engineers should also follow the up-to-date way of life and technology.
Currently, for example, knowledge, awareness and sensitivity of the public on the quality of
their surrounding environment which guarantees the quality of life have improved.
Therefore, civil engineers need to intensify research on the effect of projects and engineering
technology. They need to ensure that the project will not only provide convenience to the
public but must also ensure that the environment is protected in the short and long terms.
Development of human civilisation also requires a civil engineer to be concerned with social
problems and the latest technological advances. Civil engineers should also have the ability
in matters related economics, management, community and the latest computer technologies
in order to equip themselves to help the country to become a developed nation.
In UKM, the Civil Engineering Programme has been planned and designed to meet the
aforementioned demands. Various civil engineering specialties are coordinated by the
different groups such as structural engineering, construction materials engineering,
construction and project management, geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering,
environmental and water resources engineering, and transportation engineering. The
teaching staffs of the programme have the required academic and professional qualifications
suitable for civil engineering courses.
The laboratories are also facilitated with latest laboratory equipments for coursework
and research. With total amount of equipment in excess of RM20 million, the civil
engineering lab is capable of conducting laboratory works for teaching and research to
the highest level quality.
Objektif Pembelajaran Program (PEO)
Jurutera yang mempunyai sahsiah dan etika, serta profesionalisma yang tinggi dan
menyumbang kepada Aspirasi Kebangsaan.
Engineer who has character and ethics, as well as high professionalism and contributes to
the National Aspirations.
Jurutera yang kompeten dalam amalan bidang masing-masing bersesuaian dengan keperluan
semasa dan masa depan.
Engineer who is competent in respective engineering practices that meets current and future
Jurutera yang mempunyai daya kreatif dan inovatif, ciri keusahawanan dan sifat kepimpinan
yang bersifat glokal.
Engineer who has a creative and innovative, entrepreneurial and leadership qualities that
are glocal.
Hasil Pembelajaran Program (PO)
PO1 - Ilmu Kejuruteraan - Berkebolehan mengaplikasi ilmu dalam matematik, sains, asas
kejuruteraan dan pengkhususan kejuruteraan (WK1, WK2, WK3, WK4) dalam memberi
penyelesaian masalah Kejuruteraan Awam yang kompleks.
PO2 - Problem Analysis - Able to identify, formulate, research literature and analyse
complex Civil Engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences (WK1, WK2, WK3,
PO6 - The Engineer and Society - Able to apply reasoning informed by contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solutions to complex Civil
Engineering problems (WK7).
PO7 - Alam Sekitar dan Kelestarian – Berkebolehan memahami dan menilai kemampanan
dan kesan dari kerja profesional kejuruteraan dalam penyelesaian untuk masalah
Kejuruteraan Awam yang kompleks dalam konteks masyarakat dan persekitaran (WK7).
PO7 - Environment and Sustainability - Able to understand and evaluate the sustainability
and the impact of professional engineering works solutions in the solution of complex Civil
Engineering problems in societal and environmental contexts (WK7).
PO8 - Etika - Berkebolehan mengaplikasikan prinsip etika dan komitmen terhadap etika
professional serta tanggung jawab dan norma amalan kejuruteraan yang menyumbang
kepada Aspirasi Kebangsaan (WK7).
PO8 - Ethics - Able to apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of engineering practice and contribute to the National Aspirations.
PO9 - Individu dan Kerja Berpasukan - Berkebolehan berfungsi secara efektif sebagai
individu, dan sebagai ahli atau ketua dalam pelbagai kumpulan dan pelbagai disiplin.
PO9 - Individual and Team Work – Able to function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
PO12 - Life Long Learning - Able to recognise the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.
Struktur Kursus Kejuruteraan Awam
Civil Engineering Course Structure
The objective of this course is to acquire computing skills for solving problems in engineering.
The course will develop the students' proficiency in a computer programming language and in
using the programming for problem solving. The course covers basics and languages of
programming, programming flow charts, syntax, variabilities, operation, flow control,
functions, arrays, structured data, input and output using file and engineering application.
This course includes practical work in labs and a programming project.
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The aim of this course is to provide an in-depth understanding of physic from matriculation or
pre-university level. It will also encourage students’ critical thinking on the application and
relationship of physics especially to engineering problems and everyday life. The course cover
kinematics of a particle, kinetics of a particle: Newton’s second law of motion (force and
acceleration), principle of work and energy, principle of impulse and momentum. The topics
are then extended to kinematic of rigid bodies, plane motion of rigid bodies: force and
acceleration, principle of work and energy, principle of impulse and momentum, and
introduction of vibrations. The course implementation involves of lectures and tutorials.
Student will be exposed to animation problems and animation examples. A small project will
be given to the students.
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to give the students understanding on the basic concept of civil
engineering that covers the knowledge on force, equilibrium of particles and rigid body as well
as friction and virtual work. To achieve the goals, the topics taught in this course cover the
plane forces, space forces, resultant forces, vectors, component of forces, particle equilibrium.
Equivalent system of forces, internal and external forces, moment of forces about a point,
vector product, moment of couples. Free body diagram, equilibrium in two and three
dimensions, Reactions at joint and support. Force analysis using method of joint for trusses,
method of sections, frame analysis, multiple force structures. Centroid and center of gravity,
center of gravity 2-D body, centroid for area and line, centroid for volume, force and
hydrostatic pressure, dry friction law, problems related to dry friction, belt friction, roller
friction, moment of inertia, and virtual work principle.
Bacaan Asas:
Beer, F.B. dan Johnston. E.R. 2012. Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics. 10th Edition.
New York: Macgraw-Hill.
Hibbeler, R.C.. 2016. Engineering Mechanis Statics, 11th Edition in SI Units. Prentice Hall.
Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Meriam, J.L. & Kraige, L.G. 2014. Engineering Mechanics: Statics. 8th. ed. New York: John
Plesha, M., Gray, G. and Costanzo, F. 2013. Engineering Mechanics Statics, 2nd Edition:
McGrawHill. Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Plesha, M., Michael E., Gray, L. and Costanzo, F. 2010. Engineering Mechanics: Statics.
McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This course emphasise to educate students in achieving theoretical and practical knowledge of
civil engineering drawings and graphical solutions including the engineering scales,
orthographic projection, 3D representation, presenting different views of civil engineering
objects, sectional, dimensioning and using Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) tool
for drawing. In addition, this course will introduce the fundamental and essential knowledge
required to manage and implement Building Information Modelling (BIM). Students also
understand the functions, capabilities and limitations of BIM use, where students should be
Ability to develop, operate, manage and customize the BIM model.
Bacaan Asas:
Shih R. 2014. AutoCAD 2015 Tutorial First Level - 2D Fundamentals. SDC Publications.
Tjalve E., Andreasen M.M. and Schmidt F.F. 2013. Engineering Graphic Modelling: A
Workbook for Design Engineers. Elsevier.
Agrawal. 2012. Engineering Graphics. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Omura G. 2016. Mastering AutoCAD 2016 and AutoCAD LT 2016. John Wiley & Sons.
Spence W.P. and Kultermann E. 2016. Construction Materials, Methods and Techniques:
Building for a SustainAbility Future. Delmar Cengage Learning.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This subject exposes students to the basic and fundamental knowledge of engineering sciences
in managing and solving environmental pollution problems. Students are exposed to methods
to distinguish the sources of pollution and effects posed on the environment and public health.
Students are also expected to learn the methodologies availAbility to control pollutions. Topics
will cover most of sustainability aspect in related civil engineering work which include
sustainability in building industry, water quality and pollution, water treatment and water
supply, wastewater treatment, storm water management, solid waste management, air
pollution and noise pollution.
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This course introduces students to the principles of fluid mechanics and the application of these
principles to practical and applied problems. Primary emphasis is on fluid properties; the
measurement of pressure, density, viscosity, and flow; fluid statics; forces developed by static
fluids and fluids in motion; the buoyancy of an object in fluid; the flow of fluids in pipes; and
head losses in pipes. Related equations of fluid mechanics such as continuity equation,
momentum equation, energy equation, Bernoulli equation, Newton’s Law, etc. will be taught.
Pra-Keperluan (jika ada): Tiada
Pre-Requisite (if any): None
Bacaan Asas:
Robert, L.M. and Joseph, A.U. 2015. Applied Fluid Mechanics. 7th Edition. Prentice Hall.
Yunus, A.C. and John, M.C. 2013. Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications. 3rd
Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.
Donald, F. E., Barbara, C. W., Clayton, T. C. and John, A. R. 2013. Engineering Fluid
Mechanics. 10th Edition S.I Version. Wiley.
Bruce, R. M., Theodore, H. O., Wade, W. H. and Alric, P. R. 2012. Fundamentals of Fluid
Mechanics. 7th Edition. Wiley.
Philip, M.G., Andrew, L. G. and John, I. H. 2016. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. 8th
Edition. Wiley.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The goal of this course is to give knowledge, understanding and skills in engineering survey.
The students will be exposed to practical and theoretical knowledge regarding of level
measurements, angles and distances. The students are also exposed to the determining the area
of landfill and reclamation, setting-out, traversing, tachometry, vertical and horizontal curves,
mass-haul diagram, area and volume of earthwork and land acquisition. Students are also
exposed to the latest fundamental geospatial sciences such as Photogrammetry, remote
sensing, GIS, GPS and hydrographic survey. At the mid of semester, students are required to
undertake one-week surveying camp to carry out a comprehensive fieldwork surveying. This
course is a core subject in both programs offered by the Department of Civil Engineering.
Bacaan Asas:
Bashar Alsadik. 2019. Edisi Pertama. Adjustment Models in 3D Geomatics and Computational
Geophysics: With MATLAB Examples. Netherlands: Elsevier.
Bradley A. Shellito. 2018. Introduction to Geospatial Technologies. Edisi Keempat. United
State of America: W. H. Freeman and Company.
Elliott D. Kaplan, Christopher Hegarty. 2017. Understanding GPS/GNSS. Edisi Ketiga. Artech
Ghilani, Charles D. 2018. Elementary surveying : an introduction to geomatics. Edisi Kelima
belas.New York : Pearson.
Jerry A. Nathanson, Michael Lanzafama, Philip Kissam Late. 2020. Surveying Fundamentals
and Practices. Edisi Ketujuh. Pearson.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to give the students understanding on the behaviors of solid
bodies of different materials and various forms where when subjected to loads will deform and
produce internal reactions. To achieve the objective, a few important aspects are covered, such
as stress, strain, and linear displacement undergone by the bodies subjected to various form of
loading such as axial load, changes in temperature, torque, bending and transverse load.
Finally, the applications of the fundamental concept and principles of mechanics of materials
learned will be used to solve structural problem such as in beam design and column buckling.
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to introduce the physical and engineering properties of different
categories of construction materials and sustainAbility construction technology including
Industrised Building System (IBS) and automated concreting system such as 3D printing
technology to the Civil Engineering students. This course discusses the physical and
engineering properties of materials for construction industry including concrete, ferrous
timber, and non-ferrous metal, polymer, bitumen, ceramic, masonry (bricks, mortar, mortar
block and concrete block) and energy saving, recycled and ecological materials. This course
emphasizes more on concrete manufacturing process, the characteristics of concrete
components and mix design proportion according to British DoE and ACI methods; and the
physical and engineering properties of fresh and hardened concrete, handling and testing of
concrete theoretically and practically. Overview on geopolymer, alkali-activated binders and
3D printAbility concrete is also included. Sustainability aspects related to concrete materials
including chemical and environmental durability, cracking and failure of concrete are also
Bacaan Asas:
Gambhir, ML, 2013. Concrete Technology: Theory and Practice, 5th, Ed. Tata McGraw-Hill.
New Delhi.
Lyons, A., 2019. Materials for Architects and Builders. 6th, Ed. Routledge / Taylor & Francis.
Mamlouk, M.S & Zaniewski, J.P. 2017. Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, 4th.
Ed. Pearson
Mehta, P.K. & Monteiro, P.J.M. 2014. Concrete: Microstructure, Properties, and Materials,
Sanjayan J., Nazari A., Nematollahi B. 2019. 3D Concrete Printing Technology: Construction
and Building Applications, 1st Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The aim of this course is to expose the students to the foundations of geology and geotechnical
engineering by giving due attention to the applications and practices of geotechnical engineers
through exercises, laboratory works and assignments. Exposures are given to students on the
basic principles of geology and its application in civil engineering through basic
understanding given from topics on rocks of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic origin,
surface processes, geological structures, geological maps interpretation, plate tectonic and
formation of rocks in Malaysia. The second part of the course entails the basic principles of
geotechnical engineering that covers basic soil properties, classification of soils, compaction,
permeability, seepage and effective stress of soils. Laboratory works involve tests on Atterberg
limits, specific gravity, permeability and compaction.
Bacaan Asas:
Bardet, J.P. 1997. Experimental Soil Mechanics, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Budhu, M. 2015. Soil Mechanic Fundamentals. 1st Edition. Wiley – Blackwell.
Das, B.M. & Sobhan, K. 2016. Principles of Geotechnical Engineering. SI Edition 9th Edition.
Cengage Learning, USA.
West, T.R. 1995. Geology Applied to Engineering. New Jersey:Prentice-Hall.
Smiths, I. 2014. Smith’s Elements of Soil Mechanics. 9th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This course introduces the students to hydrologic cycle and its eight components. The
equipments used to measure various hydrologic data including rainfall, streamflow,
evaporation rate and infiltration rate are also introduced. Explanation is given about the
catchment area/river basin/watershed, Thiessen Polygon Method, Isohyetal lines, SCS method,
and Water Budget Method. Calculation and analysis using the hydrological data to understand
the relationship between rainfall, landuse and the resulting streamflow is done. Method to
measure and calculate flow in river, and mitigating measures such as SMART tunnel will be
covered. Exposure to MSMA, ARI, OSD, Rating Curve, HP#16(drainage design for urban
area), IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management) and basic drainage design will be
done. Derivation and Usage of Unit Hydrograph and Synthetic Unit Hydrograph is also be
Bacaan Asas:
Bedient, P.B., Huber, W.C. & Vieux, B.E. 2018. Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, 6th
Edition. Pearson.
Chin, D.A. 2013. Water Resources Engineering, 3rd Edition, Pearson.
Cook, H.F. 2017. The Protection and Conservation of Water Resources, 2nd Edition. Wiley
Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia. 2012. Urban Stormwater Management
Manual for Malaysia (MSMA), 2nd Edition, Kuala Lumpur.
Kay, M. 2017. Practical Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering, 3rd Edition. CRC
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The main objective of this course is to develop an understanding of the basic principles of
structural analysis. Emphasizing the intuitive classical approach, this course covers the
analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate beams, trusses and rigid frames. The
course contents include: Introduction to Structural Analysis: historical background, role of
analysis in structural engineering projects, classification of structures, analytical models;
Loads on Structures: dead loads, live loads, impact, wind loads, snow loads, earthquake loads,
hydrostatic and soil pressures, thermal and other effects, load combinations. Analysis of
Statically Determinate Structures: equilibrium and support reactions; plane and space trusses;
shear and bending moment of beams and frames; cAbilitys and arches; deflections of beams
using geometric methods; deflections of trusses, beams and frames using work-energy
methods; influence lines for beams, frames, trusses and girders with floor systems; analysis of
symmetric structures. Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures: Introduction to
indeterminate structures; approximate analysis of rectangular frames emphasizing the
analysis of vertical loads and lateral loads (Portal method and cantilever method); method of
consistent deformations (force method); influence lines for beams and trusses including
Muller-Breslau’s principle; slope-deflection method for continuous beams and frames;
moment distribution method for continuous beams and frames.
Bacaan Asas:
The aim of this course this course is to provide knowledge, understanding and synthesis of the
main areas in transportation engineering. The course content includes the characteristics of
the traffic and roads, traffic control devices, human factors in transportation, transportation
planning and management, the concept of intelligent transport systems, research and transport
modelling, economic evaluation methods of engineering, funding method and environmental
effect/impact assessment (EIA) for the transport projects development. This course also clarifys
about the concept of planning and design of land, air and water transportation.
Bacaan Asas:
Banks, J.H. 2004. Introduction to Transportation Engineering. 2nd Ed. New York: McGraw-
Hill H. Educ.
Garber, N.J. & Hoel, L.A. 2014. Traffic and Highway Engineering, 5th Edition. Cengage
Hoel, L.A., Garber, N.J. & Sadek A.W. 2011. Transportation Infrastructure Engineering: A
Multimodal Integration. Stanford: Cengage Learning.
Janic, M. & Teodorovic, D. 2016. Transportation Engineering: Theory, Practice and
Modeling. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Pande, A. & Wolshon, B. 2016. Traffic Engineering Handbook By ITE (Institute of
Transportation Engineers). John Wiley & Sons.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This course provides an understanding of analysis and design of reinforced concrete structural
elements. Amongst the topics discussed are reinforced concrete as a sustainAbility construction
materials, objectives and methods of design, codes of practice, stresses and strains, limit states
design concept, design actions, analysis and design of sections for moment and shear, checking
for deflection and cracking, durability and detailing requirements, design of simply supported
and continuous beams, design of one-way slabs, two-way restrained slabs and simply
supported slabs and also design of staircases. Students will be organising a site visit for
exposure to the real construction practices. Course evaluation is largely based on
examinations and design concept/proposal report for building structures.
Pra-Keperluan (jika ada):
KKCE2213 Analisis Struktur
Bacaan Asas:
Prab, B., MacGinley, T. J. & Ban, S. C. 2014. Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocodes:
Design Theory and Examples. Fourth Edition. CRC Press.
George, F. L. & Abi, O. A. 2013. Reinforced Concrete Design 8th Edition. Prentice Hall.
Mosley, W. H., Hulse, H. and Bungey, J. H. 2012. Reinforced Concrete Design: to Eurocode
2. Palgrave McMillan. London.
Nadim, H. M. & Al-Manaseer, A. 2012. Structural Concrete: Theory and Design 5th Edition.
David A. F. 2010. Reinforced Concrete Structures: Analysis and Design 1st Edition. McGraw-
Hill Education.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The main objective of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental theory and basic
design of water and wastewater engineering. This course comprises two major branches of
civil engineering; water supply and wastewater engineering. Topics on water supply included
in the syllabus are water demand calculation, water resources determination, water intake,
water distribution system, pipe reticulation, pipe appurtenances and pumping system. For
wastewater engineering, the main elements that will be discussed are wastewater generation,
wastewater collection system and conveyance and wastewater treatment. This course is
designed to equip students on the water supply reticulation and sewerage system, particularly
for their integrated design project. Besides traditional lectures, students will be given a small-
scale project to design both reticulation and sewerage pipelines on a specific development
Bacaan Asas:
Abdul Aziz, H. & Mojiri, A. 2014. Wastewater Engineering: Advanced Wastewater Treatment.
IJSR Publications.
Crittenden, J.C., Trussell, R.R. & Hand, D.W. 2012. MWH’s Water Treatment: Principles and
Design. 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
Metcalf & Eddy Inc. 2013. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse. AECOM.
Verma, S., Kanwar, V. & John, S. 2015. Water Supply Engineering. Vikas Publishing House.
Wang, L.K. & Shammas, N.K. 2015. Water engineering: Hydraulics, Distribution and
Treatment. Wiley & Sons.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The aim of this course is to give knowledge, understanding and synthesis in highway
engineering which covers topics on traffic, road and highway. The sub-topics discussed are
characteristics of drivers, pedestrians, vehicles and road, fundamentals of traffic flow,
including volume, speed and density, traffic engineering studies, signalised and un-signalised
intersections design, geometric design of road, two and multi-lanes highways. Students will
be taught briefly on materials related to asphalt, bitumen and concrete, flexible and rigid
pavements design and pavement management system. Students must have performed
experiments related to the transportation laboratory, implement pavement design project,
Ability to write good laboratory report and also Ability to analyse and solve problems given in
Bacaan Asas:
Garber, N.J. & Hoel, L.A. 2019. Traffic and Highway Engineering. 5th Ed. (SI). Stamford:
Cengage Learning.
Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. 2015. ATJ 8/86 (Pindaan 2015): A Guide on Geometric Design
of Roads. Kuala Lumpur: Cawangan Jalan.
Mannering, F.L. 2016. Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis. 5th Ed. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Roess, R.P., Prassas, E.S. & McShane, W.R. 2019. Traffic Engineering. 15th Ed. New York:
Rogers, M. 2016. Highway Engineering. 3nd Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.-
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The aim of this course this course is to provide knowledge, understanding and discuss of the
main parts in construction industry. The course content includes; the construction sectors,
project players, professional affiliations, contract documents, contract administration,
construction manager task, process of design and construction, safety and quality and project
risks. Students will also be introduced to the application of industrial revolution 4.0 in the
construction sector. This course will be conducted by student centred learning where student
will be given variety of task throughout the semester.
Bacaan Asas:
Jackson, B.J. 2020. Construction Management Jump Start: The Best First Step Toward a
Career in Construction Management. Edisi Ketiga. John Wiley & Sons Inc
Chitkara K. K. 2019. Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling and
Controlling. Edisi Kempat. McGraw-Hill Education.
Halpin, D.W. 2019. Construction Management. Edisi Kelima. John Wiley & Sons.
Gould, F.E. and Joyce, N.E. 2014. Construction Project Management. Edisi Keempat. Prentice
Hall Publisher.
Sherratt, F. 2017. Introduction to Construction Management. Taylor & Francis Group.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The goal of this course is to deliver knowledge, understanding and develop capability in the
design of open channels (non-erodible and erodible). This course will also focus on identifying
the classification of open channel flow, flow characteristics in open channels, application of
the energy and momentum principles, sediment transport and dimensional analysis. Selected
software used in the design of open channels will be introduced to the students.
Chadwick A., Morfett J. and Borthwick M. 2013. Hydraulics in Civil and Environmental
Engineering. Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Labeur R. J. and Battjes J. A. 2017. Unsteady Flow in Open Channels. Cambridge University
McCuen R.H. 2016. Hydrologic Analysis and Design. Pearson Education.
Moglen G.E. 2015. Fundamentals of Open Channel Flow. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Sturm T. W. 2009. Open Channel Hydraulics. 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The aim for this is to enability the civil engineering students to analyse a complex problems
and make them simpler using numerical analysis. This course covers topic such as the
introduction of numerical methods in civil engineering, linear equations, roots of equations,
interpolation and curve fitting, optimization, numerical differentiation and integration,
ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. This subject integrates
theory and applications of numerical methods to solve civil engineering problems hoping to
realise the bridging relationship between mathematics field and civil engineering.
Bacaan Asas:
Ayyub, B. & McCuen, R.H. 2016. Numerical Analysis for Engineers: Methods and
Applications, Second Edition. CRC Press.
Chapra, S.C. & Canale, R.P. 2014. Numerical Methods for Engineers, 7th Edition, McGraw-
Hill: New York.
Gerald, C.F. & Wheatley, P.O. 2012. Applied Numerical Analysis, Pearson Education Inc. New
Chandrupatla, T.R. & Belegundu, A.D. 2012. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering,
Pearson Education Inc. New York.
Kreyszig, E. 2014. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons: New York.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
Bacaan Asas:
Prab, B., MacGinley, T. J. & Ban, S. C. 2014. Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocodes:
Design Theory and Examples, Fourth Edition. CRC Press.
George, F. L. & Abi, O. A. 2013. Reinforced Concrete Design 8th Edition. Prentice Hall.
Mosley, W. H., Hulse, H. and Bungey, J. H. 2012. Reinforced Concrete Design: to Eurocode
2. Palgrave McMillan. London.
Nadim, H. M. & Al-Manaseer, A. 2012. Structural Concrete: Theory and Design 5th Edition.
David A. F. 2010. Reinforced Concrete Structures: Analysis and Design 1st Edition. McGraw-
Hill Education.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This course provides an understanding of analysis and design of structural steel elements.
Amongst the topics discussed are steel as a sustainAbility and durAbility construction material,
history, components, production processes, section properties, mechanical properties, failure
behaviour, construction methods, design codes of practice, concepts of strength, local
buckling, stability, limit state design, partial safety factors, combinations of actions, section
classification, design of restrained beams, design of unrestrained beams, design of stiffeners,
design of columns, design of beam-columns, design of tension members, design of trusses,
design for simple construction, design for Class 4 sections and design of comon simple joints
in steel building structures. Course evaluation is largely based on examinations and design
Bacaan Asas:
Da Silva, L. S., Simoes, R. and Gervasio, H. 2013. Design of Steel Structures. European
Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS).
Shiyekar, M. R. 2013. Limit State Design in Structural Steel. Second Edition. PHI Learning
Private Limited.
Wald, F., Tan, K. H. and Chiew, S. P. 2012. Design of Steel Structures with Worked Examples
to EN 1993-1-1 and EN 1993-1-8. Research Publishing.
Wong, M. B. 2012. Plastic Analysis and Design of Steel Structures. Butterworth-Heinemann.
BS EN 1993: Part 1-1, Part 1-5, Part 1-8, Design of Steel Structures. British Standards
Institution, London.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
KKCE3243 Geoteknik
Objektif kursus ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan konsep utama kekuatan dan pengukuhan
tanah untuk kegunaan amalan kejuruteraan geoteknikal. Parameter geoteknik yang berkaitan
dengan kekuatan dan pengukuhan tanah akan diberi tumpuan dengan penekanan kepada sifat-
sifat pasir dan tanah lempung supaya pelajar akan menyedari perbezaan utama kelakuan kedua-
dua tanah ini dan implikasinya dalam bidang kejuruteraan geoteknikal. Aplikasi parameter-
parameter geoteknik ini kemudiannya akan perkenalkan dan diaplikasikan dalam topik
mengenai kestabilan cerun, tekanan sisi tanah dan penyiasatan tapak. Ujian makmal yang
melibatkan ujian ricih terus, ujian tiga paksi dan pengukuhan yang merupakan komponen
penting dalam kursus ini akan dilakukan dan dibincangkan.
The objective of this course is to introduce the main ideas of soil strength and consolidation
for the use of geotechnical engineering practices. Related geotechnical parameters to soil
strength and consolidation will be highlighted with emphasis on the behaviors of sand and clay
so that students will realize their main differences and implications in geotechnical
engineering. The applications of these geotechnical parameters will then be introduce and
applied in topics on slope stability, lateral earth pressure and site investigation. Laboratory
tests are also an important component of this course where direct shear tests, triaxial and
consolidation tests will be performed and discussed.
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This course is the first part to an Intergrated Design Project. The course aims to synergise all
the basic engineering knowledge gained previously to solve real civil engineering problems in
an integrated and comprehensive manner. Students will be first exposed to good design
concepts that considers important characteristics including public health and safety, society
and culture, environment and sustainability, authorities’ requirements, as well as project cost
effectiveness. Students will work in groups to observe existing project to evaluate the pros and
cons of project characteristics. Furthermore, each group will be given the architecture
drawings of selected project and relevant information including topography map of possible
project location. Each group will propose design concepts for earthworks, retaining structures,
drainage, roads, water supply and sewerage systems. Preparation and presentation of report
will be done at the end of the course by the students.
Bacaan Asas:
Barbara J. Jackson. 2020. Construction Management Jump Start: The Best First Step Toward
a Career in Construction Management. Edisi Ketiga. John Wiley & Sons Inc
Chitkara K. K. 2019. Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling and
Controlling. Edisi Kempat. McGraw-Hill Education.
Daniel W. Halpin. 2019. Construction Management. Edisi Kelima. John Wiley & Sons.
Frederick E. Gould and Nancy E. Joyce. 2014. Construction Project Management. Edisi
Keempat. Prentice Hall Publisher.
Gould F. E. and Joyce N. E. 2003. Construction Project Management. 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall.
Colin Harding, Chartered Institute of Building, 2015. Integrated Design and Construction.
Brad Hardin & Dave McCool, 2014. BIM and Construction Management: Proven Tools,
Methods, and Workflows, 2nd Edition.
Shun Dar Lin, 2007. Water and Wastewater Calculations Manual. 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill.
Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering 2016: Treatment Disposal and Reuse. 4th Edition.
McGraw Hill.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The goal of this course provides basic knowledge and applications involving the design
Geotechnical required by a civil engineer. Geotechnical design practice is very important in
all forms of construction including buildings, dams, road embankments/highways, bridges and
others. Among the topics studied is the design of shallow foundation for Geotechnics, the
foundation, retaining walls and slopes.
Bacaan Asas:
Bowles, J.E. 2001. Foundation Analysis and Design, 5th Edition, Mc Graw Hill. McCarthy.
Das, B.M. 2016. Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 9th Edition., Cengage Learning.
Das, B.M. 2015. Principles of Foundation Engineering, 8th Edition, Cengage Learning.
Coduto, D.P. 2016. Foundation Design: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition, Pearson.
McCarthy D.F. 2006. Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The main objective of this course is to introduce students to the methodology of engineering
economy and project evaluation including economic, financial, social and environmental
factors. Project evaluation involves economic analysis using a set of techniques that establish
feasibility parameters. These parameters include payback period, internal rate of return or net
present value, life-cycle costing, benefit-cost analysis and checking all technically feasible
investment alternatives under certainty and uncertainty. The students will be given sample
projects as case studies where they have the opportunity to develop financial, social,
environmental and economic components required as inputs for the project evaluation.
Bacaan Asas:
Mujumdar, N.S., & Pataskar, S.V. 2014. Project Management and Engineering Economics:
Repro Knowledgcast Limited.
Myers, D. 2013. Construction Economics: A New Approach: Taylor & Francis.
Newnan, D.G., Lavelle, J.P., & Eschenbach, T.G. 2014. Engineering Economic Analysis:
Oxford University Press.
Pack C.S. 2012. Fundamentals of Engineering Economics 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall.
Sullivan, W.G., Wicks, E.M. & Koelling, C.P. 2014. Engineering Economy: Pearson
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The aim of this course is to train the student to start the research works. The research project
consists of data and design analysis. Each student should prepare a complete interim report
comprises of objectives of the research, problem of statement, literature review and research
methodology. The course will be continued in the KKCE4215 Research Project II in the next
Tesis Gaya UKM. 2015. Pusat Pengajian Siswazah. Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Ranjit Kumar 2005. Research methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners, Sage
Gerald, J.A., Charles, T.B. & Walter, E.O. 2011. Handbook of Technical Writing, Tenth
Edition. Bedford/St.Martin’s.
Geraldine Wood, 2002. Research paper for dummies, Hungry Mind.
John Creedy, 2008. Research without tears: from the first ideas to published output, Edward
Elgar Publication.
Donald H McBurney and Theresa L. White, 2007. Research Methods, Thomson Learning.
Cash, S. 2000. Effective Literature Searching for Research, Second Edition. Aldershot:
GowersFred Sherratt. 2017.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This course This course is a continuation of the Integrated Design Project I offered in Semester
VI. It is referred as a capstone project that integrates the various knowledge and skills in the
various fields and core disciplines within civil engineering. Students are tasked to work in
groups to develop the design of integrated infrastructural and structural elements for a
development project from inception of the concepts until the production of detailed design and
drawings, and bills of quantities. Aspects of environment and sustainability, public health and
safety, culture and society, and economy and cost effectiveness are to be considered in the
process. The project includes various infrastructural elements such as platforms (earthworks),
erosion sediment control plan (ESCP), slope stability/retaining, roads, drainage, detention
pond, water supply, sewerage systems, and structural and foundation systems, including any
other required elements. The design must comply to criteria set by the relevant Codes of
Practice, and guidelines and conditions set by local authorities, technical departments and
professional bodies, as well as other requirements related to the public and society. Students
are required to produce group design report and perform presentation. The successful
implementation of the design project requires close cooperation between all team members.
Hence, it is important for students to assume full responsibility in executing individual
assignments and at the same time possess good team spirit to ensure the success of the project.
Bacaan Asas:
Jackson, B.J. 2020. Construction Management Jump Start: The Best First Step Toward a
Career in Construction Management. Edisi Ketiga. John Wiley & Sons Inc
Chitkara, K. K. 2019. Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling and
Controlling. Edisi Kempat. McGraw-Hill Education.
Halpin, D.W. 2019. Construction Management. Edisi Kelima. John Wiley & Sons.
Gould, F.E. and Joyce, N.E. 2014. Construction Project Management. Edisi Keempat. Prentice
Hall Publisher.
Sherratt, F. 2017. Introduction to Construction Management. Taylor & Francis Group.
Shun, D.L. 2007. Water and Wastewater Calculations Manual. 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The aim of this course is to train the student to perform the research works and to present the
research results, verbally and in written. The course is an extension of KKCE4133 Research
Project I course. At the end of this course, the outcomes of the research including all the works
that have been done in thus course and in the Research Project I are gathered and documented
in the thesis. The student needs to follow the Tesis Gaya UKM as a reference guideline to write
a proper thesis. The viva-voce will be held at the end of the semester to assess the outcomes of
the research project and will be evaluated by the supervisor and one examiner.
Bacaan Asas:
Tesis Gaya UKM. 2015. Pusat Pengajian Siswazah. Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Kumar, R. 2005. Research Methodology: A Step-By-Step Guide for Beginners. Sage
Creedy, J. 2008. Research Without Tears : From The First Ideas to Published Output. Edward
Elgar Publication.
McBurney, D.H. and White, T.L. 2007 Research Methods. Thomson Learning.
Cash, S. 2017. Effective Literature Searching for Research, Second Edition. Aldershot:
GowersFred Sherratt.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The aim of the course is to give students exposure on Geographic Information System (GIS) to
the field of civil engineering. The course contains including the basic concepts relevant to the
application of GIS in the environmental and civil engineering aspect. The focus of the course
is the theory of GIS to civil engineering applications. The main topics covered are;
a) The basic concept and development of GIS in Civil Engineering
b) Data Processing such as data collection, data processing, and database management,
spatial analysis, data manipulation and data output
c) Integration of GIS, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Remote Sensing in civil
engineering solutions
d) Solving the Civil Engineering problem using GIS (current issue)
Bacaan Asas:
Andy Mitchell. 2020. The Esri Guide to GIS Analysis, Volume 1: Geographic Patterns and
Relationships. Edisi Kedua. Esri Press.
Bradley A. Shellito. 2018. Introduction to Geospatial Technologies. Edisi Keempat. United
State of America: W. H. Freeman and Company.
David A. Holdstock. 2019. Smart Geospatial Practices and Applications in Local Government:
An Altogether Different Language. Edisi Pertama. CRC Press.
Kang-tsung Chang. 2018. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems. Edisi Kesembilan.
McGraw-Hill Education.
Michael Law, Amy Collins. 2018. Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop. Edisi Kelima. Esri Press.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This course examines and exposes students to the spatial analysis that can be done to solve
civil engineering problems. It is an advanced course that exposes students to the theories,
techniques and practices of spatial analysis. The analysis revealed to the students is spatial
data analysis, satellite image, UAV, LiDAR, 3D, BIM, land use, forecasting modeling and web
application development. The main topics covered in this course are; The basic concept and
development of GIS in Civil Engineering
a) Use of spatial and aerial data in GIS applications
b) Modeling analysis for current, forecasting, land use and problem solving
c) Development of web applications and spatial databases
d) Appropriately interpret and present the analysis results.
Bacaan Asas:
Kumar, D., Singh, R.B. and Kaur, R. 2019. Spatial Information Technology for Sustainability
Development Goals (Sustainability Development Goals Series). Edisi Pertama.
Lawhead, J. 2019. Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python. Packt Publishing.
Awange, J. and Kiema, J. 2018. Environmental Geoinformatics: Extreme Hydro-Climatic and
Food Security Challenges: Exploiting the Big Data (Environmental Science and
Engineering). Edisi Kedua. Springer.
de Smith, M.J., Goodchild, M.F. and Longley, P.A. 2018. Geospatial Analysis: A
Comprehensive Guide. Drumlin Security Ltd.
Grubesic, T.H. and Nelson, J.R. 2020. UAVs and Urban Spatial Analysis: An Introduction.
Edisi Pertama. Springer
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The course aims to expose students to smart buildings to enhance comfort and benefits to
humans. The construction of the smart building helps to improve information technology and
greatly benefits its use and environment. Students will be clearly explained about the concepts
and benefits of smart buildings, and they can use existing technology and enhance their
capabilities. The course is therefore intended to provide insight and to explain the benefits
gained from building smart buildings. This course also describes systems in smart buildings
and others. Comparison of efficiency and efficiency with ordinary buildings will be conducted
in this course to prove the benefits of smart buildings.
Bacaan Asas:
Sinopoli, J.M., 2009. Smart buildings systems for architects, owners and builders. Butterworth-
Bali, M., Half, D.A., Polle, D. and Spitz, J., 2019. Smart Building Design: Conception,
Planning, Realization, and Operation. In Smart Building Design. Birkhäuser.
Sinopoli, J., 2016. Advanced Technology for Smart Buildings. Artech House.
Sawhney, A., Riley, M. and Irizarry, J., 2020. Construction 4.0: An Innovation Platform for
the Built Environment. Routledge.
Sacks, R., Eastman, C., Lee, G. and Teicholz, P., 2018. BIM handbook: A Guide to Building
Information Modeling for Owners, Designers, Engineers, Contractors, and Facility
Managers. John Wiley & Sons.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to give knowledge and understanding on current concrete
technology including the usage of new concrete components to produce high quality concrete.
The topics include the properties of concrete; advanced cementitious and non-cementitious
binders for concrete; concrete admixtures; high performance concrete and its mix design;
lightweight concrete and its mix design; fibre reinforced concrete; shotcrete; geopolymer and
alkali activated concrete; bio-concrete or self-healing concrete; polymer- filled aggregate for
saturated concrete in marine application; sulfuric concrete; roller compacted concrete;
heavyweight aggregate concrete; advanced cementitious composites; concrete in the era of IR
4.0 (3D printAbility concrete); and concreting in hot weather.
Aïtcin, P.C. & Flatt, R.J. 2017. Science and Technology of Concrete Admixtures. Woodhead
Davidovits J. 2020. Geopolymer Chemistry and Applications, 5th Edition. Institut
Géopolymère, France.
Li, Z. 2011. Advanced Concrete Technology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
Ramezanianpour, A. A. 2013. Cement Replacement Materials: Properties, Durability,
Sustainability. Springer Science & Business Media.
Sanjayan J., Nazari A., Nematollahi B. 2019. 3D Concrete Printing Technology: Construction
and Building Applications, 1st Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This module provides students with the understanding and knowledge of Industrial Building
System (IBS). Students will be exposed to the scenario of IBS in Malaysian Construction
Industry and the benefit of IBS. The topics cover the introduction and definition of IBS and the
materials of its components, comparison between IBS and the conventional building methods,
type of construction of IBS system and Building Information Modelling (BIM) solutions in IBS.
Analysis of precast concrete frame manually using the substructuring method specifically, and
design of IBS components such as pretension hollow core slab and post-tensioned beam are
included as per the requirements of Eurocode 2, including a design examples to predict the
flexural strength, shear capacity and deflection limit. Students will also be exposed to IBS score
with example calculation of actual project based on Manual IBS content scoring system (IBS
score), and definition of modular coordination based on MS 1064. Site visit to precast
manufacturer and IBS convention centre will be included in the course.
Bacaan Asas:
Eurocode 2 - 2004: Design of Concrete Structures - Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for
Gilbert, R.I., Mickleborough, N.C. and Ranzi, G., 2017. Design of Prestressed Concrete to
Eurocode 2. 2nd Edition, CRC Press. MA, USA.
IBS Score Standard Guide. 2018. CIDB Malaysia.
Elliot, K.S. 2017. Precast Concrete Structures. 2nd Edition, CRC Press.
MS 1064: Part 2: 2001. Guide to Modular Coordination in Buildings.
Modular Design Guide. 2000. CIDB Malaysia.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to provide knowledge to the students on the design and analysis
of prestressed concrete for general and specific usage in the field of civil engineering
construction. This course discusses the topics on the latest method of simply supported
prestressed concrete beam design and construction having various cross-section, ultimate
strength of prestressed slab, analysis of composite prestressing, ultimate limit analysis, tendon
envelope profile, camber, deflection, crack control in prestressed member.
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This elective course develops an advanced understanding and greater capability in the analysis
and design of structural steelwork. As a continuation of the course KKCE3233 Structural Steel
Design, the topics covered in this course enAbility the students to familiarise themselves more
with European Standards EN 1993 and essential parts of EN 1994 for steel design in practice.
Amongst the topics discussed are design of bolted and welded moment joints, design of column
base plates, design of stiffened plate girders, design of steel-concrete composite beams and
slabs and design of cold-formed sections. Furthermore, students will be introduced to plastic
analysis and design of multi-storey rigid frames with distinction between sway frames and non-
sway frames and design of portal frames. Course evaluation is largely based on examinations
and design assignments.
Bacaan Asas:
Dujmovic D., Androic B. & Lukacevic I. 2015. Composite Structures according to Eurocode
4: Worked Examples, 1st Edition, Ernst & Sohn.
Shiyekar M. R. 2013. Limit State Design in Structural Steel. Second Edition. PHI Learning
Private Limited.
Lam D., Ang T. C & Chiew S. P. 2013. Structural Steelwork: Design to Limit State Theory,
4th Edition, CRC Press.
Gardner L. & Nethercot D. A. 2012. Designers' Guide to Eurocode 3: Design of Steel
Buildings, 2nd Edition, ICE Publishing.
Trahair, N. S., Bradford, M. A., Nethercot, D. A. and Gardner, L. 2012. The Behaviour and
Design of Steel Structures to EC 3. Taylor and Francis.
Johnson R. 2011. Designers' Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Buildings, 2nd
Edition, ICE Publishing.
BS EN 1993: Part 1-1, Part 1-3, Part 1-5, Part 1-8, Design of Steel Structures. British
Standards Institution, London.
BS EN 1994: Part 1-1, Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures. British Standards
Institution, London.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The objective of the course is to provide a clear understanding of stability aspects and dynamic
elements in structures and also to emphasize these fundamentals in structural design. In
structural stability, a few aspects are covered such as general principles, types of buckling,
stiffness criteria, classical column theory, beam-column buckling, tangent modulus, rigid and
plane frame stability, sway and no sway frame and applications of energy method. For
structural dynamics, students will also exposed to discretization methods, lumped mass
method, single degree and multi-degree of freedom systems analysis, free vibration, undamped
free vibration, harmonic response, periodic loading and impulsive loading.
Bacaan Asas:
This elective course provides advanced knowledge on the design aspects of reinforced concrete
structural elements. As a continuation of the courses Reinforced Concrete Design 1 and 2, the
topics discussed are analysis and design of ribbed (1-way and 2-way) slabs, flat slabs, water
retaining structures, shear walls, corbels and nibs. Furthermore, students will be exposed to
the methods of deflection calculation, design of elements for torsion and design of raft
foundations. Course evaluation is largely based on examinations and design assignments.
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The aim of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding on the many aspects of soil
mechanics related to waste management. Various aspects of soil pollution and soil
remediation/cleanup will be covered in this course. The main topics of this course include soil
pollution and its implication, sources of pollution, domestic waste properties, laws and
regulations related to pollution in Malaysia, waste and containment geotechnics, clay
minerology, contaminant transport in soil: advective and dispersive flow equations and its
solution, soil liner, soil remediation: physical, chemical, electrical and biological techniques.
Pra-Keperluan (jika ada): Tiada
Pre-Requisite (if any): None
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The goal of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding of techniques of soil
improvement in geotechnical engineering. Among the topics to be discussed is the reasons and
the need for improvement of land; mechanical techniques such as compaction (including
compaction theory, the concept of compaction, laboratory testing and in situ, compaction
equipment, etc..), dynamic compaction, vibratory compaction, vibrofloatation replacement,
and compaction by explosion; hydraulic techniques such as pumping, precompression with
sand/vertical vertical, vacuum consolidation, and electroosmosis; physical-chemical
techniques such as chemical stabilization and heat treatment; and inclusion techniques inputs
such as soil reinforcement and geosynthetics.
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This course provides knowledge and skills in solid and hazardous waste management,
treatment, disposal and recycling options for solid wastes towards achieving resources
conservation and contributing to a low carbon economy. The key engineering and technical
aspects involved are the principles of integrated solid waste management, waste sources,
amount of generation, characteristics, collection, transport and transfer, waste reduction,
reuse, recycling, treatment and disposal. The course also provides an understanding on
governance, legislation, technical and societal issues related to municipal solid waste and
hazardous waste management. Applications of decision support tools including multi-criteria
analysis, carbon foot-printing and life-cycle analysis are introduced.
Bacaan Asas:
Letchure, T.M., Vallero & D.A., 2019. Waste: A Handbook for Management, Elsevier Inc.,
Second Edition, United Kingdom, U.S.A.
Narvanen, E., Mattila, M., Mesiranta, N. & Heikkenen, A., 2020. Food Waste Management.
Solving the Wicked Problem. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
Rada, E. C., 2016. Solid Waste Management: Policy and Planning for a Sustainability Society,
CRC Press U.S.A.
Rao, M.N., Sultana, R. & Kota, S.H., 2016. Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Elsevier,
Worrel, W.A., Vesilind, P.A. & Ludwig, C. 2017. Solid Waste Engineering: A Global
Perspective, Cengage Learning, U.S.A.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
Bacaan Asas:
Bedient, P.B., Huber, W.C., and Vieux, B.E. 2015. Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis,
Pearson Education.
Eslamian, S. 2014. Handbook of engineering hydrology: fundamentals and applications. CRC
Chow, V.T, Maidment, D.R. and Mays, L.W., 2013. Applied Hydrology, 2nd Ed., McGraw
Hill, New York.
Raudviki, A.J., 2013. Hydrology: An advanced introduction to hydrological processes and
modelling, Elsevier.
Chang, H.H. 2008. Fluvial processes in river engineering. Wiley.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
Water is certainly the most vital physical resource as it is the one that is important to human
survival. Understanding the global water cycle and how we use water is essential to planning
a sustainAbility source of water for the future. Groundwater is one of the option to support
areas that do not have enough water. This course is designed to provide significant details on
groundwater flow. It covers the role of groundwater in the hydrologic cycle, the relation of
groundwater flow to geologic structure, fundamentals of subsurface flow and groundwater
flow to well.
Bacaan Asas:
Cushman, J.H., Tartakovsky, D.M. 2016. The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering. 3rd
Edition. CRC Press.
Fetter, C.W. 2018. Applied Hydrogeology. 4th Edition. Waveland Press.
John, H.C., Daniel, M.T. 2016. The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, 3rd Edition. CRC
Tang, Y., Zhou, J., Yang, P., Yan, J., Zhou, N. 2017. Groundwater Engineering, Springer
Environmental Science and Engineering.
Todd, D.K., Mays, L.W. 2013. Groundwater Hydrology. Wiley India Private Ltd.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The objective of the course is to introduce students to the various methods and processes used
in wastewater treatment before discharge into natural water bodies. The topics also include
the environmental legislations or laws related to wastewater discharge, as well as the
involvement of government agencies that monitor and enforce environmental laws or any
constituents involved in treating wastewater. At the end of the course, students would be Ability
to choose the appropriate and sustainAbility treatment process required to treat wastewater
and sludge for a community. Sebsequently, they would to carry out detailed design for a
municipal wastewater treatment system consisting of the primary, secondary and tertiary
treatment depending on the treatability requirement. Sludge management including sludge
reuse is also covered.
Bacaan Asas:
Dionisi, D. 2017. Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes: Mass and Heat Balances,
Oakvill: Apple Academic Press Inc.
Metcalf & Eddy, Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F.L., Tsuchihash,i R. & Stensel H.D. 2013.
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Resource Recovery, New York: McGraw-
Spellman, F. 2016. The Science of Wastewater, Lancaster: DE Stech Publications.
Tukker, M., Kooij, K. & Pothof, I. 2016. Hydraulic Design and Management of Wastewater
Transport Systems, London: IWA Publishing.
Vinay, R. & Viyek, B. 2014. Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Recycling and Reuse, 1st
edition, Butterworth-Heinemann.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The main objective of this course is to provide knowledge to students on the engineering
approaches to protecting water quality with an emphasising on fundamental principles and
theory. Theory and conceptual design of systems for treating water are discussed, as well as
reactor theory, process kinetics and treatment process. The topics discussed include basic
water quality requirement; water characteristics; water treatment process and design the unit
of water treatment systems. At the end of this course, the student should be Ability to apply the
knowledge to design water treatment systems.
Benjamin, M.M. 2015. Water Chemistry. 2nd Edition. Waveland Press Inc.
Bratby, J. 2016. Coagulation and Flocculation in Water and Wastewater Treatment. IWA
Frank, R.S. 2013. Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, 3rd
Edition, CRC Press.
Frank, R.S. & Joanne, E.D. 2012. The Drinking Water Handbook, Second Edition. CRC Press.
Noor, Z.Z. & Sabli, N.S.M. 2017. Sustainability Water Treatment: Innovative Technologies.
CRC Press.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This course objective is to give understanding to the basic sustainability urban planning in
Local Agenda 21 framework. It consists of basic concept of urban design of Western and
Eastern cities especially in the process of urbanisation, redevelopment, pragmatic urban
development, processes in urban design especially, integration of various discipline and
application of analytical method intuitive modelling; Participation and relationship of various
stakeholders in the design process; consultation and sharing in local plan preparation; joint
venture and privatisation in the development process; Aesthetic and environmental impact
assessment; transport and drainage infrastructures. Students are also required to be ability to
propose and present a sustainability development plan of a traditional mid-size town.
Bacaan Asas:
Bott, H, Grassl, G.C. & Anders, S. 2019. Sustainability Urban Planning: Vibrant
Neighbourhoods - Smart Cities – Resilience. Munich: DETAIL Business Information
Dickmann, N. 2019. What are Eco-Cities? US: Crabtree Publishing Co.
Etingoff, K. 2017. Sustainability Cities - Urban Planning Challenges and Policy. 1st Ed. New
york: Apple Academic Press.
Mell, I. 2019. Green Infrastructure Planning: Reintegrating Landscape in Urban Planning.
United Kingdom: Lund Humphries.
Speck, J. 2018. Walkability City Rules: 101 Steps to Making Better Places. Washington: Island
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The goal of this course is to give knowledge, understanding and synthesis of the key areas in
the construction and road maintenance methods and highways. Emphasis is given to the
introduction of the concept and process of road construction, surveys and site investigation,
earthworks operations, aggregates and binders used in road construction. Students also will
be exposed on road designs. Finally students will be exposed to methods of assessment and
maintenance of the flexible pavement. Students are also required to be Ability to understand
and analyse the methods of construction and maintenance through the problems presented in
the projects.
Bacaan Asas:
Brown, E.R., Khandal, P.S., Roberts,F.L., Kim, Y.R., Lee, D.Y. & Kennedy, T.W. 2009. Hot
Mix Asphalt Materials, Mixture Design and Construction. 3rd ed. Lanham, Maryland:
NAPA Research and Education Foundation.
Das, A. 2015. Analysis of Pavement Structures. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis
Delette, N.J. 2014. Concrete Pavement Design, Construction, and Pavement. 2nd ed. Boca
Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Groups.
Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. 2008. Standard Specification for Road Works: Section 4 –
Flexible Pavement. JKR/SPJ/2008-S4. Kuala Lumpur.
Nikolaides, A. 2015. Highway Engineering: Pavements, Materials and Control of Quality.
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Groups.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
Bacaan Asas:
Noto, G.G. 2020. Strategic Planning for Urban Transportation. New York: Springer
International Publishing.
Holzapfel. H. 2015. Urbanism and Transport Building Blocks for Architects and City and
Transport Planners. London: Routledge.
Rahmat, R.A.A.O.K. 2015. Perancangan Pengangkutan Bandar. Bangi: Pernerbit UKM.
Royal, S. 2018. Urban Transport Planning: Theory and Practice. New Zealand: Willford
Woldeamanuel, M.G. 2016. Concepts in Urban Transportation Planning: The Quest for
Mobility, Sustainability and Quality of Life. North Carolina: McFarland Publishing.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The aim of this course this course is to provide knowledge, understanding and synthesis of the
main areas in road safety. The road safety audit is one of the road engineering aspects which
require specialist skills based on a sound knowledge, experience and understanding of traffic
engineering and road safety principles and practices. This area is expected to become
increasingly relevant in the future as road users become more aware of their legal rights and
of the accountability of organisations and individuals involved with providing public
infrastructure. In this course, the students will be taught and exposed with various stages of
Road Safety Auditing, starting from Stage 1 (Planning & Feasibility) until Stage 5
Bacaan Asas:
Belcer, M., Proctor, S. & Cook, P. 2015. Practical Road Safety Auditing, ICE Publishing, UK.
Public Works Department, Malaysia. 1997. Road Safety Audit: Guidelines for Road Safety
Audit of Roads and Road Projects in Malaysia. Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR,
Kuala Lumpur.
Public Works Department, Malaysia. 2013. A Guide on Geometric Design of Roads (ATJ 8/86).
Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, Kuala Lumpur.
Public Works Department, Malaysia. 2011 Guide Signs Design and Application (ATJ 2E/87).
Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, Kuala Lumpur.
Public Works Department, Malaysia. 2013. A Guide to the Design of At Grade Intersection
(ATJ 11/87). Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, Kuala Lumpur.
Road Engineering Association of Malaysia. 2004. Guidelines on Traffic Control and
Management Devices Part 4: Pavement Marking & Delineation (REAM GL 8/2004).
Shah Alam.
Road Engineering Association of Malaysia. 2006. Guidelines on Design and Selection of
Longitudinal Traffic Safety Barrier (REAM – GL 9/2006). Shah Alam.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The goal of this course is to give knowledge, understanding and synthesis of the key areas in
the introduction to the railway engineering and rail infrastructures and their impacts on the
society and on the environment. The course will focus on alignment, track geometry,
superstructure and substructure components, switches, railway planning and capacity,
electrotechnical installations (power supply and signalling control system) together with
operation and maintenance of railway.
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
This course is offered to provide an understanding on the methods of structural analysis for
statically indeterminate structrures using flexibility and stiffness matrix approaches. The
analysis is to determine the reactions, internal shear and moments, deflection, slope and
support reaction of beams, frames and trusses. Non prismatic members are also included in
the analysis. This course also involves in solving problems pertaining to buckling and
instability of columns, plastic analysis, yield line method, torsion and thin wall structures.
Bacaan Asas:
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to give understanding and training to students on the works
related to concrete structures retrofit. This course introduces the inspection and investigation
to identify the structural and non- structural damages damages in concrete structures through
different types of destructive and non-destructive testings, equipment and accessories
employed to identify the damages, and the materials suitAbility for the retrofit work. This
course also discusses a number of methods for retrofitting work of certain damaged
components of structures under shear, bending and axial loading using advanced composites
such as fibre reinforced polymer (FRP), fibre reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) and
textile reinforced mortar (TRM), as well as different types of repair methods for non-structural
damages such as crack repairing. Practical work on how to operate several equipments
employed for investigation and retrofit and the analysis and interpolation of testing data are
Bacaan Asas:
ACI 440.2R-17, 2017. Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP
Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures, ACI, Farmington Hills, U.S.A.
ACI 549.4R-13, 2013. Guide to Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fabric
Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Systems for Repair and Strengthening
Concrete and Masonry Structures, ACI, Farmington Hills, U.S.A.
Bungey, J.H. and Millard, S.G., 2010. Testing of Concrete in Structures, CRC Press.
Lu, X. 2017. Retrofitting Design of Building Structures, CRC Press.
Modi, P.I. & Patel, C.N. 2016. Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures, PHI Learning
Private Limited.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to introduce the practices in site investigation. The subject
encompasses topics on planning, procedures, monitoring instrumentations, technique in
drilling and sampling of subsurface materials, disturbed and undisturbed sampling, different
methods of in situ and geophysical tests. A reappraisal of laboratory tests will also be
discussed. Students are also required to present various aspects of site investigation reports.
Applications in the design and construction work will be given. Practicals involving
engineering geophysics will be conducted in the field.
Bacaan Asas:
ASCE. 1995. Environmental Site Investigation Guidance Manual (ASCE Manuals and Reports
on Engineering Practice, No. 83), New York : ASCE Press.
BSI. 1990. British Standard Methods of Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes. London:
British Standards Institution.
Das, B.M. & Sobhan, K. 2016. Principles of Geotechnical Engineering. SI Edition (9th
Edition). Cengage Learning, USA.
Das, B.M. 2016. Principles of Foundation Engineering. SI Edition (8th Edition). Cengage
Learning, USA.
Launder, V.C. 2006. Foundations: Site Investigation and Design. UK: Trafford
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes
The goal of this course is to impart knowledge and understanding on the basic theory of the
finite element (FE) method. Through this method, students will be Ability to apply and model
any structural engineering problems and solve manually or using computer software. Topics
will include introduction, brief history and the terminology, trial solution, finite element model,
linear shape function, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin approach, derivation of stiffness matrix,
numerical integration. This course will cover the problem such as 1D axially loaded bar, 2D
trusses, steady state 1D and 2D heat flow, 2D torsion and 2D plane stress and plane strain.
Students will have an opportunity to use FE commercial software in order to complete the
design project.
Pra-Keperluan (jika ada): Tiada
Pre-Requisite (if any): None
Bacaan Asas:
Chandrupatla, T.R. & Belengundu, A.D., 2014. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering,
4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc.
Zienkiewicz, O.C.,Taylor, R.L. & Fox, D.D. 2014. The Finite Element Method for Solid and
Structural Mechanics, 7th Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann.
Khennane, A, 2013. Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Using MATLAB® and Abaqus,
1st Edition. CRC Press.
Moaveni, S. 2015. Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Application with ANSYS, 4th Edition,
Pearson Education.
Hibbeler, R. C. 2016. Mechanics of Materials. 10th in SI Edition: Pearson Education Inc.
Hasil Pembelajaran
Course Outcomes