Extra Listening Practice: Can You Read My Mind?
Extra Listening Practice: Can You Read My Mind?
Extra Listening Practice: Can You Read My Mind?
Ready? Now read the following questions. Read them carefully before listening to the interview.
Mary: I’m Mary Johnson, with Modern Times, Oxford Radio’s monthly look at the impact of technology on our
lives. This evening, we’ll be discussing mind-reading technology with Dr Clive Sloane, head of the Centre
for Scientific and Medical Ethics. Welcome, Dr Sloane.
Clive: I’m delighted to be here. Please, call me Clive.
Mary: Clive, technological advances in mind reading have made the news recently, and to be honest, the idea of
someone being able to read my mind frightens me. I read, for instance, that researchers at a university in
the USA have developed a mind-reading machine which they say is accurate.
[Now listen to the interview.]
Choose the best answer according to the recording. Only ONE answer is correct. [0.25 points each correct answer.
Wrong answers will be penalized by deducting 0.08 points. There is no penalty for unanswered questions.]
1. Researchers in the USA have recently 5. Clive thinks that mind-reading technology … .
developed … . a. won’t be very accurate
a. an accurate mind-reading machine b. will be used more within ten years
b. an MRI brain scan c. shouldn’t be used for practical purposes
c. limited mind-reading technology d. will only be used for research
d. advanced computers
6. Clive mentions cars because … .
2. In the research, participants … . a. they’re harmful
a. see two words b. they’re abused
b. think of 78 words c. there are laws that regulate them
c. think of two numbers d. they’re technologically advanced
d. think of two words at a time
7. Medically, thought-reading technology … .
3. In Canada, researchers … . a. will help victims learn to use their voices
a. used MRI scans to predict preferences b. will be used for creating artificial speech
b. helped German and British scientists c. will help people who can’t hear
c. studied why people choose certain drinks d. will help people use their hands
d. used laser technology
8. Lie-detector tests … .
4. Mary mentions Minority Report because … . a. are one of many technologies authorities use
a. she liked the film b. can replace mind-reading technology
b. it was about a society where it was illegal even c. are an example of unregulated technology
to think of murder
d. are an example of existing mind-reading
c. Tom Cruise was the star technology
d. it showed how actors used mind-reading technology