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Design Guidelines Wastewater Networks - Pumping Systems

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Contract No: 17293-2

Contract Title: Design Guidelines: Wastewater Networks – Pumping Systems

Date: 15 April 2021

Strictly Confidential

All Rights Reserved

Document Reference NEOM-NWA-TGD-2021-022

Issue Date 15/04/2021
NEOM Data Owner Joao Pitta
Technical Lead(s) N.R. Orman, P. Tzinaetis, L. Carswell
Document Authors N.R. Orman, P. Tzinaetis, L. Carswell
Client accepted N Burnett
Document Location 17293-2\Wastewater Networks\Technical Reports
Reason for Issue For Approval

1. VERSION CONTROL ............................................................................................................................... 4

2. GLOSSARY OF TERMS ........................................................................................................................... 4

3. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 6

4. COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS ........................................................................................................ 6

4.1 Document Change Request ................................................................................................................ 6

4.2 Waivers ................................................................................................................................................ 6
4.3 Health and Safety ................................................................................................................................ 6
4.4 Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................................... 6
5. NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ...................................................................................... 7

6. DESIGN GUIDELINES .............................................................................................................................. 7

6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 7

6.2 Positive Pressure Systems .................................................................................................................. 7
6.3 Vacuum systems .................................................................................................................................. 8
6.4 Valves chambers ................................................................................................................................. 8
6.5 Hazardous area assessment ............................................................................................................... 8
6.6 Structural design .................................................................................................................................. 8
6.7 Buildings .............................................................................................................................................. 8
6.8 Mechanical and electrical equipment ................................................................................................... 9
6.9 Instrumentation Control and Automation (ICA) .................................................................................... 9
6.9.1 Control philosophy ............................................................................................................................... 9
6.9.2 Sensors and telemetry ......................................................................................................................... 9
7. DESIGN BEST PRACTICE ..................................................................................................................... 14

7.1 Positive pressure systems ................................................................................................................. 14

7.1.1 Hydraulic Design ................................................................................................................................ 14
7.1.2 Standby provision .............................................................................................................................. 15
7.1.3 Rising mains ...................................................................................................................................... 15
7.1.4 Blockage risk assessment ................................................................................................................. 15
7.1.5 Additional guidance............................................................................................................................ 15
7.2 Vacuum sewer systems ..................................................................................................................... 15
7.3 Valves ................................................................................................................................................ 15
7.3.1 General………… ................................................................................................................................ 15
7.3.2 Air valves ........................................................................................................................................... 16
7.3.3 Washout valves .................................................................................................................................. 16
7.3.4 Isolating valves .................................................................................................................................. 16
7.3.5 Provision of access ............................................................................................................................ 16
7.4 Mechanical and electrical design ........................................................................................................ 16
7.5 Instrumentation Control and Automation (ICA) ................................................................................... 16

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7.5.1 Level controllers ................................................................................................................................ 16
7.5.2 Flow measurement ........................................................................................................................... 16
7.5.3 Pressure monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 16
7.5.4 Blockage prevention technology ....................................................................................................... 17
8. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 18

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Reference Description Date issued

NEOM-NWA-TGD-2021-022 For Approval 15/04/2021

Department Actions


Glossary of Terms

Air valve Hydromechanical device designed to automatically release air and wastewater gases o
admit air during the filling, draining or operation of liquid piping systems for wastewater

Allowable maximum Maximum hydrostatic pressure including surge that a component can withstand from tim
operating pressure to time in service.

Controller Device that activates a pump or interface valve.

Electromagnetic Flowmeter which creates a magnetic field perpendicular to the flow, so enabling t
flowmeter flowrate to be deduced from induced electromotive force (emfV) produced by the moti
of a conducting fluid in the magnetic field. The electromagnetic flowmeter consists of
sensor and a transmitter

Explosive atmosphere A mixture of dangerous substances with air, under atmospheric conditions, in the form
gases, vapours, mist or dust in which, after ignition has occurred, combustion spreads
the entire unburned mixture.

ICA Instrumentation Control and Automation.

Layout Configuration of components of drain and sewer systems in both horizontal and vertic

Level controller Device used for monitoring and comparing the level of liquid with a set value.

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Lift station Pumping system that raises the elevation of the flow at a location.

Low voltage Voltage rating of between 50 V and 1 000 V for alternating current and between 75 V
and 1 500 V for direct current.

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Pipeline Assembly of pipes, fittings and joints between manholes or other structures.

Profile (of a pipeline) Vertical alignment of a pipeline.

Pump Mechanical device for moving fluids, including inlet and outlet connections as well as,
general, a shaft end.

Pump unit Assemblage of mechanical devices, including pump and the driver, together w
transmission elements, baseplate and any auxiliary equipment.

Pumping System comprising a pump or pumps, rising mains, vacuum pipelines and
system associated equipment, which together provide the specified service.

Reflux valve Valve which allows fluid to flow in one direction only and which automatically closes wh
flow ceases or reverses.

Rising main A sewer through which foul sewage and/or surface water is pumped.

RTU Remote Telemetry Unit

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

Transient (surge) eve Surge pressure created in a pipeline which is outside the range of pressures experienc
under steady state hydraulic conditions.

Ultrasonic flowmeter Flowmeter that operates by sending pulses of ultrasound into the water.

Washout valve Valve used for maintenance work of main like allowing flowing out of water during cleani

Wastewater Water composed of any combination of water discharged from domestic, industrial
commercial premises, surface run-off and accidentally any sewer infiltration water

Wet well A chamber in a pumping station, including a submersible pump station, where wastewa
collects until it is pumped out.

This asset design standard sets out the standards and guidelines required for design of NEOM pumping

For the design of wastewater vacuum systems refer to Design Guidelines – Vacuum systems – NEN-

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4.1 Document Change Request

It is a requirement to comply with the Asset Design Standards, and there shall be no departures from
these guidelines except where formally confirmed by NEOM; such departures being technically justified
or representing advances in knowledge or technology.

If the designer has good reason not to comply with this standard and identifies alternative standards or
guidelines, a change request shall be submitted to the NEOM Wastewater Engineer, with evidence for

The Engineer will approve or reject the request and their decision is final.

4.2 Waivers
NEOM is committed to using new and innovative technologies where they, in NEOM’s opinion, represent
the best technical solution, provide low life cycle costs and value for money. All technologies will be
considered for use by NEOM providing they have been proven in terms of performance, quality, and cost.

NEOM will approve plans for new systems, extensions to new areas or replacement sewers only when
designed upon the separate system, and when they meet the requirements of these guidelines. NEOM
reserve the right not to adopt any system that fails to meet the minimum standards of these guidelines.

If the designer identifies alternative technical solutions to those stated in this standard or recently
developed or innovative products which properties and performance can be determined to align with their
intended duty and design life, a design waiver request shall be submitted to the NEOM Wastewater
Engineer, with evidence for change.

The Engineer will approve or reject the request and their decision is final.

Calculations shall clearly state which standard has been used with a full justification for its use. Further,
this shall be supported by the collection of data and site-specific evidence to validate the proposal. Design
consultants shall also need to refer to International industry guides and codes of practice such as British
Water Code of Practice for Flows & Loads for the guidance of flow rate calculations.

NEOM emphasise that all sewerage design shall be done in accordance with accepted international
Standards. Where deviation from Standards is required it shall be fully justified on a case-by-case basis.

4.3 Health and Safety

The designer shall comply with all NEOM Health and Safety Regulations and shall endeavor to design
out any identified hazards, or if impractical, to identify control measures to minimise risk, following
guidance in the UK CDM Regulations 2015.

The designer is responsible for ensuring that the design eliminates, reduces, or controls foreseeable risks
to the health and safety of all people during construction and at all other stages of the asset life including
during inspection, cleaning, repair, maintenance, and decommissioning.

Considerations in design to mitigate risks will include but not be limited to:
• The designer shall develop designs that preclude the need to enter confined spaces wherever
• Safe access shall be provided to all plant requiring maintenance.
• All above ground systems shall be fenced off and be inaccessible to the public.
• Craneage or mobile lifting facilities shall be provided for all heavy equipment.

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• Stairways shall be equipped with hand railing and toe plates in accordance with ISO 14122-3 and
BS 4592.
• All hazards shall be signposted.
• Lighting: Luminaires, is to be provided wherever access is required.
• Welfare facilities shall be provided to allow operatives to clean up after maintenance work.
• Access points (i.e., manholes and inspection chambers) shall be equipped with covers that are
secure yet can be easily removed for maintenance purposes.
• Provision of flow isolation facilities.

4.4 Confidentiality
Only employees and contractors of NEOM have a right to see this document and reproduction of the
whole or part shall not be made without permission of NEOM.


BS 4592 – Industrial type metal flooring, walkways, and stair treads

BS EN 14654 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Management and control of activities.
BS EN 16932-1:2018 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Pumping systems. General
BS EN 16932-2:2018 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Pumping systems. Positive pressure
BS EN 16933-2 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Design. Hydraulic design
BS EN 752:2017 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Sewer system management
BS EN 12255-9:2002 – Wastewater treatment plants. Odour control and ventilation.
EN 61439-2:2011 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies. Power switchgear and
controlgear assemblies
ISO 14122-3:2016 – Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 3: Stairs,
stepladders, and guard-rails
ISO 16143-1:2014 – Stainless steels for general purposes — Part 1: Corrosion-resistant flat products
SASO-IEC-61439-2 – Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies – Part 2: Power switchgear
and controlgear assemblies
SASO-ISO-16143-1 – Stainless steels for general purposes -- Part 1: Corrosion-resistant flat products
WIMES specification 1.02 – Submersible pump units.
WIMES specification 3.02 – Low voltage electrical installations.

6.1 General

6.1.1 Site considerations

Information on topography, belowground conditions, existing services, service reservations, future
development, etc. shall be collected.
Prior to design, the positions of all existing services should be ascertained as accurately as possible and
physically checked by exploratory holes if considered necessary.
Ground investigation should be considered in the light of the knowledge of site conditions already gained
and of the probable disposition and depths of excavation.

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At pumping station sites, investigations should establish the historical and predicted maximum flood level
and subsoil conditions and physical properties of the soil to a depth of at least 1.5 x depth to station
foundation together with safe allowable bearing capacity of formation, the nature of groundwater and its
normal level.

6.1.2 Design Considerations

Sewage pumping station structures and electrical and mechanical equipment shall be protected from
physical damage by the 1% (1 in 100-year) return period flood. Sewage pumping stations shall remain
fully operational and accessible during the 2.5% (1 in 40-year) return period flood.
The pumping station shall be readily accessible by maintenance vehicles during all weather conditions.
The facility shall be located off the traffic way of streets and alleys. Security fencing and access hatches
with locks shall be provided.
Where it is necessary to pump sewage prior to sediment removal, the design of the wet well and pump
station piping shall be designed to avoid operational problems from the accumulation of sediment.
Provision shall be made to facilitate removing pumps, motors, and other mechanical and electrical
equipment. Individual pump and motor removal shall not interfere with the continued operation of
remaining pumps.
Consideration should be given to the likely form and method of construction as a consequence of depth
and other factors such as nature of ground, groundwater and the proximity of foundations, services, etc.
Where high groundwater conditions are anticipated, buoyancy of the wastewater pumping station
structures shall be considered and, if necessary, adequate provisions shall be made for protection. (See
Design Guidelines – Sewerage Structures – NEOM-NWA-TGD-2021-019 for structural design).
All sewers shall be designed to prevent damage from superimposed live and dead loads. Proper
allowance for loads on the sewer shall be made because of soil and potential groundwater conditions, as
well as the width and depth of trench. Where necessary, special bedding, haunching and initial backfill,
concrete cradle, or other special construction shall be used to withstand anticipated potential
superimposed loading or loss of trench wall stability. (See Design Guidelines – Sewerage Structures –
NEOM-NWA-TGD-2021-019 for structural design).
Sewers shall generally be kept as short as possible and unproductive lengths avoided.
Consideration shall be given to such aspects as:
• The position of other existing or proposed services.
• The proximity of existing buildings and their foundations.
• The nature of the road construction.
The impact of the construction of the sewer and subsequent maintenance activities upon road users and
the public.
When areas are being improved or redeveloped the possibility of replacing the existing sewerage system
shall be considered with a view to its relocation to a more suitable layout.
Septicity development shall be avoided as far as possible.
Best use of available resources shall be made to ensure economy of design.
Planning of pumping systems shall establish the design criteria in accordance with BS EN 752:2017,
Clause 5.3 [15]. The design criteria shall be such to meet the system’s performance requirements and
shall be part of the project specification developed in accordance with BS EN 752:2017, Clause 6.5 [15]
and BS EN 14654 [18].

6.2 Positive Pressure Systems

Pumping stations and rising mains and lift stations shall be designed in accordance with BS EN 16932-
1 [1] & BS EN 16932-2 [2]. Pumping stations shall be submersible pump type installations. Pumps shall
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be located in position on guide rails and connected with auto-couplers to allow for the removal and
replacement of the pumps with lifting chains without entry into the wet well. Safety grill shall be provided
to protect operator personnel from falling into the wet well.

The design shall take into account the expected changes to the foul flow rate over the design life of the
pumping station and rising main. The designer shall submit a plan specifying how the pumping system
will be adapted over its design life to take into account these changes.

The designer shall carry out a surge analysis. Pressure during a transient (surge) event should not
exceed the maximum allowable operating pressure for the specific class of rising main and pipe material,
having regard to any de-rating required due to the properties of the pipe material.

Pumping stations have been classified by flow rate and power rating as follows:
• Type 1 - Having an incoming peak design flow rate of ≤ 0.25 litres per second;
• Type 2 - Having an incoming peak design flow rate of > 0.25 litres per second but less than 1
litres per second;
• Type 3 - Having an incoming peak design flow rate of ≥ 1 litre per second but with pumps rated
no more than 30 kW; and
• Type 4 - Having at least one pump rated more than 30 kW.
6.2.1 Hydraulic design
Hydraulic design of positive pressure pumping systems shall be in accordance with BS EN 16932-2:2018
[2], Clause 7 and EN 16933-2 [19].
Flow rates for foul wastewater pumping stations shall be determined in accordance with EN 16933-2 [19]
and the minimum, average, and peak design flows shall be established.
See Section 6.2.1 of Design Guidelines – Gravity Foul Sewer Systems – NEOM-NWA-TGD-2021-021
for design flow details.

The diameter of the rising main shall be such that the velocity of the discharge is in the range of 0.75 –
1.8 m/s when the pump unit is operating.

Friction losses shall be calculated using the Colebrook-White method.

In foul sewers, a biofilm is created at the inner surface of the pipe which largely determine roughness
conditions, therefore, for all sewer material type, the Colebrook-White hydraulic roughness value, ks,
shall have a default value of:
• 0.30 mm – for mean velocities up to 1.1 m/s; and
• 0.15 mm – for mean velocities between 1.1 and 1.8 m/s.
If the designer wishes to use a different hydraulic roughness value in the design, evidence for change
shall be submitted to NEOM for approval. The NEOM wastewater engineer will approve or reject the
request and their decision is final.
6.3 Valves chambers
All valve chambers shall be designed with provision for removal and replacement of valves or other
provision for access to the rising main for cleaning and inspection.
Odour treatment shall be provided at pumping stations and valve chambers in accordance with BS
EN 12255-9 [4].

6.4 Hazardous area assessment

The designer shall undertake a hazardous area assessment and take reasonably practicable measure
to minimise the risk of explosion or other risks to operator personnel.

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6.5 Structural design
The structural design of buried pipelines shall be in accordance with Design Guidelines – Sewerage
structures – NEOM-NWA-TGD-2021-019.
The structural design of manholes, valve chambers and other structures shall be in accordance with
Design Guidelines – Sewerage structures – NEOM-NWA-TGD-2021-019.
Materials shall be selected that are appropriate under conditions of exposure to hydrogen sulphide and
other corrosive gases, greases, oils, and other constituents present in wastewater. Metal components
shall be coated with an appropriate corrosion protection or made from an appropriate grade of stainless
steel. Contact between dissimilar metals shall be avoided or other provisions made to minimize galvanic

6.6 Buildings
Electrical switchgear and control gear shall be contained in a building constructed over the pumping
station. It shall be contained in a compartment that is isolated from any hazardous atmosphere. The
building shall be designed in accordance with Design Guidelines – Sewerage structures – NEOM-NWA-
TGD-2021-019. The atmosphere in the building shall be regulated by an HVAC system. IECC 2015 [11]
and ANSI/ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Standards [12] provide useful advice on HVAC systems requirements.
Adequate provision shall be made to effectively protect maintenance personnel from hazards.
Components required for safe entry in confined space shall be provided in accordance with OSHA and
regulatory agency requirements shall be met for all sewage pumping stations.
Mechanical and electrical rooms shall be completely separated from area exposed to wastewater.
Common walls shall be gas tight and there shall be no internal doors linking the two areas.

6.7 Mechanical and electrical equipment

Sewage pumps shall be submersible rotodynamic pumps complying with WIMES specification 1.02 [5].
Low voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies shall comply with WIMES specification 3.02 [6]. The
switchgear and control gear shall include provision for any changes including any additional equipment
that will be required over the life of the asset to manage the anticipated growth in flows. For types 1 and
2 pumping stations the assembly shall incorporate Form 2 electrical separation and for Type 3 and 4
shall incorporate Form 4 electrical separation in accordance with EN 61439-2 [13].
Standby provision shall be made to continue service in the event of failure of one or more items of
equipment or complete failure of the power supply.
Any mechanical or electrical equipment that may come into contact with an explosive atmosphere shall
be explosion protected or intrinsically safe.
Electrical switchgear and control gear assemblies shall be sited so that they are not at risk from contact
with explosive atmospheres.

6.8 Instrumentation Control and Automation (ICA)

6.8.1 Control philosophy Positive pressure systems

Pumps in positive pressure systems shall be controlled to maintain the level of wastewater in the wet well
within specified limits. The number of pump starts should be minimised by use of variable speed drives.
A blockage risk assessment shall be carried out for all positive pressure pumping stations. Where this
indicates a high risk of blockage occurring, the controller shall incorporate intelligent control and reversing
starters as a means of prevention.

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6.8.2 Sensors and telemetry General
The pumping station shall be provided with a Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU) which shall be compatible
with the NEOM Smart network SCADA system.
Digital inputs (i.e., providing a signal to the telemetry outstation), shall be volt-free contacts configured
with the closed contact for the healthy state. If the contact is provided by a relay, then the relay shall be
energised when the equipment is healthy.
Any analogue inputs (i.e., providing a signal to the telemetry outstation) shall be a 4-20 mA current loop
with a maximum loop impedance from the telemetry outstation of 250 Ohms. They shall be calibrated
such that 4 mA represents a zero measurement and 20 mA represents a full-scale measurement. A
current of less than 4 mA represents a fault condition.
Pulsed inputs (i.e., providing a signal to the telemetry outstation) shall be via normally open volt-free
contacts, providing a closed contact each time the total is incremented by one unit. The duration and
frequency of the pulse shall be compatible with the particular telemetry outstation used; the instrument
generating the pulses shall be configured to achieve this. If the instrument does not have volt-free outputs,
then an interposing relay shall be used.
For digital outputs, the control system shall respond to a pair of volt-free contacts in the telemetry
outstation rated at no less than 24 volts and 1 amp. Pulsed digital output contacts shall be closed for at
least ten seconds. Positive pressure systems

Sensors shall be provided for the telemetry functions and telemetry signal requirements for all wastewater
pumping stations as specified in Table Table 6.1, Table 6.2, Table 6.3 and Table 6.4 below.

Table 6.1 Telemetry Requirements for Pumping Station Monitoring

Function Signal Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
Site mains (DNO)
Normal/Failed Digital input    
power health
High wet well alarm Normal/High Digital input    
High high wet well
Normal/High Digital input    
Back-up control Normal/
Digital input    
system activated Activated
Maintenance in
Off/On Digital input    
Level controller health Normal/Failed Digital input    
Flowmeter health Normal/Failed Digital input X X  
Wet well effluent level Digital input X   
Pumping station
overload (Pump unit
Digital input X X  
running, and high high
level reached)
Rising main delivery
Pulsed input X X Note 1 
flow (totalised)

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Function Signal Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
Rising main delivery
Digital input X X  
pressure (Note 2)
Power consumption Pulsed input X X Note 3 
Note 1: Only required if the design flow rate of each pump unit is above 70 litres per second.
Note 2. Pressure measured downstream of the reflux valve.
Note 3: Only required if each pump unit is rated above 3.5 kW.

Table 6.2 Telemetry Requirements for Pumping Station Control

Function Signal Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
Remote common fault Pulsed digital
Pulse to reset    
reset (Note 1) output
Digital output
(on when
Remote control select On/off X   
Remote pumping
Digital output
station start/stop
Enable/ (on when
(when remote X  X X
disable contacts
operation selected)
(Notes 1 and 2)
Digital output
Remote pump duty Duty standby/
when X   
select (Note 1) duty assist
Note 1: Enabled when remote control selected to On.
Note 2: In Type 3 pumping stations, remote pumping station start/stop is not required as remote
pump units will be provided for each pump.

Table 6.3 Telemetry Requirements for the Monitoring of each Pump Unit

Function Signal Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
Pump unit running Digital input    
Pump unit tripped Digital input    
Pump unit Available/
Digital input    
available/not available unavailable
Motor stator
Normal/high Digital input    
Pump unit vibration Normal/
Digital input X X Note 2 
caution (Note 1) caution

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Pump unit vibration
Normal/high Digital input X X Note 2 
high (Note 1)
Pump unit seal failure
Normal/failed Digital input X X Note 3 
(moisture in pump)
Pump unit lower
Normal/high Digital input X X Note 2 
bearing temperature
Pump unit load (for
partial pump Digital input Note 4 Note 4  
Note 1: Zero vibration is defined as the level of vibration when the pumping station is newly
commissioned and in good condition.
Note 2: Only required if each pump unit is rated at or above 22 kW.
Note 3: Only required if each pump unit is rated at or above 7.5 kW.
Note 4: Will normally be required in all cases where the pump unit is in a hazardous zone.

Table 6.4 Telemetry Requirements for the Control of each Pump Unit

Function Signal Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
Digital output
(pump unit
Remote pump unit
Start/stop on when X X  
Note 1: Enabled when remote control selected to On.


7.1 Positive pressure systems

7.1.1 Hydraulic Design

Where the final anticipated flow rate is anticipated to be significantly larger than the initial flow rate,
consideration should be given to measures to ensure that the pumping station operates efficiently and
reliably throughout its life including:
a) The provision of multiple wet wells and multiple rising mains in parallel so that flow velocity and
residence time of the effluent can be managed by use of one or more mains at different stages in
the life of the pumping system;
b) The use of temporary inserts in wet wells to reduce the capacity before demand increases;
c) The planned exchange of pumps or commissioning of additional pumps as the flow increases.
d) Each pump shall have an individual intake. The intake design shall be such as to avoid
turbulence near the intake and to prevent vortex formation.
e) Water level control sensing devices shall be so located as not to be unduly affected by turbulent
flows entering the well or by the turbulent suction of the pumps.
To minimise the use of energy, velocities should be kept as low as practicable while maintaining effective
movement of solids. Velocities should not exceed 1.5 m/s at any time during normal flow conditions. Flow
velocities up to 2.4 m/s may be permitted for short periods of high flow.

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Page 13 of 17 Surge analysis
Surge within the pipeline system depends on materials, pipe size, configuration of the network, valve
closure time, pump run-down time and initial velocities. The phenomenon is complex, and it can be
dramatically affected by gas release. In most cases, accurate surge analysis results require the use of
simulation software’s.
Some of the available surge analysis software packages are:
• Flowmaster
• Wanda (Delft Hydraulics)
• Transam (University of Ontario)
• Surge 5
• HAMMER (Haestad)
• Synergy Pipeline Simulator
7.1.2 Standby provision
Standby provision should include:
a) Provision of additional pumps on a duty/standby rotation;
b) Provision of storage above the operational level of the wet well to provide time to respond;
c) Provision of a generator or provision to connect a mobile generator in the event of failure of the
public power supply;
d) Provision to connect a mobile pump to the rising main in the event of complete failure of the
pumping station.

7.1.3 Rising mains

The maximum pressures along the rising main should be studied in detail to identify issues (e.g. gauge
zero pressures) and define the pressure that the main needs to withstand. Layout
Where practicable, the rising main should be installed in a straight line (from the pumping station to the
discharge point) and at constant gradient. Where bends are used, they should be preformed and of long
radius type.
Horizontal alignment (layout) and vertical alignment (profile) of the main need to be considered together
during the design process due to the implication one can have for the other.
Rising mains should be a minimum of 3 m from any building/structure.
The minimum burial depth to the top of pipe shall be:
• 1.5 m – under roads and parking areas; and
• 0.9 m – under other locations not specified above.
Where the minimum burial depth requirements cannot be met, then additional protection (such as full
concrete encasement for rigid pipes or the use of concrete protection slabs spanning the pipe trench for
flexible pipes) shall be provided. In special areas with heavy loading and highways specific protection
may be required based on structural evaluations and a design check shall be carried out.
In all cases, the pipe minimum and maximum depth should conform to the pipe manufacturers’
recommendations. However, designs shall be carried out to ensure that pipes are no deeper than 6
meters, unless specific written approval is provided by NEOM.

7.1.4 Blockage risk assessment

Pumping stations shall be deemed to be at a high risk of blockage where any of the following
catchment features are encountered:

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a) where there is a flat catchment prone to deposition, e.g., where self-cleaning velocities cannot be
maintained during periods of dry weather flow;
b) where sewage is pumped by a variable speed pump.

7.1.5 Additional guidance

Further guidance of the design of pumping systems with pumps rated at less than 30kW can be found in
Parts D and F of Design and Construction Guidance for foul and surface water sewers offered for
adoption under the Code for adoption agreements for water and sewerage companies operating wholly
or mainly in England ("the Code") [9], which makes recommendations for the hydraulic design of small
and medium size rising mains.

7.2 Valves

7.2.1 General
Metal components of valves should be coated with an appropriate corrosion protection or made from a
stainless-steel grade 4404-316-03-I to ISO 16143 [14].

7.2.2 Air valves

Where air valves are provided, in order to ensure accumulation of air occurs at the valve location, the
gradient close to the air valves should be at least:
• 1 in 300, for downwards slope, or
• 1 in 500, for upwards slope.
General information and procedures for air valve sizing are provided in AWWA publication Manual M51
[7]. It is recommended that manufacture’s guidelines are also consulted. Guidance on the positioning of
air valves can be found in the HR Wallingford publication Air Problems in Pipelines [8]. Air valves’
positioning and sizing should be reviewed as part of the surge analysis.

7.2.3 Washout valves

Washout valves should be provided at low points to provide access for cleaning.

7.2.4 Isolating valves

Isolating valves should be fitted. This allows maintenance of sections of pipework, pumps and valves,
without emptying the entire rising main.

7.2.5 Provision of access

Access into the rising main for inspection and maintenance should be provided by at valve chambers by
provision for removal and subsequent replacement of valves.

7.3 Mechanical and electrical design

Electrical equipment in hazardous areas should be in accordance with WIMES 3.02(D) [6].

7.4 Instrumentation Control and Automation (ICA)

7.4.1 Level controllers

All level controllers shall be installed in accordance with SSG Appendix C F3.3.10 [9], Version 2, 2020.
All level controllers shall be radar, rather than ultrasonic to avoid potential problems with temperature
Installation shall enable maintenance and replacement to be undertaken without the need for man-entry
into the wet well.
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7.4.2 Flow measurement
The preferred flow meter shall be an electromagnetic flow meter in the pumping main giving a digital
output with an accuracy of ±2%.
For monitoring locations where the pipe may run part filled some of the time a specialist part-filled
electromagnetic meter shall be used. This shall provide a digital output with an accuracy of ±5%.
For difficult installations where it is impractical to install an electromagnetic flow meter, the alternative
shall be a multipath ultrasonic flow meter providing a digital output and an accuracy of ±2%.
New innovative flow measurement products may be used where data is provided to confirm the
technology will meet Neom’s design, installation and performance requirement.
Installation of all flow meters shall be in accordance with Sewers for Scotland v4, October 2018, Clause

7.4.3 Pressure monitoring

Pressure measurement should by means of a pressure transducer installed in a manifold downstream of

the reflux valves to monitor pressure at the inlet to the rising main. This should be used to give an
indication of partial blockage in the rising main or a burst rising main.

7.4.4 Blockage prevention technology

Where there is a high risk of blockage the blockage detection shall be provided together with blockage
prevention technology in the form of reversing starters or reversing variable speed drives.

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[1] BS EN 16932-1:2018 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Pumping systems. General
[2] BS EN 16932-2:2018 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Pumping systems. Positive
pressure systems.
[3] BS EN 16932-3:2018 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Pumping systems. Vacuum
[4] BS EN 12255-9:2002 – Wastewater treatment plants. Odour control and ventilation.
[5] WIMES specification 1.02 – Submersible pump units.
[6] WIMES specification 3.02 – Low voltage electrical installations.
[7] AWWA publication Manual M51 – M51 Air Valves: Air Release, Air/Vacuum, and Combination (ISBN
[8] HR Wallingford – Air Problems in Pipelines: A Design Manual
[9] Design and Construction Guidance for foul and surface water sewers offered for adoption under the
Code for adoption agreements for water and sewerage companies operating wholly or mainly in
England ("the Code") – Water UK
[10] DWA-A 116-1E – Special Sewerage Systems - Part 1: Vacuum Sewerage Systems Outside Buildings
(ISBN 978-3-939057-46-8)
[11] IECC 2015 – International Energy Conservation Code 2015
[12] ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019 -- Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise
Residential Buildings
[13] EN 61439-2:2011 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies. Power switchgear and
controlgear assemblies
[14] ISO 16143-1:2014 – Stainless steels for general purposes — Part 1: Corrosion-resistant flat products
[15] BS EN 752:2017 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Sewer system management
[16] BS 4592 – Industrial type metal flooring, walkways and stair treads
[17] ISO 14122-3:2016 – Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 3:
Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails
[18] BS EN 14654 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Management and control of activities.
[19] BS EN 16933-2 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Design. Hydraulic design

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