Reading Log
Reading Log
Reading Log
A QUESTION I have to share with the class after reading this text.
It is not a question but a message.
Limits only exist in the mind and when you decide to achieve any goal you set for yourself, the
conviction and strength necessary to break all your barriers arise within you, so if you want
something, fight for it until you achieve it.
My first impression when I started reading the beginning of this story was my impression was a bit
strange when I saw that Alicia's sister was reading a book that had neither drawings nor dialogues.
In addition, when on page 2 Alicia went into a burrow where she slowly fell into a deep well I was
feeling a little distressed not knowing what was going to happen to Alicia after falling.
And I think that it was the best thing that could happen to him.
While reading this part of the story, I was distressed It was when I read the following
At the end of her fall and without having done any damage, Alicia enters a world of
absurdities and logical paradoxes. The Rabbit has disappeared, and Alice finds a small bottle,
the first of several she would find on her adventure, which only says "DRINK ME", which Alice
does, out of curiosity. The potion shrinks Alicia down to about ten inches tall.
If you ask me about this story so far, I have to tell you that I can only say that a very good