Wanniarachchi 2020
Wanniarachchi 2020
Wanniarachchi 2020
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3 authors:
Carolyn Downs
Lancaster University
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Improving sustainability and business
encouraging innovation in
traditional craft sectors:
the case of the Sri Lankan 111
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to assess sustainability across the handloom industry in Sri Lanka
and identify opportunities for sustainable innovations supporting new markets, development of small-and-
medium enterprises (SMEs) and growth in the Sri Lankan craft sector.
Design/methodology/approach – Using a multiple case studies methodology, 10 case studies and 37
semi-structured interviews were analysed along with the triple-layered business model canvas.
Findings – The study reveals the handloom industry to be fundamentally sustainable but with structural
barriers that hinder both innovation and growth. The environmentally conscious production process and
social inclusion within weaving communities are the key driving forces of sustainability in the sector;
however, the structure of the industry and lack of access to markets and information act as barriers to both
innovation and growth. The incorporation of design interventions, closed-loop manufacturing strategies and
the encouragement of community-based entrepreneurship would support sustainability-orientated business
innovation in the handloom industry.
Originality/value – The rapidly increasing market share for high-quality, hand-made goods indicates the
potential of the creative industries to accelerate socio-economic growth. Handloom textiles is attracting
growing interest in fashion markets because of increasing concern about exploitation in production, thus
encouraging interest in the economic benefits of fairly traded, high quality materials and the potential
contribution of handloom to sustainability in the fashion industry. The results of this study will support the
handloom industry and policy-makers in developing support for sustainable innovation in the handloom
Keywords Sustainable fashion, Community based production, Sustainable textiles,
Textile handloom industry, Triple layered business model canvas, Handloom industry, Innovation,
Community enterprise
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
The world has begun to realize the importance of creative industries terms of both Research Journal of Textile and
developing creative economies and maintaining cultural identities. The extensively used Vol. 24 No. 2, 2020
pp. 111-130
definition of creativity refers to the development of innovative ideas associated with © Emerald Publishing Limited
knowledge through “imagination, inspiration, ingenuity and inventiveness” and the DOI 10.1108/RJTA-09-2019-0041
RJTA implementation of these ideas to create new products (UNCTAD, 2008, p. 4). Other
24,2 perspectives emphasize the importance of creativity from an economic perspective (Florida,
2002). Within developing countries, creative industries may potentially support economic
growth, encourage the creation of global partnerships for development or enable new
approaches for including groups vulnerable to social exclusion, thus helping achieve
country-specific sustainable development goals (UNCTAD, 2010, p. 34).
112 Within developing countries, economic growth depends on how successfully it addresses
nation-specific challenges. Challenges for policymakers include aligning economic
development with personal development, enabling individual income generation and
improving outcomes for groups vulnerable to social exclusion. Some developing countries
recognise the potential of creative industries for economic development and build economic
strategy around them. For example, Indonesia recognizes creative industries as a major
source of new entrepreneurship and income generation among young people (Santi et al.,
2012) and has put in place support for innovation in the sector. As Moalosi et al. (2010)
emphasized, creative industries can transform the cultural identity of communities and
countries and foster cultural diversity by promoting competitiveness, creativity, design and
innovation. UNESCO (2009) concluded cultural and creative industries generate a high
growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP), Gross Value Added (GVA) and employment
opportunities in both developing and developed nations. Thus, we can see an
interconnection between culture and the creative economy with culture, linked to creativity
being considered a driver of the development in a country (UNESCO, 2013).
Handcrafted products have an important role in creative cultural industries (Bhatt, 2007;
Van der Pol, 2007; Jakob, 2012; Luckman, 2015; Jakob and Thomas, 2017). Craft is the
application of traditional skills and knowledge, evolved over time, into relatively small-scale
production. Craft is strongly associated with cultural values and traditions, history, religion
and identities of communities, including those vulnerable to social exclusion (Donkin, 2001;
Wood, 2011). Artisanship and the skills involved in maintaining traditional crafts travel
down generations as part of the lived experience of artisans (Bhatt, 2007). In recent years,
the growth of the Fair Trade movement has increased interest in craft products, thus
encouraging greater awareness of the environmentally and socially responsible nature of
production (Blackburn, 2007) and the potential contribution of the sector in developing
creative economies, sustainable products and societies (Wood, 2011; Ferraro et al., 2011).
Craft and fashion have gone together for millennia because textiles and clothing were
manually produced using traditional weaving or knitting skills with embroidery, batik or
beeralu adding value to the final product. Even though the industrial revolution made
labour-intensive craft production uncompetitive, some textile craft sectors managed to
survive, thus providing opportunities for creating unique handcrafted, high-value items for
today’s contemporary fashion world. This is in contrast with mass-produced fast-fashion,
which is the second most polluting industry in the world because of unsustainable
production and consumption practices (UN News, 2019). Rising awareness regarding the
environmental impact of fashion production and consumption has increased the demand for
sustainable fashion (Schrotenboer, 2013; Niinimäki, 2010). In response to this, the global
fashion industry is seeking new ways of adopting environmentally and socially responsible
products and improving manufacturing strategies (Doherty and Huybrechts, 2013; Wong
et al., 2012). In this context, the integration of craft into contemporary fashion is one possible
way of making fashion more sustainable (Ferraro et al., 2011). According to Hur and
Beverley (2013), making use of products created via traditional craft practices can
significantly increase the sustainability of both production and consumption practices of the
fashion industry. Indeed, Cox and Bebbington (2015) claim craft and social sustainability
share common objectives and suggest encouraging a synergy between craft and Handloom
contemporary fashion would escalate the sustainable development of the fashion industry. business
This study identifies opportunities for improving sustainability and encouraging
innovation within the handloom sector and proposes strategies to improve sales and
marketing of products and encourages community-based entrepreneurship.
2. Methodology
The study is based on primary data drawing on ten detailed case studies and 37 semi-
structured interviews enabling detailed investigation of the sustainability of existing business
models in the Sri Lankan handloom industry. Case studies were selected as a qualitative
holistic approach facilitating deeper discovery, enabling investigators to explore the lived
experience of participants in detail (Creswell, 2003; Punch, 2005; Baxter and Jack, 2008; Yin,
2009). Furthermore, multiple case studies here facilitated cross case analysis, comparison and
generalization of findings (Noor, 2008). With the nature of the proposed study, the study sample
was determined by a purposive sampling strategy, focusing on particular characteristics of
populations engaged in handloom business in Sri Lanka, as explained below:
(1) Community based handloom business – operated by traditional weavers in weaving
villages. Weaving operations are performed in households where each family owns
one or several weaving machines. Three such weaving communities were selected
for the study as follows:
Thalagune Community – the only indigenous traditional weaving community
currently operating in Sri Lanka, it is also known as Dumbara weaving.
Thalagune is a remote village in the Central province of Sri Lanka, where
Dumbara wearers have been passing their weaving skills from generation to
generation over many centuries.
Madampellala community – a weaving community created by the government
of Sri Lanka in 1950. However, with the introduction of the open economy in 1977,
the handloom industry experienced a decline and weavers struggled to continue
the business. In 2006, Madampellela weaving community was redeveloped under a
government development program and the weavers were trained in new weaving
techniques. This program intervened to introduce a new customer base and
marketing channels to sustain the community based business.
Marathamunie weaving community – originated as far back as the 18th century
with skills transmitted from generation to generation in the Eastern province of
the country by Arabian Muslims. Currently Maruthamunai is known for its
family-based and factory-based handloom weavers. The tsunami disaster in
2004 had an adverse effect to this handloom business; however, the business
has been re-developed with the government’s support.
(2) Provincial Council based handloom business is operated under the Department of Handloom
Industries of the Sri Lankan government. There are nine provincial councils and business
several weaving centres operating under each council. The reason for establishing
these weaving centres is to provide employment opportunities for rural communities.
Government support is extended to include training weavers and providing machinery
and resources. Three provinces, Western, North Central and Southern, were included
in this study. Western Provincial Council owns 53 production centres with 435
weavers, thus providing employment for around 15,000 people. Southern Provincial 117
Council owns 81 production centres accounting for 350 weavers while North Central
Provincial Council run 53 production centres with 200 weavers.
(3) Private Handloom Businesses – Private handloom businesses are solely run by
private businessmen who mostly manage their own production facilities in one
central place. There are 15-20 weavers working in the factory. They also work
with independent and small handloom communities scattered around the country.
The nature of the business is similar for all the case study companies; however, there are
differences identified between the product categories and the target consumer markets.
Altogether 37 semi-structured interviews were conducted. The semi structured interview
schedule comprises open-ended questions to capture craft people’s opinion regarding the
research questions. Data was constantly verified for consistency, reliability and quality by
recording in depth and detail. The recorded interviews were accomplished by consent of
participants. The interviews were transcribed and summarized and summary sheets were then
generated (McKevitt, 2007). They were categorized into themes as explained in Yin (2009) for the
analysis. The constant comparative method was used in raw data analysis, which is a technique
based on the analytical element of grounded theory (Silverman, 2000; Jack et al., 2010). This
process included review and re-review of the field observations and case studies from the data
collection process and summarizing, abstracting into concepts and aggregation to themes based
on the key elements presented in the TLBMC created by Joyce and Paquin (2016).
According to the summary of the economic layer analysis, analysis of the economic layer Sri
Lankan handloom business model provides an insight into the alignment of nine key
economic elements in the business supporting competitiveness and profitability of the
business. The study found the success of each business is largely dependent on its value
proposition. Businesses offer traditionally designed, ethically handmade, long lasting,
customized products with unique fabric designs. Consumer attraction to those personalized
fashion pieces secures a marketplace and drives the profit of the business where low
volumes of production can be compromised with premium prices.
However, the analysis reveals that the lack of contemporary design skills may affect the
business in the long run. Product design is largely based on traditional knowledge and
weavers do not have access to initiatives where they could learn new product design skills
or techniques. As consumers always prefer to follow latest trends (Lang et al., 2013), lack of a
contemporary touch in designs can affect the sustainability and future growth of the
business. Another drawback is the absence of an appropriate sales and marketing strategy.
While there is a growing consumer desire to purchase handloom fashion products,
investment in marketing aspects of the businesses is almost zero. Government initiatives Handloom
include annual trade shows and exhibitions on behalf of the handloom industry; however, business
other strategies such as developing advertising and marketing campaigns, and
understanding or exploiting online marketplaces or promotion are barely present.
Key partnerships among designer-manufacturer and manufacturer-end consumer are
limited. Although fashion designers are involved in the business, they are like
commissioners; thus, there is no access to design education that would enable weavers to
improve their portfolio of design. Manufacturers (weavers) are not directly connected to the 119
end-consumer because the business channel runs through intermediaries. This can be
salesmen, retailers or designers who gain and retain the larger portion of the profit margin
of the product. While the relationship between the community weavers and end-consumer
could be easily facilitated, opportunity is blocked by intermediaries providing relatively low
rewards for the effort and the inherited skill of weavers and leading to a decline in numbers
of weavers because young people are attracted to more lucrative occupations.
As noted above, a number of issues identified in the business model could be addressed if
weavers were organized into more effective business units. Furthermore, there are structural
barriers and socio-cultural issues to overcome. Weavers are accustomed to autonomy even
where they can see that there might be a route to efficiency and profit from working in a
different manner. One possible solution is for government to intervene in developing the
entrepreneurship skills of the community-based weavers by providing both financial
support and human resources expertise. Because the majority of community-based weavers
have inherited craft skills as opposed to the externally trained weaves in private businesses,
developing those craft communities would help to preserve the traditional identity and
cultural aspects of the business, thus ensuring the survival of both tangible and intangible
cultural heritage for future generations. Moreover, this approach would enable more
efficient procurement and provide a means for design innovations to be efficiently
4. Conclusion
This study explored the Sri Lankan handloom industry from a triple bottom line
perspective. The results from the study indicate that the industry offers a promising
approach towards a sustainable business model. The analysis provides useful insights to
drive sustainability-oriented business innovation. Growing consumer awareness and
demand for sustainable products could accelerate the market expansion of handloom
business if interventions proposed here were adopted. To sustain the growth and expansion
of the business, the implementation of design intervention and developing entrepreneurial
skills of the weaving communities are recommended.
There is a requirement for more research in craft sectors of developing countries.
There is clearly potential for innovation within and expansion of the sector, but there is
only limited understanding of the socio-cultural and structural barriers to innovation
and growth. A limitation of this study was the lack of capacity to explore the concerns
of handloom weavers over the reluctance of younger generations to learn craft skills or
to remain within the community. The flight of young people from craft sectors has not
been explored by academics but understanding the phenomenon is central to stemming
the loss of future handloom weavers from their communities. It is also important to
understand how stronger business networks can be created between the developed and
developing world to support craft sectors. Although globalisation has increased the
RJTA knowledge of products such as handloom in the developed world, weavers have very
24,2 limited access to markets and require support to build new networks beyond their
community and country.
There is an emerging market for exclusive, hand-made products with cultural integrity
and provenance as opposed to mass manufactured, cheap, throwaway products. Consumers
are increasingly beginning to respect and value ethical, fair and green products because they
126 become more conscious of the influence of their consumption pattern on the environment
and society. Thus, many more consumers direct their choices to handmade, local and eco
products following the trend for sustainability, and this is a growing market. Handloom
products carry the local identity, cultural value, and sustainable manufacturing process;
thus, they are in a strong position to react to this current market trend but there remain
structural barriers to progress. This should be addressed by changes in government policy
and practice. Such changes could encourage growth in the industry by developing a
community-based enterprise, closed-loop manufacturing, use of sustainable raw materials
and innovations in design and marketing.
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Corresponding author
Kanchana Dissanayake can be contacted at geethadis@uom.lk
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