Head Injury Classification: Head Injuries/Head Trauma 1 - Closed (Blunt) Brain Injury
Head Injury Classification: Head Injuries/Head Trauma 1 - Closed (Blunt) Brain Injury
Head Injury Classification: Head Injuries/Head Trauma 1 - Closed (Blunt) Brain Injury
Head Injury
Broad classification that includes injury/trauma 1 - Closed (blunt) brain injury
to the scalp, skull or brain. Object did not break the skull
Can range from a minor bump on the skull to Does not cause damage to dura mater/skull
serious brain injury
Most serious form - TBI 2 - Open/penetrating head injury
Occurs when the cranium is fractured &/or the
SCALP INJURY membranes that surround the brain are
Generally classified as a minor injury breached
The scalp bleeds profusely when injured.
Trauma may result in an abrasion, contusion, A coup injury is the result of a sudden, violent stop that
laceration, hematoma beneath the layers of causes the brain to accelerate forward and hit the side
tissue of the scalp and avulsion (teared off). of the skull.
Scalp wounds
potential portal of entry of microorganisms
Area is irrigated first before the laceration is
Skull fractures
A break in the continuity of the skull caused by Types of Head Injuries
forceful trauma A - Concussion - a violent jarring/shocking injury to the
It may occur with or without damage to the brain
brain temporarily affects normal brain function
there is a transient period of unconsciousness
Classification person may feel dazed & may lose vision or
1. Simple - a crack in the skull balance for a while, vomiting, slurred speech
2. Comminuted - splintered or multiple fracture line
3. Depressed - occur when the bones of the skull are
forcefully displaced downward.
4. Basilar - fracture of the base of the skull
The most important consideration in any head
injury is whether the brain is injured.
Bleeding in the brain that collects & clots,
forming a bump
In general, a rapidly developing hematoma
even if small, may be fatal, whereas a larger
but slowly developing one may allow
compensation for increases in ICP.
A - Epidural
between the skull & the dura mater
an extreme emergency
results from a skull fracture that causes a
rupture or laceration of the middle meningeal
artery Characterized by brief loss of
IICP, herniation
B - Subdural
between the dura & the brain (arachnoid)
usually due to trauma & ruptured veins
symptoms of IICP develops gradually
C - Intracerebral
bleeding into the substance of the brain
Hematoma Causes
Common causes Battle’s sign (bruising over the mastoid
1. Falls process that is typically the result of head
2. Motor vehicle crashes trauma.) aka = mastoid ecchymosis
3. Being struck by objects CSF otorrhea, CSF rhinorrhea
4. Physical assaults
5. Accidents at work, home & outdoors
6. While playing sports