This document contains weekly rainfall totals for various days of the week over multiple weeks. It shows the total rainfall each week ranging from 11 to 60 millimeters, with most weeks between 30 to 50 mm. Rainfall was generally higher on Saturdays and Sundays than other days of the week.
This document contains weekly rainfall totals for various days of the week over multiple weeks. It shows the total rainfall each week ranging from 11 to 60 millimeters, with most weeks between 30 to 50 mm. Rainfall was generally higher on Saturdays and Sundays than other days of the week.
This document contains weekly rainfall totals for various days of the week over multiple weeks. It shows the total rainfall each week ranging from 11 to 60 millimeters, with most weeks between 30 to 50 mm. Rainfall was generally higher on Saturdays and Sundays than other days of the week.
This document contains weekly rainfall totals for various days of the week over multiple weeks. It shows the total rainfall each week ranging from 11 to 60 millimeters, with most weeks between 30 to 50 mm. Rainfall was generally higher on Saturdays and Sundays than other days of the week.