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Plenary Paper Behlmer Rome Bibliography-libre-Coptic Lit

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BRAKKE, David, From Temple to Cell, from Gods to Demons: Pagan Temples in the Monastic Topography of Fourth-
Century Egypt, in HAHN, EMMEL and GOTTER (eds.), From Temple to Church, p. 91–112.
CHOAT, Malcolm, Coptic, in Christina RIGGS (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt, Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2010, p. 581–596.
DIJKSTRA, Jitse H.F., Philae and the End of Ancient Egyptian Religion: A Regional Study of Religious Transformation
(298–642 CE) (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 173), Leuven etc., Peeters, 2008.
FRANKFURTER, David, Iconoclasm and Christianization in Late Antique Egypt: Christian Treatments of Space and
Image, in HAHN, EMMEL and GOTTER, From Temple to Church, p. 135–160.
GABRA, Gawdat, with Birger A. PEARSON, Mark N. SWANSON and Youhanna N. YOUSSEF, Historical Dictionary of
the Coptic Church, Lanham, Md., Scarecrow Press, 2008.
HORBURY, Mary, Personal Identity and Social Power in New Kingdom and Coptic Egypt (British Archaeological
Reports International Series 2031), Oxford, Archaeopress, 2009.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Regards nouveaux sur la littérature copte, in BUZI and CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity in Egypt, p.
MCNARY-ZAK, Bernadette, ‘The Soul Is Like a Ship’: Sailing Imagery in Early Egyptian Monastic Literature, in
Coptica 8 (2009), p. 41–51.
ORLANDI, Tito, Coptic Texts relating to the Virgin Mary: An Overview (Corpus Dei Manoscritti Copti Letterari),
Rome, CIM, 2008.
ORLANDI, Tito, Terminology for the Identification of Coptic Literary Documents (Paper given at the Ninth
International Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo 2008).
PAPACONSTANTINOU, Arietta, Hagiography in Coptic, in Stephanos EFTHYMIADIS (ed.), The Ashgate Research
Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, vol. 1, Periods and Places, Farnham, Ashgate Publishing, 2011, p.
RICHTER, Siegfried G., Wadi al-Natrun and Coptic Literature, in Maged S. A. MIKHAIL and Mark MOUSSA (eds.),
Christianity and Monasticism in Wadi al-Natrun. Essays from the 2002 International Symposium of the Saint
Mark Foundation and the Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society, Cairo, AUC Press, 2009, p. 43–
WIPSZYCKA, Ewa, Moines et communautés monastiques en Égypte (IVe–VIIIe siècles). (Journal of Juristic Papyrology
Supplement 11), Warsaw, Warsaw University, 2009 (Ch. 1: Sources littéraires, and passim).


(selected titles only; see the reports on Codicology and Palaeography respectively)

AL-SURIANY, Bigoul, The Manuscript Collection of Deir al-Surian in Wadi al-Natrun, in Journal of the Canadian
Society for Coptic Studies 2 (2011), p. 53–64.
ANTONIAK, Iwona, Recent Discoveries in the Hermitage of Sheikh Abd el-Gurna: Coptic Codices and Ostraca, in
DELATTRE and HEILPORN (eds.), ‘Et maintenant ce ne sont plus que des villages...’, p. 145–148.
BOUD’HORS, Anne, Copie et circulation des livres dans la région thébaine (VIIe-VIIIe siècles), in DELATTRE and
HEILPORN (eds.), ‘Et maintenant ce ne sont plus que des villages...’, p. 149–161.
BUZI, Paola, Catalogo dei manoscritti copti borgiani conservati presso la Biblioteca Nazionale ‘Vittorio Emanuele
III’ di Napoli (Accademia dei Lincei – Memorie Ser. IX, 25/1), Rome, Bardi, 2009.
BUZI, Paola, Miscellanee e florilegi. Osservazioni preliminari per uno studio dei codici copti pluritestuali: il caso
delle raccolte di excerpta, in BUZI and CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity in Egypt, p. 177–203.
BUZI, Paola, Beyond the Papyrus. The Writing Materials of Christian Egypt before the Tenth Century: Ostraka,
Wooden Tablets and Parchment, in COMSt Newsletter 2 (2011), p. 10–16.
HASITZKA, Monika R. M., Koptische dokumentarische und literarische Texte: ‘First International Summer School in
Coptic Papyrology 2006’ in der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Corpus
Papyrorum Raineri 31), Berlin etc., De Gruyter, 2011.
LOUIS, Catherine, The Fate of the White Monastery Library, in GABRA and TAKLA (eds.), Christianity and
Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 83-90.
SUCIU, Alin, The Borgian Coptic Manuscripts in Naples: Supplementary Identifications and Notes to a Recently
Published Catalogue, in Orientalia Christiana Periodica 77 (2011), p. 299–325.


BOUD’HORS, Anne, Guest Post: Anne Boud’hors-Chartres BM n° 906. (http://alinsuciu.com/2011/11/25/guest-post-anne-

boudhors-chartres-bm-n-906/) (Apocryphal Acts of John)
DUBOIS, Jean Daniel, and Gérard ROQUE, Les singularités de la version copte des Actes de Pilate, in Apocrypha:
revue internationale des littératures apocryphes 21 (2010), p. 57–71.
DELATTRE, Alain, Un nouveau témoin des listes d'apôtres apocryphes en copte, in Orientalia 79 (2010), p. 74–79.
EHRMAN, Bart D., and Zlatko PLESE# , The Apocryphal Gospels, New York, Oxford University Press, 2011.
GARDNER, Iain, and Jay JOHNSTON, The Passover Litany of the Liber Bartholomaei: Edition of Bibliothèque Nationale
Copte 132 F. 40, in Journal of Coptic Studies 11 (2009), p. 61–70. 
GARDNER, Iain, and Jay JOHNSTON, The Liber Bartholomaei on the Ascension: Edition of Bibliothèque Nationale
Copte 132 f. 37, in Vigiliae Christianae 64 (2010), p. 74–86.
HAGEN, Joost L., Ein anderer Kontext für die Berliner und Straßburger ‘Evangelienfragmente’. Das ‘Evangelium des
Erlösers’ und andere ‘Apostelevangelien’ in der koptischen Literatur, in FREY and SCHRÖTER (eds.), Jesus in
apokryphen Evangelienüberlieferungen, p. 339-371.
KAISER, Ursula Ulrike, Jesus als Kind. Neuere Forschungen zur Jesusüberlieferung in den apokryphen
‘Kindheitsevangelien’, in FREY and SCHRÖTER (eds.), Jesus in apokryphen Evangelienüberlieferungen, p.
MARKSCHIES, Christoph, and Jens SCHRÖTER with Andreas HEISER, Antike christliche Apokryphen in deutscher
Übersetzung. I. Band in zwei Teilbänden: Evangelien und Verwandtes. 7. Auflage der von Edgar Hennecke
begründeten und von Wilhelm Schneemelcher fortgeführten Sammlung der neutestamentlichen Apokryphen,
Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2012
(numerous contributions on the Coptic tradition, among which:
FÖRSTER, Hans, Der Transitus Mariae, p. 299-307.
KAISER, Ursula Ulrike, Die Geschichte von Joseph dem Zimmermann, p. 308-342.
WUCHERPFENNIG, Ansgar, Der Straßburger koptische Papyrus (P.Argent.Copt. 5, 6 und 7), p. 380-384.
SCHENKE, Hans-Martin, Die koptischen Bartholomaeustexte: ‘Das Buch der Auferstehung Jesu Christi, unseres Herrn’,
p. 851-885.
SCHENKE, Hans-Martin, Die koptischen Fragmente des Gamalielevangeliums, p. 1310-1313).
SCHENKE, Gesa, Der koptische Kölner Papyruskodex 3221, Teil I: Das Testament des Iob (Abhandlungen der
Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste, Sonderreihe Papyrologica
Coloniensia XXXIII), Paderborn etc., Schöningh, 2009.
SCHENKE, Gesa, Ein koptischer Textzeuge der Acta Phileae, in KNUF, LEITZ and VON RECKLINGHAUSEN (eds.), Honi
soit qui mal y pense, p. 609–615.
SHOEMAKER, Stephen J., Early Christian Apocryphal Literature, in Susan Ashbrook HARVEY and David G. HUNTER
(eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies, Oxford etc., Oxford University Press, 2008, p. 521–
SHOEMAKER, Stephen J., Mary the Apostle: a New Dormition Fragment in Coptic and its Place in the History of
Marian Literature, in D. BUMAZHNOV, E. GRYPEOU, T. B. SAILORS and A. TOEPEL (eds.), Bibel, Byzanz und
christlicher Orient. Festschrift für Stephen Gerö zum 65. Geburtstag (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 187),
Leuven etc., Peeters 2011, p. 203–229.
SUCIU, Alin, About Some Coptic Fragments on the Dormition of the Virgin.
SUCIU, Alin, A Further Fragment from the Apocryphal Acts of John in Coptic: Once Again Concerning the Sotheby-
Bolaffi Fragments.
SUCIU, Alin, An Old Testament Pseudepigraphon in Coptic: Yet Another Manuscript from the Sahidic Version of the
Testament of Isaac.
SUCIU, Alin, Two Other Scraps from a Parchment Leaf Containing the Apocryphal Acts of John in Coptic.
SUCIU, Alin, New Fragments from the Sahidic Version of the Historia Josephi fabri lignarii, in Le Museón 122 (2009),
p. 279–289.
SUCIU, Alin and Einar THOMASSEN, An Unknown ‘Apocryphal’ Text from the White Monastery, in BUZI and
CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity in Egypt, p. 477–499.


ALLEN, Rupert, Mark 14,51-52 and Coptic Hagiography, in Biblica 89 (2008), p. 265–268.
BACOT, Seÿna, Quatre miracles de saint Ménas dans un manuscrit copte de l’Ifao (Inv. 315-322), in BIFAO 111
(2011), p. 35-73.
BAUMEISTER, Theofried. Martyrium, Hagiographie und Heiligenverehrung im christlichen Altertum (Römische
Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte, Supplementband 61), Rom etc., Herder,
BEHLMER, Heike, Female Figures in Coptic Hagiographical Texts – Update and Preliminary Results, in BUZI and
CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity in Egypt, p. 71–86.
BOUTROS, Ramez, “L’hagiographie des saints thérapeutes: une source pour l’histoire religieuse des pèlerinages en
Égypte”, in BOUD’HORS and LOUIS (eds.), Études coptes X, p. 229–248.
CAMPLANI, Alberto, A Syriac Fragment from the Liber Historiarum by Timothy Aelurus (CPG 5486), the Coptic
Church History, and the Archives of the Bishopric of Alexandria, in BUZI and CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity
in Egypt, p. 199–226.
DEKKER, Renate, Bishop Pesynthios of Koptos (Egypt): ‘He did not pursue the honour, but it was the honour that
pursued him’, in Johan LEEMANS, Peter VAN NUFFELEN, Shawn W. J. KEOUGH and Carla NICOLAYE (eds.),
Episcopal Elections in Late Antiquity (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 119), Berlin and Boston, De Gruyter,
2011, p. 331–342.
DEKKER, Renate, Encomium on Pesynthios of Coptos: The Recently Discovered Sahidic Version from Shaykh Abd al-
Qurna, in GABRA and TAKLA (eds.), Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 2, p. 21–31.
DEKKER, Renate, The Sahidic Encomium of Pesunthios, Bishop of Qift: Towards a New Understanding, Based on a
Recently Discovered Manuscript, MPhil. thesis, Leiden University 2008.
DOWNER, Carol, Editing a Coptic Martyrdom. St. Pteleme of Dendera, M581, in AYAD (ed.), Coptic Culture, p. 143–
DOWNER, Carol, (The nature of the resurrection scenes in M581, the martyrdom of St Pteleme, and other early
Christian hagiographic texts), in J. BAUN, A. CAMERON and M. EDWARDS (eds.), Studia patristica Vol.
XLV, Leuven etc., Peeters, 2010, p. 291–296.
FÖRSTER, Hans, ‘Trat um das Jahr 328 ein unmündiges Kind entgegen dem elterlichen Willen in das Kloster des
Pachomius ein? Juristische Probleme in einer ägyptischen Mönchsvita’, in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung
für Rechtsgeschichte 182, kanon. Abt. 97 (2011), p. 1–19.
FÖRSTER, Hans, ‘Streck dich nicht mit einer Verheirateten zum Weingelage hin (Sir 9,9a)’. Edition von P. Vindob. K.
9670, in Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum – Journal for Ancient Christianity 14 (2010), p. 273–305.
GASCOU, Jean, Religion et identité communautaire à Alexandrie à la fin de l’époque byzantine d’après les Miracles
des saints Cyr et Jean, in Alexandrie Médiévale Vol. 3, Le Caire 2008, p. 69–88.
GOEHRING, James E., Abraham of Farshut’s Dying Words: Reflections on a Literary Motif in the Ascetic Literature of
Early Christian Egypt, in Coptica 8 (2009), p. 21–39.
GOEHRING, James, Constructing and Enforcing Orthodoxy: Evidence from the Coptic Panegyrics on Abraham of
Farshut, in Peter SOUSTAL (ed.), Heilige Berge und Wüsten: Byzanz und sein Umfeld. Referate auf dem 21.
Internationalen Kongress für Byzantinistik, London 21.-26. August 2006. (Veröffentlichungen zur
Byzanzforschung 16 = Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Phil.-hist. Kl., Denkschriften 379),
Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2009, p. 9–14.
GOEHRING, James E., The Life and Miracles of Abraham of Farshut: Community Disaster and the Making of a Saint,
in GABRA and TAKLA (eds.), Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 2, p. 49–61.
GOEHRING, James E., The Ship of the Pachomian Federation: Metaphor and Meaning in a Late Account of
Pachomian Monasticism, in Buzi and Camplani (eds.), Christianity in Egypt, p. 289–303.
GROSSMANN, Peter, Der Osterfeststreit des Jahres 387, das Wunder des Theophilos und eine Episode aus der Vita des
Horsiesios, in Journal of Coptic Studies 11 (2009), p. 23–43.
GROSSMANN, Peter, Phoibammon von Panopolis und das Kolluthos Martyrium in Pnewit, in Journal of Coptic Studies
12 (2010), p. 19–31.
HAHN, Johannes, Die Zerstörung der Kulte von Philae. Geschichte und Legende am ersten Nilkatarakt, in Hahn,
Emmel and Gotter (eds.), From Temple to Church, p. 203–242.
JOHNSON, David W., Monastic Propaganda: The Coptic Hilaria Legend, in BUZI and CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity in
Egypt, p. 305–324.
LUNDHAUG, Hugo, Guest Post: Hugo Lundhaug – A New Fragment of the Martyrdom of Apa Nahroou.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, L’encomion copte des XL Martyrs de Sébaste. Un nouveau folio repéré à la Pierpont Morgan
Library, in Analecta Bollandiana 126 (2008), p. 178.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Un fragment bohaïrique du martyre d’Isidore et Sané, in Analecta Bollandiana 129 (2011), p. 5–10.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, La martyre Héraï/Maharata, in Analecta Bollandiana 127 (2009), p. 298.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Le Martyre de Stéphanos de Lénaios et les péripéties d’un papyrus, in Analecta Bollandiana 128
(2010), p. 66–67.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Les vestiges coptes de la Passion de Psoté ou Pichoté de Kaïs, in Analecta Bollandiana 128 (2010),
p. 297–298.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, D’une Vie de Dioscore à une hymne en l’honneur de Dioscore, in Analecta Bollandiana 128 (2010),
p. 61–65.
MACCOULL, Leslie S. B., Aspects of Alexander in Coptic Egypt, in Richard STONEMAN, Kyle ERICKSON and Ian
NETTON (eds.), The Alexander Romance in Persia and the East (Ancient Narrative Supplementum 15), Eelde,
Barkhuis, 2012, p. 255–262.
MOAWAD, Samuel, Die arabische Version der Vita Dioscori, in Le Museón 24 (2011), p. 149–180.
ORLANDI, Tito, Tradizioni copte sui ‘Tre Giovani di Babilonia’, in P. BUZI, D. PICCHI and M. ZECCHI (eds.),
Aegyptiaca et Coptica. Studi in onore di Sergio Pernigotti (British Archaeological Reports S2264), Oxford,
Archaeopress, 2011, p. 251–260.
ROSENSTIEHL, Jean-Marc, Brève remarque sur un hypothétique mot gréco-copte: ⲡⲅⲁⲓⲟⲛ (τὸν γάιον) dans la Vie de
Samuel de Qalamoun 34, in Journal of Coptic Studies 11 (2009), p. 151–155.
SANZI, Ennio, Il santo martire Colluto: archiatra del corpo e dell’anima. Osservazioni storico-religiose su alcune
testimonianze copte, in E. DAL COVOLO and G. SFAMENI GASPARRO, (eds.), Cristo e Asclepio. Culti
terapeutici e taumaturgici nel mondo mediterraneo antico fra cristiani e pagani. Atti del convegno
internazionale, Accademia di studi mediterranei, Agrigento 20–21 novembre 2006 (Nuova biblioteca di
scienze religiose 11), Rome, LAS, 2008, p. 189–202.
SATOSHI, Toda, Vie de S. Macaire l’Égyptien: Edition et traduction des textes copte et syriaque, Piscataway, N.J.,
Gorgias Press, 2012.
SCHENKE, Gesa, Ein Kölner Fragment aus den Miracula des Heiligen Georg, in Analecta Bollandiana 126 (2008), p.
SCHENKE, Gesa, Creating Local History: Coptic Encomia Celebrating Past Events, in Arietta PAPACONSTANTINOU,
Muriel DEBIÉ and Hugh KENNEDY (eds.), Writing “True Stories”: Historians and Hagiographers in the Late
Antique and Medieval Near East (Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages 9), Turnhout,
Brepols, 2010, p. 21–30.
SELDEN, Daniel L., Guardians of Chaos, in Journal of Coptic Studies 13 (2011), p. 117–155 (on the Alexander
SHERIDAN, Mark, The Encomium in the Coptic Literature of the Late Sixth Century, in BUZI and CAMPLANI (eds.),
Christianity in Egypt, p. 443–464.
SUCIU, Alin, The Identification of the Coptic Fragments Auctioned at Sotheby’s.
(http://alinsuciu.com/2011/03/25/the-identification-of-the-coptic-fragments-auctioned-by-sothebys/) (Cyril of Alexandria,
Scholia on the Incarnation of Monogenes)
SUCIU, Alin, The ‘Sotheby’s Coptic Fragments’. Supplementary Identifications.
(http://alinsuciu.com/2011/03/28/the-sothebys-coptic-fragments-supplementary-identifications/) (Ps.-Cyril of Jerusalem,
De Passione Christi, hom. 1; Ps.-Cyril of Jerusalem, De Cruce; Ps.-Evodius of Rome, De Passione Christi)
SUCIU, Alin, A New Fragment of the Life of Moses of Abydos (Formerly Attributed to a Homily on Penitence by
Shenoute of Atripe).
SUCIU, Alin, A New Fragment from the Sayings of the Desert Fathers: The University of Pennsylvania Coptic
Fragment E 16395.
SUCIU, Alin, An Encomium on the Archangel Gabriel of Unknown Authorship.
SUCIU, Alin, Notes Concerning Some Coptic Fragments Related to Mary the Mother of Jesus, in Teologinen
Aikakauskirja – Teologisk Tidskrift 117 (2012), p. 102–105.
TORALLAS TOVAR, Sofía, A Coptic Exegetical Text on Daniel 8,5–18: A Parchment Codex Page from Montserrat, in
BUZI and CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity in Egypt, p. 513–521.
ULJAS, Sami, A Fragment of the Life of Moses of Abydos in the British Library, in Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und
Epigraphik 179 (2011), p. 117–122.
ULJAS, Sami, A Leaf of the Coptic Martyrdom of Ptolemy in Cambridge, in Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und
Epigraphik 178 (2011), p. 179–184.
ULJAS, Sami, The Cambridge Leaves of the Life of Moses of Abydos, in Le Museón 125 (2012), p. 1–33.
VIVIAN, Tim, From Anonymous Foreigners to Royal Wonderworking Saints: History and Myth in the Coptic Life of
Maximus and Domitius, in Coptica 8 (2009), p. 53–67.
VIVIAN, Tim, Witness to Holiness. Abba Daniel of Scetis. Translations of the Greek, Coptic, Ethiopic, Syriac,
Armenian, Latin, Old Church Slavonic, and Arabic accounts (Cistercian Studies Series 219), Kalamazoo,
Cistercian Publications, 2008.
VOJTENKO, Anton, Parents de l’empereur de Byzance dans les déserts d’Égypte: les Vies d’Apa Cyrus (Cyr) et
d’Hilarie la bienheureuse, in BOUD’HORS and LOUIS (eds.), Études coptes X, p. 309–318.
VOJTENKO, Anton, L’oasis de Jannès et Jambrès dans l’hagiographie monastique de l’Égypte du IVe siècle, in
BOUD’HORS and LOUIS (eds.), Études coptes XI, p. 307-315.
ZABOROWSKI, Jason R., From Coptic to Arabic in Medieval Egypt, in Medieval Encounters 14 (2008), p. 15-40
(Samuel of Qalamun).
ZAKRZEWSKA, Ewa D., Masterplots and Martyrs: Narrative Techniques in Bohairic Hagiography, in HAGEN et al.
(eds.), Narratives, p. 499–524.

WORKS ATTRIBUTED TO NAMED AUTHORS (including Pseudepigrapha)

BOUD’HORS, Anne, L’Allocutio Ad Monachos d’Athanase d’Alexandrie (CPG 2186). Nouveaux fragments coptes, in
BUZI and CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity in Egypt, p. 101–158.
BRAKKE, David, A New Fragment of Athanasius’s Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter: Heresy, Apocrypha, and the Canon, in
Harvard Theological Review 103 (2010), p. 47–66.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Identification de Strasbourg Copte 248, in Orientalia 78 (2009), p. 92–95 (Ps. Athanasius, De
SUCIU, Alin, The Discovery of an Extract from ‘De Passione et Cruce’ by Pseudo-Athanasius of Alexandria in a
Coptic Patristic Florilegium.
SUCIU, Alin, An Unnoticed Oxford Fragment from the Coptic Version of the Life of Anthony by Athanasius
of Alexandria.
SUCIU, Alin, A Fragment from a Homily Attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria.
SUCIU, Alin, Further Leaves from a White Monastery Codex Containing Texts Attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria,
in Orientalia 81 (2012), p. 87–90.
SUCIU, Alin, Notes on the Canons of Pseudo-Athanasius.
SUCIU, Alin, Pseudo-Athanasiana.
(http://alinsuciu.com/2011/08/11/pseudo-athanasiana/) (Ps. Athanasius, De homicidis)
WITTE, Bernd, Koptische Tradition, in Peter GEMEINHARDT (ed.), Athanasius Handbuch, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck
2011, 390–397.
WITTE, Bernd, The Apocalypse of Pseudo-Athanasius (Modern Title), in David THOMAS et al. (eds.), Christian-
Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History (600-900), Vol. I (History of Christian-Muslim Relations 11),
Leiden etc., Brill, 2009, p. 274–280.
WITTE, Bernd, Die Sünden der Priester und Mönche. Koptische Eschatologie des 8. Jahrhunderts nach Kodex M 602
pp. 104-154 der Pierpont Morgan Library – der sogenannten Apokalypse des Pseudo-Athanasius. Teil 2:
Kommentar (Arbeiten zum spätantiken und koptischen Ägypten 13), Laer, Oros-Verlag, 2009.

Cyriacus of Behnesa
SUCIU, Alin, The Identity of a Coptic Apocryphal Fragment in the British Library (Layton no. 100).
(Apocryphal homily known as “Lament of the Virgin”)

Cyril of Alexandria
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Quatre inscriptions coptes tirées de la Troisième lettre de Cyrille à Nestorius, in Analecta
Bollandiana 128 (2010), p. 296.
SUCIU, Alin, Coptic Fragments from Cyril of Alexandria’s Scholia on the Incarnation of Monogenes.

Cyril of Jerusalem
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Les sept Marie dans une homélie copte et l’origine du Mälkә’ éthiopien, in Analecta Bollandiana
127 (2009), p. 9–15.
NAKANO, Chiemi, Fragments d’une homélie copte sur la Vierge Marie attribuée à Cyrille de Jérusalem [CPG 3603]
(Le Caire, Ifao Copte 159-160, 302-304), in Journal of Coptic Studies 14 (2012), p. 1–27.
SUCIU, Alin, More Fragments From the Catechetical Orations of St. Cyril of Jerusalem in Coptic.

SUCIU, Alin, Additional Fragments from the Coptic Version of Ephrem Graecus.

SUCIU, Alin, A Supplementary Leaf from the Ancoratus of Epiphanius in Coptic.
SUCIU, Alin, Coptic Vestiges of a Paschal Homily Attributed to Epiphanius of Salamis: A Preliminary Report.

Evodius of Rome
SUCIU, Alin, An Apocryphal Fragment Sold at Sotheby’s (The Pseudo-Gospel of the Twelve Apostles).
SUCIU, Alin, A Leiden Manuscript Containing the Apocryphal Names of the Two Thieves.

Gregory of Nazianzus
SUCIU, Alin, Another Patristic Text Attested in Coptic: Gregory of Nazianzus Oration 16 (Pennsylvania University
Museum E 16310).

Hesychius of Jerusalem
BACOT, Seÿna, Le ‘Chant de la Vigne’ en langue copte: une nouvelle approche, in BOUD’HORS and LOUIS (eds.),
Études coptes XI (2010), p. 201–212.

Isaiah of Scetis
SUCIU, Alin, Once Again on the Asceticon of Abba Isaiah.
SUCIU, Alin, The Dossier of the Asceticon of Abba Isaiah: With a Contribution on the First Bohairic Fragments.
SUCIU, Alin, Two Coptic Fragments Containing Extracts from Isaiah of Scetis: A New Manuscript Witness of
the Asceticon.

John Chrysostom
BARONE, Francesca P., Una versione copta dell’omelia ‘De Davide et Saule III’ di Giovanni Crisostomo tràdita da un
papiro del Museo Egizio di Torino, in Orientalia Christiana Periodica 75 (2009), p. 463–473.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Deux commentaires coptes sur l’Évangile de Matthieu, in Le Muséon 123 (2010), p. 19–37.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, La ‘paraphrase’ copte de l’homélie Sur la pénitence CPG 4631, in Analecta Bollandiana 128
(2010), p. 56–60.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Deux témoins coptes de l’homélie sur l’archange Gabriel, attribuée à Jean Chrysostome, in
Analecta Bollandiana 129 (2011), p. 324.
MASI, Gianluca, The Image of Prophet Elijah in Ps. Chrysostom, Coptic Encomium and Latin Texts, in Aram 20
(2008), p. 125–136.
SUCIU, Alin, John Chrysostom’s Homilies on the Epistle to the Romans also in Coptic.
SUCIU, Alin, The Homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews by John Chrysostom: A Complement to the Coptic Version.
SUCIU, Alin, New Writings Attributed to John Chrysostom in Coptic.
VOICU, Sever J., Per una lista delle opere trasmesse in copto sotto il nome di Giovanni Crisostomo, in BUZI and
CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity in Egypt, p. 575–610.

John IV of Constantinople
LOUIS, Catherine, Nouveaux fragments coptes d’une homélie de Jean IV de Constantinople, in BOUD’HORS and LOUIS
(eds.), Études coptes XI, p. 251–266.

Macarius the Egyptian

SUCIU, Alin, A New Witness to the Spiritual Homilies of Macarius in a Sahidic Manuscript.

Macarius of Tkōou
MOAWAD, Samuel, Exegese des Makarios von Tkōou über den Erzengel Michael, in Le Museón 122 (2009), p. 11–26.

Pachomius and his successors

(selected titles only; see also the report on Monasticism)
CHOAT, Malcolm, Athanasius, Pachomius, and the ‘Letter on Charity and Temperance’, in Alexandra WOODS, Ann
MCFARLANE and Susanne BINDER (eds.), Egyptian Culture and Society. Studies in Honour of Naguib
Kanawati (Supplément aux Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte Cahier 38), Le Caire, Conseil
Suprême des Antiquités, 2010, p. 97–103.
GOEHRING, James E., Pachomius and the White Monastery, in GABRA and TAKLA (eds.), Christianity and
Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 47–57.
JOEST, Christoph, Horsiese zwischen Pachom und Evagrios Pontikos, in Studia Monastica 50 (2008), p. 69–85.
JOEST, Christoph, Die Iudicia im Ganzen des pachomianischen Regelcorpus, in Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 121
(2010), p. 145–165.
JOEST, Christoph, Die sog. ‘Règlements’ als Werk des Pachomianers Horsiese (+ nach 386), in Vigiliae Christianae
63 (2009), p. 480–492.
JOEST, Christoph, Die ‘Praecepta’ Pachoms. Untersuchung zu dem größten Abschnitt der Pachom-Regeln, in
Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum – Journal for Ancient Christianity 13 (2010), p. 430–451.
JOEST, Christoph, Über den geistlichen Kampf. Katechesen des Mönchsvaters Pachom (Weisungen der Väter Bd. 9),
Beuron 2010.
JOEST, Christoph, Die Instituta des pachomianischen Regelcorpus, in Journal of Coptic Studies 12 (2010), p. 33–65.
JOEST, Christoph, Die Leges Pachoms und die Mönchsregeln der Pachomianer, in Vigiliae Christianae 66 (2012), p.
JOEST, Christoph, Erneute Erwägungen zur Chronologie Pachoms (287–347), in Journal of Coptic Studies 13 (2011),
p. 157–181.

Proclus of Constantinople
SUCIU, Alin, Two Extracts from Proclus of Constantinople in a Coptic Fragment in Louvre.

Rufus of Shotep
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Deux commentaires coptes sur l’Évangile de Matthieu, in Le Muséon 123 (2010), p. 19–37.

Severianus of Gabala
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Un témoin copte de l’homélie de Sévérien de Gabala sur le Lavement des pieds, in Analecta
Bollandiana 127 (2009), p. 299–308.
SUCIU, Alin, An Encomium on the 12 Apostles Attributed to Severian of Gabala: New Sahidic Fragments.
SUCIU, Alin, A Lost Coptic Fragment from a Sermon on Penitence by Severian of Gabala (CPG 4186).
(http://alinsuciu.com/2012/05/02/a-lost-coptic-fragment-from-a-sermon-on-penitence-by-severian-of-gabala-cpg-4186 )
VOICU, S. J., Pseudo Severiano di Gabala, Encomium in XII Apostolos (CPG 4281): Gli spunti apocrifi, in
Apocrypha 19 (2008), p. 217–266.

Severus of Antioch
LUCCHESI, Enzo, “Hymnes de Sévère et sur Sévère”, in Aegyptus 88 (2008), p. 165-198.
SUCIU, Alin, “New Coptic Fragments from a Homily by Severus of Antioch (Attributed Also to Gregory of Nyssa and
Hesychius of Jerusalem)”.

(selected titles only; see also the reports on Monasticism and Shenoutean Studies)
AUFRÈRE, Sydney H., Une description naturaliste de Naja nigricollis nigricollis (Naja à col noir) chez Chénouté (Ms.
IFAO Copte I, 10v21-11v44), in BOUD’HORS and LOUIS (eds.), Études coptes X, p. 215–228.
AUFRÈRE, Sydney H., Au sujet de ms. copte Ifao I, 7r 34-37. Chénouté: rêves, démons et psychanalyse, in Boud’hors
and Louis (eds.), Études coptes XI, p. 183–199.
BEHLMER, Heike, ‘Our Disobedience Will Punish Us...’: The Use of Authoritative Quotations in the Writings of Besa,
in KESSLER et al. (eds.), Texte-Theben-Tonfragmente, p. 37–54.
BEHLMER, Heike, ‘Do Not Believe Every Word like the Fool…!’: Rhetorical Strategies in Shenoute, Canon 6, in
GABRA and TAKLA (eds.), Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 1–12.
BOUD’HORS, Anne, Aspects du monachisme égyptien: Les figures compares de Chénouté et Frangé, in Florence
JULLIEN et Marie-Joseph PIERRE (eds.), Monachismes d’orient: Images, échanges, influences. Hommage à
Antoine Guillaumont (Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études, Sciences religieuses 148), Turnhout,
Brepols, 2011, p. 217-25.
BOUD’HORS, Anne, Some Aspects of Volume 8 of Shenoute’s Canons, in GABRA and TAKLA (eds.), Christianity and
Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 13-20.
BOUD’HORS, Anne, Vêtements lacérés et piétinés dans un sermon de Chenouté, in M.-A. AMIR-MOEZZI et al., (eds.)
Pensée grecque et sagesse d’Orient. Hommage à Michel Tardieu (Bibliothèque de l’École Pratique des
Hautes Études, Ve section, Sciences religieuses 142), Turnhout, Brepols, 2009, p. 109–115.
BUZI, Paola (with Alessandro BAUSI), Shenute of Atripe, in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, vol. 4 (O–W), Wiesbaden,
Harrassowitz, 2010, p. 648–650.
CRISLIP, Andrew, Shenoute of Atripe on Christ the Physician and the Cure of Souls, in Le Museón 122 (2009), p. 247–
CRISTEA, Hans-Joachim, Schenute von Atripe: Contra Origenistas: Edition des koptischen Textes mit annotierter
Übersetzung und Indizes einschließlich einer Übersetzung des 16. Osterfestbriefs des Theophilus in der
Fassung des Hieronymus (ep. 96) (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 60), Tübingen, Mohr
Siebeck, 2011.
CRISTEA, Hans-Joachim, Verdorbener Wein für die Armen. Edition von Paris BNF copte 1302 f. 109 + P.Vind. K
9066-9069, in Journal of Coptic Studies 13 (2011), p. 1–57.
EMMEL, Stephen, Shenoute of Atripe and the Christian Destruction of Temples in Egypt: Rhetoric and Reality, in
HAHN, EMMEL and GOTTER, From Temple to Church, p. 161–202.
EMMEL, Stephen, Shenoute’s Place in the History of Monasticism, in GABRA and TAKLA (eds.), Christianity and
Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 31–46.
FEDER, Frank, Das Schenute-Puzzle: die Rekonstruktion des literarischen Werks des Schenute von Atripe, in
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 105 (2010), p. 141-151.
HASZNOS, Andrea, A Shenute Homily Found in Theban Tomb 65, in Enchoria 30 (2006/2007, publ. 2009), p. 7–9.
JOHNSON, David W, As I Sat on a Mountain: Shenoute’s Theology of the Church, in Coptica 9 (2010), p. 59–66.
KRAWIEC, Rebecca, The Role of the Female Elder in Shenoute’s White Monastery, in GABRA and TAKLA (eds.),
Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 59–72.
LAYTON, Bentley, Punishing the Nuns: A Reading of Shenoute’s Letters to the Nuns in Canons Book Four, in BUZI
and CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity in Egypt, p. 325–345.
LAYTON, Bentley, Some Observations on Shenoute’s Sources: Who are Our Fathers?, in Journal of Coptic Studies 11
(2009), p. 45–59.
LAYTON, Bentley, The Monastic Rules of Shenoute, in Anne BOUD'HORS, et al. (eds.), Monastic Estates in Late
Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Ostraca, Papyri, and Essays in Memory of Sarah Clackson (P. Clackson).
(American Studies in Papyrology 46), Cincinnati, American Society of Papyrologists, 2009, p. 170–177.
LAYTON, Bentley, The Ancient Rules of Shenoute’s Monastic Federation, in GABRA and TAKLA (eds.), Christianity
and Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 73-82.
LÓPEZ, Ariel G., Shenoute of Atripe and the Uses of Poverty, Ph.D. Diss. Princeton University 2010.
LUBOMIERSKI, Nina, The Coptic Life of Shenoute, in GABRA and TAKLA (eds.), Christianity and Monasticism in
Upper Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 91-98.
LUISIER, Philippe, Chénouté, Victor, Jean de Lycopolis et Nestorius: quand l’archimandrite d’Atripé en Haute-Égypte
est-il mort?, in Orientalia 78 (2009), p. 258-281.
LUNDHAUG, Hugo, Baptism in the Monasteries of Upper Egypt: The Pachomian Corpus and the Writings of Shenoute,
in David HELLHOLM (ed.), Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism in Early Judaism, Graeco-Roman Religion, and
Early Christianity (Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche
Beihefte 176), Vol. 2, Berlin etc., De Gruyter, 2011, p. 1347–1380.
LUNDHAUG, Hugo, Mystery and Authority in the Writings of Shenoute, in Christian H. BULL, Liv Ingeborg LIED and
John D. TURNER (eds.), Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature.
Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 76), Leiden etc., Brill 2012, p.
LUNDHAUG, Hugo, Shenoute og avgudsdyrkerne: Religionskonflikt i Øvre Egypt på 300- og 400-tallet [Shenoute and
the Idolators: Religious Conflict in Upper Egypt in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries], in Din tidsskrift for
religion og kultur 3–4 (2010), p. 63–84. (non vidi)
LUNDHAUG, Hugo, Shenoute’s Heresiological Polemics and Its Context(s), in Jörg ULRICH, Anders-Christian
JACOBSEN and David BRAKKE (eds.), Invention, Rewriting, Usurpation: Discursive Fights over Religious
Traditions in Antiquity (Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity 11), Frankfurt, Lang, 2011, p. 239–261.
MEKHAIEL, Nashaat, Shenoute as Reflected in the Vita and the Difnar, in Gabra and Takla (eds.), Christianity and
Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 99–106.
MOAWAD, Samuel, The Relationship of St. Shenoute of Atripe with His Contemporary Patriarchs of Alexandria, in
GABRA and TAKLA (eds.), Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 107–120.
MOAWAD, Samuel, Apa Shenoute the Archimandrite: His Life, His Discourses, and His Canons [in Arabic], vol. 1.
Cairo 2009.
MOUSSA, Mark, I Have Been Reading the Holy Gospels by Shenoute of Atripe (Discourses 8, Work 1): Coptic Text,
Translation, and Commentary. Ph.D. diss. The Catholic University of America, 2010.
SHISHA-HALEVY, Ariel, Rhetorical Narratives, Tableaux and Scenarios: Work-Notes on Narrative Poetics in
Shenoutean Sahidic Coptic, in HAGEN et al. (eds.), Narratives, p. 451–498.
SHISHA-HALEVY, Ariel, Work Notes on Shenoute’s Rhetorical Syntax: ⲉϣϫⲉ and ⲁⲣⲁ – Suspension of Disagreement,
Irony and reductio ad absurdum, in GIEWEKEMEYER, MOERS and WIDMAIER (eds.), Liber amicorum, p. 113–
SIZGORICH, Thomas, Violence and Belief in Late Antiquity. Militant Devotion in Christianity and Islam, Philadelphia,
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009, p. 118-124.
SUCIU, Alin, An Unknown Fragment from a Discourse of Shenoute in the Cleveland Museum of Art.
TIMBIE, Janet, Once More into the Desert of Apa Shenoute: Further Thoughts on BN 68, in GABRA and TAKLA (eds.),
Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 169–78.
TIMBIE, Janet, The Interpretation of the Solomonic Books in Coptic Monastic Texts: ‘Reading’ Community, in BUZI
and CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity in Egypt, p. 501–512 (also on Horsiese).
TIMBIE, Janet, St. Shenoute 2004–2009: Trends in Research, in Coptica 9 (2010), p. 91–113.

Theophilus of Alexandria
FÖRSTER, Hans, Kestês und Dêmas, die beiden Schächer am Kreuz – aus einer koptischen Paraphrase der Acta Pilati,
in Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum – Journal for Ancient Christianity 11 (2008), p. 405–420.
LUCCHESI, Enzo, Identification de P. Vindob. K 4856: À propos de Démas et Kestas, in Orientalia 28 (2009), p. 421–
SUCIU, Alin, A Leiden Manuscript Containing the Apocryphal Names of the Two Thieves.
SUCIU, Alin, Putting Together the Puzzle of a Christmas Story: A Coptic Document in Princeton and Its
Related Fragments.

Timothy Aelurus
LOUIS, Catherine, Une version copte de l’Epistula de Morte Puerorum de Timothée Aelure (CPG 5490), in Journal of
Coptic Studies 13 (2011), p. 89–98.


CAMPLANI, Alberto, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani’: pluralità dei linguaggi religiosi e loro rielaborazione rituale in
alcune preghiere magiche copte, in Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni 76 (2010), p. 139–150.
CHOAT, Malcolm, and Iain GARDNER, A Coptic Codex of Ritual Power (The Macquarie Papyri 1), Turnhout, Brepols,
FOURNET, Jean-Luc, Parfums et magie dans un papyrus copte inédit de Strasbourg (P.Strasb. K. 19), in BOUD’HORS
and LOUIS (eds.), Études coptes X, p. 157-165.
FRANKFURTER, David, The Laments of Horus in Coptic. Myth, Folklore, and Syncretism in Late Antique Egypt, in Ueli
DILL and Christine WALDE (eds.), Antike Mythen. Medien, Transformationen und Konstruktionen, Berlin etc.,
De Gruyter, 2009, p. 229–250.
MÜLLER, Matthias, Koptische magische Texte in Fribourg, in GIEWEKEMEYER, MOERS and WIDMAIER (eds.), Liber
amicorum, p. 57-68.
PERNIGOTTI, Sergio, Per la storia di un testo magico in copto, in S. PERNIGOTTI and M. ZECCHI (eds.), Sacerdozio e
società civile nell'Egitto antico. Atti del terzo Colloquio Bologna (ASCEVOA: Archeologia e Storia della
Civiltà Egiziana e del Vicino Oriente Antico 14), Imola, Ed. La Mandragora, 2008, p. 283-291.
RICHTER, Siegfried, Liebeszauber im spätantik-koptischen Ägypten, in Kemet 17 (2008), p. 51-53.
RICHTER, Tonio Sebastian, What Kind of Alchemy is Attested by Tenth-Century Coptic Manuscripts?, in Ambix 56
(2009), p. 23-35.
RICHTER, Sebastian, Naturoffenbarung und Erkenntnisritual. Diskus und Praxis spätantiker Naturwissenschaft am
Beispiel der Alchemie, in KNUF, LEITZ and VON RECKLINGHAUSEN (eds.), Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense, p. 585-
VAN DER VLIET, Jacques, Literature, Liturgy, Magic: A Dynamic Continuum, in BUZI and CAMPLANI (eds.),
Christianity in Egypt, p. 555–574.


AYAD, Mariam (ed.), Coptic Culture: Past, Present and Future, Oxford, Oxbow, 2012.
BOUD’HORS, Anne, and Catherine LOUIS (eds.), Études coptes XI. Treizième journée d’études (Marseille, 7–9 juin
2007). (Cahiers de la Bibliothèque copte 17), Paris, De Boccard, 2010.
BOUD’HORS, Anne, and Catherine LOUIS (eds.), Études coptes X. Douzième journée d’études (Lyon, 19–21 mai 2005)
(Cahiers de la Bibliothèque copte 16), Paris, De Boccard, 2008.
BUZI, Paola, and Alberto CAMPLANI (eds.), Christianity in Egypt: Literary Production and Intellectual Trends. Studies
in Honor of Tito Orlandi (Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 125), Rome, Pontificium Institutum
Augustinianum, 2011.
BUZI, Paola, et al. (eds.), Aegyptiaca et Coptica: Studi in onore di Sergio Pernigotti (British Archaeological Reports
International Series 2264), Oxford, Archaeopress, 2011.
DELATTRE, Alain, and Paul HEILPORN (eds.), ‘Et maintenant ce ne sont plus que des villages...’. Thèbes et sa région
aux époques hellénistique, romaine et byzantine. Actes du colloque tenu à Bruxelles les 2 et 3 décembre
2005. (Papyrologica Bruxellensia 34), Bruxelles, Association Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 2008.
FREY, Jörg, and Jens SCHRÖTER (eds.), Jesus in apokryphen Evangelienüberlieferungen. Beiträge zu
außerkanonischen Jesusüberlieferungen aus verschiedenen Sprach- und Kulturtraditionen (Wissenschaftliche
Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 254), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2010.
GABRA, Gawdat, and Hany N. TAKLA (eds.), Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt. Vol. 1: Akhmim and
Sohag, Cairo, AUC Press, 2008.
GABRA, Gawdat, and Hany N. TAKLA (eds.), Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt. Vol. 2: Nag Hammadi-
Esna, Cairo, AUC Press, 2010.
GIEWEKEMEYER, Antonia, Gerald MOERS and Kai WIDMAIER (eds.), Liber amicorum. Jürgen Horn zum Dank
(Göttinger Miszellen Beihefte 5), Göttingen, Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, 2009.
HAGEN, Fredrik, et al. (eds.), Narratives of Egypt and the Ancient Near East: Literary and Linguistic Approaches
(Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 189) Leuven etc., Peeters, 2011.
HAHN, Johannes, Stephen EMMEL and Ulrich GOTTER (eds.), From Temple to Church: Destruction and Renewal of
Local Cultic Topography in Late Antiquity, Leiden etc., Brill, 2008.
KESSLER, Dieter, Regine SCHULZ, Martina ULLMANN, Alexandra VERBOVSEK and Stefan WIMMER (eds.), Texte-
Theben-Tonfragmente. Festschrift für Günter Burkard (Ägypten und Altes Testament 76), Wiesbaden,
Harrassowitz, 2009.
KNUF, Hermann, Christian LEITZ and Daniel VON RECKLINGHAUSEN (eds.), Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense: Studien zum
Pharaonischen, griechisch-römischen und spätantiken Ägypten zu Ehren von Heinz-Josef Thissen.
(Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 194), Leuven etc., Peeters, 2010.


This is a brief list of the sites developed in 2008-2012 discussed in the paper. A more detailed list of sites relating to Coptic
manuscripts, text editions and translations of Coptic texts – several of which have since been expanded or brought up-to-date – was
provided at the 2008 Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo. All links were active on March 31, 2013.

Coptica, maintained by Pierre Cherix, Université de Genève

Useful, up-to-date collection of links and study aids.

Blog and Facebook page dedicated to Coptic manuscripts maintained by Alin Suciu

e-COPTOLOGY: Towards a Digital Heritage, maintained by Ibrahim Saweros

Collection of books and articles on various topics, complementing the sites maintained by Pierre Cherix and Alin Suciu

St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society, maintained by Hany Takla

This site contains an overview article on Coptic manuscripts at: www.stshenouda.com/coptman/coptmss1.htm and gives
access to the manuscript collection of the society.

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