Description of Modes Available
Description of Modes Available
Description of Modes Available
All modes are listed. Comparisons are made between this ventilator's modes and the
ventilators we study in class. (Differences and similarities highlighted). Unique modes
are described well
Volume modes are delivered by an adaptive volume controller (adaptive with changes
in lung characteristics)…. The adaptive volume controller works by comparing the userset
tidal volume with the average of delivered and exhaled tidal volumes. The controller in turn
adjusts the inspiratory pressure that will be applied during the next breath in order to obtain
the target volume. The inspiratory pressure is adjusted in steps, to a maximum of 2 cmH2O per
breath. The ventilator recalculates the minimal inspiratory pressure needed to achieve the
target volume as lung characteristics change. This continuous reassessment of the patient’s
dynamic lung status helps guarantee the required ventilation while preventing hypoventilation
or barotrauma.
In the modes (S)CMV+ and PCV+, a spontaneous effort of the patient activating the flow trigger,
results in a pressure controlled and time cycled breath.
Breaths can be patient (flow) triggered in all modes except nCPAP and nCPAP-PC, based on an
operatorset flow sensitivity
An operator-set pressure ramp (P-ramp) defines the time required for inspiratory pressure to
rise to the set (target) pressure.
Tmand, Tspont
trigger: patient
The biphasic concept It is widely accepted that early spontaneous breathing is beneficial for
many ventilated patients, provided the device lets the patient inspire and exhale whenever the
respiratory muscles contract and relax. In other words, the ventilator needs to be in synchrony
with the patient’s muscle contractions, regardless of how the ventilator’s controls are set.
Accordingly, the HAMILTON-T1’s pneumatics were designed to permit the patient’s free
spontaneous breathing. The ventilator never forces the patient into a preset breathing pattern
but always yields to spontaneous breathing. This is achieved through a special valve control
system independent of any trigger mechanism. This concept is called “biphasic,” because gas
can flow into and out of the patient at any time. The biphasic concept applies in all HAMILTON-
T1 ventilation modes. Implementation of the biphasic concept improves patient breathing
comfort1, as spontaneous breathing is encouraged2, less sedation is required even with
prolonged inspiratory phases3, and there is a free delivery of flow to the patient at any time.
The decelerating inspiratory waveform improves gas distribution, oxygenation, and lowers peak
pressures 2,3,4,5,6. Figures B-1 through B-3 illustrate this concept. Figure B-1 shows a passive
patient ventilated by pressure-controlled ventilation. Gas flows into the patient when pressure
rises and gas flows out of the patient when inspiratory pressure falls.
Mandatory breaths. See Table B-1 for information on mandatory breaths as they apply to the
various modes. Not listed in the table are operator-initiated mandatory (manual) breaths,
which are pressure controlled and time cycled. Mandatory breaths have a decelerating flow
waveform. • Spontaneous breaths. Spontaneous breathing is allowed in all modes at any time.
Additionally, in PSIMV+, SPONT, SIMV+, NIV, NIV-ST, and DuoPAP, spontaneous breaths are
pressure supported and time cycled if the users set flow trigger threshold is passed. In the
modes (S)CMV+ and PCV+, a spontaneous effort of the patient activating the flow trigger,
results in a pressure controlled and time cycled breath. • Triggering. Breaths can be patient
(flow) triggered in all modes except nCPAP and nCPAP-PC, based on an operatorset flow
sensitivity. All modes permit operator-initiated manual breaths. • Pressure. A positive baseline
pressure (PEEP/CPAP) may be set for all breaths in all modes. • Pressure rise time. An operator-
set pressure ramp (P-ramp) defines the time required for inspiratory pressure to rise to the set
(target) pressure. • FiO2. FiO2 can be set in all modes except when oxygen is provided by a low-
pressure supply.
Pressure-Controlled modes
PCV + mode
PSIMV+ mode
PSIMV+ mode with PSync
PCV+: mandatory
Pressure controlled (delta P/pressure above PEEP)
Rate and I:E
(this mode can be used with a speaking valve)
pressure settings Phigh and PEEP/CPAP and time settings Thigh and Rate
Pressure support can be set to assist spontaneous breaths in DuoPAP, whether they
occur at the PEEP/CPAP or Phigh level. Psupport is set relative to PEEP/CPAP the target
pressure becomes PEEP/CPAP. That means that spontaneous breaths at the Phigh level
are supported only when this target pressure is greater than Phigh
Once ASV is started, the HAMILTON-T1 calculates an optimal breath pattern and
associated target values for tidal volume and rate according to the rules
in ASV, then adjusts the inspiratory pressure (Pinsp) and machine rate
(fControl) to achieve the targets.
Otis’ equation
ASV interacts with the patient continuously. Whenever the patient’s respiratory mechanics
change, ASV adapts to this change. Whenever the patient’s breathing activity changes, ASV
adapts. To let you view the current status, the HAMILTONT1 provides the ASV target graphics
(ASV Graph) window (Figure C-5). To monitor progress over time, it is recommended that you
plot trends for Pinsp, fTotal, and fSpont. Interpret these trends, together with the %MinVol
setting. Tables C-2 through C-4 provide interpretation of typical ventilatory patterns.
all this without exceeding a plateau pressure of 10 cmH2O below the upper pressure limit.
INTELLiVENT-ASV: INTELLiVENT-ASV is an advanced ventilation mode, based on the proven
Adaptive Support Ventilation (ASV) mode, to automatically regulate CO2 elimination and
oxygenation for both passive and active patients, based on both physiologic data from the
patient and clinician-set targets. With this mode, the clinician sets targets for PetCO2 and SpO2
for the patient. INTELLiVENT-ASV then automates management of the controls for CO2
elimination (%MinVol), and oxygenation (PEEP and Oxygen) based on these targets and on the
physiologic input from the patient (PetCO2 and SpO2). INTELLiVENT-ASV continuously monitors
patient conditions and automatically and safely adjusts parameters to keep the patient within
target ranges, with minimal clinician interac
Hamilton T1 is that it pressure limits a breath 10 cmH2O below the set pressure alarm e.g. with a pressure
alarm set at 40cmH2O, the delivered breath will be limited to a maximum pressure of 30cmH2O.