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G8A - DAY2 - 4A - Law of Inertia

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Department of Education

Regional Mass Training of Trainers on the

Critical Content of Science Grade 8


The learners demonstrate an understanding of Newton’s
three laws of motion and uniform circular motion.
The learners shall be able to develop a written plan and
implement a “Newtons Olympics”
The learners should be able to investigate the relationship
LEARNING COMPETENCIES between the amount of force applied and the mass of the
object to the amount of change in the object’s motion.
At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. describe the Newton’s First Law of Motion,
I.OBJECTIVES 2. demonstrate Newton’s First Law of Motion,
3. appreciate the importance of Newton’s First Law of
Motion in our daily lives.
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages 10-11
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 10-12
3. Textbook Pages
Skills Observing, Describing, Demonstrating, Valuing, Making of
Inferences and Communicating
ELICIT Let the learners recall their previous lessons about Forces.
a. Reviewing previous lessons or
presenting new lessons Say: How do you compare balance and unbalance forces?
-Introduce the new lesson (Let the learners read the
b. Introducing the Lesson
objectives of the new lesson)
-Show to the learners a video clip depicting the Newton’s
First Law of Motion then ask:
c. Establishing a purpose for the
1. What can you say about the video?
2. Do you have any idea of our new lesson today?
EXPLORE -Group the learners into 6.
d. Presenting examples/ -Group 1- 3 will perform activity no. 1
instances of the new lesson ( Coin Drop)
-Group 4 - 6 will perform activity no. 2
( Stock of Coin)
-Distribute to the learners the activity sheets.
-Give time for the learners read and analyze the
instructions in the activity sheets.
-Ask the learners for any clarifications.
-Allow one member of the group to get the materials
needed for the activity.
-Present to the learners the rubrics for the presentation.
Let them modify it if necessary.

Rubrics for presentation:

-Let the students perform the activity. (15 minutes)

-Let each group present their output giving emphasis on
the following:

 Object is acted upon by balanced forces, its motion

or its velocity will not change.

 An object will stay at rest or move at constant

velocity unless an unbalanced external force acts
EXPLAIN on it.
Discussing new concepts and
practicing skills #1
 Discuss the effect of mass on inertia: the greater
the body’s mass, the greater will be its inertia.

 Relate the concept of inertia to student’s

experiences while riding a vehicle.

 Discuss the importance of using safety gear.

Discussing new concepts and Show again to the learners a video clip presented
practicing skills #2 previously and analyse it.

(The teacher will explain to the learners the concepts as

presented on the video.)
The teacher will further explain the Law of Inertia.
ELABORATE  Based on the activity that you conducted, how
b. Developing mastery (Leads to would you describe the first law of motion?
formative assessment)  What are different situations applying the Law of
c. Finding practical applications Ask: Do you think that discussing the law of inertia is
of concepts and skills in daily important? Why?
d. Making generalizations about Ask: Describe the law of inertia.
the lesson
TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the given statement is
correct and FALSE if wrong.
1. A body will remain at rest or move at constant
velocity unless acted upon by external unbalanced
V. EVALUATE 2. Object is acted upon by balanced forces, its motion
or its velocity will change.
3. A more massive object has lesser inertia.
4. The object will change its state of motion only if
there is balanced force acting on it.
5. An object in the law of inertia does not accelerate.
Say: Research situations related to the acceleration. Write
your answer in your notebook and submit it next meeting.

Prepared by:

Capilitan, Hermoeses C.
Class A Group 4


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