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A Study On Consumer Perception Towards Fast Food Retail Outlet in Perambalur District

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A Study on Consumer Perception Towards Fast Food Retail Outlet in

Perambalur District

Article · May 2019


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2 authors:

Dr. GOPINATH. R. Dr. Kalpana R

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Srimad Andavan Arts & Science College(Autonomous )


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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-05, Issue-01, April 2019

A Study on Consumer Perception Towards Fast Food

Retail Outlet in Perambalur District
Dr.R.Gopinath, Visiting Faculty, Bharathidasan School of Management, Bharathidasan University,
Tiruchirappalli, India. dr.raju.gopinath@gmail.com
Dr.R.Kalpana, Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Management Studies, Thanthai
Hans Roever College, Perambalur, India. pana.kal7@gmail.com

Abstract - Customer perception is a marketing concept that tells us what customers think about a brand or a company
or their offers. They can be positive or negative feelings, perceptions, inhibitions, predispositions, expectations or
experiences that a client has. For this study, 216 respondents taken up by convenience sampling at Perambalur
district. Consumer perception factors namely tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, service
quality have any relationship with consumer satisfaction is the focus of the study. Based on the findings, there is an
positive influence of tangibility and service quality with consumer satisfaction and also empathy negative influence with
consumer satisfaction. The researcher concluded that 30.1% of respondents visit the fast food retails outlet for food
quality and consumer perception based on tangibility and service quality towards consumer satisfaction.

Key words: Consumer Perception, Consumer Satisfaction, Fast Food

I. INTRODUCTION lives of human beings. From the physiological point of

view, food is classified as a basic necessity.
The food diversity in India is an implicit characteristic of
the diversified culture of India that consists of different The segment ready to eat (fast food) has given a new
regions and states within the tradition, the Indians like to dimension to the industry, so fast food restaurants like
have homemade meals, a concept supported both Pizza Hut, KFC are taking very good business in most of
religiously and individually. However, due to the increased the world in which they were expanding their branches
awareness and influence of Western culture, here there is a with big success. The perception of the client is very
slight change in the patterns of food consumption among important for all organizations; Either they are from the
urban indigenous families. He started eating out and then service sector or from the private sector. Clients are agents
accepted a variety of delicacies from around the world. or real stakeholders to determine or better judge the
Fast food is one that gained acceptance from India's palate success of any product or service, the restaurant sector is
after the multinational fast-food players adopted the basic one of the most important sectors in the world. Millions of
food requirements of India, meaning the multinational people visit the restaurant for pleasure, people who come
fast-food establishments initially faced protests and the to the family celebration often spend more in the restaurant
non-acceptance of Indian consumers. This was due to the because they want their visit to be memorable.
primary perception that these fast-food players only serve Statement of the problem:
chicken and not vegetarian meals.
The restaurant industry is no longer divided into clear cut
Today, the fast food industry is adapting to the needs of segments since in the services offered do sometimes
Indian food. Fast food is a fast growing industry both in overlap. Many of the fast food restaurants offers similar
the world and in India, especially in urban areas (large and products or services. Therefore the way and manner their
small cities). Eating is a daily action and a necessity for all services are provided are critical to gaining competitive
human beings, depending on the reason of the individual edge.
to eat in restaurants, the intention or instinct of the
individuals evaluates a series of multiple attributes that a Objectives of the study:
boss chooses in a restaurant. The importance of these  To study the consumption pattern towards fast
attributes of the restaurant is ultimately evaluated in the foods particularly with respect to the frequency of
mind of the customer and leads to the purchase decision. visits and choice of fast food outlets.
Undoubtedly, the restaurant industry has not been exempt  To know the relationship of consumer perception
from increased competition or from customers' growing with consumer satisfaction.
expectations regarding quality. Whether humans live to eat
or eat to live, food always plays a fundamental role in the Limitation of the study:

483 | IJREAMV05I0149211 DOI : 10.18231/2454-9150.2019.0343 © 2019, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-05, Issue-01, April 2019

1. The youngsters only focused on this study. this study. Care will be taken to ensure that personal
2. The Research result only applicable for this sample belonging to youngster categories will be included in the
area. study.
3. Respondents’ information are based on their own
Sampling Technique
The method of sampling that adopted will be convenience
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE sampling since the population is quite large. Based on this,
Maui Ling Dyane(2004) carried out the study on student 250 questionnaires will be distributed. 216 questionnaires
satisfaction with the service quality of cafeteria: a received in quality manner for research.
structural approach. The empirical result provided strong
support for the hypothesis that student’s satisfaction with
the university cafeteria is very much influenced by food Table no.1 Distributions of respondents the reason to
quality than staff performance, price fairness and degree of visit
ambiance. Reason to visit Frequency Percent
Anita Goyal and N.P.Sing(2007) found that the food habits Food quality 65 30.1
of youngsters are influenced by many factors such as Price 17 7.9
environment at home, educational environment, Service quality 13 6
Environment 39 18.1
availability and accessibility to fast food providers, and
Location 19 8.8
social environment in their surroundings.
Interior Decoration 5 2.3
Salami and Ajobo, R.T(2012) found that customers Children play area 10 4.6
patronize fast food for the change and not because of Ample parking 5 2.3
nutritional value and fast food is not yet perceived as a Change & fun 43 19.9
clear alternative to homemade cooking. Total 216 100

Deivanai, P.(2013) suggested that the pizza manufactures Source: Primary data
should increase the vegetables and energetic content mixes Table no. 2 Regression analysis
considering the health point of view. The respondents’
suggestions about the domino’s pizza centre will be Std. error
R Adjusted F– P–
R of the
located in more places. square R square Value Value
Vidya, B. et. al(2015) found that taste and time factors, .767 .589 .565 .433 24.25 .000
watching television while consuming junk foods,
a. Predictors: (Constant), Tangibility, Reliability,
advertisements regarding junk foods over the televisions,
Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Service Quality
and the parents themselves getting these junk foods are
some of the factors related to junk food consumption. Table no. 3 Coefficients

coefficients t-
Hypothesis of the study: Items coefficients Sig
B Std. Beta
The study based on null hypothesis. Error
H0: There is no relationship between consumer perception Tangibility .385 .054 .492 7.128 .000**
and consumer satisfaction. Reliability -.013 .053 -.017 -.240 .511
Responsiveness -.065 .059 -.090 -1.108 .269
Area of study: Assurance .021 .017 .085 1.284 .201
The area of the study conducted in Perambalur District Empathy -.336 .071 -.392 -4.758 .000**
Service Quality .289 .042 .437 6.828 .000**
of Tamil Nadu, India. Perambalur district covers 5 taluks
a. Dependent Variable: Consumer Satisfaction ** significant at
namely Veppur, Veppanthattai, Kunnam, Perambalur,
the 0.01 level
Period of Study: Analysis and Discussion of the results:
This study covers a period of three months from From table no.1 it can be deduced that the reason for
December to February 2019. visiting the fast food retail outlet of sale is the quality of
the food. For any food industry, the quality of the food will
Sample size:
play an important role. It can be deduced from our study
Fast food outlets users like school goings, college going, that 30.1% of the respondents preferred the quality of the
and office employees / workers were the respondents of food. Followed by changes and fun, atmosphere, location,

484 | IJREAMV05I0149211 DOI : 10.18231/2454-9150.2019.0343 © 2019, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-05, Issue-01, April 2019

price, quality of service, playground for children, interior

decoration, ample parking, respectively. Respondents who
preferred the quality of food used to go for the change and
fun by tasting a variety of foods at the fast food restaurant.
As shown in the table no. 2, the value of R2 = 0.589 and
the significant P value at the level of 1% and the
independent variable that was taken for the study are
factors of perception, namely, tangibility, reliability,
responsiveness, safety, empathy, quality from service.
From the value of the square R, it follows that the
independent variable explains the variance of 58.9%
explained by the dependent variable. The value of F was
significant for levels of 0.001. Table 3 shows that there is
an influence of tangibility and quality of service at a
positive level of 1%. Empathy is a negative influence at
the 1% level.


Consumer perception factors namely tangibility,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, service
quality have any relationship with consumer satisfaction is
the focus of the study. Based on the table no.3 shows there
is an positive influence of tangibility and service quality
with consumer satisfaction and also empathy negative
influence with consumer satisfaction. The researcher
concluded that 30.1% of respondents visit the fast food
retails outlet for food quality and consumer perception
based on tangibility and service quality towards consumer

[1] Anita Goyal and N.P.Sing(2007), Consumer
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[2] Deivanai.P(2013), Consumer Behaviour towards fast
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[3] Mui Ling Dyane(2004), Student Satisfaction with the
service quality of Cafeteria: A Structural approach,
International Journal of Business, Economics and
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[4] Salami, and C.G.E. Ajobo(2012), Consumer
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485 | IJREAMV05I0149211 DOI : 10.18231/2454-9150.2019.0343 © 2019, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

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