Mock 5
Mock 5
Mock 5
Name of the driver is required to All the payment should be made to the
receive the wages in cash and the employees with the unique identity
record is also not maintained cards and the agree with the records to
As any individual could claim to be pay the cash payment physically so that
employee of the organization and payment should not be made to fake
receive the cash this will result in cash employees
payment to fake employees and
increase in payroll cost
Operation manager decides the bonus A record should be maintained for
amount and whom it will be paid, performance record of the drivers and
however the amounts should be on the performance basis the bonus
reviewed by the payroll department should be set and calculated by the
As the bonuses are not reviewed and payroll system
the performance as basis is also not Calculation should be reviewed by the
recorded which may result in payment on quarterly basis before paying the
of excess bonus. bonus.
All the records in the HR department Obtain the spreadsheets were the
are reviewed and kept up to date and reviewer name is maintained to
the records of the reviewer is also confirm that the review is performed
maintain with his personal and record is available
The calculations of payroll are Entering the hours worked data of a
performed by an Integrated system and fake employees to ensure whether the
the system by itself perform all system rejects it.
deductions and update the records.
Due less interaction of a human
chances of errors will reduce
The payroll system is protected by a Verify that the passwords are updated
password and the password is by inspecting the monthly records and
generated by an IT system. Due to this they are only known by senior
the access of confidential data will be responsible person
restricted Inspect from past records that the pass
is strong and not in only one sequence.