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Personalized Food Recommendation System by Using Machine Learning Models

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Personalized Food Recommendation System

by using Machine Learning Models
M.S.N.V. Jitendra1, Maddula Lakshmi Jyosna2, Sai Sri Varsha Veeraghanta3, Shanmuk Srinivas A4, K Bhargav5
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,GITAM School of Technology,
GITAM University,Visakhapatnam, AP,India

Abstract:- A recommender system’s primary function is particular diseases they may be experiencing. This is done
tomake recommendations to users. So, in this study, we by looking at the foods that contain one of the main
developed a “Food Recommendation System” that components and how healthy they are rated [3].The
suggests foods based on the age provided and a rating recommender system is the foundation of this endeavor.
greater than 4. This work connects users to recipe ideas, Tools that use supervised learning for recommendations.
ingredient lists, and cooking times, serving as a hub for When using supervised learning, we already know the
kitchen-related information.This study has the dataset user’s needs and use our ML model to make
with 12 features, namely name of the dish,style of recommendations [4].Nutrition is getting the food and
cooking,category, calorie count, flavor profile, cooking nutrients needed for development and good health. We
skills, course, healthy, preparation time, ingredient become weaker, get sicker, and so on.In the worst-case
count, rating and age, where data cleansing is done and scenario, we might die if we do not consume [5]. We
is divided into 80/20 training and test data, respectively. cannotregularly subject our bodies to taxing mental and
Decision trees, random forest, K-Nearest Neighbour, physical activities and fall short of developmental
and logistic regression models were applied to the benchmarks.An ideal diet must be balanced for nutrition
training dataset, and the expected value for the test and well-being. It protects against chronic,
dataset was then produced. For each of these models, a noncommunicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and
combined confusion matrix and categorization report cancer [6]. All living things, including humans, plants,
were created.Based on the confusion_matrix and animals, and other creatures, depend on them to survive.
classification_report numbers, validate the results with Nutrition recommendation systems are one of the most
Precision, Recall, F1-score, and Accuracy for each widely used technological innovations in nutrition
model.Calculated the misclassification rate for each knowledge. (NRS). They are being researched as a
algorithm and showed the most accurate model.This potential tool to assist users in forming better eating
dataset consists of 488 records. routines and achieving their goals [7] . A recommender
system can anticipate users’ preferences for unrated goods
Keywords:- Decision Tree,K-Nearest Neighbour,Logistic and recommend new products.
Regression, and Random Forest.
A. Activity Diagram
I. INTRODUCTION The progression of one action through a system or
process is shown in an“activity diagram,” a flowchart in the
They all consider what to eat, where to eat, how much Unified Modeling Language (UML). It is used to describe
dietary worth a food has, and whether it will help them lose the different dynamic components of a system and is
weight or build muscle, among other things. [1] Thus, this known as a “behavior diagram” because it specifies what
method enables the user to make decisions in these should happen in the modeled system [8].
complex information spaces quickly. A meal
recommendation is a personalized service that works In this study, the initial action for a user is to log in
wonders for helping with diet planning. This recommender and input an age range, as shown in Figure 1.The food
may abuse the meal’s nutritional value to justify its items are sorted, after which suggestions are generated.
suggestions. The application aims to provide users with a
platform to learn about their favorite foods’ nutritional
values and find new foods to try. Anyone who wants to
lose weight is worried about their health, or is dealing with
a particular health issue can gain something from this.
Systems for calorie counting are getting much attention as
they have begun to replace the old with and stylus
techniques.These programs offer services and educational
resources that influence users to change their behavior [1].
Due to the widespread use of these calorie-counting offices,
these systems have access to a vast amount of client
preference data that can be used to tailor intuitive features
and boost user engagement with the system and the slim-
down plan [2]. The user of this food recommendation app
can find their favored foods and learn more about their
nutritional value in light of any health conditions or

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
We are currently in an information age. Data are
abundant in the form of comments on numerous websites,
reviews, blogs, publications, etc. Since1995, there has been
a 40% growth in the number of people using the internet
globally and reaching 3.2 billion in number. More
opportunities have emerged due to the increased
information flow, yet it has also confused the user. In the
midst of all of this massive data, the process of making
certain decisions can be challenging. The ad age that one
should make an educated decision is accurate. However,
having too much knowledge can some times make it
difficult to make decisions. Recommender systems
were thus developed to relieve users of this
uncertainty and improve their online browsing
experience. Lior Rokach, Bracha Shapira, and Francesco
Riccide fine recommender systems as work that provides
users with suitable suggestions.


The technologies used in our study are NumPy,

pandas, sci-kitlearn, confusion matrix, and K-Nearest

A. Numpy
A popular Python package for numerical processing is
Fig. 1: Activity Diagram called NumPy. It works exceptionally well with arrays and
matrices. It offers multidimensional arrays and different
II. LITERATURE REVIEW mathematical functions that can be used on them in a high-
performance implementation. Due to their contiguous
The study articles taught how recommender systems memory allocation and ability to vectorize operations,
filter out the necessary information andoffer a suggestion to NumPy arrays are more effective than Python lists, making
a user based solely on their current needs. In this them ideal for scientific computing, data analysis, and
personalized and non-personalized recommender system, machine learning apps.
they are essentially types. In personalized recommender
systems, the information is first gathered from the user, for Numerous linear algebra operations are available in
instance, by conducting surveys or distributing a NumPy, including matrix multiplication, decomposition,
questionnaire to understand the user’s likes and dislikes and eigenvalue computations. A fast Fourier transform
and recommendations [9]. In contrast, in non-personalized (FFT) tool for signal processing and spectral analysis is
recommender systems, the information is given based on also included in NumPy. The work is extensively used in
observation of likes. Also, the top trending hits at the time, various industries, including data science, engineering,
for example, Netflix displays the top 10 shows in each finance, and scientific computing.
region, and one more type is based on the one thing that is
watched. Others are decided using machine learning Several built-in functions in NumPy, such as
algorithms, categorized, and displayed as similarities [10]. reshaping, slicing, and indexing, make manipulating and
changing array data simple. For additional analysis and
According to Anna Gatzioura and Miquel Sanchez, visualization, they can also be coupled with other data
the recommendation system aims to provide users with structures, such as pandas DataFrames. NumPy is a vital
valuable and pertinent material while actively using the instrument for Python’s effective and efficient numerical
site. (items).[11,12] Recommendation systems have computing.
become increasingly popular in recent years. In the middle
of the 1990s, the first publication on collaborative filtering B. Pandas
appeared after recommendation systems emerged as a A popular Python tool for data analysis and
popular research subject. To filter and retrieve info, the manipulation is called Pandas. It offers flexible, high-
recommendation system technology is used [13]. These performance data structures like Series (1-dimensional) and
technologies also help e-commerce websites and other DataFrame (2-dimensional) for managing tabular data.
networks increase their sales. These systems are a piece of NumPy, which Pandas is based upon, enables the practical
work that helps customers find the products they prefer and computation of sizable datasets.
connects them to the services and products they are
interested in [14]. Recommendation systems are a type of Filtering, combining, grouping, and pivoting are just a
machine learning technology that falls under unsupervised few of the functions that Pandas offers for cleaning,
machine learning models, in which the data is not transforming, and analyzing data. The library also provides
categorized [15]. solutions for managing duplicate data and handling missing

IJISRT23APR1010 www.ijisrt.com 672

Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
data. Pandas is a well-liked option for data analysis across a Additionally, cross-validation, hyperparameter tuning, and
variety of sectors because it is made to be flexible and model analysis techniques are offered by Scikit-learn. The
intuitive. library has thorough documentation and provides a variety
of examples and tutorials to assist users in understanding
Pandas support loading data from various sources, machine learning.
including CSV and Excel files, SQL databases, and online
APIs. [5]Pandas offers soliddata analysis and visualization Applications in natural language processing, image
tools such as summary statistics, scatter plots, and identification, and predictive analytics benefit the most
histograms, once the data has been loaded. from Scikit-learn. The library can manage numerical and
categorical data and covers various input data types,
Additionally, Pandas is very extendable and including sparse matrices.
configurable. Pandas’ apply technique allows users to build
and apply custom functions to their data. Pandas also works Linear regression, logistic regression, k-nearest
with other Python libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn for neighbors, decision trees, random forests, support vector
advanced visualization and statistical analysis. machines, and neural networks are some of the most well-
liked methods in sci-kit-learn. Scikit-learn also offers
Pandas is a well-liked option among data scientists, ensemble learning tools, which combine various models to
analysts, and developers because it is a practicalPython boost prediction efficacy.
data analysis and manipulation instrument.
E. Decision Tree
C. Confusion Matrix The decision tree, a non-parametric supervised learning
A confusion matrix table is used to assess how well a method, can solve classification and regression problems. It
machine learning algorithm works.[3] A square matrix is arranged in a hierarchical structure with internal roots,
compares a model’s actual and predicted values for a data branches, internal nodes, and child nodes.[6] In data mining
set. and machine learning, the decision tree is a particular type
of predicting model. Its layout is similar to a tree, with each
The most common divisions are true positives, fake node denoting a judgment call or test on a specific element
positives, true negatives, and false negatives quadrants of of the incoming data and each branch denoting one or more
the matrix. False positives are instances where the model potential values. The tree’s leaves represent the ultimate
predicted a positive outcome, but the actual result was result or forecast.Both categorization and regression issues
negative. True positives are instances where the model can be solved using decision trees. The tree is constructed
accurately predicted a positive outcome.[4] False negatives in a classification problem to forecast the class label for a
are instances where the model predicted a negative given occurrence.The tree is constructed to forecast a serial
outcome, but the actual result was positive. True negatives number in a regression issue.[7] The Decision Node and
are instances where the model accurately predicted a Leaf Node are the two parts of a decision tree. While Leaf
negative outcome. nodes are the results of choices and do not have any
Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score are just a additional branches, Decision nodes are used to make
few performance measures that can be calculated using the decisions and have numerous branches. Because it begins
confusion matrix. For instance, precision is computed by at the root node and adds additional branches to mimic a
dividing true positives by the sum of true positives and tree, it is known as a decision tree. Selecting the best
false positives, while accuracy is determined by dividing algorithm for the available data and the issue at hand is
the sum of true positives and true negatives by the total essential to consider when developing a machine learning
number of cases. model. The two reasons for employing the decision tree are
as follows:Decision trees are frequently designed to imitate
A confusion matrix is a helpful tool for assessing how the elements that decision-makers consider, which makes
well a machine-learning model performs because it offers a them simple to comprehend.The decision tree’s reasoning
clear and succinct summary of the model’s advantages and is easy to comprehend because it uses a tree-like structure.
disadvantages. We can learn more about how the model is
doing and spot areas for development by examining the F. K-Nearest Neighbor
various quadrants of the matrix. The assisted learning method K-Nearest Neighbor is
additionally utilized. [8] The K-NN algorithm puts the new
D. Scikit Learn case in the group that most closely resembles the categories
With various supervised and unsupervised learning for the existing cases, indicating a relationship between the
methods, and tools for data preprocessing, model selection, new case and the existing cases.The K-NN algorithm saves
and evaluation, Scikit-learn is a well-known open-source every accessible information and categorizes new material
machine-learning library for Python.[5] Based on NumPy, based on similarities. This indicates that the K-NN
SciPy, and Matplotlib, Scikit-learn is intended to be user- algorithm can accurately and speedily categorize new data.
friendly and effective for big data processing. The K-NN algorithm gives the new data point in the
classification assignment the name of the prevalent class
A range of Classification, regression, clustering, and among its K nearest neighbors. K-NN calculates the
dimensionality reduction algorithmsis available in the average or median of the values of the K closest neighbors
library, along with feature extraction and selection tools. to predict the value of the new data point in the regression

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
assignment. K is a crucial parameter in the K-NN demographic information.One of the disadvantages of
algorithm because it determines the precise Classification random forest is its computational complexity, which can
or forecast. Underfitting may result from a high value of K, be challenging for large databases. Comparing the
whereas overfitting may result from a low value of K. The predictions from different decision trees to those from
K-NN algorithm has several benefits, such as managing random forest models can be difficult.
non-linear decision boundaries, simplicity, and
interpretability. However, meticulous preprocessing and IV. RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS
data normalization are necessary to guarantee accurate
results, which can be computationally expensive for big The data set was created for us in this study, and we
datasets.The k-NN classification technique produces a class manually added the records and features. Since our study is
membership. The majority of its neighbors determines the aboutfood recommender systems, we have decided to
Classification of a particular object, and it is assigned to the divide and create a dataset and add various cuisinesand
category in which its k closest neighbors are most likely to courses for all kinds of people to make, i.e., from easy to
agree. (k is a large positive number). If k = 1, the item is complex, from regional to international and from minimal
added to the class of its nearest neighbor. time to lots of preparation time. This data will then be
classified into testing and training models and the best
G. Logistic Regression accuracy will be shown. The program will classify the data
Logistic regression is a machine learning technique that into 20% testing and 80% training data.
fits into the supervised learning group. A predetermined
collection of independent variables is used to predict the The average of five readings from each model is used
categorical dependent variable.Forecasting the outcome for to calculate the readings in Table 1.The accuracy,
a binary dependent variable uses logistic regression. precision, and recall F1-Scores for Decision Tree are
Therefore, the result must be a number that is discrete or 62.64%, 71.16%, 73.12%, and 75.1%, respectively.
categorical. Instead of the precise values between 0 and 1, Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Score for K-Nearest
it provides the probability values that fall between those Neighbor are 56.92%, 65.14%, 73.12%, and 71.6%,
numbers. Either True or False, 0 or 1, or Yes or No, are respectively.Accuracy, Precision, and Recall, F1-Scores for
possible outcomes.Logistic regression is widely used in Logistic Regression, are 64.06%, 65.70%, 88.40%, and
many sectors, such as healthcare, finance, and marketing, 77.7%, respectively. The accuracy, precision, and recall
to forecast the likelihood of an occurrence based on a set of F1-Scores for Random Forest are 66.12%, 72.14%,
predictor factors. [10] For instance, it can predict whether 79.38%, and 76.4%, respectively.
customers will buy a product based on their demographic Table 1: Parameters of different Machine Learning Models
information and prior transactions.The simplicity,
S.NO Model Accuracy Precision Recall F1-
interpretability, and ability to manage non-linear decision Name Score
boundaries are just a few benefits of logistic regression. It
1. Decision 62.64 71.16 73.12 75.1
functions well with small and medium-sized files as well.
The predictor variables and the response variable may have
2. K-NN 56.92 65.14 73.12 71.6
missed complex relationships and may not perform well
when the predictor variables are highly correlated. 3. Logistic 64.06 65.70 88.40 77.7
H. Random Forest 4. Random 66.12 72.14 79.38 76.4
The guided learning approach includes the machine Forest
learning program, Random Forest. It can be applied to ML
issues that combine categorization and regression. [11] Its A. Pie Chart Representation
foundation is the idea of ensemble learning, a method for Figure 2 demonstrates that 65.4% of the food is
merging various classifiers to handle challenging issues and nutritious and 34.6% is unhealthy.By considering the
enhance model performance.As its name implies, Random calorie count feature, this result is reached.A portion of
Forest is a classifier that increases the forecast accuracy of food falls into the unhealthy group if it has more than 500
the dataset by averaging several decision trees applied to calories and the healthy category if it has fewer than 500
different parts of the provided dataset. Instead of depending calories.
solely on one decision tree, the random forest uses
predictions from each decision tree and determines the
result based on the votes of the majority of
predictions.[12]The woodland’s larger tree population
prevents better accuracy and overfitting. Random forests
have several benefits compared to individual decision trees,
such as managing high-dimensional data, noisy data, and
absent values.It also improves the model’s extension skills
and reduces the likelihood of overfitting.Random forest is
used in many fields, including those where exact forecasts
are crucial, like finance, healthcare, and marketing. For
instance, predicting a patient’s likelihood of contracting a
particular illness is possible using their medical history and Fig. 2: Pie Chart

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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