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Creep of Rails

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Creep of rails

Creep is defined as longitudinal movement of rails with respect to sleepers in tendency to move
in dominant traffic.

Indication of creep
Indication of creep can be noticed from the following;

1) Closing of gaps at rail joints in the direction of creep and opening of joints
at the point where the creep starts.

2) Marks on flanges and webs of rails made by spike heads, by scraping or


Theories of creep
a) Wave theory
Wave motion is set up by moving loads of
wheels. The vertical reverse curve ABC
formed in the rails ahead of the wheels
resulting from the rail deflection under the
load is main reason for the creep. The
wheels push the rails in the direction of
traffic and the joint action by several
wheel cause creep. The lift in front of the
load is carried forward and causes creep
and lift at rear gets back to its normal

The pitch of the wave depends on the track modulus, stiffness of track and stability of track.

Wave action can be reduced by

1) Angular and heavy ballast which develops good interlock

2) Increasing stiffness of track
3) Lesser sleeper spacing
4) Bigger section of rail
b) Percussion theory
Theory states that creep is due to impact of wheels
at the rail end ahead of joints. The horizontal
component P causes creep whereas vertical
component bend down the rail. As the rail leaves
trailing rail, hits the facing rail end at each rail causes
creep. As the creep is small for single wheel but
cumulative effect of all wheels are large results in

The creep will increase due to following factors

1) Weak and loose fittings
2) Worn fish plates
3) Loose packing at the joints
4) Large expansion gap
5) Heavy axle loads

c) Drag theory
It states that backward thrust of the driving wheel of the locomotive has tendency to push the
rail backwards and the all other wheels push the rail in the direction of motion as explained in
the wave theory and this effect is more causing creep.

d) Starting, accelerating, slowing down or stopping of a train

When a train is starting or accelerating, the backward thrust of the engine driving wheels tends
to push the track backwards and when slowing down, the breaking effect tends to move the rail

e) Expansion or contraction of rail due to temperature

Creep may occur due to variation in temperature and depends on the location of track,
whether exposed or shady surroundings.

f) Unbalanced traffic
In single line, if equal traffic runs in both directions the creep is balanced. Heavy traffic in one
direction will cause creep
In double line creep may occur in both the directions.

Creep may also be due to following reasons

1) Creep is more in curves than on straight track

2) Creep is more in steep gradients if train moves in downward directions

3) Old rails have more creep

4) Creep is more in the direction of heaviest traffic

5) Poor maintenance of track components and bad design

Effects of creep
The most serious effect of creep is buckling of track. The other common effects of creep are

a) Sleepers move out of square and out of position. The gauge and alignment of track is
affected. This results in uncomfortable riding.

b) Rail joints are opened out of their limits and more causes stress in fish plates and fish
bolt may break. The rails are battered at ends to more gaps at joints, and in other places
joints may jam and prevents expansion.

c) Points and crossings get disturbed and difficult to maintain gauge and alignment. The
switch operation is difficult and interlocking arrangements gets disturbed.

d) If any rail is removed it is difficult to put back on track.

e) Kinks at joints, buckling are the other effects.

Measurement of creep
Creep indicators are used to measure creep of rail. A
reference rail pillars are erected on both sides of
track with their top levels flushing with the top of
sleepers. Mark is made on both rail flanges and
reference pillars. A string is stretched on this and
creep is measured.
Track portion susceptible for creep
a) Steel sleepers track joining wooden sleeper track.

b) Dips in stretches with long gradients.

c) Approaches to level crossings and major structures.

Prevention of creep
a) Pulling back the rails: If creep is visible then the rails are pulled back to their position. In
pulling back, the relative positions of joints are to be maintained with respect to

b) Provision of Anchors or Anti creepers: The creep of the track can be prevented by use
of Anchors and sufficient crib ballast. For creep of 7.5 cm to 15 cm in a month 4 anchors
per rail and for creep from 22.5 cm to 25 cm 6 anchors per rails are used.

Anchors are fastened to the foot of rail and kept in contact with the side of the sleepers.

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