Lab Assignment 8
Lab Assignment 8
Lab Assignment 8
Lab Assignment 8
Q2 Write case study of 5 package in R and install any 2 package and use them.
R is a popular programming language for data analysis and statistical computing. There are
thousands of packages available for R, which can be used for a wide range of tasks, from data
manipulation and visualization to machine learning and deep learning. In this case study, we
will introduce you to five useful packages in R that can help you in your data analysis tasks.
1. ggplot2: This is a powerful package for creating beautiful and complex data
visualizations in R. It is built on the grammar of graphics concept and allows you to
create plots with a high level of customization.
2. dplyr: This package provides a set of tools for data manipulation in R. It provides a
concise syntax for filtering, selecting, arranging, and summarizing data, making it easier
to perform common data wrangling tasks.
3. tidyr: This package provides tools for cleaning and transforming messy data into a tidy
format, which is easier to work with in R. It includes functions for reshaping data, filling
in missing values, and splitting and combining columns.
4. caret: This package provides a streamlined interface for building and comparing machine
learning models in R. It includes tools for preprocessing data, selecting features, and
tuning model hyperparameters.
5. stringr: This package provides a set of functions for working with strings in R. It
includes functions for pattern matching, string manipulation, and regular expressions,
making it easier to extract and transform text data.
Once you have installed these packages, you can load them into your R session using the
library() function:
In the above code, we first loaded the mtcars dataset, and then used ggplot2 to create a
scatterplot of miles per gallon (mpg) vs. horsepower (hp) for the cars in the dataset. Next, we
used dplyr to filter the dataset to only include cars with 6 cylinders, and created a new
dataset called mtcars_6cyl.