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MITSUBISHI MOTORS we Workshop Manual electrical wiring JP PLEMENT L200 ‘98 Pub. No, PHTE9GET-B L200 ELECTRICAL WIRING FOREWORD This Electrical Wiring Manual contains information necessary for inspection and servicing of electrical wiring of Mitsubishi L200 edited in the form of wiring hamess configuration diagrams. and, function-separated circuit diagrams. It is recommended that all service mechanics engaged in the servicing of the vehicle refer to the following publications as well as this manual. TECHNICAL INFORMATION MANUAL PYTE9601 WORKSHOP MANUAL CHASSIS GROUP PWTE9601 (Basic) PWTE9601-A (Supplement) BODY REPAIR MANUAL PBTE9601 (Basic) PWEEDDOO (Looseleaf edition) ‘TeosB006D0) ENGINE GROUP PARTS CATALOGUE AIL information, illustrations and product descriptions contained in this manual are current as of time of publication. We, however, reserve the right to make changes at any time without prior notice or obligation ate MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION ‘© Mitsubishi Motors Corporation 1997 GROUP INDEX HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS .. WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS .... ‘SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION ... CIRCUIT DIAGRAM INDEX... HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL CONTENTS ‘The preceding page contains GROUP INDEX that lists the group title and group number. PAGE NUMBERS All page numbers consist of two sets of digits sparated by a dash. The digits preceding the dash identity the number of the group. The digits following the dash represent the consecutive page number within the group. The page number can be found fon the top left or right of each page. OPERATION AND TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS In the GROUP 4 circuit diagrams, the operation and troubleshooting hints are given on the previous, page or following page for each circuit where necessary. nrcooeass 1-1 HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS CONTENTS MODELS .....ccccseeseeseeseeseteeeeeeee 1B: COMPOSITION AND CONTENTS OF WIRING DIAGRAMS . 4 HOW TO READ CONFIGURATION DIAGRANS .. 15 HOW TO READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS MARKINGS FOR CONNECTOR EARTHING .. WIRE COLOUR CODES ... ABBREVIATION SYMBOLS .............. 1-12 1-2 NOTES HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS - Models 1-3 MODELS conten Model Code Engine model Transmission model | Fuel supply system KeaT | JERDELS ‘4G63-SOHC RAAW2 @WD-4AT) | MPI ENDELS (1997 mi REM2t @WO-SM/™T) KeAT | YNDLB “4086 (2,477 mi) REM21 (2WD-5M/T) | Diesel fuel injection ZNDLB ENDLS ENDRS CENDLS JENDLS K7st | GENDELS ‘4G64-SOHC Vewer (4WO-sM™) | MPL (2,351 mi wat | YNDFLB 44086 Turbocharger with | VSMT1 (@WD-SM/1) | Diesel fuel injection INOFLS Garr, ENDFRG JEROFLG ‘Va4aWe (@WD-4A/1) (GJENXFLS VeMTt (eW0-5M7T) CENDFLS JENDFLS JENHFLE Composition and Contents 1-4 HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS - of Wiring Diagrams COMPOSITION AND CONTENTS OF WIRING DIAGRAMS oronotease (1) This manual consists of wiring harness diagrams, installation locations of individual parts, circuits diagrams and index. (2) In each section, ali specifications are listed, including optional specifications. Accordingly, some specifications may not be applicable for individual vehicles. Installation position Section Basic contents Wiring harness | Connector locations and harness wiring configurations on actual vehicles are ilustrated. coniguration diagrams Single part Locations are shown for each point of relays, electronic control units, sensors, solenoids, solenoid valves, diodes, inspection connectors, spare connectors, fusible links, fuses, etc. Inthe part’ lists, parts are listed in alphabetical order. Circuit ciagrams | Circuits rom power supply to earth ae shown completely, cassiied according to system, There 's amain dision into power circuits, and crcuts classifed by system. The cuits classified by system also Include operation and roubleshooting hits. ‘© dunction block ‘The entire cult forthe junction block is described, because only the part of the juntion| block needed is normally shown in each circult clagram. ‘© Joint connectors ‘The intemal circuits for al|oint connectors are described, because only the part needed| is shown in each circuit diagram. © Power supply cuits CCrcults rom the battery to fusible link, dedicated fuses, ignition switch, general purpose fuses, ete. © Gircults classed by system For each system, the circuits are shown from fuse to earth, excluding the power supply sections © Operation The standard operation of each system is briefly described, following the route of curent| fiow. © Troubleshooting hints ‘This isa brief explanation of the inspection points that serve as hints when troubleshooting Explanations of the ccuits controled by the electronic contol unit are omitted. Peter to the related publications as required index ‘Al components used are listed by connector number and component name. HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS HOW TO READ CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS ‘The wiring harness diagrams clearly show the connector locations and hamess routings at each site on actual vehicles. anoles connector No. comector location searches. pars in clockwise order onthe dagram. Example: At2 [= "Number spec to connactr (sal number) ‘connactor location sto symbol jnecompartmont Fearomesion Dash panet cabin Boor Frame amgoe> ‘The same connector No. used troughoutthe crcultdlagrams tofaciitate ‘The fet alphabetical symbol indicates the location site of the connector ‘and a number that follows isthe unique number. Numbers are assigned to y sth point ‘umber is used throughout cuit dlagrams io faclitate search of earh pont. Rater fo GROUP 3 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - EARTH MOUNTING LOCATIONS. for delas of earth points. Denotes section covered bya corrugatod tube. “The mark % shows landard mount Ingpoatonofwnng Indicates the dovioe to which the connectors to be connected. Bop B08 8076-09 B10 Bat the connector colour (encopt ik whit) are shown oreaeeofretioval. * Typical connecter colours Black ‘low Bue Green Res Ba: Brown Walt GR:Gray ae (re white tna 2Or xe; T— Connector colour Number of connector pine | \ snes + B26 B25 B24 B23 2.01 (0-8) Vehicle speed sensor 8-16 (2-GR) Injector No.2 8.02 (6) _Disvbutor assembly 8.17 (GR) Injector No. 2 8.09 (2) tout assemby 8-18 @-GR) Injector No. 4 8.04 (6-8) Ide speed control servo «8-19 4) Oxygen sensor (on) 8.05 (6.8) _Thnolle positon sensor 8.20 (ER) Starter motor Tho aur of comoaor pe and Bangi @B W 90 colour fs How to Read Circult 1-6 HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS - Diag: HOW TO READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS os0eso1 The circuit of each system from fuse (or fusible link) to earth is shown. The power supply is shown at the top and the earth at the bottom to facilitate understanding of the current flow. Indicates connecter No. The same No. asin the wengharnoss dagram le used CConnecior numbers. enclosed by fama areindested wid Ne connecter symbols atthe lower par fl [indicates we crcut name to be tthe page Tes power te Ol Connector numbers not encosed by Incseates powot take out ‘ame deat componerts wich Imtgrted wih te harass, Iniates haress uncon point No. fr frothoreysom. I crespands tse [Rneton ‘pont 'No. inated on the Gestation sytem creut sagem Indoates the oreut_ name to be Ccomecied "The arrow indeatos the ‘ment fow reckon Indestes the power suplyin he coal Unt If wile Te asplayed, tis ‘rdetes SYSTEM votape ‘An Xa the end ofa conecor No ‘heats at theconnectr seoonected {orn contalzed natin at © shown In the secton “CENTRALIZED JUNC: Tow. Ineates the operating conons ofthe Pf fngine cola empress Iraeats atthe agra continues at PJ — Ruin tho same ores Incated in numerical order. How to Read Circuit HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS — Diagrams Trdeates putea tfkor rrol nit cert ow deco. ros ouput lu eta va a % _[ tescates nat me ciagram comes tom | Rte same ore Tedeatos ternal NO. In case two or more connectors are ‘onectedtahesame deve, markings ‘rdeating tho samo ‘osectrs 50 _J trceates corent tow downward Upward a convo by the cont unt Indicates harness ancion where wie ‘ameter or colour changes 1 __ Ueda intersections at theta eae nt Indetos esoctere fmt tee ~~ | nccateavericibosyeartpoin (Same \ ~__| Noes that of earth pone im wing harness lagfam "and nstalaion \ seven locations of individual pars) Markings for Connector 1-8 HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS - Earthing MARKINGS FOR CONNECTOR EARTHING sournioy 8 Muon RESISTOR Vv ae aie? [i «| 2a] ea a Markings for Connector HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS - Earthing 1-9 tem No. ‘ConnectoriEarthing ‘Symbol Contents Connector ‘and terminal marking Male connector > Male terminal Male terminal Male jconnector ? Female terminal Female termi ral Female Jconnector ata “The male and female terminals are in- dicated as shown. The connector with male terminal(s) is called as male con- rector and indicated by double con- rector contour linens, while the con- rector with female terminal(s) is called as female connector and indicated by single connector contour line. Connector marking ‘The symbol indicates the vehicle con- rector as viewed from the illustrated direction. At the connection with a de- Vice, the connector symbol on the de- Vice side Is shown, and for an int mediate connector, a male connector symbol Is shown, For spare connec: tors and check connectors, no device Is connected, and so the hamess side connector symbol is shown for these Connectors. The details for the diagno- sis connector differ trom the above de- scription. For deta, refer to the "MUT-II operation instructions” Markings for Connector 1-10 HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS - Earthing tem No._| GonnectorEarthing ‘Symbol Contents Connector [3 | Direct connection type | ‘A connection between a device and ‘connection ‘connector on the harness side is ether marking by direct insertion In the device (drect connection type) or by connection with temene rwzoen | @ hamess connector on the device side furnished. (hamess_ connection - type). The two types are indicated as 4 | Harness connection type ilustrated 44 i+ 5 _| Intermediate connector Earth 6 Earth is either by body earth, device markings earth or control_unit interior earth ‘These are indicated as ilustrated 7 8 HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS - Wire Colour Codes 1-11 WIRE COLOUR CODES Wire colours are identified by the follow colour codes. Code Wire colour Code Wire colour 8 Black P Pink BR Brown R Red 6 Groon $B Sky blue cA Gry _ ~ |st Siver u Blue Vv Violet is Light green write ° ~~ Orange Y_ {fa cable has two colours, the first of the two colour code Example:sl> 128 GB characters indicates the basic colour (colour of the cable + 2 34 coating) and the second indicates the marking colour i No. 1 “:Twsted wire 2 Wire sze(mm?)" 3 Basie colour (colour of the cable coating) 4 Marking colour NoTE * No code indicates 0.5 mm?. Cable colour code in parentheses indicates 0.3 mm?. 1-12 HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS - Abbreviation Symbols ABBREVIATION SYMBOLS The abbreviation symbols used in wiring diagrams are defined below. 1. Abbreviation symbols used for system name ‘Abbreviation Meaning ‘Abbreviation Meaning symbol symbot ABS Antock braking systom ETACS ___| Eleconio ime and alarm control aystem NG Ar conditioner MP ‘Mult-point injection AT ‘Automatic transmission wT ‘Manual transmission DAL Daytime running lamp SAS ‘Supplemental restraint system EGR Exhaust gas recirculation 2. Abbreviation symbols used for combination meters ‘Abbreviation Meaning ‘Abbreviation Meaning symbol symbol wo “WD indicator lamp FIFOG _| Rear fog amp indicator lamp ABS “Antilock braking system warning lamp | SPEED | Speedometer AT ‘Automatic transmission fuid temperature | SRS ‘Supplemental restraint system waming warring lamp lamp BEAM __| High beam Indicator lamp BRAKE __| Brake warning lamp TACHO __| Tachometer CHECK | Check engine waming lamp TIGA Engine coolant temperature gauge | ENGINE CHG Charging warning lamp TURN (LH) _| Tur signal indeator lamp (LH) DOOR Door-ajar warning lamp TURN (RH) _| Tum signal indicator lamp (FH) FIGA Fuel gauge vour Voliage meter FUEL Low fel warring lamp WATER | Fue iter warring lamp GLOW | Diesel preheat indicator lamp aw OD OFF | Overdrive offndicator lamp ont Oil pressure warning amp __—-~«| WHEEL _| Free wheelalferentallock indicator lamp REED eed switch ‘eck HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS - Abbreviation Symbols _ 1-13 3. Abbreviation symbols used for switches and relays Name of | Abbrevi- ‘Operation T Name of | Abbrevi- ‘Operation Swiches | “ton bunches | “aton ana | symbols ra | ymbois relays relays Tantion | AGO | When tuned t tho AGO (AG. [Blower [LO | Blower operates allow spood Sach SESSORY) oF ON postion the | sch power crow stat | iGt [Even when atthe ST TART Wil | Blower operates at medum ow poston, the power eeut wi speed Sar G2 [When at the ST GTA WH | Blower operates at medium high poston, he power cout vanat speed Sat esorng Dimmer [LO | towbeams On Hi__| Blower operate athigh speed passing inch Srach” [I Fgh beame Ow Rear [U0 | Blower operate atiow speed heater : Lighting | TAIL | Positon, ta, cence plate and | switch | HI Blower operates at high speed och instument panel amps ON Wings [LO | Wipers operate at ow speed Std HEAD _ | Headlamps ON ‘iver [AL__[ Wiper operate at highspeed oh Room | DOOR | Room lamp ON when a door INT | Wipers operat intornitenty lamp open ssvdich Variable | SLOW | Pause time for intermittent = vagal am Inert Speraton lengthen Tm, [e__ [Eerie ow | nem ‘switch RH LH, tum signal lamps ON sontrol FAST Pause time for intermittent ‘switet operation shorten Power uP. | Window closes won Sich” [Bown | window opens Remo in| LA mivor operates cena "AUTO | Window opens tay miror [Ruy | RL miro operas Door ck | LOGK | Boor took ‘Heated [LO | Normal heating sour at Une | Door uniock Switn [| Rapid eating tex Boor ck | Lock | Boor tock Others [ON | Swiched on Foy [LOCK | Poorer __|Svierede cylinder | UN- Door unlock OFF ‘Switched off Sue | Loox 1-14 _ HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS - Abbreviation Symbols 4. Other abbreviation symbols ‘Abbreviation Meaning ‘Abbreviation Meaning symbol symbol ‘2wo Rear wheel-drve vehicles wie “Joint connector “4wo 4 whee!-drive vehicles ua Left hand DIESEL __| Diesel powered vehicles LAD LH. crive vehicles ECU Electron control unit PETROL _| Petro powered vehicies eno Ear RH Right hand i tumination lamp RHO RH. dive vehicles IND Indicator tap Toc “Top dead centre 8 “Junction block WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS CONTENTS snron0%95 OVERALL WIRING DIAGRAM CABIN ‘Single cab 22 Single cab ............230 ‘Club cab 23 Single cab ............231 Double cab : : 29 (Club cab 232 Double cab costes 233 ENGINE COMPARTMENT 466 24 DOOR 4086 ‘Single cab and club cab ..... 234 4056 Double cab 2-35 TRANSMISSION . FRAME .. ceeeee 298 DASH PANEL LH. drive vehicles .... 218 RH. drive vehicles 2.24 2-2 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS OVERALL WIRING DIAGRAM sxsocorr4e Single cab Front witing ing Ingeument panet Roo! wii Rear bod ames Remose'"? wring names hamess" ——Weighaness ow Tranamission Frontdoor Floor wing Frame wit farnese”?——Wnghamess winngharmess* —hamess "famosa? Front wiing Body wiring Instrument panel Roof witing Rear body hhamess hares ‘wing harness, hamess ‘wing harness ‘AG wiring Transmission Frontdoor FoF wing Frame wiring hamess wiinghamess Wwinnghamesst harness _—hamness 20005008 NOTE (1) These illustrations show only major wiring hamnesses. (@) *:also equipped at the right side. WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-3 Club cab Front wing wi Insert panel — Root win 7" harness hamess”? ——wenghaméss” moss"? ag as ‘NC wirng —TransmigsionFrontdoot Floor wring Frame wi fares"? inghamess wainpharnesst famnose '?—famoss' "2? Double cab Front wiiog Body whing Instrument panel oot wit Rear bo fonees ramess Wengtemsss” Forges’? ing barnes ‘AG weg Transmission Front door Reardoor Floor wing Frame wing hamess'”” —wiringhamess —wringhamess* whinghamesst hamess harness nore ‘90008007 (1) These iustrations show only major wiring hamesses. (2) * also equipped at the right side. 2-4 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS ENGINE COMPARTMENT 4G6e ‘Connector symbol 2 thru “40 Aor Ane Ags A35 aot 33 ase Ast ‘A.01 (2-8) Wheel speed sensor (front: FH) At (4-8) <2WD-ABS> A248) ‘02 2-GR) Free-wheeling hub engage switch 19 (4-8) <4WD> AN (GL) A03(1) Starter ‘04 (1-8) Starter A156 (68) 4.05 (4-8) Windshield wiper motor A16 (10:8) 4.08 (2-8) Brake fd level sensor 407 (2-B) Whee! speed sensor front: LH) <2WD-ABS> AAT (1B) A.08 (2-8) ABS hydraulic unit 4.09 (10-8) ABS hydraulic unit A188) At0(128) DRLECU Ago 29 DAL relay 2 DAL relay 1 Rear fog lamp relay ‘AC wiring hamess and front wiring hamess combination Headlamp washer relay DRL wiring hamess or front wiring hhamess and front wiring harness com- bination Battery cable wiring hamess and front wiring hamess combination Headiamp leveling unit (LH) WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-5 03 AO AOS AOS AGT AOS AD — Aso Vehicles without daytime inning lamp Ant ane Aas. ate Ans At6 28 AAT AaB oozes ate aevooss AaT A28 A24 Aza Nee aa #0 A19(10-B) DRL witing harness or front wiring 30 (2-8) Wheel speed sensor (front: RH) hamess and front wiring harness com <4WD-ABS> bination ‘831 (3.8) Front combination lamp (RH) 20(9-8) Headlamp (LH) 432 (1) Horn (Hi) 21 (2-8) Headlamp washer motor 33 (1) Horn (HI) ‘A-22 (1) ‘Hom (LO) ‘A-34 (3-B) ‘Headlamp (RH) ‘A-23 (1) ‘Horn (LO) A-35 (3) ‘Headlamp leveling unit (RH) ‘A-24 (3-B) Front combination lamp (LH) A-36 (2-B) ‘Solenoid valve 1 <4WD> ‘8.28 (2B) Windshield washer motor ‘37 (2B) Solenoid valve 2 <4WD> ‘27 (@R) —_Frontimpact sensor (LH) 4:98 (58) ABS motor relay ‘A-28 (2-B) ‘Wheel speed sensor (front: LH) A-39 (6-B) ABS vaive relay ‘ ‘A40 (48) Hom relay ‘A29(2-R) Front impact sensor (RH) 2-6 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 4G6 ‘Connector symbol ot theo 7 ‘At (1-8) Fuel pump check connector ‘4-42 (1-8) _ Ignition timing adjustment connector A43 (1) Engine coolant temperature switch A-44 (1-8) Engine coolant temperature gauge unit, ‘Ac45 (2-GR) Injector 4 ‘48 (2-GR) _Injoctor 3 4-47 (4B) Throttle position sensor 4-48 (2-B) Purge control solenoid valve 4-49 (2B) EGR solenoid valve at ara 450 (6-8) ABIX (4) 52X (5) 54x (5) A5BX (5) BBX (2) AST (2-GR) A5BX (4) 59x (4) ror nas ars {dle speed control servo Alternator relay ‘Starter relay Headiamp relay Tail lamp relay Storage connector Injector 2 ‘ANC compressor relay Condenser fan relay are A-61 (2-GR) 62 (1-8) A-63 (1-BR) A684 (2-8) 65 (2-B) 66 (2) WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS: 2-7 Injector + Noise fter Noise fiter Engine coolant temperature sensor Ignition col Capacitor Dual pressure switch Magnetic clutch Condenser fan motor 70 (3-8) AT (1-8) A72 (4-L) A783 (1-8) ATA (1) ATS (2-8) 476 (1) ATT (6-8) Power transistor ‘Capacitor Distributor assembly i pressure switch Power steering oll pressure switch Alternator Alternator Air flow sensor 2-8 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS ENGINE COMPARTMENT satc0s0er4 4D56 ‘Connector symbol 01 the av 39, Earth cable A398 AT A296 A385 Aaa A838 Aae re A29 ‘01 (2B) Wheel speed sensor (front: FH) ‘A-13 (4-8) Rear fog lamp relay <2WD-ABS> A414 (6-L) AIC wiring hamess and front wiring ‘02 (2-GR) _ Free-wheeling hub engage switch harness combination <4WD> ‘A-15 (6-8) Headlamp washer relay A03 (1) Starter ‘A-16 (10-8) DRL wiring harness or front wiring ‘04 (1-8) Starter ‘hamess and front wiring harness com- 05 (4-8) Windshield wiper motor bination ‘A086 (2:8) Brake fluid level sensor A-17 (4-B) Battery cable wiring hamess and front ‘A.07 (2B) Wheel speed sensor (front: LH) ‘wiring hamess combination <2WD-ABS> A183) Headlamp leveling unit (LH) ‘A.08 (2:8) ABS hydraulic unit ‘A-19 (10-8) DAL wiring hamess or front wiring 09 (10-8) ABS hydraulic unit hamess and front wiring hamess com- A10(12-B) DRL-ECU bination AM (4B) DRL relay 2 ‘A-20 (3-8) Headlamp (LH) A12 (4B) DALrelay1 2-9 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS - A-29 (2-R) 4-30 (2B) Headlamp washer motor Horn (LO) Horn (LO) Front combination lamp (LH) ‘Outside thermo sensor oF no connection Windshield washer motor Front impact sensor (LH) ‘Wheel speed sensor (front: LH) <4WD-ABS> Front impact sensor (RH) ‘Wheel speed sensor (front: RH) <6WD-ABS> A31 68) A232 (1) 433 (1) Vehicles without daytime running lamp Front combination lamp (RH) Horn (H0) Horn (H) Headlamp (RH) Headlamp leveling unit (RH) Solenoid valve 1 <4WD> Solenoid valve 2 <4WO> ‘ABS motor relay ‘ABS valve relay Hom relay 2-10 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 4D56 ‘Connector symbol A ix tra “104 Are ATS ars ASX (4) Altemator relay A66 (2) Capacitor ‘AS2X (5) Starter relay 467 (2) Dual pressure switch ‘A53X (5)__ Intercooler fan relay ‘68 (1) Magnetic clutch ‘AS4X (5) Headlamp relay 469 (2) Condenser fan motor ‘AS5X (5) Taillamp relay A73(1-B) Oil pressure switch ‘A56X (2) Storage connector 75 (2-B) —Atemator ‘A58X (4) AC compressor relay A76(1) Alternator ‘59X (4) Condenser fan relay A7B(1) Glow plug ‘A60X (4) Condenser fan control relay ‘79 (2-8) _Idle-up solenoid valve WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-114 Agr 4-80 (2-8R) 8 (2.8) ‘8-82 (2.GR) 4-83 (2-8) 64 (2) 85 (2-8) 86 (4-8) 887 (1) 88 (1-8) ‘89 (1) 8-90 (3-8) 91 (68) As A5 Aso Intake air temperature switch Intercooler fan motor Fuel ine heater Water level switch ldle-up solenoid valve ‘Vacuum switch Fuel line heater relay Glow plug relay Glow plug relay Glow plug relay Fuel cut valve ECU Fuel injection pump wiing harness and front wiring hamess combination Aer Ag (1) A-93 (2) A96 (1) 95 (2) A-96 (1) AST (2) Ato | ppppe> gaceee BER eeS i 68 Fuel cut solenoid valve Revolution pick-up sensor Lever (throttle) position switch Engine coolant temperature switch (for AC compressor control) Engine coolant temperature switch (for condenser fan control) Engine coolant temperature sensor and ‘gauge unit 2-12 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS. ENGINE COMPARTMENT 4D56 ‘Connector symbol on ‘teu oT ‘ao A08 At Aa0, A398 a8. aar Ase Aas Ase Ass) Age As ‘01 (2-B) Wheel speed sensor (front: RH) A.08 (2-8) <2WD-ABS> ‘8-09 (10-B) A.02 (2-GR) _Free-wheeling hub engage switch AA18 (4-8) <4WD> A146) A03(1) Starter A04 (1-8) Starter A15 (6-8) ‘805 (4B) Windshield wiper motor AAT (4-8) ‘A-06 (2-8) Brake fluid level sensor ‘897 (2-8) Wheel speed sensor (front: LH) 18 (3) <2WD-ABS> ‘820 (3-8) Ago 28 ‘ABS hydraulic unit ‘ABS hydraulic unit Fear fog lamp relay ‘NC wiing hamess and front wiring harness combination Headlamp washer relay Battery cable wiring hamess and front wiring harness combination Headlamp leveling unit (LH) Headlamp (LH) WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS M03 py Aor aaa Aas at a8 20 aa hve aa A224 nag ‘a2e ‘21 (2-8) Headlamp washer motor ‘4:31 (3-8) Front combination lamp (RH) A22(1) Hom (LO) 432 (1) Hom (Hi) 423,(1) Horn (LO) 4-33 (1) Hor (Hi) ‘24 (8-8) Front combination lamp (LH) 4.34 (-B) Headlamp (RH) 4262-8) Windshield washer motor ‘35 (3) Headlamp loveling unit (RH) ‘427 (@-R) Front impact sensor (LH) ‘436 (2B) Solenoid valve <4WD> ‘4-28 (248) Wheel speed sensor (front: LH) AQT (2B) Solenoid valve 2 <4WD> 438 ABS motor relay 4-29 (2-R) Front impact sensor (RH) 39 ABS valve relay 4.90 (28) Wheel speed sensor (front: RH) 40 ( Hor relay <4WD-ABS> 2-14 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 4D56 Connector symbol A six try “04 ASIX (4) SEX (6) A-5SX (5) SAX (6) ‘A-55X (5) A56X (2) ‘A-58X (4) A-59X (4) ‘A-60X (4) ‘A-66 (2) ‘67 (2) Ate. AT6 Actor Alternator relay Starter relay Intercooler fan relay Headlamp relay Tall amp rolay Storage connector ‘ANC compressor relay Condenser fan relay Condenser fan control relay Capacitor Dual pressure switch Aes. 468 (1) 69 2) 4-73 (1-8) 75 (2-8) 76 (1) A-78 (1) 473 (2:8) 4-80 (2-BR) At 2-8) ‘483 (2.8) ATs Magnetic clutch Condenser fan motor Gil pressure switch Alternator Alternator Glow plug Idle-up solenoid valve Intake air temperature switch Intercooler fan motor Water level switch WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-15 Ave ATS peg ABT ABS ASAT AIX REX Rex Asax Rex Rex 58x SOx 60x ‘84 (2) Idle-up solenoid valve A-95 (2) Engine cootant temperature switch ‘(85 (2-8) Vacuum switch (for A/C compressor control) A87(1) Glow plug relay 96 (1) Engine coolant temperature switch .88(1-B) Glow plug relay (for condenser fan contro} 4.89(1) Glow plug relay A872) Engine coolant temperature sensor and 4-90 (3-8) Fuel cut valve ECU gauge unit ‘91 (6-8) Fuel injection pump wiring hamess and A-98 (4-G)__Dim-dlip lamp relay 3 ‘ront wiring hamess combination ‘99 (4-BR) _Dim-dip lamp relay 2 92 (1) Fuel cut solenoid valve ‘A100 (4-B) —_Dim-dip lamp relay 1 8:93 (2) Revolution pick-up sensor ‘AX101 (2-8) Dim-ap lamp resistor 2-16 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS: TRANSMISSION ‘oroo050080 Bor B08 Connector ‘symbol <2WD> Earth cable 5.02 oe B01 (10-GR) Inhibitor switch 8.05 (2-GR) High range/Low range detection switch B.02 (2-8) Backup lamp switch B.06 (4-8) Overdrive solenoid valve 8.03 (4-8) Oxygen sensor B.07 (2-B) Back-up lamp switch 8.04 (2-8) AWD detection switch - WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-17 NOTES 2-18 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS DASH PANEL oroooHo8s7 LH. drive vehicles Cc Connector ‘symbol cog C03 C04 Gas 08 C07 C08 CoB €-01 (22) c-02 (17) 6-03 (1) -04 (14) €.05 (10) C-06 (14-8) C07 (1-8) €-08 (6) €.09 (10) €-10 (6) cata) cor cao c28 car, Relay box e296 635 634 03 622.631 030 Body wiring harness and front wing — C-12(10) Blower switch hhamess combination C-13(14) Radio and tape player Body wiring harness and front wiring —C-14(2) Cigarette lighter harness combination C-15(1) No connection (reed switch) Body wiring hamess and root wiring —C-16 (5) ‘Body wiring harness and front door wiring ‘harness combination or no connection harness (passenger's side) combination ‘Combination meter €-17 (6) Body wiring hamess and front door wiring ‘Combination meter hamess (passenger's side) combination ‘Combination meter ©-18(7) Body wiring hamess and front door wiring ‘Combination meter hamess (passenger's side) combination Defogger switch or no connection ©-19(18) Body wiring hamess and front wiring Hazard switch hamess combination ANC switch, ©-19(14) Body wiring hamess and front wiring ‘Clock harness combination WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS cro on C1 guy tg ©-20(7) Body wiring harness and front wiring C-32 (4) Headlamp leveling switch hhamess combination C-33(8) Rear differential lock switch €-21 (10-8) Rear differentia lock-ECU €-34(2) Stop lamp switch €-22(10) 4D indicator-ECU €-35 (16-8) Diagnosis connector €-23(2-L) Blower motor C36 (16-8) Immobilizer-ECU 6-26 (4-1) Blower res! €-37 (8) Overdrive control relay €-25(2) Ashtray itumination lamp 38 (7) Body wiinghamess and front door wiring €-26(3-B) —G sensor hamess (driver's side) combination €-27 (14-R) SRS diagnosis unit ©9910) Body wiring hamess and front door wiring 28 (2-R) SRS diagnosis unit harness (driver's side) combination €-29(6) Overdrive switch ©-40 (7-8) Body wiring hamess and front door wiring €-30(1) Cigarette lighter harness (driver's side) combination €-31 (1-8) Parking brake switch 2-20 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS LH. drive vehicles ‘Connector symbol Cc c-41 (68) C-42 (4) 6-43 (5) C44 (11) 6-45 (14) C46 (3) C47 @) C48 (2-8) Rear fog lamp switch Rheostat or joint connector cae cot cs coe cet coo css. csr ©-49 26-Y) _Engine-ECU C-49 (13) Glow-ECU Body wiring hamess and instrument C-50(16-Y) _Engine-ECU panel wiring harness combination C51"! (22:¥)Engine-ECU Body wiring hamess and instrument G-51*2(12-Y)_Engine-ECU panel wiring hamess combination C52 (@-BR) Side tum signal lamp (RH) Muttmeter €53 (4) Engine control relay Thermostat C53 (4-BR) Intercooler fan-ECU Compressor ECU C54 (4) Fuel pump relay Diode (for ABS circuit) WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-21 cas, 962 cas oar O88 O85 Coe C54 Coa €-55 (2.8) Front speaker (RH) 56 (12) Thermostat wiring hamess. and body wiring hamess combination 57 @0) Body wiring harness and transmission vwcing harness combination ©58() Body wiring hamess and transmission wiring hares combination ©-59(2) Body wiring hamess and transmission wiring hamoss combination ©-60(6) Front wiring hamess and transmission wiring harness combination ©-61 @BA)__ Side tun signal lamp (LH) ©-62 (26-Y) ABS-ECU C-63 (2-8) 6-64 (22-¥) €-92 (19.GR) C-93 (19-GR) C-94 (19-6) C-95 (19-GR) C96" (4) A.9772(22-Y) Remarks oe ca, cao cs 50 csi ose Front speaker (LH) ‘ABS-ECU wie (1) iG (2) IG (3) WG (4) Defogger relay Engino-ECU (1) "1: 1997Models @) *2: 1996Models 2-22 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS DASH PANEL LH. drive vehicles Connector symbol Cc Steering column 70 C67 (6) -68 (12) C-69 (10) C-70 (6-8) C712) C72 (7) C-73 (2-8) en cor on ere o78 crs crs ors Relay box In passenger compartment CColurnn switch C-74(3) Clock spring Colurnn switch €-75(2-R) Glock spring Column switch Air bag module (squib) Ignition switch “77 (1) Horn switch Ignition key ring antenna. C-78X (4) Power window relay Key reminder switch Diode (for headlamp and rear fog lamp ircuit) WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-23 ca or cas xs 6-79 (16) C-80 (2) C81 (12) C82 (1) C-83 (5) C-84 (6) C-85 (3) €-86 (20) Junction block Tum signal and hazard warning flasher unit ‘Body wiring hamess and J/B combination c-6: cor C-87 (16-8) -88 (4) C-89 (8) €-90(8) C91 (12) C-28x" (4) C-89x" (6) Remark #:1998Models Body wiring harness and J/B combination Front wiring harness and J/B combination ‘Body wiring hamess and J/B combination ETACS-ECU. ETACS-ECU or buzzer-ECU ear heater relay Defogger timer 2-24 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS DASH PANEL R.H. drive vehicles ‘Connector symbol Cc C-01 (22) c-02 (17) ©-03* (1) C04 (14) C05 (10) C-06 (14-8) C07 (1-8) C-08* (6) €-09 (10), €-10 (6) oe 20 cory Body wiring harness. and front wiring hamess combination Body wiring hamess and front wiring hamess combination Body wiring hamess and roof wiring ames combination or no connection Combination meter Combination meter Combination meter Combination meter Defogger switch or no connection Hazard switch AVC switch on (4) 6-12 (10) 6-13 (14) 6-14) C15 (1) 6166) C-17 6) 6-18 (7) c-19 (14) oa sntcoooeee 13 c12 C41 c-40 C23 o24 025 0260-28027 Clock Blower switch Radio and tape player Gigarete lighter No connection (reed switch) Body wing harness and front door wing harness (passengers side) combination Body wing harness and front door wiring harness (passengers side) combination Body wiing harness and front door wiring harness (passengers side) combination Body wiring harness. and front wiring harness combination WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-25 6-09 0-06" 6-07 6-04 C05 C05 C0 CHR 63063162694 Gag c-20(7) 21 (10-8) 6-22 (10) 623 @) C244-L) C25 (2) €-26 (5-8) C27 (14-R C28 (2-8) 6-90 (1) C31 (1-8) C32 (4) Body wiring hamess and front wiring hamess combination Rear differential lock-ECU ‘AWD indicator-ECU Blower motor Blower resistor Ashtray illumination lamp G sensor ‘SRS diagnosis unit, ‘SRS diagnosis unit Cigarette lighter Parking brake switch Headlamp leveling switch 33 (8) 342) €-35 (16-8) C-36 (16-8) 6-38 (7) -39 (10) C-40 (7-8) Remark *'1998Models Rear differential lock switch Stop lamp switch Diagnosis connector Immobilizer-ECU Body wiring hamess and front door wiring hhamess (driver's side) combination ‘Body wiring harness and front door wiring harness (driver's side) combination Body wiring harness and front door wiring harness (driver's side) combination 2-26 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS R.H. drive vehicles Connector symbol Cc cas C962 css ces: co cor c58 059 C53 ces 88 C-41 (6-8) Rear fog lamp switch C-49(13) Grow-ECU €-42 (4) Joint connector C-52 (2-BR) Side turn signal lamp (RH) 6-43 (6) Body wiring hamess and instrument C-53 (4-BR) Intercooler fan-ECU panel wiring hamess combination C55 (2-8) Front speaker (RH) 46 (3) Thermostat C56 (12) Thermostat wiring hamess and body C48 (2-8) Diode (for ABS circuit) wiring haess comb WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-27 oan c-9 48, cat css cee c-62 es ©-58(3) Body wiring hamess and transmission C-66 (2-B)_Diode (for dim-alp lamp circu) wiring hamess combination 92 (19-GR) IC (1) ©-59(2) Body wiring hamess and transmission €-93(19-GR) JIC (2) wiring hamess combination C94 (19-GR)_ JIC @) 61 (2-BR) Side turn signal lamp (LH) C-96"2 (4) Defogger relay C-62 (26-Y) ABS-ECU C-63 (2-B) Front speaker (LH) Remarks C-64 (22%) ABS-ECU (1) 1997Models €-85 (8) Diode (for dim-dip lamp circuit) (2) *2 1998Models 2-28 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS DASH PANEL R.H. drive vehicles Steering column ‘Connector symbol ceo en cor Cc cea c70 er cr4 ors 073 O78 cr o-7ex 90x" ©-67(6) Column switch ©7413) Clock spring 63 (12) Column switch €-75 (2-R) Clock spring 69 (10) Column switch C-76 (2) Airbag module (squib) ©-70 (6-8) Ignition switch C-77(1) Hom switch C71 (2) Ignition key ring antenna -78x (4) Power window relay C-72(7) Key reminder switch C73 (2-8) Diode (for headiamp and rear fog lamp circuit WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-29 80 ore cos. cos ©-79 (16) C-80 (2) C81 (12) C-82 (1) C-83 6) C-84 6) C85) Junction block ce can cas Body wiring hamess and J/B combination Roof wiring hamess and J/B combination Front wiring hamess and J/B combination Front wiring hamess and J/B combination Blower relay Defogger relay Tum signal and hazard warning flasher unit o-8s car - ‘Connector symbol D Debi on paz Dor 013 D2 D2 20 01 (6) Body witing harness and frame wiring 0-17 (2) __—_Front door switch (ariver’s side) harness combination D-18(@) —_Noconnection D.02(14) Body wiring hamess and frame wiing 0-19 (3-8) __Front seat assembly (LH) hamess combination D-20 (3-8) Front seat assembly (RH) 0.03 (1-8) Front door switch (passenger's side) D.21() Body wiring hamess and floor wiring D-08*(1) Defogger (-) harness combination 0-092) Room lamp 0-22(16) Body wiring hamess and floor wiring D-10* (1-8) Defogger (+) hamess combination D-11 (6) Heated seat switch (RH) Remark D-12(6)_ Heated seat switch (LH) *:1998Models D.19.(1-8) Parking brake switch WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-31 CABIN ‘Single cab ‘Connector symbol / 022 pai D418 p20 D-01 (6) Body wiring hamess and frame wiring harness combination D.02 (14) Body wiring hamess and frame wiring hamess combination D.03 (1-8) Front door switch (passenger's side) D-os*(1) Defogger (-) D.09(@) Room lamp D-10"(1-B) Defogger (+) D-11 (6) Heated seat switch (RH) D-12(6)_ Heated seat switch (LH) D-13(1-B) Parking brake switch D ow 09 D.17@) D-18 @) D.19 @-B) 0-20 8-8) D.21@) 0-22 (16) Remark *1998Modols Front door switch (driver's side) No connection Front seat assembly (LH) Front seat assembly (RH) Body wiring hamess and floor wiring hamess combination Body wiring hamess and floor wiring harness combination 2-32 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS. CABIN Club cab ‘Connector symbol Dot D2t p29 D.01 (6) Body witing harness and frame wiring hhamess combination D.02 (14) Body wiring hamess and frame wiring harness combination 10-03 (1-8) Front door switch (passenger's side) D-08" (1) Defogger (-) 0-092) Room lamp D-10" (1-8) Defogger (+) D116) Heated seat switch (RH) D-12(6) Heated seat switch (LH) D-13(1-B) Parking brake switch 17 (2) 0-18 (2) 0-19,6-8) D-20 (9-8) D.21 (9) 0-22 (16) Remark *1988Models D0 ow bag Front door switch (driver's side) No connection Front seat assembly (LH) Front seat assembly (RH) Body wiring hamess and floor wiring hamess combination Body wiring hamess and floor wiring harness combination WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2-33 CABIN Double cab ‘Connector symbol D D.01 (6) Body wittRarnesPad 28 wiring fharness combination .02 (14) Body wiring hamess and frame wiring harness combination 10-03 (1-8) Front door switch (passengers side) -04 (6) Floor wiring hamess and rear door wiring hamess (RH) combination D-05 (5) Front wiring harness and rear door wiring harness (RH) combination D-06(1) Map lamp 07 (1-8) Rear door switch (RH) D-08(1) Defogger (-) D-09(2) Room lamp D-10(1-B) Defogger (+) D-11(6) Heated seat switch (RH) D-12(6) Heated seat switch (LH) D-13 (1-8) Parking brake switch D-14 (1-8) Rear door switch (LH) Defogger earth pao 0.45 6) 0-16 (6) 0.47 @) D132) 0-19 (3-8) D-20 3-8) 21 (@) D-22 (16) D-23* (2) D246" (6) D-25* (4) Remark, = 1998Models Floor wiring hamess and rear door wiring hamess (LH) combination Floor wiring hamess and rear door wiring hamess (LH) combination Front door switch (driver's side) No connection Front seat assembly (LH) Front seat assembly (RH) Body wiring hamess and floor wiring ‘hamess combination Body wiring hamess and floor wiring harness combination Rear heater ilumination lamp Rear heater switch Rear blower motor 2-34 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS DOOR Single cab and club cab Driver’ Sorpector Eg. G02 603 as V, We en eto £09 Posten; E01 eco Ems ED sevon50 Tl 1 sevooss ee ef 2 et e40 £09 £01 (3) Remote controlled miror (LH) E20(8) Door lock actuator (without door miror heater) {front passenger's side) £029) Remote controlled miror switch £21 (2) Power window limit ewitzh £.03 (10) Power window main switch (font passenger's side) £0914) Door lock actuator (river's side) 22 (2) Power window motor £102) Power window limit switch (driver's side) {font passenger's side) E11 Power window motor (erver's side) £-23¢(7) emote contolied mirror (LH) £412(@) Remote controlled miror (RH) (with door miror heater (without door miror heater E24" (7) emote contelled miror (RH) £413(@) Power window sub switch (wth door miror heater) {front passenger's side) Remark E-14(@) Door lock key cylinder switch *Te96Models entootoeer WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS. 2-35, DOOR ‘soroorso4se Double cab Driver's side Somepor JE E ] oS E01 @) £020) E-03 (10) E-04 8) E05 6) E-06 (2-8) E07 2) E08 (2) E09 (4) E102) E-11Q) E120) E138) E140) en E10 (Front) E12 Ear G13 i i rT sevooer 7 T sov008 ee E21 E20 B19 big E17 (Front (Rear) ooooser4 Remote controlled mirror (LH) £15 (8) Power window sub switch (rear: RH) (without door mirror heater) E16 (6) Door lock actuator (rear: RH) Remote controlled mirror switch E17 (2-B) Rear door speaker (RH) Power window main switch E18) Power window motor (rear: RH) Power window sub switch (rear: LH) E19 (2) Power window limit switch (rear: FH) Door lock actuator (rear: LH) E20 (4) Door lock actuator Rear door speaker (LH) {front passenger's side) Power window motor (rear: LH) E21 (2) Power window limit switch Power window limit switch (rear: LH) (front passenger's side) Door lock actuator (driver's side) E22 (@) Power window motor Power window limit switch (driver's side) (front passenger's side) Power window motor (driver's side) E:23" (7) Remote controlled mirror (LH) Remote controlled mirror (RH) (with door mirror heater) (without door mirror heater) E-24" (7) Remote controlled mirror (RH) Power window sub switch {with door mirror heater) (front passenger's side) Remark Door lock key cylinder switch * 1998Models 2-36 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS FRAME Connector ‘symbol F-01 (2-8) Wheel speed sensor (rear: RH) F-02 (2-8) Frame wiring harness and postion wiring hhamess combination F-03 (2) Rear differential lock detection switch F.04 2-8) Rear diferentia lock air pump F.05(8-8) Frame wiring hamess and rear body wiring harness combination 08 (6:8) Rear combination lamp (RH) ‘with cargo bed> F-07 (6) Rear combination lamp (RH) ‘without cargo bed> F-08 (2-8) Rear fog lamp Fos F.oT Par F-09 (2-8) F10 (28) Fatt (2-8) F12 28) F139 (68) F146) F415 @) F16 (2-8) FA7Q) Foo F090 FFP LUcence plate lamp (RH) cence plate lamp (LH) eat fog lamp ‘with cargo bed> Rear fog lamp Rear combination lamp (LH) “ewith cargo bed> Rear combination lamp (LH) without cargo bed> Fuel gauge unit ‘Wheel speed sensor (rear: LH) Fue! pump SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION CONTENTS exon00150 RELAY +. 32 INSPECTION CONNECTOR 312 ECU. +34 FUSIBLE LINK AND FUSE .. 313 SENSOR .. 36 EARTH CABLE . a4 ‘SOLENOID AND SOLENOID VALVE 3-9 EARTH a5, DIODE . ott 3-2 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Relay RELAY ‘o100040986 ia a ia aa ABS motor relay 7 A Fuel pump relay K ABS valve relay A Glow plug relay c Alternator relay D Headlamp washer relay a — | era 1 pear 8 a D Defogger relay _ 1 | Power window relay G PS Seay toe [Persone ° autor arora 3 Cena np as ADS 5 [ameway eee —[ 8 eran ae 1 forsiaiomaarane oa | Fuolline heater relay © | Windshield intermittont wiper relay “| Sateen 0007030 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Relay 3-3 NSF headland wisherotay So" ~| aN fel, \ DK | aa’ ei Mi Qo | i Te [tier SS ahi fl Cur = VALE Engine contol re i et | ( eas q FEE emewtey\ Tl Wee ECU 7or00080006 ‘Name ‘Symbol ‘Name ‘Symbol meso © | Fostavave EOU ‘A__| Frontimpact sensor u Crank angle sensor and top dead centre | F | G sensor K ‘sensor (built in distributor) (Outside thermo sensor t Engine coolant temperature sensorandgauge | H | Oxygen sensor N unit Revolution pick up sensor E Engine coolant temperature sensor | G | Thermostat J Engine coolant temperature switch | Throttle position sensor B (for AIC compressor contro) ‘Wheel speed sensor (Front) ™ Engine coolant temperature switch | Wheel speed sensor (Rear) ° (Hor condenser fan contro) SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Sensor 3-7 d rz PLY 3-8 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Sensor SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION ~ Solenoid and Solenold valve SOLENOID AND SOLENOID VALVE Name ‘Symbol Name Symbol EGA solenoid valve B__| Overdrive solenoid valve F Fuel cut solenoid valve © | Purge control solenoid vane =| BC Idle-up solenoid valve D__| Solenoid valve 1.2. A Téle-up solenoid valve (A/C) E 3-10 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Solenoid and Solenoid valve SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Diode DIODE Name ‘Symbol Name ‘Symbol Diode (ABS circuit) B__| Diode (tor headlamp and rear | A fog lamp circuit) E D Diode (for dim-dip lamp circuit) c A) co Diode” (for head lamp andrearfoglampeteut) @) 3-12 __ SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Inspection Connector INSPECTION CONNECTOR re100020%68 Name ‘Symbol Name ‘Symbol Diagnosis connector B__| Ignition timing adjustment connector | A Fuel pump check connector A SSS) Como 3-13 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Fusible Link and Fuse FUSIBLE LINK AND FUSE ‘ro00t0350 ‘Name ‘Symbol Name ‘Symbol Dedicated fuses (No. 1-7) Fusibe links (No. 1-8) | a | Dedicated fuses (No. 6 - 19) Fuse tinks (No. 9- 11) B Muit-purpose fuses D Dedicated fuses (No. 14, 15) ‘ han RAR AES E feel, 3-14 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION ~ Fusible Link and Fuse/Earth Cable SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Earth 3-15 EARTH Single cab NOTE (00008190 Same earth numbers are used in the circuit diagram. 3-16 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Earth Club cab Double cab SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Earth 3-17 3-18 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION - Earth 44 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM CONTENTS JUNCTION BLOCK (J/B) JOINT CONNECTOR (J/C) - CENTRALIZED JUNCTION . POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LH. drive vehicles <1997 Models> 416 LH. drive vehicles <1998 Models> . 422 RH. drive vehicles <1997 Models> 4.28 RH. drive vehicles <1998 Models> 434 STARTING SYSTEM Petro-powered vehicles 4-40 Diesel-powered vehicles aa IGNITION SYSTEM 1997 Models. 4-43 1998 Models 444 CHARGING SYSTEM Petrolpowered vehicles . 4-46 Diesel-powered vehicles .. 447 GLOW SYSTEM . 448, MPI SYSTEM 1997 Models 4-50 1998 Models 4-58 OVERDRIVE CONTROL SYSTEM 469 <1997 Models> 4-68 4G63 <1998 Models> 470 4056 <1997 Models> 474 4056 <1998 Models> 478 HEADLAMP LH. drive vehicles with daytime running lamp <1997 Models>... 4-82 LH. drive vehicles with daytime running lamp <1998 Models>... 4-86 LH. ve vehicles wihout daytime running fam <1997 Models> : ses 490 LH. ave vehicles without dayime running lamp <1998 Models> 4-92 RH. drive vehicles <1997 Models> .. 4.96 RH. drive vehicles <1998 Models> 498 ‘TAIL LAMP, POSITION LAMP AND LICENCE PLATE LAMP LH. drive vehicles <1997 Models> - 4100 LH. drive vehicles <1998 Models> - 4102 RH. drive vehicles <1997 Models> 4-104 RH. drive vehicles <1998 Models> 4-108 REAR FOG LAMP LH. drive vehicles <1997 Models> .........4-110 LH. drive vehicles <1998 Models> ... ans RH. drive vehicles <1997 Models> .........4-118 RH. drive vehicles <1998 Models> 4122 HEADLAMP LEVELING SYSTEM 1997 Models 4.126 1998 Models 4.128 42 ROOM LAMP Except double cab 4-130 Double cab 4-131 IGNITION KEY CYLINDER ILLUMINATION LAMP . ceseeseeseeeeeses 4483, ‘TURN-SIGNAL LAMP AND HAZARD WARNING LAMP 1997 Models 4-194 1998 Models 4-196 STOP LAMP . BACK-UP LAMP .. HORN Vehicles with SRS - 4142 Vehicles without SRS. 4143 METER AND GAUGE . BRAKE WARNING LANP .. FUEL WARNING LAMP Vehicles without SRS 4144 aaa - 4-148 OIL PRESSURE WARNING LAMP FUEL FILTER WARNING LAMP 4-149 Diesel-powered vehicles 4149 MULTI-METER .. 4151 CENTRAL DOOR LOCKING SYSTEM Except double cab 4.182 Double cab - 4186 POWER WINDOWS Except double cab . 4-160 Double cab <1997 Models> 4-162 Double cab <1998 Models> 4-168 HEATER . 4-169 AIR CONDITIONER Petrol-powered vehicios 4.170 Dieselpowered vehicles with MIT 4478 Diesel-powered vehicles with AT... 4178 REAR HEATER <1998 Models> .. = 4-182 WINDSHIELD WIPER AND WASHER LH. drive vehicles . 4-186 RH. drive vehicles: 4-187 HEADLAMP WASHER . 4-189 DEFOGGER <1997 Models> . DEFOGGER AND DOOR MIRROR HEATER Vehicles with defogger timer -<1998 Models> .. o 4-192 Vehicles without defogger timer -<1998 Models> 4.194 REMOTE CONTROLLED MIRROR LH. drive vehicles <1997 Models> ........ 4-196 LH. drive vehicles <1998 Models> 4197 RH. drive vehicles <1997 Models>........ 4-198 RH. drive vehicles <1998 Models> . 4-199 RADIO AND TAPE PLAYER LH. drive vehicles with single cab ‘and club cab <1997 Models> 4-202 LH, drive vehicles with single cab ‘and club cab <1998 Models> 4.208 LH, drive vehicles with double cab <1997 Models> 4.206 LH. drive vehicles with double cab -<1998 Modele> 4-206 RH. drive vehicles 4-208 cLock LH. drive vehicles 4.209 RH. drive vehicles . 4-210 CIGARETTE LIGHTER .......sscecee06 4211 ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) WD... coceesesesteseeeceeeseses A212 4wo 4215 4-3 REAR DIFFERENTIAL LOCK SYSTEM LH. drive vehicles .... 4-200 RH. drive vehicles cecceeeeeseses 4222 PART TIME 4WD 1997 Models: cecteeereeees 4228 1998 Models = 4.226 RHEOSTAT 1997 Models : wos 4-228, 1998 Models cess 4229 SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) Petrol-powered vehicles ........ 4-230 Diesel-powered vehicles 4-232 IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM Petrol-powered vehicles <1997 Models> ... 4.234 Petrotpowered vehicles <1998 Models> ... 4-236 Diesel-powered vehicles <1997 Models> ... 4-298 Diesel-powered vehicles <1998 Models> ... 4-240 LIGHTING MONITOR BUZZER LH. drive vehicles <1997 Models> 4.242 LH, drive vehicles <1998 Models> - 4-244 RAH. dive vehicles <1997 Models>........ 4-246 RH, drive vehicles <1998 Models>........ 4248 HEATED SEAT 1997 Models . 1998 Models . INTERCOOLER FAN FUEL LINE HEATER a4 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM JUNCTION BLOCK (J/B) oroooz010¢ BONER BEC cp Remar ESMC tor qumoers are xeved to, tne conti in y [a Ti; pares peshe fe eS Gees Geek a bad a ®) EEREEEEE fn TEE Toroot wiring harness To body wing harness Detoggeelay Dedicated tse Mutt-purpose fuse CIRCUIT DIAGRAM [Front side| To front wiing hamess To body wiring harness F Turnsignal and 45 To front wing harness ica ic-09 es wiring " J) hazard arn [flasher unit " famess To ETACS-ECU or buzzer-ECU 4-6 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM JOINT CONNECTOR (J/C) soroteorr4 seanLMe age FoR cm “et augue “ge * GURS!“Bveren Bole Ef BE BMH a ae ERG TEND SO EE Mrs iets Ene , as ee ie ieee cD NOL ier Ret | ake | ype eae Whey: tien ara Ee eae ie on CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-7 Shope yet ssten verouaw MEQ! Bfooronee “Wit 17019) «P1> cw | py | bos OOO t ? tt wise (wr Sore sR" or rien Sane my campy IEE"? roe ALM Morice GREE AMR ZeR ART EARTHS) Tle 4-8 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM JOINT CONNECTOR (CONTINUED) wet sverew we gyoTeM RHE — wr Gyre CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 49 CENTRALIZED JUNCTION ‘soroocaest FUSIBLE LINK No._| Circuit Housing colour | Rated capaciy (A) 1 | Fusible ink No. (6), (7), and | Black 80 fusible link No. (2), (3), (4), (5), dedicated fuse No. (1) «ater start ofthe enghe> 2 | Intercooler fan and MPI circuit Light blue 20 3 | Heactamp, til lamp, rear fog lamp, alternator and dedicated | Pink 0 fuse No. (3), (@), (@) oul 4 | Power window cuit Pink 20 | Ignition switch, staring circuit Green 40 6 | Dedicated fuse No. (5). (8), (12), (13), (14), (15) and | Green 0 ‘multi-purpose fuse No. (1), (2), (6) circuit | 7 | Dedicated fuse No. (6), (7) circuit Pink 30 a. = 2 @ | Glow creut Black 20 10 |- 7 = = 11 [ABS ereuit Yotiow Oo (Relay box in engine compartment) (Connected directly to battery positive terminal) dle = 4-10 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM DEDICATED FUSE (Relay box In engine compartment) (Fusible link No. 6) Power supply cout | No. | Rated capacity (A) | Housing colour Gireut Battery/Atternator [1 | 10 Red Hazard warning lamp (Fusibe link No. 1) Tail lamp relay 10 Red Tall lamp and ilumination (Fusibte link No. 8) 3 | Red Tall lamp Headlamp relay [4 | 10 Red Rar fog lamp and high beam indicator (Fusibe tink No. 3) BateryiAtemator [8 | 10 Red Clock, radio, room lamp, ignition key hole (Fusiole link No. 6) iiumination lamp ECU-Power supply and MUTI power supply Battery/Atemator [6 | 20 Yellow Condenser fan motor (usible link No. 7) 7 [10 Red ‘AIC compressor Battory/Atterator [8 | 10 Red Stop lamp (ustble link No. 6) Ignition switch [8 | 10 Red Daytime running lamp and hom (aco) - Ignition ewitch (G2) | 10 | 10 Red Heated seat and power window 1 [to ed Overcive control relay BatteryiAtemator [12 | 15 Ble Fuel ine heater (Fusible link No. 6) BatteryiAtemator [13° | 10 Red Rear fan motor (Fusile tink No. 6) Dotogger relay | 14 | 10 Red Door minor heater (use ink No. 6) Battey/Alterator [15 | 20 Yellow Defogger (Wehicies with Defogger timer) (Relay box in engine compartment) Dodicated fuse No.5 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 41 (AC relay bracket in engine compartment) BBA es BR BR asovo0e7 (in Junction block) Dedicated fuse No. 12-13 Dedicated fuse No. 8-11 (Relay box In passenger compartment) Dedicated use W Dedicated fuse No. 15, Nota : 4-12 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MULTI-PURPOSE FUSE (in junction block) ated Power supply ccut | No. | copacty | Housing Load eet A Battery 1 20 ‘Yellow Defogger and door mirror heater 2 [2 Yetow | Blower motor ‘enon [iar [3 [10 Fed__| Tum signal and hazard waring Rasher unit Sch noo fe [10 Red | ETACS-ECU, clock and radio Bary 3 ' 6 [ts Bue | ETACS-EGU ignition [ice [7 [10 Red | ABS-ECU,detogger relay, ORL relay, dm cp lap relay, Seach heaslamp' washer rely, blower lay, AVG wich condenser fan control relay, defogger timer, defogger tw and rear heater lay acc fe [1s ive | Ciara hor and remote conraled minor acc |e [1s ‘ue | Intermittent wiper relay, washer motor and wiper motor iat [wo [ro ed | Combination meter, backup lamp, rear dierent loc EU and SAS tagnosis Unt iat [a 10 ed | ABS-ECU, combination mete, ETAGS ECU, inmoblizer- ECU, mutivmeter 4WO Indcator ECU. rear deena lock ECU, SAS dagnosis unk and engine ECU dunetion block Mutt-purpose fuse CENTRALIZED RELAY CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-13 (Relay box in engine compartment) Connector No. Name Connector No. Name Asx ‘Allernator relay AS4X Headlamp relay ASX Starter relay ASSX Tail amp relay A53x Intercooler fan relay A56X ‘Storage connector ‘ASEK (AC relay bracket in engine compartment) ‘Connector No. Name Connector No. Name ‘ASBX ‘AIC compressor relay ‘A6OX Condenser fan contol relay ‘A5OX ‘Condenser fan relay OOO 4-14 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (Relay box in pa nger compartment) ‘Connector No. Name ‘Connector No. ‘Name 78x Power window relay c87x Defogger Timer c-96x Rear heater relay, CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-15 NOTES 4-16 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM soroooeaet0 LH. drive vehicles <1997 Models> a eine BATTERY 2-BATTERIES ate | ! | SUN | (CONTINUED) @® aa |, vase] oe a iasayre HECRYAME 2 ran Ween? “ [e- Kelhy He OE - oy ' HeAOLAN «EACLE Reve HASHEGozaen Reis Li i ie o.086-¥ o.086-¥ ~ ven «ER o.ss6-y ' Ge Re oa | cD ED =D CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-19 ————peptenren PiBe ® @ — __ EYRE - 3M 7 0. B5R-W] 1 ed 0CDD y 0. 88" Tne” 28-¥1 “1 MMosriover "EERE Evsrew CIEE HBP. a poe” SESE AEA Hore TERE awe AREY ee a S Bao MULTI -WerER 4-20 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (CONTINUED) EG See thcoy v Vv a C288) 2 pt cx _— O} OF OF © 2G) ew] 2W-R] - . - ~ pgggoaren Pg @} ©} @ accu} 0,29] 259 vei ' ' ' vege] ge | teres | ROTA Wf | Eanr® | Figiucs , , SULA (Uren CER Wow? ee a HER TOP LAP REC oEeR a CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-21 SEN coy aL-R waste | ue | ae ia | BLS | rar eer Geren | HEADIN vaseen , oe ANTI -L00K eaKiNG_sySTEN BRAKE WARNING LA. CENTAL DUOR LOCKING svSTEM PARECATED [i 2B-L | os 8 ; UR | | NeATED seat ' BSRREL Broren VER WOON Fiihek® cue ie wot sists area + aL SyeTeM SYautsion s¥srew 5 InTeRoOOLER Rengeas, BoRese: ab Retz3 4-22 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ‘90100040690 LH. drive vehicles <1998 Models> a. KE EVR - ® @ ony @3/8. & | 4op-¥8) Lit] 498-33 HN so wy | p-ndrreries ‘| | BE Sten SHRTHEByorew (CONTINUED) “agape ECR “tener SB) vf Foe we eau Gp Ex ED ane 4S Y Ry , eADLaNe a fey) Ge SAR ouczer + REAR FOS LAMP rcosrar, Agee — tere BUhre ale 0. 856-¥ CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-25 a HA © Soren” SHR Boren a a gion Tiges = Gen MEL IEE re, ororen EOS Eek EE Re He GIR See fone iene ew 4-26 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (CONTINUED) | “Mlpoce | “i | ep FARE ter EGOEAG B0Rfen —”ELGAHERT® Siliueo + 0. 85B-R 7. BOOTS a (gga ~ Saar oo —————— ca cH) CH Bes Set ofl] Reape (j Fate CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-27 Stee SFLU con 38-W] — cap 2B-Lf RW 2 PuREeATEP ® | esa ta] on + ' 4 rh FER roren BGS Soren eS - | EAE samen eee” CREAR Teares io uy fr-t0m saaKing sysreN ike Wat Le Geren, Soom LNG SYSTEM Gian: svsren DePOSGER AND DOOR wIRROR HEATER EL Ghetine we?“ Hhwoiu ize sysreM . METER (00 one seen Wictt teres AL PRESSURE wARNNG LAMP ‘vee ve onthe SiatEN PRET TIME xb BYSTEN. BEAR OIFFERENTIAL LODK syaTEM SUPPLENENTAL RESTRAINT BYSTEM | wr oyoreu ' Each + ouow SysTeM NITION SYSTEM NTERCOOLER FAM ey EbBeeral 4-28 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM R.H. drive vehicles <1997 Models> ow aa uz | Fai : ot | DATTERY oon 408-¥ ms | ao 28 eohens 1 "8 Sten | BALIN raren Wenicies with ABS aoa-v| 408-7 aoe-r| 408-2 fi se 408-7 a @ CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-29 a aa ' ‘yee gic o-r| aver pegenen pepyoaren an] aR PERRET] © oF | ERR GEow [2 SaRiEEFoe Je RB) 2B] 0. 858-R gO BRAINS ns sygercceuse porer winors RNR . AR ial Rs Morrow ce TSize tea BN ton » RREGOMALvepeaner oo ae 4-30 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (CONTINUED) ® F ulye Hep oe atk? z “Ee fa eaDie env HeADLaNe BP ce eels CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-31 of oy PUSIBLE ay o—F 0. 85R-¥| “| — 5 et fe daagon Cm ee” fo rriomee ee aia PABLO Ne EA Ae bee RUSERRENT ae “eeu or em fenltler age st ieee oe 4-32 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (CONTINUED) SHE Rhee v Bepcaren Fuge oR BTA few | ERE Fateh , BETAINE Soren STOP Live ' Morrow: TREN? c BEL ten CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-33 ' Heareo sear POWER VINOD 59) —-f et _ _ _ 1 28+] 3 ef @ o BERLCATED what hy (et | ' Ree SEESP™™ AG SER ores ae ' FRR OP RG aaa Lae SakNG Te CGeNTRaL DOOR LOOKING SYSTEM + Sake ie ever FUEL FIUTER WARMING Le DEL WARN LAME syeeun ThaeivizeR svsren iow SysTEM TER AN cave. TNTERCOOLER FA SE PReSGuRe WARNING LP Baer Tie exp SYST “REAR DIFFERENTIAL Lock SYBTEM SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRATI? STEM 4-34 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM soto0oteer R.H. drive vehicles <1998 Models> ax Te : FyROLE Fi Eva oh ;®, St BATTERY ten eo 408-¥ PIE ov-s| 2-paTTERIES “a NE rraw (Wenicles witn ABS) aoa-v| 408-¥ 408-k| 408-R| " t_} Sees 408-¥ a Eg CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-35 2B-R| ze-r| —28-R &r ar| ore , ep|careo a4 PUBS ® @ al a et SBME GFoe Je emp RB zo] 0.868-R , vere for sean Jpproon.ee over winoos aaa? a ‘f FEAITM: B0Rew Ebocrionen Bek TaceiL125e eysTew hove ig wow ToW Buzze FAB oer SUeperte. Reoreanr ocd Lae 4-36 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM aR veh FEADLMe Fine seule Ee ve Cee Lt oe @ os aie EN | eRe ! cn CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-37 o o. _ bit x ? 0. 85R-W Hai Rae "Mbsrioys TEE PS fae AB Sue {Nes fetutae —EGRR QUSTERPNT'®Y SE He anh Can STARTING SYSTEM HEATER TipgiGlat Lave HRP Ree 4-38 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (CONTINUED) ES HERCoc y own a 1 CBS) 1 G=58) win) : - ec] ay Ro} @} ©} @7 of © rekoee peezeareo ' ' @} oF |e “tiorsrver | “BEE fen | ESERHSH? “TOP tien oye CG la BREE vo “Bifhuro RErRGES pepgoger. ayo Ree = 0.958-R_ G80, Td pecan {@> |PaRe [ea pal al + + ‘3 ea? leit can eee Cs CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-39 | 12 | | } 4 a fee weegewria. Boge FS RUE Heber 3 Re ‘Shsrew GEE AN CE HEM ees cH coo | Ee | EE noe | 28-0] ma gets nie te Se EA vereu syereune clic ones SEALS Vibue uve VEL wae Lak t, INTERCOOLER FAN CTL Padsgune WARNING LAN con PaeT TIME avo S¥STeML eae DIFFERENTIAL Lock evsrew SUSSLENEMTAL RESTRATA SYSTEM 4-40 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM STARTING SYSTEM ‘sotonesoaz0 Petrol-powered vehicles Luana oR Whiter (SEA ) BATTERY ae BY 2B CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-41 STARTING SYSTEM Diesel-powered vehicles Fysia BATTERY BATTERY Ee aw 2-BATTERIES A 408-R STARTER LAY ERD 28 STARTER Bip 4-42 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM STARTING SYSTEM (See P. 4-40, 41.) sores. OPERATION TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS For A/T vehicles, when the selector lever is in the 1. Starter motor does not turn over at all P or N position and the ignition switch is tuned © Check starter (coll) to ST position, the starter relay turns on. This causes ‘© Check battery terminals for proper contact. the starter contact (magnet switch) to close, and © Starter relay inspection (petrol-powered the starter motor operates. vehicles with A/T and diesel-powered vehicle), © Check inhibitor switch . 2. Starter motor does not stop rotating, © Check starter (magnet switch). CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-43 IGNITION SYSTEM coroners 1997 Models LoNiTiON Bineacivan) 28-4] wor gysrew a 1 8 ) [cm 3 P aN 1659 NFER Fe otrew ceva0- 8 sao 2 CAPACITOR + |e = 1.258-R i cp . ha PW v0 arfpeo tha cm y Ss ——+) ne + | DISTRIBUTOR - _ ore ge 8 - G7) Is Power FRR sre 2 1 ww} ry. 258 x POT -STcNAL ——— eee eo nue aehoor TRGIMRAEORE Macon" BREREURETS HE"? IoLe position vita = THROTTLE POSITION seNsae ‘ho Seno VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR (=e =e] | Ee a — 4-44 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM IGNITION SYSTEM sorooeoere 1998 Models ser gyoren 1.258-8 b 2010) a5 FT er otro 20-4], vas), va capacitor az 1.258-R : v3 an POWER TRANSISTOR 2 DASTBLpYTOR, BSSENBLY

(CONTINUED) wa 1.298-R| — @>2B- [ai | igure CIRCUIT DIAGRAM v8. Notse, FILTER, wa] ow a ait yeo Wl ty | cso PE eval Powe ‘| FRMRE sto 2 «F)1. 258] CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-53 a ue 1.299 J Ld vd rey at | wa aa i i — —__— a ca aa 7 PErReE oe 4-54 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MPI SYSTEM <1997 Models> (CONTINUED) ag evsine EAE. Bits. a 15k ety WV lis nese) oe Fy We po PD, 12 py 14 py 16 $b, 19 Pse-e|t° fase-e[" fFase-ef|° se-2] ol. NJECTOR, "] INJECTOR | INJECTOR | INJECTOR orb 3 ae «ep ee a fs f 4 2 & ), «F), ova} Ehsv-c] — Psv-cly, Ssv-2 ath yce 85) 7d oma} ef ABP , 0. 85R | Lo®Lie 12 15 18 J70(3) 20) w/ecay _| 8 a] yr Gifs cD em & B cH [tania Sepuieccrae CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-55 Ste wy Je (4) C295) io 1 oh By 7 pif & ‘ eT walt Ae > : | Hie IDLE. | bs Wp SENS" | A 1 ‘3 qj 6 cD 1 ye 5 6 ee] er} er] arc sy} rl wale wr ny spwnde| wl] Stowe | wl Pi c-s| ho BL 1-255] 1.258 wea = =| 4 ha ww e-a| rs] «y-a 2 oh 1 ss * gg) ? |e + Se G I aE True BEE Bure SENSE fy] Borst lL con) = ED 4-56 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MPI SYSTEM <1997 Models> (CONTINUED) EXforriover oy Bow 53 exp /ENGINE-BCU 1 ~~ JB SURE. “Syorew 16 EOBTstMEy YW cs Eee BESET . Vat T |= ett0N t font ‘. 4 free : =n 5 cp {to 94 G08) al 5 Us| T ce % aa aa = = Remarks o TBAT Rout nob ETT 28F 8278 ken C08) GD Gd ca C=35)rrowr sice C=36) » Te Fee) EGeeeene cD csp (C86) zy i) ie CIRCUIT DIAGRAM NOTES 4-58 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MPI SYSTEM = 1998 Models EUSIBLE LIM @ AUSIELE Link @ IME ae Seton 7 4 C=88) 2 oy ame Ts R 0. BSB-W] Bon 2 0 | SB wwe a ay Ra BH Sige s ; cox ose] See vert ST lgeypesrrion 2 (CSD breton 3 Cd g IS (6 C=) L-c] — 1..288-6| 2 1 0. 86 1.25R]1-25R 41. 258-6| cw ca ce cD CEE] PE’ FEO eal con i ia aes Hal feetndidaper CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-59 FY 28-W — 38-4] caPactToRy €D| 2B-W wR] FUEL @ bae em 14 O=0D (22%? (=a) 1 ] &) Gay lal ogee ; Bikers i Remarks. 3 Dil ieiaieritiassiatsaten C49) cs Ce Bees WY S. fi 4-60 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MPI SYSTEM <1998 Models> (CONTINUED) 1.258-R] «Fy 28-HI fi Tae wa] POWER. TRANS stor 2 REEF ED «F)1. 258 | o a Gu ® CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-61 AA u ar 15 C5) rm aie Yoo CD 20) 4-62 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MPI SYSTEM <1998 Models> (CONTINUED) Rice Ea RoL RELAY 1.25 w woe | 13 15 125B-RN8 4 ag a7 1 z 7 z 7 Seo]? ‘Posora]!* ‘Posore|"® sal |NJECTOR | ingector {INJECTOR INJECTOR [ED | 8 |= em | §|qa 2 3 1 2 2 2 SPrsv-e} — Prsv-of — Shov-c] — SPsv-8 cm a ED ED & > cE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-63 ay ee 28 ra} eva f angie Ga GENER _—— les ca 4-64 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MPI SYSTEM <1998 Models> (CONTINUED) Abforrione ENGINE-ECU SEFRBL"Everen Beret vow Sa Ser 1 SBunection YW Cp geyRunarion 2 = = Remarks o TEER MRMSITE EH co C0) C15) C19) (C235) rrowr sine © C=36) oh Esl Hey Eg ao a cz Saperoae| CIRCUIT DIAGRAM NOTES 4-66 OVERDRIVE CONTROL SYSTEM CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4G63 <1997 Models> HEADLAND (TALL LAMP RELAY) veger >| { asc-w] 13 enduave PRB 6 CE 5 jxauowe Ln] 4.25R E1SARERT® 1 wut aeree 4 BAR RSET Vv Pia B © L 0.658 6 Cm se 16 x u 2e| = Vv O =p ED (oa) Depca ep i] ag oO f Hae) CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-67 R L ver sysreu AN Ber. yw NO, OGxneer ton 51D P| couainar ion NereR [34 C=) 15 00 LW ae Birhea! cD ; — fees Bee a 4-68 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OVERDRIVE CONTROL SYSTEM <4G63 (1997 Models)> (CONTINUED) ign IGNITION svt awITCHYIGL) 38-W 4 Co) we wer syeTeN ton, 3B-¥ nD 1. 25R-G hese ous BRE 10 ED eau” ra ie

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