Chapter 2 - Spread Sheet
Chapter 2 - Spread Sheet
Chapter 2 - Spread Sheet
Spreadsheet is a large sheet comprising several Rows and Columns for data
manipulation. It is used to record, calculate and compare numerical or financial data. The
data stored can be arranged and analysed with the help of different functions and
formulae. Spreadsheet provides the facility to draw various graphs like bar, pie, etc.
Example for Spread Sheets: LibreOffice Calc, MS-Excel, Lotus 123, Open Office Spread
Sheet, Quattro
Work book
A file in spread sheet is known as work book. A work book is a collection of number of
worksheets. By default, there is only one active worksheet to carry out operations.
One can add more active work sheets in a work book, if required. Worksheets names will
be shown in the “Sheet Tab”.
Work sheet
Each page in the work book is called work sheet. It is a sheet where we can record and
manipulate data. By default, the user gets only one worksheet. Default name of a work
sheet is sheet 1. We can have as many worksheets as the memory capacity of our
computer. Work sheet is a single page or sheet of a work book like a page in a book.
The horizontal grid in a in a work sheet is called row. Rows are named by numbers like 1,
2, 3 etc. In LibreOffice Calc there are 1048576 rows.
The vertical grid in a worksheet is called column. Columns are named by alpha
characters like A, B...AA,AB,..and ended with AMJ) In LibreOffice Calc there are 1024
The intersection of a row and a column is called a cell. In a spread sheet data are recorded
in cells.
Data can be number, text, date & time. The data is always entered into the active cell; the
active cell
can be identified with the black outline.
Cell address
Cell address is used to identify a cell. It consists of column name (letter) and row number.
Each cell has a unique identification code known as cell address.
Example for cell address:
11th row 3rd column C11
A RANGE is a group of adjacent cells that forms rectangular area. A range may contain
just a single cell, or many cells. A range can be referenced by giving the address of the
starting cell and ending cell separated by a colon (:) eg.The range starting from D1 to
E10 is written as D1:E10, where colon (:) is the range operator.
The horizontal tabs at the top with a number of related options are called Ribbon.
Types of Data
In the cell of a worksheet three types of data are entered .They are-Value, Label
and Formula
1. Value-Value is a number that you enter in a cell. It also includes symbols like
+,-,coma (,) and decimal point (.).By default values are right aligned. Calculations
can be done using values only.
Example: Age of employee, salary of employee etc.
2. Label- The text data is called label. It includes alphabets and symbols. By
default labels are left aligned.
Example: Name of Employee, sex, designation etc.
3. Formula- A formula is a mathematical expression that produces a new value
from the values or numbers on which it is applied. Formulas are used for simple
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as for complex
calculations. In speadsheet formula begins with an equal (=) symbol.
Example : =SUM (A2:F5)
Components of a Formula
Formulas are used for simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as
well as for
complex calculations. Formulas help to speed up the calculations. A standard
formula may
have three components.
1) Mathematical operators
2) Cell References
3) Functions
Example for Formula B10=SUM (A1:A10)
Cell Reference-The cell sddress used in a formula is called cell reference. A cell
reference identifies the location of a cell or cells in the spreadsheet. There are three types
of cell references:
Types of cell references
1) Relative references
2) Absolute references
3) Mixed cell references
2. Mathematical Functions
These functions are used for arithmetical calculations used in business. It includes :
1. SUM( )
2. SUMIF( )
3. ROUND( )
1) SUM ( )
The SUM function is used to add the values contained in a range of cells.
Syntax=SUM(cell 1,cell 2,..........)
Syntax=SUM(Range 1,Range 2,..........)
2) SUMIF ( )
The SUMIF ( ) function sum its values only when a particular criteria or condition is
satisfied. In SUMIF function firstly test the values given in the first range and if this
range satisfies the given criteria (conditions to be tested) then returns the sum of the
corresponding values in a second supplied range.
Syntax=SUMIF(range,”criteria”,sum range)
Range is the range to which the criteria are to be applied.
Criteria is the condition to be fulfilled for totalling cells. In function, it has to be
surrounded by double quotes (“ “).
Sum range (Optional) is the range from which values are summed. If this parameter has
not been indicated, the values found in the range are summed.
3) ROUND ( )
The ROUND function rounds a supplied number to a specified decimal places.Often
while calculating interest,preparing pay roll,division of numbers etcthe end result may be
in fraction. ROUND function helps to round-off the answer to a certain number of
decimal place.
4) Roundup ( )
The Roundup function always round a number to upward, without considering the value
next to the rounding digit.
Syntax=Roundup(number, Count)
5) Rounddown( )
The ROUNDDOWN function always round a number to downward, without considering
value next to the rounding digit.
3.Statistical Function
Statistical function helps in report generation. It operates on a set of data and gives
results.Important statistical functions are:
This function is used to find out average values (Arithmetic mean) in a range of c
2. COUNT ( )
The COUNT function counts the number of cells that contains numeric values in a
given range of cells or list of arguments separated by commas.
It counts both numbers and dates. Empty cells, logical values, text and error codes etc
are ignored. Only numerical values (numerical values include number and date and time)
are counted here.
3. COUNTA ( )
The COUNTA function counts the number of cells that contain any type of data. It count
cells contains numbers, text, date,time,logical values,etc. This function never
countsempty/ blank cells.
Syntax=Counta(value 1,value 2,value 3...)
COUNTBLANK functions counts the number of empty cells in a given range. A cell
that contains formula is not treated as empty, even if its result is empty.
5. COUNTIF ( )
Count if function is used to count the number of cells in a range that meet a given
condition or criteria.
1) TEXT( )
The TEXT function converts a supplied numeric value into text according to user defined
format. This function is useful in situations to display numbers in a more readable format,
or to combine numbers with text or symbols.
Concatenate means join together. This function used to combines several text strings in
different cells into one string. Space between strings are given in inverted coma(“ “).
Syntax=concatenate(Text1,Text2,....,Text 30 )
Logical functions help to compare more than one condition and outcome. Logical
functions return only one of two values: True or False. Logical function requires the
usage of logical operators.
There are number of logical operators such as =,> (greater than), <(less than),>=
(greater than or equal to),<=(less than or equal to),<>(not equal to) etc.
Nested If function is used to evaluate different conditions. The IF function can be nested,
when you have multiple conditions to meet.
=IF(Test 1,Then Value 1,IF(Test 2,Then Value 2,IF(..............)))
The second IF will be started only when the first IF statement result a FALSE value.
HLOOKUP is a very useful function for creating horizontal lookups, but as most of the
tables that we deal with are vertical hence this function is not very popular. HLOOKUP
looks up values in the first row of a table, and returns the corresponding value in the same
column from another given row of the same table. We can try to understand HLOOKUP
Function. In this table data arranged horizontally.
Rate=Periodic interest rate
NPER= The total number of payment periods for the lifetime of the loan.( If instalment is
paid in monthly ,to get total number of payment period, ‘year X 12’)
PMT= Payment per period.
PV=It is the present cash value of the loan.
FV=(Optional)The future value of the loan at the end of NPER payments.If omitted,[FV]
the default value of 0.
Type=(Optional) defines whether the payment is due at the beginning or the end of the
period.’0’ for end period and ‘1’ for beginning period.
=RATE (nper,pmt,pv,fv,type,guess)
NPER= The total number of payment periods for the lifetime of the loan.( If instalment is
paid in monthly ,to get total number of payment period, ‘year X 12’)
PMT= Payment per period.
PV=It is the present cash value of the loan.
FV=(Optional)The future value of the loan at the end of NPER payments.If omitted,[FV]
the default value of 0.
7.NPV – Calculates the net present value of an investment using a discount rate and a
series of future payments.
=NPV(rate,value1,value2, value3……..)
1.#### ERROR – When a column is not wide enough in a cell or a negative date or time
is used.
4.#NAME? ERROR- When Excel does not recognize the text in a formula.
Another in built feature of Excel which will not allow users to enter any invalid data
.This feature defines restrictions on the type of data to be entered into a cell. Warning
messages or alert signals will be displayed when users try to type wrong data in the
cells. These messages guide users regarding the type of expected input into the cell and
also gives instructions to correct the errors. Hence data validation stresses that only
accurate, valid and consistent data must be entered.
Methods of data validation – a.) Create a drop down list b.) Setting limits with a
b.)TEXT FORMATTING-Includes adjusting the font size and color, changing text
style,merging & unmerging cells etc.
1.Pivoting –Moving the rows to columns or columns to rows to view different data
2.Querying – Large amounts of data in user friendly ways by sub totaling for categories
and sub categories.
3.Expanding and collapsing data levels to focus on results and providing data summary
only for areas of interest.
4.Filtering, sorting, grouping and conditionally formatting the most wanted, useful and
interesting set of data.
6.Summarising long lists of complicated data and figures to compare several facts and to
drill down on the details