Hybrid Worlds: Deliver
Hybrid Worlds: Deliver
Hybrid Worlds: Deliver
ume are determined by temperature and hydrocarbon \Arhen the well comes online with higher-temperature
composition. The swell rate is faster at higher tempera- oil, the swelling process accelerates at a rate much faster
tures and in lighter hydrocarbons as well as in lower-vis- than with a conventional oil-elastomer packer.
cosity fluids. Another application is in oil wells where a water-produc-
A water-swellable elastomer is a nitrile-based rubber irg zo:ne develops. Deploying a hybrid elastomer provides
crosslinked with a super-absorbent polymer that facilitates a cost-effective alternative to runnirg a long series of oi1-
swelling. The swell rate is faster at higher temperatures based and water-based packers. The hybrid elastomer alsc,
and lower salinities. addresses the temperature limitation of water-based elas-
tomers, which are not recommended for use in environ-
A flexible qllernqtive ments that exceed I25"C (257"F) .
Among the breakthrough technologies that have A similar process is used for dry gas wells,
emerged in recent years is the dual-fluid-activated where swelling occurs at a fast rate due to
swellable hybrid elastomer that can swell in hydrocar- [he low viscosity of the fluid and the
bons or water or a combination of both. higher temperatures. When a
The fit-for-purpose method cross-links the super- nonviscous fluid enters
absorbent polyrner into the EPDM elastomer, providing a the matrix too
homogeneous blend of rubber that can swell at different quickly,
rates dependirg on specific well conditions. Hybrid elas-
tomers swell faster at hieher temperatures and in lighter The Genesis
oils and lower salinities, and can swell up to three swellqble pocker
times their original volume in oil and / or water. provides cosl-effeclive
Weatherford's hybrid elastomer tech- one-lrip, self-setting isolqtion with
nology is a swellable elastomer that is no moving mechqnicql components,
responsive to both oil and water in liquid, (lmoges courlesy of Weqlherford lnlernotiono t)
wet 3zS, or multiphase environments,
: -lin insulation, allowing for the reiative movement of after bending also need to be maintained following heat
-; lu.lrer and outer bends. The polymer is a "syntactic" treatment. For the inner clad bends, a full body quench
,;:e rial, silicone rubber r'vith glass microspheres dis- and temper (QT) heat treatment is applied at the SMGB
-, Se d through the matrix rvith high strength, flexibility, bending mill to guarantee homogenized material prop-
, - -i thermal efficiency. The tangent ends of the inner erties for the bends, fulfilling mechanical and corrosion
-i outer bends are held rigidly, ensuring the assembly requrrements.
-cl'ances achieved at manufactttre are retained when
- - r-rnit is transferred to the rvelding contractor for HP I HT mqleriql properties for pipe-in-pipe
- - rrporation into the pipeline spool or riser. Additional material complexities also have to be over-
; rrr the insulation to be effectivelr, deployed, provid- come. Generally inHP / FIT lines, there are challenges
-. consistent thermal performance, the annular gap because of corrosion, low temperature toughness, and
- -,r-rghout the assembly must be r-rniform. In this strength. These parameters require careful material
:.ance , it is important that the rnanufacturing toler- selection to maintain the balance of properties from the
-.-,-eS of the pipe and bends are controlled closely. outset throush to bend production.
large quantities of sand. the formation sand grain size is essential t,-, -,--
selection, and laboratory technolos, is tr-.e*-i -. i'
lish the most suitable sand control metitoi
Traditional completion methods that zli*--,, :;,. "
reservoirs to be exploited often dramaticirnl"^ -:'
duction efficiency and are being replaced t-,', -: Ll
lnflow conlrol devices con be instqlled qs q stqndqlone oplion formity coefficient is calculated at less rlr-.'.- ri,
or in conjunction with q sqnd screen such qs lhe FloMqx Dulch o Inflow control device (ICD) screens. Cr:,,
Weqve sqnd conlrol screen. (lmoges courtesy of Tendeko) reduce or delay an influx of water br-rt -,,"-- -- ; i,
and the blockage of dolrrhole hardrr-are. irhich can dam- itg production by using ICDs in conjlurcn(: - - '
age or disable downhole and surface e quipnent. screen technologies. This Qpe of completic,,-- : i, r
Drilling technology has adr-anced to sr-rch ail e\tent drat been most prominent in the Middle East ar--,- ' i
horizontal and multilateral rvells are no\r the norlll. rrith br-rt is nou- gaining greater recognition elser,, r ;
z6 May 2012
Passive ICDs are used to enhance the performance of installing ICDs, a predetermined pressure dru- : ': 'rr"'
horizontal wells in unfavorable environments such as created between the reservoir and the cornpie:
nonuniform permeability and/ or pressure along horizon- This choking effect creates a back pressllre c'rl --- -
tal sections. The advent of passive ICD technology has dra- quality sections of the reservoir, allowing tighl-: *l: l
matically improved well productivity and wellbore cleanup, to contribute and even out the well's inflo\\-'DI- :- '
resulting in increased recovery and its associated benefits. will result in better coning control, therefore nl-., rr ,-
producing zone. Each ICD placed along the zone creates a down capability without the need to deplor ar-- --
locahzed restriction to flow that is predetermined during string, the ability to set liner hanger/packers ''r-- l
the completion design. This restricted flow creates an addi- ical packers simultaneously against the valr-e- l- - lrr\
tional pressure drop, which balances the wellbore pressure control, and the ability to pressure-test the ttr-ll- ' -:-; *
drop. The resultant evenly distributed flow profile can out setting arry additional packers.
reduce water or gas coning and sand production and solve This has enabled ICD completions to be ils -;* '
other drawdovrn-relate d production problems. ing periods of high well losses without harinq ' I ' ' ;';;
Standalone ICDs canbe spaced throughout the comple- loss control material.
tion liner adjacent to the production or injection reservoir. The FloCheck valve also is a convergence 'i.,- l$'tti
entire length of the lateral and mitigate the effect of the irg due to inability to circulate;
severe pressure gradients, eliminate cross-flows existing in o Low bottomhole pressure can lead to mtir--:
openhole completions and, in certain cases, significant$ with inner strings to set mechanical pacli.:'
reduce rvater cut. o Inner strings take time to run and Call itrlo:l =.,, *'
or in conjunction with a sandscreen in a FloRight ICD. By an inner string, permits the setting of mecirat--- -," ,, I
through the screen and into the flow chaml-n": ' ' r.
is regulated by the ICD orifice. Along uith um-':"-
pressure drops in the production zo:ne are F;;.'l- r' ,
78 May 20Lz
in a sandstone reservoir in the Gulf of Mexico company in the Middle East to manage water rn an open-
hole multilateral horizontal oil-producing well. That project
-1 --/ depleted
---I- reservoir with difficult was another world first in that it allowed the deployrnent of
hu*r'' : nditions, the well was planned as a reentry out
- passive inflow control devices to manage inflow from two
,l**-1l- rvith a 4Yt-tn openhole, which negated the lateral wells connected to the mother bore.
:*i'entional technologies. Offset wells with sand The carbonate well had reache d 50% water cul Limited
i :-lrltliprnent installed experienced very high com- success was achieved with plugging it back to minimize
l:t .o--n and used a variety of high-rate water packs, water production, so it was decided to carry out a workover
and expandable screens.
llti-,r-." and install the ICDs to passively control inflow from the
. txpan\,'s solution was to provide inflow control laterals, uniformly produce from the mother bore, and
: ,:rJ sl ellable packers, which were installed in a 4]/a- reduce the potential for cross-flow between the laterals.
l*:- -'l'e section of the well. Coarse metal mesh sand Fourteen Tendeka FloMatik passive ICDs and six
utrs (T e Lrsed to minimize the plugging of sand and swellable packers were installed to compartmentalize the
un -:rrq rrell flowback, and the swellable packers were reservoir, and numerous wellbore hydraulic simulation
luirr*- n=leerre design, which were simple to deploy and runs were undertaken to match flow and pressure profiles.
i, -:rsrall. The new FloRight2%-rn ultra slim hole The project saw the ICDs create proportionate inflow
-*::ri s\stem was used across the 170-rn (560-ft) zone along the well and passively control influx from the later-
rtrr,--r of rnore than 4,000 m (13,125 ft). als with no cross-flow or packer leaks. A rate of 4,100 b/ d
- - D rtechnology used was based on a recent success- of oil with }Vo water cut was achieved, compared to 1,500
-,penhole reentry completion deployed by the b/ d before the workover.
known to be within it. wide variety of environmental locations and Soun-i:': ' ri
According to OSPAR's2007 "Practical Guidance Docu- as the gills of marine fish and hydrothermal r-enrs ) rlilr""
ment on Whole Effluent Asessment," the added value of of these bacterra are regularly supplied to indr.LSE- : r
WEA is greatest in complex effluerm, which contain mix- use in antibiotic production, while others cotrlC v-:. '
tures of chemicals or require very detailed process-specific unique properties and commercial potential tha: ---r"
knowledg. to allow characterrzatron. Produced water would not yet been realized.
seem to fall into that category, as it consists of both natu- NCIMB used strains from the collection to Ce-, : r:: Tr
rally occurring and added chemicals, which can include MARA test. The microorganisms used were car e:', --'
biocides, defoamers, or scale and corrosion inhibitors, and selected to cover a wide genetic diversity and pT,,- --, r
its composition varies depending on location, formation spectrum of sensitivities to different compoltellb r - rr q
A new qpproqch
The !\IEA approach involves using biological tests to
determine persistence, bioaccumulation, and toxicity
(PBT:criteria), and tests commonly applied to marine sys-
tems are based on the use of single species from different
trophic levels. For example, in the UK the Offshore
Chemical Notification Scheme requests ecotoxicity data
for offshore chemical products from an alga e (Skeletonema
costatum), a crustacean (Acartict tonsa)and a fish species
(e.g. Scophthalmus maximus). The bacteria I'ibro flsheri
also is commonly used as a single species test. This LumiMARA plqte imoge wqs coplured qfter 30 minriuunes iltr
Researchers at the UK-based compan)- NCIIIB Ltd. q
exposure lo two-fold dilution series of somple. The
have taken a new approach in der-eloping rrhat tL") lhe percenloge of inhibilion of bioluminescence is comntpwnuna
believe to be the only multispecies \\L\ tesl\ currendr- ogoinsl the conlrol row contqining no somple. (lmog,es
available. The Microbial Arrav for Todc Risk \sessment of NCIMB trd.)
data are imported to image analysis software and plotted; exqmine lhe onolysis of q MARA plote using ihe MARA soliii'uu*rlr"nh
two freshwater species. Bioluminescent bacteria emit light baseline and maximum) . Combined integrated r- --
as a result of a biochemical reaction. \Arhen these bacteria tion of all 1 1 species provides a unique toxiciq p r :-
are exposed to toxins, their luminescence is inhibited, the effluent being tested.
and reduction of light output can be used as a rapid and
direct measurement of toxicity. Different dilutions of the North Seq cqse study
effluent sample are added to a plate containirg the 11 Both MARA and LumiMARA have been tested
mpm*ntiv*.**nr/silfiefid * fra*Jine. co m
duced water samples from 15 North Sea oil and gas instal- used as an initial screenirg test before moving on -
lations, alongside established algae (Skeletonema costatum) itg that uses higher order organisms such as cnrs-L-1. -
and crustacean (Acartia tonsa) single species tests, as part and fish.
of a wider coordinated study to assess the role of WEA in
a risk-based approach to produced water monitoring. The AdditionEl benefits
offshore installations sampled included a mixture of oil The multispecies microbial approach to WF_-\ als,_, _ --:
and gas producers as well as early and late stages of pro- number of additional benefits and uses. The gror,,-r-,
duction and high and low water cut. of the different microbial species in the presence - ---
The microbes, the algae, and the crustacean used in the ent dilutions can be used to produce a dendograir- ,-
test all showed different degrees of sensitivity to the differ- ing unknown chemicals to standards and can prc,-, -- -
ent produced water samples, but for all of the produced insight into the mode of toxic action. The fingen-rr---- -:
water samples tested, the sensitivity of the algae and crus- duced from the multispecies tests are ideal tools ft- 1 -.-
tacean fell within the range of responses shown by the dif- ing comparisons to be made between samples, 1o,:;:
ferent microbial species. In other words, it appears that and time points as well as in response to chemicai r:-.
tests using a genetically diverse group of microorganisms ments. The tests also can be used to detect subCe - - -
can give results that are indicative of the response of the within the toxicity profile of samples, making Cte r-- :
wider ecosystem. As higher order testing can take up to abletoolintermsofidentifyinganyuneXpectedc---.,_
three days, the results suggest that multispecies microbial in composition of the produced water before dxei '- .
tests like MARA and LumiMARA can offer a fast, low-cost a bigger problem and for monitoring the effecur-e r--:" '
method for the WEA toolbox that could potentially be otherwise of a:ny remedial steps taken.
growing all the time. . There are no emissions or disposals to sea; and
The company is the first to admit that seabed com- . The process is safer due to unmanned operation.
pressron represents a major technological leap into the It is for the above reasons that Statoil has been at the
future for the E &P industry. But it is a milestone that forefront of subsea developments for decades, particr-r-
has long been a target for the operator as it stretches the larly in the area of subsea processing where it is ackno",n'.-
limits in its efforts to improve already tmpresslve recov- edged as a world-leader. Its historical track record is
ery rates from its gas fields. impressive, as the following milestones in subsea pro-
The reasons for developing subsea gas compressron cessing advances illustrate :
technologies are as follows, according to the company: . Hydrocarbon boosting on the Lufeng field offshort
. Gas fields require boosting of the reservoir flow as China;
reservorr pressure depletes; . Separation at the Troll pilot project and separatior-
o Subsea gas compression replaces the need for an off- and boosting at the Tordis project, both offshore
shore piatform or onshore compression facrhLy; Norway;
. Raw seawater injection at the Norwegian Tyrihans
[ullfaks fiEld l*y aui development; and
o Compression at the Gullfakr, Argurd, and Ormen
Lange pilot projects offshore Norway.
This year the company has managed to achieve 10 \'e r-':
of operation on the seabed for its Troll pilot project. ccilr-
cept selection approved for Gullfaks subsea compressit,'r--
final investment decision made on Asgard subsea com-
pression, and installation of the Ormen Lange field sut'
sea compression pilot (at the operator's test pit in
Nyhamna, Norwvf, for production operator Shell).
But the company's Gullfaks and Ormen Lange pilot Schlumberger's Framo Engineering is carrying out
projects also will see the technolos'used, with the com- the engineeritg, procurement, and construction of the
pany's Gullfaks South project in particular set to benefit compressor station, includitg the topsides power and
most in the short-term. control systems for Gullfaks C.
This field has already achieved an extremely impres- Margareth Avrurn, Statoil executive vice president,
sive recovery rate of 62%,but Statoil has said the combi- Technology, Projects, and Drilling, said in a press state-
nation of subsea wet gas compression and conventional ment, "Innovation and technology development are
low-pressure production in later phases could eventually essential to improved oil and gas recovery and extende cr
lift the total recove ry rate to 7 4%. This equates to what life for the fields on the Norwegian Continental Sheif
would be around 3 Bcm of increased gas production (an The development of subsea cornpression and processilL:
additional 6% of the field's reserves in the ground). is a central part of Statoil's technology strategy for lons-
terrn production growth. "
One innovation is being employed by Chevron on its from multiple plotforms on the Benchqmqs field in the Gulf ol
mature assets in the northern Pattani basin in the Gulf of Thqilqnd since 1999,wiih oil produclion levels slill strong
Thailand. The Benchamas field has 20 platforms and hun- becquse of Chevron's etforls to enhqnce lecovery rcles from
dreds of wells, with production processed on separate pro- ils exisiing reservoirs. (Photo courtesy of Tqnker Pocific)
cessing platforms and oflloaded to the FSO Benchamas
Exptorer. Benchamas and its satellites have produced more $2 million of investment and has a large topsides foot-
than 360 MMboe since first oil flowed in 1997. print, making it unattractive for low-cost operations such
An inevitable result on oil fields such as these is that as those in the Gulf of Thailand.
a high number of wells eventually lay idle or shut in The well unloaditg unit and compressor (WUUC) sr s-
because their economics are not good enough to justi$z tem, however, has a smaller footprint offshore than pre\l-
the installation of a conventional gas lift compressor or ous portable compressors and is therefore much more
electrical submersible pump (ESP) to bring the well back mobile. For example, each piece of equipmentweighs less
on production. Space and weight restrictions on many of than 8 metric tons and can be lifted with standard plat-
the existing wellhead platforms are other limiting factors. form cranes.
gas lift compressor system. It is the combination of these mile ) BB / 32 block, where many wells had been shut in as
two forms of artificial lift techniques acting simultaneously these no longer flowed hydrocarbons to surface naturallr
that makes the system effective in mitigatitg the inherent The svstem underwent a successful trial on the field.
problem in many mature oil wells, which is the rapid allorring n ells to be subject to very low backpressure at srril.-
decline in reservoir pressure and increase in water pro- face u-hile also being gas-lifted using captured gas from
duction leading to short well life. Both of these produc- the unloading system that would otherwise be vented,
tion enhancement techniques are widely used in the A three-phase separator and surge tank are incolporztf rr.
industry, but each has its own inherent challenges off- ro separare fluids from the production stream, with an irlle -
shore, where cost and space are such limiting factors. pressure as lorv as 30 psi. Liquids are pumped back into tht
For gas lift compressors these factors are a big hurdle: a procir,rction pipelin e atsystem pressure while the associate '
typical gas lift compressor usuallv reqnires more than US gas { arorind 2 MMcf/ d) is captured from the producion
Bcf of greenhouse gas that would otherwise have been slickline and electric line simultaneously while operatirg
vented to the atmosphere. the unit. Again, this is said. to be critical by Chewon in off-
shore environments like the Gulf of Thailand where fre-
System rnobility o key qspect quent well interventions are required.
The.system's mobility also is a unique aspect, according to At a total operating cost during the pilot trial of
the companf, because it is modular and carr be rigged up $7,000 /day, and based on the production gains achieved.
or down in a single 12-hour shift offshore. This enables this equates to a total cost of ff7 /bbl over the pilot period.
the unit to service multiple wellhead platforms for maxi- making it a highly economic venture.
mum usage, supporting a low-cost "pay-as-you-go" rental There are now three WUUC units operating on
model for the equipment. Chewon's Gulf of Thailand oil fields, and numerous
This is a vital aspect in the Gulf of Thailand where the additional candidate platforms will benefit from the
subsurface environment is highly complex and difficult to installation of such systems.
image on seismic. Reservoir volumes and future produc- The \MUUC system has the potential to be applied in
tion rates are hard to predict, and designitg artificial lift multiple offshore locations globally, adding significant oi1
systems can be challenging. These subsurface factors production and unlocking reserves while reducing green-
make the above business model more attractive by mini- house gas emissions.
mizing financial risk and enabling flexibility to mobllize
the unit when required. Editor's Note: Excerpts for this articl"e haue been taken from OTC
Its small footprint offshore (80 sq m or 861 sq ft) also 2012 FaFs, 23079 presented by Jarrad fuxilius, Tipparat
allows the flexibility to perform work activities such as Wamanon, and Akshay Sahni of Chnron.
Relief Valve
No fluid irnpingement on the
seat, piston or seal.
MEOR improves
oil and gas recovety
The use of microbes rother thon chemicols brings mony benefits.
reservoirs to improve the recovery of oil and gas trapped Treoted 22.91% 54.53'"
in the porous media of the formation. This technique of % Chqnge 287" decline 147" increo s:
using nature to improve oil and gas production is an old
and seldom-used technology. Through the 'B0s and '90s This treatment has many advantages over con\ e r--
several formulations were used in an attempt to reduce tional chemic al treating and hot oiling. Primarih . :: -
viscosity, paraffins, and asphaltenes. The results were use of microbes reduces downtime, treating the rc - -
mixed. Not every oil or gas well treated showed irnprove- cause of the problem by digesting long-chain hr Cr -:
ment. This was primarily due to the nature of the bons while cleaving them into shorter molecules. 5---.
microbes used at tlrat time. cell organisms proliferate and adapt quickly in the
Microbial formulations of that period were simply not presence of asphaltenes and long-chain waxy param-- '
robust enough to thrive and grow in the varying condi- while producing errryrrres, surfactants, alcohols. ar,, j
tions of the different oil and gas fields. Today this issue polysaccharides. The organisms are chosen to rriths -,
has been solved through long-term research in the study high temperatures and pressures and to survive ira r. -
of cultures designed for survival in various crude and ety of conditions, includirg changing hydrocarbon -
well conditions. Microbes have been selected from a positions and acidities. This reduces downtime. rrc : -j
variety of environments of hot sulfurous deposits, oil the root issue, impacts the long-term viability of thr - -
pits, underwater samples, river water, and sewage treat- has better economics, and is a sustainable gre en tec---
ment plants and cultured to produce the most robust nology that does not require hazardous chemical sr - --
strains that can survive in a multitude of environments. age or disposal.
Microbial formulations in 2012 are designed to survive
in a large range of temperatures, acrdtty, crude composi-
tion, and viscosities. Current microbial solutions are
proving to be consistent in improving well conditions
and production rates.
New formulEtions
These new formulations use a combination of
autotrophic, heterotrophic, aerobic, and anaerobic
microbes. Autotrophic bacteria use inorganic materials
as a source of nutrients, such as carbon dioxide and
nitrogen. Fleterotrophic bacteria met abohze organic
materials, such as hydrocarbons (saturated and unsatu-
rated), organic acids, and amines. Aerobic bacteria use
dissolved oxygen in the respiraton'process. Anaerobic
bacteria live in the absence of oxvgen by decomposing
chemical species containing ox\-gen, such as sulfate. TABLE 2. over o four-monih period in q wyoming oil field, pro,c'-ro:
carbon ate, phosph ate, and nirrates. tion increcsed 6,8% ofter lreqlmenl.
Administered downhole, the microbes are dispersed irg of the naphthenic acid chain by digestion, re Cr. -- ,-
throughout the well bore and mixed with the produced of inte rfacral tension between oil and water, anC ba r - -
fluids. As the regenerating biochemical multiplies, it res- ial ingestion of salt. This effect either reduces or rc . -
olubili zes crystallized paraffin / asphaltene molecules to the need for costly demulsifiers in breaking tough r--
prevent costly deposition. Paraffin/ asphaltene also is sions. The product rnay be used in oil/water separa:
resolubilized in surface equipment by inhibitirg the for- weirs, or waste effluents or in a:ny water / oil-u,ate r -\.,-: .:
mation of deposits throughout the pumping system, where emulsions are a problem.
includirg flowlines, heaters, and storage tanks. Microbial technology's annual treating costs are 1 --
Changes to crude composition and properties are sig- compared to a chemical treating program and prcrrl -
nificant after treatment rn 24 hours (Table 1) . Typical many additional benefits. It can be part of a gree n -rr-
gains in oil production through several test wells aver- sustainable prograrn with benefits of increasing pr'_ -.
aged a 25% tncrease in production over an untreated tion and extendirg the life of the wells.
well (Table 2).
Microbial treatment of crude oil results in significant
changes in composition and properties. The decrease in
the viscosity, asphalt content, and cloud point leads to
significant savings in production and pumping costs
(Table 3).
The polysaccharides produced during treatment and
colonizatrort end up coating metallic surfaces. This pro-
duces a protective film over metal surfaces, protecting
against corrosion. Water quality at knockouts went from
1,000 ppm with chemical treatmenrs to 98 ppm with
microbial treatments. Excess water was less than 10 ppm
total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), easily conforming
to Department of Environmental Quality discharge stan-
dards. Injection pressure was reduced by I0%, allowing
an additional 1,500 b/d of water to be reinjected. Grind-
outs at knockout went from 1.5% to 3 % to less than I7o.
Weight loss coupon measurement at knockout went
from 5.5 mils per year (-py, a measurement of lost
thickness due to corrosion) to 1.5 -py.
Microbes can be combined with chemical treating
programs for corrosion and optimized for maximum
protection. Though not compatible with quaternary
amines, they are very compatible rvith gluteraldehyde-
based chemicals.
Other benefits of MEOR include reducing HrS
through digestion, encapsulation. and conversion to
stable sulfur salts. In man\- cases. the effect is significant.
In test cases, HrS was reduced from 1,600 ppm to less
solutions advance
The qpplicotion of new technology extends the reoch of CO, compression'
At or above the MMB CO, acts as a solvent, sweepitg it is injectecl into the field. The results at \AreYbttrtr h:'
the reservoir ancl leaving very little residue behind. At been spectacular. The field currently is producir-rs
pressures below the MMP, CO, also assists oil production 28,000 b/ d of oil. This represents an 18,000 b/ d
Trqditionql qpproqch
The traditional approach to Co, compression has been
ro use high-speed reciprocating compressors, with the
rrain reasons being:
' Flexibility with regard to pressure ratio and capacrty
(if equipped with variable speed drive or valve
o Short delivery times;
. Lightweight skid-mounted units that can be relo-
cated at will; and
' Famiharrty of the field operators with these
machines and their suppliers.
By comparison, centrifugal compressors offer:
. Higher capacity volume flows;
. Superior efficiency;
. Oil-free compression;
' Higher speed that is betrer matched ro rhe high-
speed driver commonly used in the 10-40 MW Chollenges for offshore CO2 compression
range; and overall, for volume flows >L2 kg/s and pressures up to
o Extended intervals between overhauls.
250 bar, integral-gear compressors have a definite advan-
tages over reciprocating or supersonic technologies and
Cenlrifugol options inline centrifusals in most CO2 service. Inline compres-
\\'ithin the centrifugal compressor markets, there are sors require approximately twice the number of stases
nvo technologies, namely single-shaft (in line, between that integral-gear compressors require, leadirg to one
bearings) centrifugals and multi-shaft integral-gear cen- or two additional casings. Another advantage of integral-
trifugals, both of which have been manufactured by gear compressors is their higher efficiency, which they
\L\N and have been used in CO, service. deliver without addi tional maintenance requirements.
The company has come to the conclusion that, for For future offshore CO, compression systems to be
rnost high-flow onshore Co, applications, the multi- installed more regularly on platforms, FPSOs, and sub-
shaft integral-gear design offers higher efficiency. The seainstallations, several challenges will have to be over-
reasons include: come. These include space restrictions, yaw and roll on
t optimum impeller flow coefficient because opti- FPSOs, and a need for high reliability and very high
mum speed can be selected for each pair of pressure levels.
impellers; To date, most compressor manufacturers have pre-
. Axial in-flow to each stage; ferred to use inline barrel compression systems for off-
. The ability to use shrouded or unshrouded shore high-pressure CO, applications and in situations
impellers; rvhere the pressure is >250 bar. One example of the off-
o Smallhub/ tip ratio; shore installation of this type of compression system at
o Intercooling after each stage (impeller) ; these presslrre levels is on an FPSO that will be produc-
o External connection after each stage. rr-hich allorrs
ing offshoreBrazrl in a 550-bar COrcompression train"
more flexibility in selecting the pressure ler-el for the \\hile there has been some application of this technol-
dehydration system if applicable: og\- offshore. future research work will have to be done
o Practically no limit to the possible number of srages
to effectir-elv transfer experience from onshore CO, sys-
in one machine; and terns to the offshore environment and improve the exist-
. The ability to direct-drive b) a for,rr-po1e electric ing compressor design.
motor on the bull-gear or a stealll trirbine rln (lrf e
of the pinions. Includes excerpts -fro* OTC Brasil paper 22559.
letting technology
irnproves production
Hydrojetting odvonces improve SqudiAromco's gos well performonce.
with excellent results.
well productivity.
A typical bottomhole assembly run on CT and r,rsot .,iir
itg the operation comprises a hydrajetting tool. a LT rr,'
nector, a motor head assembly, an anchor to prevet . i- -,.,J
movement, a multicycle incremental tool to set nr-rlr_:.,
precisely on target, and ajetting sub with multrple r- :-"'ir.l
The jetting velocity of the type of tool used on Sr
Arabia's gas fields ranges from 6,100 m/sec ro 9.1_'_-
m/sec (20,000 ft/ sec to 30,000 ft/sec) and eXe rLS ; r " r, *
sure of approximately 4 million psi. The tool is des,<- ,r'r,
to withstand differential pressure greater than 1tJ. * r * ,,,i,
Field triqls
In the first field trial, the hydru3etting technolos ,,,":.:
tested in a vertical exploration well drilled in a dej- " :,";.:r ir.
og) applications.
\fter this test, Saudi Aramco undertook another ---r,-'
on a highlv deviated well drilled into a tight sand-.r - :- -
--' -,r a total measured depth of 4,560 m (14,960 The hydrajetting application also resulted in an esti-
, el1 \\-as perforated using conventionai perforat- mated 30% cost saving over the cost of perforating using
:ihead of a planned proppant fracturitg treat- conventional guns run on CT.
:- after conducting an injectivity test and
. -ire maximum allowable surface treatment Tbchnical information supplied courtesy of Saudi Aramco.
. : -l 12,000 psi at a maximum
--- rere of only 4bbl/rnin, the
:l ' -,b \ras aborted.
- -.11e tdng approach was used
: --rtelttion of overcoming the
:-- --,:lr,tced stress,
- -:,-rre Pressure effect, and
reducing the
Al I the right pieces in all the
- --: ',r ellbore communication
:-rr-oir. Eight zones were
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DATE : 14-Jun-12