Mba 4 - PBM - QB
Mba 4 - PBM - QB
Mba 4 - PBM - QB
1. Define Product?
2. What is a Brand?
3. Mention any two sustainable brands.
4. State any two characteristics of branding.
5. Give two differences between a product and a service.
6. Define labeling. What all information is given on a label?
7. Mention the levels of packaging.
8. Give the basic difference between warranty and guarantee.
9. What are unsought goods? Give examples.
10. What are Convenience goods? Give examples.
11. What are shopping goods? Give examples.
12. What are speciality goods? Give example.
13. Differentiate between Consumer goods and Industrial goods.
14. Name two brand names which use Family branding Strategy.
15. What should be the objective of a product manager during Introductory stage of PLC.
16. What promotion techniques should be used during growth stage of PLC.
17. What is brand loyalty?
18. Define brand equity.
19. Mention nay two uses of brand equity information.
20. Define brand Personality.
21. Mention nay two brand names which use Family branding Strategy.
22. Mention nay two brand names which use individual branding strategy.
23. Give example of any one product which is in its declining stage of PLC
24. What is Product Line? Give example.
25. Define Product width and depth. Give example