Request For Health Examinations
Request For Health Examinations
Request For Health Examinations
We require you to complete health examination(s) to ensure that you meet the health
requirement for your Visitor (Tourist) (subclass 600) visa application.
Application status
Visitor (Tourist) (subclass 600) Health examinations
Application summary
Client name Jonie NGISWADI
Client date of birth 18 February 1944
Date of application 11 November 2022
Application ID 1530658539
HAP ID 29898271
Transaction reference number EGOV91552I
Travel document ID C6285676
Issuing country INDONESIA
As this letter was sent to you by email, you are taken to have received it at the end of the day
it was transmitted.
If you are unable to undergo the health examinations within this time you should notify the
Department by attaching details through your ImmiAccount.
If you are currently in Australia and unable to obtain an appointment with Bupa Medical Visa
Services within this time, you should make an appointment for the next available date and
attach evidence of your appointment date to your ImmiAccount. There is no requirement
to request additional time in these circumstances - the Department will check on your
ImmiAccount before proceeding with any decision.
● Medical Examination
You need to provide this letter to the clinic where you go to complete your Australian
immigration health examinations.
Additional health examinations may be required based on the results of your initial health
examinations. In some cases our eMedical system will generate additional examinations in
order to streamline the health process where possible.
If you have additional examinations that can be used again, contact us through ImmiAccount
before you attend your appointment.
If you have not yet completed the required health examinations: Make arrangements
to undergo these examinations as soon as possible as outlined above so that your health
results can be assessed and processing can continue.
If you believe you have already completed the required health examinations at an
eMedical clinic: Follow the instructions available on our website
help-support/meeting-our-requirements/health/after-your-health-examinations to check that
the clinic has submitted your health results and follow up with them immediately if necessary.
Use HAP ID mentioned in the application summary to book an appointment to undergo your
health examinations. The information provided below will explain how to find a clinic, how to
book an appointment and what you need to take to your appointment.
Panel physicians in your country may have access to process your health examinations
using a secure online system called eMedical. To find out which panel clinics in your country
offer online processing look for the eMedical logo [ ] on the list of the approved immigration
panel physicians available on our website
If you are attending a non-eMedical enabled clinic you should download the correct
paper health examinations forms from
our-requirements/health/arrange-your-health-examinations under 'What to bring to the
If you have chosen to defer the chest x-ray requirement a decision will not be made on your
application until after the birth of your child.
If you are in Australia and are pregnant, you will have been asked to complete a hepatitis
B test. Most applicants will complete hepatitis testing as part of their neo-natal care plan. If
this applies to you provide your case officer with a copy of your test results. You should not
attend a medical clinic in Australia to repeat this test.
● if undergoing a medical examination (501), your certificate should be shown to the panel
physician that you attend for your examination
● if you are only required to complete an x-ray examination (502) as part of the visa
application process, you should provide your polio vaccination certificate directly to the
Department as part of your application documentation.
More information and a link to the list of countries is available on our website
Failure to provide this certificate may result in unnecessary delays to the processing of your
visa application.
You should become familiar with this information before providing your personal information
to us.
Update us
You need to tell us about any changes to your details as soon as possible. These changes
may affect any answer to a question in your application form including your name, passport,
contact details, address and family members.
Failure to notify us of these changes can have serious consequences and even if the visa
you have applied for is granted, it may later be cancelled.
Yours sincerely