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Concrete and Concrete Products

GROUP 3 // BSAR – 1B
Antonio, Elaizha Claire O.
Cabanting, Stephen John L.
Enriquez, Pia Marie J.
Landicho, Jonalyn M.
Manlapas, Carrie Anne L.
Robles, Mark Joel A.


- An artificial, stone-like building material made by mixing cement and various mineral
aggregates with sufficient water to cause the cement to set and bind the entire mass
- Widely used for construction for centuries because of reasonable cost and
- Structures that use concrete are durable and are designed to face earthquakes,
hurricanes, and typhoons.

- A binding agent that sets and hardens to adhere to building units such as stones, bricks,
and tiles.
- Fine powdery substance
- Raw materials that are produced from natural sources and extracted from pits and
quarries, including gravel, crushed stone, and sand.
- These are chemicals or additives in concrete other than cement, water, and aggregates
- Used to enhance specific properties of the fresh or hardened concrete
- Are used at construction sites to separate pebbles and stones from sand. These are also
used to separate fine particles from bigger impurities.
- Is the stiffening of the cement paste, where the concrete becomes sufficiently rigid to
withstand a certain amount of pressure but still contains moisture within the mixture
- Transformation from liquid to plastic state and solid state of the cement
- Happens after the setting state
- Where the mixture gains strength
- Involves maintenance of desired moisture and temperature conditions, both at depth and
near the surface
- Properly cured concrete has an adequate amount of moisture for continued hydration and
development of strength

Harmful Impacts

- Since the cement industry is one of the main producers of carbon dioxide. The
production process for cement produces large volumes of greenhouse gas emissions
- Other concerns include widespread illegal sand mining which causes urban heat effects
and several health implications. Because of this significant research and development is being done to
try to reduce the emissions.

Two Types of Concrete

- Plain Concrete
o Also known as plain cement concrete or PCC
o Most commonly used for paving and flooring
o Strong under compression whilst weak under tension (this means that when on a
solid, unmoving surface it is capable of withstanding huge amounts of weight, however, when
placed under tension it is much weaker and can often crack and buckle, which makes it the
perfect material for ground floor layers)
- Reinforced Concrete
o Also known as reinforced cement concrete or RCC
o Has steel rebar which adds much more strength under tension. Steel rebar is a
reinforcing steel bar commonly used in the construction industry, manufacture of anchor bolts
and masonry structures.
 Plain bar – made of low carbon steel and is often used in situations where the
reinforcing steel bar is expected to slide, such as in highway pavements or in
segmental bridges.
 Deformed bar – is well combined with concrete and is generally used for
reinforced concrete slabs, beams, and precast products. It has rough surface
irregularities for better cement and mortar bonding.
 More versatile construction material with the concrete maintaining its strength
under compression and the steel resisting any bending or stretching

Other Types of Concrete

- Lightweight (Structural)
o Has resistance to heat flow
o Has more water content
o Used for load-bearing and exterior walls
The primary use of structural lightweight concrete is to reduce the dead load of a concrete structure,
which then allows the structural designer to reduce the size of columns, footings and other load
bearing elements.
- Lightweight (Insulating)
o Intended for use as an insulation and substrate for support and attachment of roofs
- Heavyweight
o Has higher density
o Most used artificial materials for special infrastructures such as nuclear power,
medical, and industrial facilities for radiation shielding.
- Ferrocement
o Consists of wire meshes and cement mortar
o Highly versatile
o Used to construct thin, hard, strong surfaces and structures in many shapes
- Polymer Concrete
o Replacing the usual cement binder with polymer binders

o Used for curtain walls and wall-facing panels

- Sulfur Concrete
o Addition of sulfur makes the concrete solidify rapidly
o Provides good hardening capabilities
o Used for industrial floors, and sewer pipes


Cultures across the globe have used concrete and concrete-like substances to build, since the
material has changed over the years.
The earliest uses of concrete in construction are the following:
 Buildings
 Floors
 Bridges
 Roads
 Sculptural structures

The time period during which concrete was first invented depends on how one interprets the
term “concrete.” This timeline shows how cultures have used concrete throughout the years;

 6500 B.C.
o Nabatea traders, or Bedouins, created these historical concrete structures in modern-
day Syria and Jordan. They created concrete floors, housing structures, and
underground cisterns.
 3000 B.C.
o Egyptians used mud mixed with straw to bind dried bricks. They used a concrete-
like material in the construction of the pyramids.
o Chinese invented their own “concrete” using sticky rice. They produced another
form of “mortar” to build the Great Wall of China.
 600 B.C. 
o Ancient Romans weren’t the first to create concrete, they were first to utilize this
material widespread. By 200 BC, the Romans successfully implemented the use of
concrete in most of their construction. 
o The Pantheon has the largest unreinforced concrete dome ever built.
 1300 B.C.
o Middle Eastern builders used a thin damp layer of burned limestone as a coating on
pounded-clay home walls. This coating formed a hard-protective layer.

 1414
o The collapse of the Roman Empire made the interest in concrete dormant until
manuscripts explaining the substance resurfaced during this year. Then came a new
appreciation for the building material.
 1793
o The technology took a big leap forward when John Smeaton discovered a more
modern method for producing hydraulic lime for cement. It is used in historic
rebuilding of the Eddystone Lighthouse in Cornwall, England.

 1824
o Joseph Aspdin invented Portland cement by burning finely ground chalk and clay
until the carbon dioxide was removed. His goal is to create a better alternative to the
Romans’ building material.

 19th Century
o For industrial buildings, concrete was typically used.
o Between 1850 and 1880, Francois Coignet used Portland cement extensively for the
first time in the construction of homes in England and France. He added steel rods to
stop the external walls from expanding.


a. Materials - inert materials, water and cement

Composition of Basic Concrete Mix

Concrete = Binding Material + Fine/Coarse Aggregate + Water + Admixture (optional)

o Cement - is a fine gray powder that is mixed with water and other substances
to make mortar or concrete. It is a key binding material used in both
residential and commercial construction work.

Main Composition of Cement:

o 1.6% - 65% Lime
o 18.0% – 25% Silica
o 3.0%– 8% Alumina
o 3.0% – 5% Iron Oxide
o 2.0% – 5% Magnesia
o 1.0% – 5% Sulfur Trioxide

Types of Cement
 Type I – (Portland cement)
o It is the most common cement and is a binding material in the form of a finely
ground powder, usually gray, that is manufactured by burning and grinding a
mixture of limestone and clay or limestone and shale.
 Type II – (Moderate Sulphate Resistance Portland Cement)
o This type of cement is used where precaution against moderate sulphate attack is
 Type III – (Rapid Hardening Portland Cement)
o It is used where formwork is to be removed quickly or sufficient strength for
further construction is required. It has high heat of hydration and achieves its
design strength in 7 days or less.
 Type IV- (Low Heat Portland Cement)

oThis type of cement is used in mass concreting because it generates less heat,
though sets slowly but becomes much stronger after curing. Its design strength is
90 days.
 Type V - (High Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement)
o When concrete is exposed to highly alkaline soil or water having high sulphate
content then this type is used. This cement has a low C3A content to avoid
sulphate attack from outside the concrete.

o These are raw materials that are produced from natural sources and extracted
from pits and quarries, including gravel, crushed stone, and sand.
Classifications of aggregates
- Coarse aggregates
o Crushed stone, crushed gravel or natural gravel
o Particles retained on a 4.75mm sieve
- Fine aggregates
o Crushed stone, crushed gravel, sand or natural sand
o Particles pass through 4.75mm sieve

o Needed to chemically react with the cement (hydration) and to provide
workability with the concrete. The amount of water in the mix in pounds
compared with the amount of cement is called the water/cement ratio. The
lower the w/c ratio, the stronger the concrete. (higher strength, less

b. Concrete mixtures and proportions

Principles of Concrete Mixing

The purpose for mixing concrete is to select an optimum proportion of cement, water and
aggregates, to produce a concrete mixture that will meet the following requirements
I. Workability (how easily concrete can be mixed, placed, consolidated, and finished)
II. Strength
III. Durability (ability to resist weathering action, chemical attack, and abrasion while
maintaining its desired engineering properties)
IV. Economy

Two Classifications of Concrete Mixture

a. Designed Mixture – where the contractor is responsible in establishing the mixture
proportion that will achieve the required strength and workability as specified in the plan
b. Prescribed Mixture – where the designing engineer specifies the mixture proportion.

Concrete mix ratios are the proportions of concrete components such as cement, sand,
aggregates and water. These mix ratios are decided based on the type of construction and mix designs.

Types of Concrete Mix Ratio

- Nominal Concrete Mix Ratios

o Offer simplicity and under normal circumstances, have a margin of strength above
that specified.
o 1:2:4 for M15 (1-part cement, 2 parts sand, and 4 parts aggregates)
- Standard Mixes
o Nominal mixes of fixed cement-aggregate ratio vary widely in strength and may
result in under or over-rich mixes. Because of this, the minimum compressive strength has
been included in many specifications.
- Designed Mix of Ratio
o Specified by the designer but the mix proportions are determined by the producer
of concrete.
o Most rational approach to the selection of mix proportions with specific materials
in mind possessing more or less unique characteristics
o Does not serve as a guide since this does not guarantee the correct mix proportions
for the prescribed performance

Water proportions
The strength properties of the concrete are inversely proportional to the water-cement ratio.
More water in concrete mix proportions, the weaker the cement’s strength and adhesive strength.
Ideally, the least amount of water possible is the best if strong adhesion is a high priority. But there
are times where workability is a higher priority than structural integrity and water is the secret to

c. Concrete strength
Concrete is the foundation of modern construction. It may be the ability of the concrete to
respond to circumstances it may be put up with. Although compressive strength is the prominent
concrete specification, tensile, flexural, and other properties can play a significant role in modern
- Compressive Strength Compressive
o the most common and well-accepted measurement of concrete strength.
o It is the main criteria used to determine if a given concrete mixture can
withstand the structural forces being applied. Compressive strength is the
"nameplate" concrete rating. It is the most common attribute cited in construction
- Tensile Strength
o defines concrete’s ability to resist breaking or cracking under tension. It
affects crack formation and the ability of certain members, such as horizontal
beams, to withstand transverse loading and the resultant "pulling" forces that
effectively act to pry open the concrete transition zones (which consist of the
cement/binder that holds aggregates in the matrix). Cracks occur when tensile
forces exceed the tensile strength, which is measured in psi.
- Flexural Strength
o is an indirect measure of tensile strength. Flexural strength defines an
unreinforced concrete slab or beam’s ability to resist failure in bending. As
concrete bends, it incurs tensile stresses that eventually result in failure

d. Concrete tests

 Slump test
o To determine the workability of concrete
o After batching the concrete, a sample of fresh concrete shall be taken to test for slump
tests and the samples for compressive strength test be taken too. This is to make sure
that the batched concrete is complying with the mix design before it’s released from
the batching plant.
 Compressive strength test
o Performed by breaking cylindrical concrete specimens in a compression-testing
o Three samples of cubes or cylinders shall be taken for compressive strength test, but
it is not commonly three samples, sometimes it is two depending on the specification.
o This one sample extra shall be tested “if” The two cubes or cylinders samples are
tested from the three and if it is failed and the remaining sample is passed. If the
consultant is not satisfied with the result and he wishes to test the extra one. It shall
be tested in 60 days.
 Water Permeability test
o To determine the durability of concrete
o Three cubes shall be taken from fresh concrete and tested in accordance with the
German Standard DIN 1048 at 28 days age.
o This kind of test shall be taken from substructures concrete elements like foundations,
concrete water tank, retaining wall, etc.
 Rapid Chloride Ion Penetration Test
o Used to evaluate the resistance to penetration of concrete to chloride ions
o Like water permeability test, this is also one of the tests to determine the durability of
concrete. Three cubes shall be taken from fresh concrete delivered on site and tested
at 28 days age. The test shall be done in accordance with ASTM C1202-97.
 Water Absorption Test
o Here is the other test that would determine the durability of concrete. The three cube
samples shall be taken from the delivered fresh concrete and kept it in the curing tank
for 28 days or after 24 hours the concrete sample would be demolded and it will be
sent directly to the approved third-party laboratory to ensure its curing. The size of
the cube sample is 150 mm and tested in accordance with BS 1881-122.

e. Concrete additives/admixtures

 Set-Retarding Admixture
o Used to delay the chemical reaction that takes place when the concrete starts the
setting process. These types of concrete admixtures are commonly used to reduce the
effect of high temperatures that could produce a faster initial setting of concrete.
 Air Entraining Admixture
o Used to improve workability, ease of placing, increased durability, better resistance to
frost action and reduction in bleeding
 Accelerating Admixtures
o Accelerating concrete admixtures are used to increase the rate of concrete strength
development or to reduce concrete setting time.
o It provides higher early strength development in freshly cast concrete.

 Water Reducing Admixtures

o Water-reducing admixtures are chemical products that when added to concrete can
create a desired slump at a lower water-cement ratio than what is normally designed.
o Water-reducing admixtures are used to obtain specific concrete strength using lower
cement content.
 Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures
o Shrinkage-reducing concrete admixtures are added to concrete during the initial
mixing. This type of admixture could reduce early and long-term drying shrinkage.
Shrinkage reducing admixtures can be used in situations where shrinkage cracking
could lead to durability problems or where large numbers of shrinkage joints are
undesirable for economic or technical reasons.
 Super Plasticizers
o The main purpose of using superplasticizers is to produce flowing concrete with a
high slump in the range of seven to nine inches to be used in heavily reinforced
structures and in placements where adequate consolidation by vibration cannot be
readily achieved.


a. Requirement for aggregate

Aggregates may be natural, manufactured or recycled. Aggregates make up some 60-80% of

the concrete mix so they must be properly selected. Aggregates in any particular mix of concrete are
selected for their durability, strength, workability and ability to receive finishes. Aggregates play an
important role in the construction sector and can be used for different projects. It is an important
element in the making of concrete and offer several benefits. Their primary use is to strengthen
concrete, strengthening its structure and thus minimizing instances of cracks.

Requirements of Good Aggregates

 It should be strong having sufficient impact, crushing and abrasion strength.
 It should be non-reactive type to avoid alkali-aggregate reaction.
 It should be clean. (free from organic and inorganic impurities)
 It should have rough texture for better bonding.
 It should have angular shape for strong interlocking of particles.

Classification of aggregates
a) Natural aggregates - found in the natural sources like river basin, sea bed, slope deposits
b) Manufactured aggregate - formed by crushing the various rocks obtained from quarries
c) Artificial aggregate - made up of various waste materials. Examples are burnt clays, artificial
cinders, steel rivet, iron ore etc.
d) Recycled Aggregate - is manufactured by crushing inert construction and demolition waste

Classification of aggregates according to size

a) Coarse aggregates.
b) Fine aggregates

Classification of aggregates according to shape


a) Rounded – is fully water worn or completely shaped by attrition

o River or seashore gravels.
b) Irregular or partly rounded – is naturally irregular or partly shaped by attrition, having
rounded edges
o Pit sands and gravels: land or dug flints
c) Angular Possessing – it has well-defined edges formed at the intersection of roughly planar
faces P.s. Angular and fairly cubical coarse aggregates are desirable
o Ex. Crushed rocks

Aggregate Tests
 Impact Test
o Used to measure the toughness of aggregates which is nothing but the ability of
aggregates to resist the sudden loading or impact loading.
 Crushing Test
o It is to test the aggregates’ crushing value.
o Aggregate crushing value is a relative resistance of aggregates to crushing under
gradually applied compressive load.
 Abrasion Test
o It is to measure of aggregate’s toughness and abrasion resistance such as crushing,
degradation and disintegration.
 Soundness Test
 Specific Gravity and Water Absorption
o These two parameters or properties of aggregate play an important role in the mix
design of concrete.
o Specific Gravity is defined as the ratio of the weight of a given volume of aggregate
to the weight of an equal volume of water. It is usually used for the identification of
stones or aggregates.
o Water absorption of aggregates is the water absorbed by an air-dried aggregate when
immersed in water for 24 hours.

b. Mixing of concrete
Concrete mixing is a process of mixing the ingredient of concrete such as cement,
sand, aggregate, water, and admixture together to make concrete of suitable grade.
Production of good quality and bad quality concrete includes the same material, but the
proportion and mixing method can be a differentiating factor. It requires proper care and knowledge
for making good quality concrete.

Concrete Mixing Methods

 Hand Mixing
o Is practiced for small-scale concrete works
o Projects with a low concrete requirement and little emphasis on quality control use
hand-mixed concrete
o One of the cheapest mixing methods
 Machine Mixing
o For large-size construction, the concrete mixing is done by machine only, for
reinforced concrete work, and for medium or large-scale mass concrete work.

o Helps in completing the job quickly and efficiently

o Has the ability to mix cement on site

Mixing Time
From the results obtained & following observations it was concluded that the workability,
compressive strength of concrete is higher when the mixing time is within 4 to 7 minutes.

c. Placing of concrete

Methods of placing concrete for various situations and locations

a) Placing of concrete within small surface area
o This is the kind of placement where the concrete is placed on a small surface area on
the earth, such as the foundation bed below the walls or columns.
b) Placing of concrete within large surface area or timber plank formwork
o In this placement, concrete is placed on a large surface area on the earth, such as a
road slab, an airfield slab, or timber plank formwork.
c) Placing of concrete in layers
o In this concrete placement, concrete is placed in the layer and used when the concrete
is placed in great thickness, such as in mass concreting like the construction of a dam,
concrete abutment, or pier.
d) Placing of concrete in usual formwork
o In this kind of placement, concrete is placed in a formwork.
e) Placing of concrete underwater
o There are several methods for placing concrete underwater, and this technique is
designed to mostly prevent cement washout.

Other Methods and Equipment

 Pouring
o Pouring of concrete should be done with care so that the aggregates are not separated
and honeycombs are not formed.
o In pouring concrete, it should be dropped from 1.5 m to a maximum of 2 m.
 Bucket
o It is attached to a crane and used for transporting and pouring concrete onto the
 Chute
o It is a wide duct that is attached to the concrete truck, through which the concrete
slides down to the desired location of the pour.
 Buggies
o Are motorized vehicles that are used for transporting and pouring concrete to the
point of placement.
 Pump
Two types of concrete pump
a) Boom Pumps
o Sometimes called as “truck-mounted pumps”
o Are a type of concrete pump that is mounted on a truck and uses an arm (the
“boom”) that can be controlled when placing the concrete
b) Line Pumps

o It is a long hose attached to a stationary pump mounted on a concrete truck.

 Shotcrete
o It is a wet-gun concrete, where the concrete is shot through a nozzle onto a frame or
o It is used when concrete is to be placed in difficult locations and where thin sections
and large areas are needed.
 Gunite
o It is dry-gun concrete, where the concrete is placed by a pneumatic gun.
o It can be used in tanks, waterproofing, fireproofing of steel truss shell construction,
and swimming pools.
 Tremie
o It is used for underwater concrete placement and below-ground level concrete
 Concrete Vibrators
o It is a machine that produces stronger concrete by vigorously shaking the concrete
right after you pour it to eliminate air bubbles or air pockets.

d. Setting of concrete

Setting is the process a concrete mixture goes through being a liquid mixture to gaining a
certain stiffness.

Setting time of concrete

Setting time is the time required for the stiffening of the concrete mixture to a defined
consistency. There are two setting times:
a) Initial setting time
o it is the time at which the concrete mixture begins losing its plasticity
o it is essential to the transport, placement, and compaction of concrete

b) Final setting time

o it is the time when the concrete mixture completely loses its plasticity
o it helps to remove the shuttering or the formwork safely

e. Hardening and curing of concrete

Hardening Process
When the properties of concrete (cement, aggregate and water) are brought together, the
cement and water chemically react and eventually set to form a hard mass which adheres to and binds
together the aggregates to form concrete. Setting takes time, approximately two hours after which the
hardening process (strength development) can be irrecoverably damaged by re-working.

Factor affecting the hardening process

Setting time is reduced if the weather is hot as heat speeds the chemical reaction. As the
concrete sets (‘goes off’), the workability reduces and the concrete steadily becomes more difficult to
compact and mould, however it is still inherently weak and can be easily damaged.

Generally speaking, concrete will reach a useful strength in about 3 days although this does
depend on the mix design and constituent materials. The majority of strength is gained within a
month. It is important to remember that concrete will reach its maximum strength only if moisture is
present during the hardening process.
The hardening process is therefore not dependent on the concrete ‘drying out’, and it is
normally important that the concrete is properly ‘cured’ to maintain the moisture in the concrete
(especially at vulnerable surfaces) while the cement water reaction is active. Early loss of moisture
will cause a reduction in strength and lead to poorer durability.

Curing Process
o is the process of maintaining satisfactory temperature and moisture conditions in concrete
long enough for hydration to develop the desired concrete properties.
o Plays an important role on strength development and durability of concrete.
Curing takes place immediately after concrete placing and finishing, and involves maintenance of
desired moisture and temperature conditions, both at depth and near the surface, for extended periods
of time. Properly cured concrete has an adequate amount of moisture for continued hydration and
development of strength, volume stability, resistance to freezing and thawing, and abrasion and
scaling resistance.

Three main functions of curing:

1) Maintaining mixing water in concrete during the early hardening process
2) Reducing the loss of mixing water from the surface of the concrete
3) Accelerating strength gain using heat and additional moisture

f. Moisture loss prevention in concrete

Hydration of cement takes time—days and even weeks rather than hours—and curing must
be done for a reasonable period of time if the concrete is to achieve its maximum potential strength
and durability.
It is also important to cover the slab with a waterproof membrane before backfilling to
prevent moisture loss and to have extra protection against any chemicals in the soil.
Sealers are recommended to be applied since they help prevent water intrusion, improve
weathering resistance, reduce surface dusting, and minimize ultraviolet ray degradation.

Types of sealers
a) Water-based sealer
o Has the benefit of water dilution and clean up, good durability, low odor (VOCs) with
improved hardness and flexibility.
o The polymer particles are dispersed in water. When the sealer is applied to concrete,
the water evaporates and the polymer particles move closer together. As the
evaporation of water continues, the polymer particles begin to deform and fuse
together, eventually forming a continuous, clear coating.

b) Solvent-based sealer
o Protects and enhances the surface and color of your concrete whilst providing
protection from the elements.

o The polymers are not present as separate particles. Instead, the polymer and solvent
form a continuous, clear polymer solution. When solvent evaporates from a solvent-
based sealer, the polymer chains are drawn closer together and eventually entangle.
For both water- and solvent-based sealers, the polymer remains on the concrete
surface. This is why a sealed concrete surface often appears glossy.
o This kind of sealer is the most popular sealer used on concrete driveways, paths, patio
areas and pool surrounds.
c) Superior-grade sealer
o Can be used on all surfaces—from domestic applications, such as driveways, internal
flooring and garage floors, to industrial projects.
d) Penetrating concrete sealers
o Penetrates deeply into the surface and protects against water absorption.
o It helps repel oil and organic-based stains, and will not change the appearance of the
surface, leaving it with a natural look.

Densifiers is a water-based penetrating hardener, dust-proofer and densifier for a polished or

steel trowel concrete floor. It increases abrasion resistance and reduces absorption of liquids into the

g. Construction and expansion joints

A concrete expansion joint – or control joint – is a gap which allows the concrete to expand
and contract as/when the temperature changes. It forms a break between the concrete and other parts
of a structure to allow movement without causing stress, which can lead to cracking.

Types of Expansion Joint

a) Asphalt Expansion Joint
o It comprises a blend of mineral fillers, vegetable fibers, and asphalts formed under
pressure and heat between two asphalt-saturated liners.
b) Fiber Expansion Joint
o This is composed of cellular fibers securely uniformly bonded and saturated together
with asphalt to assure long. When compressed to half of the original thickness of
fiber expansion joints, fiber expansion joints will recover to a minimum of 70% of
their original thickness.
c) Sponge Rubber Expansion Joint
o Easily compressed and have a recovery of 95 percent or more of the original
thickness. Sponge rubber is produced to a uniform density and thickness from top-
quality, blown sponge rubber, and gray colored.

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