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Tari GDP Di

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No Nr.

Crt Tari GDP di

1 1 Seychelles 1454458183.860 -1078472847419.490
2 2 Aruba 3126019399.065 -1076801286204.280
3 3 Faroe Islands 3649886275.071 -1076277419328.280
4 4 Barbados 4843800000.000 -1075083505603.350
5 5 Guam 6123000000.000 -1073804305603.350
6 6 Bermuda 7286607000.000 -1072640698603.350
7 7 Bahamas, The 11208600000.000 -1068718705603.350
8 8 Brunei Darussalam 14006569575.680 -1065920736027.670
9 9 Malta 17364044943.820 -1062563260659.530
10 10 Iceland 25602419210.337 -1054324886393.010
11 11 Cyprus 28407867534.004 -1051519438069.340
12 12 Macao SAR, China 30123914808.569 -1049803390794.780
13 13 Estonia 37191166151.980 -1042736139451.370
14 14 Latvia 39853501579.821 -1040073804023.530
15 15 Slovenia 61748586534.867 -1018178719068.480
16 16 Panama 63605100000.000 -1016322205603.350
17 17 Lithuania 66445256585.367 -1013482049017.980
18 18 Croatia 68955083280.192 -1010972222323.160
19 19 Luxembourg 85506243833.782 -994421061769.566
20 20 Oman 88191977373.212 -991735328230.136
21 21 Puerto Rico 106525700000.000 -973401605603.348
22 22 Slovak Republic 116527101097.700 -963400204505.648
23 23 Qatar 179677211793.938 -900250093809.409
24 24 Hungary 181848022233.890 -898079283369.457
25 25 Greece 214873879833.648 -865053425769.700
26 26 New Zealand 249885687029.634 -830041618573.713
27 27 Portugal 253663144586.019 -826264161017.329
28 28 Czech Republic 281777887121.450 -798149418481.897
29 29 Romania 284087563695.798 -795839741907.549
30 30 Finland 297301883523.251 -782625422080.097
31 31 Chile 317058508651.760 -762868796951.588
32 32 Hong Kong SAR, China 369176400967.426 -710750904635.921
33 33 Singapore 396986899888.351 -682940405714.996
34 34 Denmark 398303272764.460 -681624032838.888
35 35 Austria 480368403893.364 -599558901709.983
36 36 Norway 482174854481.956 -597752451121.392
37 37 Israel 488526545878.891 -591400759724.456
38 38 Ireland 504182603275.542 -575744702327.805
39 39 Belgium 594104177539.525 -485823128063.822
40 40 Sweden 635663801201.765 -444263504401.582
41 41 Poland 679444832854.295 -400482472749.053
42 42 Switzerland 800640155387.260 -279287150216.088
43 43 Saudi Arabia 833541236569.315 -246386069034.033
44 44 Netherlands 1012846760976.730 -67080544626.620
45 45 Spain 1427380681294.550 347453375691.203
46 46 Australia 1552667363236.060 472740057632.715
47 47 Korea, Rep. 1810955871380.980 731028565777.628
48 48 Canada 1988336331717.420 908409026114.069
49 49 Italy 2107702842669.730 1027775537066.390
50 50 France 2957879759263.520 1877952453660.170
51 51 United Kingdom 3131377762925.950 2051450457322.610
52 52 Germany 4259934911821.640 3180007606218.290
53 53 Japan 4940877780755.330 3860950475151.980
54 54 United States 23315080560000.000 22235153254396.700

Total: 58316074502580.800 0

GDP mediu 1,079,927,305,603

Mediana locala - GDP 267,720,515,854
Valoarea modala - GDP 0

Amplitudine simpla 23313626101816.100

Amplitudine relativa 2158.81%
Abaterea medie liniara 1358997067001.170
Dispersia 10435053137633100000000000.000
Abaterea med. patratica 3230333285844.210
Coef. mediu de variatie 125.84%






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
di(%) |di| di^2
-99.87% 1078472847419.490 1163103682621100000000000.000
-99.71% 1076801286204.280 1159501009971200000000000.000
-99.66% 1076277419328.280 1158373083355930000000000.000
-99.55% 1075083505603.350 1155804544020380000000000.000
-99.43% 1073804305603.350 1153055686732290000000000.000
-99.33% 1072640698603.350 1150558068300280000000000.000
-98.96% 1068718705603.350 1142159671706490000000000.000
-98.70% 1065920736027.670 1136187015493760000000000.000
-98.39% 1062563260659.530 1129040682903410000000000.000
-97.63% 1054324886393.010 1111600966067630000000000.000
-97.37% 1051519438069.340 1105693128637670000000000.000
-97.21% 1049803390794.780 1102087159324210000000000.000
-96.56% 1042736139451.370 1087298656517940000000000.000
-96.31% 1040073804023.530 1081753517815970000000000.000
-94.28% 1018178719068.480 1036687903963930000000000.000
-94.11% 1016322205603.350 1032910825602450000000000.000
-93.85% 1013482049017.980 1027145863681680000000000.000
-93.61% 1010972222323.160 1022064834309020000000000.000
-92.08% 994421061769.566 988873248090911000000000.000
-91.83% 991735328230.136 983538961259735000000000.000
-90.14% 973401605603.348 947510685791175000000000.000
-89.21% 963400204505.648 928139954041524000000000.000
-83.36% 900250093809.409 810450231403850000000000.000
-83.16% 898079283369.457 806546399217398000000000.000
-80.10% 865053425769.700 748317429435894000000000.000
-76.86% 830041618573.713 688969088564470000000000.000
-76.51% 826264161017.329 682712463781670000000000.000
-73.91% 798149418481.897 637042494222991000000000.000
-73.69% 795839741907.549 633360894799475000000000.000
-72.47% 782625422080.097 612502551286050000000000.000
-70.64% 762868796951.588 581968801362363000000000.000
-65.81% 710750904635.921 505166848440780000000000.000
-63.24% 682940405714.996 466407597758164000000000.000
-63.12% 681624032838.888 464611322143550000000000.000
-55.52% 599558901709.983 359470876619681000000000.000
-55.35% 597752451121.392 357307992821632000000000.000
-54.76% 591400759724.456 349754858602664000000000.000
-53.31% 575744702327.805 331481962258533000000000.000
-44.99% 485823128063.822 236024111761717000000000.000
-41.14% 444263504401.582 197370061343175000000000.000
-37.08% 400482472749.053 160386210979196000000000.000
-25.86% 279287150216.088 78001312275823400000000.000
-22.82% 246386069034.033 60706095014043300000000.000
-6.21% 67080544626.620 4499799467403920000000.000
32.17% 347453375691.203 120723848279212000000000.000
43.78% 472740057632.715 223483162090582000000000.000
67.69% 731028565777.628 534402763982896000000000.000
84.12% 908409026114.069 825206958725512000000000.000
95.17% 1027775537066.390 1056322554592100000000000.000
173.90% 1877952453660.170 3526705418208260000000000.000
189.96% 2051450457322.610 4208448978849130000000000.000
294.46% 3180007606218.290 10112448375606200000000000.000
357.52% 3860950475151.980 14906938571576300000000000.000
2058.95% 22235153254396.700 494402040246506000000000000.000

0.00% 73385841618063.400 563492869432185000000000000.000


4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Nr. Crt. Tari Final consumption expenditure
1 Seychelles 737328252.711
2 Faroe Islands 1565411716.054
3 Aruba 1809864433.310
4 Bermuda 3428280000.000
5 Brunei Darussalam 3480892589.473
6 Guam 3801000000.000
7 Barbados 3888350000.000
8 Malta 7405677114.134
9 Bahamas, The 7680300000.000
10 Macao SAR, China 13009306102.055
11 Iceland 13182994321.733
12 Cyprus 16845321111.768
13 Estonia 17905779950.015
14 Latvia 22732326713.965
15 Luxembourg 25860180448.670
16 Panama 31512936000.000
17 Slovenia 31566929647.821
18 Lithuania 38726697789.968
19 Oman 39081415864.760
20 Qatar 39319284486.067
21 Croatia 39606593560.075
22 Slovak Republic 66681184891.460
23 Puerto Rico 71039000000.000
24 Hungary 87860430108.118
25 Ireland 119234824184.940
26 Singapore 122949534797.172
27 Czech Republic 127812468766.578
28 New Zealand 144921488187.863
29 Greece 145975384479.858
30 Finland 151615480348.835
31 Portugal 161147628035.366
32 Romania 177021440246.130
33 Denmark 181621293114.382
34 Norway 188128870779.977
35 Chile 193294856434.512
36 Austria 239546509767.399
37 Hong Kong SAR, China 240080661760.922
38 Israel 240165617879.768
39 Sweden 279070061393.482
40 Belgium 290670258604.646
41 Saudi Arabia 345913474965.483
42 Poland 382745280820.322
43 Switzerland 399723501137.592
44 Netherlands 425277933294.567
45 Australia 786510187327.413
46 Spain 802790899166.654
47 Korea, Rep. 835502133250.836
48 Canada 1083729190397.500
49 Italy 1218369179178.280
50 France 1557795541585.250
51 United Kingdom 1892689243310.870
52 Germany 2097994437108.490
53 Japan 2659876985139.380
54 United States 15902575000000.000
Total 33983476850566.600

K-FCE 3180367534349.46

Medie FCE 1826503875749.62

locMe 27.5
Me 1650928030037.81
Mo 3181104862602.17

Amplitudine simpla (dupa centrul intervalului) 12721470137397.80

Amplitudine relativa (dupa centrul intervalului) 696.49%
Abaterea medie liniara 462440272484.28
Dispersia 2941460058369460000000000.00
Abaterea medie patratica 1715068528767.72

Coeficientul mediu de variatie 93.90%

Amplitudine simpla (dupa capetele intervalului) 15901837671747.300
Amplitudine relativa (dupa capetele intervalului) 870.62%
FCE ni xi xi*ni
737328252.711 - 3181104862602.170 53 1590921095427.44 84318818057654.30
3181104862602.170 - 6361472396951.630 0 4771288629776.90 0
6361472396951.630 - 9541839931301.090 0 7951656164126.36 0
9541839931301.090 - 12722207465650.500 0 11132023698475.80 0
12722207465650.500 - 15902575000000.000 1 14312391232825.30 14312391232825.30
Total 54 98631209290479.600
Frecv. Cum di di(%) |di| |di|*ni
53 -235582780322.18 -12.90% 235582780322.18 12485887357075.60
53 2944784754027.28 161.23% 2944784754027.28 0.00
53 6125152288376.73 335.35% 6125152288376.73 0.00
53 9305519822726.19 509.47% 9305519822726.19 0.00
54 12485887357075.70 683.59% 12485887357075.70 12485887357075.70
30625761441883.700 1676.74% 31096927002528.00 24971774714151.30

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