Fairfield Teacher Survey
Fairfield Teacher Survey
Fairfield Teacher Survey
On a scale of 1-5 how supported/ satisfied are you with administration
at your building?
Answered: 81
Skipped: 0
1- Not
3- Neutral
5- Satisfied
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
2 6.17% 5
3- Neutral 8.64% 7
4 19.75% 16
5- Satisfied 60.49% 49
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On a scale of 1-5 how supported/ satisfied are you with the
superintendent of our district and her supporting staff?
Answered: 81
Skipped: 0
1- Not
3- Neutral
5- Satisfied
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
2 17.28% 14
3- Neutral 6.17% 5
4 1.23% 1
5- Satisfied 2.47% 2
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In the last 10 years, what direction do you feel our district has moved
Answered: 79
Skipped: 2
A positive
A neutral
A negative
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Total Respondents: 79
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If you answered that the school district has moved in a negative
direction over the last 10 years, do you believe that is directly related to
Laurie Noll?
Answered: 79
Skipped: 2
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Yes 69.62% 55
No 5.06% 4
Unsure 26.58% 21
Total Respondents: 79
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Are you afraid to speak out because of retaliation from your
Answered: 81
Skipped: 0
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Yes 67.90% 55
No 18.52% 15
Unsure 13.58% 11
Total Respondents: 81
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What do you think the community needs to know about what is going
on within the FCSD district?
Answered: 61
Skipped: 20
1 The committee needs to know about the extreme amount of work being asked of teachers. Not 4/23/2023 6:23 PM
only being asked to teach subjects outside of our comfort zones but also having to perform
custodial duties. We have a complete revamp of how the ms is going to be run when what we
were doing was working well
2 Lack of vision and understanding of the reality faced in each building. Superintendent is 4/23/2023 5:42 PM
completely out of touch with teachers that are working in the frontline. It’s clear she has hired
people based on who she is close with even when they are unqualified. Covering up many
failures rather than dealing with issues head on and finding solutions. It’s evident we have fell
victim of words and not asked for reactions that produce results.
3 That the superintendent is putting her wishes and goals first. The focus should be on research 4/23/2023 5:25 PM
based practices and protocol that has a direct, positive impact on student achievement.
4 The community needs to know that the decisions made by our district administration are not 4/23/2023 4:43 PM
being clearly communicated to school personnel. Also, the decisions are not given enough
reasoning and evidence to back them up. We're losing money to open enrollment, yet we
haven't done an exit interview with any of those families this year. We're absorbing teaching
positions, yet we don't know how much money this is saving our district. The district just sent
out another teacher morale survey, yet hasn't acted on any issues identified by the first survey.
The lack of followthrough and forethought on decisions has pushed a lot of people over the
edge and is the reason there are vocal, upset people.
5 Changes are made without feedback from teachers, parents, and students. Any feedback that 4/23/2023 4:17 PM
is received, is completely disregarded. Teachers are put into positions without specific reason
or explanation. Dr. Noll make promises or says things to employees’ and never follows
through. There is no ownership for mistakes that have been made. There is very clear unequal
treatment across the district with those who supports her ideas and those who do not. It is
very unfortunate students and teachers needs cannot be put first. She has a very successful
middle school full of employees who she has not commended or acknowledged their efforts.
People leave Fairfield because of Laurie Noll.
6 Teachers are disrespected by the district administration. They continually take away from the 4/23/2023 4:11 PM
teachers and students to benefit themselves. There is no communication about decision
making and if questions are asked you are told that’s not something you need to know.
7 The district does not see the value of the teachers and the associates really do for the kids. 4/23/2023 3:54 PM
8 We are understaffed, underpaid, and out of space. Everyday we adapt, improvise, and 4/22/2023 9:17 PM
overcome those challenges to the best of our ability and with available resources. But we
could do so much more for our kids if we didn’t have the above issues.
9 A lot of money has been wastefully used. For example: Paying for a trip to Florida for 4/22/2023 5:50 PM
maintenance director, superintendent, it director and their spouses to learn about security and
safety in schools yet our school started the year without proper locks on doors for
approximately six months. Going from having two secretaries at the ACT to five. Splitting the
cfo/hr position by hiring a hr rep. but not cutting the pay of the cfo who got a raise anyway at
35,000 at hiring.
10 People are leaving left and right and waiting until the last minute to say so. Even if we felt 4/22/2023 4:47 PM
supported by Noll ( I am confident she wouldn’t even know my name and I have worked in the
district for 5 years) most associates can’t afford to stay.
11 Dr.Noll does not support the special education department like she says she does. She does 4/21/2023 4:09 PM
not back her employees like she makes the community believe she does!
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12 I think the community needs to know that people who clean the Middle school during summer 4/20/2023 10:06 PM
have been sent to the hospital due to breathing problems and the chart said it was from
building exposure. I think they need to know that Noll emailed a parent years ago that it “wasn’t
in the budget to watch the bully documentary” ( a $7 rental at the time) and if I sat and thought
about everything she did wrong at talked about it it would go on for HOURS. We want to talk
but we are afraid of retaliation!
13 Lack of transparency from Noll and other staff regarding decisions being made.
Continued 4/20/2023 9:09 PM
addition of staff at ACT building while teaching positions and support staff are cut. Hiring of a
completely unqualified HR director.
School board members that spend zero time in our
buildings and get no input from teachers. Our building administrators were told they no longer
need to attend school board meetings.
15 Teachers being asked to absorb classes they are not comfortable teaching. Lack of 4/20/2023 3:48 PM
communication from the top . Certain staff seem targeted.
16 Teachers being asked to absorb classes they are not comfortable teaching. Lack of 4/20/2023 3:41 PM
communication from the top down. Why does certain staff get targeted?
17 The teachers work hard every day to make sure their students are happy and safe! 4/20/2023 1:22 PM
18 There is a huge lack of communication in ALL areas of our district. We have resources for 4/20/2023 12:46 PM
reading that is being withheld from teachers by other teachers. We have side deals going on
about hiring brand new teachers over experienced in district teachers. We do not have an
appropriate pay scale for associates in different levels of need. Some associates get
assaulted by students they take care of and get paid less than others and at times have
additional responsibilities put on them because they are reliable. We have coaches in sports
positions that do not have experience working with students. This has caused numerous
issues including the players yelling and fighting each other on the field at a home game.
Pictures of players with alcohol in their possession and no repercussions were had. Minors in
possession of alcohol is against the law even if they are not consuming it. The administration
were notified of the situation and did nothing because the alcohol was not being consumed.
There are employees in the ACT office that are making over $100,000 per year and their job
was split in half so another person was hired creating a new position now costing the district
more money. The after school program director makes more money than several of our
teachers by $10,000. Rules are being bent for specific students. A teacher in a leadership
position let their teaching license expire three times in their career with the FCSD and was
reprimanded this year. No one knows the whole story in that situation. The chain of command
in our school is not aligned appropriately. The school board dictates the superintendent and not
the other way around. Teachers with administration licenses leave our district because of no
opportunity to advance their career. We need a Special Education Director. Our special
education students are not being supported because our current director has more than one job
and doesn’t discuss curriculum or behavior issues with the teachers. I am sure there are more
things but I am not able recall anything else.
19 That not every staff member agrees with the protests that have happened at the middle 4/20/2023 12:28 PM
school. The vast majority of us show up everyday and do our job. We do not try to turn
students against admin, orchestrate walk outs or create videos that frankly, are inappropriate—
using students as props. I am sure this comment will not see the light of day as it does not
meet the agenda of those who are pushing this campaign that has been so critical of the
district. It has been embarrassing to see the district turn against itself.
20 There are MANY, MANY issues. The biggest of which is no-confidence in our superintendent. 4/20/2023 8:09 AM
She fails to effectively communicate and/or purposefully hides information from our district
(building admins, teachers, and community). There are no clear answers when tough questions
are raised. There is NO plan to improve any of this either when it was expressed to her. As a
parent, my child had an issue and it went to Dr. Noll, who failed to act to support my child who
had been wronged by the building administration, even with compelling evidence. That was the
last straw for me. I have zero trust or confidence in our superintendent. I am realistic that
public education is under attack from our state legislature and governor, and budgets are
extremely tight, but this is when we need highly effective leadership. We simply do not have
that at this time.
21 Our plate keeps getting fuller. More and more is expected of us without the time and resources 4/20/2023 7:38 AM
to do it well. I also think there are issues that aren't addressed and played off as non- issues.
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22 As teachers we are working so hard for your students. We have the best principals, but I feel 4/20/2023 7:22 AM
like our top administration doesn’t care what we are doing. They think we can do more or that
we aren’t doing enough. Teachers put in so much extra time, just ask their families. We love
your kids and that is what brings us back each and every day. Please don’t let them take
advantage of that.
23 Transparency about budget issues, lack of clear communication, respect and listening to 4/20/2023 6:28 AM
teachers, lack of being proactive.
24 The lack of communication that happens between the district administration at the central 4/20/2023 2:56 AM
office and the school buildings and community. When direct questions are asked of the
superintendent, curriculum director, HR, or Robin we are not given direct answers instead they
talk around issues and never actually answer questions. Many teachers are afraid to talk for
fear of retaliation. Teachers are in this for the kids and relationships with peers but things are
getting worse and teachers are burning out.
25 We have enrollment dropping but it’s basically because people aren’t satisfied with our district 4/19/2023 11:12 PM
meeting student needs and we struggle with doing that when we have less staff and can’t hire
anyone else due to superintendent telling us. Where is all the money going we should be
bringing in and having?
26 Our teachers are doing amazing things. My principal supports me and our kids. She is at 4/19/2023 9:42 PM
almost every meeting I’m at. I’ve never had that at any school I’ve taught at before. Dr. Noll
speaks to teachers by first name. She has been respectful towards me and others I’m around.
I’ve taught at smaller schools where superintendents have no clue who I even am.
27 I have no problems with the school that I am. I had no idea what was happening when drama 4/19/2023 9:26 PM
started even as a teacher. I often feel like each school is their own “world”. Lots of decisions
are being made by people that have not a single clue what goes on inside schools. The school
plans to absorb positions but that is only going to cause burn out and low teacher morale. I
couldn’t imagine having to teach something that I wasn’t passionate about just to help with the
budget of the district.
28 Clear communication of tax dollar use within our district District school calendar approved 4/19/2023 9:24 PM
without majority of teacher and parent input (number of respondents very low compared to
maximum). Decisions district wide made without thinking about how they will impact all
stakeholders. Additional staff hired at Act building added while reduction of staff in the
buildings. Comparison of our district to others based on per pupil spending without sharing
exact numbers of low SES numbers, IEP numbers, academic performance (state wide report
card) within all districts compared. No proactive approach in regards to the alarming number of
students open enrolling. Staff retention not addressed. Solvency rate reported at 17 percent in
March and now (middle of April) reported to be 5 percent due to a large overlooked budget item
that has not been shared with anyone who has asked. No proactive approach to very limited
substitute issue within district. Extremely limited proactive communication between board
members, superintendent and district staff on day to day operations. Reprimand for staff
asking questions in regards to what is best for students. No progressive discipline policy within
district. Very poor communication with district stakeholders on a consistent basis.
29 I stay in the district because of the culture at FMS. If not for my complete satisfaction with my 4/19/2023 8:05 PM
building, I would be long gone. I'm a transplant, and there is nothing about the district that
keeps me in Fairfield. The administration and my colleagues at FMS keep me here.
30 Their is support for a few of the chosen ones. The rest are not really heard. 4/19/2023 7:55 PM
31 Noll doesn’t listen to the teachers complaints or ideas,She shows no interest 4/19/2023 7:48 PM
32 How many staff are being cut in order to save money and where that money will be going. 4/19/2023 6:27 PM
33 Voices are being unheard. Those who are to lead us are creating hostility within effecting our 4/19/2023 6:18 PM
performance for the children.
34 The schools are letting the parents run the school. No consequences for major behavior. There 4/19/2023 6:16 PM
is no plan in place for consequences for the behavior of students. The good ole boys or girls
run the schools. They (good ole boys or girls) do not accept new staff very well if their views or
personalities don’t align. They would rather continue the trend of hiring new people and kicking
out the non conformists than listen to the new ideas.
35 No instructional coach for 8 weeks, absorption for next year and no idea what it will look like 4/19/2023 6:05 PM
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for us teachers for rosters or scheduling, overall lack of support from superintendent and ACT
36 Dr. Noll manipulates every idea or opinion the community, admin, teachers, or associates 4/19/2023 6:02 PM
37 That our superintendent seems to have it out for the middle school. She took away our 4/19/2023 5:33 PM
instructional coach and we have had no person to help us until just recently Steph Mishler has
been told to come help. There is a lot of testing and planning for next year that needs to
happen and she is not gonna be able to spend and devote the amount of time needed with us
to get those things going. We have a lot of good things going on at the middle school and she
has not once said anything about it. We were given a high performance rating by the state of
Iowa and she never told us congratulations.
38 Money has been spent irresponsibly in our district. Our school district is the core of our 4/19/2023 5:16 PM
community. There is no action from the district administrators. They talk about a lot of things,
but there is no plan, vision, or goals for our district.
39 Staff love building admin, but there is no trust at the ACT level. 4/19/2023 5:04 PM
40 People need to know more about the budget. People need to know about the changes in the 4/19/2023 4:59 PM
school, positions they want to eliminate and what that could do to the schools environment and
to their child’s learning. People do not understand unless they work in a building what happens
day in and day out. This includes Dr Noll and anyone making these decisions, they don’t
spend enough time in the schools to see what issues it could cause cutting certain positions.
41 Teachers and staff attempt to share thoughts and feelings and then are singled out and taken 4/19/2023 4:47 PM
to task either by HR or the curriculum director. Dr. Noll is very good at assigning blame to
others and is lacking accountability for her own actions and decisions. FCSD monies have
been misappropriated more than once under her watch, full disclosure of all financials is
lacking (especially when she and the finance director refuse to give numbers but instead deal
in percentages). Board members have their hands tied by her and the policies she espouses.
As a parent I have reached out to the board more than once and never received one response
back from the board.
42 That our superintendent is manipulative and is able to lie and cheat her way through the school 4/19/2023 3:58 PM
43 That Dr. Noll is a manipulator and that she is not held accountable by the board. She is 4/19/2023 3:03 PM
dishonest and I’m not comfortable with her. There is no communication, no transparency and
never a direct honest answer.
44 What is the budget? Why were we not allowed to vote on next year’s calendar?Why when a 4/19/2023 2:58 PM
teacher was being harassed,targeted and reported this to her superiors including Noll nothing
was done that could have prevented her death? Why absorb classes not get the help needed?
What has happened to the Esser funds? Why all the hires at ACT building? Can cuts be made
45 Lack of communication and transparency Unprofessional Human Resources manager 4/19/2023 2:42 PM
46 *Lack of communication
*Lack of transparency
*Staff absorptions-leading to teachers having to 4/19/2023 1:57 PM
teach subjects they don't want to teach and teaching 2 different contents in the same day (Ex-
ELA teacher will teach ELA and 8th grade math)
-The ACT has more people than needed--
They don't directly impact the kids
-The majority of the people at the ACT are making more
than the actual teachers
-Teachers don't have a lot of say in things anymore (calendar,
trimesters, etc..)
-Where's the money going? Stating that we can loosen the reigns a bit on
spending, but still not hiring back teachers nor paying more?
-Lack of support from super at
meetings (She is also the special education director)
47 Retention rates, lack of communication, budget concerns, understaffed and still cutting 4/19/2023 1:48 PM
positions, violence in sped rooms with no support or pay.
48 Decisions are being made by Dr. Noll without input from building administrators. There is no 4/19/2023 1:44 PM
transparency. Teachers feel undervalued and unappreciated. There are far too many
employees at the ACT. As teachers have been cut, their numbers have grown.
49 Ask questions!! There are so many things we spend money on at the district level that are 4/19/2023 1:00 PM
50 There is an overall lack of support for building administrators. Decisions that are being made 4/19/2023 12:59 PM
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are not in the best interest of students and staff. For instance switching to trimesters, no
progressive discipline for staff, forcing teachers to teach things that they don't want to teach
and not promoting the positive things going on in our district.
51 I just want our instructional coach back. This might mean coming up with a consistent, 4/19/2023 12:35 PM
published plan of consequences for teacher mistakes, but Christina’s absence from her role is
not, and will not, be best for kids and teachers.
52 Dr. Noll is incompetent to do this position. Anytime you ask her a question she gives you false 4/19/2023 12:22 PM
information or says she is going to find out but doesn’t get back to you. She relies on other
people at the ACT to do her job for her.
53 Major decisions are being made with a select number of stakeholders that are willing to agree 4/19/2023 12:13 PM
with Dr. Noll.
Dr. Noll fails to clearly communicate information to her staff, often talking around
questions she is asked and fails to give clear, direct answers.
54 Laurie Noll will protect and promote staff she likes. Anyone who advocates for what's best for 4/19/2023 12:10 PM
students and staff is not respected or protected. Dr Noll continues to push excellent staff out
the door. This has negatively impacted staff morale. People want to work for a company that
values and supports them. Unfortunately, Fairfield has become a catch and release district.
We train the best and then let them go to other districts. There is no genuine care for the
individuals who work in the trenches from the superintendent or the newly hired HR director.
Staff are nothing more than a financial liability who can be easily replaced. It's unfortunate they
aren't viewed as the asset they really are. District leaders refuse to admit they made a huge
mistake with recent discipline. The consequence issued is more vengeful and punitive than
helpful to the staff. Knowing the relational impact that was removed from students and doing it
anyway is abuse to all parties! The imbalance of power has caused more harm than good to
the entire district and community. A good leader would step back and admit the punishment
didn't fit the offense. Admitting power control, making restoration, and building back
relationships is what it will take to repair this district. If that doesn't happen, stand back and
watch your district collapse!
56 They should know our working environment is toxic. Building leaders are no setting a good 4/19/2023 10:49 AM
example for the staff. Favoritism is very apparent, and decisions are not being made with the
whole staff in mind or going through proper channels.
57 Our superintendent has literally called employees from our school and asked them personal 4/19/2023 10:25 AM
questions about me, my political beliefs, and my beliefs on others sexual orientations. Every
employee she’s done this too has quit. None of them would come forward to speak about this
due to her level of power. But because they all have loyalty to me they each (4 of them) told
58 I feel like our superintendent is not outspoken enough to push for or fight for what is necessary 4/19/2023 10:18 AM
in the district. Also many of our associates are single parents who barely make a living wage
as employees of the district. They could make more at Walmart, but make less doing a job
that is much more important to the community and that they choose to do because they love
it. It is time for the district to step up and recognize that with inflation etc they should be
offering a living wage to their employees.
59 The community needs to know that teachers and associates in the district are not supported 4/19/2023 9:51 AM
by Laurie Noll. Opinions from teachers and associates are not validated by Dr. Noll, which is
one of the main problems within this district. We have people making big decisions who have
no business doing so. Those who are not active in the classrooms on a weekly basis.
Teachers and associates in this district feel under appreciated, which in turn pushes the good
leaders out. The district mission statement is essentially a lie. There is no support or anything
of that nature coming from Laurie Noll. She has wanted out of this district for years. Her
hometown of Burlington did not accept her as Superintendent. Can we please get some
support and come together as a district again? We’re not asking for much.
61 The lack of communication, the teachers feel unvalued and unappreciated, the divide between 4/19/2023 9:07 AM
the schools, the power trip that some teachers are allowed to have... they overstep the
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Additional Comments:
Answered: 34
Skipped: 47
1 I hope we can find a way to recover before it’s too late! I don’t see much option other than new 4/23/2023 6:23 PM
leadership from the top.
2 I wish the community would ask the Board of Directors what Dr. Noll has done for the district 4/23/2023 5:42 PM
during her tenure to provide students and staff with positive results. I have been in other
districts and seen how she has been the laughing stock among other district rather than a
model of productive results. It’s time for some leadership that will get our district off the ground
and to become a beacon of positive and memorable experiences for students and staff.
Building administrators work hard to manage Dr. Noll’s lack of communication and direction in
a time that has been nothing but turbulence in our district. I fully recognize that unforeseen
things happen but there’s a problem when it’s repetitive and there’s no true transparency taking
place. It’s obvious there is a clear disconnect with staff that in my opinion can not be
salvaged. I want to know what she is aware of if she doesn’t understand that there is no faith
in her leadership by staff and that she can’t seem to manage the financial side of the district,
(money missing that can’t be explained by our Business manager). This tied with no action
over her whole tenure to attempt to salvage our enrollment problem that has gotten worse most
TENURE OF RUNNING FCSD? Where does the community draw a line and say it’s
3 There are a lot more minor problems, but I wanted to share the major, relevant issue of lacking 4/23/2023 4:43 PM
clear communication by district administration.
4 The superintendent doesn’t know many of the staff. At meetings with other schools, she has 4/23/2023 4:11 PM
directed her teachers to other areas because she didn’t think they were part of FCSD.
5 I can go anywhere else in the county and make more money. (Fast food, retail, bank, 4/22/2023 4:47 PM
Cambridge, ect) literally anywhere. Our hourly pay does not support the cost of living in
6 I have marked unsure to a couple responses due to not being employed to the district for a 4/21/2023 8:27 PM
long time. I do know that in my time here at FCSD I haven’t received a ton of support from
anyone at the ACT building. Almost all my support I have received has came from my
amazing principal.
7 Thank you for doing this I hope this helps our community. 4/20/2023 10:06 PM
8 I love FMS and despite the difficulties we are going through our school family supports each 4/20/2023 3:48 PM
9 To the comment I listed above, I am sure this will not see the light of day because it does not 4/20/2023 12:28 PM
fit the agenda of putting signs in yards against our district. It is a disgrace that “movement”
used #onefairfield as we are certainly NOT united on this. When I apply elsewhere, it will not
be because of the admin staff at the ACT building, but rather the drama that has been created
by others in the district that overshadow the work that we do on a daily basis was
10 There is a lot of nepotism that occurs within the district. 4/20/2023 7:38 AM
11 We are losing amazing teachers in our district and have already lost good quality educators. 4/20/2023 2:56 AM
When does Noll get an evaluation? Why isn’t it public knowledge? Who is in on the evaluation?
I would hope it would include a panel of people and not just a couple school board members, it
should include multiple stakeholders, community members, teachers, building administration,
etc. * we really do appreciate those of you trying to help us!
12 I can email any of my administrators and receive a positive and quick response. This includes 4/19/2023 9:42 PM
responses from Dr. Noll. They are easy to communicate with. If they can’t help me with my
question, they will direct me to who can.
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13 Dr. Noll is in charge of LEADING our district that she often refers to as a “ship”. Being the 4/19/2023 9:26 PM
captain of the “ship” means you should be taking it in the right direction. I feel that Dr. Noll is
lost on how to get this district back on track.
14 Advancements within the district do not exist. As teachers with full release are used as 4/19/2023 7:55 PM
administration and do not change. Teachers wanting to get different experiences have little to
no movement.
15 When she visits the buildings I think she should also visit classrooms and talk to teachers 4/19/2023 7:48 PM
16 Absorbing teachers is not a way to help students. There are several openings in the middle 4/19/2023 7:25 PM
school due to people leaving because of Dr. Noll. Laura is a tremendous building admin and it
is so sad to see good people leaving such an awesome leader because our superintendent
cannot see what is best for students and staff. I used to be proud to say that I was a part of
this district but anymore it is not something I am proud to admit. Our middle school is a high
performing school because of what our building staff has done to help. Christina is a strong
knowledgeable leader and not having her in her position anymore has been a major detriment
to the middle school. There are many things that she did behind the scenes to make a well
oiled machine and without that piece the machine has quickly started to crumble. I am just
very disappointed in the way of which Dr. Noll and the admin at the ACT are handling the
situations taking place in our district. I hope that they will be able to start thinking of what is
best for the staff and students and not just what is best for them. If there is such a financial
issue start cutting pay from the top and putting it where the money really impacts the most.
17 Fire Noll. Send her back to Alaska where she belongs. 4/19/2023 6:18 PM
18 I cannot answer the question about the previous 10 years as this is my first year with the 4/19/2023 6:16 PM
19 She just doesn’t seem to be too worried about retention for teachers and staff in our buildings 4/19/2023 5:33 PM
and because of that we are losing lots of good people.
20 I moved my family here and love the community and my co workers, but I am worried the 4/19/2023 5:04 PM
direction the district is going. I always imagined watching my kids do the senior walk in the MS
and now I'm applying for another position. I have never met a more passionate group of
educators and principals and I'm upset that I am looking elsewhere due to the direction the
district is headed.
21 I do feel Noll plays a big part with the issues within our district buts she’s not alone with the 4/19/2023 4:59 PM
downward trend in our district.
22 The issues that we are currently discussing go back a long time and are not new as Dr. Noll 4/19/2023 4:47 PM
would lead one to believe.
23 Our district would be a much happier more positive place without her. We need to start making 4/19/2023 3:58 PM
24 Teachers need our support,they are teaching our future! 4/19/2023 2:58 PM
26 Budget issues could be solved by addressing the disparity in open enrollment. If we could find 4/19/2023 1:44 PM
a way to keep more students here then we wouldn’t need to make any cuts. There is no real
plan to address the problem. They are only solving the budget problem by “right-sizing” the
teaching staff.
27 I am scared to come forward to say anything regarding Noll because I am scared I won’t be 4/19/2023 1:00 PM
able to work in the school.
28 The superintendent office not responding to concerns and questions is a sign of complacency . 4/19/2023 12:59 PM
I wish they would answer questions and not dance around the question. We have not moved
forward as a district in the last 4 years. Classroom rigor is decreasing and student behaviors
are increasing. I believe these are directly related.
29 Something needs to change. Teachers and associates are getting burnt out and leaving 4/19/2023 12:22 PM
because of upper administration and they don’t seem to care. We are having to make cuts in
our buildings, but yet nothing has been said about them taking a pay cut or making cuts at the
30 Poor funding and support from government in Des Moines has contributed to the negative 4/19/2023 12:10 PM
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FCSD Teacher & Associate Survey SurveyMonkey
direction. It is disheartening to see quality staff leave for more money in smaller districts. It is
frustrating to be cutting staff without an actual target dollar amount. There is plenty of money
that can be used. The superintendent wants everyone to believe there will be action from the
state if they get below a %. This statement is a scare tactic. There are consequences for
multiple offenses, but Fairfield is not at that point. Do your due diligence and research the laws
governing school finances.
32 There is definitely a leadership issue and it goes from the top down. 4/19/2023 10:49 AM
33 Dr. Noll has also on more than one occasion called me a “mean girl” in front of others and 4/19/2023 10:25 AM
voiced her opinion about how she thinks I ruined Washington school when I moved here.
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